Humor, Politically Correctness, And The Fuck You Paradox

Humor, Politically Correctness, And The Fuck You Paradox

While politically correct language aims to protect community sensibilities, it often stifles the raw, chaotic beauty of human expression found in these 11 words. By sanitizing our speech, we risk sanitizing our emotions, losing not only the battle against oppression but also the war for our inner liberation. 

Like Rumi’s call to break open to reveal the light inside, these words compel us to confront and embrace the full spectrum of human experience, from the sacred to the profane, from the profound to the profoundly obscene.

The cultural reluctance to use expressions like “fuck you” can be traced to social norms that prioritize politeness and decorum, often at the expense of raw emotional honesty. In many cultures, direct or harsh language is seen as disruptive or disrespectful, which can stifle genuine self-expression and emotional release. However, exploring the therapeutic potential of such expressions offers an insightful perspective on their role in emotional health and interpersonal dynamics.

Therapeutic Potential of “Fuck You” and Similar Expressions

Emotional Catharsis: Saying “fuck you” can serve as a form of emotional catharsis, allowing a person to release pent-up anger or frustration. This can be a crucial first step in acknowledging and processing emotions, rather than bottling them up. It can also free up a relationship to fully heal and grow. Those who stifle and judge these aspects are living from an old paradigm they embraced during their prior lives in the middle ages.

Authenticity in Communication: When used consciously and thoughtfully, such expressions can foster authenticity. They can help individuals express their feelings more directly and transparently, possibly leading to more genuine interactions.

Boundary Setting: Strong language can be an effective tool for setting boundaries. It can communicate in clear terms that certain behaviors or situations are unacceptable, helping others understand where lines are drawn.

Confronting Fear and Taboo: Using politically incorrect or taboo language can challenge social norms and provoke discussion about why certain words hold power or are deemed unacceptable. This can lead to a broader understanding of cultural taboos and potentially reshape them.

Cultural Implications of Restricting Such Expressions

Suppression of True Feelings: Cultural norms that discourage expressions like “fuck you” can lead to suppression of true feelings, which may contribute to stress, anxiety, and interpersonal resentment.

Lack of Emotional Fluency: Avoiding strong expressions can prevent people from developing a full range of emotional fluency. Understanding and articulating all feelings, including anger and dissatisfaction, are important for emotional intelligence.

Social Dishonesty: When people are conditioned to always be polite and avoid conflict, it can lead to a kind of social dishonesty where individuals do not say what they truly think or feel. This can hinder the deepening of relationships and prevent the resolution of conflicts.

Celebrate The Beauty Of Fuck You

In recognizing the value of expressions like “fuck you” in myriad contexts, it’s about fostering an environment where people can express themselves fully and authentically – and without fear of judgment or repression.

If someone has said “fuck you” or “fuck off” to you, you probably deserved it. Rather than block it, judge it, or use it to play victim, own it, accept it, allow it, and release it. Only then can you move on. Stop lying to yourself to appease your false, new-age, politically correct, hypocritical ego.

Understanding and embracing the full spectrum of human expression can lead to greater clarity within oneself and in one’s relationships with the external world. This approach aligns with broader spiritual and psychological teachings that advocate for embracing all facets of human experience as essential to growth and understanding.

Deep Thoughts From Other Luminaries

Throughout history, various spiritual and psychological thinkers have addressed the topic of emotional expression, including the use of intense language or behaviors often deemed inappropriate by societal standards. Their insights can guide individuals seeking to live more authentically and fully.

Carl Jung

Teaching: Jung’s concept of the Shadow self is particularly relevant. He believed that every person has a darker side that they hide from the world. By acknowledging and integrating this Shadow self, an individual can achieve wholeness and a deeper understanding of themselves.

Application: Jung would likely see the expression of taboo emotions or words as a necessary step in acknowledging one’s full range of emotions and traits, thus moving toward a more integrated and authentic existence.

Aleister Crowley

Teaching: Crowley, often controversial, emphasized the maxim, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,” which advocates for following one’s true will or deepest desires as a path to true freedom and self-realization.

Application: In this light, expressing oneself fully, including the use of strong or taboo language when driven by genuine emotion, can be seen as an alignment with one’s true will, fostering authenticity.


Teaching: The Sufi mystic Rumi spoke often about the importance of embracing every aspect of one’s being, including the painful and dark parts. He saw each human experience as a path to divine love and understanding.

Application: Rumi’s teachings encourage expressing all emotions openly as each emotion is a path leading to deeper self-knowledge and spiritual connection.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Teaching: This Zen Buddhist monk emphasizes mindfulness and the art of conscious living. He teaches that acknowledging and mindfully expressing emotions is crucial for healing and understanding oneself.

Application: Thich Nhat Hanh would likely support the mindful expression of emotions through words, even harsh ones, as long as they are expressed with awareness and do not harm others.

Brené Brown

Teaching: As a modern researcher on vulnerability, Brené Brown discusses the importance of being vulnerable as a source of strength. Her research suggests that embracing one’s imperfections and vulnerabilities leads to a more authentic and fulfilled life.

