How To Be An Effective Intuitive Coach
Coach. Leader. Guide. Mentor. These are just a few of the titles given to those people in our lives that encourage and lead us to be better. If these people in our lives do right by us, they can help us let go of the bad things about us, help us shed the old and ugly or broken parts of ourselves, and help us grow and develop into higher versions of ourselves.
An intuitive coach can have a much stronger effect on the lives of their clients because we can tap into the Universe, and connect with the higher presence in order to guide others to a deeper understanding of themselves.
What Does It Mean To Be “Intuitive”?
Being intuitive means that we have the ability to have a sense about things from beyond, just simply by knowing it. It is similar to common intuition, but stronger and more focused, as the sense is through a higher connection to the Universe – and the knowledge comes from beyond normal senses.
Tapping into the normal senses, a keen observation, and the skill of really listening to another individual – being able to put yourself in their shoes and understand where they are coming from – are essential parts of this ability too. But the connection to a higher understanding is what gives intuitives knowledge beyond the normal senses and our ability to tap into yourself and your journey well beyond what you might have before.
What About Intuitive Coaching?
To be an intuitive coach requires having a specific skill set. Without having the abilities of an intuitive, you cannot be an effective intuitive coach (obviously). While many claim to have these abilities, or lead people in need astray through the smoke and mirrors of faked or disingenuous psychic and intuitive abilities – they are looking for profit or power or both at the expense of others.
True intuitive coaching helps clients with self-growth, guiding them on the path of tapping into their souls and uncovering their truest selves. Your role as an intuitive coach, and my role as well, is to lead clients to a deeper soul-knowledge and awareness of themselves:
- What battles do they face?
- What lies have they been told or have they told themselves?
- What is it that they truly want out of their relationships?
- What does their life path look like?
- What do they want from their career?
- What is the plan moving forward?
All of this just scratches the surface of what it means to be an effective intuitive coach. Let’s go deeper.
Understanding Your Role As a Coach
When we are young, our parents – if they are good parents – are our first source of guidance and discipline. However, as time goes on, we may rebel against our parents or start pushing back. This is natural, of course, and most people have done so in one form or another at some point in their lives. It’s possible that we feel they tell us what to do for their own benefit, or their advice is too predictable because we’ve heard it all before.
If the rebellion happens at a younger age, this is where coaches can come into our lives. They are parent-like figures that are not our parents – we somehow inherently take their advice and leadership more seriously because they are not as closely involved. As we grow up, we do not lose that need to have mentors that can both become intimately connected with us and still remain removed enough to offer unbiased, objective guidance.
Just as we often find ourselves listening to coaches more so than our parents at a young age because we can choose them as our leaders instead of the Universe assigning them to us, we need mentors in our adult lives that can help us see things from a different perspective. Sometimes, we just need to speak with someone who won’t stand to benefit from one outcome over another, who we haven’t grown up around to the point that we have too similar views and influences, or who won’t repeat predictable advice.
Your role as a coach is to understand why your clients would need you in the first place: as a mentor and confidant who can evaluate situations from the outside, apply new perspectives, and not cast judgments that fall too close to home.
Finding Inspiration In Other Coaches
These days, coaches can be seen almost everywhere you turn, and they take many forms. You might be looking to be an intuitive coach, but there’s a lot to be learned from the way different types of coaches lead their subjects. The most noticeable and perhaps public form of coaching that we see today is that of the sporting variety, but there are very famous coaches to be found under other titles – religious leaders and teachers, for example.
Secular Coaches
Some of the most famous coaches in history include Vince Lombardi, Mike Krzyzewski, and Bill Belichick. Wisdom such as “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect,” (Vince Lombardi) can be found on walls in halls of fame, and heard repeated at youth sporting practices across the country.
While helpful in guiding young people in the direction of building better lives, these iconic quotes and leaders are not applicable to all corners of life. These figureheads and their words of wisdom can guide us in the right direction, but they often lack the spiritual, higher note that we crave – that connection to something more. This is why we need to turn to our religious and spiritual leaders and begin the journey of finding intuitive coaches to help guide us in finding a deeper understanding of ourselves and the Universe.
There are a wide array of religious and spiritual leaders that cultures and religions across time and oceans have turned to for help. Some whose teachings I lean on often in my coaching and life journeys include Amma, the “Hugging Saint,” Anandamayi Ma, and many other inspiring divine masters.
Spiritual “coaches” like these take a much less simple, yet often more profound approach. They see things from a much higher level and can break down life based on value, purpose, and meaning rather than just in-the-moment, superficial consequences.
A great intuitive coach will find inspiration from both the secular and spiritual gurus of the past and present to guide them in forming their own style. They can use a mix of superficial logic and high-minded thought, always staying flexible in their approach based on the client’s personality and needs in each session.
How To Be a Good Intuitive Coach
There are all kinds of coaches: There are strict and impatient disciplinarians and lenient, patient, and flexible coaches. There are coaches we remember with loathing and the coaches whose wisdom we carry with us through the rest of our days. Ultimately, we strive to be mentors who effectively change the course of our clients’ lives and their outlooks, but it takes a special kind of formation, practice, and mindset.
Learn From What It Means To Be a Bad Coach
We all have had those people in our lives that claimed to be helpers but we knew were either liars or users. They were manipulating us or the people around us for their own gain. Bad coaches don’t fall far from this tree.
