The Sedona Method: Release EVERYTHING & Heal Your Life

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The Sedona Method: How To Release EVERYTHING & Heal Your Life

We have all used this command as a way to help others and ourselves: “Just let it go!”

In The Sedona Method, the journey to releasing every pervasive emotion and negative experience – and improving your life is propelled by just that: “letting go” – through the process of allowing and releasing. We allow the emotions, encourage ourselves to feel them more and more, and then ask ourselves if we can release them. This creates vast space within us so that we can continuously and more deeply enjoy our true nature.

You might be thinking that it’s not that simple. True, we often overcomplicate things, and we entrench ourselves in the worst way. We hold grudges, we imagine vengeance, we play the victim, and we cling to stress as human beings trying to coordinate this chaotic three-dimensional reality.

It’s not fun to admit it, but some people thrive on chaos and drama. If you’re one of those people, don’t feel ashamed. We all do it. Acknowledging your tendencies and pinpointing the source of your emotions and complex feelings are the first steps toward healing and transformation. Going forward, if you can learn to breathe deeply, allow your emotions, release them, and finally let it all go, you’ll find an enduring process in your journey of transcendence and spiritual illumination.

In this article, I’ll explore this “letting go,” the allowing and releasing process at the core of The Sedona Method, a scientifically proven technique that helps people release all the emotions and feelings blocking up their life so that they can heal and find peace.

What is the Sedona Method?

The Sedona Method was originally created by Lester Levenson, a kind and loving entrepreneur and physicist who enjoyed outward success – yet suffered silently from physical and mental health conditions. Despite achieving all he had dreamed of in his career and personal life, Lester never felt that he had achieved true happiness. As a man who embraced every challenge, Lester stepped up to the challenge to devise a solution to this inner discontent.

The beginnings of The Sedona Method stemmed from Lester’s realization that we are unlimited Beings. We limit ourselves with concepts, labels, and categories that are not true, yet we find comfort in their limitations. We embrace being limited so that we might temporarily feel better.

By creating labels and setting boundaries, we create structure for our lives, but these limiting paradigms can easily oppress us. Luckily, they can also be released – because they have no foundation in truth.

Since Lester was an innovator in this line of thought, he did not have any available vocabulary that could help him spread his ideas to others. He wanted to help others release and heal like he had done for himself – so he sought other philosophical leaders’ advice. He began partnering with evangelical leaders and reading books from both the eastern and western schools of thought.

Lester was opposed to becoming a guru because The Sedona Method fundamentally teaches that the journey is within the Self, not dependent on external sources. Still, his leadership caused many people to follow him as students. Soon, he realized that his ideas needed to be formalized.

Ultimately, The Sedona Method teaches that you are more than you ever realized. You don’t need to be limited by the limiting concepts of our society, and you can heal by releasing those limitations that aren’t founded in truth.

How Does The Sedona Method Work?

Just like life, you receive from The Sedona Method what you put into it. The guides are just that–guides–and the true instrument and driving force of your healing is YOU. No external forces can help you or hurt you. The process happens entirely within yourself and depends on you to fully manifest and serve you.

The Sedona Method is as effective–if not more effective than–other types of treatments without the downsides of treatment. Many people fear that they will become emotionally spent, become dependent, or experience forms of trauma from the treatment of emotional issues.

The Sedona Method does not involve any substances, so there is no fear of addiction or dependency. The technique also focuses on the good and is a restorative practice, not exhaustive, so you will never get to the point of feeling emotionally spent or traumatized. Overall, the Sedona Method is about finding freedom and release.

Is The Sedona Method a Religion or Belief System?

Practicing the Sedona Method is easy and unproblematic because it simply teaches you an effective method for letting go of unwanted emotions, feelings, and thoughts that hold you back from fully living and being yourself. It is not a system or religion, as the founder himself did not believe that external forces were responsible for your path to self-healing.

Rather than weekly meetings with other people, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, talk therapy, or church services, The Sedona Method empowers you to heal yourself whenever you want, as much as you want, without needing to depend on any external structures or other people. Because of this empowerment, you can achieve release and freedom quickly rather than the weeks, months, or even years that other forms of “therapy” require.

What Results Can I Expect from The Sedona Method?

The results you’ll get throughout your time practicing The Sedona Method can evolve as you get better at the practice, but you can feel immediate results in each release you allow.

Over time, you’ll feel lighter, more optimistic, and positive. You’ll also have this spiritual sense of future similar conditions, helping you to navigate them and continue the allowing releasing process.

In turn, your relationships will improve, you’ll make significant decisions, and take the wheel of your life rather than taking the punches. Exactly which results you’ll experience depend on your own personal issues and what you’d like to accomplish.

For many people, the emotions and thoughts they’ve been holding onto for so long begin to swiftly exit their minds and hearts. Those who practice The Sedona Method report feeling such great relief that it sometimes leads to laughter and phenomenal life changes. You’ll be able to access your core Self, your spiritual core, where you can experience life without feeling oppressed or limited by external events. By continually practicing allowing and releasing, you begin to prefer NOT holding onto thoughts and feelings in the first place. Your prior traumas eventually evaporate, and all emerging hurts will slowly move past you, never truly infecting your heart and well-Being.

Sounds Good! How Do I Get Started?

There are five main ways to use the Sedona Method, and it’s important to try them until you find that fits you. Everyone has a unique personality and has experienced different things, so the method is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In a way, that makes the technique so much more effective.

First, you can attempt the Sedona Method by acknowledging an unwanted or pervasive feeling and simply choosing to let it go. This method can be difficult for many who have gotten into the habit of holding grudges and feeling pain. In a way, letting go of pain can be a painful experience within itself. Only people who have achieved full Self-control and have accessed their core Self can fully succeed in this first technique. If you pursue this method, it night helps to attempt it on only minor feelings first until you get the hang of it.

Second, you can choose to allow that emotion or thought to exist as it is and not interact with it extensively. Welcome it into yourself, acknowledge that the feeling has the right to exist, and then leave it be. Third, you can aggressively confront the emotion. When you feel that emotion, you can dive in and fully feel that emotion so that you have satisfied its existence before you let it go.

The fourth way is to acknowledge that the way we define emotions in opposite polarities is actually hurtful to us. In society, we say that we are either happy or sad, stressed or calm. Impressing upon ourselves these limiting categories stops us from addressing our emotions and thoughts as they really are and validating their sources.

Finally, the most advanced way is the fifth way, which is to stare that emotion in the face and see through it to the “effortless Awareness” that exists.

The journey to Self-healing is different for everyone, but the power ultimately lies within you!

The Sedona Method Questions

Here are the questions you can ask yourself to help you emerge free and clear of debilitating emotions, thoughts, attitudes, and conditions.

  • How do you feel now?
  • Where might you feel this in your body?
  • Can you allow this feeling some more?
  • Can you allow it even more?
  • There might be more, can you allow yourself to feel this emotion more?
  • Can you let it go? If not, can you sense what it’s about? Is it about Approval, Control, Security, Oneness, or Opportunity? Whatever it is, can you let it go?
  • If you say yes to being able to let it go, ask: Would you let it go?
  • And then simply, WHEN?

This process most often products an inner-allowing where the ego, mind, and emotions acquiesce to the spirit – your core Being within you. With each release, you become more free. If you can allow for micro-releases over time, you’ll find quite a sense of liberation amid even the most challenging circumstances.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust and myriad miracles. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.

Pray for others and the Universe prays for you!

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Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an Intuitive Mystic, Author, Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

For years, Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

You might also checkout the groundbreaking divination tool The Shankara Oracle – the most penetrative and life-changing oracles on Earth. It takes you far beyond what tarot and oracle cards can do – helping you manifest a truly divine transformation.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

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