Application: Brown’s work supports the idea that expressing true emotions, including anger and frustration, can be a form of vulnerability that fosters deeper connections with others and with oneself.

These teachings collectively highlight the importance of embracing and expressing all aspects of one’s emotions and personality, even those that society might find uncomfortable or inappropriate. This not only aids in personal growth and self-realization but also in forming genuine relationships and living authentically. Whether through meditation, psychology, or direct expression, each approach offers valuable tools for dealing with the complexities of human emotions and helping individuals navigate their paths to self-understanding and authenticity.

Support From Other Ancient Teachings

Esoteric teachings, which often delve into the more mystical and less mainstream aspects of spirituality, provide rich insights into the concept of authentic self-expression, including the unrestricted use of language. These teachings emphasize the importance of embracing all facets of human experience as part of the spiritual journey.

Tantric Buddhism

Teaching: In Tantric Buddhism, there is an emphasis on breaking through societal norms and conventions to achieve enlightenment. This path includes embracing aspects of the self and the world that are often seen as taboo or dark.

Application: Tantric practices might involve rituals and language that defy conventional moral standards, using shock and awe to transcend ordinary consciousness and restraints. This could be seen as encouraging the full spectrum of verbal expression to tap into deeper states of awareness and freedom.


Teaching: Gnosticism focuses on esoteric knowledge as the path to divine insight. It often involves a direct, experiential approach to spirituality, contrasting with more orthodox religious practices.

Application: Gnostic texts and practices sometimes embrace themes of rebellion against conventional religious authority and norms, suggesting a broader acceptance of expressive freedoms, including language, as a means to personal and spiritual discovery.


Teaching: Hermeticism, rooted in the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the power of the Word. It holds that speech and thought are deeply magical and creative forces.

Application: In Hermetic thought, the authentic expression of one’s thoughts and feelings, even if unconventional or taboo, is a way to harness personal power and manifest change in the world.


Teaching: Kabbalah teaches that language and letters are the building blocks of the universe. The Hebrew alphabet itself is considered to have tremendous power.

Application: From a Kabbalistic perspective, using language in its full expressive range—including taboo or curse words—can be a powerful tool for creation and transformation, reflecting a deep authenticity in one’s spiritual expression.

Chaos Magic

Teaching: Chaos magic is a modern esoteric movement that emphasizes the pragmatic use of belief systems and the deconstruction of the self-imposed limitations of one’s own mind and the external world.

Application: Practitioners of chaos magic might use any form of expression, including profane or taboo language, as a magical act if it serves their intent and helps them achieve their desired results. This approach is highly individualistic and encourages authenticity in one’s magical and personal expression.


These esoteric traditions highlight the notion that spiritual enlightenment or advancement often requires stepping beyond societal norms and conventions. The encouragement to use all forms of language, including those considered taboo, serves as a tool for breaking down barriers to self-awareness and authenticity. 

This unrestricted expression is seen not just as a personal liberation but also as a profound engagement with the transformative power of language and self-expression in the spiritual realm.

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The Most Divine Cup Of Coffee On Earth

I believe I’ve cracked the code on turning my morning coffee into a tonic for The Gods. I’ve tested everything in this article top to bottom, testing ways to make java more enriching and healing. 

Because, let’s face it – this profoundly happy little bean is integral to our everyday dream.

Coffee is probiotic for the soul. It makes us feel wonderful – primarily due to its caffeine content, stimulating our brain and central nervous system. The caffeine blocks the action of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep and relaxation, thereby eradicating tiredness while increasing alertness. It’s a drug, but a delightful one.

Through our partnership with Coffee, we experience a boost in energy levels and mood, enhancing cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving. Moreover, coffee is rich in antioxidants and other helpful compounds that contribute to its mood-enhancing effects. 

The experience of drinking coffee not just about the caffeine but also about enjoying its rich aromas and flavors – quite the comforting ritual. It might only play second fiddle to Hot Cocoa. 

Many of us love a morning and afternoon Coffee because it boosts our sense of Self, brightens our perspectives, and helps us perform in ways that seem beyond our reach.

To some, coffee is divine magic, to others, it’s a mental-emotional necessity.

Cooking Coffee with the addition of saffron, cardamom, Ceylon cinnamon, MCT oil, ghee, Laird Superfood Creamer (which includes coconut and mushrooms), monk fruit sugar, and Motherwort (among other things) can transform a regular cup of Joe into a nourishing, nutrient-rich, flavorful beverage with numerous health benefits. 

Besides the reduced acidity, my heavens, my recipe can be quite miraculous, turning a mundane drippy drip into a profoundly healing elixir.

Supercharge Your Morning Mojo Elixir

Saffron – Contains antioxidants; may improve mood and treat depressive symptoms; has anti-inflammatory properties; may reduce appetite and aid in weight loss. Regular coffee does not provide these mood-enhancing and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Cardamom – Helps with digestive problems, including ulcers; has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties; may lower blood pressure; and enhances the flavor. Cardamom adds a unique flavor profile that regular coffee lacks – plus its health benefits.

