It's time to release your past, embrace your present, and experience unbridled freedom like never before.

Are you...

Trapped in a cycle of self-doubt?

Allowing others to determine your Self- worth and Self-esteem?

Questioning your purpose in life?

Tired of negative thinking and going in circles?

Feeling unfulfilled?

Unable to live your best life due to past traumas or unrealistic expectations?

Bored with today's ‘spiritual candy’?

You're not alone. In fact, you're completely normal. As we rarely pause amid the busyness and chaos of our lives, we tend to experience looping traumas, repeated complications in relationships, and difficult scenarios over and over again.

Repeating these cycles and patterns over time, we eventually come to believe that changing or improving our lives is impossible.

While today's influencers offer appealing distractions, it is only through knowing ourselves that we can fully, wholly, and consciously create our lives.

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Hi, I‘m Paul Wagner

Your guide on this extraordinary journey. I’ve dedicated my life to exploring the realms of spirituality, personal growth, and the art of living authentically. With over 30 years of experience and guidance from enlightened masters, I'm here to help you navigate the intricate landscape of your life and help you grow spiritually.

Imagine a life where you feel deeply inspired and genuinely impassioned. Living a life of purpose that you truly enjoy is within your reach!

Picture yourself releasing past traumas, healing wounds, and welcoming a future filled with limitless possibilities that honor you and bring you joy. This is the result of freeing yourself.

It feels good, doesn't it?

Are you...

The Free Yourself Program

A Self-Paced Video Course Designed to Help You Awaken Your True Nature, Love Yourself & Forgive Everything

Ana P.

Expert Spiritual Healer

Oh, this course is everything! I had no idea why everything was so difficult for me. Thank you for helping me let go of the ideas that made me stuck. I have so much more confidence now in going my way.“


I always felt like a black sheep, didn‘t really fit in anywhere well because I don‘t resonate with the traditional ways. So helpful to get this guidance in how to find my own way with family and spirituality. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I had no idea how much I didn‘t know until I watched your course. This truly covers everything, and I will surely go back and watch it all again to absorb even more.

Inside this Life-Changing, Self-Paced Program, you will...

Shed the burden of low Self-esteem

Enjoy lasting personal growth

Improve your Self-worth

Learn to love yourself

Release past hurts and grudges

Cultivate inspiration & positive thinking

Feel better about your Self & life

Gain clarity in relationships and emotional healing

Rise above anger, sadness & despair

Renew your spirituality through beautiful, ancient practices

Improve your motivation

Rediscover hope & improve your daily routines & habits

Discover your true nature

And much more!

True growth and Self-discovery are within your reach. The Free Yourself Program is the key to unlocking your true potential and experiencing a life filled with love, light and unlimited possibilities.

Join the thousands of seekers, healers, teachers, executives, and couples who have experienced profound transformations under my guidance as their intuitive Life & Business Coach - and loving spiritual advisor.

Are you ready to take the towards a more empowered and profound life?

Join Thousands

Its time to Free Yourself

Awaken Your True Nature, Love Yourself, & Forgive Everything

Gain Access to...

* The Free Yourself Digital Program Portal
* 30 insightful video lesson guided by Paul Wagner (that‘s me!)
* 9 supportive worksheet designed to provide deeper insight & understanding of yourself and your journey.

+ You will receive TWO hand-selected bonuses

The Spiritual Seeker‘s Handbook

An honest and enlightening guide for the modern spiritual seeker to help you on your spiritual journey.

How To Live An Exuberant Life

An eye-opening journey through personality archetypes. Deepen your understanding of yourself and others.

The Free Yourself Program contains the lessons, tools, and resources you need to dive deeply into your true nature, break free from limiting beliefs and burdens & embrace the power of forgiveness and Self-love.

Create a life filled with inspiration, positivity, and joy. Start your transformation now!


I'm Ready to Free Myself!

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Receive Love-Notes With Beautiful And Empowering Information. Enjoy!

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