A Divine Method: The Myers-Briggs Personality Types and the Tarot

When we are introspective and look inward, that’s when we can have our most profound growth outward. When we understand what personality type we are, and can connect that type to the ancient wisdom of the tarot archetypes, we can learn more about ourselves and others that can help us all navigate our lives. Learning about ourselves in this way can be beneficial in our journeys of self-discovery, by shedding light on our traits that are crucial to how we interact with both the inner and outer worlds. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of methods that are out there to help us identify aspects of our personalities, so how do you know which one is best for you? There are many powerful methods that you can use, but what if you could use two of the most common to find something even more compelling about yourself? Enter the modern-day psychological approach of the Myers-Briggs Personality Types and the archetypes of the tarot card deck.

By understanding your Myers-Briggs type, you can find your soul card (the one that corresponds to a card in the tarot Minor Arcana), which will allow you insight into your daily life.

Let’s look at what we can learn about ourselves using these two tools!

The Myers-Briggs Personality Types

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test is a scientific tool that can help you figure out your personality type by looking at four key trait categories that we all possess and within them, the dichotomies that are present.  There are 16 potential types made up of the various combinations of the four trait categories, all of which help to describe how we perceive the world and make decisions. By knowing this, we can further explore and understand our personalities.

The four categories can be explained as follows:

      • Do you prefer to focus on the outer world or the inner world? Extroversion (E) vs Introversion (I)
      • Do you prefer to interpret and add meaning to information you take in or rather just focus strictly on the information you’re receiving? Intuition (N) or Sensing (S)
      • When making decisions, do you prefer to use logic or at the special circumstances? Feeling (F) or Thinking (T)
      • When you deal with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you like to stay open to new information and other options? Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

Using your preferences for each category or your test results, you can come up with a four-letter acronym that corresponds to your personality, such as ISFJ.

The Minor Arcana

In tarot mythology, the Minor Arcana cards represent aspects of our daily lives and how it is affecting us. They represent are interactions, experiences, thoughts and emotions as we encounter situations in our lives. The archetypes of the Minor Arcana are suit cards; the Suit of Cups, the Suit of Pentacles, the Suit of Swords and the Suit of Wands, which each corresponding to its own type of traits and themes.

The Court of the Minor Arcana- the Page, Knight, King and Queen cards- are representative of ourselves and contains aspects of our personality. There are 16 court cards of the Minor Arcana and each, you guessed it, corresponds to a Myers-Briggs personality type.

The Minor Arcana and Your Myers-Briggs Type

Below, we go into the 16 different personality types and the corresponding Minor Arcana card that is associated with that type.

The Myers-Briggs Wand-Types

Page of Wands (ESTP)

This Page of Wands personality type is always ready for new adventures and challenges; they are very energetic, creative, enthusiastic, and brave and are not afraid to ditch an adventure midway when a new one emerges. They enjoy spontaneity and are flexible; they are always ready to explore new places, meet new people, and socialize with them. The Page of Wands’ personality is always the life of the party; he appreciates creative arts, dance, music, and art. To them, having fun is not always about having a lot of money; they make it possible to have fun with whatever resources they have. They are very talkative and outgoing. They need to feel important, and this makes them good group leaders. They enjoy shopping and understand the value of money; however, they are not materialistic. They desire to succeed and are eager to learn to attain excellence.

Knight of Wands (ENFP)

The Knight of Wands has a natural talent for leadership; if you have this personality, you are a born leader or manager. Your natural-born leadership helps you get things moving in the right direction; you have the enthusiasm to get things done in a short time and accomplish essential things in your organization. When in a leadership position, you relate better with others. You enjoy being a leader because you want to be a crucial part of the team and community; you enjoy moving the crowd with bold antics and big gestures and receiving attention. Additionally, you like to show off a bit. You always see the best in people and quickly spot mistakes and flaws. The Knight of Wands is exciting and charismatic despite not being consistent and reliable all the time.

Queen of Wands (ESFP)

The Queen of Wands loves attention and is very chatty, outgoing, and enthusiastic. They are friendly, very pleasant, warm, love being the life of the party, and like to have fun; however, they can also be serious and very determined. They have a creative side, get inspired by imagination, and are entrepreneurial. This personality type is committed to their career and family, very confident, and independent.

The King of Wands (ENTJ)

The King of Wands strongly connects to intuition because it appears in the High Priestess position in the Tarot. The King of Wands is an influential and confident leader. He is also an adventurer who never tires of looking for new ways of thinking and experiences. He wants to use discovery to improve the world and always wants the best for those around him. He is a jack of all trades, an expert in scientific, artistic, and practical things. He loves great things and splurges only when he wants to feel good about himself. He is a charismatic and inspirational leader who motivates others to be proud of their accomplishments the same way he is, showing them they can be good at something. He is a natural leader; confident, open-minded, assertive, influential, and decisive.

The Myers-Briggs Cup-Types

Page of Cups (INFP)

If you are this personality type, you are a classic artist archetype and a sensitive person who likes to spontaneously expresses themselves. You are reciprocating the emotional investment you demand from others; an empath, and have wisdom about life’s ups and downs. A natural peacemaker, this type is very compassionate, calm, and caring. They network efficiently and form connections quickly with others. Their forte is seeing the big picture and thinking outside the box. They seek to maintain peace and have care and compassion for others. Being introverts, they enjoy alone time and can provide support to others because they are in tune with their emotions. They understand others and different situations. They are promising innovators as well.

Knight of Cups (ENFP)

Knight of Cups lives in the moment and is very passionate, a genius, and idealistic. They love making friends and having many friends at once, being in a team; their thirst for connections is unquenchable. They always want to share with others the things they see that we cannot. For a Knight of Cups, life is all about making connections with others, and therefore, for them, they hold their relationships in high regard. They are very charismatic, and their desire to find pleasure in life may sometimes be dangerous. They are intense, impulsive, indulgent, spontaneous, and fickle.

Queen of Cups (INFJ)

The Queen of Cups has the most complex and rare personality type, INFJ. It is very authentic and a unique combination of cognitive functions. These functions make them very accurate in their predictions and perceptions. A Queen of Cups can gather information from all sources and process it in a way that represents the truth. She understands things that the rest cannot. She is sensitive, and caring, loves to learn about people, is a good mentor and teacher, loves to help people find their paths in life, and understand their nature. They also offer wise counsel. However, it is easy for them to be manipulative, especially if others do not appreciate their work.

King of Cups (ENFJ)

King of Cups is also called the idealist. They are very persuasive, compassionate, and easy to get along with. They have a lot of concern and empathy for the well-being of others. They are supportive of their team members and are often natural diplomats. Their authenticity and sincerity make them gain others’ trust. However, they are persistent and stubborn, which can annoy others. a King of Cups is very creative in writing, art, and music. They do not mind leadership positions and, at times, get bothered when they don’t get their way. They are mature, sensitive, and make excellent communicators.

The Myers-Briggs Sword Types

Page of Swords (ISTP)

The Page of Swords is inquisitive, analytical, and quick-witted. They grasp information rapidly and, therefore, can do well in fast-paced areas. They are also very good at improvising and are very creative. They have very few, but extreme emotions. The downside to this personality is that it is easy for an ISTP personality type to let emotions let the better part, and they can upset their friends when they lose their cool. This personality type knows what they want and how to get that; they are also self-sufficient. They find interest m the physical world and love learning new things but are also very stubborn. They are philosophers and deep thinkers who always look for patterns, new information, and other patterns.

Knight of Swords (ENTP)

Knight of Swords’ are inventors who love to travel, problem solve, and use their rationale for good. They love to think and are open to new ways of thinking. Their minds wander a lot. They are good at languages; they desire to expand their horizons and are very knowledgeable in handling technology, especially computers. They are confided in their abilities, and this comes off as arrogance. They are independent and, at times, maybe impatient; they are at times outspoken and blunt and prioritize logic and rationality over feelings and emotions.

Queen of Swords (INTJ)

Queen of Swords is a perfectionist, brilliant, independent, self-confident, and loves to get things done. This personality type is not afraid to take charge and make decisions; they are natural leaders. They love coming up with new strategies and ideas and solving problems. Queen of Swords is very empathetic and intuitive; they can read people and know how they feel and think. They know engineering, science, mathematics, and technology. INTJs are good at what they do. They are always focused on achieving their goals and can go over the line and be ruthless in achieving them. A Queen of Swords is very persuasive and can convince others that her way is the best; she looks at the bigger picture and has a big heart. She is resilient, tough, strong, sharp-tongued if provoked, direct, shrewd, and determined to solve problems no matter the fallout.

