How To Be An Effective Psychic: Staying Grounded and Practical

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How To Be An Effective, Grounded, Practical Psychic

Psychics have a tarnished name because of the reputation that they are scammy fortune tellers who take advantage of desperate or curious people in order to make a profit. These people do exist — they come off as hokey, disingenuous, and prod clients to give up information that will help them seem real and insightful. They often make very vague claims and offer universal advice, all while making it seem like their help is truly unique and special to that particular client. It’s because of this reputation that you’re here today: to learn how to be an effective psychic who comes off as grounded, practical, and real and offers advice that truly helps people improve their lives.

In order to become an effective, grounded, and practical psychic, we must first talk about what we don’t want. Then, we’ll need to identify the traits you need to hone and perfect and follow best practices for opening, conducting, and closing sessions.

Let’s Talk About What We Don’t Want

Clients go to psychics because there are problems they’re facing that no one else seems to be able to help them with. Getting advice, insights, and support from someone who has the ability to pull knowledge intuitively from the Universe is a great way to get over these barriers and start rectifying problems. In other words, clients are not there to be a source of income, to be taken advantage of, or to pump up your ego.

Many terrible psychics, whether they truly have the gift or they don’t, operate with a giant ego. They let their desires, needs, emotions, opinions, and thoughts get in the way of a helpful reading. Instead of serving others, they’re just helping themselves.

Unfortunately, I’ve only seen this trend grow as the once well-intentioned light-seekers of the New Age turned to narcissism and commercialism. Divine rights and practices and helpful spiritual tools have become twisted, appropriated, and emptied of their purpose. In their place is a bunch of people who all claim to connect with their higher selves in their yoga pants at a studio on Saturdays and take selfies with their instructors who shout “Namaste” from the mountain tops. This goes for psychics as well.

Teenage girls across America call themselves Wickens, adorn themselves with Satanic symbols, carry crystals in their backpacks, and claim to connect with spirits over their toy-store brand Ouija boards. To be spiritual and psychic has become an aesthetic, not a sacred and revered role meant to help us connect with the Universe.

If you are serious about helping others with your psychic readings, you need to be serious about how you approach your role as medium. Be honest with yourself: is your ego playing any part in this? Are you pursuing this role for an honorable purpose? Do you have what it takes to completely empty of yourself to make way for genuine and practical messages for your clients?

Good Traits to Have As a Psychic

If you have the ability to connect with beings and messages beyond our human plane and limited knowledge, then it’s likely you feel a very strong calling to bring that connection and those messages to others who desperately need it. The Universe has chosen you to be a messenger, a channel, which means you have an extremely important job. People who don’t take this job seriously enough are one of the reasons why psychics get such a bad rep.

To have psychic abilities is a privilege, and it’s in your power to conduct yourself properly so that you can genuinely help others. Here are some traits that you should have if you want to be the most effective psychic you can be:

Tune into Empathy

Many psychics are empaths, if not a lot of things. Empaths can deeply connect to other people, places, times, and objects on a level that goes beyond normal human ability. This sense that a psychic empath has with these connections can manifest in many different ways. They might have full-body experiences where they have first-hand experience of what the other person feels. Or, they might have physical reactions to other people’s emotions like an upset stomach. It can take years to fully understand this gift, how it manifests, and practice it in a way that can prove helpful to you and others.

Having the gift of empathy can play a huge role in your sessions. Deeply understanding what the other is feeling will help guide you in the way you seek and communicate messages. You might also be able to receive messages from the other side this way and have a better grasp of the message that you need to convey. You might even be able to answer clients’ questions on a more detailed level than other non-empath psychics can.

If you don’t have the gift of empathy on a psychic level, it’s still important to practice it on an emotional level. It’s extremely important for a psychic to be able to stay in touch with the client’s emotions throughout the session. Picking up emotional cues and reactions to specific parts of the reading, for example, can help alert you to the parts of your message that are most valuable, helpful, or personal to the client. With that knowledge, you can try to pry more into that subject to glean more information.

Free Yourself of Ego

At the same time, empaths and psychics can be even more vulnerable than usual to expanding egos. If you know you have a powerful skill that others don’t, it might inflate your sense of self and make you feel extra important. Being able to feel others’ emotions as well can make things feel very personal – you could end up making their emotions and feelings about yourself rather than using the knowledge to help them. It’s very important to not get caught up in yourself and your own feelings. As a practical, grounded psychic, you must stay lowly, humble, and free of self-service.

As a psychic, you are literally a medium between the client and the message. In order to effectively communicate the message in the way it’s intended, you must yourself become nonexistent. You must rid your mind and feelings of any biases, prejudices, influences, tendencies, and quirks. Putting your own spin on the message, taking it personally, applying it to your own situation, and more can all end up hurting the client and ruining the session.

The last thing you want to read in a review is something like, “I really think she has the psychic ability, but she just always ends up making the session about herself!”

Be Observant and Present

Freeing yourself of your ego and tuning into the session deeply also requires being very observant. Instead of worrying about yourself and your life, you need to be as connected as possible to the present. Being concerned with how the message might form over the course of the session, getting distracted, or even trying too hard to connect to the client can cause you to lose focus of the task at hand. You must take every thought, feeling, emotion, image, and gut feeling that comes along during the session for what it is and at the very second it hits you. You will be continuously receiving all kinds of signals and images, and it’s critical that you don’t even blink, so to speak. Any missed element could end up being a huge deal for the success of the reading.

Stay Open-Minded

Humans are natural pattern-lovers. We are always consciously and subconsciously looking for ways to connect things together to form patterns. In these efforts, we also end up casting out things that don’t fit into those patterns. Because of these tendencies, psychics who aren’t careful might end up completely misreading a message and a client.

To be a truly effective psychic, it’s essential that you stay open-minded to every single part of the messages being communicated. To dismiss an image, word, phrase, number, feeling, or anything else that comes to mind during a reading just because it doesn’t fit your current understanding of the narrative is to be entirely irresponsible. You may not be able to make sense of that message, but you have no idea if it has significant meaning to your client.

Stay open-minded about whatever the message might be, don’t count anything out, and make sure to be as open, honest, and communicative with your client as possible. If you don’t understand something, its likely that discussing it with your client can lead to a conversation that helps string the points together and create something truly meaningful.

Be Specific

To be grounded and practical, you must be specific. Remember how we were just complaining about those hokey fortune-tellers who have given us such a bad reputation? They’re not effective because they keep their messages extremely vague and universal, too scared to delve into detail for fear of showing off just how much they don’t know or can’t know to clients. To build trust with your clients and help them fully, you’ll need to stay specific in your readings.

Instead of using phrases like “I sense some trouble in your romantic life,” which could be true of practically everyone, try to dial in on exactly what kind of trouble that is. Maybe you’re getting the sense that both partners are too stubborn, or one won’t communicate, or that there are too many secrets. Of course, you might not be able to tell them exactly what the secret is, but that’s not your job anyway. Your job is to be effective and practical – your client must be able to walk away with a plan to better their life thanks to the insights you’ve provided.

How to Improve Your Sessions

Every psychic is different with their types and levels of abilities as well as their preferred ways of getting ready for sessions. You’ll need to keep working at these things over time to become very good at your job, and you might also find that the methods that once helped you are beginning to lose their effectiveness, so it’s time for a little soul-searching for new methods. Here are some ways to keep improving your sessions.

Clear the Energy In and Around You

Starting off, though, you’ll want to clear out both your energy and the energy of the space. Regardless of whether your session is in-person or over a call, the energy of your environment can play a huge role in how effective your readings are. Before you even think about getting in touch with your client, you’ll need to prepare yourself.

