Why I’m Not Thrilled With The Woke & Cancel Culture Movements

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Why I’m Not Thrilled With The Woke & Cancel Culture Movements

Let’s get into it.

In The Sedona Method, we allow and release. We allow an emotion, allow it some more, and we see if we can release it. In life, we allow and accept an event – then we move to release our attachment to it. Aspects arise and they fall. They emerge and they dissolve. Nothing is as it seems and reality changes like the weather. 

While the history of patriarchy has unlimited blemishes, it also gave birth to nations, infrastructure, and science. Without thinking too clearly, we highlight the negative and forget to be grateful for the positive. We also forget that amid our many individual lives, we have been both male, female, alien, and other. As the ancient spiritual teachings are making their way into popular culture, there is hope, whether we emerge a patriarchy, matriarchy, or balanced – or something new. 

Amid the ebb and flow of power and influence is the karma of consciousness. We are all dancing with ourselves – there is no OTHER. There is no external aspect that is not within us and not an embodiment of us. While we are all partnered as One Being – The Eternal Consciousness.

The Woke movement #woke is fascinating. It holds a moral high ground and seeks to avenge injustice. But within its tenets exists a set of ideas, parameters, beliefs, and agendas antithetical to the concept of being awakened. Cancel Culture is even more out of touch with itself. When we cancel someone, we deny them a fruitful life, and in so doing, we cancel a part of ourselves. This is why the execution of prisoners is also spiritually incorrect. To cancel is to disallow, to disinvent, to attach aggressively – and to place ourselves above another. 

Remember that you are the canceled, you are the judged, you are the prisoner who has yet to illuminate. In canceling, in being woke against anything, and in murder, you see yourself as separate and therefore separate yourself as judge and jury. You are nothing more than a flea on the back of a pig’s ass. We are all NOTHING. To exclude or eliminate any Being for any reason does nothing except affirm our separateness and create karma for us and those we love.

Even the corporate non-allyship movement has gone astray. Not doing business with one company for a contrived moralistic reason is just another form of judgment, separatism, and Self-hatred. It’s also delusional. Companies now are so enmeshed with each other that we cannot extricate ourselves from one brand and hold a moral high ground UNLESS we reject a long list of brands according to our clear and defined sense of virtue. 

Therein lies the problem: 

Woke folks, cancelers, and corporate non-allies are not looking clearly at themselves. They refuse to see their contrived self-identities related to their false awakening. Without having fully examined their own minds, hearts, and lives, they cannot successfully hold ground that alienates ANY SOUL FOR ANY REASON. 

Here’s the point: Before you go blaming Louis C.K. for having a masturbation tick or Chick-Fil-A for having an ignorant CEO, look at yourself. Look at every infraction and mistake you have made. Examine each of your false self-identities and each of their motives and agendas. Explore how your beliefs and judgments are tainted and based in a religious, cultural, family, or societal lie. 

Admit to playing the victim and blaming others for your own limitations and childishness. Forgive every soul that has invaded your life – and forgive yourself for participating in events that have negatively impacted others. 

In other words, own your shit before you add to the mayhem.

If you look at the MAGA and QAnon movements – the often ignorant and egoistic folks who enjoy sensationalism over compassion, they are not very different from their opposing woke and canceling enemies. These groups are all born from the same mold – an angry, grotesque, separatist, and pervasive mold that permeates every cell and boson of their physical and etheric forms. 

All of these dangerous and broken personalities are not just angry with each other – they are screaming at themselves “I wish things were exactly the way I want them.” 

“But wait, these people are bad!” I understand this sentiment. And while they might be bad, you’re only feeding the fires rather than innovating and seeking ways to create harmony. If you’re arming for battle and blaming the world, you’re part of the problem. You can complain, but you need to be participating in the dialogues around solutions.

Just look at Israel – who went from peaceful nation to an angry, self-righteous mini-reich who has killed over 30,000 people in response to 150 kidnapped – all because they cannot apologize or make amends for stealing the homes and land from over 700,000 people during the Nakba in 1948. Once a righteous nation, yet now the angry aggressor, Israel has lost its way.

