The Empath Oath: A Commitment to Emotional and Spiritual Freedom

Empath oath

Take THE EMPATH OATH. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

As an Empath or highly sensitive person, I’m able to absorb and quantify emotions emanating from a person, group, or environment. I may also be able to embody the emotions of a person or event remotely.

While many Empaths are loving and compassionate, some are not. Regardless, I am uniquely qualified to help myself and help others help themselves.

Make a formal commitment to THE EMPATH OATH HERE.

I wholeheartedly agree with each thought below:

  1. I agree to observe and parse the emotions that I witness and absorb, without blaming anyone, at any time, including myself.

  2. I promise to regularly clear the compiled energies that have attached to or exist within my heart and body.

  3. I promise to embody love and compassion so that I can be of service to my fellow human beings, deceased ancestors, energy-entities, and light-beings.

  4. I promise to set clear boundaries with others so that I can remain whole, healed, and protected. If I need help learning how to set boundaries, I will seek the advice of a mentor.

  5. I agree to be a beacon of light and positivity at all times.

  6. When communicating my projections, beliefs, feelings, and experiences to others, I promise to keep my ego at bay and deny my ego any measure of self-indulgence, self-aggrandizement, or self-gratification.

  7. I will continually seek high-vibration energies, awakened masters, and light-beings to light my path, clear my heart, and cleanse my soul.

  8. I agree to learn additional high-vibration modalities, including prayers, incantations, mantras, sutras, and rituals that are of the light and in service to the light.

  9. I agree to commune with at least one positive person every week so that I can uplevel my vibration, moods, and attitudes.

  10. I agree to love myself and nurture myself, especially in times of stress, confusion, and trauma. This might include journaling, walking in the forest, praying, crying, writing loving letters, seeking out good friends, dancing, coloring, singing, or laughing.

  11. I agree to begin the process of forgiveness for every soul who has caused or co-created a negative impact on my life, heart, mind or physical body.

  12. I agree to continually forgive the innuendos, misgivings, attacks, and unconscious behavior of others, whether the culprits are partially or completely at fault.

  13. I do not require that others apologize to me or tell me that I “was right” with regard to any situation, at any time. If I require this type of validation, I will seek it within myself.

  14. Upon any infraction against my being, body, or spirit, I will immediately release any prior or newly created anger, sadness, and disappointment without any requirement of another person’s admissions, remorse, or reciprocity.

  15. Regardless of what I might imagine to be relevant excuses, I will continually strive to be a loving and conscious person.

  16. Regardless of the behavior, I will always seek the high road. Upon every infraction, I will be “the better person” by becoming a healing force of light.

  17. I will honor my boundaries and the boundaries that others require of me.

  18. I will be kind, friendly, courteous, gracious, thoughtful, and generous, knowing that my efforts will improve the conditions, experiences, and feelings of those around me.

  19. I admit that I am flawed but I promise to never allow my flaws to cloud my judgment and desire to help humankind.

  20. I own my “buttons,” issues, feelings, attitudes, intentions, and experiences as if I chose every one of them for the sole purpose of helping me to rise above and beyond myself.

  21. I own all of my accumulated intellectual, emotional, and spiritual trash. As such, I will dissolve from my heart and mind: all grudges, resentments, egocentricities, hateful projections, fantasies of vengeance, and harmful thoughts.

  22. I will seek solace in mindfulness, meditation, prayer, and peaceful action.

  23. If I am feeling out of control, I will immediately seek help and inspiration from therapy, counseling, massage, Bach Flower Remedies, homeopathy, organic food, fasting, yoga, dance, and other healthy modalities for self-expression, creativity, and healing. I will also drastically reduce or extinguish sugar, caffeine, marijuana, drugs, and other harmful substances and activities from my life.

  24. I agree to pursue healing for my addictive patterns and refrain from dragging others into my drama.

  25. I understand that the people and events that I attract to my life are born from my energetic body, which means that on some level, I chose them. As such, I will not blame the people or events in my life, rather, I will seek to improve upon myself and upraise my vibration.

  26. I will read books and seek healers to help me understand myself, other people, spirit, and the divine.

  27. I will respond to every person and situation with careful awareness.

  28. I will only speak in ways that uplift the vibration of myself, others, and the eternal consciousness, and I will discard the rest.

  29. I will choose to be happy most of the time because I know that happiness is the path. I also know that happiness is a choice.

  30. I confirm that I am committed to being a vehicle for clarity, healing, light, and love, first for myself, and then for others.

  31. I confirm that my contract is not with individuals, it is with the universe.

  32. I confirm that there is no “other”. At all times, in all circumstances, in every situation, the other person is always me.

Make a formal commitment to THE EMPATH OATH HERE.

How to Be Super Vulnerable so God Be Like, “WHUT! I Better Give You Some Love!”

super vulnerable

When we’re super vulnerable for God, we have a measure of God-consciousness. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Let’s nail an important definition upfront. In this article, God does not refer to a separate force but to the pristine electricity that we all embody, that we all desire to return to and merge with. For today, God is the Universe, All-That-Is, Consciousness, and the Eternal Everything. Let’s dig in and get to know what this pervasive embodiment of light and love might want from us by being vulnerable for God in humble prayer and in those super-secret moments when all hell breaks loose.

It’s not always easy to connect with and honor our naked, vulnerable selves, but that’s where the gold is. When it comes to having our prayers answered, it’s also our most potent tool.

When we feel hurt, we might prefer to be indignant or victim-minded. Relishing our anger, we might speak from a mask rather than what is beneath it. Unable to get past our stories and become vulnerable, we stew, label, and blame. When God hears this victim-mindedness in our prayers, She hums a little song and says, “This person is loved, but she is not ready yet.”

