Transformational Self-Inquiry For Fancy New Agers

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Transformational Self-Inquiry For Fancy New Agers

In the ever-expanding universe of New Age spirituality, where the boundaries between the tangible and the ethereal often blur, there exists a vibrant path for personal discovery and transformation: Self-Inquiry for Fancy New Agers. 

This method is not merely an exploration but a profound journey inward, designed for those who are ready to challenge their perceptions, embrace their truths, and redefine their reality. Here, we present an introduction to this transformative practice, tailored specifically for enthusiasts of New Age spirituality who are eager to delve deeper into the essence of their being and the mysteries of the universe.

At the heart of this self-inquiry method are fourteen pivotal questions, each serving as a luminous beacon on your path to self-discovery. These questions are not meant to be comfortable or easy. Instead, they are designed to confront, challenge, and ultimately liberate you from the illusions that have been skillfully woven into the fabric of your existence.

Exploring Delusion and Fantasy: Begin by questioning the nature of your delusions and your preference for fantasy over reality. Avoiding and canceling are acts of the faint of courage and heart.

Confronting Self-Deception: Reflect on how you may have lied to yourself and others to escape the truth of your existence and evade the depths of your true self.

The Allure of Other Realms: Investigate why realms beyond this physical one fascinate you, especially when you haven’t fully engaged with or mastered the reality you inhabit.

Facing Inner Fears: Probe into the fears that lurk within you, the aspects of your self and your past that you are hesitant to acknowledge or confront.

Understanding Loneliness: Examine the roots of your loneliness, seeking to understand why you feel isolated and how this perception shapes your reality.

Identifying the False Self: Discern who the false self is that needs to be shed in order to reveal your true essence. Who are you, beneath the layers of illusion?

Envisioning a Grounded Existence: Contemplate who you can become in this life—a person who is grounded, whole, and true to their essence. Define her aspirations, her loves, and her path.

Living with Dharma and Virtue: Consider whether you can live in alignment with The Dharma and The Noble Truths, grounding yourself in virtue and striving to become a genuine healer and a spiritually self-reliant being.

Recognizing False Projections: Reflect on the false projections you cast upon the world and understand what you hope to gain from them. What do these illusions truly bring into your life?

Examining Your Spirituality: Analyze the components of your spirituality, distinguishing between conjecture and absolute truth, to understand the foundation of your beliefs.

Self as Teacher: Assess whether you are the best guide for yourself or if you have reached the limits of self-guided growth.

The Need for External Guidance: Acknowledge whether you are humble enough to accept that your journey may require the guidance of others to reach deeper understanding and liberation.

Openness to Master Guidance: Be open to the existence of masters of spacetime, those awakened and enlightened beings who can guide you beyond your perceived limits.

Seeking Cosmic Bliss: Finally, question who can lead you beyond the confines of your constructed self into the vastness of cosmic bliss, recognizing that this journey may require guidance beyond your own.

This method of self-inquiry is not for the faint-hearted. It demands courage, honesty, and a relentless desire to uncover the truth of one’s existence. 

For the seekers, the dreamers, and the wanderers of the New Age, it offers a path to profound transformation and enlightenment—a journey not outward into the cosmos, but inward into the vast, uncharted territories of the self.

The New-Age Wake-Up Call

Diving deeply into these questions will help you awaken to your delusions. Breaking up the fascia of these projections will help you know yourself more deeply – and begin to approach your liberation.

  1. How am I delusional and why do I seek fantasy over reality? What do I hope to avoid or obfuscate?
  2. Specifically, how have I lied to my Self and others to avoid reality and my deepest Self?
  3. Why are “other realms” so interesting to me, when I have refused to master this one?
  4. What am I afraid to see within my Self and among my prior events and experiences?
  5. How am I lonely and why do I feel this way?
  6. Specifically, who is the false Self that needs to go, and who is underneath? Who am I really? 
  7. Who can I successfully become in this life that is grounded and whole? What does she do? What does she want? Where is she going? What and whom does she love? 
  8. Can I live according to The Dharma and The Noble Truths? Can I ground my Self in virtue and finally become a real and Self-reliant, spiritually-included person? Can I become a real, genuine healer?
  9. How do I project something false into every circumstance, event, condition, or day – in what ways, on what topics, in what categories, with what types of people? What am I hoping this projection gives me? In reality, what does the falseness actually give me?
  10. What does my spirituality comprise? Where is it conjecture? What are the certain truths?
  11. Am I the best teacher for me? Or have I taken my Self as far as I can go?
  12. Am I humble enough to know that there are people, other than my Self, needed to guide me to my depths and liberation? 
  13. Am I open to knowing that there are masters of spacetime – awakened masters and enlightened gurus – who have the profound expertise to take me beyond my limits?
  14. Who can take me beyond my small, contrived, false Self and into the bliss of the Cosmos? Since I have never been there before, how could I possibly be my own guide for this adventure? 

Your Commitment

If you’re ready to make a commitment to yourself and all of The Universe, print this out and check them off as you agree to them.

______ I will seek and embrace teachings that point me to deep inquiry, emotional release, and clarity – this includes The Buddhist 4 Noble Truths, and the Advaita Vedanta – the teachings from ancient Indian sages. 

______ I will seek an enlightened master to help me move beyond my contrived Self and all the pain from core traumas – from this life and prior. I have many to choose from: Amma, Paramahansa Yogananda, Mother Meera, and many more, living or transcended.

______ I will limit my time fantasizing about angels, aliens, mermaids, and other realms.

______ I will actively practice mindfulness and meditation daily, creating a sacred space within myself for tranquility, reflection, and personal growth.

______ I will cultivate a habit of journaling as a tool for self-inquiry, to explore my thoughts, emotions, and experiences more deeply, ensuring an honest dialogue with myself.

______ I will commit to a lifestyle that supports my spiritual and physical well-being, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest, recognizing my body as the temple of my spirit.

______ I will dedicate time to nature and solitude, recognizing the healing and grounding power of the earth and the importance of disconnecting from the digital world to reconnect with my inner self.

______ I will practice non-attachment, learning to let go of material possessions, outcomes, and even relationships that do not serve my highest good or impede my spiritual journey.

______ I will engage in community service and acts of kindness, understanding that selfless service is a path to spiritual growth and interconnectedness with all beings.

______ I will seek and foster relationships that are truthful, deep, and meaningful, distancing myself from situations and individuals that thrive on superficiality, negativity, or drama.

______ I will embrace vulnerability and emotional honesty as strengths, allowing myself to feel, express, and process my emotions in a healthy manner, without fear of judgment or rejection.

______ I will continuously educate myself on spiritual philosophies and practices beyond my initial interests, remaining open to wisdom from various traditions and cultures to enrich my understanding of the world and myself.

______ I will prioritize ethical living and make conscious choices that reflect my commitment to the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants, adopting practices that promote sustainability, compassion, and harmony.

______ I will practice forgiveness, both towards myself and others, recognizing that harboring resentment binds me to the past and hinders my spiritual progression.

______ I will seek silence and stillness regularly, understanding their power in revealing the depths of my being and the wisdom of the universe.

______ I will remember that spiritual growth is a journey, not a destination, and be patient with myself, honoring the process and being open to the lessons each moment brings.

______ I will stay committed to questioning and dismantling the illusions and beliefs that limit my understanding of myself and the universe, courageously seeking truth in all its forms.

These commitments, when embraced fully, promise not just a transformation of the self but a redefinition of one’s place in the cosmos, paving the way for a life of depth, purpose, and genuine enlightenment.

The Shankara Oracle can help you command a greater sense of Self and achieve the ability of releasing false new-age ideologies as they are presented to you and as you begin to consume them. 


As you stand at the precipice of this grand adventure, armed with your commitments and guided by the light of self-inquiry, remember: the journey inward is the most exhilarating journey of all. You are about to embark on a quest not just for self-discovery but for cosmic discovery, where each step, each commitment, each moment of introspection is a leap towards the most authentic version of yourself and a deeper connection with the universe.

The path you’ve chosen is not easy, nor is it meant to be. It is, however, profoundly rewarding. You will face challenges and confront shadows, but in doing so, you will also encounter unimaginable beauty, profound wisdom, and the purest forms of love and peace. This journey will reshape not only how you view yourself but how you perceive the world around you. It promises transformation that is as vast as the cosmos and as intimate as your own heartbeat.

So, take these commitments, these questions, and this newfound wisdom with you as you step boldly into the unknown. Embrace the journey with an open heart and an eager spirit. Remember, you are not alone on this path. A community of fellow seekers, enlightened masters, and the very fabric of the universe itself supports and guides you.

Let joy be your compass and curiosity your guide. There will be moments of transcendence that take your breath away, moments when the boundaries between you and the universe dissolve, and you realize that you are a part of everything, and everything is a part of you. These moments are your treasures, your reminders of why you embarked on this journey.

In closing, let this be not just an end but a beginning—a launchpad into a life lived with depth, authenticity, and spiritual richness. The universe awaits, your inner self awaits, and the journey of a lifetime begins with a single step, a single question, a single commitment. Embrace it with all that you are and all that you will become. The journey is yours, and it is magnificent. Welcome to your grand adventure.

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