Energy Vampires! How to Spot, Repel, & Avoid Them

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Energy Vampires! How to Spot, Repel, & Avoid Them

We’ve all met these types of people. They are either sad, broken, emotionally dramatic, or simply narcissistic. Somehow they refuse to own their stuff and seek to improve themselves. While these people deserve our love and compassion, they do not necessarily deserve our attention or time.

Are you feeling continuously drained at work, home, or social events? Do you often feel stressed so you cannot enjoy the things you once loved? Are you feeling unmotivated and unable to engage in life?

These symptoms may be surfacing for several reasons:

An introverted personality strained by constant social interaction

Depression born from repressed emotions

Confusion due to various life stressors and changes


Being the victim of an Energy Vampire!

Are you ready to take back your life and cast out all that bad energy?

It’s time to learn which people in your life are sucking the happiness right out of you and preventing you from enjoying the activities you once enjoyed!

What is an Energy Vampire?

At first, the term “Energy Vampire” seems fantastical, but it’s becoming a common term used to label several types of personalities. Simply put, Energy Vampires are people who feed on your energy and who selfishly use that energy solely for themselves, kind of like new-age narcissists

That definition makes it seem like these people are dark, twisted villains who are looking for vulnerable people to prey upon, but that’s not often the case. Most of the time, Energy Vampires don’t realize how challenging they are or how their toxic personality traits affect the people around them. 

Certain personalities lend themselves to evolving into Energy Vampires due to learned behavior. It’s possible that Mom or Dad was an Energy Vampire and nurtured their child into an equally dramatic and needy personality. Or maybe the Vamp in your life had a difficult childhood and now craves attention from anyone that will lend an ear.  Unable to give to others reciprocally, they become accustomed to unstable and imbalanced relationships.

Like many other behaviors, Energy-Vampirism is often representative of an unconscious lifestyle that can go undetected by the person exhibiting it for a lifetime.

The Energy Vampire Spectrum

Spotting an Energy Vampire might be difficult, especially if these folks are close to you. It can be hard to see relatives, friends, and coworkers with an objective point of view. Further, Energy Vampires can emerge within a broad spectrum of a variety of personalities and behaviors.

At the very least, Energy Vampires are often narcissistic. They assume that the world revolves around them and that everyone exists to serve them in some way. Emotionally or psychologically entrenched in their desires and problems, they cannot consider other peoples’ needs and feelings. Every time you encounter them, you might be unable to get a word in to express your thoughts and feelings.

In the middle of the spectrum, these narcissistic Vamps become manipulative. They actively use you to get what they want, whether it’s constant attention, validation, an exalted ego, or worse. These people demonstrate little concern for how their ongoing needs affect you. Whether they’re conscious of it or not, they take advantage of everyone around them. 

On the extreme end, these types of vampires are psychopathic. Their social behavior is often exaggerated or intense due to innate aggression or ongoing mood instability. This type of person is draining because you’re either constantly giving to them, tensely on guard, or nervously uncertain about what they’ll do next. In many ways, you might be bracing yourself for the eventual and likely consequences of their behavior.

Sound familiar? You might have at least one person in your life that exhibits this type of behavior. If you’re not sure, then ask yourself if there’s a particular person that leaves you feeling exhausted and stressed after every encounter.

Who Are The Typical Victims of Energy Vampires?

Because these human black holes drain energy from those around them, they thrive in social situations when more vulnerable, passive people are available to them. The ideal victim of an Energy Vampire is someone who always sees the good in others, listens to those who need to vent, and doesn’t stand up for themselves when they feel offended or manipulated.

While we’re never truly a victim, only an experiencer of aspects of reality, one cannot help but feel lessened and burdened by ongoing exchanges with Energy Vampires.

If you are a compassionate and open-hearted person, good for you! You should never choose to feel bad about your glowing and positive personality. For healthy people, you are a life-saving support system. For Energy Vamps, you’re dessert.

Energy vampires don’t only prey on compassionate and passive people. They negatively affect everyone around them, including other Energy Vampires! 

How to Know If You’re An Energy Vampire’s Prey

Not sure if the source of your problems is an Energy Vampire? There are some telltale signs that your energy is being drained without you being conscious of it. Even though you have a busy and fulfilling life, you might feel lonely, lost, confused, exhausted or unloved. You might feel as though nobody truly knows you, hears you, or “gets” you. When we are loving a narcissist, it’s easy to lose site of our needs that have long-gone unmet.

Energy vampires manifest in many different forms. Maybe a parent or close relative constantly commands your attention while also provoking your guilt for taking any time for yourself.

Perhaps a coworker is a considerable presence at your workplace and doesn’t care who they hurt amid their climb to the top. Maybe you have a friend who constantly involves you in their personal drama without considering your personal space and wellbeing.

At the end of the day, energy vampires can be anyone. To figure out the source of this stress, focus on these points while you meditate:

Do you feel drained after conversations?

Do you feel like your life is engulfed in someone else’s problems?

When you try to express your thoughts or feelings to someone else, are you made to feel guilty or crazy?

Most of all: do you fail to see yourself as the center of your own life?

Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires

Once you’ve identified the source, you can begin to take measures to protect yourself. It’s not always as easy as cutting the Energy Vampire out of your life, but if that’s possible, it’s time to do it. If it isn’t possible, it’s time to start guarding yourself against their energy-draining effects.

First, become an expert at spotting these Vamps. While it’s not healthy to always look for the negative aspects in people or situations, it is essential to be wary of people’s motivations and repeated actions.

Employ tactics that repel these people from your inner sphere. If it’s possible to block or avoid them, such as declining social events they’ll be attending, then it’s best to protect yourself by staying away.

If you can’t stay away, learn to respect yourself and set proper boundaries. Be clear about what behavior is acceptable in your relationships and stick by those rules. 

Second, lower your expectations for your relationship with that person. Often, we can be our own worst enemy when we get our hopes up for a healthy relationship with someone incapable of empathy.

Third, do not expend any energy on them. Do not overreact, do not accept their advances, and don’t give them the responses they want. Eventually, they’ll realize you’re no longer an easy target.

Fourth, surround yourself with people who can be your reality check. Talk to friends and family who can look at the situation from an outside perspective. They can be your support system for when you need to guard yourself.

Finally, begin to heal. Being the victim of an energy vampire for any period can be damaging to our senses of Self, our hearts, and our minds. Accepting that a person has been manipulating you and stopping the energy drain is the first step. Then, incorporate self-love practices like daily meditation, deep breathing, and reflection through a diary or my personality cards!


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 

Transform Your Life with Intentions and Vibrations

Intentions and Vibrations Create, Transform You, Your Relationships, and Reality

When a loved one is hurting or in need, many of us will send a message saying something like, ‘I am praying for you,’ or ‘Sending good vibes your way,” or ‘Thoughts And Prayers!’ Earnestly and lovingly, we recognize that on some level, thinking good thoughts for a person improves their lives. Little did we know we were operating on a level of intentions and vibrations!


Did you know that setting positive intentions for yourself and others can change your world for the better – and improve the vibrations and lives found throughout the Universe? This is also true.

Knowing how to set intentions can help you to improve the positive energy around you and make your world a better, happier place to be.

Read on to learn more about intentions and vibrational energy and how they impact not only your life today, and your life in the future, but the lives of everyone around you for all time.

Goals vs. Intentions

Before we dive into how vibrational energy and intentions can change your life, let’s talk some about what intentions are. Many people think of intentions as something similar to daily goals – today I’ll eat healthier or today I’ll make better financial decisions. But goals and intentions are quite different.

Goals tend to focus on what we don’t have and need to get, and oftentimes, goal-setting can lead to a sense of failure if we don’t meet those goals. Goals are desires built upon contrived pursuits. They are born from the mind and they don’t necessarily uplift us.

Intentions are built upon feelings, hope, and faith. Intentions don’t have a fail safe; there’s no way to fail to meet an intention. It lives within the fabrics of our Beings.

Intentions are soul-prayers pointing to  how we are approaching the world and our life in any given moment.

How Vibrations Interact with Intentions

If intentions can change your life, why are we talking about the energy of vibrations? Because science tells us that everything around us is moving, humming with vibrational energy.

The Entire Universe Is Made Of Light & Sound!


Electrons zing around in their orbits, protons and neutrons jumble together in our cell nuclei, and the water in our bodies hums with the power of the Universe around us.

OMMMMMM is the sound of the Earth giving birth to itself.

AUM, AUM, AUM: The mantra of Yogis for eons.