I was in New Mexico’s Pecos wilderness doing a ritual about letting go. The more vulnerable I became, the more I was able to connect with the earth, the sky, and all of the animals nearest me. With each breath, I let go of stories and untruths. I went deeper within my vulnerable self. It felt like a partnership with the divine. The more vulnerable I became, the more I let go, the more I felt the presence of the eternal flame.

I am not suggesting that we’re not allowed to be needy or that we should never use the label ‘victim’. I am saying that if we want to experience transformation or divination, it requires that we let go of all stories, labels, masks, excuses, and blame.

Upon letting it all go, God rests her hands on our shoulders and lets us know that we share her spirit. It is in this space that we enlighten ourselves and our lives. Embodying the purest attributes, we become everything, including the Gods we seek.


If we choose to remain inside of our stories and if we project only neediness, God hovers about and does not intervene. Why? Because it was our choice to not become Her.

To improve the purity of our consciousness and divinity, we must become Vulnerable Superheroes, dropping attitudes, entitlements, and masks. Letting go of frozen labels, needs, and desires, we begin to melt into the eternal Self, and we get a taste of who we are. We must become vulnerable for God.

This is the Great Thaw.

When we’re angry or depressed, we fixate on our interpretations and projections. We defend our positions for hours, days, weeks, or lifetimes. The moment we stop defending and perseverating on our positions and circumstances, we realize we have been lying to ourselves and our identities begin to dissolve.

The more we melt, the sweeter we feel. It’s magic.

We realize the entire trip was a self-created nothing.

We are like dandelions blowing in the wind and God is the wind. The dandelion doesn’t make demands. He doesn’t beg for mercy or blames his neighbor. He doesn’t proclaim that he hates himself or that he’s fucked up.

The dandelion lets the winds of reality move through and around him so that they can remove what is not real. He bends with the winds, even blends with them. He is IN the moment with God and he IS the moment of God. There is no

This is why God and the dandelion get along so well. They know that they are one and the same.

Let’s walk deeper into ourselves without resistance or expectation. With open palms, let’s wave goodbye to our temporary illusions, personalities, and mind-bodies. We are electromagnetic pulses, vibrations, and light-beings. We are energy. Let’s embrace this idea.


What we imagine to be pain is an illusion.

Strip naked and feel the gentle caresses from the One that We All Are. I am not suggesting this is easy. I am aware that life is complex and full of diversions. I also know that diversions are only constructs. We create them, we grow them and we can let them go. They are like the whiskers on the dandelion. We can release them to the wind.

To be vulnerable to God, today we might say:

“Dear Universal Being, God Consciousness, Eternal Electromagnetic Energy That I Am, it is with a light and open heart that I seek the purest vulnerability today. It is with a light touch that I nudge my projections and fears to the fire. It is with pure intentions that I release the cloaks and contrivances that blind me. Today I am open to being with the Creator without label or pretense. Today I am the Creator. Today I am in a state of loving that equals the reality of love throughout all of space and time. Today, I am truly vulnerable and ask for your hand and heart in all that I do. With love, in love, and always, your servant.”

How to Know if You’re an Empath: The 18 Signs of Being a Highly Sensitive Superhero

an empath

If you’re an Empath, you have super-powers. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

We are all made of sound and light, groupings of electromagnetic fields and frequencies, culminating in unique vibrations that repel and attract other vibrations. The realities that we embody are the magnets for all realities to come.

As you embrace your intuitive nature and highly sensitive self, you will eventually come to learn that other people’s feelings, actions, responses, and feedback are their dreams, not yours. These things are of no consequence to you, unless you afford them power.

In other words, while others emanate, vibrate, and irritate themselves, look deeper within and grow the light that most reflects your happiness.

You will always become the vibration that you feed.


These are the 18 Signs and Attributes of an Empath:

  1. You are acutely aware of what other people are feeling (emotions, moods, and attitudes) the majority of the time, whether in-person, remote, or via text messages.

  2. Your natural inclination is to carry the feelings and burdens of others, often being their therapist, healer, or “best friend.”

  3. When something is potentially questionable, wrong, or dangerous to yourself or others, you have an undeniable feeling in your heart, mind, or gut.

  4. You regularly absorb the energy, feelings, and attitudes of other people or groups of people. This can be debilitating, for a period of time.

  5. Loud, aggressive, and negative people overwhelm you, push you into an emotional corner, and deplete your positivity, receptiveness, and life force.

  6. Emotional confrontations with closed-minded people can feel momentarily traumatizing or oppressive.

  7. The crowds found in stores, and at parties and events, can feel so overwhelming to you, that you’d rather stay home or remain in the car. You might even hide in the bathroom.

  8. When other people in your circle are in pain, they confess their deepest secrets to you and seek your counsel. This doesn’t surprise you at all. You naturally oblige.

  9. Strangers might see something in your eyes or feel the emanations from your heart, which can cause them to want to be near you, hug you, share their secrets, or ask for your advice. They might tell you that they love you.

  10. No matter the emotional resonance of a room, whether filled with people or not, you will feel the energy of that room, and be able to describe it with the utmost clarity.

  11. Rain, snow, clouds, and shadowy weather can be helpful to you because it often keeps others indoors and makes everyone more self-reflective. The lessened energy buzzing around you helps you feel more at peace. Conversely, sunny days can have either a positive or negative effect on you, depending upon your personal boundaries and the levels of energy being emitted by others.