Ceylon Cinnamon – Known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects; may help manage blood sugar levels; supports heart health. Adds a sweet and spicy flavor not found in regular coffee, along with metabolic benefits.

MCT Oil – Provides a quick source of energy; may help with weight loss by increasing fullness, fat loss, and ketone production; supports brain function. Regular coffee can provide an energy boost, but MCT oil adds a sustained energy source without the crash.

Ghee – Contains butyrate, an important short-chain fatty acid for gut health; rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, E, and D; may reduce inflammation; lactose and casein-free. Offers a rich, creamy texture and health benefits that black coffee lacks.

Laird Superfood Creamer – Typically includes coconut milk powder, Aquamin™ (calcium from marine algae), organic coconut sugar, organic extra virgin coconut oil, and mushroom extracts. Provides a good source of energy; it supports hydration and mineral intake due to Aquamin™; the mushrooms offer immune support; coconut-derived ingredients support heart health and provide medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). And thankfully, it adds nutritional value and yummy creaminess without dairy, unlike regular coffee, which can be acidic and less nutrient-dense on its own.

Monk Fruit Sugar – Provides a natural, zero-calorie sweetness; does not affect blood sugar levels; is suitable for diabetics and those following a low-calorie or ketogenic diet. Sweetens without the negative effects of refined sugars, making it healthier than regular sugared coffee.

Overall Comparison to Regular Coffee

  • Flavor: This blend adds a rich, complex flavor profile that is far more nuanced than regular coffee.
  • Nutritional Value: Significantly higher due to the addition of several nutrient-rich ingredients.
  • Energy: Offers a more sustained energy release compared to the quick boost and potential crash from regular coffee.
  • Health Benefits: Far-reaching, including mental health support, anti-inflammatory effects, weight management support, and improved heart and gut health.
  • Acidity: The added ingredients help balance the coffee’s natural acidity, making it easier on the stomach and potentially reducing the risk of digestive discomfort.

Coffee made with these ingredients offers a wealth of health benefits, a unique flavor, and a more balanced energy boost compared to regular coffee, which primarily provides caffeine with its associated energy spike and potential acidity-related downsides.

Motherwort (tincture or raw herb)

Motherwort is like a hug from Mother Earth. If you feel jittery, anxious, angry, or nervous, Motherwort can soothe your soul and give your heart the much needed calmness, rest, and peacefulness it deserves. 

Incorporating Motherwort, either as a tincture or raw herb, into your coffee routine can transform an everyday ritual into a soothing, heart-nurturing experience. Motherwort, known scientifically as Leonurus cardiaca, has been used in traditional medicine across various cultures for its potential to soothe the nervous system and support heart health. 

When added to coffee, the bitter herbaceous notes of motherwort can complement the rich, robust flavors of the coffee, creating a complex beverage that delights the palate while offering calming benefits. This unique combination can serve as a morning or afternoon pick-me-up that not only energizes but also helps to manage stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation.

Beyond its flavor profile and calming properties, Motherwort’s potential heart health benefits make it a wonderful addition to your coffee ritual. It is believed to help in regulating heart rate and supporting cardiovascular health, making it a thoughtful choice for those looking to nurture their heart health through diet. Integrating motherwort into coffee could be particularly appealing for those who appreciate the ritualistic aspect of their coffee routine and are looking for ways to enhance this daily practice with natural, health-supportive herbs. 

By making this simple addition, coffee enthusiasts can enjoy their favorite beverage with an extra layer of nurturing care, turning a simple cup of coffee into a holistic experience that supports mental, emotional, and physical health.

Alkaline Versus Acidic Coffee

This refers to the pH level of the coffee. Regular coffee, which is naturally acidic (with a pH ranging typically from 4.85 to 5.10), can sometimes cause digestive discomfort and acid reflux or exacerbate symptoms for those with certain gastrointestinal conditions. 

Alkaline coffee, or coffee that has been adjusted to be less acidic can offer several benefits, especially for those sensitive to acidic foods and beverages.

The general purpose of seeking more alkaline foods and beverages, including coffee, is rooted in the concept of balancing the body’s pH levels. The human body naturally maintains a slightly alkaline pH of around 7.4. The modern diet, which can be high in processed foods, meat, and sugar, tends to be more acidic, potentially disrupting this balance. 

While the body is adept at maintaining pH balance, the theory suggests that consuming more alkaline foods can support overall health by reducing the burden on the body’s regulatory systems. 

Overall Benefits Of A More Alkaline Body

  • Supporting the body’s natural pH balance
  • Reducing chronic inflammation, which is linked to many diseases
  • Enhancing nutrient absorption and promoting detoxification
  • Potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer

Here are several more specific reasons why people might seek a more alkaline vs. acidic coffee and incorporate certain additions for health benefits:

  • Easier on the Digestive System: Less acidic coffee can reduce symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion, making it more comfortable for those with sensitive stomachs.
  • Better for Oral Health: Lower acidity helps protect tooth enamel from erosion, preserving oral health.
  • Improved Bone Health: A diet lower in acid is thought to reduce the leaching of calcium from the bones, potentially improving bone density.
  • Balanced Body pH: Although the body naturally regulates its pH, consuming less acidic foods and drinks can contribute to a more balanced internal environment.