Meditation is the best way to begin. You should already have a daily practice that helps you on your own self-development journey. In addition, you’ll need a meditation practice that prepares you to connect with messages coming in from the client and the Universe. Many psychics find it helpful to have specific spiritual guides that they call upon, as these guides are the beings that help them connect to their psychic abilities and receive messages. Empty yourself of all your worries, doubts, and problems, tuck away your ego, and find complete silence and peace.

Once you start centering yourself, you can begin using a few favorite mantras or chants to clear the space. I personally like to use the “Om Lokaha Somastaha Sukino Bhavantu” mantra 13 times. I’ve also sometimes relied on “Shiva, Shivani, Shiva, Shivani,” repeating the chant 7 times. You might also like burning sage, utilizing cleansing sounds, and calling upon your guides to help make space for your session.

Begin Opening Your Heart, Mind, and Soul to Messages

Psychics who fully prepare for sessions will begin allowing messages to come in before they begin the official session. They’ll want to begin connecting with their clients on a spiritual level, allowing them to make themselves known. You might begin using your empathic abilities to glean insights into their states of mind, emotions, and spiritual barriers. You might also start receiving images that will prove to be important to your reading.

Take time before each session after you’ve cleared your energy and the space to really sit with the session coming your way. Start speaking to your spirit guides and thanking the Universe and the beings that you’ll be connecting with the reading. You can keep these prayers short and sweet, such as “Thank you, Eternal Consciousness, for allowing me to connect with all the light beings, souls, and ancestors that have messages for us today.” Set your intentions to be merely a humble channel in service of your client.

As you prepare, do what feels right to you. Take note of the images and messages coming in, and formulate a practice that will help you stay connected in this space. Maybe you’ll find it helpful to mindlessly play with something in your hands, to shuffle your tarot cards, and roll your crystals. Then, you might choose to begin the reading without the client. You can pull a few Oracle cards from your deck to start pulling meaning about the upcoming session.

Keep Engaging With the Client Throughout the Reading

All the traits we talked about earlier – being empathetic, staying observant and open-minded, freeing ourselves from ego, and being detailed – require that we keep in touch with the client at all times. Of course, there’s a lot going on during a session. It can be difficult to sort through all the feelings and messages, stay connected to our psychic abilities, and keep in touch with our clients all at the same time. This is a skill that is perfected with a lot of practice, commitment, and intention. But it is critical to being an effective psychic.

The key to a practical, grounded reading is to never lose ourselves to flighty, vague, and loose tendencies. We need to keep turning the messages we receive into information that is helpful, on target, and detailed. If we’re seeing repeated themes, we can’t just communicate those and move on. It’s our job to delve deep into those themes and help our clients explore them fully.

Make sure you get to understand your client’s intentions for their readings. Ask them to put forward any specific questions they have that they’re seeking answers to. Get used to being very articulate about the messages you’re channeling. Ensure that you’re always engaging the client with phrases like, “Does that have any significant meaning to you?” and “have you experienced something like what I’m describing?” Keeping the conversation open is what will keep it practical and effective for them.

Close With Practical Guidance

A session can be long and include a wide range of topics and messages. There might be a lot of light beings that were competing to speak that day! Ultimately, your goal with every session should be to wrap up with guidance that the client can use to move forward on their journey. Revisit those questions and intentions they had at the beginning of the session. Ask them if they feel that they’ve received helpful insights. Help them tie together the themes and messages in a way that offers answers and a way forward.

Don’t forget to end your session with gratitude to the client, encouragement, and an offer to further serve them whenever they need you. Make sure to also thank the Universe for allowing you to serve them today!

You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. Pray for others and the Universe prays for us.

I love to serve others and make the world lovelier. Learn about my services and let me know if I can help you. It’s always an honor to serve kind, honorable, and loving people like you.


There is no “Other.” There is only you experiencing yourself.


Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Why Handling Fame Can Be Hard – And How Spiritual Coaching Can Help

Image of group meditating at a retreat - Spiritual Coaching - Paul Wagner

The Hidden Struggles of Fame

Celebrities face the same struggles as everyone else, except under a magnifying glass. Everything plays out in public – relationships are scrutinized, and mistakes are amplified. The pressure of constantly living in the public eye is relentless.

Despite being surrounded by teams of people, fame can feel deeply lonely. Managers, agents, assistants, and even friends and family members may not have your best interests at heart. It can be hard to know who to trust. 

At the same time, the need for external validation can feel all-consuming. Fame is a drug, with highs that leave you constantly chasing for more. The fear of fading into irrelevance can keep you trapped in a cycle where your self-esteem becomes tied to how the public perceives you, rather than the truth of who you really are.

If this resonates with you, you’re not alone. The pressures of fame can take their toll on even the strongest individuals. As a spiritual healer and spiritual coach, I have guided many high-profile individuals like yourself through the process of navigating the complexities of fame.

Let’s take a closer look at the unique challenges that come with fame and how to rise above them with the help of spiritual coaching.

The Challenges of Being a Celebrity

Fame may come with prestige and influence, but the things that make celebrity life extraordinary can also make it hard to maintain your mental health as a celebrity. Here are some of the biggest struggles that come with living in the spotlight:


While fame surrounds you with people, it’s also capable of stripping away genuine connections. Hordes of adoring fans don’t replace the comfort that comes from true, emotionally supportive relationships. And when you’re constantly celebrated for your public image, it’s hard to trust that others will love you without an agenda. 

Complex Family Dynamics

Fame can amplify childhood wounds and toxic family cycles. Not all celebrities come from loving and supportive backgrounds – many come from controlling family systems and end up being puppeteered and manipulated by their own relatives. When fame and fortune strain family relationships, it’s easy to get entangled in drama and power struggles. You may be celebrated on the world stage, but insecurity, self-doubt, low self worth and other self-oppressive patterns can still continue to play within the family.

Constant Scrutiny By the Public

Relationship issues, financial setbacks or mental health struggles – every challenge in your life becomes headline news. Any mistake can spark a media frenzy, and there is nowhere to hide. Finding your centre and loving yourself amidst these challenges can be very difficult. Some of the voices out there might well match your own inner critical voices and exacerbate mental health challenges. 


Although you may show confidence to the world, true vulnerability may be difficult. Like everyone else, you would love to be truly seen and heard, and connect in a real way – beyond the persona that you show to the world. However, the spaces within which you can experience this may be few – or even none at all. . Between the pressure of maintaining an image, the fear of failure, and the isolation, fame can be a heavy burden to bear. 

Higher stakes

In the world of celebrity, every decision can carry consequences that are unforeseeable. In a world that is increasingly judgmental, it can be difficult to know what is safe and if your true authentic self can be shown safely.  When any wrong move can affect your career, your public reputation and your financial future, there’s no room for mistakes. This pressure can be extremely debilitating.

Without clarity,resilience, and self-awareness, the complexities of being a celebrity can be nearly impossible to navigate. Fame may come with privileges, but it doesn’t come with a guidebook! That’s where coaching comes in.

How  Spiritual Coaching Can Help Celebrities

Spiritual coaching isn’t about changing who you are – it’s about empowering you to reconnect with the version of yourself that exists beyond the fame, the pressure, the expectations, and all the background noise – in other words, your true Self.

In the whirlwind of celebrity life, it’s easy to get lost in a persona that doesn’t reflect who you really are. True transformation begins when you step out of this carefully crafted identity and tune into the deeper truths within you. Spiritual coaching gives you a space where you can let go of the performance and truly feel safe being vulnerable.

Success doesn’t lie in applause or accolades. It’s found in knowing your true self and learning to live joyfully and lovingly while making a positive impact around you. 

The celebrities I’ve had the honor to coach have been remarkable souls. Some dive deeply into the work, allowing themselves to experience powerful inner shifts, leading to a radiant and inspiring rebirth. They pursue emotional healing bravely. Their courage to embrace change is breathtaking, and watching them embody a renewed sense of self is a privilege beyond words.

Others, though busy and stretched thin, do what they can, yet may not reach the depths they long for. But I honor their efforts because every step forward truly matters. In the world of personal transformation, feeling happier and more peaceful does matter.

Some of the most well-known individuals I’ve worked with have been relentless in their pursuit of healing and peace, and they’ve dedicated themselves to giving back in extraordinary ways.

A few have transformed into purely philanthropic forces, using their success to uplift others. I’m in awe of their inner work and their incredible impact on the world. They are examples of how profound personal transformation can ripple outward to create immense good.

How My Coaching Is Different

Not every coach is the right fit for every person, and that’s exactly how it should be. 

As a spiritual coach, I am focused on your transformation at a very deep level. I coach you to become a deeply empowered version of yourself. 

I’m not here to give you generic advice or tell you what you want to hear. If you’re looking for someone to sugarcoat, I’m not the coach for you. But if you’re ready to strip away illusions and step into your most authentic, liberated Self, then we’re going to do incredible work together.

I am spiritual, yet grounded. I believe in divine connection, but I also believe in action and radical personal responsibility. You don’t get where you want to be by creating a vision board and hoping for the best. You get there by doing the deep – sometimes uncomfortable – work of breaking through your limitations.

I have worked with CEOs, media stars, professional athletes, and politicians, guiding them to the kind of growth that truly changes lives. I have completed over 7,500 intuitive readings. I’ve also earned over 40 awards (including EMMYs) as a tech and marketing CEO.

In other words, my coaching style blends deep intuition and spirituality with tangible strategies that actually work.

My Tailored Celebrity Coaching Program

Every person comes to me with their own unique challenges and aspirations, so I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. I offer a tailored celebrity coaching program that meets you exactly where you are.

My coaching isn’t about temporary fixes or surface level improvement. It’s about lasting transformation that impacts every area of your life.

When we work together, here’s what to expect:

  • Ego release and self-awareness: Fame can have a way of distorting reality. I help you cut through illusions and ego-driven patterns so that you can clearly see who you are – beyond the roles, the expectations, the pressures, and the projections of others onto you.
  • Emotional mastery and resilience: The highs of fame are exhilarating, but the lows can feel devastating. I give you powerful tools to navigate the emotional waves with clarity and strength so you can cultivate a lasting inner peace amid the chaos.
  • Strategic decision-making: In high-stakes environments, your decisions and choices don’t just affect you – they ripple out into your career, your reputation and your finances. I help you sharpen your intuition and judgment so you can make value-aligned choices with confidence.
  • Empowered relationships: From family dynamics to business partnerships to romantic relationships, I’ll help you identify the relationships that truly serve you and teach you how to protect your energy from those that don’t. You’ll learn how to set clear boundaries and communicate with confidence, integrity and authenticity.
  • Deep spiritual connection: I help my clients bridge the gap between external success and inner fulfillment. Whether you consider yourself fully spiritual or are just beginning to explore, I guide you to connect deeply with your authentic Self – a connection that will give your existence a deeper meaning and ground you beyond the fleeting nature of fame.

Coaching isn’t about fixing you – you’re not broken. It’s about stripping away all the limitations that have kept you from fully stepping into your power. 

As a spiritual coach, I find it incredibly rewarding to witness people with fame break free from their limiting patterns. You have the power to become an incredible beacon of positivity and love for the world. 

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

If you’re tired of feeling disconnected, if success hasn’t given you the fulfillment and joy that you expected,or if you’re ready to move on from your limitations, then let’s get to work.

I’ll challenge you – lovingly. I’ll push you to grow beyond your old patterns and shake up your comfort zone. I’ll hold up the mirror with honesty, compassion, and zero bullshit. But most importantly, I’ll support you every step of the way as you walk the path toward true alignment and reclaim your true power. I won’t just coach you to live well – I’ll coach you to live expansively.

With the right support and spiritual coaching, you won’t just survive in the spotlight. You’ll thrive, grow and become more than you ever thought possible.

If you’re ready for real transformation, you can start by booking an intuitive reading session with me.