People get angry when they cannot see themselves clearly. Then they do the most horrible things. It’s okay to be angry, it’s okay to make choices that make you feel better, and it’s certainly permissible to say goodbye – but eventually you have to do the inner work to create peace within you – and around you. 

Unfortunately, our emerging reality is built upon fear and judgment – from all sides of the arguments, rather than love and compassion. And if you’re in the Woke, Cancel Culture, Non-Allyship, US Nationalist, Pro-Israel, MAGA, QAnon, and similar movements, you’re part of the problem – frozen in anger, broken, confused, and unwilling to own your shit and become a virtuous participant in the creation of a fair and balanced society. 

The Negative Impact Of Being “Woke”

The woke movement and cancel culture, while originating from intentions to promote social justice and accountability, have also created several negative impacts on society, individuals, and discourse. They appear to hold a sacred position, but their tactics and personal accountability are questionable.

Here are some of the key concerns:

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Social Polarization – These movements have sometimes contributed to deepening social divides. By promoting a binary understanding of complex issues—where individuals are either with the movement or against it—there’s a risk of fostering a culture of us vs. them. This polarization can hinder constructive dialogue and the possibility of reaching common ground on contentious issues.

Fear of Speaking Out – One of the most cited negative impacts is the chilling effect on free speech and expression. Individuals, especially those in public roles or institutions, may fear participating in open discussions due to the risk of being publicly shamed or “canceled” for expressing unpopular or misunderstood opinions. This fear can stifle intellectual debate, creativity, and the evolution of ideas.

The fear and anxiety associated with the possibility of being publicly called out or shamed can have profound effects on individuals’ mental health. Those on the receiving end of cancel campaigns may experience stress, anxiety, depression, and even professional repercussions, which can be disproportionate to the offense or sometimes based on misunderstandings or misrepresentations.

Oversimplification of Complex Issues – Woke and cancel culture movements can sometimes reduce complex social issues to overly simplistic narratives. This reductionism can ignore the nuances and complexities of human behavior, historical context, and social dynamics, leading to a one-dimensional approach to justice and equity.

Impact on Reconciliation and Growth – Cancel culture, in particular, has been critiqued for its approach to handling mistakes or offensive behavior, which often leaves little room for apology, learning, and growth. By focusing on punishment rather than rehabilitation or education, it can prevent individuals from making amends and evolving their viewpoints. This prevents society from learning about the issues at hand – and becoming more compassionate.

Reinforcement of Echo Chambers – The dynamics of social media, which play a significant role in the spread of woke and cancel culture, tend to reinforce echo chambers where individuals are exposed only to viewpoints that reinforce their own. This can prevent exposure to diverse perspectives and reduce opportunities for empathy and understanding across ideological divides.

While the intentions behind the woke movement and cancel culture may aim at creating a more just and equitable society, these negative impacts highlight the need for more nuanced and constructive approaches to addressing social issues.

We Need A More Comprehensive Understanding

To enrich the critique and offer a more comprehensive understanding, it’s essential to delve into the empathy and understanding that underpin the motivations for those engaged in the woke and cancel culture movements. These movements, sometimes born from genuine experiences of injustice and marginalization, represent a collective response to societal issues that have long been overlooked or inadequately addressed. For those who were truly harmed, we must feel compassion for them – and include their experiences in the dialogue. 

That said – while some who align themselves with these causes do so from a place of deep personal pain, witnessing or experiencing discrimination, and a sincere desire for societal improvement, many are just jumping on bandwagons to serve their own anger, confusion, and loneliness. This just creates confusion, judgmentalism, and mayhem – further widening the divine.

These movements are the contemporary expressions of long-standing struggles against oppression, inequality, and silencing. The civil rights movements, feminist waves, and fights for LGBTQ+ rights have all contributed to shaping the landscape in which these current movements operate. While these phenomenal and vital movements shaped justice in the years that followed, they were all based in compassion, non-violence, and a clear divine. This is certainly not the case today. 

By recognizing the roots and trajectories of the woke and cancel movements, we can appreciate the nuanced spectrum of beliefs and strategies employed by individuals seeking to address systemic injustices. This could easily invite a more measured and intelligent approach to inviting change to serve those who are disenfranchised.

Positive Alternatives To Being Angrily And Falsely “Woke”

In addressing the need for positive examples and alternatives, it’s beneficial to highlight movements and initiatives that have successfully fostered social change through inclusivity, dialogue, and constructive engagement. Across the globe, numerous examples showcase the power of building bridges rather than burning them. 

For instance, restorative justice programs have demonstrated significant success in healing communities by focusing on reconciliation and understanding rather than punishment. Similarly, grassroots movements that prioritize open forums and community-based decision-making have empowered voices traditionally marginalized, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect. 

These examples serve as beacons of what can be achieved when empathy, inclusivity, and dialogue guide our actions towards social change. By drawing inspiration from such initiatives, we can envision a roadmap for activism that unites rather than divides, promoting a culture of understanding and collaboration.

Focusing on solutions invites us to envision a pathway forward that transcends the limitations of current discourses around woke and cancel culture. It calls for the cultivation of spaces where open dialogue can flourish, free from the fear of cancellation. Encouraging educational initiatives that equip individuals with the skills to engage in constructive debate, critical thinking, and empathy-building can lay the groundwork for a more inclusive society. 

Moreover, emphasizing the importance of individual and collective self-reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of the underlying issues that fuel divisiveness. This is why meditation and self-inquiry are so important. These approaches not only address the symptoms of societal discord but also tackle the root causes within each of us, paving the way for lasting peace and mutual respect. 

The Immense Damage From Maga and QAnon

The MAGA (Make America Great Again) and QAnon movements, while distinct, share some ideological overlaps and have both had significant impacts on the political and social landscape, particularly in the United States. Their influence extends beyond mere political discourse, affecting communities, families, and the fabric of democracy itself. 

Here are some of the key negative impacts associated with these movements:

Spread of Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories – One of the most significant impacts of the QAnon movement has been the dissemination of unfounded and often incredibly insane conspiracy theories. These theories distract from factual discourse and can incite fear, paranoia, and hostility. The MAGA movement, while more mainstream in its political aspirations, has promoted and tolerated misinformation on various topics, including election integrity, public health, and climate change.

They also contributed to deepening political and social divides in the United States and beyond. The us-vs-them mentality promoted by these movements can lead to radicalization and the destruction of democracy as we know it.

The divisive nature of these movements can strain personal relationships, leading to conflicts within families and communities. Individuals who fall deep into these belief systems may isolate themselves from loved ones who do not share their views, leading to social fragmentation and personal distress.

MAGA and QAnon narratives often include outright hostility towards traditional institutions such as the media, government agencies, and the electoral system. This erosion of trust could easily undermine the functions of our democratic ideology, leading to decreased civic engagement, voter apathy, and challenges to the legitimacy of electoral outcomes.

Acts of Violence and Domestic Terrorism – These often uninformed and hostile movements have been linked to acts of violence and domestic terrorism. Some followers, driven by the rhetoric and conspiracy theories endorsed by these movements, have committed violent acts. The most notable example is the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, which aimed to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Such incidents highlight the real-world dangers of extreme political ideologies and misinformation.

Undermining Public Health Efforts – Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, segments of the MAGA movement promoted skepticism towards vaccines, mask-wearing, and other public health measures. This skepticism hindered efforts to control the virus’s spread, contributing to public health challenges and the politicization of health measures.

Healing The Divides Through Consciousness Practices

In the midst of societal turmoil and division sparked by movements such as MAGA, QAnon, the woke movement, and cancel culture, practices like meditation, The Sedona Method, and self-inquiry emerge as powerful tools for healing and fostering consciousness. These methodologies can help individuals navigate the complex landscape of modern social dynamics by promoting inner peace, empathy, and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.