King of Swords (ENTJ)

King of Swords is an extroverted thinker, good leaders and excellent planners. They are visionary and always want to lead by example; they use their imaginations when planning. They do not like restraints that prevent them from dreaming big. ENTJs are practical, responsible, and disciplined; they enjoy getting things done. They are confident, focused, intelligent, in control, and direct. They like to create strategies, research, study, and dig into details; all these are characteristics of a truth seeker.

The Myers-Briggs Pentacle Types

Page of Pentacles (ISTJ)

This personality type is reserved and, as a result, pays more attention to details and facts. The Page of Pentacles shows very little interest in imagination and creativity. Therefore, it is possible that they hardly use words to express themselves and thus find it hard to express their emotions. Interpersonal relations for this personality type are also complicated; they have difficulty relating with people. They are efficient, loyal, and respected because they get things done well, are committed to a career, studies and money, they are a natural student who focuses on taking action rather than making plans and strategies.

The Knight of Pentacles (ISTP)

The Knight of Pentacles also known as the Artisan. They are builders or fixers; they are builders because they emphasize practical objects and physical constructions. They are also fixers because of their ability to put things in order quickly and tend to be systematic, practical, and logical. They are concerned with social status and material wealth, and can be unhappy when they don’t achieve those things. Their traits include his concern for doing the right thing always, determined, cautious, practical, guarded, and stubbornness, and they are always the hardest worker.

Queen of Pentacles (ISFJ)

The Queen of Pentacles is devoted to their family. They are very warm, caring, and willing to sacrifice much for the people they love. The Queen of Pentacles is not flashy and does not extravagantly display wealth; instead, they are very practical, saving for the future, providing for their family, and spending their money wisely.  A Queen of Pentacles is a good organizer, supportive, loves to look after others, is loyal, emotionally stable, and gives their time, resources, and energy to doing good for others without a reward. ISFJ people excel in academics and careers to prove they are worth something. They take pride in being able to fend for their families, and because this personality type is rare, dishonest people often manipulate them.

King of Pentacles (ESTJ)

The King of Pentacles is a natural entrepreneur who keeps their expenditure on track, understands money’s value, and is a leader. The learning styles associated with the King of Pentacles are analytical, practical, and logical. If you have this personality, you are an exceptional organizer and planner. You are loyal, have a strong sense of duty, and are disciplined with quiet self-control and confidence. You are very ambitious and interested in self-improvement, you are responsible with a solid work ethic, and you work hard to be successful. You are strong, very resourceful, and pragmatic. The King of Pentacles may want to be a real estate buyer, architect, builder, or contractor.

The Benefits of Understanding Your Personality

These personality archetypes and cards give a more detailed insight into various personality cards. The various profiles discussed above make it easy to find where you lie. Are you an ISFJ or an INTP? Is your soul card 12 or 0? These cards have made it easier for us to discover who we are; we do not have to go through life wondering who we are and being scared of how to embrace who we are becoming. Therefore, do not be afraid to embark on a journey of self-discovery because you are not starting from a place of ignorance; personality cards are the guides that will give you insight and help you all the way.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Personality Cards: The Meaning Behind the Symbols PT 2

In our second part of exploring the Personality Cards and their meanings, we continue to discover the symbolism of the unique card series and most importantly, how to interpret these cards when you draw it. Have an open heart when you pull from the cards and always remember, be kind and loving to yourself while you’re looking for answers!

The Cowboy  

The Cowboy of my personality cards is simple and authentic, someone who knows who they are deep down. The Cowboy values honor and loyalty; striving to see the good in people and is therefore not afraid to give them the benefit of the doubt. Their focus is doing right and being a protector of others. They are also very good at taking charge and leading the way in any situation, attracting good people and holding on to them. The only way to get there is if you have honor and integrity, starting with striving to remove complications and keep things simple because this simplicity will help you see things how they truly are. The Cowboy wants us to seek to be healthy and productive people, follow commitments through and avoid emotional dialogue.

The Interrupter

The Interrupter often sees no harm in jumping into other people’s activities without giving it much thought. The reception for this is usually not positive, but the Interrupter usually has no ulterior motives or ill intentions when they do this. People are very different, and so are their reactions to things; some may find this very annoying, while others may see nothing wrong with the Interrupter’s actions. This card encourages us not to take anything personally, but instead focus on the insightful things we have gotten from the interactions that we have participated in. The goal is to always be receptive and slow down to allow you to receive what you need.

The Squeeze    

The Squeeze is very manipulative; they know your weaknesses and what makes you vulnerable, tapping into those aspects of yourself to make things work in their favor. It is often quite challenging to realize the manipulation because their actions seem very harmless, but therein lies how manipulation works. In the real sense, the Squeeze is using wit and strategy; most of the time, they come in the form of something disruptive or service. At times we get into situations hastily, and The Squeeze reminds us to do our research before getting into situations that may not work out in our favour. You need to demand transparency, be very protective, and think critically; this is the only way you will see things from a fresh and clear perspective. This also serves as a reminder that no blessing comes from rushing into things and therefore, guard yourself. This card encourages us to stop playing games with others, and instead be authentic to enjoy our own freedom.

The Covert

The Covert is a curious soul that questions everything and reminds us that everything is not what it seems to be; there is always something hidden if we have the courage to look. The Covert believes that honesty serves in seeking light even in the shadows by being forthcoming about what you do, choosing to live in the light, your energy intensifies. The Covert makes us question and rethink our whole being; it forces us to get rid of the mentalities we have about humanity and other illusions we have in us. It encourages us to be alert because there are many things unknown to us in existence. It also urges us to embrace honesty, clarity, and transparency with people around us, especially when we are fond of having secret dealings. This does not mean that you reveal everything you are doing, but it wants you to be truthful, avoid being shady and manipulative, and live in the light and this light will shine your energy brighter and more radiant.

     The Yesterday

Letting the past remain in the past is easier said than done; it is a challenge for us to let go. The Yesterday in my personality cards wants you to live the moment and let the past be. We tend to hold on to what happened to us before, thinking of what could have been having something happen differently. The truth is that we cannot change what happened and the more we are adamant about letting the past be the past, the more we miss out on living the moment. What joy is there to being alive if we can’t live it? We can get stuck in a vicious cycle that prevents us from moving forward, carrying the past with us and dragging us down with it. The Yesterday asks us not to dwell on the past, to focus on the present and create room to make new memories because if we don’t, life will pass us by.

The Innocent Rascal

When people repeatedly point out that you are guilty, it eventually settles in you, and you start to believe them.  This is the case for the Innocent Rascal in my personality cards, who often has an energetic body, that is constantly under scrutiny and appears very untrustworthy. This personality card is encouraging us not to be hasty in passing the guilty judgment on the Innocent Rascal, and for the Rascal, the message is an encouragement to release all the negativity that people have them about themselves over and over; instead, they should focus on the positive traits they have and things that speak of inner love for them to let go of the shame and guilt.

The Socializer

The Socializer finds their joy in sharing information with anyone willing to lend a listening ear. Information, in this case, varies from facts and data to gossip and secrets; as long as the information will either educate or excite the listener, then the Socializer will share it with them. Socializers are often quick to share the information they get, ensuring that their audiences stay informed. This gives them the responsibility to ensure what they share with their audience is positive. The downside to being a Socializer is that your following often believes in what you feed them, and you might be an instrument of destruction and discord if you feed people with half-truths, secrets, and gossip. Therefore, it is up to the Socializer to ensure they exercise love and kindness in what they share with others.

The Hermit

The Hermit’s message for my personality cards deck is that people should take a step back and reconsider what we are addicted to, what we are obsessed with, and what we possess. When we seclude ourselves for long periods of time, this tends to dissolve how we connect to ourselves and how we connect to the light. It is important to find a balance in how we relate to society and the norms that it has in place. We have to break free from whatever is holding our senses captive and learn to live a freer and more fruitful life. We need to be aware of who we are by fostering a balanced connection that prevents us from withering away or forgetting ourselves. Only then will you discover the actual value of things.