  12. You instinctively know when others are being truthful or dishonest, and transparent or protective. This is true whether your meeting is in-person, remote, and via text messages.

  13. When a person is speaking to you, you pay less attention to the words and more attention to the feelings beneath the surface. You will often become irritated when the words do not match the feelings.

  14. You can sense, perceive, or feel the potential of a forthcoming event, sometimes long before it happens, including when others are near to passing beyond this life.

  15. You accumulate emotions like others accumulate savings in their bank accounts. Regular emotional clearings are required.

  16. You are intuitively drawn to heart-centered movies because they inspire you to feel deeply, thereby helping you clear trapped emotions.

  17. When you do not clear your emotions or honor yourself, you are prone to feeling angry and you might wrongly assume the position of the victim. You are not a victim.

  18. When you take care of yourself and continually refuse the victim mindset, your life has a beautiful flow to it, and you feel like an emotional Superhero.

Click here, if you’re ready to take The Empath Oath.

We Can Seek Heaven Without Demanding Others Join Us

Seek heaven

Heaven doesn’t readily welcome racists, bigots, and fundamentalists. They first get a muzzle. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

As a little boy, I was fascinated with Jesus. I imagined walking with Him everywhere I went. I never related to how he was presented in churches, but I always felt Him to be my teacher and friend. I would talk to him throughout every day.

I didn’t see Jesus as the judgemental white supremacist that many Christians make him out to be today. I saw Jesus as a spirit who could embody any physical form. To me, Jesus was everywhere and everything. He was the flowers, sky, refrigerator, postman, and the quiet whisper of love and light in the back of my mind.

I saw Jesus as unconditional Love.

Given how Christianity is often marketed, I was surprised to learn that Jesus never called himself a Christian. It’s now my belief that “Christian” is the last thing He’ll be if he ever comes back, in whatever form. Jesus was a spiritual master. He was beyond any tidy box we might imagine him to occupy.

As a card-carrying member of the forward-thinking, spiritually-inclined, I tend to reduce religious labels and dogma down to suggestions, and spend my time focusing on divine attributes.

Judgmental born-againers (in any religion) seem to be unhappy people trying to enroll others in their miseries. They push a spiritual master’s biography rather than the tenets of their teachings.

I’m motivated by divine transmissions and holy attributes, not the crafted, edited biographies, written hundreds of years after a master’s death.

I remember when I was a born-again Catholic, then a born-again Christian, then a born-again New-Ager, then a born-again Native American shaman, then a born-again Buddhist. And when I was a Sikh, I was fervently born-again, and frankly, a dick. It was all love-focused, but with a stinky layer of ego.

In retrospect, I’m healthily ashamed of how I defended my invisible friends along the way, but this powerful shame is now my master. In pursuit of a purer clarity, I’ve become so lovingly hard on myself that I thoroughly enjoy it.

From what I can tell, rather than enrolling others, the key to spiritual life is accepting everything. If my goal is to help others along their spiritual paths, it must include accepting each person for who they are in this moment.

In Jungian psychology, there’s the concept of matching and leading. The idea is to meet someone where they are at so that you can gently guide them to a deeper understanding and clarity.

Alignment with others invites openness and doorways to transformation. If we can’t see ourselves in another person, we’re missing the point. Truth be told, there is no “other.”

The moment we call ourselves Christians, Sikhs, Jews, Pagans, Hindus, Buddhists, or any other “ist,” it’s violent.

All religions have been over-marketed and under-researched by mostly uneducated people. Without all the noise and logos, we stand a much better chance of embodying love and its kin. Removing labels, name tags, prejudices, and allegiances, we see ourselves and the divine more clearly.

Our needs to identify as Christian, Hindu, Pagan, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, heck even Republican or Democrat, and other group-identifiers born from cultures (not spirit), is about ego, nothing more.

Your self-identity has nothing to do with any of these labels. Ask yourself, “Do I really need to identify with a word, organization, or movement? Or is it more transformative, more inclusive, and less aggressive to identify with an attribute?”

Can we live without the words Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, etc, and still be loving, spiritual, powerful, divine, and proactive human beings?

Yes, we can.

Without labels, can we still embody and share the teachings of Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, Amma, Krishna, Joshua (Jesus), and others? 


If I fully understand that living and past spiritual masters and avatars had no egos, then why do I care about labels or attributing my experience to them or their movements?

Why can’t I just enjoy my culture’s rituals without advertising them and without trying to enroll others? Why can’t I just focus on becoming a better person and serving my fellow living beings?

If a religion needs followers or funding or anything, wouldn’t the original master of the religion call these things into being through divine manifestation? That would make sense, right?

The original, big-religion spiritual masters didn’t focus on the organizations they spearheaded. They focused on embodying the universes within them and sharing love with others. As disciples, we are called to do the same.

In order to feel whole, we can identify with whatever lexicon or religion we choose. It’s our right and it can be enjoyable.


But the moment we promote our lexicon and religions to others, and the moment we preach from a religion’s point of view, we disconnect from our spirits and the truth. We become judgmental and nothing short of violent.

Let’s stop calling ourselves Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, and the others. It’s all the same story changed over time to support myths, political movements, and temporary organizational concepts. Also, the original religious manuscripts are largely inconsistent in their interpretations and translations. These narratives distract, control, and oppress, more than they liberate. Religious books and labels are secondary to compassion.

We are servants of the divine. Let’s embody love and help others to do the same.

Please stop saying these phrases, too: “We are all Jews” and “We are all Christians.” These are passive-aggressive, judgmental ways of saying, “Our club is the best, our labels are the best, and today we consider you an honorary member of our exclusive tribe.”

