The Astral, Causal, And Other Realms & Dimensions Of Existence

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The Astral, Causal, And Other Realms & Dimensions Of Existence

The astral and causal realms, along with other dimensions or realms, are concepts found in various spiritual, mystical, and esoteric traditions. They are often described as levels of existence or consciousness beyond the physical world that we experience with our five senses. 

These realms are said to be accessible through meditation, out-of-body experiences, or at the point of death. Enlightened masters from various traditions, including Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) and Paramahansa Yogananda, have spoken or written about these realms to varying extents. Their teachings provide insights into these concepts, drawing from their personal experiences and the doctrines of their respective spiritual paths.

Table of Contents

Astral Realm

The astral realm is described as a plane of existence that is more subtle and vibrant than the physical world. It’s believed to be the world of emotions, dreams, and desires, populated by both deceased spirits and non-physical entities. In this realm, the laws of physics as we know them do not apply, and travel is often said to occur through thought or intention rather than physical movement. Paramahansa Yogananda, in his book “Autobiography of a Yogi,” talks about the astral world in the context of his guru’s teachings, describing it as a place of incredible beauty and light.

Causal Realm

The causal realm is considered even more subtle than the astral and is often described as the realm of ideas, thoughts, or the blueprint of creation. In some teachings, it’s considered the true source of our physical and astral worlds, containing the archetypes or perfect forms of everything that manifests in the lower planes. This realm is associated with deep states of meditation and enlightenment, where one can experience the unity of all existence.

Other Realms and Dimensions

Beyond the astral and causal, some traditions speak of even higher levels of consciousness and realms of existence. These might include the mental realm (where pure intellect and knowledge reside), the etheric realm (a template for physical reality), and various divine or spiritual planes that are home to enlightened beings and deities.

Enlightened masters like Amma and Paramahansa Yogananda teach that these realms are accessible through spiritual practices like meditation, devotion, and selfless service. Their teachings suggest that by transcending the ego and purifying one’s consciousness, one can experience these higher planes of existence and ultimately realize the unity of the self with the divine or the ultimate reality.

It’s important to note that descriptions of these realms can vary significantly across different spiritual traditions, and they are often expressed in symbolic or metaphorical language. The teachings about these realms are meant to guide individuals on their spiritual path, encouraging them to look beyond material existence and explore the deeper dimensions of consciousness and reality.

Diving Deeper

Exploring the concept of various realms or dimensions beyond the physical is a journey through the teachings of numerous spiritual traditions and enlightened masters. These concepts often transcend simple descriptions, delving into metaphysical and symbolic interpretations of existence. While the specifics can vary widely across different teachings, there’s a common thread that suggests a layered universe, each layer offering different experiences and lessons for the soul.

Physical Realm: The most familiar to us, it’s the realm of matter, energy, space, and time. It’s governed by the laws of physics and is the stage for human life, offering a range of sensory experiences and challenges.

Astral Realm: Also known as the emotional realm, it’s characterized by its vibrancy and fluidity. It’s a place where thoughts and feelings can manifest as tangible experiences. It’s often associated with the afterlife, dream states, and out-of-body experiences.

Causal Realm: This is the realm of ideas, where the blueprint of creation is held. It’s a more subtle dimension than the astral, associated with the mind and intellect. It’s said to contain the seeds of physical and astral realities, embodying the concepts and archetypes that shape them.

Mental or Intellectual Realm: Some traditions distinguish this realm from the causal, focusing on pure intellect and knowledge. It’s a space of universal wisdom and understanding, free from the distortions of personal desires and emotions.

Etheric Realm: Often considered a layer very close to the physical, the etheric realm is thought to be where vital life energy exists. It’s sometimes described as a template for the physical world, containing energetic blueprints for all physical forms.

Akashic Records: Not a realm per se, but a compendium of all thoughts, actions, events, and intentions that have ever occurred or will occur. Some view it as accessible through deep meditation or specific psychic practices, offering insights into past, present, and future potentials.

Higher Spiritual Planes

Beyond these, there are higher, more abstract realms often mentioned in various spiritual teachings, though descriptions and names can vary significantly:

Buddhic Plane: Associated with pure compassion and intuition, beyond individual intellect and emotions.

Atmic Plane: Related to the higher self, soul, or spirit, embodying unity with the divine will.

Monadic Plane: A state of consciousness that transcends individuality, often described as the essence of being or the spark of divine consciousness within.

Logoic Plane: The realm of the divine mind or cosmic consciousness, representing the highest level of spiritual realization.

Descent and Ascent Through Realms

Enlightened masters teach about the journey of the soul through these realms, often described as a cycle of descent and ascent. The soul descends from higher realms, taking on various sheaths or bodies to experience and learn from the lessons of each plane, eventually ascending back to its source as it gains wisdom and sheds the limitations of each plane.

Unity Across Diversity

While the names and categorizations of these realms can differ, the underlying message across many spiritual traditions is one of unity. The journey through these realms is a process of expanding consciousness, moving from identification with the physical and egoic, through various levels of subtlety, to a realization of oneness with all existence.

It’s crucial to recognize that these descriptions are often metaphorical, aimed at conveying complex spiritual truths in a way that can guide individuals on their spiritual journey. The specifics of each realm, and the emphasis placed on them, can vary widely among different traditions and teachings.

The Dimensions At Our Fingertips

The concept of “other dimensions” in spiritual, esoteric, and sometimes scientific contexts, often goes beyond the traditional three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time that we commonly understand. When people refer to “other dimensions,” they are typically discussing realms of existence or consciousness that transcend our everyday physical reality. 

These dimensions are said to be more subtle, encompassing realms of energy, thought, and spirit that interact with and influence our physical world in various ways.

Understanding Dimensions

Physical Dimensions: These are the three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) plus time, which are familiar to us through everyday experience and scientific understanding. They constitute the framework of our physical universe.

Fifth Dimension and Beyond: Beyond the fourth dimension (time), the nature of additional dimensions becomes increasingly abstract and less tied to physical reality as we know it. These dimensions are often associated with spiritual realms, states of consciousness, or theoretical constructs in physics like those proposed by string theory, which posits the existence of up to 10 spatial dimensions and one of time.

Spiritual and Esoteric Perspectives

In spiritual and esoteric teachings, dimensions beyond the physical are described in various ways, often emphasizing their nature as levels of consciousness or being:

Fifth Dimension: Often characterized by a state of higher consciousness, unity, and oneness. It’s where individuality begins to blend with universal consciousness, and manifestations are believed to occur through thought and intention more readily than in the physical realm.

Sixth Dimension and Beyond: These dimensions are increasingly associated with pure energy forms, thought constructs, and spiritual planes. They are said to be realms of light, vibration, and the essence of creative forces, often beyond human comprehension but accessible to those who have attained certain spiritual heights.

Influence on Us

The influence of these higher dimensions on our physical world and personal lives is often described in terms of energetic interaction and spiritual evolution:

Energetic Interaction: It’s believed that the energy from higher dimensions influences the physical realm and our energy bodies (such as the aura and chakras), affecting our thoughts, feelings, and health. Practices like meditation, prayer, and energy healing are said to facilitate interaction with these dimensions.

Spiritual Evolution: The journey through or access to these dimensions is often seen as part of the soul’s evolution towards greater awareness and enlightenment. As individuals evolve spiritually, they are thought to become more attuned to the higher dimensions and capable of influencing their own reality and assisting in the collective evolution of consciousness.

Guidance and Inspiration: Some believe that higher dimensions are sources of spiritual guidance and inspiration, where beings like angels, spirit guides, or ascended masters reside, offering help and insight to those on the Earth plane.

Scientific Perspectives

From a scientific standpoint, dimensions beyond the familiar four are largely theoretical and not directly observable with current technology. In theories like string theory, extra dimensions are proposed to explain the fundamental forces and particles in the universe, but these dimensions are not “other worlds” in a spiritual sense. They are mathematical constructs that might influence the fundamental structure of reality at the quantum level.


The concept of other dimensions bridges science, spirituality, and metaphysics, offering diverse perspectives on the nature of reality. While science explores the theoretical possibility of multiple dimensions to understand the universe’s fundamental structure, spiritual and esoteric teachings offer interpretations of how these dimensions influence human consciousness and spiritual growth. 

The common thread across many of these discussions is a deeper quest for understanding the complexities of existence beyond the immediately observable world.

One thing is certain: The Shankara Oracle will help you prepare for an opening to all dimensions and realms, taking you deeper into your purest Self.

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