Scientific experiments have shown that our thoughts can have a physical influence on the world around us. The observed will change when other forces are witnessing them.

As we set positive intentions for ourselves, we not only awaken and improve the vibrations in our own lives and bodies, but also in the world around us.

In simplest terms, our intentions can create good vibrations that make our world better.

This is why Sanskrit mantras are so powerful – they are born from the purest intentions. Chanting in Sanskrit can vibrate our souls into healing and great transformations.

Intentions Center & Focus Your Power

One of the best things about setting intentions each day is that it helps to center and focus our power.

Oftentimes, we may say “I wish” about various things in our lives. The problem with this terminology is that it places the power with something outside of us; we have to wait for God or the Universe or people around us to grant that wish.

When you set an intention, you use the language “I will.”

“I WILL!” – This simple phrase returns your power to where it belongs – within your control. You can come to believe and understand that you have the power to change your life, and that your daily intentions can be powerful tools for doing so.

Improve Your Outlook & Attitude

For many of us, if we take the time to listen to what we say each day, we’d find that it’s often overwhelmingly negative. We complain about our jobs, our kids, our looks, our challenges, and our bills.

All of this leads us to view our lives, at least in the moment, as being full of hardship, strife, and injustice.

While life can be challenging, setting intentions for your day can help you to improve your outlook and attitudes on the world around you.

You may start to notice those intentions manifesting in your life, which, over time, can raise your positive energy and overall magnetic vibration. With the best and most uplifting intentions, you’ll begin to see all the beautiful things around you. You’ll focus on your positive hopes and faith, rather than the negative and unseen space surrounding unmet goals.

Overcome Limitations

You may have heard before that the biggest thing holding you back from the life you want is YOU! In many ways, that may be true. Oftentimes, we’re told that we’re not good enough, that we can’t achieve our dreams, or that we’re not worthy of love. Over time, we come to believe this, and we act more timidly, afraid of what might happen if we dare to live boldly.

We project our fears and early childhood experiences onto our daily realities, forgetting that we can change everything with one intention and one small shift in attitude.

As Abraham says, the law of attraction is what drives the Universe and all Creation. Embody and speak that which is an embodiment of your highest vibration and you will naturally see your world improve.

Setting positive intentions and harnessing the positive energy from divinely inspired vibrations can empower us to live a life free of limitations.

With a little effort, we can begin to see how our thoughts can shape the world. Truly, we are built to believe we can do amazing things.

Throw off the false barriers that have been placed upon you, and become free!

Life your life as a full, loving, powerful, and radiant BEING!

Selflessly Serve Others

Although intentions can have a powerful impact on our lives, the benefits don’t stop there. Raising your positive energy can improve the lives of everyone around you – even of the whole world.

Vibrational experts understand that the Universe, heck, the entire eternal, ever-expanding Cosmos, is connected by these vibrations. By improving your inner world, your outer world will improve and expand.

Within your immediate circles, your positive intentions and the benefits they have for you will improve the lives of your partner, your children, and your friends. This can create a ripple effect, raising the positive energy of your community as your circle moves out into the world, happier and more empowered.

Your intentions help to improve the vibrations of one small area of the Universe, and that improvement shifts the balance to the good.

From an energetic standpoint, your energy permeates all realities. So be careful what you project!

How to Set Intentions

So how do you go about setting intentions and reaping all these positive rewards? It’s best to begin your intention-setting practice with meditation.

Meditating helps to center us, removing all of the extraneous distractions and expectations of the world around us. With meditation and a focus on our inner silence and Being, we allow our nature to expand – and we find peace.

After meditation, take some time to focus your thoughts toward what you want and need in your life and from the world around you.

Allow these desires to condense into one specific phrase that begins with an “I Will” – an action statement about how you’ll make this request a reality in your world.

An example:



Repeat your phrase a few times, allowing the weight of your focus to settle on it, before you set it down and move on into your day. 

You might also pray for others. When we pray for others, the Universe prays for us. 

How to Improve Your Vibrational Energy

In addition to setting intentions, there are also several other ways you can improve your vibrational energy.

Once more, meditation and breathing exercises play a large role in making these changes. Deep breathing can calm you and help you to expel any negative energy you may be carrying.

Pranic breathing is when we breath deeply into our bellies then rapidly exhale through either our noses, one nostril, or our mouths. Pranic breathing can help us accept ourselves, accept reality for what it is, expand, and find peace.

Practicing Kundalini Yoga is a wonderful way to work on your mind-body connection and improve your positive energy at the same time. You may even want to consider taking your yoga mat outdoors when the weather is nice.

Spending time in nature can be another great way to raise your vibrational energy. 

Practicing GRATITUDE might be the best way to embody positive energy.

Each day, make a list of things in your life for which you’re grateful. You may even want to incorporate these into your meditation practice to keep your positive vibrations growing.

Learn How to Set Intentions

The intentions we set each day can have a huge impact both on us and on the world around us. By creating these positive thoughts, we change the energy of vibrations around us and put more positive energy into the world. You can reclaim your amazing inner power, overcome your limitations, and improve the world around you just with your thoughts.

Your mind is nothing but a tool that can help you live in a physical reality, like here on Earth! Your mind is also something that sustains itself. We never have to be in our minds. Even if we extinguish our connection to our minds, we’ll still know how to drive and cook. These things are instinctual.

Releasing our minds and egos, we become free.

I am here to help you awaken and bravely create an inspired life. Learn more about my loving services today and start changing your life in the most positive way.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 

The 26 Most Inspiring Divine Masters Throughout Time

The 26 Most Inspiring Divine Masters Throughout Time

Guru. Master. Teacher. Sage. There are endless synonyms and titles for the bigger-than-life souls who have graced our planet with their births. Whether they walked among us to lead by word, example, or both, they are beings we must look to for guidance in our journeys.

It is said that when we have a Guru, not just a humble teacher, but a true Enlightened Master, our paths are expedited and we can reach liberation in a much shorter period of time. Since we all have the spark of Love & Light that fills every Divine Being, our fires are already ignited. All we need to do is choose a path and dive into it with all of our hearts. Vulnerability, prayer, mantra, chanting, forgiveness, and rituals are some of the tools.

Divine masters encompass an amazing dualism of both lessons for our physical and spiritual lives. They help us align our bodies with our minds and find the right path for our souls while taking care of our physical health. No matter your concerns and troubles in life, you are sure to find solace and assistance in the lives and lessons of divine masters.

If you are looking for a new role model for your physical and spiritual journey or need consolation in your current life situation, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, I’ve put together the 25 most inspiring divine masters who have ever existed. Within this list, you can learn about their journeys on Earth and the shoes they have left for us to fill.

While the full list of saints and wonderful souls could be endless, this list comprises some of the most popular. Reflect on these figures as you turn inward and apply the lessons of these gurus to your journey. 

Amma the Hugging Saint

Mata Amritanandamayi, better known as Amma, is a revered spiritual leader in India with a mission to comfort the entire world. She is known as the “Hugging Saint” for Her tours in which she lovingly embraces every person who comes to see Her. Amma’s mission is to extend the true love she holds in her heart outward with physical actions that benefit humanity. She has hugged over 40 millions times as of this writing.

Amma has the broadest, most remarkable mission in human history. She has reached more people and blessed them – than any other human figure.

Amma tours, holds retreats, and even has an Ashram in her name. People from all over are welcome to follow her, meet her, and emulate her love for the world.

Mother Meera

To many, Mother Meera is the physical embodiment of the Divine Feminine. She was born in Southern India in 1960 and now resides in the German countryside. She is best known for sharing the blessing of Darshan, which is to be in the presence of the Divine, by offering her time in complete silence to humanity and bestowing light upon the souls who seek it.

If you’re looking for a teacher in the traditional sense, Mother Meera is not the figure for you. She does not offer verbal guidance – instead, she is the presence of the Divine itself from which you can draw peace and enlightenment. 

Thich Nhat Hanh

If a silent presence like Mother Meera isn’t what you’re looking for, then maybe a poet-activist is exactly what you need. Thich Nhat Hanh is famous for his peace, ethics, and mindfulness teachings. Most of all, he preaches that we must live what we teach – and that he does!

At 16 years old, Thich Nhat Hanh became a Buddhist monk in Vietnam. He believed that he could forge a new path for Buddhism in which the religion could respond to the world’s needs in its current political climate. He has since become a published author and influenced many world leaders, calling for peace and reform in many industries.

Jesus the Nazarene: Well-Known Divine Master

Jesus is followed by over a third of the world’s population, standing at the center of Christianity. Jesus was both a historical man and a divine master, devoting his life to the suffering of humanity and lifting them from the depths of temptation and death. He marked the end of the Old Testament understanding of the Jewish God and began both a religious and political movement that would forever change the world. 

Jesus is believed to have performed many miracles on Earth, becoming the champion of the poor, sick, and oppressed. During his lifetime, he preached forgiveness, mercy, and unconditional love for all people. He also stayed close to his mother, Mary, who we also hail as Divine Mother and can invoke through the Hail Mary prayer.

The Buddha

Siddhārtha Gautama, widely known as the Buddha, was a revolutionary born near the Indian border in Nepal. At first, Siddhārtha made contributions to philosophical thought in his local area, but his teachings spread long after his death to form the foundations of Buddhism.

Spiritually, the Buddha teaches rebirth and of the enlightened state of self, called Nirvana. Physically, he leads the life of the “middle way” and exercises moderation and critical thinking. Overall, following the Buddha means letting go of the Ego, finding balance, and achieving peace.

Mohammad ibn Abdullah

Jesus founded Christianity, Siddhārtha founded Buddhism, and Mohammad founded Islam. In Islam, Mohammad was a prophet who received the Quran from God as a final revelation before the world’s end. Suffering persecution early on, Mohammad had few followers and sent many away from his home region to protect them. 

Mohammad preached monotheism despite threats against him from the widely polytheistic society. While Mohammad’s teachings were rebellious to the religious and political leaders of his time, he was a uniting force for many people, converting almost the entire Arabian peninsula to Islam by the time of his death.

Kuan Yin

Kuan-shi Yin, which means “observing the world’s cries,” is recognized across Asia as the Buddhist goddess of compassion and mercy. As a Bodhisattva, Kuan Yin has earned her place as a Buddha but has chosen to dedicate her life to saving humanity instead of enjoying Nirvana. She is often depicted with a thousand arms, representing her vow never to rest until all beings are freed from the cycle of reincarnation and suffering of the world.


In Hinduism, Krishna is credited as the creator of the universe and the eighth incarnation of another Hindu god, Vishnu. This hero’s journey is accounted for in sacred Hindu texts, in which at a young age, he fought off many enemies and forces of evil with his advanced weaponry expertise. To save him from those who feared him, his mother disguised him as a commoner in a village. There, he dazzled many with his charm and talent. Now, Krishna is revered as both the bringer of enlightenment and a punisher for bad deeds.

Anandamayi Ma

Sri Ma Anandamayi is a divine presence of self-sufficiency and joy. Born in 1896, she grew into a mysteriously aloof yet warm personality that struck the hearts of all who encountered her. No matter where she traveled, she was met with great reverence, and many came from faraway places just to see her. 

Sri Anandamayi Ma’s teachings are numerous but include achieving a life full of simplicity, love, and good works.


Sri Ramakrishna was born near Kolkata in 1836 and grew up utterly uninterested in worldly affairs. Instead, he loved the arts and philosophy. He listened to men in philosophical discourse, singing, and painting. He was known for entering states of ecstasy in which he experienced visions and had a devotion to Mother Kali. 

However, perhaps the most revolutionary thing about Ramakrishna was his ability to achieve the highest levels of revelation in several different religions, including Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. He preached that all faiths are just different paths to see God.


Babaji, reigning from the foothills of the Himalayas, claimed to be a manifestation of God. He did not need to be born into humanity through a woman. When people encountered him, they all saw him as a different person, whether that was young or old, shaved or bearded. One day, he is said to have climbed a mountain and sat in a yogic fashion for 45 days to meditate. Then, he began preaching his message: humanity was in trouble and needed to rebuild society as a humanitarian refuge with their eyes towards God.


Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī is now known as one of the most famous poets to have ever graced the world with his verses. Born in the 13th century, Rumi was a scholar, theologian, and poet. His influence now transcends time and language, spreading his message of infusing love throughout the world with its basis in Islam.

The First Sikh Guru: Nanak

Guru Nanak was the original Sikh, the founder of the religion. Born in Talwandi in 1469, Guru Nanak was born to Hindu parents under Muslim authority. Growing up, Guru Nanak refused to take on the faith handed down by his parents. Instead, he meditated and spoke with holy men in Hindu and Muslim traditions. After an eventful revelation, Guru Nanak realized a new religion and began traveling to spread the good news and turn upside down many of the strict laws of established religions.

The Last Sikh Guru: Gobind Singh

Gobind Singh is the last physical Sikh guru, dying in 1708. He was a philosopher, poet, and warrior and is attributed to starting the Sikh warriors called Khalsa. During his lifetime, Gobind Singh installed the 5 K’s, the articles of faith that the warriors wear, and wrote the Dasam Granth, sacred texts consisting of hymns and stories. Many look to the Sikh Gurus for strength and inner stillness to remain steadfast during storms of change.

Zhang Ying

Master Zhang Ying realized her psychic abilities from an early age. While she was raised within the Buddhist faith, her powers and practices extend beyond the traditional understandings of Buddhism and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Throughout her life, she has been able to heal others through her ability to move chi, diagnose physical and spiritual concerns in her patients, and connect with the spirit realm. 

El Morya, Ranbir Singh

Ranbir Singh was the son of the ruler of the Kashmirs in the 1840s who protected his land against British invasion. When Ranbir took his father’s place, he continued to improve his society by instituting fair civil and criminal laws and uniting divided factions. After his death, he was written into literature as an ascended master called El Morya with ties to Buddhist divine masters and is now channeled for assistance in defense against harm and decision-making.

Master Koot Humi

Koot Humi, also known as K.H. or Kuthumi, is said to have been the inspiration for starting the Theosophical Society in 1875. During his lifetime, he engaged in letters with other theosophists in India and was revered for being strong-willed but logical and calm. He has reincarnated several times, born as figures such as Egyptian Pharaohs, ancient thinkers, Catholic saints, and Indian princes. Students of his life and teachings as a divine master are encouraged to open their hearts, express unconditional love, and seek higher knowledge.

Moses the Prophet

Moses was seen as one of the fathers of the Jewish and Christian faiths, a prophet spoken to by God to bring freedom to the enslaved Jewish people. God also tasked him to provide commandments by which to live. Through faith and determination, Moses did as God asked and thereby performed miracles that allowed him to bring the Jewish people to their promised land. We can look to Moses for leadership skills and steadfastness in the face of adversity.

Merlin: Pop-Culture Divine Master

Myrddin Wyllt, better known as Merlin, was a court magician, bard, and King Arthur’s protector in the 5th century. His legacy involves a dark history of demonic dealings because of his relationship with magic. However, he was a known shapeshifter and prophet who helped King Arthur defeat his enemies and protect his kingdom while still only a teenager. Many people look to him for guidance in decision-making, persevering through troublesome times, and foresight.


Melchizedek was both a King and Priest, though the only Caananite recognized as a figure of authority in the Bible. Abraham paid tithe to him, and he is revered as a solid father-like figure, although he is never mentioned in the very detailed account of lineage in Genesis. Therefore, Melchizedek’s existence and importance in the Bible and history remains somewhat mysterious. Many channel him for righteousness and oneness with creation.

Maharshi Ramana

Ramana Maharshi, born Dec. 30, 1879, is an ascended master, avatar, liberated Being, and Hindu sage. He died on Apr 14, 1950 as Venkataraman Iyer. To his devotees, he is Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. As a boy, He would visit a sacred hill known as Arunahala where he embodied the source of The Universe and the complete current (sound, light, energy, electricity) of all reality. He spoke of this embodiment as the true Self, the personal God, or Shiva (Ishwara). His devotees came from all over the world and an ashram emerged around him. He would sit silently and allow for questions, noting that the most advantageous path to liberation is self-inquiry. Remove ignorance and be devoted to The Divine. This will help you surrender fully to the Eternal Self, which is within you.


Paramahansa Yogananda is the father of western Yoga, focusing on self-realization and finding God using the path within. He has built a following for his teachings on spiritual living and meditation using Yoga as a centering practice. He has also traced Yoga back through history and shown how other divine masters, such as Jesus and his disciples, used the same approach in their spiritual lives.

John of God

St. John of God, also known as father to the poor, was a Portuguese soldier in the 1500s who lost his faith and lived a life of temptation and darkness. Later, he realized the error of his ways and turned to a life of work in health care. He tended to the sick, both in body and mind, and was later canonized with a considerable following. He is now channeled for assistance with mental illness, poverty, death, and strength for health care workers. 

Zhang Daoling

During his meditations on Daoism, Zhang Daoling had a revelation claiming that Laozi, the great sage, appeared to him. Laozi told him of the “coming peace” called Taiping. This revelation drove him to begin preaching a new Daoism, keeping the tenet of physical immortality but stressing the need for religious organization. As a result, he founded the Way of the Celestial Masters, also known as the Five Pecks of Rice. He taught that illness resulted from sin-mindfulness and that Daoism offered spiritual healing that many tap into today.


Zoroaster was an ancient prophet in Persia who started the first historically acknowledged world religion between the 18th and 16th centuries BCE. He wrote the sacred book Zend Avesta in which he recounts a vision he had about the cosmic war being waged between the God of Light and the principle of evil. This concept of choosing between good and evil was the first push towards monotheism in the Middle East and guided Persian civilization. This religion now serves as the basis of the Parsi faith in India. Many draw on Zoroaster for guidance in choosing good over evil.


Kong Zi, known in Latin as Confucius, profoundly influenced philosophy and religion throughout Asia by teaching about morality and justice. He tapped into the very truth of the universe and humanity’s existence to draw out guidance for people to live by in their daily lives. He was the first to historically teach the concept of the Golden Rule, which is to only do unto others what you would want to be done to you. Many look to him for balance and guidance in ethics without being tied to organized religion.

Begin a New Path to Self-Realization and Love by Following Divine Masters

With such an expansive list of divine masters, we still have only touched on just a few. You’re sure to find in this list some inspiration, whether you choose to devote your meditation and prayer practices to one, a few, or all of the above-listed gurus and divine personalities. The deeper you dive into your research and relationship with these divine masters, the more inspiration you will find in your journey to self-development and spiritual alignment in your life.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others, and the Universe prays for us. 

Awakened Masters & Divine Beings: Who Are They and What Do They Do?


Illuminating Souls: The Divine Masters of India and Their Transformative Influence


India, with its rich spiritual heritage, has been the birthplace of numerous enlightened masters who have left an indelible mark on the world. These luminaries, through their teachings and profound spiritual practices, guide us on a transformative journey towards enlightenment, healing, and alignment with divine consciousness.

In this exploration, we delve into the lives and teachings of ten of the most famous enlightened masters born in India, including Amma, Mother Meera, Anandamayi Ma, Ramakrishna, and others.

Their wisdom not only illuminates our lives but also serves as a beacon, leading us towards a harmonious existence rooted in Dharma and the dissolution of karma.

  1. Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi Devi): The Hugging Saint

Amma, often referred to as the Hugging Saint, embodies the essence of love and compassion. Her selfless service and unconditional love have touched millions worldwide. Amma’s embrace, known as a hug of grace, is believed to transmit divine energy, providing solace and healing to those in need.

Her teachings emphasize the importance of selfless service, compassion, and the realization of the interconnectedness of all beings. Through her divine presence, Amma guides us on a path of love and compassion, helping to dissolve the karmic knots that bind us.

  1. Mother Meera: The Silent Illuminator

Known for her mystical silence and profound transmission of light, Mother Meera is regarded as an embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Born in a small village in India, she brings a profound silence that is said to transmit divine consciousness.

Mother Meera’s teachings emphasize the path of surrender and the transformation of the ego. Through the silent transmission of light, she aids in dissolving the karmic imprints, allowing individuals to align with their divine nature and experience inner illumination.

  1. Anandamayi Ma: The Joy-Permeated Mother

Anandamayi Ma, the Joy-Permeated Mother, radiated an unparalleled spiritual presence. Her life was a testament to the spontaneous and natural expression of divine consciousness. Anandamayi Ma emphasized the importance of surrender, love, and devotion on the spiritual path.

Her teachings guide individuals towards harmonizing with the cosmic order (Dharma) and transcending karmic entanglements. The joy that emanated from Anandamayi Ma’s being serves as a source of inspiration for seekers worldwide.

  1. Ramakrishna Paramahansa: The Eclectic Mystic

Ramakrishna Paramahansa, a 19th-century mystic, played a pivotal role in revitalizing Hinduism and fostering interfaith harmony. His teachings emphasized the universality of spiritual truths and the diverse paths to realizing the divine.

Through his deep spiritual practices, including intense devotion and meditation, Ramakrishna dissolved the boundaries of ego and delved into the ocean of divine consciousness. His life and teachings continue to guide individuals in dissolving personal karma and living in alignment with Dharma.

  1. Sri Aurobindo: The Integral Visionary

Sri Aurobindo, a philosopher, poet, and yogi, introduced the concept of integral yoga, aiming for the transformation of all aspects of human existence. His teachings emphasize the evolution of consciousness, leading towards a divine life on earth. Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga seeks to dissolve the dualities of existence and align individuals with their divine nature.

Through practices like meditation, self-awareness, and conscious living, followers of Sri Aurobindo strive to overcome karma and embrace a life in harmony with the divine.

  1. Swami Vivekananda: The Torchbearer of Vedanta

Swami Vivekananda, a disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahansa, played a crucial role in introducing Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. His teachings emphasized the universality of religion and the divinity within every soul.

Swami Vivekananda’s call for fearlessness and strength has inspired countless individuals to align with their higher selves and dissolve the karmic obstacles that hinder spiritual progress.

  1. Paramahansa Yogananda: The Yogi-Philosopher

Paramahansa Yogananda, author of “Autobiography of a Yogi,” brought the teachings of Kriya Yoga to the West. His spiritual legacy continues through the organization he founded, Self-Realization Fellowship.

Yogananda’s emphasis on direct communion with the divine through meditation provides a practical path for dissolving karma and aligning with the soul’s journey toward self-realization.

  1. Sai Baba of Shirdi: The Miraculous Mystic

Sai Baba of Shirdi, a revered saint in both Hindu and Muslim communities, is known for his miracles and teachings that transcend religious boundaries. Sai Baba emphasized the importance of love, forgiveness, and service to humanity.

His divine presence is believed to bring healing and liberation from karmic entanglements, encouraging followers to live according to Dharma.

  1. Nisargadatta Maharaj: The Sage of Self-Inquiry

Nisargadatta Maharaj, a 20th-century sage, gained recognition for his teachings on Advaita Vedanta and self-inquiry. His emphasis on realizing the true nature of the self through introspection and self-awareness provides a profound path for dissolving the illusions of karma.

Nisargadatta’s teachings guide individuals towards the direct experience of the divine consciousness that resides within.

  1. Jiddu Krishnamurti: The Iconoclastic Philosopher

Jiddu Krishnamurti, a philosopher and spiritual teacher, challenged traditional concepts of spirituality and religion. His teachings centered on the importance of self-discovery, inner freedom, and the dissolution of psychological conditioning.

Krishnamurti’s radical approach encourages individuals to question the nature of karma, cultivate deep self-awareness, and align with the timeless truth beyond cultural and religious boundaries.


The lives and teachings of these enlightened masters born in India offer a diverse tapestry of spiritual wisdom, providing guidance on how to illuminate our lives, heal our souls, and live in alignment with Dharma.

Whether through the transformative power of love and compassion, the silent transmission of divine light, the joy of surrender, or the integral vision of yoga, each master contributes a unique facet to the journey of self-realization.

Their teachings invite us to dissolve the karmic imprints that bind us, align with our divine nature, and awaken to the profound truth that transcends the limitations of ego and duality.

As we explore these paths, we embark on a transformative journey towards inner illumination, healing, and a harmonious existence rooted in divine consciousness.

The enlightened masters serve as beacons of light, guiding us through the labyrinth of existence towards the timeless truth that resides within every soul.

Visit to learn about The Shankara Oracle – the most divine oracle on Earth.

Highly Sensitive People (HSPs): The Gifts, Challenges, and Miracles

“Highly Sensitive Person” Written on Paper with Hand Holding a Delicate Flower. Shutterstock licensed image.

HSP: The Gifts, Challenges, and Miracles

Some of us are wildly sensitive. We might be grocery shopping and feel what other shoppers are feeling. We might even sense the emotions of yesterday’s workers – the ones who placed the cucumbers into the bin in front of us.  Alas, if you are feeling like you collect energy from every experience and find it difficult to shake it, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person.

Being more sensitive and vulnerable means that your soul has grown to sense what others are feeling. Some HSPs feel things but don’t internalize them. Others feel them and process them at a deep level.

Some HSPs are compassionate, while others might not have an ounce of empathy. Being sensitive does not necessarily mean you are evolved. It must means that you don’t have the same protective mechanisms as others. It might also mean that your brain process experiences, relationships, and emotions in a unique way.

A few questions the might help you determine if you’re an HSP:

Do you often find yourself more in tune with others’ feelings or having more extreme reactions to certain events than those around you?

Do specific environments, emotions, or situations bother you, while other people go unaffected? 

During an argument, do you begin to feel overwhelmed, as if you’re carrying a burden that is not yours?

At cocktail parties and coffee shops, can you feel the emotions of the people around you?

Do you cry or feel stressed when other people are feeling the same?

If any of these questions are hitting home, it might be time to tune into yourself and learn what it means to be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

The concept of being an HSP might feel like a burden, but it’s not. It’s not only a responsibility, it’s a super-hero power. Also, the more you know about yourself, the easier it is to own your experiences, shift perspectives, and protect yourself.

If you truly take command of your sensitivities, they’ll become immeasurably valuable tools & assets – even weapons.

As HSPs, we are not victims, we are warriors with super-skills.

What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

An HSP, also known as a Highly Sensitive Person, has a highly active nervous system and extreme sensory sensitivities. Studies are being done to show that Highly Sensitive People actually have brains that work a bit differently than others, causing them to react in unique and often powerful ways within their daily lives and relationships.

While this might sound a bit strange or abnormal, HSP is not a disorder. In fact, around 15-20% of people report they might be HSPs, making it a lot more common than you think! At the same time, not enough people experience these symptoms for the personality to be widely accepted. Unfortunately, that can make Highly Sensitive People feel lonely and misunderstood.

What’s really unique about the HSP personality trait is that it can be found in a wide variety of personality types. You can be an HSP and an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. HSPs also come from a variety of backgrounds. Depending on the culture an HSP lives within, they might be lovingly accepted, pitied, feared, worshiped, or ostracized.

How Do I Know if I’m a Highly Sensitive Person?

You deserve to get to know yourself so that you can be 100% comfortable with who you are! If you’ve ended up reading this article, it’s likely you have the traits of a Highly Sensitive Person – or someone close to you in an HSP.

HSP traits can manifest in several ways. Some people are highly sensitive to environments that have too many stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, too many people, or distinct textures found on walls or on clothing. When exploring these environments, you might feel like you need to retreat into a quiet, secret place so you can recharge and prepare for your next outing.

Some HSPs will go to cocktail parties and similar events only to spend most of their time in the bathroom, their car, washing the dishes, or playing with the loneliest child at the event. Others might show up and quickly exit, never to return again.

As a fellow HSP, I know life can be challenging at times. Some experiences can be so overwhelming, you won’t want to speak to anybody for a day, two days, or more! If you’re also empathic, you might then carry some of the reactive emotions of those who felt disappointed by your exit. Being an HSP can be an overwhelming and never-ending cycle of energetic absorption and release.

Some HSPs are more reactive to emotional stimuli such as with friends, family, and romantic partners. A small spat might feel like a life-changing argument, and a small trickle of affection can feel like a profound, intimate, and loving moment. As such, HSPs might also experience deep thoughts and emotions without receiving sufficient reciprocation.

Further, you might feel the need to avoid intense movies, art galleries, books, and other experiences that overwhelm you. The feelings that emerge from being overwhelmed can be unsettling and potentially anxiety-inducing. You might also feel deeply moved by beauty and upon each event, you might experience your own personalized form of ecstasy.

If you’re still unsure about whether you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, there are tests you can take. Specifically, there’s a questionnaire by Elaine N. Aron written in 1996 that has 27 questions. If you answer YES to 14 of the questions, there’s a high probability of being an HSP. Remember, though, that questionnaires like these are subjective, and you should never make changes to your life without further consulting with health care professionals and your most trusted allies and friends. 

Explore my Empath Oath to see how your virtues correlate to your depth of feelings for the world.


High Sensitivity Is A Super-Power

Everyone is unique! Each of us has our own personality with unique quirks and needs. Being an HSP means that your super-power is born from sensing energy. If you process and harness this energy in the correct way, you will experience a deeper connection to everyone and everything around you – and you’ll have a highly advanced prayer life – but only if you allow these things.

Having HSP traits can feel burdensome until you decide to master them. 


Here are a few rules you might consider as you explore the benefits of being a Highly Sensitive Person:

Own your sensitivities and celebrate them.

Never blame others for being sensitive.

Never play the victim. 

Own your experiences and process them like a Warrior.

Use the knowledge gained from being sensitivity to your benefit. 

Help others when you can, but don’t hurt yourself in the process.

Clear the energies as often as possible: Cry, Shout, Pray, Cry Some More, Pound The Earth, Do Cleansing Rituals & Ceremonies, And Forgive Everything Often!

Challenges for HSPs

If someone calls you “sensitive,” it is often meant negatively. It can hurt to hear that we “overreact” or “think too much” because it invalidates our emotions and experiences. People with HSP traits suffer these insults and invalidations more often than others because of their visceral reactions to life. 

It’s true – HSPs experience life, emotions, and thoughts on a much deeper level. What feels good to some will feel great to you, but what feels bad to others can absolutely devastate you. Pain, whether emotional or physical, is experienced much more by HSPs, and recovery time can be much longer.

As a result, many HSPs choose to take a back seat in life to avoid pain and disappointment. It might feel too much to handle when people or life obstacles let you down. HSPs can often pass up opportunities for growth and enjoyment because they’d rather avoid overstimulation, exhaustion, and potential pain.

The Benefits of Being an HSP

Highly Sensitive People have strong gut feelings and are incredibly intuitive. Having a sensitive nervous system means that you pick up on stimuli that most people can’t, and you have stellar observation skills. You won’t only be able to pick up on changes in your environment but also sense the needs of others with fantastic accuracy and foresight.

HSPs can enjoy intense and powerful relationships with others because of their ability to empathize, anticipate needs, and feel emotions deeply. For the same reasons, they make stellar parents.

Being able to pick up on stimuli and experience on an advanced level means you can also enjoy life so much more. Prayer, rituals, devotion, fine food, art, sex, travel, and adventures can be enjoyed on a whole new level. Having a heightened ability to enjoy stimuli means you have a positive attitude.

When you are extremely grateful for life and everything you have, you are an EMPOWERED HSP!


Self Care for Highly Sensitive People

Overall, you should celebrate and feel blessed if you are a Highly Sensitive Person! The people you should keep in your life are those who appreciate how deeply you feel things, including how deeply you understand and care about them. In exchange, your personal tribe should understand your need for space and cooldown periods when things get too intense. 

Here are some great methods that HSPs can introduce to their daily lives in order to find balance, peace, and growth:

      • Schedule positive experiences into your most hectic days
      • Plan for alone time and relaxation periods after anticipated times of overwhelm
      • Suggest alternatives to experiences that you aren’t comfortable with – there’s no need to push yourself
      • Come to understand your personal boundaries for environments, people, and tasks – and be clear about your triggers
      • Create a soothing space you can use as a retreat when you’re overstimulated – build a lovely altar
      • Incorporate meditation, yoga, prayer, and other practices that allow you to center your body and mind to find balance

Proper self-care for HSPs is important. To fully know yourself, remember to incorporate helpful practices so that you can continually experience peacefulness in your mind, body, and heart. 

Embrace Your Sensitivity

If you ever become upset over your state as a Highly Sensitive Person, remember that you aren’t alone. Some of the most innovative and profound people in the world are HSPs. And many will go down in history as assets to humanity. Scientists like Albert Einstein, actors like Jim Carey, Gilda Radner, and Nicole Kidman, and social reformers like Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, and Martin Luther King Jr. are also HSPs who made the most of their sensitivity superpowers!

You are extremely intuitive, empathetic, expressive, and compassionate, and all your friends and family are lucky to have you in their lives. You’re on the path to seeing and doing great things. Remember to harness the power of your ultra-sensitive nervous system and unique mind for your own benefit and the benefit of those you engage. 

As a human being, you are the embodiment of love. As an HSP, you have 10X the ability to feel this at a core level – so OWN IT!


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 


The Metaverse: Realities Colliding

Spirituality & The Metaverse. Shutterstock licensed image.

The Metaverse: The Walls Between This Reality And Others Will Evaporate

One day soon, there will be a metaverse tech launch that enables people to connect with others outside the restrictive and data-driven umbrellas of corporate-run social networks. 

This new Social Sphere will allow users to port their identities and customized data into a free and multi-way encrypted experience. 

The tech will empower everyone to create and engage in unique, protected, anonymous, custom, interactive experiences with friends, fans, and customers. 

Nothing will be compromised, manipulated, accessible, “hackable,” or owned by anyone other than each unique user. 

The interactive environment, sessions, and elements can be extinguished in an instant, creating inaccessible ghosts that can be turned on and off at will. 

In addition to manual participation, the interactivity can also be generated by brain impulse, eye movement, and gesture, but without the cumbersome attachments of cumbersome virtual gear. 

While many of the prior concerns about data and safety will evaporate, new and more serious concerns will emerge around virtual addictions and losing our identities to the enrapturing vapors of projection and illusion. 

While things like projection, illusion and all the related psychological disorders are already occurring in our current reality, they will become far more dangerous and toxic as time goes on – because the veils between the here-and-now and the fabricated digital realms of the metaverse will become far less obvious and far easier to traverse. 

We will become the robots that we are building, not because we envy them, but because we’ll need robotified identities in the metaverse to protect ourselves from our own wandering and self-negating tendencies. 


We can see glimpses of the forthcoming reality in the lives of celebrities. They contrive social identities to fulfill their own egos, desires, and the projections of others. The more money they have and the more attention they get, their identities become isolated and warped. They become facsimiles of themselves, unable to meander back to their original God-Given Selves. 

Lost in seas of delusion and paranoia, they break themselves, their relationships, and the hearts of everyone around them. 

The remedy for all of this has and always will be prayer, meditation, selfless-service, nature, healthy eating, and solitude.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 


Happy Chinese New Year 2022: Year of the Tiger. Shutterstock licensed image. 


Once a year, loving human beings just like you and me begin to reflect on what we’ve done, what we want, and where we’d like to venture. We take stock of our challenges and accomplishments, and we reassess how our goals serve us. Whether it has to do with our physical, mental, or spiritual health, we are likely to begin this reflection process in the weeks prior to the New Year.

Whether we call it New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Rosh Hashanah, or What Happened To My Dreams Day – or something else entirely: WE ARE HUNGRY FOR A CHANGE!

In the days surrounding January 1st (and anytime of year), we have a wonderful opportunity to transform and realign ourselves.

If you love rituals, check out my Free Resources pages. You’ll find ancient ceremonies, lovely prayers, and encouragement that you might find helpful during times of change and transition. You might also consider using my Personality Cards – they’re wonderful for all sorts of rituals. 

Let’s Dive In!

You might be wondering, “How did astrology-based New Years’ celebrations get started in the first place?” Since civilization began, the best answer is that humanity has looked to the stars for guidance.

During this time of year, we look beyond ourselves and we reach to the Cosmos, asking questions about our existence and purpose. For eons, ancient astronomers, shamans, and seers have used the movements of the sun, moon, and constellations to find stability and meaning in time and space. 

While many of the most colorful cultures throughout the world long-ago formed unique traditions for their New Years’ celebrations, the Chinese New Year is one of the most specific, complex, and fascinating. Whether you plan on celebrating for fun or for a deep transformation, or you’re just interested in learning more, look no further!

What is the Origin of the Chinese New Year?

The earliest recorded New Years’ celebrations occurred in Babylon over 4000 years ago. These celebrations were marked by the first new moon after the vernal Equinox, as Babylonians celebrated their religious festival called Akitu. Akitu celebrations were closely tied to harvesting barley in the Spring, where devotees would worship various Gods and entities – and crown a new King.

Similarly ancient is the origin of the Chinese New Year. As early as the 14th century BC, the Shang Dynasty began celebrating this holiday with a focus on religious and political significance. Unlike our Western understanding of New Years Day, which is always January 1st, the Chinese New Year has always been changeable according to the empire’s lunar cycle and political power changes. 

While the Babylonians chose their New Year’s celebration schedule according to the moon, the Chinese celebrated the second new moon after the winter solstice. In other words, Chinese New Year always falls between January and February, instead of March or later. The Chinese also track the year differently than other cultures, in that they allow solstices, equinoxes, and religious influences to affect their calendar.

The Chinese begin New Year’s celebrations at the start of that second new moon and continue celebrating for about 15 days, until the Festival of Lanterns, marked by the next full moon. This 15 day period is full of traditions that illuminate the darkness, inviting hope and good fortune. If you were to celebrate Chinese New Year, you might light lanterns and candles and set fireworks aglow.

Why is The Chinese New Year So Late in 2022?

In 2022, the Chinese New Year will occur on February 1st. The date for the Chinese New Year shifts every year according to the lunar calendar. February 1st of 2022 will be the day we experience the second new moon after the winter solstice. If you want to follow the tradition down to the letter of Beijing “law,” you might also make yourself some delicious dumplings. 

What many don’t realize is that China is predominantly Buddhist. While the government of China rightfully rejects the over-organization of religions, it allows temples and worship within reason. This modest policy allows people to choose their practices but prevents religious propaganda from infecting the hearts and minds of the population. With such a large population, any massive movement can affect the economic balance, psychological profile, and the sense of oneness and community within the country.

As each festival ensues, many families will include Buddhist prayers in their daily rituals and they’ll venture out to their favorite temple to honor the Divine Beings who nourished them throughout the year. This is when devotees will pray for their ancestors and living family members, and invite divine grace for the days ahead.

Why Do The Chinese Celebrate The Lunar Year?

The Chinese traditions for the modern Lunar Year are mainly religious and social in nature. During the preparation for the festival and throughout, the Chinese will perform a variety of rituals to appease the various aspects within their cultural and Buddhist traditions. 

For example, those preparing for the Chinese New Year will clean their houses as a way to serve and honor God, cleansing their environments of any negative energy from the past year. They might also sacrifice paper goods and food to their ancestors, while families use firecrackers to dispel any evil spirits.

The Chinese New Year also centers around ensuring good luck for the coming year. Elders sometimes give out money to children, and many will post scrolls with good luck messages. People might also keep their doors unlocked or open to allow good luck to enter their homes.

The New Year celebrations are also meant to ensure longevity for families, so much of the tradition centers around feasting. Long noodles symbolize long life, and the last course, meant to be left uneaten, symbolizes abundance. Extended families gather around dumplings which stand for perfection and the family unit.

The Chinese treat their chronological calendar as part of their zodiac, which uses animals to symbolize personalities and destinies throughout the years. These signs are also used to mark the sun’s path as it visually moves around the Earth.  Each New Year, the Chinese celebrate the end of one animal year and the beginning of a new animal year. Each animal symbolizes specific characteristics for that year. 

What Are The Chinese New Year Symbols?

There are 12 Chinese Zodiac symbols which rotate in a chronological cycle. Each year, a new animal is assigned to that year, marking the year’s characteristics and the people born during that year. According to this tradition and the Zodiac Calendar, 2022 Is The Year Of The Tiger.

The 12 Chinese Zodiac symbols are:

      • Rat
      • Ox
      • Tiger – YAY!
      • Rabbit
      • Dragon
      • Snake
      • Horse
      • Sheep
      • Monkey
      • Rooster
      • Dog
      • Pig

The next animal is always assigned in the same order as each year passes. In other words, 2022 is the third year into the newest cycle of the Zodiac calendar. 

Meaning Of The Year Of The Tiger

The Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac is a symbol of confidence and strength. Those who have birthdays in the Year Of The Tiger are meant to be enthusiastic and confident leaders. At the same time, these people are also sensitive to others’ needs, generous, and committed to selflessly serving others. 

These traits are helpful for those who must lead in business, politics, or religion, because those marked by the Tiger are bold yet compassionate. These Tigers have the necessary emotional intelligence to guide others, while also being ultra-sensitive to the intricacies of life.

This year is marked by the Tiger, but the Tiger comes around every 12 years. That means that anyone born in 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, and so forth are also marked by the characteristics of the Tiger. 

What Should I Do If I’m Born In The Year Of The Tiger?

Born as a Tiger, you’ll have lucky and unlucky colors, numbers, flowers, and directions. You’ll also have opposite and compatible signs!

If you’re a Tiger, your lucky numbers of 1, 3, and 4. Your unlucky numbers are 6, 7, and 8, and your unlucky color is brown.

Your lucky colors are blue, gray, and orange, and you’re in good hands if you’re facing East, North, or South. You’ll want to avoid facing Southwest, which is your unlucky direction!

You also have lucky days and months! Try to plan good things on the 16th and 27th of any month, especially during each lunar year’s 3rd, 7th, and 10th months. Try to avoid planning things for any Chinese year’s 1st, 4th, 5th, and 11th lunar month, as those are your unlucky months.

If you’re looking for love, you’ll want to avoid the Monkey signs at all costs since they are your opposite. Though, for some reason, Tigers and Monkey folk might have very intense and consuming sexual exchanges.

Tigers might also have bad luck with anyone who is an Ox, Snake, or Goat. If you’re a Tiger and hoping for the best life possible, you might consider aiming  for relationships with people who fall under the Horse, Dog, or Pig signs.

Some predictions say that 2022 is a great year for Tiger signs to get married or find a relationship, but those 24 or 36 years old should pay close attention to their love lives, as their luck in love might waver during this year.

For Tigers, having good luck in financial areas might be tricky, but don’t worry, a huge promotion might be on the way as 2022 is a year of personal advancement.


In all things astrological, please realize that these aspects are only suggestions to help ease some stress. You are far more powerful than you realize. The blueprints that astrology suggest are not hard and fast rules. It might also be that you have other influences in your life that might greatly enhance your ability to receive what you desire.

To improve your vibration, luck, and happiness, spend time chanting Sanskrit mantras and love-filled sutras. Pray for others and the Universe prays for you.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 


Neurofeedback, ACT, And CBT: Powerful Healing for the Heart & Mind

Shutterstock licensed image:  Heal your heart, your mind and life will follow.

Neurofeedback, ACT, and CBT: Powerful Modalities for Healing the Heart & Mind

The events and conditions within our lives can feel dramatic or difficult. At various junctures in our lives, we might feel completely overwhelmed and unable to cope.  We might even lose hope, faith, and focus.

Luckily, our world is constantly changing – and so are we. And while many of the aspects in our lives can feel insurmountable, we are always in control of our perspectives, attitudes, and abilities to look deeply within ourselves. 

Even the darkest night has a dawn.

Shadows disappear when obstacles are dissolved.

Science is working on behalf of all the people who are in pain. Many are creating inspiring, life-changing technological advancements that promise to improve life as we know it. All of these emerging innovations are making life more peaceful and bearable for those who are struggling.

Let’s be honest.

Most of us suffer from at least one of these things: stress, frustration, anxiety, depression, panic attacks – or all of the above. Sadly, each of these things is fueling an accelerating mental health crisis.

It might seem difficult to significantly change our immediate environments or have lasting impacts on the world around us. We might not realize just how powerful and impactful we can be!

Regardless, we can change how we respond to everything. If we’re disciplined, we can deeply heal ourselves and become more resilient. By approaching life with a sense of warriorship – a sense of adventure – we can accomplish just about anything. 

Upon every challenge, we must focus on the positive and forge ahead with courage. It’s vital that we dig deeply within ourselves so that we may heal our hearts, minds, and spirits.

While God and Guru are here to nourish and guide us, the only person who can truly heal and save us is ourselves. 

We’re actually lucky to be on the planet right now.

There are so many unique healing and scientific innovations appearing almost every day —  ever heard of somatic experiencing? Specifically, new therapies are gaining momentum in the mental health space that could unlock a future of brighter days.

No matter the modality, begin by being vulnerable with yourself. Ask yourself what you’re feeling and what you need. If you can, call out to God and ask for Her loving guidance. When we’re open and vulnerable to the Divine, angels and transformative forces will come to our aid.

Knowing which options are available to you during your healing process is important. Here are a few that I love: CBT, ACT, and Neurofeedback therapy. 

What is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, commonly shortened to CBT, is a wildly successful therapeutic method that has recently gained a lot of recognition. The idea behind CBT is that we can train the brain to respond to certain situations differently than it had before. This method involves talk-therapy mixed with Gestalt-style experiencing. This modality can also be found integrated into mobile phone apps that prompt and guide seekers to change the way they speak, feel, and think about their current situations and feelings.

Why does this work? The mind functions by firing neurons and creating neural pathways. The more your brain responds to a particular event, the more permanent this pathway becomes. People who often react negatively to events might do so because this is the most familiar way the brain knows how to respond. 

In other words, the more you can coax yourself to respond differently or positively to things, the more familiar and comfortable it becomes to stay positive rather than react negatively. 

Through CBT, we can learn to not only cope with stressful situations, we can learn to master and transcend them. Through CBT processes, we can learn to respond positively to even the most disruptive chaos. Breaking our negative cycles and teaching our brains to respond positively help and heal our minds, hearts, and spirits. 

What is ACT?

ACT, or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, is a direct descendent of CBT, and for many people, it’s the most important modality they’ve adopted in their lives. This method uses CBT in conjunction with acceptance therapy, which teaches the patient to genuinely accept the world and all situations so that they can find peace. Another word for this technique is mindfulness, which encourages us to live in the present and be aware of ourselves and our decisions within the moment. 

An adjunct to ACT and CBT – or something that can replace them entirely – is The Sedona Method, a uniquely powerful and effective technique that helps participants acknowledge, accept, and release every experience and related emotions that emerge. More on that, later!

ACT comes in two steps. First, you accept the things out of your control, whether it is the people around you, your environment, or negative events. Then, you commit to specific actions that will help you handle the stress and pain within your situation. 

This method is useful for everybody, from all walks of life. It can help you,  your mind, heart, and spirit become more flexible, open, and (eventually) more detached. The more we can respond positively or proactively under stress, the stronger we become.

What is Neurofeedback?

While CBT and ACT rely solely on human beings changing their behaviors, Neurofeedback elevates these methods utilizing technology. In Neurofeedback therapy, a practitioner uses EEG Biofeedback to help the patient visualize, track, and understand exactly how their brains respond to a variety of stimuli.

With this technology, the practitioner and patient watch a screen to see the way the brain responds, which becomes a primary tool within the therapeutic model. The practitioner applies electrodes to the scalp and shows the patient how their brain waves appear. Then, the patient is asked to alter this activity consciously through a video-game-like interface. 

Through this method, the brain is trained to reroute its pathways, alter its activity, and ultimately respond positively, all within a fascinating reward system. This method is being used to treat conditions like anxiety, panic attacks, depression, anger, attention-deficits, sleep disorders, migraines, and even seizures and autism.

CBT vs. ACT vs. Neurofeedback: Which Is More Effective?

Whether CBT, ACT, and Neurofeedback therapies are effective has been in question for years. Many therapists are committed to using only these modalities, while more traditional therapists worry that aspects of these things are superfluous and ineffective. 

Experts are regularly and rigorously testing new therapy methods to determine which are truly beneficial to psychotherapeutic practitioners. This trend is especially true for recent attempts to administer CBT through mobile apps, which had once threatened the commonly-held belief that professional therapy requires consistent human interaction and face-time with a therapist.

In 2017, a German study revealed that CBT and Neurofeedback showed the same positive results in adults who had attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The kicker? The same positive results were found in the control (placebo) group. If nothing else, doesn’t this show that it’s not about what technologies and advancements we apply, but what our perception of them is? Maybe knowing you’ve acknowledged the problem and taken action to better your health is the most significant step towards healing.

It’s all about you. How do you feel? What helps you heal? What will help you change your mindset, and in turn, your response to the world around you? Whatever that is, that’s the answer.

Using Mindfulness To Heal

Being present and aware is natural to us, yet it often seems so far away from us. With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, amid all of our complex webs of  responsibilities, we don’t realize how far outside of our bodies we usually are. We are too often living in tomorrow, next month, or even 5 years ahead of this present moment. When we aren’t in the future, we’re thinking of the past. All the while, we’re neglecting ourselves in the present.

Mindfulness is the first step towards healing, and it can be achieved through any of the above therapies. If you choose to attend a CBT or ACT group or individual session, you’re choosing to acknowledge your problems and pain in the present and take action now.

 If you choose to explore Neurofeedback therapy, you’re choosing to be aware of how your brain reacts and performs upon various stimuli and in the moment. 

When conscious of ourselves in the present, we’re paying attention to who we are, what we feel, and what we want. Knowing some of these things, we can successfully heal the aspects that are most troubling to us.

Of course, you don’t need CBT, ACT, or Neurofeedback to become mindful. Mindfulness is the most basic of all modalities for healing. All you need is yourself and the conscious decision to become fully present. 

Just like with CBT, you can train your brain to be mindful by default. Like with ACT, you can accept your reality in the present without being too reactive or overwhelmed. If you sit quietly amid a challenging feeling, you can find its source, accept the feeling, and then release it. This might take some time to master, but along the way, you’ll clear years of stealth emotions and experiences. Doing so, you can become free.

Find a way to make meditation a habit in your life. Encourage yourself to regularly turn inward so that you can acknowledge how you feel  in the present. This alone will train your brain to advance. 

Through mindfulness, we can become non-judgemental of ourselves and others. Instead of judging and feeling ashamed of our thoughts and feelings, we can fully explore them and get to know who we are. 

What can be more healing than completely and unconditionally embracing our authentic selves? Nada. Dive deeply and you’ll find that you are part of a luminous and expanded consciousness.

Get To Know Your True Self

If you truly want to heal your heart and mind, begin with a 10-minute meditation every morning and evening. As you meditate, focus on your inward and outward breaths. You might even imagine that your inward breaths are full of light and your outward breaths carry away stored negativity and stress. 

Explore different methods of therapy and tools for self-reflection. 

Seek a guru like Amma (, Jesus, Buddha, or other living saints like Mother Meera and Karunamayi Ma. 

Talking to a professional or a trusted friend can help you acknowledge your pain and hear out loud what you’re really thinking for the first time. 

Use a diary or my Personality Cards to delve deeply into your soul to source and release behaviors and emotions that are stifling you. 

Any resources that help you pause, breathe, and explore yourself in the present will put you on the path to healing.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 

St. Patrick: Loving Magic

Shutterstock licensed image: St. Patrick Was Full Of Love

The Loving Magic of St. Patrick

Have you ever thought to yourself, “If only I could find just a teeny tiny bit of luck!”? Maybe you’ve been out of work, enduring endless job interviews, or you’re on the tenth blind date this year. Or maybe you’re going through a challenging time emotionally or psychologically. If you’re feeling down on yourself or your luck, it might be time to lean into the loving magic of St. Patrick.

After all, even when deceased, high-vibration souls like his still emanate light and love. Just like any deity we can tap into this vibrant soul’s divine light.

Sure, it might not be March 17th, but his legacy and healing aura extends throughout time. St. Patrick is a man, a devotee of God, and a legend who can guide us and help us learn more about ourselves. In turn, we can manifest new paths and find happiness without the need to rely on luck.

So, how can St. Patrick do all this for us?

Who is St. Patrick?

While St. Patrick has emerged a legend, he lived in the 5th century. One of the things that made him so unique was that he understood the nature of human beings and the Universe. He looked to the divine, yet he was practical in how he served inhabitants of the earth. Additionally, his work was so profound, he deeply impacted Irish, Catholic, Christian, and global cultures for centuries – any milleniums to come.

Modern historians often paint a simple, gentle picture of St. Patrick, as he walked among the Irish, but his life was difficult, full of challenging experiences and painful decisions. Just like you and me, he had to come to know himself and choose his path one hurdle at a time. Once he tapped into his soul and found his divine strength and resolve, this wonderful saint drew from his will power to touch the lives of many individuals throughout time.

The myths of St. Patrick are among the most inspiring in all of human history. Many believe he used clovers as a way to teach a new belief system. Others say he was the first significant leader in history to reject the practice of slavery. It seems this dynamic soul affected the spiritual and political lives of many people.

If you’re looking for the facts of St. Patrick’s life, he was born in Great Britain and torn from his family at the age of 16. Broken hearted, lost, confused, destitute, and without a single companion, young Patrick was sold into slavery. This hardship was his first experience in Ireland, where he toiled as a herdsman and had no belongings to call his own. Instead of losing hope, St. Patrick turned to his faith, praying for guidance and relief.

Devout and loyal to the Divine, he knew that God would help him. He never wavered.

One night, St. Patrick dreamed of a ship that would carry him from slavery and back to his family. He broke from the dreamscape and left his slave owner in the middle of the night. He ran with all his might.

After many hurdles and further hardship, but with heroic determination, St. Patrick found his way back to his homeland. This successful escape might have been the end of his story, but St. Patrick could not ignore what he experienced in Ireland.

He eventually dreamed about the Irish begging for his return.

While he could not banish the chains of slavery that held an entire population, he set out to free the Irish people in another way. Once he made landfall, he immediately began evangelizing and converting the Irish to Christianity. While he was there, he suffered persecution and arrest, but these physical pains did not dampen his spirit.

With glowing love for the Irish and their freedom, St. Patrick fought to help them until his death.

The Powerful Icon of St. Patrick

The best account that we have today of St. Patrick’s life is the Confessio, his diary, in which he bared his soul. Thought to be written near to the time of his death, the Confessio shows the saint’s religious devotion and fervent love for the Irish. It also helps us to better understand his personality, struggles, and motivations. He was truly a remarkable human being!

When you step back and view St. Patrick from a distance, however, he is a powerful icon. Christianity upholds him as one of the most important and influential Christians to have lived. He is revered as a powerful force that converted Ireland from Pagan to mostly Christian. He is now the national apostle and patron saint of Ireland. And as luck would have it, Paganism survived the abuse it endured and is again flourishing today.

A large part of the symbolism, myth, and meditation on St. Patrick that exists today originated in the Catholic faith. St Patrick is often depicted with clovers, snakes, and a shepherd’s staff. This powerful imagery can help us to understand St. Patrick’s power and love of humanity. These icons can help us turn inward, expand ourselves, forgive everything, and become holy servants of humanity.

In many ways, Amma, The Hugging Saint is doing the same for all of the world, not just Hinduism. Check out Amma’s divine magic and global humanitarian mission HERE.

St. Patrick Symbolism

By the 7th century, St. Patrick’s legacy had grown  in numbers and spread throughout various parts of the world. Throughout history, St. Patrick’s image has been recreated, most commonly with his foot on a snake, as he held a wooden staff. These images are no coincidence. They emerged from true stories about his life. As you learn about these stories, consider meditating on the image of St. Patrick. This can help you center yourself and find strength within.

The Shepherd’s Staff

The shepherd’s staff is a symbol used in Christian tradition to represent tender yet strict leadership. Just as a shepherd tends to his flock of sheep, a person depicted with a staff is seen as a gentle father-like figure, guiding his followers. St. Patrick was both literally and figuratively a shepherd in Ireland. He was an enslaved herdsmen at first, and then he chose to tend to the Irish people in their need as a loving shepherd of the people. 

Today, we can rely on St. Patrick as our shepherd during difficult times, using his loving magic as a guide in our own lives.

Are you in need of guidance?

Are our heart and mind wandering far from afield?

Can you find the inspiration and strength you need to bring you back to yourself?

Go within, seek the help of St. Patrick and the depth of your own divinity. 


The Snakes

St. Patrick is often famously depicted with a snake under his foot, which originated from the legend that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland. While snakes never existed on the Emerald Isle, this legend actually uses snakes as a symbol for evil. Just like in the Garden of Eden story, the snake is a representation of evil and temptation. As we reflect on St. Patrick’s ability to cast out temptations and evil forces, we should identify the toxic habits, passions, and forces in our own lives and find ways to cast them out.

Three-Leaf And Four-Leaf Clovers

Finally, St. Patrick and his famous St. Patrick’s Day holiday are often tied to  three and four-leaf clovers. While three is the number of the Christian Trinity – Father, Son, And Holy Ghost, Four symbolizes the perfect triune’s connection to eternity and the concept of manifestation on three-dimensional planes.

The numbers three and four are extremely powerful. They are used as powerful symbols and tools beyond St. Patrick. 

For the Irish, the three Gods Brigid, Ériu, and the Morrigan held serious significance. With the image of a three-leaf clover, he converted the triple Goddesses of the Irish to the three Divine Beings of the Catholic faith. This imagery was so powerful that it eventually turned the innocent little three-leaf clover into the national flower of Ireland.

The number three can give us structure and guidance, just as St. Patrick did for the Irish.

You are far more capable and expanded than we often realize.


St. Patrick Miracles

St. Patrick holds such powerful love and magic that many of his works are still revered today. He recounts in his Confessio raising 33 men from the dead (see that “3” again?), many of whom had been gone for years. There are also reports that a herd of swine mysteriously appeared after St. Patrick prayed for food and water provisions for desperate travelers.

Whether you believe these events occurred or not, there is a powerful lesson here. St. Patrick’s strength and devotion poured out of him and created an undeniable movement that changed the world.

Forge Ahead, No Luck Needed!

Let’s learn from St. Patrick! No matter our circumstances or pains in life, we must turn inward and seek guidance. By meditating on the personality and symbolism of St. Patrick, we can better understand ourselves.

Doing so, we can tackle our challenges from more inspired angles.

If we believe in the Providence Of The Divine and the Power Of Love, we can cast out snakes, evil, and toxins no matter how and when they appear.

Take up your staff and join divine saints like St. Patrick. Your divinity can carry you anywhere. Stay positive, remain prayerful, and seek the light in all things. 

You might enjoy my Free Resources pages, as they offer many prayers and rituals that can heal, illuminate, and change your life.