Phrases like these are insidious ways of telling someone that they are missing something. They’re not.

The more we hide under the egoistic shields of religious labels, the less effective we’ll be. Live joyfully within the bounds of your religion. Love your religion. But don’t pretend that it’s special. It’s not. It’s a story, akin to hundreds of stories that have been birthed over thousands and thousands of years.

Leave the books at home. Stop talking about your invisible friend as if he or she is the only one. Encourage positive, loving attributes in yourself and others. There is how real change occurs.

Start with this:

“I may be a cultural Christian, Sikh, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist or New-Ager, but I am most importantly a loving, whole, listener. I am joyful, accepting, and appreciative. I love all life and I seek to bring light to the world. I embody positivity, and I pray that all living beings are protected from violence and pain. I humbly seek to embody the best attributes of all the masters throughout all time. May I be of service to all living beings in this life and all the lives that follow.”

How to Inspire Empathy in Insensitives & Knuckleheads

grow empathy
Some folks are not tapped into reality. A Shutterstock Licensed Image

How to Inspire Empathy in Even the Toughest of Hearts

As a hyper-sensitive person (in a good way), I sometimes struggle when I’m in intimate relationships with brainiacs, tough-guys, robots, and those who place feelings on the bottom shelf. If I’m not careful, I can become quite the whiny little needy weenie. Or an unreasonable, self-righteous dick. This article is for how to inspire empathy if you feel the same.

I’m hitting this one hard because I’m done with the pattern.

Now, instead of succumbing to a victim-mind, when I sense the other person is demonstrating an “under-empathy”, I educate them, doubling-down on compassion, with the hope that a tiny percentage will trickle into the heart of the other person. This method is working!

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you might be one of those folks I’ve struggled with in the past. Or you might be an empath who bumps into the same walls and repeats the same responses. Either way, people who do not understand the value of empathy are challenging, right?

In order to explain how to inspire empathy, here’s an example of a dialogue that, formerly, would have crushed my spirit and rendered me lethargic and wing-clipped for weeks:

During a lovely hike with a friend:

Paul: I feel deeply connected to these beautiful trees. And there’s such light and sweetness in the air! Can you feel it?!

Brainiac-Robot: Um, nope. You hungry?

While there’s no harm in her response, my desire to be understood, and to have a mutual experience with the other person is what has most often tripped me up.

I used to feel justified in my hurt feelings because “isn’t being more open and loving and magical what it’s all about?” Um, no. It’s about respecting that the universe is complex and it has a wide variety of intertwined agendas and aspects in play.

I used to respond to these types of disconnects by saying things like, “Well, can’t you just try to have some empathy here? I mean, aren’t I worth it?” But that’s a form of manipulation and oppression, which is what weak, uncreative, controlling people conjure when they feel out of control and without power.

Let’s face it. It’s downright silly for me to expect someone else to have the exact same perspectives and experiences as me. Even if I feel disappointed, it’s unreasonable for me to expect another person to be empathic. Who knows what they’re going through. Who knows what value the universe places on their gifts.

My job is to have empathy for myself and creation, but that’s not everybody’s job. I just feel better when I’m being empathic. I feel better when I let my heart pour out to others. I’m more whole when I live this way, but this way of living is not meant for everyone.

Empathy is different from compassion. Empathy is embodying the other person’s feelings. Tasting them and finding ways to improve them. Compassion is being aware (and respectful) when someone is in pain. Compassion has better boundaries.

Okay, so then learning how to inspire empathy could help?

My new approach has inspired me to change my egoistic responses. For example, instead of expecting someone to feel the tree’s heartbeat like I do, now I say, “Hold my hand and let’s touch this tree together. Imagine the tree breathing and singing. Maybe we can both open our hearts together and share a moment of love with the tree. Just a tiny moment!”

This approach is effective because I’m empathizing with the other person rather than judging them or demanding that they “get me” upon every new-age whimper that comes out of my mouth. If they reject the offer, at least I arrived at empathy, rather than reaction.


Clearly, just because I feel connected to every green, fluffy pile of moss, every gnome spirit and light-orb, and the multitudes of crackling twigs in all the universes, it doesn’t mean that it’s the only conscious way to live. Other people might be more focused on the things that I tend to miss, for example, forgetting to lock the car or “HOLY CRAP! THAT’S A BEAR! RUN!”

After learning how to inspire empathy, a recent exchange:

Paul: I was working with a client this morning and I could feel their pain from early childhood trauma. It was overwhelming, yet it was such an honor. We walked through it together. Do you know what I mean?

Brain-Robot: Dude, I’m not set-up for this kinda conversation.

Paul: Cool. You hungry?

Maybe I’m evolving. Then again, let’s not jump to conclusions.

The Personality Cards: Official Launch!!!

personality cards

Hi Everybody,

I have an exciting announcement! I’ve been working for quite some time now to put together a truly intuitive, personal experience that extends beyond the current tarot reading culture. After much meditation, thought, and experience in intuitive readings and coaching, I’ve finally created my own personality cards for tarot readings!

My Personality Cards just arrived and I’m grateful for all the work that went into them. The card artist Lucy Kyriakidou did an amazing job! I love how the cards, booklet, and box came out.

Here’s a quick taste!

personality cards

personality cards

The personality cards are fun to use and can

provide deep insight into who we are.

I use them in every intuitive session I do,

and they are always on-the-mark!

To use them, you can pick out your cards for the day during your dedicated time for self-reflection, prayer, and meditation. Each card has a personality identity which you can read more about in the booklet included. Use these descriptions and helpful guided meditations to dig deep, learn more about yourself, and even navigate the situations you are experiencing currently.

Buy them HERE.

If you need help learning more and using them for the first time, I’d love to hear from you. You can sign up for a 1 hour session with me here, where I’ll guide you in using the personality cards during an intuitive reading.

Loren McIntyre: Telepathic Photographer of Hidden Mayoruna Tribe

Loren McIntyre


Loren McIntyre
Amazon Tribes: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

People have been communicating telepathically for thousands of years. This ability to transmit words, emotions, and imagery to another being’s mind is a skill set that every human being and many animals possess. Just like our physical muscles, our telepathic skills can be strengthened. Loren McIntyre, the famous National Geographic photographer, knew this.

Loren McIntyre communicated with an uncontacted Amazon tribe called the Mayoruna, not with words, but with his consciousness. During his two-month-long kidnapping, Loren became an expert telepath and lived to tell the story.

“Our spirituality is a oneness and an interconnectedness with all that lives and breathes, even with all that does not live or breathe.”
– Mudrooroo

Who Was Loren McIntyre?

Loren McIntyre was born in Seattle, Washington in 1917, and died in 2003 at the age of 86. In his youth, Loren was fascinated by the travels of his heroes. They included African explorers Sir Richard Francis Burton and John Hanning Speke, who hoped to find the source of the Nile. Loren also loved reading about the Galapagos Islands and Brazillian jungles. After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in Latin American Culture, he joined the Merchant Marines and served in World War II.

As a soldier, Loren McIntyre visited a host of Asian and South American countries and eventually worked for a US global assistance program in Bolivia and Peru. After years of traveling and taking photographs as an amateur, he was hired by National Geographic in 1966 to present 47 of his most beautiful photographs. This photo-essay on Brazil launched him.

Throughout his career, Loren’s photos and articles appeared in over 500 publications, including Time, Life, Smithsonian, and many others. His first book sold almost a million copies. His titles include “The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land,” and “Amazonia.”

Loren McIntyre Ventures into Peru

Hoping to find the true source of the Amazon River, Loren McIntyre ventured into the Peruvian wild in 1971. At 17,220 feet, and 100 yards across, he discovered a large pond, which was the farthest source of the Amazon ever reported. It’s now named Laguna McIntyre, the river’s true, permanent source. He would have made his heroes proud.

When asked how he found it with such a small team and no technology, he said, “The mountains called to me, and I listened.”

Before this remarkable expedition, Loren McIntyre was temporarily kidnapped by the Mayoruna natives, sometimes referred to as the Cat People due to the distinct nose piercings worn by the women. The year was 1969. Living on a small branch of the Amazon River, this wandering tribe had long been protected by a massive forest canopy, and never contacted by modern society. The only reports had been from a handful of missionaries, bandits, and adventurers, who were able to see them, but did not contact them.

When the Mayoruna approached Lauren McIntyre deep in the forest, he gave them presents of cloth and mirrors, which they happily accepted. When he noticed that their jewelry was mostly made of human skin and bones, he became nervous. When handed a skull as a drinking cup, he nearly fell into shock. Without a common language, McIntyre knew he was embarking on a journey of a lifetime, one that he might not survive.

“They were two people staring at each other knowingly, communicating psychically amidst an ocean of deaf, dumb and blind meatsacks.”
― Travis Luedke

Although there was a feeling of connection with the tribe, he was clearly being held captive. And not every tribesman sought his friendship. Regardless, he complied with his masters and followed them through the jungle. During this two-month captivity, McIntyre lost confidence, clothing, his camera and a coveted roll of film. He also lost his connection to the outside world.

Loren McIntyre’s Telepathic Connections

Early in this unexpected and dangerous adventure, McIntyre was conscious of the fact that he was communicating telepathically with the tribe’s leader. He also became aware of a constant background noise, which he termed, “beaming.” He would come to realize that the beaming was the tribe’s collective mental chatter, infused with both their spoken words and their thoughts.

After his daring and dangerous escape on a raft made of fragile, balsa wood, McIntyre explained that he and the tribe were on a profound, spiritual expedition.

This journey would connect them all with the birth of spacetime. The pursuit led the tribe to the beginning of linear time, far outside the parameters of what members of modern society could ever understand.

During his travels, Loren McIntyre had wondrous encounters with over 30 native tribes, even meeting with the Mayoruna once again in the late 1970s.

When reflecting on his journeys, McIntyre defended his Mayoruna experience as a series of events that cannot be appropriately explained solely with words. His experiences of reaching the mythical beginning of reality, performing tribal rituals, and greeting the dawn of time, shook him to his core. Out of a combination of fear of criticism from his scientifically materialist-minded colleagues and sheer bewilderment, he was unable to discuss the experience for years. He would never be the same.

Eventually, McIntyre co-wrote and co-produced the IMAX film, “Amazon,” with his Romanian partner Petru Popescu, which became a 1997 Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Short. It was based on Popescu’s book entitled, “Amazon Beaming.” The book and film follow Loren McIntyre along his harrowing journeys and inward explorations, as he pursued and achieved spiritual freedom.

Beaming Mayoruna Telepathy

While telepathy is a term coined by Fredrick W.H. Myers in the 1800s, it is the true way of connecting with other beings. Words often force us into our preconceived paradigms and limiting, temporary matrices, which are symptoms of human sickness.

As we wander and obsess within our personal mind-constructs, we dream of fanciful, fabricated realities. All the while, we remain in subjective relativity, and in total avoidance of the here and now. We are imprisoned, and yet we laugh at the ancient language of streaming, conscious connection.

The Aboriginals are one of the oldest Peoples on our planet. They dream-walk in the here and now. They are the original warriors and adventurers, who never doubt that our minds and physical realities are constructs drenched in metaphors and hallucinations. Our modern experience is akin to drug addiction, the healing for which will evade us for years to come.

We are the embodiment of consciousness and we are the connection; therefore, we can always connect. Given all of our self-obsessions, we have become the sole blockade to our individual and collective freedoms. Only we can free ourselves.

“Welcome to Telepathics Anonymous. Don’t bother introducing yourself.”
― Bauvard

Can We Relate With Rituals Involving Eternal Time & True Reality?

Given all the illusions that we’ve empowered modern society to birth, it’s become difficult for us to release our obsessions and attachments. We have become unable to build lasting rapport with the spacetime continuum and the related, flowing rivers of connected consciousness. We are at sea and without a durable boat.

With our God-constructs, invisible friends, selfie-addictions, collective narcissism, and fascinations with control, we align ourselves with remote islands. It’s only by relinquishing our attachments to society-created narratives that we can begin to immerse ourselves in the eternal flows of spacetime and consciousness.

While we can begin with meditation and mantras, we may not have the discipline to cross the long bridge back to ourselves.

In McIntyre’s journey, he merged with the eternal and formed a bond with the river of spacetime energy. Within that construct, he connected with other living Beings. Your executable version of Mayoruna telepathy is within your reach.

We all have the same capacities and capabilities. When we reach a certain level of consciousness-expansion, we become beacons of light and love. It’s within our grasps to merge with the Eternal and the Divine. The primary obstacles are our beliefs related to the notion that our physical realities are the end of the line. They are not. They are the beginning, and they’re only a suggestion.

Were Elephants Engineered as Living Metaphors of Grace and Patience


elephant living

Elephants are beautiful! A Shutterstock Licensed Image

Earth and human beings were most likely constructed as scientific experiments by extraterrestrial races, that is if you ascribe to the ancient astronaut theories of Erich von Däniken or Zecharia Sitchin. Given this, it’s possible that many of our planet’s species, living and extinct, were infused with unique sets of attributes meant to teach and inspire us.

At the birth of the great Earth experiment, aliens may have had justifiable fears around the dangers of what they were creating. They knew that the outcome would be unpredictable, and most likely, unimaginable. From experience, they recognized the dangers inherent in an experiment like this one.

It stands to reason that our alien architects must have known that developing simpler, somewhat limited, and possibly conscious species in tandem with human beings might preserve their experiment and related research.

“People are so difficult. Give me an elephant any day.”
— Mark Shand

It might be that animals, like elephants and birds, were created specifically to save us from ourselves.

It all comes down to the core questions that may have been referenced at the start of the venture. If you and I were designing a new race or planetary culture today, we’d need to start with the basics.

The initial, foundational questions might include:

  • How do we want our new living-Beings to look?
  • Which one should we create first?
  • What do we want them to feel?
  • How might they relate with themselves?
  • How do we want them to behave and interact?
  • How might they be able to liberate themselves?
  • How do they heal?
  • What tendencies should they have at conception?
  • What limits should we implement through their initial designs?
  • What failsafe termination material should we include in their DNA?

Tardigrades and Elephants

Consider the Tardigrades, also known as “slow steppers” or “water bears.” They can be found thriving anywhere on the planet, from oceans to mountaintops to volcanos, and in every type of forest. I believe this creature was one of the primary failsafe living-Beings, explicitly created for the Earth experiment.

Comprised of 1200 species, Tardigrada can live through any catastrophe, including extreme temperatures, air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, starvation, physical abuse, and space travel. Their fossils date back 530 million years. I believe our alien fore-parents wanted to make certain that even if we destroyed ourselves, Earth might remain a terrarium for millions of Tardigrades.

Along this line of thinking, let’s look at the elephant. Its brain usually weighs around 11 pounds. This is 2-3X larger than the average human’s brain and is also much larger and more functional than those of rhinos, hippos, and others.

This graceful and friendly mammal has a long pregnancy, at almost 22 months. Some say this gives baby elephants enough time to build a strong connection within themselves. It also makes them more self-sufficient, less anxious, more creative, and less competitive. This length of time inside of their mothers might even make them more nurturing and peaceful. What better attributes for us to adore and worship?

Upon birth, elephants are immediately curious, exploratory, and creative, able to successfully utilize objects they’ve never seen. When elephants are reprimanded for doing something incorrectly, they can later be seen practicing the required exercises, in private, to improve their skills.

An elephant’s trunk utilizes over 4000 muscles. Imagine the brain impulses required for this activity. Elephants can also recognize themselves in the mirror and with affection. This type of self-awareness can only be found in humans, apes, and dolphins.

The Stunning List of Elephant Attributes

Elephants have outstanding social abilities, as represented in their exemplary levels of gentility, empathy, and altruism. At the very least, we should be protecting this precious species from recognizing it as eternally sentient.

African tribal leaders see the elephant as a conscious Chieftain of the forest. They respect the high level of consciousness that elephants embody.

If you look at an elephant’s commitment to their family, you’ll find that they will do anything to protect their young. When baby elephant bulls and cows suffer from dehydration, mother elephants will quickly nourish and cool their calves with self-regurgitated water. They draw from within their stomachs to heal their children.

An Elephant’s Spiritual Nature

In India, Thailand, and other Asian countries, elephants are revered as spiritual-Beings, here to remind us of our most beautiful qualities. They are seen as living embodiments (and reincarnations) of Ganesha, son of Parvati, the Goddess of the Mountains and wife to Lord Shiva.

In spiritual circles, the elephant, like Ganesh, has features that are seen as symbolic:

  • The head represents the ability to acquire wisdom
  • The ears speak of patience and the ability to listen thoughtfully and empathically
  • The small eyes represent the ability to recognize the truth
  • The belly is metaphoric of how we should be able to digest all attributes and aspects of creation, the good, bad and indifferent
  • It is said that every obstacle and challenge in our lives can be extinguished by calling upon the love and light found through Ganesh

“If anyone wants to know what elephants are like, they are like people only more so.”
— Peter Corneille

Whether Asian or African (Savanna or Forest), all elephants share similar attributes and are potential extensions of kindred species. All factions of the two elephant trees appear to have cross-migrated, interbred with cousins, and enjoyed spreading their DNA throughout Europe, several islands, Asia, and beyond.

We are human beings living busy lives, on an increasingly complex and challenging planet. It’s difficult for us to fathom and fully comprehend how we came to exist and why we are here. Even though we imagine ourselves as the sole reason for this planet’s existence, we’re most likely only a tiny part of a much larger evolutionary plan.

When I look into the eyes of elephants, I see eternity. I can feel the spirit of the elephant, which feels representative of an incarnated Buddhist Lama. Feeling into her spirit, I sense thousands of years of meditation.


The elephant also feels somewhat foreign to me, as if she were placed on Earth to be a helpful fish out of water, a reminder of the attributes nestled deep within our cores.

Peacefulness, fearlessness, acceptance, and empathy: these are the primary attributes that seem to fall from view when we’re living strained and hectic lives. As we embark on the next chapters in our lives, let’s look to the elephant and be grateful for what she teaches us. While we’re at it, let’s give a nod to her alien engineers.

Mammoths, Octopus, and Beyond!

Scientists are using mammoth DNA to create elephant hybrids. While Mammoths are the assumed ancestors of elephants, they are unique. In the coming years, we’ll learn how Mammoths are yet another unique example of alien bioengineering.

With almost 5X the number of brain cells, each with a unique personality, and the ability to think through intricate puzzles don’t even get me started on the octopus! They may be the Earth’s first fully conscious species.

Can Mindfulness Dismantle Our Truthfulness, Positivity, And Flow?



Mindfulness – The Trendy, Undisciplined Vacuum: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

Can Mindfulness Be a Bad Thing?

We are born as electric, wild creatures, infused with limitlessness, and empowered by the infinite array of energies found in every galaxy throughout the universe. There are subtle-bodied energies, planetary and other-realm influences, magnetic pulls, angelic blessings, and the biochemical reactions that result from living in a vast, 3-dimensional, physical reality.

We are powerful, to say the least…

Mindfulness is a concept that has been steadily injected into our social media feeds since the early 2010s. There are thousands of mindfulness teachers, corporate trainers, new-agey yoga folks, and beautiful monks seeking to enlighten the world with this simple modality. The concept goes something like this:

By being aware of our conscious Self, actions, and emotions, and focusing solely on the present moment, we can become calmly aware of our realities, bodily sensations, and natures, and objectively engage with our realities.

It all sounds wonderful, beautiful, and transformative. Who wouldn’t want to live in such a way? When embracing this ancient Buddhist tradition, what could possibly be harmful or restrictive to us? How, really, can mindfulness limit us?

The problem with mindfulness is that it’s been co-opted by the New Age movement. You remember this movement, right? It’s the often narcissistic, over-feminized, spiritual ideology that teaches people to objectify and worship themselves. Meanwhile, it rejects the idea that it takes work to improve ourselves.

The New Age is the same quasi-religion that promised a perfect balance out of one side of its mouth while exalting the spiritual ego out of the other. This mish-mash style of spiritual development sounds good, but sometimes it’s nothing but rainbow-colored quicksand.

The New Age as the Selfie of Spiritual Ideologies.

The way that mindfulness is often taught isn’t necessarily damaging, it’s just that it has limited value, and might not help us evolve. While it might keep us out of trouble for 10 minutes, mindfulness is missing a long list of steps and experiences. And it’s filled with presumption.

Today’s corporate mindfulness is nothing but a stolen final-phase, poorly extrapolated from meditating monks. It’s the most overused brick in the foundation of the faux-spiritual paradigms amidst today’s convenient spiritual truths. The way that mindfulness is currently portrayed, marketed, and taught is half-baked at best.

Every day we see trendy snippets from the world’s purest liberation practices flowing through our feeds. These snippets are comforting, but without context, they circumvent the pathways to liberation and enable our denial. To truly liberate, we must begin by acknowledging who we are. We must embrace our compositions and desires, not judge them. We have to start by practicing and perfecting the person we’ve become, so we can understand what and who we are seeking to abandon.


We need to love ourselves, despite our mistakes. This requires that we explore and express our passions with abandon. If we don’t know our curiosities and desires, how can we move through them? How can we expand?

Many students of mindfulness have created a new personality to justify their goals and the money they paid for the mindfulness classes. They’re not investigating their uniqueness and power, they’re avoiding it, having relegated their true Self to a locked, labeled closet. They’re afraid to be themselves, so they picked a prettier “me.”

Unless you’re an avatar, you probably can’t extinguish your nature by avoiding it. It’s better that you celebrate it and love it to death.

After all, the ego is the I am, and without the ego, we are not.

While pursuing mindfulness, if we aren’t also honoring our emotions and shortcomings, we’re adopting temporary self-identities and fooling ourselves. To rebirth ourselves and embark on a path toward authenticity and liberation, we might not always be peaceful and mindful. Those pleasant ideas might be the antithesis to our evolution!

To take full advantage of this physical reality that we were born into, there are times when it’s vital to be wild, aggressive, hateful, and full of rage. How else can we know the spectrum of our humanity? And how else can we embody empathy with the hope of helping humanity transform?

Do you see the truth here?

  • If you cannot be authentic, you cannot know your limitations or expanded potential.
  • If you do not embrace who you are in this moment, you have no platform from which to evolve.
  • If you do not begin with accepting your desires and affections, you cannot know what is truly important to you.
  • This means that without letting it all flow, you cannot know your path to liberation.

Our true Self is the unrestricted one. In our exploration of our true Selves, we can become aware of our vasanas (problematic attributes and latent tendencies), and then consider releasing them. Heck, we can even enjoy them for a time. We might have moments where we feel a deep peacefulness, and we might begin to taste our true natures and Selves. But if we have not accepted and loved ourselves along the way, we will arrive at the precipice of liberation without having paid the price of admission. We will be forced to turn-around and begin again.

Wait, aren’t we all permitted to expand and enter the kingdoms of Heaven and expanded consciousness?

Yes. We all have tickets to the eternal realms and our most evolved Self, but most of us are obsessed with how we appear to others. Most of us are stuck in hierarchical paradigms that offer no promise of self-acceptance or liberation. The majority of souls living on this planet right now are obsessed with OPP – Other People’s Opinions.

In general, we don’t form our paths and personhood from self-exploration. We create ourselves by believing in religions, trends, misinformation, and self-limiting ideologies. Why? Because we all feel less-than, and we all feel guilty.

Rather than celebrate this complex universe and the gifts we’ve been given, we squash them with political correctness, over-analysis, and self-judgment. Rather than seek forgiveness and the healing of our guilt from within, or in partnership with the divine, electric universe, we ask forgiveness from our religious leaders, families, lovers, and friends. We might also demand it from strangers.

This type of projection-styled life results in two things: a long, repetitive journey – and a failure to achieve our objectives related to self-realization.

Can I choose to be who I truly am, right now?

Sadly, we cannot expand unless we relax into who we are at this moment. We have to forget about the “shoulds” that are over-sold to us by religions and new-ager ideologists, and instead, invest in fully accepting who we are right now. This includes allowing our anger, prejudices, desires, addictions, and bad habits.

To be mindful is lovely. But if we’re ignorant and resentful of who we are, our mindfulness will be based on a projection, illusion, and the false Self. This means it will be based on fantasies and result in experiences that only our false, temporary, contrived Selves will experience. This leaves us completely out of the picture.

In this case, our pursuit of mindfulness will result only in temporary, elusive, possibly damaging, alter-ego gratification – and nothing else.

Where do we go from here?

There’s a reason mindfulness has become so popular in corporate culture: everybody wants to be told that 10 minutes of meditation per day will enable them to change the world – and make money at the same time. It’s a scam.

There’s no simple formula for self-exploration. There are thousands of paths that could lead to expansion and liberation. While everybody is unique, and no path is absolute for all Beings, below are a few steps that might lead you to know and accept who you are right now.

These ideas might also help you break free from your limiting, temporary, and fantasy-based self-identities:

– Accept and love everything about yourself without limits. Remember that every aspect of you is a gift, and it provides a pathway toward a related but more evolved aspect.

– Encourage yourself to explore the people, activities, and beliefs that make you feel good, delicious, excited, and free.

– Enjoy actively participating and validating these aspects. If you love food, find ways to celebrate it. If you love punching people’s faces, take a boxing class. If you love sex, find sexual partners who might fulfill this desire-base.

– While having these experiences, allow yourself to deepen your appreciation for them. As you experience highs, relish them with every part of your Being.

– When you see holes in your beliefs, lows in your experiences, and unforeseen repercussions that make you nervous, consider how you might up-grade or release each of them.


– As you experience projection-failures and relational breakdowns with the people and events that you once thought were valuable, make a note of what you learned from each one.

– Practice gratitude often.

– Consider what you’ve learned. Look within yourself to see how you have participated in these things. Seek to understand why you may have chosen them, why they were successful, and how they may have been less than adequate.

– Explore the possible reasons why you objectified and over- or under-validated yourself, others, and the events that unfolded.

– Allow yourself to feel and express the emotions that are related to your explorations, celebrations, and disappointments. Let it all out.

– Ask yourself why you chose these people, events, and passions in the first place. Answer honestly.

– Forgive everyone involved in each of your disappointments.

– Own the choices that led you to be involved with these people, events, and passions.

– Forgive yourself.

– Upgrade your beliefs and continue exploring what feels enjoyable, connective, and real.

Explore, experience, accept, forgive, emote, let go.

Throughout this process, you’ll evolve.

To improve your realities, both internal and external:

  • Embrace relationships, thoughts, intentions, rituals, and ideologies that are infused with liberating principals. Don’t skim off the top, devour the entire stew.
  • Seek love only from those who fully accept you for who you are, and what it means to love you.
  • Most importantly, be yourself. Be fully embodied and authentic in this lifetime.
  • Allow your desires to move through you, not solely for your pleasure, but also so you can learn to dissolve the false-Self and embrace your true, eternal Self. You can’t simply step into a new identity without first absolving the prior.

You are the embodiment of a trajectory that holds every answer you seek. There are no limits, other than those imposed by your oppressors and your loving heart.

Let it all out. Be authentic. Forgive everything. Allow the universe to accept, love, and perfect you.