A few weeks ago, I was awoken by a disembodied spirit and screamed like a 5-year old boy. My partner nearly pooped her pants and assumed we were being profiled and haunted by a profoundly negative spirit. Digging a little deeper, I felt this spirit to be a humble, old soul seeking love and attention. As we prayed for her and showered her with light, she evaporated within 10 minutes. She even had a smile on her face. Negative energy has been around for a long time, possibly an eternity. Remember Satan?
According to many Christians, he’s a big player in the negativity scene, although some might contest his existence. The embodiment of hatred and darkness, Satan has been referred to as Mastemah, Diabolos (Greek), Belial (Dead Sea Scrolls), Beelzebul, Beelzebub, Typhon, Hades, Ahriman, Hela, and just plain old, “The Father of Lies.”
Negativity is not solely mythic or biblical, and it indeed doesn’t always stem from Satan. Experiencing negativity and its related spirit-forms can be a profound reality. While not often dangerous, visiting spirits can be a nuisance.
As a seer of spirits, I often find it’s impossible to determine whether a disembodied soul, apparition or etheric entity is evil vs. good, negative vs. positive, helpful vs. hurtful, needy vs. vampirish, somewhere in between, or a complex hybrid. Sometimes energy feels uncomfortable to us, possibly because we are preoccupied with sensing it, or we’re bothered by the fact that it’s taking up space.
In the empath, new-age, and pagan scenes, there are a lot of assumptions around negativity. Instead of exploring an entity or energy and then feeling into it, some might jump-the-gun and come out of the gate screaming, “IT’S THE DEVIL!”
It seems some of the sadder, angrier and darker healers and writers in the world like to assume the victim position so they can elicit fear, for which they’ll immediately conjure remedies. Afterward, they’ll chant privately, “I’m a hero of the light!” Um, well, not really.
There are worlds within worlds, realms within realms, worlds within realms, and realms within worlds, and therefore there are spirits of all sorts traversing between and throughout all of them. If we catch a glimpse of a spirit or feel her presence, it’s most often a blessing, rather than a curse.
While there are undoubtedly negative energies wandering around our physical realities, our perception of their negativity and its potential effects are often born from our fears, insecurities, unprocessed emotions, victim mindedness, assumptions, projections, and lack of boundaries. When we are negatively affected by a spirit or energy, it’s not the time to play the victim. It’s a call to improve our vibrations. We only attract, absorb, react-to, and consume that which we are magnetizing to us, unhealthily craving, or do not understand.
Are There Spirits In This World To Be Exorcized? Yes!
Is There A Slight Chance That I Will Be Exposed To, Oppressed By, Or Damaged By Such An Energy? If You Squint, Maybe, But Most Likely, No.
Bumping into and being subject to a variety of harmful effects extending from a negative entity would be like finding a pin in an alternate reality that exists solely within a tiny section of a specific yet massive haystack, and only appearing within a 15-second time slot time, and during a particular time of day, say 4:01:00 pm to 4:01:15 pm.
Given That I’m Probably Not In Imminent Danger, Should I Still Consider Clearing The Energies Around My Body, Mind, Heart, Partnerships, Family, Environments, Home, And Vehicles? CERTAINLY!
Just because energy isn’t harmful, doesn’t mean it’s not blocking the joy, flow, and goodness in your life. Some energies unknowingly block light and flow in our lives because of their natures, not their intentions. This means that even if a spirit appears to be haunting you, they might just be a dark, unconscious knucklehead without the ability to haunt.
My Advice Concerning Negative Energy
Chances are the negativity that you are experiencing is yours, not anybody else’s. Because of this, you can control this experience, and you can monitor your reactions. You can also make a bold and healthy choice to alleviate your stress around this idea and improve your conditions. Relax, take a shower, use essential oils, consume some Bach flower remedies, walk in the forest regularly, meditate daily, forgive often, and be proactive and positive. While you’re at it, pray for your lovers and enemies every day.
What Are Negative Energies?
Negative energies are disruptive spirits and energetic entities that materialize to us in a variety of forms, including but not limited to:
- Disembodied spirits or people who recently died, but have yet to release their physical realities
- Ancestors who adopt their prior physical forms to help us, alert us, or bother us
- Spirits from other realms, worlds, and planets
- Thought-forms from powerful thinkers and feelers
- Energy formations from other planets that seek to embrace or learn from our ways of life (think Orbs, Rods, and the like)
- Detached and embodied accumulations of experienced emotions, stemming from profound, inspiring, light-infused, dense, dark, or unexplainable events
- Separated auric forms from confused, depressed, damaged, psychotic or sociopathic people, both living or dead
- Our prior or parallel life forms, either from this reality, previous realities, or realities that we are concurrently co-existing within
- Life forms that we previously agreed to assist and who exist in tangential realities that are somehow connected to our soul’s current life, lineage, or prior incarnations
- Important: Personal, imaginary projections that come from our minds, attitudes, and intentions
How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Spirits In Your House
While the spirit might not be a negative or evil entity, he or she might certainly be unwanted in your home. It’s your right to remove them, and it’s your option how to engage them.
The best way to initiate the process of spirit-removal is to engage the spirit with love, light, and positive intentions. Screaming in fear, blaming them or others, or avoidance will not help your cause. Just like any other desire we might have, when it comes to removing spirits, we have to take proactive steps toward our goal.
You can’t always pray away a spirit; it might be a little more complicated than that. To rid your world of unwanted spirits, the most important thing you can do is clean house, which includes learning how to love yourself, discovering how to set better boundaries, saging your body and home, unearthing and releasing trapped and forgotten emotions, forgiving others, and physically cleaning your home.
Burning Sage To Remove Negative Energy In General
Sage is a fragrant, healing herb that can be used to make your home smell pretty while it extinguishes bacteria. As an essential oil, sage is believed to help relieve Alzheimer’s symptoms, reduce cholesterol and blood glucose, and even alleviate menopausal symptoms.
Sage is the herbal Terminator and can reduce allergens like pet dander, pollution, mold, and dust. It’s in this way that burning sage can be a miracle for people who have asthma, allergies, bronchitis, heart problems, and more. You can use sage to do the following:
- Send prayers and offerings to Ancestors, Gods, Worlds, Realms, and Heavens
- Eliminate unwanted spirits
- Extinguish negative energies
- Unblock chakras
- Reduce stress
- Unlock and lighten depression
- Soothe anger and bad moods
- Clear the emotional residue on our bodies
- Clear the energy reside in our homes and cars
- Release energy and spirit attachments
- Clean and clear crystals and gemstones
Here’s How To Use Sage As An Antimatter Ray-Gun Against Negative Energy:
- Find some living sage in the mountains and make a little bundle. Let it dry for a week. Or you can buy a sage stick online or from a local new-age store.
- Fill a little bowl with sand or dirt, or buy an abalone shell.
- Light a candle and close the windows.
- Use the candle to light the dried sage so that it has a strong flame for a moment.
- Extinguish the flame and any flying sparks.
- Use a feather or your hand to wave the sage smoke on your body and throughout all of the rooms in your home.
- Pay special attention to the parts of your body that feel compromised or vulnerable.
- Pay particular attention to the parts of the house that feel burdened by unseen energies.
- As you spread sage smoke around your house, you can chant a mantra, repeat a prayer, or talk to the lingering spirits.
- Invoke love, light, and joy throughout the experience.
- When you’re done, extinguish the smoking sage stick in the sand/dirt bowl or place it under running water for a moment.
- After 3 hours of the sage smoke sinking into fabrics, carpets, walls, furniture, auras, chakras, and spirits, open the windows to release the smoke.
- Blow out the candle.
Negative Entities And Other House Pets
Negative entities are not always harmful to us. Some energies might not even know that we’re in the room. They might be completely clueless and contained within another dimension. We might also consider getting used to some of these spirits, especially if they do not harm our lives, hearts, souls, or minds.
Negative energies can become long-term guests and house pets, but only if you do nothing to encourage their abdication. They can become accustomed to our energies and environments, just like we fall in love with our favorite restaurants. They might even become addicted to us.
Even with all that, we still might not be in danger. Just because a disembodied spirit is penetrating our walls and furniture doesn’t mean that he or she is harmful. It might merely be a fascination.
How To Get Rid Of Negative Entities
Just like your house plants and pets, it’s vital that you be kind and loving to the energies that provoke your fears and discomfort. When you sense entities wandering through your space, tell them that you love them. Ask that they respect your home, spirit and physical body. If you can see them, sage them. Once they disappear, repeatedly sage the space where you first saw them emerge. That space might be their little portal or entryway.
Pray for all of the entities that you sense, see, and feel. Pray for the protection of your spaces. These spirits are no different than your puppy, kitten, goldfish, or plant. They are conscious energy-forms or souls who are attracted to you and your world. If you shift, they will shift. If you can detach, they might detach.
Be Gentle, Loving, And Proactive. Repeat These Procedures Often.
If a spirit becomes a nuisance, look within your heart to see if there is someone who needs your forgiveness or apology. By focusing on the love in your heart, you can release and detach from trapped emotions. This will change your vibration and frequency, thereby shifting your connection to the entity. This process might also heal you on some level.
How To Get Rid Of Negative Energy Attached To You
While negative energies are not always conscious, and not all conscious, negative entities will attach to a physical form, it doesn’t mean that a negatively-charged attachment is not possible. Let’s Say That It’s Possible. Now What?
Here are a few things you can do to release a negative energy or entity that has attached itself to your body:
- Pray for the energy. Imagine it to be protected and infused with white and pink light.
- Pray for your spiritual evolution.
- Forgive people who have hurt you.
- In the quiet of the morning, apologize in your mind to people you have offended.
- Set better boundaries with the people in your physical life.
- Ask that the energy leave your body.
- Meditate regularly.
- Do 1 hour of Kundalini yoga, every day, for 40 days.
- Use sage, gemstones, and crystals as jewelry to shift your vibration.
- Ask the entity to reveal themself to you so that you can learn more about them and then offer love, guidance or prayer. They might be an ex-lover or friend from a prior life!
A Ritual For Release
Like I write about in my books, rituals can help us “physicalize our prayers and shift our realities.” If you enjoy performing simple rituals of transformation, try this one on for size:
- Gather the following: a small candle, some loose, dry sage, a handful of cornmeal, some organic tobacco, a bottle or two of water.
- Venture into the forest and meditate on infusing your life with light and love.
- Find a flat stone and place your candle on it, so that if it spills or tips, you and the forest are protected.
- Light the candle and sit on the ground next to it.
- Sprinkle a light circle of sage, cornmeal, and tobacco around you.
- Invite all of your ancestors, helpers, masters, and light-beings to fill your heart with light.
- Tell the negative entity or attached spirit that you love him or her, but that it’s time to say goodbye.
- Ask your etheric tribe of light-beings to help you heal the negative energy and remove it from your life for all time.
If you would like other suggestions for rituals, you can email me at paul@paulwagner.com. You are a light-being infused with love and stardust. You are the only controller of your life, experiences, magnetism, and vibration. Every time you elevate and improve-upon your vibration, you increase your awareness and change your reality.