Nature has given us an abundance of healing plants and minerals, more than we’ll ever need. The Earth, which also sources life from its sister realms, is flush with life. We have yet to discover some of its most unique lifeforms. If we’re conscious and proactive, we can continue to benefit from the ancient plant knowledge that is still accessible to us. In this article, you will know how herbs help us extinguish toxins and heal.
The premise is simple: we can restore ourselves using tinctures, herbs, and supplements born from the Earth’s wildlife. Whether it’s to remove toxins, treat organs, extinguish tumors, or find a more profound peacefulness, the trees, plants, flowers, and shrubs nearest to you might hold the secrets to your recovery and detoxification. At the very least, they might expunge some of the toxins that negatively impact our minds, hearts, and immune systems.
Living on Earth is not easy. Society has developed in such a way that it has become a complex contradiction. It builds infrastructures that support living, but it rarely nurtures or promotes life. To counterbalance this, we can foster a symbiotic connection with nature, not only to extract medicinal value but to create mindful bridges. You might consider caressing your favorite plant, cleaning her leaves with love, and verbally telling her how much you love her. Also, when you see a little creature flying in the sky, pour your heart toward his soul.
“There’s an herb for every system, every organ, every gland, and every tissue of your body. Mother nature has put medicine in our food.” — Bob Marley
While we might be limited in a variety of ways, all lifeforms can find power by uniting, protecting, and feeding each other. It’s in this way that the herbs growing on our planet are reaching out to us. They are the embodiment of life’s desire to expand and connect. They rise toward the sun with one mission: serve all life and give all living-Beings what they need to live, thrive, heal, and survive.
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Here are some of the most potent and nutritious herbs, in various forms, that can help you relax, extinguish toxins, and heal what ails you:
Detoxifying Herbs To Burn
By burning specific herbs, we can cleanse our home, clear our chakras, and reach out to the heavens in prayer. We can also use the burning of plants to remove harmful bacteria and other antagonists from our bodies and environments. Here is a list of some of the most potent, burnable herbs for detoxing:
- Sage, White Sage, and Desert Sage/Rose
- Cedar, Pine, Aspen, and Blue Spruce
- Mugwort
- Rosemary
- Clove
- Lilac
- Frankincense
- Lemongrass
- Eucalyptus
- Bay Leaf
- Usnea (also known as Old Man’s Beard)
- You might also consider burning Lavender, Peppermint, Spearmint, Calendula, and Palo Santo.
Many cultures use these herbs to clean their homes, places of work, physical and spiritual bodies, and chakras. They are regularly used during individual and communal prayers, rituals, pujas, and other divinely inspired rites. Native Americans and Pagans use Sage, Cedar, and Pine for spiritual purification, inclusion in medicine bundles and amulets, and to invite divine-Beings to participate in sacred ceremonies.
Scientists have observed that when burned, Sage disinfects the air by killing a significant amount of airborne bacterias. It also releases negative ions, which remove pollen, mold spores, bacteria, viruses, and other allergies from the air. Negative ions have another powerful benefit: they increase our levels of serotonin, which is proven to reduce depression, stress, and feelings of detachment from others. Seratonin also boosts energy levels, improves workflow, and increases creativity.
To safely burn these herbs, consider using an Abalone shell. These former homes of sea snakes and mollusks are the perfect containers for burning small amounts of herbs for any occasion.
A Prayer When Smudging Your Home
When burning sage and using the smoke to heal your home and body, you might recite this prayer:
Gentle and beautiful Sage
Infused with light and healing properties
Born from the original love
We ask that you purify our hearts, bodies, and home
Please dissolve all negativity and extinguish all toxins
Let your smoke and scent rise to the heavens
And be calling to all light-Beings
May they bless our home and the hearts of all who enter
Mitakuye Oyoasin, for all our relations
Detoxifying Herbs As Food
We’re lucky to have access to a variety of spices and foods that can have anti-inflammatory effects and expunge the body of toxins. When consumed properly, the items on this partial list can help you with detoxification and healing in a variety of ways:
- Turmeric and Curcumin
- Dandelion root – also potent as a supplement
- Cilantro
- Wood ear mushrooms
- Garlic – also useful as a supplement
- Blueberries, Apples, and Lemons
- Spirulina, Chlorella, and Wheatgrass
- Beets
- Ginger
- Green, Rose, Peppermint, Chamomile, Lavender, and Red Clover Teas
You can add these foods and spices to salads, smoothies, and other meals, and combine them for miraculous effects. As with all things that you venture to consume, do the proper research, start with small quantities, and be aware of how each item affects you. Pay attention to potential allergic reactions along the way.
Detoxifying Herbs As Supplements, Tinctures, and Essential Oils
These cleansing herbs open the heart, invite peacefulness, and help us release toxins. This list is specific to supplements, tinctures, and essential oils, which you can also make at home.
- Rose
- Clove
- Lemongrass
- Cinnamon
- Ashwagandha
- Gotu Kola
- Nettle
- Red Clover
- St. John’s Wart
- Valerian
- Lemon Balm
- Lemon Verbena
- Schisandra (also known as Magnolia Berry and Five-Flavor Berry)
- You might also consider researching the benefits of Kava, California Poppy, Burdock, Lavender, and Passionflower.
- Milk Thistle, Marshmallow Root, Parsley, Beetroot, and Ginger are potent herbs that can detox your liver.
Because of their individual and combined potency, be very careful with how and when you take these herbs, knowing their potential side effects. When seeking to do deep cleanses, always consult a doctor, Nurse Practitioner, or certified nutritionist.
To make herbalist supplements in pill and powder forms, copy the ingredients from popular brands. You can buy inexpensive measuring and production tools for home use that won’t break your budget. It’s incredible how simple it is to make capsules. For tinctures, soak your herbs for a few weeks in a jar full of alcohol or vinegar. This process releases the plant’s active compounds and its most beneficial nutrients. You can then pour the results into small tincture bottles and heal yourself a few drops at a time.
While the above are partial lists, they’re a good start in the pursuit of a cleanser for your home, body, and spirit. You’ll notice that Lavender shows up on all the lists – it’s because our bodies respond quickly and peacefully to Lavender.
Click to read “How Essential Oils Can Help You Heal And Evolve”
It’s one of the only herbs whose smell immediately calms our nervous systems into beautiful stillness and well-being. This type of relaxation has immense health benefits that can improve our immune systems, lymphatic system, and digestive system while creating unsuitable environments for toxins, harmful bacteria, free radicals, and viruses.
Keep in mind that evil corporations and government entities seek to block our rights to Earth’s bounty. As such, there is always a chance we could lose at least partial access to what constitutes our divine right. If we educate ourselves along the way, we can learn to grow, cook, and activate herbs to heal ourselves, and our families, friends, society, and Earth.
As you lovingly wander this planet, learning about its magnificence, endeavor to love and defend all of Earth’s creatures, plants, minerals, soils, waters, and other lifeforms. They are you, and you are them. There is no “other.”