The Grouch

The Grouch encourages us to speak our minds just like they do and what happens when we speak up, is a teachable moment we should embrace, both positive and negative. This encouragement is that pretense is not beneficial; there is no need for you to pretend to be happy when you are not. Instead, allow yourself to be grumpy, learn from it and go on. The Grouch highlights our constant need to hide our imperfections and pulling this card to meant to encourage us to be honest when we look at ourselves and feel inspired by what we see. We should filter all the negativity from the feedback, opinions, and experiences we go through and focus on what is helpful to our growth. We do not always have to take everything said to us, only what is valuable, and ignore the rest.

The Transparent

The Transparent reminds us that life is at its simplest when we approach it with honesty, transparency, and goodness. This personality is very genuine and lovely. According to their understanding, one loses energy when we pretend, so this card encourages us to not succumb to that. We should rethink our engagement with the world by consuming less media content and being less busy; essentially, learning to consume less in general. This soul asks us to re-evaluate our tendencies and assumptions, look for what is sincere and authentic to us and connect with that to be peaceful. When we are open to all these, we feel and become free.

The Heart Collector

The Heart Collector in my personality cards is a charismatic soul who acknowledges that love can move mountains. They are generous and gracious and can see right through you. The Heart Collector wants to remind us that we should stop seeking validation from others and warns us against being full of ourselves. When we inflate our egos and make everything about us, we lower our vibration, and instead, we should remain straightforward, unselfish, and sincere.

The Little Devil

The Little Devil has built a reputation around a fascination with the dark edges of reality. They implore you to have some excitement in your life, meet mysterious people, do things you would not normally do. This is to encourage you to feel things you never thought possible and welcome new experiences into your life. However, The Little Devil warns us against letting our desires control us; we need to be in control of what we desire and what we crave because they are usually temporary and sometimes potentially dangerous. Therefore, you should ask the Divine to enlighten your shadows, let you not be consumed by your desires, and learn to control them.

The Softie

The Softie is a kind and warm soul that inspires others to be warm and show compassion and empathy to others. They are sweet and, without effort, make us warm up to them. The Softie encourages us to trust our hearts even when circumstances are upsetting and chaotic. We should not be afraid to reveal our sweetness even in situations that seem very heated. Sweetness and benevolence are very uplifting, and we should never forget that. However, this does not mean that you should let anyone walk all over you because you are kind and sweet; you should not be swayed by those who think you have no say; you should defend what you stand for and refuse to be a pushover.

The Verge

The Verge is constantly pushing and committed to success by fighting through every storm that comes their way. They are hardworking, relentless, courageous, and practices perseverance. But, this can cause stress and exhaustion when they push themselves too hard. The Verge reminds us that while success is good and achieving what you set out to do is remarkable, you should know your limits. Learn to understand that there is time for everything and sometimes, you must slow down. Pushing yourself too hard is not the way to attaining success. It is good to, at times, relax and take your mind off the pressure; it is not wasting time, and who knows, you might find the solution to your problem if you sit back and relax. You may see things from another fresh and helpful perspective if you are not always engrossed in what you are doing.

The Money

The Money reminds us that even though material wealth that not conflict directly with spiritual growth, it can blur the growth. The Money knows that currency’s purpose is the empowerment of initiatives, both business and family. This personality is good at operating what controls Money, but can also sense when it is tarnished. At time, they can forget that obsession with currency can bring conflict with happiness. This card tells us that money is not bad because, after all, we need it for our daily transactions and exchanges, but we should not expect anything from money, as it can also bring the bad in us. We should also know how to interact with it and not let it get in the way of our relationships with others and how our minds about things. Money should not make you shallow-minded, leaving you desperate for more and making you think you are better than others because the money comes and goes. The Money urges us to know how to interact and behave with currency.

The King

The King is strong, gentle, loving, fair, just and an eternal father.  The King is a seasoned warrior; assuring us freedom and safety, knowing when to strike and when to defend. The King urges us also to be confident in what we want; we should also have the courage to ask for it. This card is reminding us that it is essential to let others have their voice, especially when you are in a leadership position. As a leader, you should practice consensus, be firm and yet still practice gentleness. You should command into existence what you desire through grace and humility. Be open-minded, swift, decisive, and courageous.

    The Yearning

The Yearning is kind, understanding, and passionate; who understands pain and suffering and sympathizes with you when challenges arise. However, this card focuses on sadness more than hope. The Yearning always focuses on the distress and chooses to see the worst in all situations, preparing for the worst, which translates to attracting the worst. The Yearning is a reminder that feeling hopeless and helpless in every situation is not suitable for you. There are no miracles that will work for you; instead, we should choose to focus on the good and start at any point. Even when it still seems unclear where it is headed in short, take a step forward. The message is to ward off negativity, always have hope that things will turn out well, have courage and faith and by all means, embrace and confess positivity and you will become it; what you confess is what you will possess.

The Networker

The Networker in my personality cards enjoys social interactions, making meaningful introductions, and meeting new people. Building a network and relationships while sharing resources and exchanging value is priceless to the Networker. Through this, the world advances, and people are always quick to monetize things, reducing the value of interactions. To the Networker, it is not about the money; the knowledge, insight, and experience one can get from these interactions are very useful. The Networker seeks knowledge, especially in an ever-changing and advancing world, and we can all benefit from this as they believe there is always enough for everyone. Introductions can improve resources depths and not only limit the resources to money, so this card encourages us to be open to introductions and interactions. Therefore, we should strive to socialize and get to know others because that is how we know we are playing the game of life right.

When we seek deeper meaning and more connection with ourselves and the universe, divination through personality cards is a powerful, accessible tool that we can use for our benefit.  We can become more self-aware and learn how to better navigate how we interact with the world. As well, it can be a great tool to use when you’re trying to understand others, growing our capacity or compassion and learning that we are all on a unique journey on this Earth.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Personality Cards: The Meaning Behind The Symbols PT 1

There are times when we search for answers on our own, but we can’t find the clarity within ourselves to find what we’re looking for. The good news is, is that there are things out there that can guide us when we need it, like tarot or oracle cards, but a deck of cards that can be even more powerful are Personality Cards. Whether you’re looking for some introspective answers, or wanting to share beliefs or feelings with your friends and family, Personality Cards can help you explore your whole being and provide some inspiration along the way.

The Birth of Personality Cards

Personality Cards were developed by Paul Wagner, with the goal to create an inspiring, modern and unique set of oracle cards that can help guide you in any aspect of your daily life.  Personality Cards come in a beautifully designed box with 78 well-illustrated cards and a booklet to help the user understand the meaning of each card. Similar to tarot cards, each Personality Card represent a metaphor for various people that we’ve met in our lives, designed to provide insight into your relationships, inspire you and allow you to look inward and find the clarity you need to be happy and at peace.

Here we explore the meaning of each of the cards and how you can use them to help guide you:

The Lover

This Personality Card embraces unconditional love, which is the purest universal vibration of energy. The Lover does not conform to the worldly habits of desire, passion, romance, projections, or need. Instead, the Lover recognizes and accepts that they embody love  themselves, instead of seeking love in other people. Therefore, despite the complexity of our lives, it is important to allow ourselves to receive nourishment and healing from the Universe where love is deeply implanted. The Lover card’s message is to be the love you want to see in other people. It all starts with you, the Lover.

The Bumble Bee

The Bumble Bee represents kind-heartedness and self-reliance. They are open-minded crafters, who enjoy sharing their work and are not afraid to go that far from home, as they also enjoy the rewards that come with the exploration. The Bumble Bee reminds us that it is best to open our minds to every possibility and free our imaginations, be present and aware, take risks and let go of the need to be in control. Only then will you relax and experience simple and clear joy.

The Feeler

The Feeler is a sensitive soul; sensitive to vibrations, words, thoughts, and sounds. They are very insightful in transforming dynamics and processes and helping people with something as small as a glance, gesture, or even a word. The Feeler believes that if you want to understand yourself and human nature, then you must practice empathy. You should practice compassion and empathy in any situation you find yourself in. You will only get to see from every perspective because you will be in harmony with everything around you. This approach will help you find the best action to take for any situation. The Feeler encourages us to be open to the energies around us, but not forget to respect our boundaries and those we want to connect with.

The Righteous Beast

The Righteous Beast is a personality that leans toward aggressiveness and assertiveness. A reminder that, at times, you require aggression to get what you want in life. You need to defend your dreams even when they seem absurd to others and what you believe in without bowing to any external pressure. The Righteous Beast encourages you to channel your focus and embrace your authentic self. Get rid of whatever is trying to restrict and confine you, the conditions limiting you from achieving what you want. We are often too scared to get out of our comfort zone, but this personality card urges us to go beyond our comfort zone and explore our most tremendous potential. It is a reminder that to attain greatness; you require internal toughness.

The Influencer

The Influencer believes that being generous, through sharing and being helpful, is valuable when it comes to sharing information. The Influencer is charismatic and bright, encouraging others to express themselves, constantly coming up with new concepts, and can easily persuade you to like the person you are. This Personality Card also urges you to be keen on the readily available resources because they will help augment your well-being and wealth. Since the Influencer aims to impress through their speeches, clothes, and appearances, being associated with them might also improve how people view you, say elevation by association! The Influencer urges us to be generous givers with no expectations and not have a high opinion on popularity and position.

The Floating

The Floating is charming, charismatic and endearing, who makes us inherently feel safe when we’re around them. They are sweet and warm, but connecting with them is a challenge because they never seem to be grounded in one place. Touching the ground would mean establishing roots in one place, and this is something they find hard to do. The Floating flirts and flatters, but before it gets any deeper, they fly away. The message here is an encouragement to learn commitment, give yourself a chance to touch the ground, and establish roots to learn things like focus and loyalty. This way, your life is guaranteed to change.

The Hedonist

For the Hedonist, life is defined as pleasure, desire and anything with a sensory input. The Hedonist is very sensual, adventurous, and asks us to question the status quo and to expand our perceptions of what we think we want in life. At times, we are bound by how we perceive things, and we become rigid to change, and instead choose a path in life that in fact imprisons our authentic selves.  The Hedonist is reminding us that it is okay to want pleasure; after all, we are human. And, allowing ourselves to experience all this is a way to heal parts of us that want to be nurtured and seen.

The Mystical

The Mystical acts as a bridge between the physical form and the spirit, and taps into the spiritual and biological aspects passed down from generation to generation. The Mystical acts as a messenger by inviting your ancestors and guides to speak to you through them. They are open-hearted, intuitive, loving, and usually very committed to helping you cultivate clarity and happiness in your lives. This is a call to be open to receiving what the Universe is trying to communicate to you. Do not shut the doors and windows to your heart and soul to experience the energy that is vibrating around you. Let the current flowing within you embrace the forces around it and be inspired by them.

The Comedian

The Comedian is an inventive and wildly dark Shaman. Society has a lot of beliefs, philosophies, and perceptions that limit what people can do. In these beliefs, some falsehoods have been created over the years and instilled in us, so much so that they have become part of the truth. The Comedian wants you to challenge these misconceptions and false narratives; there are so many illusions that we have created in and among us, and it is high time we get rid of them too. The truth will always set you free from mental prisons, limiting beliefs that have held us captive so long that we cannot see ourselves. The Comedian wants you to strive for awareness to deconstruct all the false narratives, find the truth, and eventually find your freedom.

The Cuddler

The Cuddler wants you to experience healthy physical and emotional intimacy. They are a very affectionate soul who encourages you to get in touch with your feelings and not shut them out. They understand how valuable affection is and its power in shifting one’s mood. A small gesture like a hug or a massage goes a long way in healing a fractured or wounded heart or spirit. There is no shame in asking for a hug or a simple action like holding hands, we yearn to feel love and affection, and it is good to let yourself be loved and experience affection. The Cuddler also warns about overdependence on touch because this can limit your growth; instead, strike a balance to ensure you have a healthy attachment to others. It is also a reminder that while we expect and yearn for intimacy with others, we should practice self-love, feed our bodies, minds, and souls with love, and let that mirror how we want to be loved. There is nothing wrong with wanting affection; embrace it because that makes us human.

The Serpentine

The Serpentine is very conniving, lustful and hungry in a way that is not beneficial to you and those around you. They are very mischievous, crafty, and sneaky. The Serpentine is also very manipulative and will show you what you always desire, trick you into what you always crave, and pushes you to be selfish so that you can reveal your secrets. This card encourages us to look inside ourselves and improve what we believe, what we desire, our motivations, and what we pledge allegiance to because the Serpentine will bring out the worst in us. It does not serve us to be devilish; we need to embrace honesty, balance our desires, hunger, and ambitions so that they do not lean towards selfishness, and strive to make our desires good so that in case we are visited by the Serpentine, he does not take away the goodness in you and consume it with mischief, craftiness, and selfishness.

The Awakened

Is also called the One Who Comes into the State of Oneness, the embodiment of the spirit, energy, soul, light, force, and physical. There is no way to separate any of these elements because they are woven together in something; you! The Awakened reminds us that we are loved, and we are love; therefore, we should practice commanding love even in situations that seem impossible to teach love. The Awakened encourages us to move swiftly from one challenge to another with consciousness. Even when it seems impossible, we should not forget to practice love because it will bring miracles and light. In a world that is often very cruel, the Awakened reminds us that we should not join the cruel bandwagon to spread cruelty; instead, we learn to see ourselves in the highest life, which begins by commanding love and believing that we are love and deserve love.

The Shifter

The Shifter challenges us to change our patterns and encourages us to grow. We are always stuck in the same place with the same things out of habit with the fear of venturing into unfamiliar territories. However, being in a routine dims our innovations, creativity, and inspiration. Therefore, the Shifter wants us to step out of our routines, be daring enough to embrace the wild where we still have no formed habit, explore what is out there, and be open to inviting change in every aspect of our lives because change is inevitable and is at times exactly what we need.

The Silent

The Silent knows the value of sitting in our thoughts, in the quiet, connecting with the eternal as they find peace in the silence. Our everyday lives are filled with so much going on; at times, we must be still, keep quiet and find peace in the silence. You will quickly and easily feel tranquility if you maintain silence and practice meditation; the journey to serenity will be longer if you do not silence your mind and constantly keep analyzing things. Silence is golden, and this personality card reminds us to exercise it, make room for the Universe, deepen ourselves, and find quick, amicable, and reasonable answers to our problems.

The Healer

The Healer is pure and clear; they help others soothe the vibrations by holding intentions of flow and rejuvenation. To be like the Healer, you must accept vulnerability and not be afraid. We often build high walls around us to prevent others see us in our vulnerable states. Still, the Healer reminds us that light and sound are foundational elements of creation and make up physical matter, thoughts, and emotions. Souls embody love frequencies in their purest forms, and therefore, we need to allow external expansiveness to flow through us and align love and light with healing fractures. It is a reminder to allow ourselves to be vulnerable; only then will our prayers be answered, and we will find peace.

The Family Fable

The Family Fable loves and adores family. They use ancestral stories to validate his beliefs and desires and does well when their family thrive. The Family Fable reminds us that there are a lot of good values that we can pick from; however, the Family Fable warns us that, at times, the family can be destructive, and we have to pay attention to that. Some of us are in toxic family relationships without even realizing it. While to some, it is uncommon for a family to be wrong or toxic, we need to acknowledge that there is no picture-perfect family and at times, what is draining the zeal of life out of you is your family. You may also be picking up negative traits from them that make you toxic to others. Therefore, evaluate which family aspects are helping you grow and which ones are not.

The Harness

The Harness is a leader who wants the team members to put their skills to good use and strives to inspire them through language to help them enjoy and invest in working together for the common good. They aim to ensure collaboration and bring people together. The Harness can help teams realize their full potential, even those that seem to be mediocre. They tap into the passion and expertise of every team member with courage. They realize that people can achieve a lot if they work together; two heads are better than one, and therefore, they will succeed with each team player having a specific task custom to their area of expertise. The Harness is a reminder that collaborations bring out the best in everyone; they are very productive and ease one’s mind off doing all the work themselves. If you want to go far, walk with others.

The Whimsical

The Whimsical is a light-hearted soul who believes in the path to your freedom through magic and playfulness. It is never that serious; therefore, the Whimsical chooses playfulness over everything. They see through the barriers you have created and goes straight to the heart of the matter. We often set many boundaries and restrictions that limit us from being who we are. These restrictions cage us in a box and deny us our freedom. But the Whimsical reminds us that there is a whole world of infinite possibilities outside our cocoons. Sticking to what we know and not willing to explore anything else that is out there makes us miss out on the gift of magic that is ever present around us. This card urges you to relax, let loose, exert yourself beyond your cocoon, and see yourself expand, take that leap of faith.

