How Pandemics And Other Emergencies Lead To Spiritual Evolution

Spiritual Evolution
Buddha Wears A Mask: A Shutterstock License

When major challenges emerge, we can choose from a variety of responses. We can dive deeply into the why, we can jump immediately into an operational plan to protect ourselves, or we explore ways to expand our consciousness and embodiments of love to allow for the shifts. Obviously, we all want to protect ourselves, but after we get our first aid kits, store 18 frozen pizzas and 311 rolls of toilet paper, and make sure our loved ones are safe, we might have some time to kill. This is where it gets interesting. This article will enable you to know about the Spiritual Evolution caused by pandemics and emergencies.

Throughout our lives, we continuously develop and update our temporary self-identities (the personalities that emerge within us as we construct our positions in the world.) When we’re in the throws of busy lives, we tend to harden our attachment to specific self-identities. This, in turn, puts us on more direct courses geared for specific outcomes and karma.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

— Mr. Rogers

The challenge with adopting and defending our defined personalities is that when something changes, which is often the case, we become lost, confused, depressed, angry, or sad. In short, when our flows are interrupted, we don’t always know how to put it all in perspective or recover.

The trick is to expect change and find ways to embrace it. When we do this, we begin to see how most aspects of our lives are neither valuable, investible, or worthy of our panic. Even though our jobs and careers feel meaningful and empowering for a time, it doesn’t mean that we’re evolving. In fact, most of our job-related activities are endured with a smile, not genuinely celebrated.

It sometimes seems impossible to see the matrix behind our contrived lives. It’s difficult to assess our reality because we believe our contrived realities to be real. They’re not.

Where Did We Come From?

The natures of our souls are similar. We are all born from love and are able to embody love. This doesn’t mean we always choose love, it just means that this skill is part of our birthright. Throughout our lives, most of us keep love at an arms distance. We adopt identities, commit and fail to them, and eventually find success within a temporary, contrived scope. If we’re careful, we escape this life with only a few bruises. If we’re not so lucky, we leave our bodies somewhat broken and confused, relegated to heal when immersed within the other realms.

While this all might seem superfluous to living a real-life within a three-dimensional reality here on planet Earth, there is nothing more important than these ideas. We are soul not the body, eternal not finite. We are born to be reborn, not die. There is no end, there is no beginning. We are everything from here to there and beyond, and we’re everything in between.

When our worlds burst, we have but one choice: find the emotions, express ourselves, move beyond our illusions, and dive into the depths of who we are. During tragedies, we are called to reconnect with the heavens and reclaim our divine rights to be detached, aligned, prepared, and aware.

If we are able to or if we choose to, we can serve others and enjoy exponential growth. While there is no escaping this life’s ups and downs, there are pathways to help us master life’s complexities and evolve at every turn.

How Do I Evolve?

In a world teeming with political, electrical, and illusory influences, the most appealing choice is to evolve our emotional and spiritual capacities and to expand our hearts. While the New-Age fantasy-sphere often proclaims otherwise, evolution requires sacrifice, commitment, and bumping into quite a bit of furniture. You can’t always bliss your way out of reality. You have to be a warrior.

Here are a few ideas that can lead to emotional and spiritual evolution:

  • Meditate for 10 minutes every morning. If you can also do 15 minutes of yoga, and 10 minutes of chanting or praying for others, you’ve got yourself a trifecta, and a solid spiritual workout.
  • Explore the idea that you have had many lives before this current life. It might be that you’ve replayed the same dramas and passions from life to life, possibly for centuries. If you can imagine the repetitive nature of your spirit’s journey, you might be able to imagine that whatever is happening is part of a dream-reality that your soul requires at this time. To fight it, or to negate it in any way, could easily work against you.
  • See each negative experience as a powerful mini-workshop in getting over yourself. Some situations require setting boundaries, standing up for yourself, and prepping for change. Being prepared is being a good steward of your body and soul.
  • Imagine that the disaster you are experiencing is precisely what you and everyone else needs to evolve in this lifetime. While tragedies can be devastating, try to also allow for accepting them, even in forms that appear dangerous.
  • Pray for the people you feel hatred toward. When you pray for others, the entire universe prays for you. When you overcome hatred and prejudice, even while in the bosom of your not-so-evolved birth religion, you become Christ-like. When this happens, it’s a beautiful thing. Savor it.
  • Try to make room for relaxing and breathing deeply throughout the day.
  • Laugh at yourself often, making note of your silly reactions and attachments.
  • Be bold and firm when someone hurts you, even to the point of feeling angry and self-righteous. Afterward, see if you can let these feelings go. Continue allowing yourself to feel the hurt and anger – and then letting it all go – until you no longer feel those emotions.
  • Throughout every spiritual practice and process, don’t judge yourself. Even Hitler and the darkest spirits can be forgiven.
  • Once in awhile, eat a delicious, decadent dessert.
  • Talk to plants and animals.
  • Cuddle your loved-ones often.
  • Find simple ways to serve others. One example might be to simply smile at strangers. Another way is to give a little money to charity every month, even when you don’t have much to give. Helping and serving others invites the angels into your life. This is vital to your spiritual evolution, click here to read more.

Disasters cause spiritual evolution and remind us that life is short and that we be can always be better at serving our loved-ones and ourselves. When danger lurks and death is near, we are reminded of how petty and short-sighted we can be. We are also reminded of how much we love God and all things divine.

As you process the challenges in your life, remember that the past is a canceled check. Just like former versions of yourself, they do not exist. You are reborn the moment you want to be reborn.

To protect yourself, you don’t need a gun or secret bunker, you need to:

  • Align with the principles infused in the fabric of heaven
  • Regularly open your heart
  • Love and forgive others, and for a time, give everyone the benefit of the doubt
  • Forgive yourself
  • Pray for those you love
  • Be detached for proactive

In all things, remember: whether you are living or dying, you are an eternal spirit connected to the All-That-Is. You are always in the arms of God. I am wishing you peacefulness, safety, better spiritual evolution, and health during this time, and always!

Remedies, Antivirals, and Prep For Pandemics And Other Emergencies

Remedies and prep for pandemics

Beautiful Herbs: A Shutterstock Licensed Photo

Preparing our lives for potential emergencies does not have to be stressful, based on fear, or a full-time job. Whether it’s a virus or another type of threat, there are remedies and many things we can do to improve our chances of remaining prepared, healthy, fed, safe, and peaceful. While we might not have the ability to eradicate every virus or challenge that comes our way, we can certainly bolster our immune systems, disinfect our homes, and prepare our bodies for potential infections and other types of quandaries.

Vaccines might take time to develop and distribute, or they might never materialize. For this article, we’ll focus on viruses, but much of this information can be helpful in a variety of scenarios.

How Do Viruses Work?

Viruses are 100 times smaller than bacteria, and they don’t directly respond to antibiotics. They’re fierce little demons that tend to put up a good fight, sometimes for long periods. Viruses don’t have all the characters of living cells, akin to zombies, and they can quickly bring our lives to a screeching halt.

Most often, viruses behave like intracellular parasites that live (Iike vampires) off of our primary, healthy cells. After releasing RNA, which invades cell nuclei, viruses use host cells to create more viral particles. When new viral particles are released, they can destroy or debilitate the host cell in the process. When our cells, bodies, and immune systems are in tip-top shape, we improve our chances of recovering sooner.

Antiviral Herbs
While there are many herbs for remedies that have viral properties, viruses like coronavirus might not be preventable through herbs. The verdict is still out on this idea. That said, there is ample evidence that a variety of herbs have prevented and cured viral infections.

Here’s a list of herbs that can reduce the chances of contracting and spreading many of today’s viral infections. These are powerful herbs and should be explored extensively before consumption.


Amazing Rock Stars

  • Elderberries
  • Quassia Amara/Amargo
  • Sage
  • Astragalus
  • Echinacea
  • Calendula
  • Dandelion
  • Oregano
  • Colloidal Silver (colloid of silver particles, not ionic silver)

Powerful Allies

  • Basil
  • Garlic
  • Fennel
  • Lemon Balm
  • Cat’s Claw
  • Olive Leaf
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Licorice
  • Gensing

Each of these herbs has unique properties, some of which produce adverse side effects. Be careful with dosages and combinations. If you’re on prescriptions for liver, kidney, and other medical conditions, consult your doctor for any contraindications (dangers related to the drugs, procedures, and surgeries occurring in your life).

Preparing Your Body To Fight

In addition to preventative supplements and herbs, we can prepare ourselves by making simple changes to our lifestyles and diets. Try a few of these ideas on for size:

  • Drastically reduce sugar consumption (it competes with vitamin C)
  • Refrain from smoking cigarettes and marijuana
  • Limit caffeine
  • Limit red meat consumption
  • Stay hydrated
  • Add electrolytes to your daily regimen
  • Exercise for 20-30 minutes, three or four times per week
  • Sleep 6-8 hours every night
  • Take daily naps
  • Take vitamin supplements, including lots of vitamin C, a B-complex, zinc, vitamin E, and vitamin D
  • Keep distance from 5G technologies as some scientists suggest that 5G can have an adverse effect on our health
  • Drink warm or hot water (instead of cold water with ice)
  • Explore Ayurvedic medicine to reduce inflammation and improve the health of your immune system. You might consider learning more about Ayurveda’s popular, potent herbs, including Ashwagandha, Amalaki, Guggulu, Triphala, and others.

Immune Boosters

Some viruses can be dangerous, even leading to death. In all cases, sleep, proper nutrition, and a robust immune system are your best allies and remedies. Here are some natural supplements and remedies that can help you boost your immune system:

  • Probiotic beverages like Kefir
  • Fermented vegetables
  • Green Tea
  • Olive Leaf
  • Pau D’arco
  • St. John’s Wort

Homemade Remedies For Bodies, Hands, Feet, and Health

There are many things that we can do to protect ourselves and help us feel better. We can eat comfort foods, cleanse our livers and kidneys, soak our feet, clear our sinus passages, use herbs as our first lines of defense and first aid, and make our own disinfectants. Here are a few ideas you might enjoy:

Rice Water

Also known as “Jo” in China, this simple creation can reduce symptoms associated with stomach aches, headaches, and diarrhea. Taken correctly and near to the time of infection, Jo can also prevent the stomach flu. Here’s a simple Jo recipe:

  • Clean 4 tablespoons of rice using warm water
  • Gently dry the rice then boil it in 2 cups of water
  • Cook until the rice is tender and soft (12-20 minutes)
  • Pour into a bowl and sip while hot
  • If you’re not getting enough protein and want to use your Jo as your primary meal, you can add nuts, including Brazils, pecans, pistachios, cashews, and more. If you’re on the mend, keep it light and simple, focusing on the warm water and rice.

Glutathione, Honey, And Vitamin C (with bioflavonoids)

This is a morning regimen to be used in the morning, 30-minutes before your first meal. Open up a 1000mg capsule of Glutathione and pour it under your tongue. Add a teaspoon of honey under your tongue and gently swish the two inside your mouth, keeping the substances under your tonight. After 5-10 minutes, swallow. The honey will make this a more enjoyable experience.

Immediately following this, take four capsules of 1000mg vitamin C (with bioflavonoids). Glutathione contains three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine, which help combat free radicals. Free radicals are those little buggers that seek to damage your cells.

Additional attributes of Glutathione:

  • Strong antioxidant
  • Prevents cancer progression
  • Reduces cell damage in liver disease
  • Makes DNA, the builders of proteins and cells
  • Support immune function throughout your body
  • Form sperm cells
  • Remove mercury from the brain
  • Help to cleanse your liver and gallbladder and deal with fats

Vitamin C & Zinc

Sugar is vitamin C’s direct competitor within your immune system. If you increase your levels of vitamin C intake and reduce your consumption of sugar, you have a winning formula for maximizing your body’s ability to defend against infection. Add a little zinc, and it’s a home run.

Detox Teas

Make detoxifying teas with Ginger, Nettles, Dandelion, Cleavers, Hibiscus, and Lemon Peel. You can also add these herbs to shakes and salads.

Hand Sanitizer & Wipes

Washing your hands with soap and water can be useful and has been found effective against some viruses and bacteria, especially if you touch someone’s hand or an object that has them. In these cases, and more, washing your hands after personal interactions is highly recommended. But this is not a cure-all preventative method for safety during this time. The coronavirus, like many viruses, is airborne, at least for a period, and should be understood to be highly contagious, whether or not you wash you thoroughly wash your hands.

To those who suggest using white vinegar or vodka, consider this: White vinegar is a helpful agent for cleaning clothes and vegetables. Vodka, at 40% alcohol, is best consumed at parties to loosen the tongue and get you on the dance floor.

In the situations where washing your hands is helpful or preventative, but not available, try making a homemade hand sanitizer.

Here’s a basic recipe:

  • 1 cup 91% isopropyl alcohol
  • 1/2 cup aloe vera gel
  • 20 drops of lavender oil
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • Find 2 oz to 16 oz pump jars online. Mix everything the following ingredients in a bowl then pour the concoction into the jars. Place a 2 oz or 4 oz jar in your purse, travel bag, or car. It’s that simple.

To make your own wipes, spray or squirt your sanitizer into a few paper towels. You can make 10-20 of these towels, roll them up, and store them in a large glass jar. These homemade wipes will be as powerful as anything you might purchase from the most popular soap and detergent companies.

Lavender FootBath

Footbaths can be miraculously healing for our immune systems. You can get a 15”x”12”x6” plastic bucket just about anywhere. Footbaths reduce our levels of stress and draw our bodies’ toxins out through the bottoms of our feet. Add a little lavender oil, and your feet and body will feel soothed and healed. Try to use water as hot as you can stand.

Vinegar And Tea Tree Oil Vapor

This modality is fantastic for your sinuses and lungs. Boil 32 oz of water and pour it into a large bowl. Drop-in one half-cup of apple cider vinegar and 20 drops of Tea Tree or Eucalyptus oil. Put your face above the bowl but not so close that the steam can burn you. Throw a large towel over your head and neck to create a sealed environment, then breathe in the steam as deeply as you can. This will stimulate the expansion of your bronchial tubes and sinuses, making those environments temporarily uninhabitable for bacteria and viruses. If something was living in there, this is a great way to get it out.

First Aid Remedies You Can Make At Home

Here are a few home remedy ideas for personal, non-emergency first aid:

  • Heartburn: A few slices of ginger, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Drink slowly over 15-20 minutes. You might also try Alka-Seltzer Gold, which does not contain aspirin.
  • Sunburns, Kitchen Burns, Razor Burns, Dry Skin: Slice open a leaf from an Aloe Vera plant and gently rub it around the wound. You’ll find this to be incredibly comforting and healing.
  • Cuts and Scrapes: Try a little honey on your wounds several times a day. Keep them covered with a light bandage or bandaid.
  • Insect Bites and Blisters: Rub warm coconut oil on the bite or blister several times a day. Keep it covered with a light bandage.
  • Bruises: Arnica is useful for reducing small to moderate bruises on your skin. You can create your own healing oil by adding 30 Arnica oil drops to 2 oz of a carrier oils like Brahmi, Olive, or Coconut.
  • Digestive Problems: Activated charcoal can absorb toxins produced by bacteria and can help expel the same from your body. When you’re feeling gassy, bloated, or acidic, add a teaspoon of activated charcoal to a cup of warm water and drink it slowly over 5 minutes.
  • Indigestion: Drink a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda. You might consider adding one or two drops of peppermint oil, but no more than that. Peppermint oil is potent.

Bach Flower Remedies And Essential Oils

When we’re feeling confused, detached, or “a little off,” Bach’s Rescue Remedy can behave quite heroically in our systems. With a few drops under your tongue every hour, chances are, you’ll feel better in a short period. When we release, balance, or dissolve our emotions, we improve our vibrations and abilities to fight infection.

Bach’s Star of Bethlehem can be quite powerful on its own. These flower remedies are helpful for those of us who have experienced trauma in our lives. With a few drops under your tongue, you can feel more relaxed and aware of yourself, especially if you’re taking care of yourself in other ways, through diet, exercise, meditation, and prayer.

Click to read How Bach Flower Remedies Invite Healing And Transformation

Using Essential Oils remedies like Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Honeysuckle, and Rose can reduce your levels of stress and improve your awareness, all of which can boost your immune system. Add a few drops in a glass of water or massage a few drops into your wrists and temples. You’ll soon feel more awake, aware, and relaxed.

Food Prep And Storage

If you need to stay put for a while, buy a garage-ready freezer, set-up a small area in your basement for stored foods, and plan accordingly.

With a freezer, you can purchase meat and meat-alternative products (soy, mushroom, and veggie burgers) at bulk discounts, dealing directly with distributors. Separating them into individual portions and storing them in small zip bags will give you the most flexibility when planning meals.

In a protected basement area, you can store canned, jarred, pickled, and fermented vegetables. You might also consider pickling some eggs. This category of food is pre- and probiotic and excellent for your stomach and intestines. Probiotics can reduce depression, help stabilize your moods, and improve your self-esteem. All of these aspects can have a positive effect on your immune system.

As you prepare your body and home for greater safety, health, and self-sufficiency, remember to refrain from being overly emotional. Stay calm and endeavor to establish an intelligent plan. Don’t obsess or overbuy. Just be reasonable and enjoy the process of protecting yourself and those you love most.

Remember, too, that prayer, meditation, laughter, and cuddling can help to heal and restore us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I wish you lots of health and happiness!

The Progress Of Effective Anti Aging Drugs And Therapies

anti aging drugs

Anti-aging drugs are getting better! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

The Silver Tsunami, also known as the “grey hoard” and “rising tide,” is fast approaching. By 2050, over 20% of the US, over 40 million people, will be 65 or older. This means that there will be an increased demand for regenerative, biotech solutions to minor and major health conditions. Luckily, science has been in a deep state of preparation for decades.

As the Facebook age withers, we can sense the gentle wind of anti-aging beginning to spin into a tornado. What began as a whisper is now a robust chorus. The anti-aging banners include Longevity, Life-extension, Geroscience, AgeTech, AI Longevity, Longevity Finance, Government Aging Management, Aging Biomarkers, Biotech, Biomedicine, Preventative Holistic Medicine, Age-personalization health care, Mortality statistics, and Healthspan science.

Collectively, these pursuits form a burgeoning $20 trillion-dollar industry. The Global Longevity Market will be the most massive, most explosive, and most complex industry in human history. While prevention had taken a backseat for many decades, it’s now the industry’s most funded pursuit.

If you had read this article ten years ago, you would have thought it was science fiction. It’s not. Get ready for a revolution in health, self-care, and DNA enhancement. While lists of potent anti-aging cocktails have been in development for 20 years, some of them are proving to be nearly miraculous, at least when administered to cute little mice.

“I’m gonna live forever. I’m gonna learn how to fly, high!”

— Dean Pitchford and Michael Gore, “Fame”

The thrust of the work in this category is aimed at flipping the bit on our regenerative genes and systems. At age seven, we lose the ability to regrow a severed fingertip. Scientists in the anti-aging field say that we can reboot the genes that give us this ability. Some say that we’ll eventually be able to grow, not only fingers, but eyes, legs, kidneys, livers, and skin within a relatively short period.

Click to readHow Sage And Similar Herbs Help Us Extinguish Toxins And Heal

At age 165, we might not be forced to endure wrinkles, broken hips, and wheelchairs. Many of us will have the choice to thrive as tech-enhanced bio-organisms, each of us housing hosts of regenerated sets of tissue and organs.

What is Epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the study of the changes that occur within living organisms as a result of DNA enhancements, those that do not involve alterations to the DNA (nucleotide) sequence.

The Epigenetic process estimates our age according to 353 markers on our DNA. These change-markers denote gene activity and how genes express themselves over time. They might stem from external factors, environmental conditions, or within the normal developmental processes occurring throughout your DNA. Epigenetic changes can cause our biological ages to exceed or trail behind our chronological ages. These changes can also be sustained through cell divisions and last for many generations.

One of the pathways to Epigenetic change is to reduce the number of damaged, inactive, or zombie cells. These cells are known as senescent-cells. This category of science is called Synolytics.

Critical Anti-Aging Studies and Pursuits

It is reasonable to assume that Baby Boomers can expect scientific advancements during their lifetimes that could allow them to live far longer than their parents, potentially twice as long. Venture capital firms are raising money for over 100 biotech firms focused on longevity.

Here are some of the advances, studies, and pursuits aimed at biotech, age-related degenerative diseases, and increasing the average age of death.

  • In January 2019, fourteen people with the fatal lung disease Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis chose to take a cocktail of leukemia drug Dasatinib and the supplement Quercetin for three weeks. The results were incredible. This unique combination of drugs improved the volunteers’ ability to stand and walk.
  • Pluripotent stem cells, generated directly from adult cells, are being tested by a long list of companies. It’s already been proven that stem cells help to renew and manufacture young cells and tissue. The hope is that these cells will also assist in the regeneration of organs. This remarkable category of research and scientific advancement will improve the healing processes and potentially create miracles for hundreds of thousands of people.
  • The first human use of telomerase genes was reported in 2015. This therapy involves transferring the telomerase gene into the cells of our bodies to help us regenerate after injuries, and give us the ability to repair ourselves upon life-threatening illnesses and the effects of aging. The goal behind this therapy is to extend life, reduce cancer risk, and improve overall health.

“I believe you do not deserve words like “anti-wrinkle” and “anti-aging.” Your experience as a woman is much too rich to be rewritten in favor of artificial youthfulness.” ― Ashley Asti, “Dear Sisters: Your Nature is to Bloom”

Anti-Aging Drugs and Supplements

There are many products and therapies in the market today that show promise in the category of anti-aging. While most of the human studies either non-existent or inconclusive, there is undoubtedly enough traction with all of these supplements and therapies to give us all hope.

  • Quercetin (QUER): an antioxidant found in many fruits, vegetables, and grains, has been used to prevent diabetes, cataracts, hay fever, peptic ulcers, schizophrenia, inflammation, asthma, gout, viral infections, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
  • Rapamycin: Also known as Sirolimus, is an immunosuppressive drug that can prevent organ rejection (especially kidneys), help regulate cell growth and metabolism, and treat a rare lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
    Metformin: Metformin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar levels while also increasing the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin. It is also known to be powerful anti-aging medicine. Some say that it has helped them to reduce their weigh
  • NAD+: Also known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD+ is a unique formulation of crystalline nicotinamide riboside and pterostilbene. It supports cellular health by activating sirtuins, a protein that regulates cellular processes. According to its makers at Elysium, NAD+ plays a major role in creating ATP, the human cells’ chemical source of energy.

FDA Approval Down The Road

There are many emerging players in the anti-aging space. It’s quite possible that 20 companies were launched and funded in the time it took to write and post this article. The world is clearly abuzz when it comes to this topic. While many anti-aging companies are operating in stealth, or have paused their pursuits to test further, here are a few of the power players in this remarkable category:

  • Liver regeneration: a therapy that could replace a patient’s diseased liver without having to wait for death to provide living organs. One donated organ could treat dozens of patients simultaneously. The implication here is that a person with diabetes could grow a new pancreas and lymph nodes with limited cost. LyGenesis, Inc is developing this unique procedure
  • iTR™ 1547: a tissue regeneration program that seeks to unlock cellular immortality and regenerate physical capacity, including regrowing a lung or limb. AgeX, a subsidiary of BioTime, is currently building this.
  • PureStem®: This is a cell therapy aimed at cell derivation and manufacturing, created by AgeX.
  • UniverCyte™: This is an immune tolerance platform created by AgeX. Other AgeX products in the FDA pipeline include AGEX-VASC1 and AGEX-BAT1.
  • CYNC-101, PNK-CD16VP, and pExo: Celularity’s anticipated drug-line will hopefully regenerate damaged tissue, produce whole organs, and augment immunity.
  • Knee Arthritis Drug: The company Samumed is producing a drug aimed at regenerating knees to reduce the effects of arthritis.
  • RTB101: an exciting entry into the biotech scene that appears to be promising for the prevention of a variety of chronic health problems, dementia, and human fragility. The drug seeks to heal respiratory-infections, provide immune-bolstering value, treat urinary tract infections, and prevent Parkinson’s disease. The drug’s creator is Boston-based RestoreBio, headed by the chief medical officer and co-founder, Joan Maddick. RTB101 is on track for FDA approval by the end of 2021.
  • UBX101: a senolytic drug (kills senescent or zombie cells) that are being created and continually tested by Unity Biotechnology of San Francisco, CA.
  • hTERT: a gene therapy that promises to cure Alzheimer’s disease, critical limb ischemia, and related aging conditions. It’s being developed by Libella Gene Therapeutics (LGT).
  • NMN: Also known as nicotinamide mono-nucleotide, a chemical that revitalizes mitochondria (energy/power generators inside our cells). A 2018 study reported that mice experienced improved blood vessel growth, boosted stamina, and physical endurance. The medical team includes David Sinclair, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, who is also a co-director at Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging.
  • There are many more drugs and therapies in the works. Many of these stealth products are being developed in secret so the makers can protect their intellectual property through to FDA approval. Others are hoping to protect their brands and products from overexposure in the marketplace, in the case of failure.

“There’s a lady who’s sure, all that glitters is gold,

and she’s buying a stairway to heaven.”

— Led Zeppelin

Wait, Before You Take Any Pills…

It’s tempting to hop on a plane and relinquish life-as-you-know-it and move next door to the hottest anti-aging startup. While not advisable, it might be your dream to become an award-winning guinea pig. But before you sell your home and quit your job, you might try these equally effective modalities and supplements to reduce the effects of aging and reinvigorate your effervescence.

book-live-intuitive-reading-with-paul-wagnerHelpful Anti-Aging Modalities

  • Calorie restriction
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Meditation
  • Forgiveness
  • Exercise (to an extent)
  • Emotional intimacy and Friendship
  • Releasing emotions through crying and laughter
  • Sacred ceremonies and healing rituals
  • Prayer
  • Hopefulness
  • Being proactive
  • Selfless service to others
  • Cooking and eating whole foods in your own kitchen
  • Gardening
  • Fascial Stretching Therapy (FST)
  • Massage
  • Sleep
  • Time in Nature
  • Minimizing the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and other substances

Potentially Helpful Anti-Aging Supplements

Here is a list of over-the-counter supplements that might give your body, health, mind, and heart a boost. While there are only a few scientific trials aimed at these items, many people are reporting that they have provided immeasurable benefits to their health, mobility, immune systems, vitality, and age-related conditions.

Before consuming any of these products, please consult your doctor or a nutritional expert.

  • Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • N.E.T. Remedies
  • Zinc or Zinc with Copper
  • Coenzyme Q10 and Ubiquinol
  • Vitamin C
  • Collagen Peptides
  • Collagen Protein
  • Nicotinamide riboside
  • Fisetin
  • Heliocare
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine
  • Glutathione
  • Pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ
  • Polyphenols
  • D-ribose
  • Vitamins A, D, and K
  • Curcumin/Turmeric
  • Apigenin and Celery Juice
  • Phosphorus
  • Resveratrol and Pterostilbene
  • Fish Oil and Krill Oil

“Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”

— Franz Kafka


As we enter this fast-paced age focused on longevity, it’s essential to realize that we are spirits having physical experiences. We have far more potential than we realize, and our capacities for change and rejuvenation are endless. Each of us can connect with our bodies and help them heal.

Additionally, we are connected to the eternal consciousness, which gives us the ability to exponentially expand our capacities to share compassion with ourselves and other living beings. This makes each of us a super-hero.

While living beyond 120 years sounds fascinating, it might be best to focus on the expansiveness of our hearts, the preciousness of this moment, intimacy with whom we cherish the most.

I wish you love, health, and happiness in all of your pursuits!

The Big Powder Healers: Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Spirulina & Moringa

the big powder healers

Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Spirulina, and Moringa – truly transformative! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

In the 1960s and 70s, one type of grass was prevalent. While possession of even a tiny amount may have landed you in jail, your stash was vital to your social status, romantic entanglements, and personal well-being. Luckily, there are several types of grass and algae today that are equally or far more nutritious. These robust powder healers can remove toxins from your system, drastically reduce or eradicate inflammation, and improve your physical and emotional health. Whether consumed in shakes, shots, pills, or tinctures, wheatgrass, barley grass, spirulina, and moringa might be your new best grass buddies.

“Although few people have ever heard of it today, Moringa could soon become one of the world’s most valuable plants, at least in humanitarian terms.” — Noel Vietmeyer, US National Academy of Sciences


While it might taste like your front lawn, wheatgrass can be a powerful ally against inflammation, stress, and high cholesterol. This powerhouse of powder healers has 17 amino acids, eight of which are considered essential. And like all green plants, the chlorophyll in wheatgrass can boost your health in a variety of ways. With one of the highest levels of chlorophyll found in nature, wheatgrass has an insane arsenal of abilities:

  • Removes fungus
  • Detoxifies your blood
  • Energizes your immune system
  • Cleans your upper and lower intestines
  • Heals your skin
  • Reduces the incidence of liver and stomach tumors
  • Provides symptomatic relief for arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Helps you lose weight
  • Treats hemoglobin disorders, such as anemia and thalassemia
  • Prevents and slows cancer growth
  • As a natural deodorant, makes you a little less stinky

Other good sources of chlorophyll include green beans, parsley, spinach, mustard greens, alfalfa, spirulina, arugula, peas, and matcha green tea.

Barley Grass

The fiber in barley grass makes it a dominant player against high cholesterol. This ultimate type of powder healers also contains minerals like calcium (11x more than milk), iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and copper, which can improve bone health and production.

Infused with a variety of B vitamins, like B1, B3, B6, and B12, barley grass can enhance your body’s resistance to diseases and infections, drastically lower stress levels, and significantly improve your health. This grass also contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids and folate, which can protect your cells from carcinogens.

Barley grass also has bioactive compounds that include superoxide dismutase and bioflavonoids. These ingredients help barley grass remove free radicals from your body, which will help you reduce inflammation that can cause a variety of diseases, including arthritis, gout, and cancer.

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ― Ann Wigmore.


Spirulina is a cyanobacterium, a unique type of bacteria, most often called blue-green algae, the super-power behind many popular super-food powders. From one tablespoon of spirulina powder, your body will receive 4 grams of protein plus healthy doses of vitamins B1, B2, and B3, along with equally beneficial amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, and manganese.

This nutritious algae king of powder healers also has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When our bodies endure oxidative stress and damage, our DNA and cells can experience degradation. Because it has phycocyanin, an active antioxidant, it can fight free radicals and reduce or extinguish your body’s inflammation. By taking small amounts of spirulina every day (4-8 grams), you can increase your antioxidant enzymes, and reduce oxidative damage, while reducing your chances of heart disease.

Spirulina also lowers your LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides, while elevating your HDL (good) cholesterol.

“Gram for gram, spirulina could be the most nutritious and well-rounded food on the planet, which stores almost indefinitely.” — Gabriel Cousens

Moringa – The Miracle Tree

It is often referred to as Moringa oleifera and is known as the drumstick, horseradish, and ben oil tree. The leaves of this precious friend are highly nutritious and wonderfully healing for your digestive tract. Native to the Himalayan mountains, and passed down through many lineages of healers, shamans, women, cooks, and doctors in India and Africa, this tree has fed and helped millions of people.

Traditionally, moringa lovers have added the plant’s pods of fleshy meat to tinctures, teas, soups, stews, and rice dishes. The leaves and seeds can also be added to salads to add flavor and nutrition. They can also be used as a spice or as a vegetable in place of spinach, green beans, and mustard greens. Every part of the plant is safe and consumable, including its stems, leaves, pods, seeds, flowers, and roots.

Recent years have brought to life a new trend where moringa powder is regularly added to smoothies and shakes. Some people swear by its healing abilities and will toss a tablespoon into a glass of water and throw it back. It has the same bite that you might find in a shot of whiskey, although without the drunk-like, numbing, or euphoric effects.


With beautiful bright green stems and leaves, and remotely related to broccoli, kale, and cabbage, moringa is a superhero shrub. It contains vitamins A and C, along with iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

The tree’s leaves contain phytochemicals and antioxidants, which, as noted above, provide anti-cancer, anti-arthritis, anti-inflammation, and other remarkable and healing attributes. Moringa has been used to cure everything from liver tumors to typhus and undernourished animals to toothaches.

Wheatgrass, barley grass, and moringa might comprise the powder-trinity that can finally improve your health and increase your life-force. These substances can be found online and in almost any plentiful food or supplement store.

Don’t let Western Medicine Discourage You from Powder Healers

While western medicine might snicker at nutritive powders, they are too busy to research the benefits properly. Only you can know what heals you. In many areas of health, nutrition, and medicine, it’s permissible, even preferable, to trust yourself.

Improving your health doesn’t have to be expensive. You don’t have to purchase trendy packages or combo-supplements from influencers at 10x the cost. You can ignore the hype and fancy logos and find your unique, personal path to wellness. While pharmaceutical companies might offer temporary relief of your symptoms, they also steal from rain forests and resell natural substances at 10,000x their value. It’s a scam.

With a little research and focus, you can build a personalized healing profile. You can empower yourself with knowledge and personal trials. While this might take a little time, many of the ailments we all tend to endure are curable through our own exploratory efforts. In the meantime, stay healthy and feed your body and spirit the light-filled foods they deserve!

How Prosthetics Will Change Our Lives In The Near & Distant Future


Prosthetics are becoming quite remarkable. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

When it comes to innovation, medicine is enjoying an explosive renaissance. Universities and venture capital firms are financing new pathways to longer-term wellness. From anti-aging drugs on the verge of FDA approval to a blood test for breast cancer to the CRISPR gene-editing toolthat could soon eradicate malaria and HIV, the future of the human lifespan looks bright and beautiful.

Losing a limb is one of the most devastating experiences life offers. Without prosthetics, not only are amputees physically limited for the remainder of their lives, they tend to feel separate, broken, or ashamed. Prosthetics allows the wearer to regain utility, dignity, and dexterity. In some cases, because of the emerging prosthetics, the patient experiences a complete rebirth in strength, ability, spirit, and attitude.

One of the exciting trends in prosthetics is myoelectric arms that interpret brain signals through the remaining muscles in the amputated limb. Neuroprosthetics is a discipline at the intersection of neuroscience, biomedical engineering, and prostheses. It’s advancing at such a rapid rate that some patients can already control individual fingers while receiving clear, tactile feedback.

Users of these types of sleeves have reported sensory experiences telling them whether an object was hard or soft. Some have been able to control their robotic arts with their minds while regaining the sense of touch. Neurosurgeons perform surgical procedures that implant the devices.

Many more advances like these are expected soon, which will eventually give birth to products and services that even able-bodied people will desire. Someday soon, everyone will be financing their own brain, spine, and limb augmentations. While this idea is exciting, it’s potentially frightening!

Meanwhile, UChicago, Pitt, and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) are collaborating on brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for paralyzed patients. The BCI is a variety of scenarios and used to replace missing biological functionality. The UChicago, PITT, and UPMC team recently received $7 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Check out these recent developments:

    • Doctors wired a prosthetic hand into a woman’s nerves giving her complete control using her brain and nervous system
    • Amputees can now have reduced phantom limb pain due to rerouting of nerves
    • Scientists are developing neural networks connected to human brains, which will make way for a variety of advanced prosthetics.
    • Several venture-backed biotech companies are developing synthetic skin infused with a superhuman sense of touch
    • Thought-controlled prosthetics are gaining ground, giving rise to a new category of orthopedic medicine

For prosthetics, here are the numbers driving the innovation:

  • The orthopedic category that accounts for the largest market share is lower extremities, which accounts for 5% of the orthopedic prosthetic market.
  • The primary cause of 22% of all lower extremity amputation surgeries is road accidents.
  • The orthopedic prosthetic market is multiplying in the Americas. Last year it saw a growth of nearly 5%. This incremental growth marker is a crucial inspiration for venture capital and grant funding for prosthetic R&D, which is now heavily influenced by the sciences that involve brains, spines, and nerves. It’s now a fact that limbs, spines, brains, and nerves comprise a powerful, interdependent ecosystem.

Prosthetics Cooler Than The Real Thing

Brilliant minds across the globe are working hard to innovate in this precious space, including 3D artists, engineers, scientists, and inventors, in a myriad of categories.

Here are a few examples of the phenomenal advancements in “cool prosthetics:”

  • Dean Kamen, who worked on the famous Segway, is a prolific inventor who also created the prosthetic arm known as LUKE (Life Under Kinetic Evolution). This unique device allows the user to manipulate the arm by contracting their other muscles and through natural movements.
  • YouBionic’s Double Hand prosthesis can give you up to 4 hands, all on one limb! These 3D-printed hands are powered by Arduino, which allows the patient to control each robotic hand separately.
  • James Young invented a prosthetic arm that includes a detachable drone, which he controls through parts of his arm that touches his skin. This unique prosthetic also consists of a flashlight, laser light, watch, and a USB port for charging his devices.
  • Open Bionics develops limbs that appear to be explicitly built for superheroes. Their artistry includes similarities to the brands Iron Man, Frozen, and Star Wars. These limbs are genuinely inspirational.
  • The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been focused on making prosthetics and other wearables feel more natural, including mimicking the sense of touch. Through electrode arrays built onto the sensory and motor cortexes, a recipient can experience the sensations almost akin to a human touching another human.
  • Indian surgical oncologist Vishal Rao has been hard at work, building a prosthetic voice box for throat surgery patients so that they can regain the ability of speech. His invention costs no more than $1 and includes no electronic parts. His innovation uses basic physics principles to allow someone’s voice to be audible. As a result of passing air from the lungs through the esophagus, the slightly obstructive device creates sounds akin to human speech. It’s quite remarkable.

Wonderful, Life-changing, And Inspiring Improvements For Amputees

All of this remarkable effort will give amputees and paralyzed individuals a variety of new benefits, including:


  • More dexterity
  • Precision movement
  • Heightened sensory experiences
  • Improved neuron activity
  • Naturalistic nervous system responses and experiences
  • Controlling and manipulating objects in space
  • Sculpted movements
  • Natural and precise flow
  • Greater brain-control of the prosthetics, and eventually other ancillary devices

Augmenting Human Physical Capability

While all of these advances appear to be of benefit to amputees and paralyzed individuals, every advance in Neuroprosthetics will also benefit (and become available) to the rest of humankind.

Your brain-computer interface (BCI) will help you search through private internets, access specific data, and memorize information at a rapid rate. Your prosthetics will make you a better candidate for specific, it not all jobs. Your senses of smell, touch, and sight could make you incredibly valuable to the military and specific categories of commerce. Your intuition might also be enhanced, making you immeasurably valuable to a long list of organizations, causes, and pursuits, most notably your family.

As a result of all the advances in prosthetics and related sciences, human augmentation will naturally become the rage. You’ll be able to buy prosthetics and ancillary modules that will help you lift 100x your weight, hover and travel 20 feet above the floor, and see targets a mile away. Your neuro-hearing aid will replace your Fitbit and Alexa, enhance your brain activity and emotional states, and translate 21 languages in a single moment. All of these products (and many more) are in the final stages of development.

The physical enhancements found on Luke Skywalker, Iron Man,

and The Bionic Man/Woman are being built right now.

One day soon, many human beings will be able

to pick up a menu and choose from a list

of prosthetics, augmentations, and enhancements.

Much of what we have labeled as science fiction is fast becoming reality.

Ray Kurzweil speaks of the tech singularity, when our technological advances become uncontrollable, resulting in unfathomable shifts in civilization and the human condition. Kurzweil claims that the 3rd world war will not involve nation-states, rather, it will occur when those who object to unlimited human enhancements rage against those who demand them. His vision, however outrageous, speaks to a moral dilemma that future generations will surely face.

In the meantime, we can all be grateful that amputees finally have pathways to improve and potentially regain the majority of their mobility, sensitivity, strength, and dignity. Keep an eye out for emerging science and tech.

The Best Supplements & Herbs to Nurture Your Liver & Kidneys

best supplements to nurture liver and kidney

Nurture and help your Liver and Kidneys. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

You’ve finally decided to nurture your liver and kidneys. You might be looking for the best liver detox or how to successfully flush your kidneys and liver. You might be wondering, “What does the liver do?” or “What are the best herbs for kidney health?” This article will answer those questions and more.

Let’s Start With Your Liver

At around 3 lbs, your lovely liver is a large, meaty organ, almost the size of a football. This dark brown and reddish beast is protected by your rib cage and sits on the upper right side of your stomach. It lives just beneath your diaphragm and above your tummy. When you feel pain in your liver, it most likely comes from your upper right abdomen, mid-to-upper back, or within your right shoulder blade.

Your liver has a few adjacent relatives. Cousin Gallbladder sits directly under the liver, where you’ll also find parts of Aunt Pancreas and Uncle Intestines. This little system works hard to digest your food, absorb nutrients, and filter the blood that comes from your digestive tract.

While the liver regulates and detoxifies the chemicals going through your body, and metabolizes the drugs in your system, it secretes bile, which breaks down fats and carries waste to your intestines. All of this happens during digestion. When you eat, your liver goes to work.

Click to read How Sage And Similar Herbs Help Us Extinguish Toxins And Heal

Your liver produces proteins that are important in blood clotting, and it breaks down old and damaged blood cells. It metabolites carbohydrates and ensures your blood sugar levels remain constant. Your liver also stores vitamins and minerals and releases them when you need them most.

The liver is one of those organs that people tend to take for granted. We sometimes assume that it can handle anything. While this is almost true, we forget that the liver is a catch-all for everything we put into and experience within our bodies, including emotions. Even though it’s usually reliable, and our primary line of defense, the liver has limits.

Liver disease is severe and can stem from a variety of causes, including:

  • Hepatitis
  • Genetics
  • Cancer and other growths
  • Alcoholism
  • Injecting drugs
  • Tattoos
  • Exposure to other people’s fluids
  • Exposure to chemicals and toxins
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

How To Improve Liver Function

Sometimes healing our livers is as simple as dramatically reducing our consumption of alcohol and drugs, avoiding risky sexual behavior, removing aerosols and toxic soaps from our homes, meditating, crying, forgiving others, protecting our skin, and eating natural, organic, whole foods.

If you’re serious about improving your liver function, you might consider taking some of these herbs, each of which has unique healing properties:

  • Milk Thistle
  • NAC N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
  • Artichoke Leaf
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Parsley
  • Chana Piedra
  • Yarrow
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Dandelion Root
  • Yellow Dock Root
  • Choline
  • Molybdenum
  • Tocotrienols (a type of vitamin E)
  • Zinc
  • Selenium

Ayurvedic medicine has also been successful in healing the liver, doing so for thousands of years. While it’s best to consult a physician or Ayurvedic practitioner before consuming these herbs, here is the list of Ayurvedic herbs often prescribed to cleanse the liver: Bhumyamalaki, Barberry, Kutki, Amla, Turmeric, Guduchi, and Amalaki.

Tell Me About My Kidneys and How to Heal Them Naturally

Your two kidneys are bean-shaped warriors who continuously protect you. How do they do it? They filter your blood, removing waste, drugs, acid, and excess water to produce urine. They help your body maintain a healthy balance of water, salt, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in your blood. They also produce an active form of vitamin D, which feeds your bones.

With a million functional units called nephrons, your kidneys keep your nerves, muscles, and other tissues functioning correctly. They regulate plasma, extracellular fluid, ion concentrations, pH, toxins, and hormones. Your kidneys allow your body to control your blood pressure and make healthy red blood cells, and they filter your blood before its journey into the heart. Your kidneys play a significant role in your health.

Chronic kidney diseases can cause or stem from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weak bones, high blood pressure, anemia, nerve damage, Glomerulonephritis, cysts, urinary tract infections, congenital disorders, drugs, and toxins. While not every kidney story has a happy ending, most kidney diseases can be treated successfully.

Herbs for Kidney Health

To keep your kidneys happy and healthy, you might consider adding some of these herbs, berries, roots, and supplements into your daily regiment. Be careful when ingesting these things as they can be toxic in any quantity. Consult a doctor the moment you believe your kidneys to be in jeopardy.

  • Milk Thistle
  • Parsley
  • Juniper Berries
  • Golden Rod
  • Dandelion Root
  • Gravel Root
  • Corn Silk
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Omega-3s
  • Potassium Citrate
  • Gynostemma
  • Grapes, peanuts, berries w/ resveratrol
  • Cranberries
  • Lemon, orange, beet, and melon juices
  • Seaweed
  • Teas: Fenugreek, Ginger, Mint, Nettle, Hydrangea, Tumeric, Sambong

When cleaning or healing your kidneys, Ayurvedic medicine suggests the following herbs: Brahmi or Gotu Kola (Bacopa monnieri), Shilajit, Punarnava, Manjishtha, and Varuna. When cleansing your kidneys, consider consuming lots of watermelons, leafy greens, roots, and teas with the herbs as mentioned above.

Liver and Kidney Flushes and Diets

What is the best drink to flush your kidneys and liver? What cleanses will bring my vital organs back to full strength? There are several natural liver and kidney cleanses and diets that will help improve the functionality of these critical organs. Here are a few suggestions:


  • For 2-3 days, begin each day with a glass of water infused with a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Enjoy a morning smoothie that includes one or more of the following: beetroot, apples, cucumber, spinach, banana, lemon juice, and grated ginger. You might follow-up your smoothie with a cup of green tea.
  • For lunch, enjoy proteins like organic chicken and tofu, and veggies like red onion, green beans, and carrots. Add a little Greek yogurt, grapes, and some brown rice. Keep the meals trim and simple.
  • For dinner, create a meal that includes a few of the following: a cup of coconut water, blueberries, kale, a small portion of tofu, sweet potatoes, celery, tomatoes, kidney beans, parsley, and garlic.
  • Throughout each day of your cleanse, enjoy concocting your own teas with Dandelion root, Marshmallow root, Turmeric, and Ginger. Or select a few favorites from the liver and kidney herb lists above.
  • As you come out of the cleanse, consider changing your daily routine to include some of the ideas in this list, mixed with things like Milk Thistle, Omega-3s, and other supplements mentioned above.

No matter how healthy you are, consider adjusting your diet to include kidney- and liver-friendly foods. You might focus on berries, citrus fruits, vegetables, brown rice, lean meats, including chicken and seafood. You might also consider avoiding processed foods, refined carbohydrates, sugar, artificial sweeteners, foods high in sodium, beef, pork, alcohol, and caffeine.

Be aware that the FDA has not announced its approval for the ideas in this article. Some people reported that they became sicker when ingesting some of the items on the above lists. It’s always essential to consult a nutritionist or doctor when drastically changing your diet or beginning to consume new herbs and supplements. As you research on behalf of your health, seek clinically studied and tested ingredients, and only take clinically recommended doses.

Wishing you lots of healing as you begin to nurture your liver and kidneys!

Cold Fusion: Free Energy Tech & Government Cover-ups

Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion is perty! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

A heated Cold Fusion debate has brewed since the 1980s when the University of Southampton’s Martin Fleischmann and University of Utah’s Stanley Pons examined the electrolysis of heavy water on the surface of an electrode. They wondered if the experiment with the palladium (Pd) electrode would produce physical changes that would challenge the established laws of chemistry.

The most compelling aspect of their experiments was evidence of the production of excess heat. If this were true, it would have resulted in The Holy Grail of energy, nothing short of an eternal panacea. It would change the world as we know it. The industry’s and public’s reaction would have been akin to the first gold rush. As it turns out, it was more like a crucifixion.

Fleischmann was then one of the planet’s most renowned electrochemists. When Pons reported their findings in a press release in 1989, it raised the world’s hopes of having free, abundant energy. The scientific community went insane.

“If low-temperature fusion does exist and can be perfected, power generation could be decentralized. Each home could heat itself and produce its own electricity, probably using a form of water as fuel. Even automobiles might be cold-fusion powered.
— Charles Platt

The team claimed that the process that created the excess heat defied traditional explanation in terms of nuclear energy principles. Pons and Fleischmann also reported that their methods produced small amounts of nuclear byproducts in the forms of neutrons and tritium. Their findings were published as the birth of Cold Fusion.

While they drank toasts to each other, they were confronted with two teensie, tiny problems. No other scientist in the world could replicate their experiments with the same results. It was also proven that Fleischmann and Pons never detected neutrons and tritium. Oops!

By the end of 1989, hopes evaporated, faith disappeared, and trust vanished. Cold Fusion was dead. So we thought.

Cold Fusion: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

It would be nice to wake up in the morning, flip on your free auto-energy generator, and enjoy free, all-day air conditioning and the free powering of 30 devices. While it sounds fantastic and possible, this probably won’t happen in our lifetimes.

While it might be true that Cold Fusion is too challenging to create, I’m not sure that’s the only obstacle. It might also be true that Mommy Government and Daddy Big Oil won’t allow every Tom, Mustafah, and Jorge to produce their own free energy.

Much like religion, governments love to control populations. This allows a handful of families through the world to benefit significantly from every financial transaction that takes place on Planet Earth. This is especially true for energy and transportation.

  • Buy an orange; they get paid.
  • Plug in a lamp; they get paid again.
  • Buy a car and fill the tank; they get paid – often.

This might be why governments and corporations won’t allow the general public to create, manage and benefit from their private production of household and transportation energy. Failing a revolution, if Big Government and Big Corporations won’t be getting paid for a true benefit, the benefit will have a tough time seeing the light of day.

Welcome to the Completely Suppressed Global Economy.

“I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source.

It would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy,

without pollution or global warming.”

— Stephen Hawking

A Little Secret


When I was living in the wilderness in NM, I ventured to the post office one day and found an older guy tinkering with his truck. He claimed it would now get over 400 mpg. I was so indelibly curious that I asked him to show me how it worked.

We drove to his house in the mountains, down a few long, dusty roads. When we arrived at his mobile home at the end of a cul-de-sac, he immediately broke out the architectural renderings from his time as a scientist at Sandia Labs in Albuquerque.

The man also pointed to a small, ominous black box in the corner of his living room. He said, “That’s where all of our free energy comes from. Oh, and it also provides air conditioning.” The house was cool. The rooms were bright. I was beyond blown away.

When I went back to visit him a few months later, he was gone. Not just the man, but his entire house had vanished. As if none of it ever existed. I still get goosebumps thinking about the whole experience.

BTW, there are over 1000 patents for carburetors registered at the US Patent Office. They’ve all been purchased by the automotive and car industries…

When Toyota announced its cute little Prius would soon be getting over 120 mpg, they experienced corporate espionage and other challenges. Somehow the 120 became 60.

As rightful citizens of planet earth, we are only permitted to utilize 20% of what is already proven and possible. It’s all about profit and control.

What Is Cold Fusion?

Cold Fusion is also known as LENR or low energy nuclear reaction. In laymen’s terms, Cold Fusion is a system of energy production that produces more usable energy than what is initially put into the system.

In scientific terms, Cold Fusion is the containment and management of a series of nuclear reactions that occur at room temperature, which produce heat, and therefore, energy. The other attribute of Cold Fusion is that while heat is generated, no neutrons or gammas are emitted.

The reason the concept of Cold Fusion is compelling is that the internal chambers of current devices experience heat in the millions of degrees Celsius. This might prohibit ordinary folks like you and me from creating and managing our own energy production systems.

“Rocket scientists agree that we have about reached the limit of our ability to travel in space using chemical rockets. To achieve anything near the speed of light, we will need a new energy source and a new propellant. Nuclear fission is not an option.”

— Wilson Greatbatch

Is Cold Fusion Possible?

Cold Fusion is indeed possible, although many scientists say that it’s highly unlikely. The primary reason, they say, is that detecting fission events requires high flux nuclear reactors to study them. This makes it expensive.

I believe that this technology is already being used in military technologies. Because most truth rises to the surface, I believe we’ll eventually learn about the secret and alien technologies already being used to produce energy.

It’s entirely possible that Cold Fusion is far less dangerous and improbable than currently being reported.

MIT’s Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Recently MIT scientists discovered the path for a nuclear fusion reactor to expel excess heat. This was a massive hurdle in global energy production science. While many scientists are still skeptical, the majority of the world’s most brilliant scientists are working hard to bring this to life.

While this doesn’t resolve the free energy scam, it will establish a system of safe, limitless, and clean energy production, unlike current systems.

“When we look up at night and view the stars,

everything we see is shinning because of distant nuclear fusion.”

— Carl Sagan

How To Build A Cold Fusion Reactor At Home

A man named Andrea Rossi built the Energy Catalyzer (E-cat) the world’s first proven cold fusion reactor. Rossi tells us that a group of independent scientists has already validated his invention. His tests show that his device can create energy that’s 10,000 times the energy density and 1000 times the power density of gasoline, currently the most productive fuel available.

There are probably countless private machines that provide the same effects. If I were to invent something remarkable, I would be cautious with how I brought the device into public view. Great thinkers tend to disappear mysteriously.

Consider Edison’s corporate backing against Tesla’s brilliant anarchism. Tesla was outmaneuvered and broken by the power players of his day. Tesla was not on the hunt for profit; he was establishing a system that would produce free energy for every person on the planet.


Why Free-Energy Suppression Conspiracy Theory Exists

Most people have experienced suppression and oppression from governments and large companies. Whether it’s being deprived of futuristic technologies already in use, enduring countless companies under-delivering, or paying the high costs associated with health care, gasoline, and home energy, we’ve all been marginalized in some way. We all have feelings of mistrust for these organizations.

Because of this, every human being doubts that governments and corporations are working on our behalf and telling us the truth. We know that something is amiss.

Sadly, there are thousands of brilliant inventors who have sold their tech to governments and for-profit companies, each of them sworn to secrecy, with the threat of legal action and death. Remember the guy who was able to turn water into an energy-generating system for his car? He was killed. There are countless similar stories throughout the world.

Corporate interests and government agencies suppress invention until they can cannibalize it, whether to benefit the industrial war complex or to create wealth for corporations, board members, and executives.

If the US Government were to outlaw lobbying and the related gifts and cash-incentives that go along with it, the entire world would benefit.

I am grateful for all the science-minded, research warriors who question the status quo and push to bring us the truth, even if their facts are conjecture. Because of their efforts, we will eventually learn the extent to which we have been deprived of our fundamental rights to technology that could benefit every woman, man, and child on the planet.

The Personality Cards: Official Launch!!!

personality cards

Hi Everybody,

I have an exciting announcement! I’ve been working for quite some time now to put together a truly intuitive, personal experience that extends beyond the current tarot reading culture. After much meditation, thought, and experience in intuitive readings and coaching, I’ve finally created my own personality cards for tarot readings!

My Personality Cards just arrived and I’m grateful for all the work that went into them. The card artist Lucy Kyriakidou did an amazing job! I love how the cards, booklet, and box came out.

Here’s a quick taste!

personality cards

personality cards

The personality cards are fun to use and can

provide deep insight into who we are.

I use them in every intuitive session I do,

and they are always on-the-mark!

To use them, you can pick out your cards for the day during your dedicated time for self-reflection, prayer, and meditation. Each card has a personality identity which you can read more about in the booklet included. Use these descriptions and helpful guided meditations to dig deep, learn more about yourself, and even navigate the situations you are experiencing currently.

Buy them HERE.

If you need help learning more and using them for the first time, I’d love to hear from you. You can sign up for a 1 hour session with me here, where I’ll guide you in using the personality cards during an intuitive reading.

Stepping-off The Shoulders of Giants: Why the Discovery of Calculus is a Touchy Subject?



discovery of Calculus

The Wonders of Calculus – A Shutterstock Image

In calculus, there are theorems and conjectures, generally born from thinkers who love to discuss ideas and rules related to the nature of the universe. Conjectures are guesses. Theorems are proven conjectures. In political theory, it’s akin to when a bill becomes a law. Both theorems and conjectures tend to have long histories of documented improvements and analyses. The equations, proofs and rules that arise along the way are often described as simple or neat. While calculus might be founded in intellectual elegance, the history of calculus is messy and contested. This begs the questions: “who created calculus?,” and “when?”

“If a ‘religion’ is defined to be a system of ideas that contains unprovable statements, then Gödel taught us that mathematics is not only a religion, it is the only religion that can prove itself to be one.”
— John Barrow

The Simple Answer: Everyone, and Apparently Often

Mathematics, the foundation of calculus, has been around for thousands of years. It began in Babylonia and Egypt, was built-upon by Greeks, Persians (Iran), Mesopotamians (Iraq), Arabs, Chinese and Indians, and then advanced by Europeans, including, Fibonacci, Fermat, Descartes, and Pascal.

Derived from the Greek word, “máthema,” math (or maths), has helped humanity explore and understand numbers, shapes, space, structure, change, patterns, and flow. It’s helped us to solve problems since the invention of the wheel and has become the foundation of our future. Business, medicine, engineering, artificial intelligence, and space travel have become forever dependent on mathematics.

In 9th century Middle East, Hasan Ibn al-Haytham gave birth to integrals, which describe displacement, area, and volume, the basis for one of the two branches of calculus. India’s prolific mathematician-astronomer, Madhava, advanced trigonometric approximations to include infinity. It’s said that the work of these two brilliant mathematicians was the basis for Isaac Newton’s and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s work 250 years later. The intense conflict between Newton and Leibniz is another story, coined, “The Calculus Controversy.”

How did Newton and Leibniz abscond with Madhava’s work? It is widely believed that Jesuit missionary priests lived in India during the 14th century, during which, they collected and absorbed the scientific knowledge from the country’s brilliant minds. Either during their residence in India or upon return to Europe, the priests were known to have given their meticulous notes to the scientist communities in their home countries.

Another theory is that In 1580, a man named Matteo Ricci removed highly coveted Calculus textbooks from a king’s library and took them to Europe. From there, Leibniz, Newton, and others worked to translate the books and reinvent calculus in their names. Many also believe that Newton stole his laws of gravity from a Vedic sage named Surya Sidhanta.

Who Discovered Calculus, Where’s The Beef?

When it comes to calculus and other areas of invention and science, there are two schools of thought. Some believe that technology, innovation, and creation advances cumulatively, incrementally, and linearly, whereby one advancement is imagined and then tested, and then subsequent advances are built-upon the prior intelligence and tests.

Others believe that invention is not necessarily linear. Given all of the civilizations that have come and gone over time, it’s quite possible that we’ve forgotten some of our most brilliant innovators, and many of our most remarkable secrets have been lost.

Consider this impressive list of lost tech:

It’s in this vein of thought that it’s probable that we’ve reinvented a long list of our most treasured technological advances and inventions throughout the past 5,000 to 10,000 years. It’s quite possible that we’ve mastered space travel and blown ourselves to bits, several times over.

Fear-Based Science

Not all invention makes its way into continual, progressive expansion, simply because of how nuanced, outrageous, or profound it might be.

This idea was presented in a paper entitled, “Nonlinear Innovation,” by Michal Shur-Ofry. Michal states, “Whereas most works and inventions are indeed linear and cumulative, there is an additional type of innovation which occurs both in the cultural and scientific spheres: innovation that is not concerned with linear and incremental improvements, but with dissent and discontinuity; innovation that breaks up with convention, identifies misconceptions or disputes existing paradigms. Such innovation “steps-off” the shoulders of giants rather than stands on their shoulders. I term it nonlinear innovation.”

Michal used the example of Dan Shechtman, who, in 1982, discovered a quasi-periodic crystal, something that, according to traditional, linear science, simply could not

Because he was so fearful of reactions from the often cruel, scientific establishment, it took Dan over 2 years to polish and publish his fascinating results. Because he had observed that certain aluminum-manganese alloys can produce unique patterns, which confirmed the existence of quasicrystal structures, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2011. It takes a great deal of courage to step-off the shoulders of heroes and giants.

Quotes about Invention, Calculus, and Mathematics

Invention, mathematics, and philosophy have long been tied together.

  • “This book is for all of us who looked up at the sky in wonder, and then cried when we learned how much calculus separated us from the stars” ― K. Ancrum, The Weight of the Stars
  • “What music is to the heart, mathematics is to the mind.” ― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words
  • “Be that as it may, Leibnitz was never able to explain the principles of his calculus clearly, and this shows that there was something in it that was beyond him, something that was as it were imposed upon him without his being conscious of it; had he taken this into account, he most certainly would not have engaged in any dispute over ‘priority’ with Newton. Besides, these sorts of disputes are always completely vain, for ideas, insofar as they are true, are not the property of anyone, despite what modern ‘individualism’ might have to say; it is only error that can properly be attributed to human individuals.” ― René Guénon, The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus
  • “What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.” — Woody Allen
  • “I abandoned the assigned problems in standard calculus textbooks and followed my curiosity. Wherever I happened to be–a Vegas casino, Disneyland, surfing in Hawaii, or sweating on the elliptical in Boesel’s Green Microgym — I asked myself, “Where is the calculus in this experience?” ― Jennifer Ouellette, “The Calculus Diaries: How Math Can Help You Lose Weight, Win in Vegas, and Survive a Zombie Apocalypse”

History Is Often Rewritten

In every powerful regime, there are devious people doing the work of the dark. In order to preserve legacy, power, and tradition, they will rewrite parts of history to serve a select few.

In all things related to science and invention, we must consider that some of our scientific giants were thieves, and others were denied their rightful glory.

The Cycles of History and Discovery

William Strauss and Neil Howe published two books that speak to the organic tides of change, “Generations,” and “The Fourth Turning.” Within these pages is a powerful set of theories that describe history in four periods, each lasting 20 years:

  • First Turning (High)
  • Second Turning (Awakening)
  • Third Turning (Unraveling)
  • Fourth Turning (Crisis)

The most potent of these are Awakening and Crisis. During Awakening, we experience the summer of creativity, exploration, and alignment. This is when culture is imagined and celebrated. During Crisis, we experience the winter and the solitude associated with our choices. This is when public life goes through a metamorphosis. The Unraveling and High provide transitional paradigms to bring us from one era to the next.

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that, from the beginning, truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn…”
— Manly P. Hall

It might be said that, during periods of awakenings, we reinvent technologies and paradigms to increase our longevity. In the process, we grow pride and attachment to our creations, which leads the way to our Unraveling. This is when our ideas are challenged and our opposition gains steam. In the ensuing Crisis, we raze the past and prepare for a new beginning. With humility and grace, the period of High invites us into our next cycle of invention.

According to this theory, during any awakening, and at any time in history, inventors and scientists open their minds and hearts to the eternal muse. Because spacetime is a timeless continuum, when ideas come through, they can involve any level of advancement. It might be 1650, but upon engaging his muse, the scientist might be given ideas from 2025.

It’s in this light that innovation, invention, and mathematics could not be categorized as cumulative or linear. They could only be described as having dynamic potential in every direction. The same can be said for each of us.