Take THE EMPATH OATH. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.
As an Empath or highly sensitive person, I’m able to absorb and quantify emotions emanating from a person, group, or environment. I may also be able to embody the emotions of a person or event remotely.
While many Empaths are loving and compassionate, some are not. Regardless, I am uniquely qualified to help myself and help others help themselves.
Make a formal commitment to THE EMPATH OATH HERE.
I wholeheartedly agree with each thought below:
I agree to observe and parse the emotions that I witness and absorb, without blaming anyone, at any time, including myself.
I promise to regularly clear the compiled energies that have attached to or exist within my heart and body.
I promise to embody love and compassion so that I can be of service to my fellow human beings, deceased ancestors, energy-entities, and light-beings.
I promise to set clear boundaries with others so that I can remain whole, healed, and protected. If I need help learning how to set boundaries, I will seek the advice of a mentor.
I agree to be a beacon of light and positivity at all times.
When communicating my projections, beliefs, feelings, and experiences to others, I promise to keep my ego at bay and deny my ego any measure of self-indulgence, self-aggrandizement, or self-gratification.
I will continually seek high-vibration energies, awakened masters, and light-beings to light my path, clear my heart, and cleanse my soul.
I agree to learn additional high-vibration modalities, including prayers, incantations, mantras, sutras, and rituals that are of the light and in service to the light.
I agree to commune with at least one positive person every week so that I can uplevel my vibration, moods, and attitudes.
I agree to love myself and nurture myself, especially in times of stress, confusion, and trauma. This might include journaling, walking in the forest, praying, crying, writing loving letters, seeking out good friends, dancing, coloring, singing, or laughing.
I agree to begin the process of forgiveness for every soul who has caused or co-created a negative impact on my life, heart, mind or physical body.
I agree to continually forgive the innuendos, misgivings, attacks, and unconscious behavior of others, whether the culprits are partially or completely at fault.
I do not require that others apologize to me or tell me that I “was right” with regard to any situation, at any time. If I require this type of validation, I will seek it within myself.
Upon any infraction against my being, body, or spirit, I will immediately release any prior or newly created anger, sadness, and disappointment without any requirement of another person’s admissions, remorse, or reciprocity.
Regardless of what I might imagine to be relevant excuses, I will continually strive to be a loving and conscious person.
Regardless of the behavior, I will always seek the high road. Upon every infraction, I will be “the better person” by becoming a healing force of light.
I will honor my boundaries and the boundaries that others require of me.
I will be kind, friendly, courteous, gracious, thoughtful, and generous, knowing that my efforts will improve the conditions, experiences, and feelings of those around me.
I admit that I am flawed but I promise to never allow my flaws to cloud my judgment and desire to help humankind.
I own my “buttons,” issues, feelings, attitudes, intentions, and experiences as if I chose every one of them for the sole purpose of helping me to rise above and beyond myself.
I own all of my accumulated intellectual, emotional, and spiritual trash. As such, I will dissolve from my heart and mind: all grudges, resentments, egocentricities, hateful projections, fantasies of vengeance, and harmful thoughts.
I will seek solace in mindfulness, meditation, prayer, and peaceful action.
If I am feeling out of control, I will immediately seek help and inspiration from therapy, counseling, massage, Bach Flower Remedies, homeopathy, organic food, fasting, yoga, dance, and other healthy modalities for self-expression, creativity, and healing. I will also drastically reduce or extinguish sugar, caffeine, marijuana, drugs, and other harmful substances and activities from my life.
I agree to pursue healing for my addictive patterns and refrain from dragging others into my drama.
I understand that the people and events that I attract to my life are born from my energetic body, which means that on some level, I chose them. As such, I will not blame the people or events in my life, rather, I will seek to improve upon myself and upraise my vibration.
I will read books and seek healers to help me understand myself, other people, spirit, and the divine.
I will respond to every person and situation with careful awareness.
I will only speak in ways that uplift the vibration of myself, others, and the eternal consciousness, and I will discard the rest.
I will choose to be happy most of the time because I know that happiness is the path. I also know that happiness is a choice.
I confirm that I am committed to being a vehicle for clarity, healing, light, and love, first for myself, and then for others.
I confirm that my contract is not with individuals, it is with the universe.
I confirm that there is no “other”. At all times, in all circumstances, in every situation, the other person is always me.