We can all learn more form ourselves and others by using divination. When we ask the universe for answers, and we open ourselves up to the possibilities, we can find deeper meaning in ways we never would have dreamed.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

How The Sedona Method Can Drastically Improve Your Life

The Sedona Method is a mindfulness practice that combines principles from different philosophies and techniques to help you find peace and happiness. This wondrous technique provides you with new ways of thinking, feeling, and being that can dramatically improve your life.

If you’re not familiar with The Sedona Method, here are some things you need to know: It’s an evidence-based Self-help program focused on helping participants become their best selves by releasing unwanted emotions, and reducing stress and anxiety, all the while increasing positivity and a sense of inner peace.

In other words, it’s a process designed to make your life better in every way. That might sound like a lot of hocus-pocus, but there’s plenty of science backing it up.

Here are three reasons why The Sedona Method can drastically improve your life.

The Sedona Method is based on the tried-and-true acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). ACT is a therapeutic approach that’s growing in popularity thanks to research supporting its effectiveness. One study found that ACT helps people increase their psychological flexibility. This refers to our ability to adapt to — and make positive changes within — different situations.

ACT helps people reduce their suffering by teaching them three core skills: the ability to tolerate difficult emotions, the ability to engage in Self-care, and the ability to commit to behavior change. The Sedona Method is based on these three skills.

You can use it to discover your passion and purpose in life.

According to experts and psychologists, discovering your passion and purpose in life is one of the best things you can do. In addition to bringing you a lot of happiness and satisfaction, it can also help you make better career choices while increasing your overall quality of life. If you don’t know what you’re passionate about, or if you can’t decide on a direction for your life, it can be difficult to find happiness.

The Sedona Method Questions

Here are the questions you can ask yourself to help you emerge free and clear of debilitating emotions, thoughts, attitudes, and conditions.

  • How do you feel now?
  • Where might you feel this in your body?
  • Can you allow this feeling some more?
  • Can you allow it even more?
  • There might be more, can you allow yourself to feel this emotion more?
  • Can you let it go? If not, can you sense what it’s about? Is it about Approval, Control, Security, Oneness, or Opportunity? Whatever it is, can you let it go?
  • If you say yes to being able to let it go, ask: Would you let it go?
  • And then simply, WHEN?

This process most often products an inner-allowing where the ego, mind, and emotions acquiesce to the spirit – your core Being within you. With each release, you become more free. If you can allow for mini-releases over time, you’ll find quite a sense of liberation amid even the most challenging circumstances.


The Sedona Method can help you identify your passion and purpose by helping you accept your emotions, your authentic Self, and every aspect of your reality. Once you’ve done that, you can begin to visualize your future and think about what you want for yourself.

The Sedona Method helps you release emotions and prior projections, and nudges you toward accepting your circumstances.

Our lives are moving at such rapid rates, we can barely process what happened yesterday, let alone all the traumas and challenges we’ve experienced since birth. The Sedona Method can help you acknowledge, feel, and release deeply held emotions, attitudes, personas, and beliefs that have been stifling your growth and happiness for decades. With each acceptance of our feelings, we relax into who we are. With each release of those feelings, we make space for our expansion.

Accept, release, and expand – this is the value of The Sedona Method.

It can give you the tools to live in the moment. The ability to be present and live in the moment is key to finding happiness. Unfortunately, most people spend their lives dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. This often leads to feelings of regret, anxiety, and stress.

The Sedona Method can help you become more present. It’s based on the idea that you can take control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. If you learn how to do this and commit to living in the moment, you’ll be able to reduce your stress levels and lead a happier and more fulfilling life.


The Sedona Method is a mindfulness practice that combines principles from different philosophies and techniques to help you find peace and happiness. This technique provides you with new ways of thinking, feeling, and being that can dramatically improve your life. If you’re not familiar with The Sedona Method, here are some things you need to know: It’s based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), which is proven to work. You can use it to discover your passion and purpose in life. It can give you the tools to live in the moment, and it can help you find peace and happiness.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an Intuitive Mystic, Author, Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

For years, Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

You might also checkout the groundbreaking divination tool The Shankara Oracle – the most penetrative and life-changing oracles on Earth. It takes you far beyond what tarot and oracle cards can do – and offers a truly divine transformation.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

How I Used Intuitive Coaches, Tarot Readers, Mystics, and Psychics to Heal My Life

We all experience dark moments in our lives, when we just can’t see a future for ourselves. Intuitive coaches, tarot readers, mystics and psychics can have a helpful hand at these times. A psychic or intuitive is someone who has the ability to sense things that others may not be able to see. They can help you find meaning in your life, understand difficult situations and even predict the future based on their special gifts.

These intuitives aren’t fortune tellers but rather people who are tuned into their intuitive abilities, sensing things about you that others might not be able to see. These people have an innate ability to read energy and circumstances and offer guidance based on what they sense from you or see in the cards, tarot or other tools they use in their practice.

Why You Might Need an Intuitive Reading

A reading with an intuitive can help you to see your life from a different perspective and gain insight about your life path, relationships, health, and financial situations. You may come to an intuitive for help with any of the following: – Understanding a difficult situation in your life – such as a break-up, death in the family, chronic illness, or the stressful times that come with the death of a job. – Finding your life purpose, your strengths and weaknesses and how those connect to your life path. – Understanding the dynamics of a difficult relationship – such as a parent/child, spousal or friend relationship and how to heal and find peace in it. – To find closure in a traumatic situation you’ve been unable to come to terms with. – To find financial stability and security. – To understand the meaning behind recurring dreams.

How Intuitive Coaches, Tarot Readers and Psychics Can Help

Intuitive coaches, tarot readers and psychics can help with the above issues by providing insights from their intuitive abilities, knowledge and experience in their fields. They can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and offer strategies to overcome challenges in your life. They can help you find your life path and purpose by listening to you and understanding your situation. They can help you understand the dynamics of relationships, whether platonic or romantic, by putting themselves in your shoes and helping you find solutions. They can help you find closure to traumatic situations by helping you understand the reasons behind them and how they affect you. They can help you understand the meaning behind recurring dreams and help you discover their hidden meaning and what you need to learn from them.

Choosing the Right Intuitive for You

When choosing an intuitive for a reading, there are some things to keep in mind. First, find out if the intuitive is certified or trained. There are many people who call themselves intuitives, but who haven’t been trained and don’t have a real ability to sense things. Make sure the person is ethical and doesn’t guarantee a particular outcome and doesn’t use their gift to manipulate you. You should feel comfortable with the person and their method of reading; find an intuitive who uses a method that resonates with you. Find out if they specialize in one area of life such as relationships, finances, career, health and so on. If you have more than one issue that you want insight on, it’s a good idea to go to different intuitives.

Psychic Readers and Intuitive Coaches

Psychic readers and intuitive coaches are similar in that they are both intuitives; the difference is the way they use their abilities. Psychic readers will use a deck of cards or other tools to assist them in their readings and can communicate with spirits. Intuitive coaches use their intuition and can help you in your current life situation, but don’t communicate with spirits.

Tarot Readers and Mystics

The difference between tarot readers and mystics is the tool used. Tarot readers use tarot cards as their tool, while mystics use a form of meditation.

Types Of Advice From Clairsentients

Clairsentients are people who can sense the energy of people, places and objects. They can often see a person’s aura and the energy fields around them. Clairvoyants can also see other people’s energy fields and auras, and can also see into the past or future. When you consult a clairsentient, you can expect them to use their abilities to help you in one or more of the following ways: – They can help you to understand what is going on in your life right now, and what you need to do next. – They can help you to see where you came from and what your past experiences have taught you. – They can help you to understand people around you, and how their past and present experiences affect their lives and relationships with you. – They can help you to understand your relationship with yourself, with others and with the world around you. – They can help you to see what lies ahead for you in life, and what you can do to create the future you desire.

Tarot And Oracle Cards To Help You Heal, Forgive, And Evolve

Tarot and oracle cards can help you to heal, forgive and evolve. They can help you understand the root cause of a difficult situation or relationship and help you forgive the person or situation. They can also help you to find your life path and purpose, your strengths and weaknesses and how those connect to your life path. They can help you to understand the dynamics of a difficult relationship, such as a parent/child, spousal or friend relationship and how to heal and find peace in it. They can help you to find closure in a traumatic situation you’ve been unable to come to terms with. They can help you to find financial stability and security. They can also help you understand the meaning behind recurring dreams.

Final Thoughts

Just like we take care of our bodies, minds and souls, so too do we need to take care of our spirits from time to time. And when we are not feeling our best, it is important to reach out for help, because every single person has their own challenges to deal with in life. An intuitive reading can help you to find clarity and come to terms with the circumstances in your life. You may seek an intuitive reading for yourself or for someone in your life who may benefit from one. Make sure you choose the right intuitive for you and that you are comfortable with their method of reading.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

You will love The Shankara Oracle as it will take you deeply within and connect you with your pure, divine Self.


The Dangers of Religious Judgmentalism

Dramatic religious background – hell realm, bright lightnings in dark red apocalyptic sky, judgement day, end of world, eternal damnation, dark scary silhouettes

The Dangers of Religious Judgmentalism

When you hear the word “religion,” what comes to mind? Do you picture a loving deity, a path of truth and light, and the promise of eternal peace and salvation? Or do you think about an all-consuming lifestyle and a dark set of “others” who refuse to follow this one true path? Religious zealotry can turn into a dark path of religious judgmentalism, isolation, and prejudice. Read on to learn more about the way this extremism can influence people of all religions and how we can break free and return to a viewpoint of light and love.

Ignorance in Religion

At its best, religion is supposed to teach us how to be loving, open, accepting, and forgiving. Unfortunately, too often, people get caught up in defending their religion as absolute truth. They become so obsessed with convincing the world that they’re right and everyone else is wrong that they start trying to take on the role of moral police.

Religious judgmentalism happens across all religions – Christian evangelists, Muslim extremists, pagan die-hards, Jewish zealots, Hindu ascetics, and even aggressive atheists. These people live in big cities, small towns, rural villages, isolated compounds, and glamorous world capitals. They become so narrow-minded that they start to feel as though everyone not like them is wrong, broken, stupid, or evil.

How It Begins

So how do beliefs that are supposed to be founded in love and truth mutate into hatred and judgment? In many cases, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. People find truth and hope in their religion, and, in the beginning, they want to share that hope and truth with everyone around them.

However, once people share those beliefs, they expect the people they convert to follow the guidelines of their religion. They feel that following these rules is the only way to stay in good standing with their god or to appropriately honor them. People who refuse to follow the prescribed lifestyle or who don’t accept the “truth” that these extremists are preaching are ostracized and labeled sinful or wrong.

Damage to Loved Ones

Religious judgmentalism hurts everyone around us, beginning with our loved ones. Oftentimes, the people who love us most may not feel as strongly about religion as we do; they may not even believe the same way we do. And the harder we preach, the more alienated and judged they may feel.

Our loved ones may feel like they can’t talk to us about religion or even about some of the important parts of their lives. They may feel judged, unloved, or even second-class in our lives. This sort of close-mindedness can start to drive away the people who love us most, causing immeasurable hurt and years-long rifts.

Damage to Society

Religious zealotry and religious judgmentalism also cause tremendous damage to our society. In the United States, many of our most oppressive laws come from a place of religious moral policing. For instance, the persecution that many people in the LGBTQ+ community face comes from right-wing Christian nationalists imposing their own ideas about which sexualities or gender identities are acceptable to God.

When religious zealots become the voice of a religion, that religion becomes associated with hatred and persecution. In fact, this has been a problem for Muslims in America, who get unfairly associated with the extremist sects that committed the atrocities of 9/11. This hatred and mistrust can turn into something of a societal arms race as people begin dividing out into groups of “us” and “them.”

Damage to Self

Perhaps most insidious of all, religious zealotry causes a deep and subtle hard to the zealots themselves. When we buy into the “I’m right and everyone else is wrong” ideology, we lose sight of the precious gifts other people have to offer. People not like us become a faceless “them” who we don’t even see as being fully human.

As we descend further into this religious fervor, we become more and more isolated, and our worlds become smaller. Soon, the only people who we can have relationships are people who believe the same way we do. We lose the beauty of a full and diverse experience of the world and constantly see evil and sin, rather than the light present in everyone around us.

Why Open-Mindedness Is Important

In the battle against religious judgmentalism, open-mindedness is the single best defense we have. Open-mindedness strives to accept all people as they are, honoring them for the inherent human value they carry. It focuses on listening to the diverse experiences people have to offer, rather than fearing viewpoints different from our own.

When we work to be more open-minded, we start to see the people around us as full humans again. We begin to hear their stories and discover the light within these people. We learn that we all share the same common desires and struggles and that we have far more in common than we have differences.

Examine Your Bias

The first step towards being more open-minded is to take a look at the biases you hold. In general, we’re all a little biased against people who don’t look or live like us. This may include people of different races, genders, sexualities, religions, economic backgrounds, and so on.

Think about the groups or people you don’t like and ask yourself if you write people off just because they belong to these groups. Think about why you don’t like these groups and if the people you don’t like have ever done anything to harm you specifically. It may also be helpful to take an online bias test to see what subconscious biases you may be harboring.

Ask Questions

Now that you know a little more about the biases you hold, it’s time to start asking some hard questions. Oftentimes, religious zealotry may discourage questions, urging us instead to trust blindly in the tenets of our faith or our own beliefs. But any belief worth judging someone for is worth examining first.

When you encounter something new that makes you feel angry or uncomfortable, stop and ask yourself how much you really know about the person or topic. Think back to your biases and ask yourself if any of those prejudices may be influencing your feelings. Then seek out information from reputable sources, trying to get a few different viewpoints on the topic before you decide how you feel about it.

Breathe Before Judging

One of the hardest things you’ll encounter in your path to open-mindedness is resisting the impulse to write off different views as bad or wrong. You may feel strongly that these views or behaviors oppose your religion or offend your deity. This can be especially painful or frightening if you’ve been raised to believe that people who live this lifestyle or believe these things are evil, unclean, or damned.

When these feelings of judgment and prejudice rise up, close your eyes and take a few deep, calming breaths. Ask the questions we’ve discussed and remind yourself that the feelings you’re experiencing come from your bias, not from absolute truth. Remind yourself that the person before you is made from the same stardust you are, and try to foster curiosity about their life and beliefs.

Escape the Trap of Religious Judgementalism and Zealotry

Religious zealotry can be a dark spiral of hatred and judgment that isolates us from the beautiful humans around us. This religious judgmentalism can hurt our loved ones, our community, and even ourselves. When you find yourself judging someone based on your religious beliefs, take a deep breath and try to extend past your bias into genuine curiosity and open-mindedness.

If you’d like to learn more about how to escape the trap of religious zealotry, check out the rest of my site at PaulWagner.com. I am here to help you awaken and bravely create an inspired life. Learn more about my services today and start changing your life in the most positive way.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.


Consciousness And Panpsychism

Everyone knows that human beings are conscious, and many also believe that other animals and perhaps even plants may also be conscious. But what does this really mean? How does consciousness arise in the world? What is its nature? Is it something special or just a useful adaptation? And can we learn anything about how consciousness works from non-human animals or plants? These questions about consciousness — its origin and meaning — have been debated for as long as humans have thought about such things. The recent surge of interest in “panpsychism” represents a new wrinkle on this old problem. Panpsychism is the view that everything has a degree of consciousness, even things like tables and chairs. This isn’t just because all things have some sort of “spiritual essence” but because everything has properties like size, shape, color, smell or taste; properties which are essentially also ways of sensing the world. This post will explore the relationship between consciousness and panpsychism.

What Is Consciousness?

Philosophers, scientists and cognitive scientists have long wrestled with the question of what exactly consciousness is. Due to the inherent difficulties of exploring consciousness in an objective way, there is no consensus over the precise definition that captures all of the essential features of consciousness. Nevertheless, there are a few features that most definitions of consciousness have in common: – There is a subjective aspect to the experience of consciousness. When we are directly experiencing the world, we are only aware of our own subjective consciousness. In other words, the contents of our experience are private and cannot be directly accessed by other people. – Consciousness is an integrated whole. Our experiences don’t feel like a random collection of disconnected sights and sounds, but like a unified “field of consciousness”. – Consciousness is known as “what it is like” to be an experiencing subject. When we experience the world, we aren’t just passively receiving information, we also have a “feeling of what it is like” to be that subject.