More Magic For Your Coffee

To enhance health benefits, particularly for anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, and lowering cholesterol, consider incorporating these additions into your morning coffee routine:

Turmeric: Contains curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory compound that has also been studied for its anti-cancer properties. Adding a little black pepper can enhance curcumin absorption.

Cocoa: Rich in antioxidants, cocoa can improve heart health by increasing nitric oxide levels in the blood and lowering blood pressure. It also has mood-enhancing benefits.

Cassia Cinnamon: In addition to Ceylon cinnamon, Cassia cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements: While not added directly to coffee, taking omega-3 supplements in the morning can reduce inflammation and support heart health.

Flaxseed Oil: A source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid, flaxseed oil can contribute to reduced inflammation and improved heart health.

Chia Seeds: Another good source of omega-3s, fiber, and antioxidants, contributing to heart health and reducing inflammation.

Ginger: Offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and may aid digestion. Ginger can also add a spicy kick to the coffee.

General Tips for Healthier Coffee

  • Choose Organic Coffee: Reduces exposure to pesticides and chemicals.
  • Limit Added Sugars: Use natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit, or minimize sweeteners altogether.
  • Avoid Artificial Creamers: Opt for natural creamers or plant-based alternatives without added sugars or unhealthy fats.

By incorporating these ingredients and following these tips, you can enjoy a morning coffee that not only tastes great but also contributes to your overall health, particularly in terms of reducing inflammation, potentially lowering the risk of cancer, and supporting heart health.

Cookin’ Your Coffee

When it comes to preparing coffee in a healthier way, the key factors often revolve around the method of brewing, the type of coffee used, and what is added to the coffee after brewing. Here are some considerations that can make your coffee consumption potentially healthier:

Brewing Method: Some research suggests that filtering coffee (using paper filters, for example) can reduce the amount of cafestol and kahweol, two compounds found in coffee oils, which may raise cholesterol levels. Therefore, methods like drip brewing, using a paper filter, or using an espresso machine that filters the coffee could be considered healthier than methods that do not filter these compounds out, like French press or Turkish coffee.

Coffee Type: Opting for organic coffee can minimize exposure to pesticides and chemicals used during the farming process. Additionally, choosing a quality coffee bean might also impact health benefits since the bean’s origin and processing method can affect the presence of beneficial antioxidants and other compounds.

Minimize Additives: Adding large amounts of sugar, syrups, or creamers can significantly increase the calorie and sugar content of your coffee, potentially negating its health benefits. Consider using natural sweeteners in moderation, low-fat or plant-based milk alternatives, or simply enjoying your coffee black to keep it as healthy as possible.

Water Quality: The water used to brew the coffee should be clean and free of impurities. Using filtered water can improve the taste of your coffee and reduce exposure to potential contaminants.

Moderation: Even the healthiest brewing method can be undermined by consuming too much coffee. Excessive caffeine intake can lead to nervousness, insomnia, an upset stomach, a fast heartbeat, or even muscle tremors in some people. It’s generally recommended to limit coffee consumption to about 3 to 4 cups per day (up to approximately 400 milligrams of caffeine) for most adults, but individual tolerance varies.

Cold Brew: Some people find cold brew coffee to be less acidic and easier on the stomach than hot brewed coffee. The lower acidity might be beneficial for those with acid reflux or sensitive stomachs.

Truly, the healthiest coffee for you personally can depend on your own health conditions, dietary needs, and how your body reacts to caffeine and other compounds found in coffee. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consulting with a healthcare provider or a dietitian about your coffee consumption and preparation methods can be a good idea.

Java Spiritual Rituals

Incorporating coffee into spiritual rituals can be a unique and meaningful way to blend the physical pleasure of enjoying coffee with the deeper aspects of spiritual practice. Here are some ideas for integrating coffee into spiritual rituals that can add depth and significance to your daily routines or special ceremonies:

Coffee Meditation: Begin your day with a mindfulness meditation that revolves around your coffee. As you brew your coffee, focus on the process with full attention—observe the sounds, the aroma, and the visual changes. Once your coffee is ready, sit in a quiet space, hold the cup in your hands, feel its warmth, and slowly sip, fully immersing yourself in the experience. This practice can help cultivate gratitude and presence.

Gratitude Rituals: Use the time while drinking your coffee to reflect on what you are grateful for. You can write down three things you’re thankful for each day in a journal while enjoying your coffee. This practice can help start your day with a positive mindset and a heart full of gratitude.

Coffee Grounds Reading: Similar to tea leaf reading, coffee grounds can be used for divination. After enjoying a cup of Turkish coffee or any coffee that leaves sediment, swirl the cup, turn it upside down, and then read the patterns formed by the grounds. This can be a fun and introspective way to tap into your intuition or simply enjoy a moment of imagination and storytelling.

New Moon Coffee Ritual: On the night of a new moon, set intentions for the coming month over a cup of coffee. The new moon is a time for new beginnings and setting intentions. As you drink your coffee, visualize your goals and what you wish to manifest, infusing your intentions into the coffee with each sip.

Coffee Offering Ritual: If you have an altar or a sacred space, you can make a small offering of coffee to your spiritual guides, ancestors, or deities as a sign of respect and gratitude. This can be especially meaningful if coffee has cultural or spiritual significance in your traditions.

Coffee as a Community Ritual: Share a coffee ritual with friends or your spiritual community. This can be a powerful way to strengthen bonds, share stories, and support each other’s spiritual journeys. The act of sharing a cup of coffee can become a sacred practice of connection and community.

Seasonal Coffee Rituals: Align your coffee ritual with the changing seasons. For example, during the autumn equinox, you might reflect on themes of balance and gratitude while enjoying a spiced coffee blend. Each season offers unique themes and energies that you can reflect on and incorporate into your coffee ritual.

These rituals can turn the daily act of drinking coffee into a profound spiritual practice, helping to ground you in the present moment, connect with higher aspects of yourself, and bring a sense of sacredness to everyday life. Remember, the key to any spiritual ritual is the intention and mindfulness you bring to it.


Coffee, far more than a mere morning ritual, holds a heartwarming embrace that can gently lift our spirits, enhance our connections, and sprinkle a touch of joy into our daily lives. Its ability to boost mood, improve focus, and foster social interactions makes it a delightful companion in the journey of love and companionship. 

With the healing attributes of Ceylon cinnamon, Ghee, and the nurturing presence of Motherwort and Saffron, coffee weaves its way into our emotional and spiritual fabric, offering moments of reflection, creativity, and a deepened sense of Self. 

As you savor your next cup, let it be a sweet reminder of the simple pleasures that enriches your life – the laughter shared over steaming mugs, and the quiet moments of introspection that guide you back to love’s gentle warmth. 

Embrace the journey of mastering your Coffee and turning it into an Elixir Of The Gods. With each sip, enjoy the caffeine boost, but allow this humble bean plus a myriad of nutritive additions to inspire a deeper connection to the rhythm and whispers of your heart and soul.

The Ultimate Orgasm

The Ultimate Orgasm

Let’s all orgasm as often as possible, shall we? 

We are all looking for the ultimate, phantasmic cum-ination of our desires. We’re all pushing and grasping to be happy. And we love when our bodies experience release. 

We awake every day and venture to bed every day fantasizing about reaching a place of not only comfort and peace but ultimate pleasure.

I knew that the pleasure I was enjoying at the time was limited, so I kept digging.

The more and more I delved into spiritual practices, I would have moments that blew my mind, but it felt like the carrot was always 10 feet in front of me. I knew there were other realms and experiences to be achieved, but I also knew that my desire to achieve these things opposed the path I was embracing.

At the time, I was often consciously leaving my body and engaging in myriad spiritual activities – whereby my spirit was engaging with reality in ways that were not textbook. Other Beings were contacting me, I saw aliens from other dimensions, and I had a ridiculous amount of light coming through my hands, which was helpful to some – and alarming to others. I was a diamond in the rough.

My level of electricity was quite alarming, and I was a bit wild. While it wasn’t a time of awareness and decency (I was clearly a work in progress), I was earnest in seeking the highest good and the most vibrant light.

I met Amma, The Hugging Saint, in a tiny room in Cambridge, MA, where I immediately fell to the floor in worship. Later, I opened her retreats with playful, spiritual lectures. I studied the teachings of Chogyam Trungpa and Osho. At the time, I was a children’s TV show host and traveling comedian, and for years felt a conflict within me around being in the world while knowing what it was like to be around Amma – there was nothing more illuminating. 

I was itchin’ to evolve but I had a ways to go-  from Oversexed Comedic Yogi to Bearer Of Light. 

Tantric Sex

I was fascinated by the idea of channeling my energy rather than depleting it. While it took me years to achieve, I was later able to channel my sexual energy upwards from the root chakra through to the crown and beyond – all with orgasms at each chakra and without ejaculating. I loved the energy tantric sex gave me. Without the release, my body vibrated and attracted great success – and over time, my third eye burst open.

It’s better than pizza. 

While the intuition and psychic abilities that emerge are quite wonderful, they pale in comparison to the sense of divinity one can achieve through the process of moving the kundalini upwards in the body.

Given the tingling from each mini energy burst (orgasm) in the chakras as the kundalini rises to the crown, it’s something I’ve continued and appreciated throughout my whole life.

Even so, for a long while, I was still identifying with the body, not the All That Is.

I know that sounds a bit lofty, but it’s quite real – and yes, achievable.

We are continually seeking pleasure – and that’s a good thing. 

By seeking pleasure, we seek The Divine – possibly a transconditional reality – whereby, whatever is happening in our lives, regardless of the circumstances, we become present to joy of spirit and body – or we embody bliss. We know this is possible because our essence, our Being, our electromagnetic sets of memory impressions, have experienced it before, either in other realms or other lives. Or in parallel! 

I’m not talking about what happens in college when we experiment with our pinkies and various holes – I’m referring to other-worldly experiences.

We might believe that our memory of divine bliss involves the human body, but it doesn’t.

It’s incredible how each of us can fool ourselves.

The False Tantra

Let’s get into the mechanics of tantras.

The Kama Sutra, written by Vatsyayana Mallanaga, is primarily concerned with kama, one of the four aims of traditional human life in Hindu philosophy. It deals with desire, love, relationships, and sexual intercourse. While it is not based in the non-dualistic principles found in the ancient Advaita Vedanta or the Buddhist Noble truths, for a time, it became a manual for dualistic, holistic, if not, hedonistic living.

Tantras are a genre of religious scriptures found in Hinduism and Buddhism covering a wide range of topics, including philosophy, rituals, prayers, yogas, and styles of worship. 

The confusion between the word “tantra” and “tantric sex” stems from a combination of cultural misinterpretations, oversimplifications, influencer hype and misdirection, and the sensationalization around a tiny insignificant sexual discourse found in the outskirts of the more sacred traditions. In short, people in the west twisted the concept of Tantras because we prefer sex over enlightenment.

The Real Tantra

“Tantric yoga” focuses specifically on yogic techniques for spiritual growth that have nothing to do with sex. These techniques move the Qi (Chi) or Kundalini upward to heal our spirits and illuminate our souls.

Some call the kundalini a “sexual energy” – which is misleading. It’s energy – that’s it. Too many “Tantric sex” phonies are our there trying to convince you that their sex addiction is sacred – and it’s not. 

People who become involved in “tantric sex” cum to believe that sex is the most important part of that technology – but that’s the farthest thing from the truth. 

The most important aspect is the Qi – the life force. Our furry, moist, and erect parts have little or nothing to do with the sacred nature or results of the Qi’s movement throughout our systems.

Tantric Yoga deals with the breath and spirit beyond what we might call “pleasure.” This is the REAL TANTRA.

Today’s Tantra Teachers

There are many “tantra” teachers out there professing the embodiment of divine bliss through sex, sharing only the glittering and ejaculatory aspects of these ancient teachings, thereby creating karma for themselves – and all the while misleading you.

Pleasure can be seen in the Sanskrit word Ananda (Joy), which has an embedded illusory emotion, and in the transcendent form of pleasure – bliss, found in the Sanskrit word Paramananda. This points to a divine fulfillment on the path to illumination and enlightenment. 

In this sense, tantra or sacred practices that do not require the body’s fulfillment can be seen as phenomenal ways to embody pure, unrelenting paramananda. 

The sexual juices that flow from our bodies and the elation that results from our achievement of desires are tied to our bodies, not our spirits. After all, our desires are temporary and can only invite roller coasters of suffering.

Let’s Do Tantric Sex!

Tantric Sex occurs through mutual manual masturbation or consensual penetration. 

During the tantric act of intercourse (all sexual activity with a partner is intercourse – the interplay between two sets of energies), we use breath to move the kundalini up from the root chakra to the other chakras. 

Amid the intercourse, we imagine a specific colored light at each energy point, and through breath, we achieve not an externally manifested ejaculation, but a pleasurable energy release through each chakra. 

This, for a moment, can feel orgasmic – and it is. 

It’s a form of pleasure that feels ultimate and divine for a brief burst of time – but only because we tie our divine pleasure to the body, which is unnecessary. Pure Tantra does not require enmeshment with another soul – or their furry parts.

In fact, it’s far more illuminating if you can learn to move your kundalini up and down your spine through yoga and breath. In this way, you experience a less codependent healing and release in your chakras – without being bound to another. 

Many of today’s tantra teachers are ejaculating like race horses, and encouraging the same – as if that’s the whole point. It’s not.

Yes, tantra – sacred practices – are quite wonderful, but most tantric sex teachings fail to have integrity. They also require a lot of time – and who has that kinda time?  

Tantric sex has become yet another device that deters you from knowing who you are – like a dildo, rubber vagina, sex doll, or other mechanical and illusory devices used for personal pleasure. 

These things only add to the cycle of Samsara – and are often more confusing, debilitating, restrictive, and alienating than we might assume. 

How lonely do you have to be to buy batteries to fuel your bliss? 

Dive deeper and get to the root of your loneliness. Get up early, instead, and put your batteries in a flashlight, so you can find your way to a carpeted area of your home.

Now, get on the floor and start breathing deeply, meditating, and doing yoga. If your pants are always on fire, get into Kundalini Yoga. It’s phenomenal for unlocking everything related to loneliness, blocked emotions, the roots of trauma, overly kinky behavior, and the things that hold us back.

What Is Transconditional?

Even the momentary experiences of satisfying simple pleasures or mundane desires can invite enough joy to fool us into thinking that we’ve transcended something. Though, we have not.

We may have captured, for a moment, a spark of divine energy, but we have not embodied it. We may, for a time, have forgotten all that ails us, but we have not transcended it. 

By the way, I’m not saying do not masturbate, ejaculate, or orgasm in the traditional sense. I’m suggesting a better, more spiritualized, more energizing, and healthier way to engage your life force and all of your body’s related energies and requisite juices.

So, where is my orgasm? 

Hint: it has nothing to do with oral sex, penetration, or manual stimulation of the tip or clit.

What, then, is the ultimate tantra or technology that will illuminate me into a concaving, coalescing, explosive, wild state of release?

Consider the essence of your Being far beyond the physical and mental layers that you often mistake for your true Self. Explore deeper practices that help you detach from the superficial layers of reality. Seek unconditional joy – paramananda.

The quest for the ultimate tantra or technology is, in essence, a journey inward, a navigation through the layers of Self that leads to an explosive release not bound by conventional understandings of pleasure or satisfaction. It is about finding that core of stillness and unbounded ecstasy within, which does not depend on external stimuli – but is a natural state of Being. 

Dismantle your many layers of conditioning, expectation, and attachment that cloud your perception and hinder your ability to experience pure bliss. 

This is not a $50 workshop on Instagram – it’s a process that requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to embrace the unknown, ultimately leading to a state of being where happiness and fulfillment are not conditional but are intrinsic to your very essence.

When we move our kundalini upward through Sadhana (spiritual practices), we experience a serene, profound illumination whereby we can go through a whole day entrenched in divine bliss – loving all aspects that we encounter. This is your birthright.

The Spirituality Two-Step

We are all dancing around the spiritual practices that have been shared with us since the beginning of time. We quote gurus and masters, and we go back to buying Teslas and Rivians, which comprise the perfect embodiment of exactly what no one needs.

We might meditate or chant for a moment, but in the next moment, we’re drawn back into the whirlwind of consumer culture, captivated by the latest symbols of status that signify success in the material world. This juxtaposition highlights a fundamental tension within many of us: the desire to live spiritually fulfilling lives while navigating the demands and temptations of contemporary society.

The calling, then, is to engage with the world in a way that enriches rather than detracts from spiritual growth, using the insights and practices of ancient spiritual teachings and masters to navigate the complexities of modern life.

By consciously integrating spiritual principles into our daily lives, we inch closer to knowing who we are and what reality comprises.

But Wait – What About My Orgasm?

We are all obsessed with our orgasms, but truly, to move the kundalini upward in the body, without release, gives us the energy we need to embody a divine consciousness and become vessels of love and light throughout the day, week, month, year, or longer. 

Every spark we withhold and put to work for our betterment and the betterment of humanity dissolves our karma and gives us more resolute and everlasting joy.

In today’s world, where achieving the Big O can seem like a competitive sport, complete with its own commentary and instant replays, the ancient art of kundalini yoga and yogic breathing offer a less… climactic approach to ecstasy. 

While many are on the hunt for that explosive moment of joy, there exists a more sublime and, dare we say, electrifying way to channel that energy.

I promise you – once your energy is harnessed, the results are quite lovely and remarkable. You move through the day with extraordinary sparks of light and love. You resolve tension more quickly. You sense into other people’s feelings and positions with great empathy and awareness. You nurture more and think less. And you more easily access, allow, and release emotions to produce a more clear state of mind and heart. 

To the naysayers, I’ll add this: This process can be challenging and it’s not always perfect. Sometimes you feel the need to clean the pipes, so you do. I’m just suggesting there are far better ways to toss your energy pellets.

Capture All The Spark You Can!

Instead of letting the fireworks explode and fizzle out, then napping until the morning alarm goes off, gently coax your kundalini serpent up your spine, and teach it to climb like a skilled acrobat, all the while keeping the grand finale at bay. 

This isn’t about turning your back on fleeting pleasures; it’s about becoming a spiritual powerhouse – one who electro-magnifies and projects their essence through the day.

By rerouting your inner sparkles to light up your chakras, you’re not just hoarding joy – you’re becoming a mobile disco ball of divine consciousness. 

The next time you’re chasing the dragon of ephemeral, fantastical ecstasy, remember: 

Through the process of kundalini yoga and moving your consciousness and energy upward to the crown Chakra, you become a supernova – a pulsating, light-emanating, enduring, and stable cluster of stars.

The real party is not in your pants – it’s at the base of your spine, where it lights up your soul, dissolves your karma, and turns you into a beacon of love and light, emanating the pure essence that created The Cosmos.

Unleash Your Heart Into The Wild – At Waffle House

Unleash Your Heart Into The Wild – At Waffle House

Venture not into the heart of a Waffle House, and you forsake the raw, uncut essence of humanity itself. My spirit, ablaze with a ferocious love for every soul I encounter within its walls, undergoes a rebirth every time I walk through those double-glass doors. Here, my heart doesn’t just open – it detonates, reborn into the crucible of pure, unadulterated existence.

I fucking LOVE Waffle House and every person in it.

