The Riches of True Spiritual Teachings: Awakening Beyond New-Age Fantasy

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In this age of infinite information, we find ourselves surrounded by teachings that have the power to transform our very essence. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Advaita Vedanta offer us treasures that illuminate the path to enlightenment, guiding us toward our true selves. These ancient wisdoms, cultivated over millennia, are beacons of light in the journey toward self-realization, offering insights that can dissolve the illusions of the ego and bring us into alignment with the Divine.

Central to the teachings of Advaita Vedanta is the concept of non-duality, or the idea that the self (Atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman) are one and the same. This philosophy, deeply rooted in the Upanishads, teaches that the myriad forms and phenomena we perceive in the world are nothing more than illusions (Maya), masking the underlying oneness of all existence. The great sage Adi Shankaracharya, a primary proponent of Advaita Vedanta, emphasized the importance of discerning the real from the unreal—Viveka. This practice of discrimination between the transient and the eternal helps one peel away the layers of illusion and ego, revealing the true self that is beyond all duality and separateness.

In the context of modern spirituality, these teachings are often lost amidst a sea of new-age ideologies that prioritize imaginative experiences over genuine inner exploration. The idea that we are all connected to an underlying oneness becomes distorted when individuals allow their fantasies to take the lead, mistaking their personal desires and projections for divine insight. In Advaita Vedanta, the realization of non-duality is not an intellectual concept to be understood or a fantasy to be conjured—it is an experiential truth that arises from deep meditation and self-inquiry, leading to the dissolution of the ego and the merging with the infinite.

Similarly, in the teachings of the Pali Canon, which forms the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism, the emphasis is on direct experience and the understanding of the true nature of reality. The Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path as a means to liberate oneself from suffering (Dukkha), which arises from clinging to illusions and false identities. The practice of mindfulness (Sati) and the cultivation of wisdom (Paññā) are central to the Buddhist path, leading to the realization of the impermanence (Anicca), suffering, and non-self (Anatta) inherent in all things. These teachings encourage a rigorous examination of one’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences, cutting through the delusions that the mind creates.

In contrast to the authentic spiritual paths laid out in Advaita Vedanta and the Pali Canon, many new-age influencers today are leaving their bodies with no consciousness, letting their imaginations take over their channels and connections with the Divine and their inner masters—all in order to edify themselves and their delusions. This trend reflects a disturbing shift away from the disciplined practice and inner work required for true spiritual growth, replacing it with a superficial engagement with spirituality that seeks egoistic validation rather than genuine enlightenment.

It is crucial to understand that true spiritual teachings are not about gratifying the ego or indulging in elaborate fantasies. Instead, they guide us to transcend the ego and awaken to the truth that lies beyond the mind’s constructs. The teachings of Advaita Vedanta, for instance, remind us that any perception of separation between the self and the Divine is an illusion. The journey to self-realization is not about acquiring new beliefs or experiences but about shedding the layers of ignorance that obscure our true nature.

Similarly, the Buddha’s teachings in the Pali Canon emphasize the importance of staying grounded in reality, cultivating awareness and insight into the true nature of existence. The practice of Vipassana, or insight meditation, is a powerful tool for observing the mind’s tendencies to fabricate stories and attachments, leading the practitioner to a direct understanding of the impermanent and selfless nature of all phenomena. By grounding ourselves in these time-tested practices, we can navigate the spiritual path with clarity and purpose, avoiding the pitfalls of self-deception and egoic fantasy.

But here’s the paradox: if you’re going to indulge in something that pulls you away from true spiritual work, you might as well immerse yourself in the physical world—in sex, fantasy, and materialism. Why? Because, in this physical immersion, you will inevitably encounter suffering. And it is through suffering that the soul finds clarity. Pain and hardship are the crucibles through which we are purified, our illusions burned away, leaving us with the undeniable truth of who we are.

True spirituality is not about escaping the human experience or creating elaborate stories to comfort the ego. It is about embracing the raw, sometimes painful, reality of life, understanding that every challenge, every setback, is a step toward awakening. Suffering, when approached with awareness, is a teacher—a harsh one, perhaps, but a teacher nonetheless.

The great teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Advaita Vedanta remind us that the path to enlightenment is not a journey outward, but a journey inward. It is a path of stripping away the layers of ego and illusion, not adding more to them. It is about seeing the world as it truly is, not as we wish it to be, and finding peace and liberation within that truth.

This is why I created The Shankara Oracle. It is a tool designed to cut through the noise, to help people break away from the egoic projections, cultural manipulation, and self-deception that are so prevalent today. The Oracle serves as a guide, helping you navigate the complexities of your inner world, offering clarity where there is confusion, and bringing you back to the path of true self-realization.

I invite you to join me on this journey. My Patreon channel offers subscriptions that include free readings and more—a space where we can explore these deep truths together, free from the distractions of modern spiritual fads. Together, we can reconnect with the timeless wisdom that has guided countless souls toward liberation.

Remember, the path to the Divine is not found in the stories we tell ourselves or the fantasies we create, but in the raw, unfiltered truth of our existence. Embrace the suffering, for it is through this that you will find healing, clarity, and ultimately, the realization of your true Self.

Sending you all lots of love on this beautiful journey. May you walk the path of truth, shedding the illusions of the ego, and finding the light that resides within you.

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