Helpful Ways To Achieve Rebirth During Challenging Times

Inspire Rebirth During Challenging Times


Most of us entered this life in a medical facility, surrounded mostly by strangers. When we came into the world, we were hopefully welcomed, fed, and soon loved. As we’ve meandered through this life, we’ve adopted religions, societal paradigms, and habits that have been either helpful to us or not-so-helpful. Yet, even though we are entrenched in ideas and behaviors that we learned from others, it doesn’t mean that we’re done growing. In fact, at any moment we can free ourselves from the clenches of outdated thinking, limiting ideologies, and undesirable relationships. We can ALWAYS set ourselves free, and achieve rebirth: free from harm, free from bondage, free from temporary self-identities that keep us caged.

To confront who we are and where we’re going, we must first be honest with ourselves. If we can be truthful with regard to our limitations and make note of the aspects of our lives that have never worked for us, we can certainly imagine and pursue their opposites. 

To begin your journey to a freedom-oriented wholeness and achieve rebirth, we must first let go of the past and realize that it is nothing but a canceled check. It’s an illusion that we somehow learned to cherish. Even when it’s painful, we still cherish the past. We might even obsess about it, which can lead to a life of regret and unfulfilled potential. 

You’re better than that – and you know it! 

Inspire Rebirth During Challenging Times
A Shutterstock Licensed Image.
  • Forgive one person today. If you can’t forgive them, pray for them. If you can’t pray for them, imagine them in a positive light. 
  • Explore the best practices for healing yourself. Pick one and try to master it. Meditation is a good place to start. 
  • Expand your diet by introducing new foods to your home and family.
  • Become more self-sufficient in the home by learning how to ferment, jar, and freeze all the delicious foods that you’ve always loved.
  • Create your own medicinal, herbal tinctures, teas, and salves. Some of the most beneficial remedies are made in our own kitchens. 
  • Pick one short book to read aloud with a loved one. 
  • Explore ways to turn your sweet little hobby into a home business.
  • Reach out to a financial advisor to learn about how people grow their wealth. Even small steps can turn into big wins over time. 
  • Join the many Facebook groups connected to your local and state governments and explore ways to become more involved in helping your community.  
  • Bake cookies for a nearby nursing home. You might even find an older friend to visit once and a while. When we serve others, we serve God, The Universe, and Nature. 
  • Maybe it’s time to give a few things away. If you have excess furniture and other useful items, call local donation centers or leave some of the most expensive items on the street. 
  • Life moves so quickly and sometimes we forget some of our most delicious dreams and goals. Is it time to launch that project, start that blog, or write that book? 

One of the most important skills we can develop in this life is to find pathways to positivity, even when we’re entrenched in sadness, anger, or darkness. When we allow our minds to perseverate and obsess over bad experiences, we build mental muscles that will only lead to our unhappiness. When we find ways to trigger ourselves out of these bad habits, we recondition our minds. With clear minds and hearts, we can move more efficiently and happily through our lives and achieve rebirth. If we’re committed to these types of processes, we can also become completely, 100%, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually FREE.

If you need further guidance towards rebirth, I’d love to speak with you about your journey through my coaching services.



7 Simple Ways To Open Your Mind And Move Forward

Open Your Mind with 7 Simple Methods
Open Your Mind with 7 Simple Methods
A Shutterstock Licensed Image.


It all sounds cliche: “Let’s free ourselves!” “Be Happy Now!” “There are no excuses – just do it!” It’s true, these ideas are now very popular. Almost everyone on the planet has heard these taglines from somewhere. They’re so popular that we’ve become immune to them. We’ve given up on ourselves and we too often accept defeat before our prime. What isn’t so popular is taking action to open your mind and embody these positive ideas. What isn’t popular is understanding who we were, who we want to be, and the disparity in-between. What isn’t popular is absolute positivity, especially in how we think about ourselves. 

We’re so busy living in the past, we haven’t space within our minds and hearts to imagine something miraculously positive for ourselves in the future. You can change all that!

Here’s the reality: You can free yourself from limiting beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and habits. You can be happy when you choose to be happy. It all depends on how much you are willing to release your current intentions, attitudes, and addictions. When I say addiction, I’m not referring to substances, which are also problematic. I’m referring to the chemicals that arise from specific self-negating thoughts and behaviors

To open your mind and excel at being free, clear, and positive, there are many things we can do. Here is a list of 7 ideas that many people have incorporated into their lives. Each one of them is powerful all by itself. If you can invite all 7 of these things into your life as habits, you’ll be further along than 99% of Planet Earth. 

Let’s get to it!

1: Continually forgive yourself and others. Allow yourself to think lovingly of the people who have hurt you. Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes, even huge ones. There is no other way to truly embody a new piece of knowledge. We must allow ourselves to make mistakes. Acknowledge them, endeavor to do better next time, and move on! Everybody will adjust.

2: Understand and embrace your most endearing and empowering attributes. If you cannot claim your gifts, beauty, and magic, who else will? Yes, our moms love us, but they love us because they want us to love ourselves. When we appreciate our best attributes, we love ourselves, we honor our births in this world, and we pay tribute to our mothers. Doing all this, we reduce the barriers that prevent our futures from unfolding.

