I Am A Peaceful, Loving Being
Make a commitment to changing your states of mind and heart.
We Are One - There Is No Other
We must own our experiences. This is no time to play victim.
The Empath Oath
A powerful statement about how to be a clear and loving Empath.
Amma Quotes (Mata Amritanandamayi)
From one of the most profound and loving Beings in world history.
Love From Anandamayi Ma
Anandamayi Ma shares her loving advice about life and love.
I Feel Lost Or Sad
We can always shift our own temporary conditions and feelings.
I Am Happy And Strong
A simple statement to declare at the beginning of your day.
I Am Grateful
When we are grateful, we invite more of the same.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Remember that we are always circling around and with the Divine.
Mary Oliver Poems
For all of the healers and hard-workers out there. Love yourself!
Rumi Quotes
You are the embodiment of divine love. Remember this and be free.