Panpsychism And The Problem Of Qualification

Panpsychism is the view that all matter has some degree of consciousness. This might sound like a strange or even ridiculous view, but the truth is that no one really knows how consciousness arises. Therefore, any theory that purports to explain the origin of consciousness is going to seem strange or ridiculous at first glance. The main problem with panpsychism, as a theory about consciousness, is that it seems to “qualify” consciousness. In other words, panpsychism suggests that consciousness is a quality that all things possess — like size or shape. This runs into problems because we often think of consciousness as something more than a mere quality. We think that only certain types of things can be conscious — living things, for example. We don’t think that consciousness is a generic property of the universe; it’s something that is rare and special.

Why Have Qualification?

One way to respond to the problem of qualification is to argue that consciousness isn’t a mere quality, it is a special kind of relation between an experiencing subject and the things being experienced. This “relation theory” of consciousness isn’t a solution to the problem of qualification because it isn’t a form of panpsychism. It’s an attempt to re-define what we mean by “consciousness” so that we aren’t forced to admit that everything has consciousness. A better way to respond to the problem of qualification is to argue that consciousness isn’t just a simple quality like size or shape. It is a highly complex and sophisticated phenomenon that depends on underlying neural and cognitive processes that are specific to living creatures. Consciousness isn’t a generic quality that all things possess, it is a specific ability of living things that comes about as a result of very particular underlying processes.

How Is Consciousness Inherent In All Things?

One way to respond to the problem of qualification is to argue that consciousness isn’t a mere quality of the world — it’s a fundamental aspect of the nature of all things. This would mean that consciousness isn’t something that we discover like an underlying law of nature, it is something that we create when we observe the world and use language to give meaning to our perceptions. This is the reasoning behind the “panpsychist” approach to the problem of qualification: consciousness isn’t something that some things have, it is something that all things have. Consciousness isn’t something that is added to the world, it is something that is implicit in all things. It’s not something we discover when we observe the universe, it’s something that we impose on the universe when we make meaning out of our observations.

Consciousness As An Adaptation: The Epistemological Argument For Panpsychism

One way to respond to the problem of qualification is to argue that consciousness isn’t something that all things have, it’s something that only living things have. This would problematize the “epistemological” approach to the problem of qualification: consciousness is an adaptation that gives a particular advantage to living things. This is one way to respond to the problem of qualification by arguing that consciousness isn’t a generic phenomenon but a specific ability. This isn’t a form of panpsychism because it doesn’t suggest that everything has consciousness — only living things do. Consciousness is an adaptation that has been shaped by natural selection to give living things an advantage in the struggle for survival.

Consciousness As An Adaptation: The Ontological Argument For Panpsychism

One way to respond to the problem of qualification is to argue that consciousness isn’t something that only living things have, it is something that all things have. This would problematize the “ontological” approach to the problem of qualification: consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the underlying nature of all things. This is one way to respond to the problem of qualification by arguing that consciousness isn’t a specific ability but a fundamental feature of the universe. It isn’t something that we discover when we observe the world, it is something that we create when we give meaning to our observations. This isn’t a form of panpsychism because it doesn’t claim that everything has consciousness — only things that are capable of meaning-making are given a degree of consciousness.

Consciousness And Self- Awareness

One way to respond to the problem of qualification is to argue that consciousness isn’t a generic phenomenon, it’s a specific ability of living things that only living things have — the ability to be self-aware. This would problematize the “epistemological” approach to the problem of qualification: consciousness is a specific ability that only living things have — the ability to be self-aware. This is one way to respond to the problem of qualification by arguing that consciousness isn’t a basic ability of all things, it’s a complex ability that only living things have: the capacity to be self-aware. Self-awareness is a sophisticated cognitive ability that allows us to experience ourselves as subjects in the world.


Despite the lengthy discussion of consciousness above, it might seem that we’re no closer to understanding what consciousness is. The truth is that no one really knows how consciousness arises in the world or what it really is. We are forced to make educated guesses in the absence of any clear consensus. This doesn’t mean that we can’t learn anything from the debate about consciousness, it just means that we should be careful not to overstate the certainty of our conclusions. Whatever view we hold about the nature of consciousness, it would be wise to remember that we don’t fully understand the phenomenon we call “consciousness”.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Reasonable Advice For Human Beings

Straight from the horse’s mouth, here are 13 quick notes of reasonable advice that can help any human being be more loving, balanced, and wholesome.

13 Notes of Reasonable Advice

Here’s some reasonable advice about using products on our bodies:

1. Do not buy any soap, other than pure soap. The only brand that meets the highest mark is Dr. Bronner’s. Their jug of rose soap is lovely and effective. Their bars of lavender and citrus soaps are wonderful. You can add baking soda to Dr. Bronner’s liquid peppermint, rose, lavender, and citrus soaps and make your own laundry detergent.

2. Do not buy cosmetics that have any unnatural ingredients in them. Most of them have metals that get into your blood and cause damage and disease. It’s best to make your own lotions from all-natural cream bases.

3. Do not buy deodorant. It either has chemicals in it and/or blocks your pores and causes illness down the line. Whatever you put into your armpits goes directly into your bloodstream. Use warm oil at night to nourish it. Wipe it off with a steamy, hot cloth. If your diet is healthy, over time, you will have very little smell coming from that part of your body.

Some reasonable advice about relationships…

4. You can exit a relationship at any time. Your primary relationship is with The
Universe, not individuals. Boundaries are helpful; exits can be transcendent. Why break yourself to appease people who have no interest in making room for who you are?

5.  Angry people are often the most loyal – until you judge them into the ground for their anger. Like all emotions, we must allow ourselves to feel them as much as we can and then find healthy pathways to release them. We can’t blame anger for being itself. The Sedona Method is the purest method of healing and release on Earth.

Reasonable advice about the beliefs and desires that rule us:

6.  Living in tiny religious boxes, believing that your representation of God is “the only one,” will leave you limited while living and also upon your death. Embrace all love-based religions as doorways to the illumination of the Self. In most cases, the stories are repeated from one religion to the next, but with different deity names and timeframes. To The Divine Consciousness that permeates all reality, these stories are nothing.

7. Telling everyone your secret desires and goals leaks energy and gives your ego the illusion that it is satisfied. Over time, the chemicals related to healthy creative aggression will subside, and you will give up on the desire or goal – or perform it half-heartedly with little success.

8. Most desires will result in pain. Some will result in joy and then pain. The majority of our desires are useless to us, often defrauding us of our happiness. Thoroughly vet your desires and goals before diving into them. Put them through the most arduous scrutiny before deciding to pour your lovely heart into them or bring them to life.

9. Conspiracy theories are built for fragile, childish, egoistic minds to appease their fear of uncertainty. The vast majority of conspiracy theories are untrue. Even if you found a conspiracy theory that is true, what can you really do about it at this point in your life? Besides blabbering on about it, what are you willing to actually do or sacrifice? Nothing! Because you are not 100% certain about it and the conspiracy has no tangible impact on your life. 99% of conspiracies are nothing more than marketing funnels for ideologues or toxic gossip created for idiots. Focus on allowing uncertainty in your life so that you do not waste so much energy on childish things that you fail at concreting love and joy in your life.

Reasonable advice about what we put in our bodies:

10. Sugar is bad for you. If you drink a glass of orange juice, it yields an overwhelming amount of sugar for your body. Drink water. Make orange juice a weekly cocktail.

11. Ice in your beverages is bad for you. Your body needs room temperature or warm beverages to assist in digestion. Ice stops the flow. Warmth keeps it moving.

Reasonable advice about activism:

12. Healthy masculinity, feminity, men, and women are strong, robust, resourceful, and never play the victim. Toxic masculinity is most often obvious and requires drastic repercussions. Toxic femininity and toxic feminism hide behind contrived, judgmental new-age concepts and trending varieties of cancel culture. Canceling someone you never knew is just a harsher form of gossip. Canceling someone does not help their soul advance – it drives them deeper into their wounds and self-hatred. Each of us is masculine and feminine: You were male or female in many prior lives. Be more allowing and truly get to know someone before spreading gossip. Look at yourself deeply and address your own misconceptions before barking wildly at the moon. Why waste so much energy on someone else’s illusion?