Meditation offers a pathway to calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being. By fostering a state of mindfulness, individuals can become more aware of their thoughts and reactions, leading to a more compassionate approach towards differing viewpoints. Meditation cultivates the ability to listen and engage in dialogue without immediate judgment or reactivity, which is crucial in bridging divides.

The Sedona Method, with its core principles of allowing, releasing, and letting go, offers a framework for individuals to detach from harmful attachments and emotions. By applying this method, one can learn to release feelings of anger, fear, and divisiveness, fostering a sense of unity and oneness. This practice encourages looking beyond the surface of social labels and movements, recognizing the inherent interconnectedness of all beings.

Self-inquiry, a practice rooted in questioning and understanding the self, can lead to profound insights about one’s beliefs, biases, and the sources of conflict. This introspective process invites a deeper exploration of one’s role in societal issues and the potential for change that starts within. By questioning the narratives we hold about ourselves and others, self-inquiry can dismantle the barriers that perpetuate division.


In our journey through the tapestry of today’s societal movements—be it the angry false awareness within the woke movement, the judgmental voices in cancel culture, the twisted and hallucinatory cries of MAGA, or the psychotic chants of QAnon, we are confronted with the darkest shadows of our times.

These movements, blooming from a myriad of harmful seeds, have woven threads of division, silencing the song of unity, stirring fear among the brave, and simplifying the beautiful complexity of our shared human experience.

Yet, as we traverse this landscape, guided by the gentle lights of meditation, The Sedona Method, and the deep wells of self-inquiry, a pathway illuminated with hope and heightened consciousness unfurls before us. These sacred practices beckon us to sail the inner seas of our being, navigating through the storms of societal turbulence with grace, and anchoring in harbors of empathy, growth, and profound understanding. As we embrace these ancient yet ever-new methodologies, we become artisans of healing, weaving a tapestry that enfolds all in the warmth of inclusive compassion.

Embarking on this voyage towards a more enlightened society is a dance of complexity and beauty, inviting both the individual and the collective to step into the light of awareness. It beckons us to shed the cloaks of reactivity and separation, to don the luminous garments of empathy and deep, heartfelt understanding, recognizing the divine thread that weaves us all into a single, vibrant tapestry of existence. 

Through the sacred practices that lift us into higher consciousness, we find not only the keys to personal liberation but also the magic to transform societal discord into symphonies of unity and progress.

In the embrace of this journey, let us remember: we are not merely travelers on this earthly plane but also the stars that guide each other home. Together, in the spirit of unity and with the compass of our shared humanity, we chart a course towards a society where every soul is seen, every voice is heard, and every heart is understood. With each step on this path, we co-create a world not just of healing, but of transcendent harmony and boundless love.

It all begins with self-inquiry – which most people are not willing to genuinely engage.

What Might Help People Truly Wake Up?

In the creation of The Shankara Oracle, my intention was to offer a luminous beacon for souls journeying towards self-realization and healing. This Oracle serves as a sacred mirror, reflecting the multifaceted identities we wear, gently guiding us to peel away the layers of illusion that shroud our true essence. It’s a tool for transformation, designed to help individuals elevate their false identities—those constructed personas shaped by society, culture, and personal history—into conscious expressions of their innermost being. 

By engaging with The Shankara Oracle, seekers are invited to embark on a profound journey inward, where the light of awareness illuminates the shadows, allowing for deep healing and the awakening of a more authentic self. This process is not just about shedding what no longer serves; it’s a loving invitation to step into a space of empowerment, where every aspect of one’s being is embraced and integrated. 

Here, in this sacred communion with the Oracle, lies the potential for true transformation, as individuals awaken to their limitless nature and the boundless possibilities for growth and renewal. This type of inner work can shift the collective consciousness toward an illumination rarely seen on Earth.

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