Unleashing Your Inner Guide: Becoming an Effective Intuitive Coach

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Unleashing Your Inner Guide: Becoming an Effective Intuitive Coach

Hello, lovely souls! Today, we embark on a journey to explore the realm of intuitive coaching. If you’re drawn to this path, you already possess a deep well of wisdom within you. Like a tuning fork resonating with The Universe’s frequencies, you’re ready to assist others in discovering their own inner truths. 

Welcome to the world of intuitive coaching, where you’ll learn to harness your intuitive abilities to guide others toward their highest potential.

Embrace Your Intuition

First and foremost, embrace your intuition wholeheartedly. Your intuition is your superpower, your inner compass – a direct channel to The Divine. It’s the subtle whispers from The Universe guiding you on your journey pouring into your Spirit and soul. Trust it. Believe in it. When you embrace your intuition, you unlock your potential as an intuitive coach, along with all of your goodness.

Cultivate Self-Awareness

To be an effective intuitive coach, it’s essential to cultivate Self-awareness. The journey within is as crucial as your connection to the external world. Understand your own strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. 

The clearer your own inner landscape, the better you can navigate the landscapes of others. Learn to allow and then release your emotions through crying, writing, rituals, and more.

Deepen Your Connection with Spirituality

Intuitive coaching is inherently spiritual. Regardless of your religious beliefs, connecting to a higher power or the multidimensional currents running throughout The Cosmos is vital. Meditation, prayer, rituals, and any uplifting and inwardly focused spiritual practice can help you deepen your expansion and your connection to the All That Is. It’s in moments of inner connection and divine alignment that your intuitive insights will flow effortlessly.

Hone Your Intuitive Tools

Your intuition speaks through various channels, such as gut feelings, dreams, symbols, and energy vibrations. You might even feel a tingling up your spine or on the top of your head. 

Develop your awareness of these subtle, sometimes overwhelming signs. 

Explore dream interpretation, study symbols and archetypes, and practice energy work. My Personality Cards and The Shankara Oracle can help you, too! 

The more tools you have at your disposal, the better equipped you are to assist others on their journey.

Empathize and Listen Actively

Effective intuitive coaching is about empathy, boundaries, and active listening. Empathizing with your clients allows you to connect on a deep level. Listen not only to their words but also to the energy behind them. Often, what’s left unsaid carries the most significant messages.

You might also find that your body gives you helpful messages about your clients. 

While empathy is wonderful, be careful to have boundaries as you sense into and then feel the emotions of your clients. 

Sometimes, it’s okay to be more intellectual about your concern for your clients, in the form of gentle compassion.

Create a Sacred Space

As an intuitive coach, it’s essential to create a sacred space for your sessions – one that uplifts you into The Heavens. This can be a physical location or a mental space where both you and your client feel safe and open. Surround yourself with elements that inspire tranquility and openness, such as crystals, incense, or soothing music. 

Add small (even huge) statues of your favorite deities or a ritual space like an altar. 

These additions to your sacred space can elevate your Being and superpowers, helping you to be present and powerful for your clients. 

Ask Thoughtful And Provoking Questions

Your questions are some of your most potent tools in sessions with clients. Craft questions that encourage introspection, Self-honesty, and Self-discovery. Open-ended questions invite your clients to delve deeper into their thoughts and feelings, leading them to profound insights.

Look into the hearts of your clients to source the questions and observations that will help them unlock their minds and free their hearts & souls.

Embrace Non-Judgment

Intuitive coaching is a judgment-free zone. Your role is not to impose your beliefs but to introduce new paradigms to your clients, while guiding them to explore their own truths. Embrace diversity of thought, and respect each individual’s unique path.

Even if you do not agree with a challenging client, find pathways to help them see the challenges in their thoughts, belief systems, and actions.

Continuous Growth

Intuitive coaching is a journey of continuous growth. Stay curious, keep learning, and refine your skills. Seek mentors, attend workshops, and read books to expand your knowledge.

Most importantly, look within and cry often. The more you release, the more space you’ll have to love and nourish your clients. 

Practice Self-Care

Finally, lovingly care for your Self often. The energy exchanged within intuitive coaching sessions can be intense, even debilitating. Regularly recharge your own spiritual batteries through Self-care practices like meditation, yoga, rituals, Shankara Sessions, or spending time in nature.

Being an effective intuitive coach is a profound and transformative journey. It will open you up, almost gut you, if you’re not careful. 

This type of work is about knowing your Self so you can be effective for your clients. It’s also about harnessing your inner wisdom to guide others toward their own. 

As you embrace your intuition, cultivate Self-honesty and Self-awareness, and deepen your connection to your deities. Chant and pray often – and always have faith in your Self and your client. 

Over time, you’ll find that your intuitive coaching practice flourishes, not only in how it helps others, but how it helps you see your Self more clearly. 

May your path be illuminated by the light strewn throughout The Cosmos, and may you, in turn, help others shine brighter on their journey to Self-discovery. 

Embrace this calling, dear soul, and let your light shine! The world needs you!

By the way, I would love to be your coach.

With love and light,

Paul Wagner (Krishna Kalesh)

You will love The Shankara Oracle as it will take you deeply within and connect you with your pure, divine Self.


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