13. Non-allyship of brands you hate does nothing for anybody. This is just another form of toxic, passive, do-nothing gossip. It’s what preachy bullshitters do when they have too much free time and not enough intelligence to evaluate the trajectory of it. If you don’t like a brand, buy something from a different brand. Breaking a brand with non-allyship sends a terrible message – and it wastes the possibility of the brand and its employees experiencing transformation and transcendence into a new way of doing and being. If you’re motivated to help, then get involved with the brand. Inform it, inspire it, and reach out to the decision-makers. Not buying Chick-fil-A because the CEO is an LGBTQ+-hating jackoff does nothing for anybody. The more loving you are, the more people will change. There’s always another way. Even if a wave of non-allyship shuts a company down, the investors and executives will find new pathways to express their prejudice. Non-allyship is egoistic and it wastes an
opportunity to help others grow.

More Reasonable Advice from Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

The Sedona Method: Release EVERYTHING & Heal Your Life

The Sedona Method: How To Release EVERYTHING & Heal Your Life

We have all used this command as a way to help others and ourselves: “Just let it go!”

In The Sedona Method, the journey to releasing every pervasive emotion and negative experience – and improving your life is propelled by just that: “letting go” – through the process of allowing and releasing. We allow the emotions, encourage ourselves to feel them more and more, and then ask ourselves if we can release them. This creates vast space within us so that we can continuously and more deeply enjoy our true nature.

You might be thinking that it’s not that simple. True, we often overcomplicate things, and we entrench ourselves in the worst way. We hold grudges, we imagine vengeance, we play the victim, and we cling to stress as human beings trying to coordinate this chaotic three-dimensional reality.

It’s not fun to admit it, but some people thrive on chaos and drama. If you’re one of those people, don’t feel ashamed. We all do it. Acknowledging your tendencies and pinpointing the source of your emotions and complex feelings are the first steps toward healing and transformation. Going forward, if you can learn to breathe deeply, allow your emotions, release them, and finally let it all go, you’ll find an enduring process in your journey of transcendence and spiritual illumination.

In this article, I’ll explore this “letting go,” the allowing and releasing process at the core of The Sedona Method, a scientifically proven technique that helps people release all the emotions and feelings blocking up their life so that they can heal and find peace.

What is the Sedona Method?

The Sedona Method was originally created by Lester Levenson, a kind and loving entrepreneur and physicist who enjoyed outward success – yet suffered silently from physical and mental health conditions. Despite achieving all he had dreamed of in his career and personal life, Lester never felt that he had achieved true happiness. As a man who embraced every challenge, Lester stepped up to the challenge to devise a solution to this inner discontent.

The beginnings of The Sedona Method stemmed from Lester’s realization that we are unlimited Beings. We limit ourselves with concepts, labels, and categories that are not true, yet we find comfort in their limitations. We embrace being limited so that we might temporarily feel better.

By creating labels and setting boundaries, we create structure for our lives, but these limiting paradigms can easily oppress us. Luckily, they can also be released – because they have no foundation in truth.

Since Lester was an innovator in this line of thought, he did not have any available vocabulary that could help him spread his ideas to others. He wanted to help others release and heal like he had done for himself – so he sought other philosophical leaders’ advice. He began partnering with evangelical leaders and reading books from both the eastern and western schools of thought.

Lester was opposed to becoming a guru because The Sedona Method fundamentally teaches that the journey is within the Self, not dependent on external sources. Still, his leadership caused many people to follow him as students. Soon, he realized that his ideas needed to be formalized.

Ultimately, The Sedona Method teaches that you are more than you ever realized. You don’t need to be limited by the limiting concepts of our society, and you can heal by releasing those limitations that aren’t founded in truth.

How Does The Sedona Method Work?

Just like life, you receive from The Sedona Method what you put into it. The guides are just that–guides–and the true instrument and driving force of your healing is YOU. No external forces can help you or hurt you. The process happens entirely within yourself and depends on you to fully manifest and serve you.

The Sedona Method is as effective–if not more effective than–other types of treatments without the downsides of treatment. Many people fear that they will become emotionally spent, become dependent, or experience forms of trauma from the treatment of emotional issues.

The Sedona Method does not involve any substances, so there is no fear of addiction or dependency. The technique also focuses on the good and is a restorative practice, not exhaustive, so you will never get to the point of feeling emotionally spent or traumatized. Overall, the Sedona Method is about finding freedom and release.

Is The Sedona Method a Religion or Belief System?

Practicing the Sedona Method is easy and unproblematic because it simply teaches you an effective method for letting go of unwanted emotions, feelings, and thoughts that hold you back from fully living and being yourself. It is not a system or religion, as the founder himself did not believe that external forces were responsible for your path to self-healing.

Rather than weekly meetings with other people, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, talk therapy, or church services, The Sedona Method empowers you to heal yourself whenever you want, as much as you want, without needing to depend on any external structures or other people. Because of this empowerment, you can achieve release and freedom quickly rather than the weeks, months, or even years that other forms of “therapy” require.

What Results Can I Expect from The Sedona Method?

The results you’ll get throughout your time practicing The Sedona Method can evolve as you get better at the practice, but you can feel immediate results in each release you allow.

Over time, you’ll feel lighter, more optimistic, and positive. You’ll also have this spiritual sense of future similar conditions, helping you to navigate them and continue the allowing releasing process.

In turn, your relationships will improve, you’ll make significant decisions, and take the wheel of your life rather than taking the punches. Exactly which results you’ll experience depend on your own personal issues and what you’d like to accomplish.

For many people, the emotions and thoughts they’ve been holding onto for so long begin to swiftly exit their minds and hearts. Those who practice The Sedona Method report feeling such great relief that it sometimes leads to laughter and phenomenal life changes. You’ll be able to access your core Self, your spiritual core, where you can experience life without feeling oppressed or limited by external events. By continually practicing allowing and releasing, you begin to prefer NOT holding onto thoughts and feelings in the first place. Your prior traumas eventually evaporate, and all emerging hurts will slowly move past you, never truly infecting your heart and well-Being.

Sounds Good! How Do I Get Started?

There are five main ways to use the Sedona Method, and it’s important to try them until you find that fits you. Everyone has a unique personality and has experienced different things, so the method is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In a way, that makes the technique so much more effective.

First, you can attempt the Sedona Method by acknowledging an unwanted or pervasive feeling and simply choosing to let it go. This method can be difficult for many who have gotten into the habit of holding grudges and feeling pain. In a way, letting go of pain can be a painful experience within itself. Only people who have achieved full Self-control and have accessed their core Self can fully succeed in this first technique. If you pursue this method, it night helps to attempt it on only minor feelings first until you get the hang of it.

Second, you can choose to allow that emotion or thought to exist as it is and not interact with it extensively. Welcome it into yourself, acknowledge that the feeling has the right to exist, and then leave it be. Third, you can aggressively confront the emotion. When you feel that emotion, you can dive in and fully feel that emotion so that you have satisfied its existence before you let it go.

The fourth way is to acknowledge that the way we define emotions in opposite polarities is actually hurtful to us. In society, we say that we are either happy or sad, stressed or calm. Impressing upon ourselves these limiting categories stops us from addressing our emotions and thoughts as they really are and validating their sources.

Finally, the most advanced way is the fifth way, which is to stare that emotion in the face and see through it to the “effortless Awareness” that exists.

The journey to Self-healing is different for everyone, but the power ultimately lies within you!

The Sedona Method Questions

Here are the questions you can ask yourself to help you emerge free and clear of debilitating emotions, thoughts, attitudes, and conditions.

  • How do you feel now?
  • Where might you feel this in your body?
  • Can you allow this feeling some more?
  • Can you allow it even more?
  • There might be more, can you allow yourself to feel this emotion more?
  • Can you let it go? If not, can you sense what it’s about? Is it about Approval, Control, Security, Oneness, or Opportunity? Whatever it is, can you let it go?
  • If you say yes to being able to let it go, ask: Would you let it go?
  • And then simply, WHEN?

This process most often products an inner-allowing where the ego, mind, and emotions acquiesce to the spirit – your core Being within you. With each release, you become more free. If you can allow for micro-releases over time, you’ll find quite a sense of liberation amid even the most challenging circumstances.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust and myriad miracles. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.

Pray for others and the Universe prays for you!

Love this kind of powerful transformative experience? Try out my Free Yourself Audio Courses! Or click the box below to schedule a session.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an Intuitive Mystic, Author, Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

For years, Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

You might also checkout the groundbreaking divination tool The Shankara Oracle – the most penetrative and life-changing oracles on Earth. It takes you far beyond what tarot and oracle cards can do – helping you manifest a truly divine transformation.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE