The Electromagnetic Nature Of Emotions

Electromagnetic nature of emotions

Electromagnetic nature of emotions. A Shutterstock Licensed Image

When we allow ourselves to feel our emotions, it’s as though hidden forces, even tidal waves, move within us. As we process them, vast amounts of space within our minds and hearts emerge. We feel lighter and more resolved. Our emotions help us evolve and teach us how to expand, yet our understanding of them is limited.

Electromagnetism is the study of electromagnetic force, which is born from interactions that occur between electrically charged particles. Particles attract, matter is formed, and energy is emitted.

Electromagnetic fields transport these forces, giving birth to electromagnetic radiation, such as light. As atoms attract via electromagnetism, they create our physical realities. We cannot exist without electromagnetism.

Lightning is the result of electrostatic discharge. Emotions are similar. When we have experiences, we immediately absorb them, and then our personalities form responses. Meanwhile, without any apparent effort, our minds and hearts funnel our experiences through our unique webs of perceptions and beliefs. At the end of this speed tunnel, and without much effort, our emotions are born.


As ideas and imagery move through our minds and bodies, they bounce around like pinballs, creating, and provoking emotional responses. It’s in this way that emotions appear to be ultra-compact, contained hurricanes of raw energy. Since they can be stored and extracted, it means that emotions most likely have mass.

Emotions Are Somewhat Infectious

You’ve been in movie theaters and experienced waves of emotions. During specific scenes, you can almost feel the weight in the room. It’s quite possible that when we express emotions through laughter, yelps, and gasps, we release chemicals and electromagnetic discharges born from emotions. This is why being in a funeral home might feel different than being in your living room.

Are my emotions more powerful than God?

When religions tell you to ignore your emotions, they’re telling you to deny your impulses and refute your ability to expand. Since your expansion can produce your divinity, you’re a threat to every religion.

The more conscious religions will encourage you to honor your emotions, and expand your understanding of self. While it might be challenging to become self- and God-realized, religions should encourage these pursuits. What can be more critical than your expanded consciousness? Maybe nothing.

If emotions weren’t the byproduct of interactions, we’d have a better chance at controlling them.

Emotions are tiny, energy-Beings that are created and fueled by our thoughts. When we have a charged thought, whether positive or negative, we will undoubtedly experience emotions. Because we often assign meaning to our thoughts, they tend to have a flavor of angry, sad, delight, fury, excitement, and more.

While it’s difficult to control how we express our emotions during traumatic and profoundly beautiful events, it’s possible.

Emotions like love, joy, comfort, relaxation, peace, and positive passion can improve our attitudes, relationships, and immune systems.

Meanwhile, emotions like fear, hate, anxiety, shame, blame, and despair tend to deplete our energy levels and health and even kills cells. Regardless of this distinction, dormant emotions, harmful or not, must be encouraged to move.

Here’s how you might awaken or move your emotions and the related electromagnetic discharges toward your favor:

  • When having an emotion, allow it to breathe. Don’t judge it. Try to love it.
  • As it moves within you, note how much energy it requires to sustain.
  • If an emotion commandeers your passion or clarity, note its value: positive or negative.
  • If it’s negative, permit yourself to express it safely. Letting out a little steam will reduce its internal effect on you. If the feelings of negativity remain dominant, choose a modality to help you express it. You might consider crying, exercising, writing in your journal, pounding the earth, or doing a healing ritual to help you expand beyond your temporary self-identity.
  • If your feelings are positive, let them fill you up, then share them with abandon.
  • In every situation, you can choose a higher-level perspective. In doing so, your emotions will follow suit. While honoring your emotions is essential, it’s best not to fuel negative emotions. Give them their say, even a vote, but don’t give them a seat at the table or cement them into your reality.

Can We Replace Emotional and Mental Mechanisms to Make Life Easier?

Human beings do not react similarly to the same conditions, largely because our perceptions and beliefs are not uniform. Each of us is a unique machine, with indeterminable mental pathways, emotional mirrors, and projection systems. Given the complexities of each person’s life, it would be quite challenging to successfully swap one person’s wirings and inner workings for another’s.

Current technological advances seem to allude to the possibility of replacing aspects of ourselves with prosthetic emotional and mental constructs. While this is compelling, it would most likely require brain transplants, and thorough expunges of our neural networks. In cases like these, individuals would no longer be themselves. In fact, they might be considered adult new-borns.


Where Can Our Emotions Lead Us?

Just like a compass needle, our emotions seem to point us in specific directions. Anger tends to lead to destruction, although rage can protect us, and noble fights can produce miraculous outcomes. Joy tends to point to positivity, although it can also result in permeable boundaries and unwanted pregnancies. It’s all a matter of perspective, and it’s situation-specific. If we’re careful with our emotions, we can construct formidable personalities, through which, we can create empowered lives.

What’s The Takeaway Here?

Your emotions comprise one, massive, collective organ. Each emotion is akin to a mini hurricane, which can save, protect, or heal you. Emotions either fuel your reality or feed its deconstruction. Every emotion you have is a piece of you. It lives within your body and emits electromagnetic discharges. Your emotions have a substantial influence on your overall vibration.

Treat this vital, collective organ with respect. Seek modalities and rituals that ground and nurture you, and use your words and tears to express your position. Remember that you can often choose your emotions, or at the very least, choose to improve upon them.

Finally, in all things:

  • Accept what is happening in the present moment.
  • Release your resistance to the flow.
  • Be careful when assigning meaning to circumstances, events, and relationships.
  • Focus on love, joy, and health.
  • When confronting hypocrisy and insanity, be fierce, firm, and swift.
  • Remember, the past is a canceled check.
  • Choose positive responses whenever possible.
  • Set clear boundaries so you can protect your beautiful garden.

Unlock The Hidden Secrets of Your Personalities

hidden secrets of personalities

Our Personalities Are Temporary Self-Identities! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Some life lessons are hard to swallow, but the toughest ones are those which push us toward a greater self-understanding. With an expanded sense of Self, we make better decisions and our lives are more peaceful and productive, even healthier. What determines our growth is not warm-fuzzy, white-light vision-boards; rather, it’s the actions we take toward fulfilling our dreams of self-realization that determine our growth and success.

Each of us is an ever-changing chemical equation in pursuit of connection and equanimity. We know that our personal alchemy and happiness are dependent upon our thoughts and desires, but without investment through action, nothing in our physical realities will change.

Working in the background of our daily lives and relationships is a set of powerful personalities. This buoyant, loyal, feisty group of secret identities is what we use to interact with the world. By confronting, healing, and up-leveling each of these personalities, we in turn release emotions, people, events, beliefs, and paradigms that no longer serve our evolution. In the process, we transform this life, as well as prior and future lives.

The Purpose of Personalities

Every experience results in the accumulation of attitudes, intentions, and beliefs, which live in us like magnets. Left unchecked, our internal magnets can attract undesirable experiences to our lives. These magnets also form identity masks (personalities) within us, which also attract experiences and act as the engines behind our actions. We are at the mercy of these amorphous, embedded constructs until we recognize, heal, and release them. While some of our personalities are helpful or benign, the rest of the crew can be a force to reckon with.

Our core personalities act as the collective machine that drives our lives. Much like our spirits use our bodies to live in physical realities, we use our primary personalities to engage the world, make friends, get jobs, and get attention. By temporarily naming and then exploring our personalities, we make them more relatable in the moment, which helps us process unattended emotions, imagery, and experiences. Doing so, we increase our ability to forgive ourselves and others. As a result, our awareness expands and we grow.

Over time, we evolve and our core personality sets change. At the ends of our lives, we drop all personalities and return to Source.

This does not mean that our souls die: it means we go back to an existence without pretense or construct, a state we can achieve while living in our bodies in the here and now.

Return to Source

According to the most ancient spiritual traditions, the purpose of life is to release the features within us that are incongruent with the Source of all life. This is what the masters who have appeared throughout time have taught us. Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Quan Yin, Amma, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Osho, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sai Baba and all the light beings who brighten our spirits, point to oneness with creation, a merging with eternity.
They desire for us to go through the process of Self-realization, seeking Nirvana, the state of the perfect non-existence of self-serving desires. Some people pursue this clear state by praying, chanting, or living monastic lives, but the majority of us utilize relational and emotional modalities to serve our spiritual advancement. These tools bring us closer to the Self, expanding our awareness, clarity, and sense of freedom.

By exploring and finding empathy for the broad spectrum of human attributes inherent in the human condition, we move closer to the Source.

By seeing ourselves in every living being we experience and interact with, we become free. With our intentions and actions focused on embracing all aspects of the human condition, we awaken.

The Challenge

How do we begin this type of deep exploration? There are powerful rituals that can bring us closer to ourselves. From Sweat Lodges and Pagan Rituals to advanced energy work and self-cleansing modalities, we have many options.

The challenge is that most of us do not have the simplicity of life to allow a one-time workshop or Vision Quest to take hold in our lives in a longer-term, meaningful way. And even though we might recite positive thoughts and mantras, if we’re honest with ourselves, we know these things are often not powerful enough to break our emotional and psychological bondage. In many ways, traditional new age modalities are temporary, egotistic, problematic, and narcissistic.

We cannot advance without a measure of deep exploration and momentary pain. We might achieve a state of clarity for a moment, but it doesn’t mean we can sustain it or necessarily benefit from it. Even if we sit in meditation for 10 days and eat vegetarian food while focused on our navel, the positive effects will easily wear off if we do not upkeep the efforts. Consistency in positive, transformative, and cleansing action is what returns us to ourselves and keeps us there.

You can breathe white light out your crown chakra all day long, but there’s no guarantee your mind will not consume you in the hours that follow.

Slowing down for long enough to achieve lasting transformation is a challenge we all face. There are few systems in place that can give us true transformation. Most of the spiritual teachings we regularly consume are bundles of candy. They feel so good, they’re pretty, they’re delivered by sexy yogis, they create positive vibrations and they inspire a sense of openness for a moment. But a week later, what has truly changed? Very little.

The path of the Shaman and spiritual aspirant consists of an equal balance of exploring the light and opening the doors to the shadows. This path takes into account the balance of light and dark inherent in the universe. We cannot sit in the light and expect lasting change.

The universe is everything, both light, and dark. If, while consuming the light, we are not dancing with the dark, we are missing the point. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. He wasn’t playing charades or writing positive thoughts on index cards. He was dealing with his shit and the shit in all of the universes. We all have the same opportunity but rarely pursue it.

The Work

6 years in development, Paul’s The Personality Cards, and Blended Soul app, are tools that can help you deepen your process of self-exploration. If you wish to do the work without a toolset, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Sit quietly with your journal and write down a list of your positive attributes.
  2. Write down a list of people who you believe are personifications of these attributes.
  3. Write down a list of your negative and bizarre attributes.
  4. Write down a list of the people who are reflections of these attributes.
  5. Pick the 3 most-exaggerated people from each list.
  6. One by one, look into each personality and be honest about how you resemble each person. Explore each attribute and look at how you have behaved in similar ways.
  7. Be honest with yourself about your ugliness. Express regret, find your anger, find the sadness beneath your anger and let it all go.
  8. Find forgiveness for yourself and others in every instance related to these 6 personalities.
  9. Contemplate the images that have haunted you or oppressed you. Focus on the emotions and let them out. Release your attached to the images and the emotions. Clear the slate so that you can become new.
  10. Celebrate your positive attributes and commit to realigning with them in all of your future endeavors.
  11. Write down your thinking and emotional processes as you go through this activity.
  12. Allow several hours or several days to complete a thorough exploration and full-body release. Do whatever it takes.
  13. Once complete, keep a list of the attributes you are hoping to embody throughout the rest of your life.
  14. Repeat this process when you feel cloudy or uncertain about who you are.

Enjoy Your Clarity

After going through this process, you will have a newfound clarity. Your mind will be more at ease and your heart will be open and full. Go deep and find clarity.

The purpose here is to embody a high level of acceptance for who you really are, who other people are and what reality is. There is no quick path to remove all of our false projections. There is only the expanding of your awareness, which most often comes through an intensely emotional experience. Without emotion, there is little chance wisdom will prevail.

Seek to know all parts of you. Do not run away from the shadows and challenges deep within your psyche. Cleanse them by opening the doors to the light. While the pain might feel unbearable, it is temporary.

This is an ongoing process. Continue to explore and release emotions around the imagery you obsess about. Grieve every image and every personality. Always seek the release of negative attributes and allow for the deepest awareness around every situation.


The Potential Changes

The more you are able to cleanse the emotions from your physical body and the more you are able to shed light on your shadows, the more you will evolve. This evolution will create greater simplicity in your life. It will be a letting go on every level. The value is that by climbing all of these emotional mountains, you give yourself the ability to climb every mountain and face every obstacle in your physical reality.

The more you go through these processes, the more you will see changes in your jobs, security, love life, personal life, and relationships. Upon every letting go of emotion, you’ll release or change your magnets. With fewer magnets, there are fewer attachments.

By going through these types of processes, you will change at a core level. This means that some of the people in your life may leave, new people may emerge and life will feel different. The degree to which you commit to this process will be equal to the level of peace that will emerge in your life.

Throughout this process, you will learn whether or not your family is an age-old addiction or a valuable tribe of compatriots. You will learn about your inner monsters and their ill-effects in your life. Most importantly, you will learn how to be connected to the Source of all life. While this takes time, each step can be freeing, illuminating, and exciting.

Born From a Divine Spark

We are all born from divine sparks. These sparks, however pure, cannot prevent us from adopting debilitating characteristics and attitudes. However difficult, healing these aspects helps us evolve.

You are invited to explore, embrace, forgive, and celebrate all aspects within yourself and others. Imagine the personalities living in your core. See each of them as a reflection of you and the people in your life. See each one as a representation of an aspect of the universe calling you to love, heal, and master it. May this process help you move successfully past your stories and closer to emotional and spiritual freedom.

How To Write Letters That Inspire Rebirth And Your Inner Circle

How to write letters

Writing letters can move you forward – even if you don’t send them. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

The Power of Learning How to Write Letters

Changing our lives often requires putting our intentions into words. Handwritten letters to friends, families, and enemies can help you let go, move on, and level up. Learning how to write letters can be a great way to build a beautiful, intentional life.

When we want to experience a life-changing paradigm-shift, we can’t ignore all of the people who reside in our minds and hearts. Whether they are friends or enemies, we are relating with them on some level. If we are to transforms our beliefs, we must also shift those relationships. They are mirrors that we cannot ignore.

To truly change the paths of our lives, and shift our behaviors, we must engage with every figure that feeds us, whether the person is living in this physical world or traversing other realms.

It’s not important whether or not we physically reconnect with these people. It’s not important whether we wish to build or burn the bridge. What’s most vital here is that we seek an understanding of their roles in our lives going forward.

Keep in mind that even if you write the most stunning letter, one worthy of the Smithsonian, it doesn’t mean that you should send it. The first mission is to write the letters.


Why Would You Want To Write These Letters?

  1. You’ve already had a rebirth and you wish to educate a few of the most important people in your life.
  2. You desire a complete transformation and wish to energetically (not physically) engage the people and images that might be influencing your current (outdated) self-identity, self-perception, beliefs, desires, and actions.
  3. Knowing that you placed yourself at the mercy of people you do not like or those who do not respect you, you have decided to eradicate all negative and negating influences and circumstances in your life.

How Do I Write These Letters?

First Version

  1. Imagine that you can say anything to this person. No holding back!
  2. Treat this first letter as a secret journal, only meant for you and the Divine.
  3. As you write, express your feelings with clarity and certainty, and without hesitation.
  4. Explore your feelings and thoughts in this letter until you have exhausted every aspect of the relationship. Dig into nooks and crannies. Illuminate old imagery. For this moment, bring it all in, writing everything that comes across your mind and heart.
  5. Try to find moments where you enjoy it. Allow feelings of sadness and anger. Let your emotions come to the surface. Honor them, for a moment.
  6. Print the letter, kiss it, hug it, and thank yourself for writing it.
  7. Burn the letter in the sink.
  8. Say a prayer for this person. Imagine that you and this person are surrounded by pink, protective light. Send the person lots of love and remain in gratitude for this experience.


Final Version

  1. As you embark on the writing, imagine that you are speaking to yourself. When expressing your feelings, do not dwell on the past, rather, dwell on gratitude.
  2. Respectfully honor the past, without being too specific or too verbose. Stay away from blame or suggesting that one of you could have done better or been smarter.
  3. Declare where you believe the relationship will now go. Even if it is to remain in the ether, speak your truth with love and light.
  4. Craft this letter as if you are writing to the Universe, because you are.
  5. As you write, let emotions arise and let them go. Honor them, but do not dwell on them. These little bubbles are no longer meant for you.
  6. Sit with the letter. Hold it in your lap. Love it. Close your eyes. Breath into this moment. Feel gratitude.
  7. Either prepare to send the letter to this person or decide to make that decision later. Put the letter on your altar or in a sacred, secret place.


After writing each letter, you might feel a little exhausted. You might feel confusion, sadness, or anger. You will certainly feel relief. Allow these feelings to dissipate. Breathe deeply and allow your mind and heart to clear.

Pray for each person to whom you’ve written a letter. Pray for their health and happiness. Pray for their families and future. Send them love and light. Appreciate all the positive aspects of these relationships and be grateful for every lesson, no matter how small.

Every person that comes into our lives embodies a lesson. Each lesson is born from our desires to evolve. If we attract a lesson, no matter how painful or wonderful, it is because we vibrated the nature of that lesson, long before it appeared in our lives.

You are an electromagnetic Being. You are primarily soul plus a tiny hint of body. The body is secondary. Your relationships are secondary. Learn to honor them by showing up with clarity and vibrancy. Learn to celebrate them. And when it’s time, learn to let them go.

Truth be told:

Your relationship is not with other people. 

It’s with the Universe.

Make bold decisions that make you feel happy and resolved.

If you need to communicate these things, do it swiftly.

Let your soul embrace every lesson it desires. In all things, seek clarity, and be grateful. If you are resistant and defiant when having an experience with another, let it go before you hurt yourself or others. That person or lesson might not be meant for you.

For transformational rituals, including how to process and release prior relationships, circumstances, and beliefs, go HERE.

Relinquish Codependency In Life, Love, Relationships and Business


Codependency. A Shutterstock Licensed Image. 

Our primary relationship is not with any individual, it’s with the Universe. The transcendent self is eternal.

Many of us are afraid to be spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically liberated. On the surface, it appears to come at such a cost. When releasing codependent patterns, we know that our relationships will change, and our businesses will shift. In pursuit of liberation, our lives can transform to such a degree, they might be unrecognizable, at least for a while.

When circumstances introduce us to our codependencies, we might fight them until we lose everything, including our self-respect. We might even latch onto our codependence in defiance, so we can prove somebody wrong. As we argue for our attachments to these mutually limiting dependencies, we hurt ourselves and others.

What Happens When We Release Codependency?

When we release codependency from our lives, relationships, and businesses, everything becomes more clear. We empower ourselves and others to be interdependent, where each participant healthfully and confidently maintains their own temporary self-identities.

As we release codependencies, we might fear losing prior relationships, but what usually emerges is greater clarity in these connections and a more evolved individuation. Certainly, things will change, but always for the better.


When we reevaluate the limiting relationships in our businesses, we might fear losing long-term employees whom we’ve come to depend upon. Truth be told, when in pursuit of clarity in our businesses, we usually end up liberating these employees to pursue their highest self.

In the meantime, we clean up energy pockets, paradigms, and processes that formerly reduced our self-esteem, market value, client reviews, revenue, and abilities to be truly effective.

In the pursuit of a non-codependent life, we may fear becoming so different that we won’t recognize ourselves or our loved-ones. In the end, we do become different. And so do our projections onto others. This up-level is an improvement for the Universe.

When we move away from codependence:

• We stop carrying other people’s baggage.

• We stop living in accordance with other people’s jealousy.

• We begin to reject other people’s limiting projections on us.

• We no longer fret over what other people think about us.

• We stop limiting ourselves so that others feel comfortable.

• We stop blaming ourselves for other people’s failures and deceit.

• We stop falling when others fall. We stop failing, overall.

It’s not easy, but when we relinquish codependency, we up-level our entire ecosystem. It’s even sometimes important to say goodbye to family. Doing so, we give others the chance to choose liberation over their prior limiting behaviors and paradigms.

When anyone releases codependent behaviors,

the whole Universe benefits.

As we inch closer to a lasting clarity, we might grasp at some of the relationships in our lives. We might attach to temporary, contrived meanings and take several steps backwards. In the process of pursuing liberation, we might even slam the door in its face.

What does it mean to be liberated?

Liberation is the release of our binding and limiting attachments to our attitudes, stories, minds, emotions, relationships, temporary self-identities, physical realities, and all of the extrapolated illusions that are born from them.

Liberation is an immersion in the eternal,

a highway without pitstops.

Generally, as we evolve and release our codependence, stories and attachments, it’s common to find that many relationships begin to evaporate into the horizon, much like any dream. What emerges is a more resilient Self-identity founded in eternal truths versus societal constructs, fairytales, and fabrications. This can happen with our lovers, spouses, businesses, and more.

The liberation path eventually extinguishes our addictions to codependence and our needs for approval from others. In its wake, we begin to reflect on Self as it is, not as a comparative to others, or as a reflection of our temporary positions in other people’s lives.

Eventually, the concept of maintaining relationships becomes superfluous. Since the universe always brings to us people and events that are magnetically aligned with our temporary self-identities and vibrations, we needn’t worry about maintaining relationships. These connections will work out in accordance with the revised clarity and energetic dissonance between us.

In the process of liberating ourselves, the Universe honors who we have become and are becoming. In so doing, it allows our prior relationships to either up-level or evaporate. Throughout the processes inherent in liberation, and the release of all codependence, all parties are recalibrated according to their revised self-identities and vibrations. All is well.

Our primary relationship is not with any individual.

It’s with the Universe.

In the pursuit of the eternal, everything eventually falls into place, in its own time. It’s like planning a road trip. You can’t venture to Vancouver without a vehicle. The pursuit of transcendent liberation is the vehicle for the up-leveling of your life, paradigms, perspectives, attitudes, and temporary self-identities. It’s the only vehicle that can carry the truth of the all-that-is and grant you access to it.

Be clear with what you want. Allow insecurities and misconceptions to move through you and outside of you. Don’t use your fears around codependency as your excuses to avoid transformation.

Stop defending lies. Practice recognizing your potential and celebrating your pursuit of it.

“Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.”

— Goethe

Yes, divine intervention is real and palpable. But we must take the first step.

The Black Moon: Celebrate & Invest In The Incomparable YOU!

The black moon

A Black Moon is Beautiful and Powerful! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Embrace Your Brilliance And Take Action NOW! A Black Moon is a delicious invitation to embrace your creative spark.

A Black Moon occurs every 32 months. When Mercury went direct in Cancer last night, the new moon rose in Leo.

I love Leo. She pushes us to see our value and take action. She taps us on the shoulders, and kisses our cheeks, saying,

“It’s now time for you to shine!”

During Leo Moons, it is customary to focus on new ways to see ourselves, and invite new modalities that will help us share our gifts, talents and attributes. It’s a great time to engage a challenge!

While Leo is always about capturing and embodying our rightful sovereignty, the Black Moon and the waning Mercury Retrograde (Mercury-Shade) keenly amplify this energetic encouragement.

There could be no better time than RIGHT NOW to be alive, creative, expressive, and full of your rightful power. Seriously! Get on board with YOU!

The Black Moon is all about self-expression!

A Black Moon is an energy typhoon that seeps into our electromagnetic fields. She helps us see our personal truths, and shed light on all the events, circumstances, and people around us.

If you can take a moment to allow this powerful, energy ally to share its truth with you, you will be surprised at how helpful she is. She’s like the Divine BFF you’ve always wanted.

Let The Black Moon Embrace You & Shine Through You!

Because this Black Moon is particularly lusty and Herculean, she can take the form of a ripped, intoxicating Warrior-Angel. During this time frame, there might be healing shakeups and slight breakdowns, whereby illusions fade away, and truths are resurrected in their places.

The Black Moon always serves our highest ideas and most advanced natures. She is a proponent of the most advanced aspects promoting our highest good.

This lovely creature is akin to a Cosmic Coach, who encourages us to know ourselves deeply, embrace our truths (both dark and light), and seek only clarity and divine righteousness in our experiences and relationships.

The Black Moon invites us to embrace

a fresh start with clear intentions.

When we pursue our highest ideals and Self, it must begin with the most courageous self-love imaginable. This is not a time to tinker in positivity. It’s the perfect time to master it.

See your value in all its glory. Embrace how every particle in the Universe knows and loves you. Allow this love to help you evolve, evaluate your world, and take appropriate and timely actions.

Ask yourself:

Where are you most loved?

Where are you under-allowing?

How can you improve your reality?

There is no human Being on earth, no etheric entity throughout the realms, who can love you more than you can love yourself. It must begin with you. You are, and always have been, the Universe.


Declare what matters to you most!

Proclaim your skills, talents, and attributes to the Universe!

Believe, then be “baptized” in the bosoms of love and light!


It is your right to be wild and free. It is your nature to feel vibrant, connected, and exhilarated. Release every iota that has held you back.


Declare your new self-identity.

Move forward knowing that

your ancestors, the Universe,

and all the light-Beings,

in all the realms,

want you to be happy. ALWAYS!



Ase, Ase-O or Ashe (“ah-sheh”) “The power to make things happen,” utilizing our life force in partnership with the eternal forces of light. Akin to the concept of Chi.

What It’s Like to Be An Empath and Clairsentient

Empath and Clairsentient

Empaths who are Clairsentients can feel a little overwhelmed.

Empaths and Clairsentients feel and sense the emotions, vibrations, and energy of the people, animals, life-forms, and objects in a room, from a distance, and often, remotely.

If you are conflicted about something in your life, it often relates to your ability to know or process what you are feeling. Empaths and Clairsentients can pick up on your feelings related to a person, place or event. When they communicate what they are absorbing or experiencing, it can easily provoke your emotional release or a deep inner-knowing. This can heal you on several levels: emotionally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, and socially.

These lovely and giving people are often shy (not always) and have created public masks and work-arounds that allow them to function successfully in society.

As a person who can embody either of these archetypes, I know how they can be misunderstood, mistreated, and undervalued. In the past, this is exactly what I had done to myself. But no longer.

If you know an Empath or Clairsentient, nurture that relationship. They can bring great value to your life. Chances are, they’ve already processed a litany of your emotions, thoughts, pains, and burdens.


Empaths and Clairsentients are very similar, except that Clairsentience, otherwise known as “clear feeling”, includes a broader skillset. Beyond the embodiment and sensing of feelings and energies, Clairsentients can have physical sensations which give them information about people, light-beings, spirits, plants, objects, and events – either near to them or elsewhere.


As a result of being near someone who is in pain or has an illness, a Clairsentient might experience physical changes to their body, like favoring a sore knee, or feeling pain in a specific area of their body.

Clairsentients might also feel the remnants of a disease or sickness from someone nearby, for example, marks from drug needles or a harsh headache from alcohol or caffeine abuse. In these cases, the Clairsentient will have a deep longing to share the information, simply because they want to help the other person.

A Clairsentient’s heart will feel as though it bleeds for the person near to them who is in pain, so much so that they might not be able to be around them for very long.


Clairsentience is an under-estimated psychic gift and adds a great deal of heart and value to the world.

How Can Empaths and Clairsentients Take Care of Themselves?

I meditate, chant in Sanskrit, and drink Espresso. Without all of these things, I quickly get stuck in my emotional body and am unable to move. If I can’t move through an environment or set of emotions that I’m sensing, I will be of no value to anyone, including myself.

Espresso is the latest addition that changed my life. Seriously, it changed every aspect of my life. I frickin’ love espresso.

With my awesome Breville espresso machine, crates of Hemp and Oat milk, and a beautiful, fat coffee mug, I am now able to process every aspect of what I feel, sense, and see, without getting stuck.

No longer am I overwhelmed with every energetic body within a 2-mile radius. In many ways, I’m more free and liberated than I have ever been in my life.

I also crash like I’ve just come home from a 6-month covert military operation. Every drug has its downside.

How Can You Develop Empathic Sensitivities and Clairsentience?

You are already empathic and clairsentient. Every person on the planet is as sensitive as they want to be. Most of us cram our minds and lives full of unworthy activities, relationships, and details. Once you begin clearing your life of these things, you’ll find that the universe has far more in store for you than you may have otherwise realized.

You are a magnet that is attracting the vibrations that are within you. If you are clear, you will attract clarity. If you are burdened, you will attract more of the same.

Clear your vessel, and you’ll improve not only your health, but you can also improve your IQ and EQ. Living fully and wholeheartedly does not require details or complications. It only requires that you open your heart and receive. When we receive in this way, we are given information. If we explore and then learn how to parse this information correctly, we can bring great value to our lives and the lives of others.

Being a Clairsentient is a full-body experience. It fills your heart, mind, and physical form with imagery, information, sounds, vibrations, and energetic material that can either hurt, disable, or enlighten.

I choose the latter.

Check Out my Empath Oath here: It’s powerful. 

Sufism and The Sufi Saints

Sufism and the Sufi Saints

Sufism and the Sufi Saints – so lovely! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Sufism has produced some of the most profound writers and teachers in our planet’s history. The writings of Rumi and Hafiz have opened more hearts than most religions can claim throughout their existence. Sufism opens hearts and clears the pathways to the sweetest depths of the divine.

Sufism, or Tasawwuf, the mystical arm of Islam, is practiced in a variety of forms by millions of people around the world. The root, Sufi, means “pure.” Students and practitioners of Sufism are known as Sufis and believe themselves to be the “people of true beingness.”

“Wherever You Are, And Whatever You Do, Be In Love.”
– Rumi

While traditional Islamic and Sufi scholars will defend Sufism’s connection to Islam, many practitioners of its tenets do not identify as Muslim. They identify as open, forgiving, explorative, poetic and eternal lovers of the divine. It is in this way that Sufism might be considered distinct from Islam.

Sufism teaches us about the inward and deepest dimensions of the Self and how life is lived. It is characterized by beautiful rituals, dances, practices, values, and doctrines that were initiated long ago. The source of Sufi doctrine and meditations were born from manuals, treatises, discourses and poetry between the 8th and 10th centuries.


While modern psychology focuses on the personality, esoteric traditions like Sufism focus on the unknowable eternal aspect within each of us, the eternal Self that is in harmony with all that exists and all that has ever existed. It is in this way that Sufism cannot be categorized as an organization or solely Islamic. In fact, Sufism is not limited to any religion, historical period, culture, society, or language. The tenets of Sufism are born from the essence of the world’s purest teachings.

“Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.”
— Jesus

One of the loveliest Sufi tenets is “God is the Lover and the Beloved”. Through this phrase, we can see that the most loving Sufis seek submersion in the bosom of the Divine Creator, thereby dissolving into their most Beloved.

While traditional Sufis belong to organizations referred to as an order or turuq, many modern Sufis gather and practice in casual and community groups or practice alone. The most traditional Sufi gatherings are formed under a Wali or grandmaster. An authentic Wali’s training can be traced through a direct line of successive Walis all the way back to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.

Traditional Sufi orders strive for perfection in worship and refer to Muhammad as the perfect man or the one who exemplifies the ultimate divine morality. The more casual lovers of Sufism, which is popular today, are focused on the divine, eternal consciousness, rather than Muhammad and the traditional teachings of Islam.

“Awake, dear one, awake!
At long last, open your eyes.
Awake! Abandon your sleep of illusion.
It is foolish to sleep all the time.”
— Swami Muktananda

While it sounds mysterious and other-worldly, Sufism has many things in common with Christianity, Judaism, Paganism, and other spiritual disciplines. The common themes include love, forgiveness, transcendence and divinely inspired rituals. Because of the heart-centered nature of Sufism, many Sufis are drawn to the poetry of Sanai, Rumi, Hafiz, Jami, Nezami and many others whose writings transcend all religious doctrine, as well as time itself.

The Realms Of Reality

Many Sufis believe there are Seven Planes of Existence, each with a specific purpose. They are as follows:

  • Zat: The Plane of the Unmanifested
  • Ahadiyat: The Plane of Eternal Consciousness
  • Wahdat: The Plane of Consciousness as Sound
  • Wahdaniyat: The Plane of Abstract ideas
  • Arwah: The Spiritual Plane
  • Ajsam: The Astral and Mental Plane
  • Insan: The Physical and Material Plane

“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.”
— Rumi

The Teachings Of Sufism

While this list is just a sprinkling of ideas from the deep well of Sufism, here are some of the relatable and most profound teachings:

  • Surrender: Surrender to love and allow the heart to be the instrument of connection and exploration.
  • Be Devotional: Open your heart when praying so that you can absorb the light of the divine to its fullest extent.
  • Chant: Recite aloud or silently within the mind the names of the divine using prayer beads or written prayers. In Islam, the repetitive utterances of short sentences glorifying God is known as Dhikr. When someone prays in this way, they are known as a dakir.
  • Ritualistic Dance: Dance prayerfully in pursuit of divine light so that your body can forget itself, and so that your soul can burst through your physical form to connect with the divine reality. Initiates to Sufism are called Dervishes. The whirling part of the sacred Sama ceremony is where the phrase Whirling Dervish originated.
  • Selfless Service: Practice loving kindness and selfless service so that you can ease the pain of others. When we serve others in this way, we elevate humankind and we expand our empathy and awareness.
  • Honor the Divine Feminine: Through the healing arts and the expression of feelings, we cleanse our hearts. Honoring the feminine in all living beings and in all of our actions allows us to be in harmony with creation.
  • Dreamwork: Be aware of and derive lessons from your dreams. Practice being awake within your dreams so that you can infuse each moment and every character with the purest intentions, trajectories, and outcomes.
  • Die Before You Die: Learn to relinquish your self-identity and worldly position prior to your death. This involves detaching from material and sense objects and placing a deeper focus on the eternal aspects of our nature.
  • Embrace Divine Writings: Relish the writings of Rumi and all the Sufi poets and masters. Their special writings have the power to unlock the most stubborn doors and connect us with the mysteries of the universe.
  • Return to Innocence: Given the complexities of this life and other lives, we continue to accumulate energetic attachments and emotional binds. As children are within the sphere of enlightenment, when we return to innocence, we experience the same.

“If the fire of the love to you wouldn’t dry them the floods of tears for you would sweep me away And if the water from my two eyes wouldn’t come to my aid the fire of the grief over you would burn my heart wailing.”
― Nezami

As human beings, we are multidimensional and emotionally complex. We are collections of debris from prior lives and other realms. We absorb ideas, impressions, attitudes, and projections from religions, societies, schools and our families. In all, we are bundles of temporary characteristics, working to reconnect with our original selves and the Absolute.

“Whether your destiny is glory or disgrace,
Purify yourself of hatred and love of self.
Polish your mirror; and that sublime Beauty
From the regions of mystery
Will flame out in your heart
As it did for the saints and prophets.
Then, with your heart on fire with that Splendor,
The secret of the Beloved will no longer be hidden.”
— Jami

By exploring our emotions and desires through our prayers and dreams, we can begin to recognize our temporary self-identities and self-imposed limits. If we can embrace our own secret and subtle innocence, we can relinquish the old and oppressive aspects, and illuminate every part of our powerful hearts. Sufism is unique in how it explores and manifests the feminine aspects of creation, which clearly hold the secrets to the nature of our individual universes. The divine awaits our liberation.

Tarot Cards: Intuition and Empathy

Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards

Every living being is a spiritual being, and we all have magical abilities and gifts. We can step into the other realms with a simple prayer, and we can invoke light, love, and magic at every turn. We are as powerful and aware as we desire.

The idea behind Tarot and other divination tools is to provide clear reflections of our life, relationships, and patterns in the symbology and images on each card. Upon our glance, if we allow ourselves to see correctly, a card’s image and symbols will open subtle doors in our minds and hearts, ones that lead to the answers to our most pressing questions.

“Magical practice offers everyone the opportunity to reinvent themselves from the inside out. Why? Because you are a sorceress who has already created the world you inhabit, whether you realize it or not. Magical practice and tarot give you the tools and opportunities to cultivate, explore, and expand that world, and its boundaries are infinite. Just like you.”
― Sasha Graham

What Is A Tarot Card Reading?

When it first arrived on the scene in the 1500s, Tarot became a favorite playing card game. By the mid-1800s, it developed into a profound divination tool that was used by seers, readers, Kings, Queens, leaders, and families throughout Europe. Today, 3×5” Tarot cards are a standard tool in every healer’s toolkit.

While there are many ways to use Tarot cards, a Tarot Card Reading is one of the most effective pathways to clarity. The process goes something like this:


  • Pray over your Tarot deck. Bring your emotions, projections, and questions to the forefront of your mind and heart.
  • Keeping these thoughts and feelings in mind, shuffle the cards.
  • When you feel you have infused the cards with your vibration and intentions, select between one and seven cards and lay them out in front of you.
  • When doing a Tarot card reading for yourself, examine each card and read its description (there’s usually a booklet). This will help you derive helpful hints about your life, patterns, paradigms, and dynamics.
  • In Tarot, each card has a unique meaning and value. Try to see the card as a representation of something that you are projecting, embodying, feeling, emanating, or desiring. Specific cards might also represent how other people are influencing your life.
  • Do your best to evaluate the emotional, psychological, and spiritual nature of each card so that you can glean the most value from it.

If an Intuitive Tarot Reader, Empath, or Medium is reading for you, he or she will use the cards to open doorways into your spiritual and emotional pathologies. Each symbol in each image will represent a unique piece of information about you.

As the Intuitive Card Reader shares information, you’ll feel seen, heard, alive, and awakened. As your anxiety is dissolved and debris is cleared, you’ll make more harmonious, clear, and specific decisions that will lead to improving your conditions, realities, and relationships.

The best readers are also good at sensing, feeling, and reading the energies of people, groups, locations, and events. Knowing the quality of an overall energy can be a little confronting, but it can help us improve our vibrations, which leads to improved experiences.

What Is A Tarot Card Reading?

An Intuitive Reading is when an Intuitive, Empath, Medium, Psychic or Clairvoyant healer looks into the nature of your soul and compares each aspect of the deeper-you to the physical life that you are living. The best readers and Empaths tend to infuse light and love into every reading, hoping to help you shift negative thinking and patterns into positive ones.

Intuitive readings are AWESOME.

When I do intuitive readings for my clients, I see them as the embodiment of light and love. I desire to help them see that all of the fodder, challenges, emotions, and desires resting atop their souls are temporary. My sincere wish is to help my clients clear debris, change negating patterns and live abundantly in every area of their lives.

In trying to help you clear debris, I sense your feelings, often feeling exactly what you are feeling. This helps me see your patterns, choices, relationships, and potential, all at the same time. Doing so, I can offer advice on a variety of topics and guide you to a loving, proactive, empowered life.

Tarot cards can help Intuitive Readers, Mediums, and Clairvoyant healers like me to step into your sphere and clear the energies so that you can experience rejuvenation and rebirth.

“Fear is dangerous, not the tarot. The Tarot represents the spectrum of the human condition, the good, the evil, the light, and the dark. Do not fear the darker aspects of the human condition. Understand them. The tarot is a storybook about life, about the greatness of human accomplishment, and also the ugliness we are each capable of.”
― Benebell Wen

The Imagery & Symbols Of Tarot

The most helpful question we can ask about Tarot is not “what is this specific Tarot card’s meaning,” rather, it’s “What is this card saying about me and my life and how can it help me improve my ability to love myself, forgive others, and live in abundance?”

Every Tarot card image has obvious and hidden symbols embedded in the artwork. The art of Tarot can be deeply moving and inspiring. With one glance, we might shift a lifetime of emotions and negative patterning.

By meditating on specific symbols and their related attributes, we can improve our understanding of ourselves and free ourselves from habits, attachments, projections, and assumptions.

Tarot card symbols are unique to each deck. Every Tarot card deck is a unique system with exclusive images and symbols, yet there are similarities across many decks.

There are several ways to interpret every image and symbol. Always listen to your gut to determine the most helpful message for your growth and transformation.

Here is a sampling of the most potent symbols and personas found within a few of the Tarot decks available today:

  • Fire: Dissolve the old Self, Release negativity, Cautiousness
  • Light: Awareness, Potential, Healthy passion
  • Sword/Hammer/Tool: Forthcoming changes or confrontations, Courage, Decision time, Completion
  • Blood: Family, deception, unruly passion, untempered masculinity, bonds
  • Chalice, Cup or Fountain: Ambition, Purpose, Drive, Desire, Love, Potential
  • Pentacle: Earth, Money, Health, Land, Business, Ambition, Career
  • Water/Moon/Ocean/Rain: Unexpressed feelings and emotions, Love and relationships, Creativity, Intimacy, Femininity, Reflection, Possibilities, Relaxed
  • Ice: Separation, Closed heart, and mind, Completion of lessons, Solitude
  • Tree: Rebirth, Healing, Expansion, Connectedness
  • Knight: Courage, Loyalty, Maturation, Bold action, Relentless commitment
  • King, Emperor, Empress: Sovereignty, Leadership, Decisiveness, Achievement, Success
  • Queen: Love, Light, Compassion, Empathy, Active care of others
  • Fool: Naive, Youthful, Trusting, Vulnerable
  • Angels: Listening to the Divine, Be careful and critical, Meditate, Find your inspiration

Colors have an equally important influence on our lives. Here are a few colors with their corresponding spiritual significance:

  • Black: Protection, Something is missing in the equation, Illness, Stay alert, Death of materialistic tendencies
  • Red: Power, Groundedness, Passion, Anger, Security
  • Pink: Love, Femininity, Forgiveness, Generosity, Compassion
  • Green: Healing, Union, Harmony, Commitment, Empathy
  • Orange: Self Esteem, Joyfulness, Optimism, Abundance, Creativity
  • Gold: Spiritual Achievement, Spiritual Gifts, Protection, Mastery, Divine blessings
  • Blue: Spoken and inner communication, Self-expressiveness, Trust, Sadness, Peacefulness, Lightness of being
  • Purple: Psychic gifts, Passion, Intuition, Spiritual devotion, Reason, Spirituality
  • White: Purity, Connection to the Higher Self, Rebirth, Divine aspirations, Death of the ego

The numbers in Tarot cards can point to something helpful or unique about us. Here is how you might interpret the numbers one to ten in your next Tarot card reading:

  • One: Completion, Oneness, Togetherness, Relationship to Self, Non-duality
  • Two: Partnership, Duality, Equanimity, Balance, Choices
  • Three: Sacredness, Creativity, Expansiveness
  • Four: Growth, Stability, Constructs, Structure, Longevity
  • Five: Growth, Complexity, Time for patience
  • Six: Humanity, Being grounded, Harmony, Physical pleasure
  • Seven: Spiritual growth, Self-realization, Manifestation
  • Eight: Fulfillment, Accomplishment, Subtle understandings
  • Nine: Spiritual gifts, Rebirth, Rejuvenation, Humility
  • Ten: Conclusion, Enlightenment, Temperance

It might be helpful to know that every large number boils down to a number between one and nine. Even 123,456 can be boiled down by adding the separate digits together like this: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 = 3. Keep this in mind for birthdays, home addresses and phone numbers. Being aware of the vibration of specific digits can help us make more vibrationally evolved decisions.

In all things Tarot, make sure that your reading concludes with a positive set of ideas and actions. Ideally, each reading you experience, either from yourself or another, will provide you with something specific to consider. Whatever you choose to focus on from your reading, always select at least one image or concept that is vibrationally uplifting. When we meditate on the rose, we become the rose.

“Here is one reason I think we always need new tarot decks being created. I think of tarot decks as similar to myths, and so I think this quote applies: ‘Myths are so intimately bound to culture, time, and place that unless the symbols, the metaphors, are kept alive by constant recreation through the arts, the life just slips away from them.’ – Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth.”
― Barbara Moore

Personal Empowerment Through Tarot

The more we use Tarot to reveal our authenticity and secrets, the more we can create free-flowing, authentic, and empowered lives. Even the subtlest assumption or secret can have an impact on our lives. Use Tarot to clear the negating abstractions and confusion in your life, relationships, and business. Doing so, you can make room for more light. Paul’s cards are awesome – check em out HERE.

Tarot: White Magic and Positivity

Tarot’s White Magic: Positive Incantations And Rituals For Change
Paul’s Personality Cards are powerful, insightful, and encouraging. Click on the image to learn more.

The key to improving our lives is remaining positive and continually invoking love, light, faith, and hope. Prayers, rituals, and incantations can help us with this, which in turn, helps us live in gratitude and improve our vibrations.

When our vibrations are elevated, we become better-protected and tend to attract positive and helpful relationships and experiences. Tarot can be a vital and enlightening tool in this pursuit.

Tarot was originally a card game popularized in 15th century Italy, which spread to every country in Europe. While the original Tarot decks were broad enough to be familiar to anybody, various regions developed their own versions. Over time, Tarot decks could have anywhere from 52-98 cards, most often between 52 and 78. For years, Tarot was also known as Trionfi, Tartocchi, and Tarock.

During the 1800s, tarot cards became useful in prayers, spells, rituals, incantations, and other forms of divination. By the late 19th century, specific versions of Tarot decks were produced strictly for spiritual and occult practices.

“Remember that the Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum – its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons

As various cities became more crowded and as government leadership changed with the wind, kings, queens, landowners, business owners and families used the Tarot for spells and incantations to protect their wealth and children. Tarot card magic quickly became popular among all religions, especially Christians. Most of the early Tarot imagery comes from Christian symbology.

Classic Tarot has four suits, much like today’s traditional playing cards. Each suit has 14 cards, including a King, Queen, Knight, and Jack. This is known as the Minor Arcana. Tarot decks also tend to have a 22-card trump suit featuring The Fool, The High Priestess, The Magician, and more. This is known as the Major Arcana.

Many believe that forms of Tarot existed long before the 15th century, most likely in Egypt, Asia, and within the Kabbalah. While there is little documented evidence to support these claims, using images and artistic depictions of personas has long been useful in spells, rituals, rites, and the like.

“It’s said that the shuffling of the cards is the earth, and the pattering of the cards is the rain, and the beating of the cards is the wind, and the pointing of the cards is the fire. That’s of the four suits. But the Greater Trumps, it’s said, are the meaning of all process and the measure of the everlasting dance.”
― Charles Williams

How To Use Tarot Cards For Divination

Anyone can use Tarot cards. All it takes is the ability to visualize and a deep intention to achieve a specific outcome. You’ll also want to have a pen and paper to make notes about what you are seeking to achieve.

To use Tarot and similar cards for divination, you must first understand the attributes of each of the Tarot card images you wish to use. Every time you use a Tarot image to conjure a new potentiality or trajectory in your life or to protect someone, you’ll want to consider quoting the card’s attributes during your spell or incantation.

For general purposes, you can light a candle and incense before performing an opening prayer. Your prayer might go something like this:

“Eternal Creation and All Light-Beings, I stand before you with hope and desire. I am using the image of The Fool to help me improve upon myself. I hereby release the attributes of naive, confused, and vulnerable today. From here forward, I refuse to play this role in relationships and business. Please assist me in my evolution and extinguish The Fool from my archetypal construct. This is the way it is now, and it shall always be.”

Whatever your prayers might be, always use positive language so that you attract people and experiences of the highest vibration and quality. A good rule of thumb is: what you speak will surely materialize, either energetically or in a physical form.

For lengthy prayers and rituals, consider creating a Sacred Circle. You can do this with a candle, cornmeal and tobacco. The cornmeal represents the feminine aspect of the universe and tobacco represents the masculine aspect. The candle is a reflection of the light within you and the light that gave birth to all of reality throughout all the realms.

Tarot Card Magic, Rituals, Incantations & Prayers

Tarot cards can be used for a variety of purposes within magical spells, incantations, and rituals. The difference between white magic and black magic is that white magic is solely used for good, and always with the purest intentions to bring light, love, and protection into someone’s life. Black magic, which is never recommended, is used to inhibit another person or entity in ways that could hurt them forever. Black magic will also hurt the person casting the spell on some level.

Here Are A Few Reasons You Might Want To Use White Magic Tarot:

  • A loved one has died, and you want to pray for their protection
  • A child was born somewhat sick and needs healing
  • A relationship has ended, and you want to truly move-on
  • A potential job has emerged, and you want to give yourself the best chance
  • You’re feeling hateful of someone, and you want to find forgiveness
  • You wish to invite a love-relationship into your life
  • You wish to pray for a vulnerable or troubled friend
  • You want to announce protection surrounding your family, business or wealth
  • You wish to pray for your health or the health of someone you love
  • You would like to have a rebirth and improve yourself at your core

You can learn more about Paul’s Personality Cards HERE.


Tarot Magic

If you’d like to add a positive charge to a specific relationship or event, it is always best to perform magic on ourselves first. This gives us the highest chance of improving our lives, while also not interfering with someone else’s karma.

​When we involve ourselves in another person’s karma, we begin to take on that karma as our own, which could easily be hurtful to us or cause complete debilitation.

Here Is An Example Of Tarot Magic:

  • Pick a card that you most want to align with, such as The Emperor or cards from modern Tarot decks like my “Personality Cards.” In my deck, consider using The Networker. For this example, we’ll use both of these cards so that we can pack the most powerful punch.
  • Create a circle using cornmeal and tobacco. Light a candle and place it in the center of the circle. This can be a tiny circle on a table or a larger circle in the woods. This is considered a Sacred Circle. You will use this for almost every ritual and chant.
  • Place the Tarot card image of The Emperor and The Networker next to each other, in the center of the circle, near to the candle.
  • Place a picture of yourself next to the two Tarot cards.
    • “Dear God (Universe, Eternal Light, Grandmother Earth, Grandfather Sky), I ask that the noble and strong Emperor become a protector and guide for my family and me. I ask that my image be infused with the social, thoughtful, and brilliant aspects found in The Networker. I pray that I can be blessed with their attributes so that I can become a strong, noble, social, thoughtful, and brilliant participant in this life. I pray that as I become The Emperor and The Networker, I will be doused with light, love, power, and personal protection. I pray this with love in my heart and with the utmost humility. I wish to evolve, and I seek your help. So it is, so it shall be.”
    • At the end of every ritual, make sure that you blow out the candle, place it in saltwater for a moment to cleanse it, throw away the cornmeal and incense that you used, and put any dish or glass used in the ceremony into the dishwasher. Invite a merging of these three living-constructs (each of the two cards’ construct and your personal construct) by praying a humble prayer like this:

As you exit, always bow to the space where your ritual took place.

Tarot Incantations And Spells

An incantation is akin to a spell, which can also be considered a prayer. Incantations can be simple or quite complex and constructed as a magical formula. Incantations, spells, and prayers can create magical effects on people, places, events, and objects. They can be spoken, chanted, sung, or whispered within your mind.

For this category of magic, you will need to have a specific desire. This will allow you to invite the universe to co-create something specific with you.

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Some spiritual magicians choose phrases like these when creating spells and incantations:​

  • I invite the universe to co-create this event or feeling
  • I command the elements to join me in healing my friend
  • I welcome to light-beings in my sacred circle to fill my body, mind, and heart with light

I’m not a big fan of the word “command” as it denotes a single-minded pursuit. Since we are all connected to each other, and all beings are connected to all aspects of every physical reality in this realm and all other realms, we are always in partnership.

Partners do not command, they humbly and lovingly request.

When doing these types of incantations, you will want to use one or more Tarot cards to as your imagery guides. Use these images to inspire and encourage you. You might also research the attributes of specific Tarot cards to give you the best card for each of your requests and desires.

Tarot Rituals

Tarot rituals involve similar elements to basic Tarot magic, but also include a little more ceremony and effort.

Here’s a process you might enjoy:

  • Imagine you’d like to create a life filled with abundance, forgiveness, love, light, and magic.
  • Imagine the personal attributes you would like your life-partner/lover to have.
  • Imagine the attributes you want to embrace.
  • Imagine the types of people you’d like to have in your life.
  • What you need for the ritual: 10 small sticks (no longer than 6” each), cornmeal, tobacco, a candle, incense (if you’d like), and some chocolate.
  • Select 5 cards from a traditional Tarot deck and 5 Cards from a modern deck, like my Personality Cards. You will break these cards into two groups: one group will comprise cards/personas/attributes that you wish to never have in your life, and the other group is for the cards/personas/attributes you wish to invite into your life.
  • Create a Sacred Circle in the woods. You will be creating a tiny fire so make sure there is a protected area in the center of the circle that can house the small fire. When making the Sacred Circle, use cornmeal and tobacco.
  • Place your image in the center of a Sacred Circle.
  • Choose 5 of your sticks as arrows of protection and 5 to request a specific type of life.
  • Assign each of the 5 Arrows of Protection to a specific Tarot card.
  • Assign each of the 5 Arrows of Life to a specific Tarot card.
  • Burn each of the 5 Arrows of Protection, requesting that the universe protect you from these types of people and their attributes. Your prayer might be simple, like this: “Holy Universe, protect me from each of these personas and sets of attributes: (name each of them and their attributes).”
  • Once you have doused the fire with water, climb to the top of a hill and place each of the 5 Arrows of Life in a small pile and place the unwrapped chocolate next to the pile. It might be that each of the 5 Arrows of Life relates to a specific role in your life that you would like filled. If this is the case, you would adjust the following prayer accordingly.
  • Raise your hands to the sky and pray something like this: “Holy Universe, I am your child of light. I pray that only goodness and love come into my life. I leave you for each of these arrows that represent (name the cards related to the arrows, along with their attributes). I pray that I become the best version of myself and that my family, job and partners all be filled with light and love.”
  • As you leave, take a tiny piece of the chocolate that is on the ground. Eat it as you walk down the hill or take it home with you to eat later in remembrance.

“You Are The Secret. Let Tarot Explore You.”
― Shweta Tarot

A Few Helpful Hints About Magic

We are not often taught about our unlimited potential. We are mostly taught coping mechanisms. Remember that you are as powerful and potent as you wish to be. The most important attributes that you can bring to the table are humility and discipline.

Here are a few helpful tips when using Tarot and other tools for magic:​

  • Always use a candle because it symbolized the light in the universe and the light in your heart.
  • If you wish to shun a specific set of attributes, you can use a negative card (a personality or image that you do not want to have in your life), and you can put that card face-down. You might want to consider not using a negative card, even in a light-based ritual, because you are still invoking that persona, even though you are invoking protection from that persona.
  • When using pictures of yourself, always choose ones that show your smile and your eyes. You should never use an image where you are intoxicated in any way.
  • Do not use alcohol or drugs, including marijuana, during rituals. Although in some cultures this is permitted, keep in mind that any drug will bring your spirit beneath the mind, not past it. We always want to surpass the mind and reach for our crown chakra. It’s the higher chakras that connect us to the eternal consciousness.
  • In every ritual and incantation, consider praying for someone who needs love. This will always add a measure of love and light to the ceremony you are about to perform.
  • Keep your prayers general because this gives the universe more room to fulfill your wishes. The more specific your prayers are, the less chance that they will physically manifest.
  • Keep in mind that the universe does not need extra help to bring something to fruition. It just requires you to be in alignment with universal principles around light, love, and positivity.
  • When endeavoring to work with magic, do your best to clear emotions and forgive others before the ritual or spell. Emoting and releasing are the most vital actions we can take when pursuing the embodiment of our higher selves.

You are born from stardust and infused with light. You are the embodiment of love. Live as love, always. No matter the mistake or upheaval, forgive yourself, forgive others, and continue to choose the light and improve yourself.

— Paul Wagner

In all things, seek to know yourself through whichever means that uplevel your vibration. Using Tarot card magic can have wonderful effects on the natures of our souls.