This sanctuary of eggs and dreams is a prism, refracting the human spirit in a spectrum so vivid, it cuts to the core of what it means to be viscerally, messily, even crazily human. 

You’re thrust into the bursting, boiling cauldron of raw, chaotic existence, where shadows and light dance in the most intoxicating embrace. Escape is futile, but then, why would you ever wish to flee from such a feast for the soul?

For those who’ve danced with their own shadows, traversed the infernos of personal hell – you know what I’m talking about. This isn’t about the gloss and veneer of Being or sweetness; it’s about becoming the raw nerve of truth, quivering with the electric, unpredictable dance of life.

Amidst the quiet lulls, more often than not, Waffle House is a tempest of raw humanity – unfiltered, untamed, unnerving, and unsettling. And yet, therein lies its staggering beauty. A cacophony of life in its myriad forms: shouts of ire – “I need my damn fucking coffee,”  the haunted eyes of those battling their demons, the veneer of troubled politicians, the laughter of families, and the solitary souls seeking refuge in the embrace of caffeine, served with unassuming grace in mugs born in the 50s.

Even the menu, with its poetic ode to hashbrowns – smothered, covered, chunked, and more—mirrors the tumultuous journey of our hearts in search of solace, mirroring the scars we bear from our loves lost and battles fought.

This isn’t the musings of a spiritual neophyte – a newbie influencer who memorized the soundtracks from Glee. This is the battlefield of existence and I’m a spiritual warrior. No matter how enlightened we fancy ourselves, we are all conscripts, even pawns, in this harsh war of life.

Amidst this theater of the soul stands the valiant, the unyielding waitstaff – warriors of empathy, serving not just meals but moments of raw truth, echoing the no-nonsense therapy of the ancient sages, demanding we confront our truths without pretense or excuse. It doesn’t need to be pretty to produce liberation.

Feast upon the offerings of Waffle House, and you court the divine madness of life itself – each bite a delicious defiance against the mundane, in opposition to your health – a testament to the sublime but delicious chaos of existence.

Here, in the undercurrent of overheard conversations, lies the unvarnished truth of our journeys. We are reminded of the folly of our insulated spiritual quests, our convoluted philosophies that distance us from the visceral tapestry of real, unadulterated life.

“I got off the streets, where’s my free meal?”

“I love you but I can’t stay in this relationship.”

“I’ll be at the office soon – on an errand.”

“Where the FUCK is my coffee!”

We are called not to the superficiality of pretense but to the profound depths of authentic existence – where raw emotion and spiritual truth coalesce into the alchemy of true transformation.

~ Dare to live out loud, to scream your truth into the void.

~ Let tears be your testament in the most unexpected of places.

~ Embrace the liberation of chaos, if it means the purging of your soul’s anguish.

~ Be raw, wild, and free amid whatever fantasy thrills you.

This, the essence of true release, of letting go of the accumulated disease of a life half-lived, is where healing begins.

In the sacred space of a Waffle House, amidst the second cups of rule-defying, heart-abusing coffee, revelations unfold. The farce of modern spirituality is laid bare, revealing the path to authentic Self-discovery and a hurricane-styled liberation from the shackles of societal expectation and personal illusion. You are not your false Self – that person you pretend to be, after all.

We are at once oppressed and the oppressors of our own essence, caught in the webs of transient identities and expectations. Yet, here, in the crucible of the real, we are offered the keys to our own chains.

~ You owe no allegiance but to the truth of your own spirit.

~ Break free, and in doing so, become the lighthouse for others lost in the fog of existence.

~ Embrace the unrelenting, untamed, and unreasonable heart of your Being, and in its unbridled expression, find the path to true freedom.

The journey is not one of conformity to the illusory safe harbors of reality, damn it. It’s a voyage into the tempestuous seas of your own spirit’s journey, guided by the stars of your deepest truths – and the truths you have avoided for lifetimes..

Masters of the Spirit – of the eternal – have always known this: The path to enlightenment is not in the stifling of desire, but in its understanding, its expression, and ultimately, its transcendence.

So, let the cat not just out of the bag – but thrust it into the wild, where it can breathe, live, and teach us the meaning of freedom.

In the end, those ensnared in the seductive but shallow allure of faux spirituality, who have lost themselves in the maze of their own Instagram contrivances, serve as beacons – not of enlightenment, but of warning: The path is not pretty or purple. And mermaids and angels are nothing when compared to a raging, addicted man-bitch in heels at 6am at Waffle House.

~ Rise above.

~ Forgive, not just others, but yourself. 

~ It’s time to step into the boundless realm of your raw, free Self and embrace your true potential.

You are not a mere participant in the cosmic dance, my friend – you are its choreographer, born of the wild, untamable essence of The Universe, eternally beloved, limitless in every conceivable way.

Drink that third cup of coffee and devour those last bites of your smothered browns. The day has just begun! YOU GOT THIS.

Oh, and…

In this journey of self-liberation, rituals like Changing The Book Of Life and The Seven Arrows Ritual can be your guideposts, and for those seeking divine insight, The Shankara Oracle awaits to illuminate your path.