3: Stop obsessing over the past. It does not exist, except in the dark corners of your mind. We love to think about the things that occurred in the past, even things that never happened. Truth be told, no matter what the memory is, our minds have already polluted it. After 5 years, most of our memories contain only 20-50% of the actual events. During those 5 years, our little brains conjure ideas to validate our contrived self-concepts. If our memories were stocks, they’d never produce any dividends. Let them go. Be here, right now, in the present moment.

4: Celebrate small victories until victory is a staple in your life. If we cannot get a solid handle on how wonderful you are, it’s vital that you create a plan and celebrate every small step. By doing this, you’ll get in the habit of appreciating yourself, which is required to move forward and free yourself.

5: Meditate and pray often. By meditating we release self-limiting thoughts and feelings. When we clear our minds and hearts of energy and activity, we create more space for ourselves to grow. Khalil Gibran said, “Out of the well our sorrows dig, flows joy.” Breathe in white light, exhale. Focus on your inhale and exhale. Do this for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. It’s as simple on that.

6: Find ways to selflessly serve others with zero expectations. Whether it’s volunteering at a charity event, taking care of your aging family members, serving a local homeless shelter, or donating to a Native American community: giving works! It will help you get over yourself for a moment, and it can fill your heart with love and joy. Selfless service is the highest calling on Planet Earth. 

7: Live in gratitude, every minute of every day. Too many people complain about every little thing in their lives. From how their mail is placed in their mailboxes to bad customer service, too many people get caught up in the details rather than the gratitude. It’s petty and small-minded. When we consider the remarkable number of wonderful things and people in our lives, we release our negativity. When we release negativity and embrace gratitude, you’ll open your mind and it’s remarkable what the Universe will bring to us. Stay humble. Be grateful. Always!

Remember that millions of people have less than you. Millions. Remember that you are the embodiment of light. If you didn’t know it, let me tell you: you are made of stardust and you are part of an ever-expanding Universe. Don’t play the small game. Play the big game. Get out of your own way, practice the 7 steps, and decide to free yourself from the past. It’s time to open your mind and grow!

Looking for more guidance in opening your mind? Let’s talk about signing you up for coaching!


The Free Yourself Mini Audio Course


You’ll LOVE The Free Yourself Mini Audio Course

Are you feeling like you need a little jump-start? Are you ready for a simple sojourn into your core nature so that you can feel strong again? Need some love & encouragement?

You’ll love this easy audio course: The Free Yourself Mini Audio Course

Lesson 1: Who Are You?

Lesson 2: Forgive Everything

Lesson 3: Authentic Living

Lesson 4: Responsibilities & Desires

Lesson 5: Selfish Self-Care

Lesson 6: Your Operational Life-Plan

Lesson 7: Love & Honor Key Relationships

Lesson 8: Spiritual Masters, Manifestation & More

Ebook: How To Live An Exuberant Life

Worksheet: Affirmations, Mantras, And More!




My hope is that this free course will bring you light and clarity in your life. I made these with love I pray they truly serve you.  If you’re ready for a more serious course – a super-spiritual jump-start, check out THE FULL, AMAZING FREE YOURSELF VIDEO COURSE: HERE.




Rituals & Declarations can inspire rebirth and give you momentum.

Paul’s Courses are empowering and enlightening.

You’ll love THE PERSONALITY CARDS – a new tarot for liberation.

You are the embodiment of LOVE & LIGHT!

Forgive everything, learn how to say goodbye and set boundaries, stand strong in the face of challenges, and remain drenched in gratitude!

Forensic Forgiveness: Digging Deep To Find Freedom

Forgiving: A woman breaking free from her chains through forgiveness
There is profound power in forgiveness. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.


Forgiveness is the most powerful action you can take in your life. If you focused on forgiving yourself and others for a period of 3 months, you would reduce a long list of harmful things in your life, including:

  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Sickness
  • Self-neglect
  • Self-loathing
  • Procrastination

Many religions speak of forgiveness, which is wonderful. While many church and temple leaders provoke the egos of their followers, hoping to insight contrived singularity, hatred, and division, we’re lucky that some spiritual places still teach peace, love, connectedness, and forgiveness. 

There are three kinds of forgiveness: 

  1. Rehearsed: Rehearsed forgiveness is something we do when we feel obligated to forgive ourselves or another person. Religions are good at teaching us rehearsed forgiveness.
  2. Intellectual: We contrive a state of mind that imagines forgiveness. We construct behaviors and ideas related to forgiveness. We can live this way for years and years, without ever getting to the heart of the matter.
  3. Fully-Embodied: This involves a deep commitment to yourself – and deep emotional and spiritual work. It takes focus, prayer, meditation, positivity, and vulnerability. Without each of these aspects, fully-embodied forensic forgiveness cannot occur. 

The deeper we go, the more expanded we become. In my forensic forgiveness process, I instruct people to sit quietly with the thoughts of who we need to forgive. Follow these steps:

1: Imagine this person or group. See them fully in your mind’s eye. 

2: If possible, even in the midst of all of your anger or sadness, find some love for them. Even a tiny sprinkle will do. 

3: Focus on one person for a while. Imagine how they hurt you. Allow the imagery to come to mind. 

4: Grieve each image that you see and feel. 

5: Allow other images to emerge, including images that are tangential to your experience with this person. 

6: Grieve each one of these images as well. The more imagery you can feel-through, the more expanded you become. You must release these emotions. You must connect with what was so horrible so that you can now decide to let it all go – and never look back. 

7: Repeat this out loud, as if speaking to the person who harmed you: I am love. You are love. I am sorry. I believe on some level that you are sorry. I forgive myself. Truly, I forgive myself. I forgive you. Please allow me to forgive you. Self, please allow me to forgive this person. I forgive you. I love you. It is done. 

8: Please understand that this person is you. Because he or she is truly you. There is no other in this world. There is no separation between other living Beings. Like vines on a tree, we are a collective consciousness. Forgive yourself, forgive others, and you’ll forgive all of the future experiences that have the same attributes as the situation you’ve been focusing on here.

9: Admit that somehow you invited this person into your life. Somehow you attracted this aspect of the Universe. Take responsibility for it. Don’t play the victim – that’s a game that nobody wins. Forget the lawsuit, forget the revenge. Just accept the lesson, make a list of what you learned, make a list of what you still need to learn, promise you won’t do this again. Then move on with your life. 

Two of the bigger pieces of forensic forgiveness include: setting boundaries and letting go. When we forgive someone, it doesn’t mean that we have to forget everything about them. We might even choose to limit our exposure to them. In some cases, even with family, we might choose to completely release them from our lives. Letting go requires that we release our attachments to what happened. If we set our boundaries and limits correctly, we can protect and preserve this “letting go.” If we’re not careful, we can unwind the deep work that we’ve done. Always protect yourself after forgiving someone. 

Remember, too, that your primary relationship is with the Universe, not others. When you decide to let go of someone, the Universe will support you. Forgive yourself, forgive others, set boundaries, release all of it. 

Looking for more? Free yourself with the Free Yourself Audio Course!


Highly Sensitive People: The Gifts, Challenges, And Miracles

“Highly Sensitive Person” Written on Paper with Hand Holding a Delicate Flower. Shutterstock licensed image.

HSP: The Gifts, Challenges, and Miracles

A certain group of people is more vulnerable than others to feeling abnormal, setting them up for a lifetime of discomfort with themselves, and they’re called HSP. Do you often find yourself more in tune with others’ feelings or reacting more to certain events than those around you? Do specific environments, emotions, or situations bother you while others are unphased? 

It’s time to get in tune with your true self by learning what it means to be a highly sensitive person (HSP) and give yourself the care you need. While it might feel like a burden now, knowing more about yourself and altering your lifestyle to better suit your personality will help you take back control of your life and turn your quirks into assets!

What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

An HSP, also known as a highly sensitive person, has a highly active nervous system and sensory sensitivities. Studies are being done to show that highly sensitive people actually have brains that work a bit differently than others, causing them to react differently in their daily lives and relationships.

While this might sound abnormal and concerning, HSP is not a disorder. In fact, around 15-20% of people report that they experience these symptoms, making it a lot more common than you might think! At the same time, not enough people experience these symptoms for the personality to be widely accepted. Unfortunately, that can make highly sensitive people feel lonely and misunderstood.

What’s really unique about the HSP personality trait is that it can be found in all kinds of personality types. You could also be called an empath. You can be an HSP and an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. HSPs also come from all different backgrounds. Depending on the culture an HSP lives within, they might be lovingly accepted or ostracized.

How Do I Know if I’m a Highly Sensitive Person?

You deserve to get to know yourself and be comfortable with who you are! If you’ve ended up reading this article, it’s very likely you have the traits of a highly sensitive person. In order to be sure, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to see if you’re a highly sensitive person.

HSP traits can manifest in several different ways. Some people are highly sensitive to environments with too many stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, and even distinct textures like on clothing. You might feel like you need to retreat into a dark, quiet place to recharge and prepare for your next outing.

Other HSPs are more reactive to emotional stimuli such as with friends, family, and romantic partners. A small spat might feel like a life-changing argument, and a light show of affection can feel like a profound moment in a loving relationship. Unfortunately, this also could mean that you might experience deep thoughts and emotions without receiving sufficient reciprocation.

Further, you might feel the need to avoid intense movies, art, books, and other experiences that overwhelm you. The feelings you get from being overwhelmed could be unsettling and anxiety-inducing, or you could feel deeply moved by beauty and experience a form of ecstasy. 

If you’re still unsure about whether you’re a highly sensitive person, there are tests you can take. Specifically, there’s a questionnaire by Elaine N. Aron written in 1996 that has 27 questions. If you say yes to at 14 of the questions, then there’s a high probability of being an HSP. Remember, though, that questionnaires like these are highly subjective, and you should never make changes to your life because of them without further consulting with health care professionals.

Is Being Highly Sensitive a Bad Thing?

Remember, everyone is unique! Everyone has their own personality with their different quirks and needs, and that never means you’re a bad person or need to change who you truly are. Having HSP traits can feel burdensome before you’ve recognized them and learned how to embrace them, but being an HSP is like a superpower!

Challenges for HSPS

If someone calls you “sensitive,” it is often meant negatively. It can hurt to hear that we “overreact” or “think too much” because it invalidates our emotions and experiences. People with HSP traits suffer these insults and invalidations more often than others because of their visceral reactions to life. 

It’s true – HSPs experience life, emotions, and thoughts on a much deeper level. What feels good to some will feel great to you, but what feels bad to others can absolutely devastate you. Pain, whether emotional or physical, is experienced much more by HSPs, and recovery time can be much longer.

As a result, many HSPs choose to take a back seat in life to avoid pain and disappointment. It might feel too much to handle when people or life obstacles let you down. HSPs can often pass up opportunities for growth and enjoyment because they’d rather avoid overstimulation, exhaustion, and potential pain.

Benefits of Being an HSP

Highly sensitive people have strong gut feelings and are incredibly intuitive. Having a sensitive nervous system means that you pick up on stimuli that most people can’t, and you have stellar observation skills. You won’t only be able to pick up on changes in your environment but also sense the needs of others with fantastic accuracy and foresight.

HSPs can enjoy intense and powerful relationships with others because of their ability to empathize, anticipate needs, and feel emotions deeply. For the same reasons, they make stellar parents.

Being able to pick up on stimuli and experience on an advanced level means you can also enjoy life so much more. Fine food, drinks, art, and experiences can be enjoyed on a whole new level. Responding to a heightened ability to enjoy stimuli with a positive attitude means being extremely grateful for life and all you have. 

Self Care for Highly Sensitive People

Overall, you should rejoice if you are a highly sensitive person! The people you should keep in your life are those who appreciate how deeply you understand and care for them. In exchange, they should understand your need for space and cooldown periods when things get too intense. 

Here are some great methods that HSPs can introduce to their daily lives in order to find balance, peace, and growth:

  • Schedule in positive experiences into your hectic days
  • Plan for alone time and relaxation periods after anticipated times of overwhelm
  • Suggest alternatives to experiences that you aren’t comfortable with – need no to push yourself
  • Come to understand your personal boundaries for environments, people, and tasks and be clear about your triggers
  • Create a soothing space you can use as a retreat when you’re overstimulated
  • Incorporate meditation, yoga, prayer, and other practices that allow you to center your body and mind to find balance

Proper self-care for HSPs will be a journey in which they must come to know themselves fully and incorporate helpful practices for keeping the peace in their bodies, minds, and hearts.

Embrace Your Sensitivity

If you ever become upset over your state as a highly sensitive person, remember that you aren’t alone. Some of the most innovative and vital people were HSPs and will go down in history as assets to humanity. Scientists like Albert Einstein, actors like Nicole Kidman, and social reformers like Martin Luther King Jr. are also HSPs who made the most of their sensitivity superpowers!

You are extremely intuitive, empathetic, expressive, and compassionate, and all your friends and family are lucky to have you in their lives. You’re on the path to seeing and doing great things; you just need to harness the power of your ultra-sensitive nervous system and unique mind!


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 


How to Be Truly Woke: Are You Just Full Of It?

you woke

Woke Consciousness: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

There’s a lot of crazy talk these days about being WOKE. Have no fear though. This is part of the “It’s Okay To Be A Narcissist” movement. This whole ARE YOU WOKE bullshit has become so cliché, every person with a bleeding heart or conspiracy theory is now calling themselves WOKE. This is a trend and it means nothing.

You have to ask yourself:

  • Do we become WOKE (or awakened) when we sniff-out hashtags and taglines that feed our fears?
  • Do we become WOKE when we use these fears to concoct poorly baked conspiracy theories that then define our lives?
  • Isn’t it possible that flubbed lines in audio files are just that – a mistake, rather than a masked secret to put a chip in you dick?
  • Is being WOKE all about seeing society and business as always “out to get” us?
  • Is being a WOKER about hating the government and imagining the worst of everyone in it?
  • Is it about hating factions of society that do not think like you?
  • Isn’t it possible that WOKERS are just lazy, illiterate lovers of fantasy?

Here are a few conspiracy theories for you:

WOKERS don’t have library cards because they don’t like to read.

TRUMP-PETS can’t imagine a benevolent, peaceful world because they’re not benevolent, peaceful people.

QANONers prefer their fantasy opinions, beliefs, and ideologies over thousands of collective years of training, education, and research because they’ve trained themselves to be overreactive, presumptuous, victim-minded, and fearful. This is an addiction. As you think, so you become.

All of these things are prominent in low IQ, low emotional intelligence (EQ), and non-empathic people.

Empathy is EVERYTHING.


To be TRULY WOKE, AWAKE, or AWAKENED, it’s about understanding who you are, where you are, where you’re going, and who’s going with you. It’s about knowing your divinity and depth. It’s about stripping away the layers of assumptions and learning how to access your core, authentic nature.

Being WOKE is about responsibility, research, forgiveness, proactivity, and respecting people who are 100X more brilliant and better trained than you. 

I never tell my mechanic, “Nah, I don’t think it’s that hose. I think my car blew up because of the Republicans.”


  • Knowing that you may not have been told the truth about everything, while also acknowledging your limitations.
  • Respecting that there are many anomalies and complexities in this world, some of which are so embedded, they will be impossible to eradicate without a colossal, global, life-eradicating war.
  • Knowing that your spirit and how you relate is more important than your protests. Once peaceful and aware, then protest. Otherwise, you’re just an idiot waving a banner that you know nothing about.
  • Being able to fathom that this life of yours is a temporary metaphor meant to educate, enthuse, and enlighten.
  • Understanding that it’s all a mess because it’s supposed to be a mess. Internal and external evolution cannot happen without chaos.
  • Understanding that your pain, inability to forgive others, and refusal to have empathy for those less fortunate than you are far worse than blaming others for their invisible friends, obsessions, insanity, and lack of education.
  • ALL ABOUT forgiving everything, detaching from it all, refraining from feeding the madness.
  • ALL ABOUT bout focusing on expanding your deepest aspects and learning how to truly nurture yourself.

Being Woke is not about continuously reacting to your government and those who oppose your party of choice.

Being Woke is about being coherent enough to do research so you can defend your position using facts, rather than a contrived, manipulated, twisted ideology based on father-projection, charisma, fantasy, and fear.

Being truly AWAKE is not about falling off your bike then blaming 5G or Bill Gates.

Being Woke is about thinking clearly without influence from a religion or trending movement.

Being Woke is not about continuously complaining on social media platforms so you can self-validate your laziness and poorly researched addiction.

Hey, it’s not about posting hate against every opponent of your temporary, imagined identity and belief system. Yes, your identity and beliefs are temporary. They mean NOTHING. It’s all flawed. It’s all vapor.

The idea here would be to:

Stop fear-mongering because that’s what small-minded people do when they’re unable to imagine better outcomes. The fear gives them the illusion of control. Using fear as a response to challenges is a self-limiting habit and low-level coping mechanism for people with low IQs and devolved emotional intelligence.

Improve and evolve your ideology until it evaporates. It’s worthless to you because it’s not based on the truth. It’s based on the family, religion, and society you were born into. It’s based on contrived and self-serving ideas passed down from generations of codependent relating. 

Your ideology and belief system are mostly born from ego, media taglines, and fear.

The truth is far easier, simpler, and allowing. 

Being Woke means that you’re seeking to understand that the Eternal Consciousness includes every aspect in all of creation, which means that it will need to work itself out, even if it’s bumpy and horrible at times.

How To Be Truly Wokeprofoundly-inspirational-inuitive-reading-with-paul-wagner

If it’s part of consciousness, it’s part of you. 

Just because it’s outside of you and uglier than you, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t deserve the space it needs to work itself out.

Unless darkness steps forward, it cannot achieve the light. So if something horrible is happening, accept it, just as you would something positive. It’s all the same. Even darkness has a womb filled with light. Being WOKE is about owning your position in life and working with reality to improve upon it, helping where and when you can.

Being WOKE is about peacefully protesting, not causing damage.

Being WOKE is loving every color and living Being in all of creation, and feeling their pain to the point of knowing it.

Being WOKE is not about guilting or shaming yourself and others, it’s about working to rid the world of these things.

Being truly awake is knowing that all of your anger is about you and your deficiencies. (Well, except when it comes to banks, insurance companies, and military spending. You can be fuck-all, crazy angry about all that!)

If you want to be awakened and truly WOKE: work on yourself, improve your attitude, become more loving, deepen your empathy for humankind and suffering, and realize that this reality is nothing but a tiny leaf twirling in the wind.

It’s here and then it’s gone. So are we.

How to Perfect Your Intuitive And Psychic Sessions

Tarot Readings, Psychic Sessions, Intuitive Coaching & More: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

How to Perfect Your Psychic Sessions and Intuitive Coaching

1. Take 5 minutes before each of your psychic sessions to center, call in your guides, and allow your clients to reveal themselves to you. You might chant the Om Lokaha Somastaha Sukino Bhavantu mantra 13 times to clear the space. You can also say, Shiva, Shivani, Shiva, Shivani 7 times, which will clear the energetic fabrics connecting you and your client to this moment. This will free reality to emerge and supersede the constructs at play.

2. Make note of any imagery that immediately pierces the veil and falls into your consciousness.

3. When the session begins, start with a prayer or invocation, short and sweet: Thank you Great Spirit and The Eternal Consciousness, we invite all light-beings, ancestors, and gentle souls from all the realms to join us today, in service of (client name). So it is, so it shall be.

4. Sometimes I’ll begin with a pre-reading 2-3 card pull and I’ll do a quick summary of my exploration prior to the call.


5. I’ll then ask if they have any primary or burning questions or concerns they’d like to share before you do a full card pull and reading.

6. If they shared their questions, keep the categories and emerging imagery front-of-mind. Integrate these aspects into your interpretation of the cards.

7. Pull 3 primary cards, then 2 off to the side. Sometimes I wait to pull the additional two, allowing the energy of the in-play reading to influence the experience and electromagnetic nature of the reading and relating.

8. Remember to connect with them throughout the reading, with phrases like, is this true for you, are you feeling something around this, have your experienced something like this, etc.

9. If you feel they are energetically heavy or tense, mention that you sense this aspect emerging within them, and try to tie it into one of the cards. You might also pull additional cards along the way, especially in moments when you sense trepidation, hesitation, anger, sadness, and other emotions & states-of-mind.


10. As you get to the 2/3 mark in the reading (usually 40 minutes for me), see if you can draw some conclusions, tying several elements from the experience together. This might provoke other questions.

11. In your closing, try to imagine ways the person can improve their feelings, perspectives, health, and conditions, especially within the situations that arose during the session. Over time, you’ll have a trove of helpful hints and suggestions.

12. During the reading, listen intently to every word they say, pay attention to the emotions you feel in them, and allow imagery to come in. It’s during the most vulnerable and tepid moments of a reading, that guides are thrusting information our way – all in service to our clients.

13. To close, tell them you wish for them light, love, peacefulness, and happiness, Tell them they are the embodiment of light and love, and they can always go within to expand themselves and find peace. Tell them you are here for them should they need you.

14. The moment you hang up, thank God, The Universe, your guides, and all the light beings throughout all the realms for their guidance and participation. Remind them that you wish to be in service To All Beings For All Time. You might chant the Om Lokaha Somastaha Sukino Bhavantu mantra 13 times as your closure.

Just remember that you are a Divining Rod and your guides are with you, always. Trust this.

If you need me, you can schedule a session HERE 🙂


Best Dating Questions for Authentic Answers

How to find love, how to ask the right questions. Shutterstock licensed image.


Dating Questions That Inspire Authenticity

Whether you’re running hot on OkCupid, Tinder, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, Hinge, Happen, Clover, Plenty Of Fish, Match, eHarmony, or a newly trending dating app or site, it’s helpful to set a vision for your pursuit. It’s also vital that you have a game plan – especially for folks who are wildly sensitive, spiritually-minded, super-prayerful, or all of the above.

Whether you’re a healer, doctor, thinker, laborer, teacher, executive, manager, or just a down-right hard worker, we all need wonderful, loving, and aware partners in our lives. Throughout the process of seeking a lover or partner, it might feel easier to place the responsibility on the other person, but, truly, it’s up to each person to uplevel his/her/their sensibilities and awareness at the beginning of the hunt. The best way to do this is to prepare dating questions that inspire authentic answers.

Chemistry is nothing. It can be contrived.

Ego is nothing. It can mislead.

Mind and mental acuity are often nothing. They can misinform.


What drives value and longevity in relationships?

Sensitivity, quality communication, awareness, attention, loyalty, presence, and empathy. If you and your partner can commit to these things, you will find your lives to be uniquely loving and enjoyable.

1 – Let Your Dating Vision Inform the Best Dating Questions

When starting out, it’s important to write down a few thoughts – and commit to them. When forming your Dating Vision, consider these dating questions:

  • How do you like to feel when with your partner?
  • What are your partner’s primary attributes?
  • How will your partner respond to confrontation, feedback, and communication challenges?
  • How will you respond to confrontation, feedback, and communication challenges?
  • How will you celebrate and allow for your differences?
  • How will you and your potential partner respond to upheaval and surprises?
  • How will you and your potential partner communicate when one or both of you is angry?
  • Are you willing to skip sex while you’re dating?
  • What do you require from sex?
  • Which potential habits will you not allow in your potential partner?
  • Which habits are you working on so that you can be the best you can be in your new relationship?
  • What areas of your life and how are you stubborn?
  • Are you truly willing to improve yourself?
  • How forgiving are you? Can you be more forgiving?
  • If your partner is not a relationship leader, can you be the leader?
  • How important will empathy and compassion be in your new relationship?
  • Will you allow yourself to have sex with potential suitors – before really knowing them?
  • Will you be cautious or revealing during the early days of exploring your new relationship?
  • Are you willing to pursue dharmic relationships (in service to truth and soul evolution) versus karmic (contractual, need-based) ones?


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2 – Your Dating Game Plan

When in pursuit of a partnership, especially a romantic one, it’s important to have a game plan and dating questions. Consider these questions:

  • Which apps will you use and which ones will you refrain from using? Why?
  • Will you be paying for meals or will the other person be paying? Or will you split the bills?
  • Will you pursue having meals together or only coffee at first?
  • Are you looking to just have fun or to find a truly wonderful partner?
  • How much effort every week are you willing to dedicate to this pursuit?
  • Will you be extra prayerful during this timeframe?


Your contract is not with individuals, it’s with the Universe.


3 – Getting Over Yourself

The most important thing we can do in life is getting over ourselves.

To have successful relationships with primary partners and lovers requires transparency, humility, and accepting that each of us has something to work on within ourselves. There is no “other.” Most often, the other person is not the problem. Mostly, we are resistant to change, we refuse to acknowledge that we can be more compassionate, and when it comes to listening, we can all be a little lazy.

The second most important skill we need to develop is forgiveness. This doesn’t mean we allow harmful people back into our lives, it means that we are able to release our anger and resentment upon most infractions.

Your ego is fiction.

Your temporary self-identity is fiction.

Release what is false.


4 – The Best Dating Questions For Pre-Dating Exploration

When we’re using an app to find love, it’s important to use the app to its full extent. One rule that you might find helpful is to never meet anybody unless you spend 1-month texting with them via the app. This is important so that you don’t quickly jump into projections and allow chemistry to override your sense of reality.

When exploring a potential partner, don’t pretend to be someone else. In fact, it’s best to lay all of your aspects out in the first several exchanges. This way, you and your partner can keep projection and fantasy to a dull roar. Focus on being authentic, even if it upsets the other person. Be fully yourself.

Here are 65 dating questions you can ask within your favorite dating apps BEFORE you meet for coffee:

  1. What do you find most enjoyable in life?
  2. What do you find to be the most beneficial definition of success?
  3. How do you resolve conflicts in your life?
  4. In what ways do you demonstrate love when in a relationship?
  5. In what ways are you selfish in relationships?
  6. How forgiving are you?
  7. How do you feel about the words fuck, twat, asshole, and mother fucker?
  8. When you see a child, do you often smile at him or her?
  9. Are you affectionate?
  10. How important is sex to you?
  11. What specifically is sex to you?
  12. How often do you need to have sex – after the 2-3 year mark – in a relationship?
  13. What is the wildest thing you’ve done?
  14. Have you ever been arrested?
  15. Have you ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol? If yes, tell me more about your recovery and current status.
  16. What is your concept of God?
  17. What is your concept of The Universe?
  18. What are your most self-improving habits?
  19. What types of healthy food do you love to eat?
  20. What types of junk food do you love to eat?
  21. Ever bite your fingernails? How about your toenails?!
  22. Ever have sex in a department store?
  23. How do you feel about traveling?
  24. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
  25. What is your longest relationship or marriage?
  26. Do you believe that aliens from other planets and galaxies are living on our planet?
  27. Ever do anything playful with your privates, like put it into a pie or watermelon? (it’s a movie reference!)
  28. Ever use something unusual to penetrate your vagina for pleasure?
  29. What is the most compassionate thing you’ve done in your life?
  30. How would you describe your level of empathy?
  31. Have you ever taken The Empath’s Oath?
  32. How have you resolved your most traumatizing events from childhood and your younger years?
  33. When something challenging happens to you, are you proactive or reactive?
  34. When it comes to intentionally improving your life, are you a warrior or a victim?
  35. Have you ever been molested or raped? If so, are you still angry or upset about it? Are you still broken in some way? Do you pray for that person? Have you forgiven them?
  36. On a scale of 1 to 10, how positive are you in your daily life?
  37. When you’re angry or grumpy, what do you do to improve your state of mind and heart?
  38. How do you feel about ceremonies, rituals, and prayers?
  39. Do you ever envision praying with your primary partner or lover?
  40. What are you generally willing to do so that you can improve your attitudes, feelings, moods, and demeanor?
  41. What are your most unique skills and talents?
  42. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love being in nature?
  43. Are you vegetarian or vegan?
  44. Do you have any dietary restrictions?
  45. If you’re a meat-eater, have you ever hunted and killed your own animal food?
  46. Do you like to watch birds?
  47. Do you kill spiders that you find in the house or do you capture them and release them outside?
  48. Do you vote? Why or why not?
  49. Do you have a political party affiliation? If so, are you passionate about this party?
  50. What are your core beliefs (one sentence each) regarding welfare, minorities, immigration, free national health-care, and military spending?
  51. Have you ever traveled outside the US? If so, what is your favorite places to visit?
  52. What places in the US and Europe do you like to frequent?
  53. How do you serve or help others who are less fortunate?
  54. Do you invest money in the stock market, cryptocurrency, or anything related to your interests or passions?
  55. Do you like to garden?
  56. When you see a living creature flying or crawling on the ground near you, do you ever engage the little Being in conversation?
  57. When you pray, who do you pray to and what do you pray for?
  58. Do you believe in miracles? How so?
  59. What is the most lovely event that you’ve experienced so far in life?
  60. When you think about death, what comes to your mind and heart?
  61. Do you know the difference between co-dependent and co-interdependent?
  62. Are you willing to live co-interdependently, where each person seeks to uplift and encourage the other person to be self-sufficient?
  63. Are you willing to be in a relationship where there is no blame or shame, only patience and loving encouragement?
  64. Can you foresee a relationship that does not allow expectations and demands, and where there are only well-communicated agreements?
  65. Are you willing to commit to being peaceful and loving in all things, including yourself?


If you get push-back for wanting to only text for a while, say this:

“We’re all prone to poor decisions because of media influences throughout our lives. We’re all vulnerable. Each one of us needs some distance from images, perfume, charisma, intimacy tactics, and projection. Texting for a while helps a lot with these things. Also, I am a very open, kind, and emotionally-minded man. I love people from all walks of life. Choosing a partner for a life-long journey requires some deep exploration. It can be easy to fall into a relationship with someone for a myriad of reasons – some alignment, physical chemistry, passion, short-term connection, etc. With texting, we can explore some of the more pertinent questions, thereby accelerating the learning processes – without all the normal human distractions. Then we can determine whether it feels right to meet. This is akin to eHarmony, but without their contrived questionnaires and chemistry hooks. It’s real, it’s authentic, and it works for both parties – long term.”


You are the only person you ever interact with. There is no other.

“Don’t find fault with anyone. Not even with an insect. As you pray to God for devotion, so also pray that you may not find fault with anyone. Never think that you alone have true understanding and others are fools. One must love all, No one is a stranger. It is Hari alone who dwells in all beings. Nothing exists without Him”  – Bhagvan Sri Ramakrishna


How Your Intentions And Vibration Generate Far More Experiences Than Your Brain Or Will

intention vs brain
Your vibration is a magnetic electromagnetic frequency. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

We are all lucky to be alive during this time in the planet’s history. There are still abundances of healthy people, animals, trees, vegetation, water sources, minerals, healing herbs, and etheric Beings. There are also wondrous storms of divine magic. Many of us are protected from the ravages of war, and some people have evolved their souls to such degrees that they share light and love with others, without expectation of anything in return. All of these things are miracles. Each one of us is a miracle. You are a miracle. In this article, let’s have a look at intentions vs brain here.

When we’re born, we are thrust into the world as mostly unbound spirits. During the early days, we live from pure vibration and gut-impulse. We are needy, trusting sponges, ready for anything. Since our prior realities were comprised of energy and etheric connection, the density and slow pace of our newly minted lives confuse us.

As the months ensue, we yearn for the Mother, the eternal feminine vibration that has spoken to us for eons. Our first attempt at manifesting the Mother in our lives was through the women who gave birth to us. We continue to project the roles of Mother and Father on a variety of people and institutions throughout our lives. Until we internalize the eternal Mother and Father and own all of it, we tend to feel disappointed. 


As we meander through the world, we take on the projections of others and allow others to control and influence our intentions, thoughts, identities, and actions. Within our first few years of life, we memorize and adopt a variety of beliefs, ideologies, and constructs, most of which are based less on truth and more on the egos of others. We begin to become dependent on approval and herd-mentality. Instead of diving more deeply into our natures, we want to be and do what others have been and done. 

Our families want us to be something specific, our religions want us to adopt their doctrines, and we allow society to burden us with limited, predetermined titles that outline how to spend most of our time while living on the planet. By age 18, our original vibrations and gut-senses are covered in garbage. Our quest is to become free of all of it. This is why spirituality is so important.

What Exactly Is Vibration?

Our souls continually emit interconnected packets of energy, much like how packets of data are transmitted from computers to the internet. As we emit, so we attract. When our spirits begin to form intentions, they cannot be described in words. They have no barriers to entry into the vibrational fields of reality. This makes intention extremely powerful and potent. 

Meanwhile, our brains can create thoughts that carry equally substantial energy, which can also influence our realities. But the brain emits energy in disconnected, unsupported bursts. While the bursts might have a moment of successful penetration and participation in reality, they lack the potency of our intentions. If the energy burst is weak, it will die out before causing any material influence. If the brain burst is strong, it might penetrate or infect reality with a temporary construct, but it won’t have a lasting effect, unless it’s immediately and continuously repeated. When we allow our brains to rule our lives, we tend to deny our soul’s understandings and desires. This is when many of us become exhausted, numb, or sick. 

Sheer Will, Brain Trusts, and Vibrational Alignment

How did we come to birth on this planet, specifically during this era? What were the instigators? Was it the sheer wills of our souls, the collective brain trust of prior and parallel lives, or were we born into this timeframe because our pre-birth intentions and vibrations matched emerging Earthly trends?

While our wills and brain trusts carry a measure of influence, our vibrations and intentions will always rule our realities. Will is built upon the temporary ego and fortified by the elusive mind. Will and brain-trusts might help us move through spacetime and occasionally tip the scales, but they’re less penetrating and magnetic than vibrations and intentions. 


Because we are comprised of energy, our intentions and vibrations will always carry the day, especially when we’re living in the other realms and choosing to birth. Once we’re living in three-dimensional realities, we tend to trust our egos and wills, thereby denigrating our intentions and vibrations. When we allow this to happen, we tend to miss out on aspects that will provoke a quickened evolution. 

Our vibrating natures, eternal and magnetic, have more power than we realize. This is why meditation, forgiveness, and love are so important. These things are all born from spirit. They’re empowered by our souls’ eternal connections to the natures of the Universes. As we meditate, forgive, and love, we vibrate with the nature of the All-That-Is. 

Just How Powerful Are Our Intentions and Vibrations?

Given that we are all magnetic by nature and continually connected to the source, our intentions and vibrations are extremely powerful. When we move past or through our emotions, detach from our obsessive minds, and seek the highest power, we become the highest power. 

If we can meditate and pray early in the morning and before we go to bed, we can improve our abilities to honor our souls’ intentions and vibrations. Doing so, we become more attractive to everything. If we can also regularly think of God throughout our waking hours, we will improve our connection to our most effulgent truths. We might even remember all of them!

There is nothing material or dangerous that can stop us from seeking the depths of ourselves. While our temporary self-identities are adept at contriving fears and excuses, it’s vital to realize that our twisted daydreams and most toxic nightmares rarely come true. We are comprised of far more light than dark. Focus on the light, while allowing the darkness to inform you. This is the relationship that the Universe has had with itself for all time. You are light and love, always.