Many times, a bad coach is not dissimilar to a so-called psychic. A large number of people who claim to be psychic have done so without honing what abilities they have to connect with a higher consciousness. This leads to many frauds giving themselves the title of psychic while using the tarot cards and smoke show to create a profit for themselves using a soul’s need for help.
If you lack the skill set to be an intuitive coach – that is, if you do not have a good or strong connection to the Universe, or simply do not have the natural intuitive abilities – you should not be an intuitive coach. However, if you have the natural intuitive inclination, but have not ever used it, fear not. With time and practice, you can harness that natural intuitive gift into something that can grow your connection to your true self and the Universe around you.
Without the ability to move their own egos aside, these people will have difficulty being able to actually help their clients, and this may only lead others into more hardship.
Evaluate Your Intentions and Limitations
Much like being a professional athlete, a star musician, or anything exceptional, it takes a particular kind of person to be a good and effective coach. Beyond having the inherent talent and wisdom, you’ll also need the motivation to commit and the desire to truly serve others.
Coaches need to genuinely want to be around the people they will be guiding or leading. Coaches need to want to help those around them, to challenge them to be better, to grow both as people in general and in whatever it is that the coach is leading them towards. That being said, if you do not like being around people, particularly difficult or distraught people in challenging situations, coaching may not be for you.
Coaching comes with all sorts of challenges. Many different personalities will come to you, requiring guidance. And depending on the kind of coaching you will be engaging in, you may have to learn how to manage those personalities and situations both on an individual level and as a unit. You must get them to learn how to work with others as well as with themselves. If you do it right, you’ll be able to enjoy watching different personalities develop and evolve, and that is a beautiful and powerful thing that you can have the honor to guide.
It’s also important to remember that you are not the coach for everyone, and not every client is the client for you. Learn which personalities you work well with, and learn to read the intentions of people who approach you for guidance. Being able to discern well which clients you should accept and reject will be crucial to your own well-being and the success of your clients.
Only Coach What You Know
Ultimately, you’ll need to have a particular skill set that a client is looking for. Coaching requires one to be an expert, or at least nearly so, in whatever area or industry one is going to focus on as a coach. Oftentimes, the worst coaches are the people who have barely scratched the surface personally, yet have decided to advertise themselves to mentees as experts. Or even worse, they have taken up the title with no experience whatsoever just to have a position of power.
So, if you are particularly good at something – in this case, intuitive guidance and readings – and have the desire to help others grow, then I would highly recommend you as an intuitive coach. You might then also choose to niche down even further. If you have a tremendous amount of experience in business, for example, you might consider specifically being an intuitive business coach.
Build Your Intuitive Toolkit
Strengthening your intuitive abilities takes genuine commitment and willingness to dive deep into oneself, no matter what one might find. It requires learning true forgiveness, being wholly accepting of yourself, and sharing your beautiful light with others.
Some ways I’ve gotten in touch with myself are my favorite rituals, mantras, prayers and sutras. Specifically, I love getting myself through the day by repeating the Ho’Oponono mantra hundreds of times. This chant is one of full, genuine forgiveness of oneself and of others so that you are left with no attachments to guilt, regret, or hurt. Doing this allows me to center myself and better serve my coaching clients. It breaks down all physical barriers and attachments to this world so that I can connect with myself and the Universe more fully. I highly recommend creating a mental toolkit of all the spiritual and centering practices that will help you become a better coach, and make sure to make them part of your daily routine.
When it comes to your coaching sessions, make sure you’ve set up a sacred space. Tapping into your psychic and intuitive abilities requires a safe, clean, and spiritual space conducive to high vibrations and devoid of interruptions. Make sure you store all your divination tools with sacred respect as well, whether you set up a shelf or an altar for them. Build up your collection of tarot cards, oracle cards, crystals, oils, and more that can help you fully tap into your knowledge and abilities.
Finally, practice turning your intuitions into practical, grounded advice that’s truly helpful to your clients. As an intuitive coach, your role is more than just channeling messages to your clients. You help must interpret these messages in applicable ways so that your abilities are used for genuine guidance and formation. Never forget to show gratitude as well, both to the Universe and to your clients.
Consider My Personality Cards for Guidance
I would recommend building into your toolkit the Personality Cards I developed some time ago. They might add some fun and depth to the tarot card reading experience for clients. When used in the right way, the Personality Cards are always spot-on and help lead clients to a deeper understanding of themselves.
The Personality Cards don’t have to be used just for clients, either! You can use them yourself in your daily preparations – during prayer, meditation, or self-reflection. A good intuitive coach does not stop practicing or deepening their connection to the Universe.
If you lose that close connection, and that intuitive understanding gets muffled, you will not be able to help your clients – you may only hurt them and yourself.
The Personality Cards are a great and fun way to stay on track on a day-to-day basis. They are also an effective tool to help your clients open their eyes to deeper understanding and assist you in the guidance process in their sessions
Contact Me For Further Intuitive Coaching Formation
Intuitive Coaching requires the skill set of having a deep connection to the Universe and being able to harness that natural ability. Having a deep desire to help people is also necessary, and beyond that, a unique ability to understand others – to step into another person’s shoes and guide them on their journey to finding the right path. Let the Universe guide them through you, and both you and your client can reach a more enlightened state of consciousness.
If you are thinking about starting down the path to becoming an Intuitive Coach, or are not sure if that is a path you want to take – please feel free to reach out regarding a coaching plan or private session.
You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.
Meet Paul Wagner
Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.
He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.
Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.
Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE