How To Be An Effective Psychic: Staying Grounded and Practical

Photo from Shutterstock: How to be an effective psychic

How To Be An Effective, Grounded, Practical Psychic

Psychics have a tarnished name because of the reputation that they are scammy fortune tellers who take advantage of desperate or curious people in order to make a profit. These people do exist — they come off as hokey, disingenuous, and prod clients to give up information that will help them seem real and insightful. They often make very vague claims and offer universal advice, all while making it seem like their help is truly unique and special to that particular client. It’s because of this reputation that you’re here today: to learn how to be an effective psychic who comes off as grounded, practical, and real and offers advice that truly helps people improve their lives.

In order to become an effective, grounded, and practical psychic, we must first talk about what we don’t want. Then, we’ll need to identify the traits you need to hone and perfect and follow best practices for opening, conducting, and closing sessions.

Let’s Talk About What We Don’t Want

Clients go to psychics because there are problems they’re facing that no one else seems to be able to help them with. Getting advice, insights, and support from someone who has the ability to pull knowledge intuitively from the Universe is a great way to get over these barriers and start rectifying problems. In other words, clients are not there to be a source of income, to be taken advantage of, or to pump up your ego.

Many terrible psychics, whether they truly have the gift or they don’t, operate with a giant ego. They let their desires, needs, emotions, opinions, and thoughts get in the way of a helpful reading. Instead of serving others, they’re just helping themselves.

Unfortunately, I’ve only seen this trend grow as the once well-intentioned light-seekers of the New Age turned to narcissism and commercialism. Divine rights and practices and helpful spiritual tools have become twisted, appropriated, and emptied of their purpose. In their place is a bunch of people who all claim to connect with their higher selves in their yoga pants at a studio on Saturdays and take selfies with their instructors who shout “Namaste” from the mountain tops. This goes for psychics as well.

Teenage girls across America call themselves Wickens, adorn themselves with Satanic symbols, carry crystals in their backpacks, and claim to connect with spirits over their toy-store brand Ouija boards. To be spiritual and psychic has become an aesthetic, not a sacred and revered role meant to help us connect with the Universe.

If you are serious about helping others with your psychic readings, you need to be serious about how you approach your role as medium. Be honest with yourself: is your ego playing any part in this? Are you pursuing this role for an honorable purpose? Do you have what it takes to completely empty of yourself to make way for genuine and practical messages for your clients?

Good Traits to Have As a Psychic

If you have the ability to connect with beings and messages beyond our human plane and limited knowledge, then it’s likely you feel a very strong calling to bring that connection and those messages to others who desperately need it. The Universe has chosen you to be a messenger, a channel, which means you have an extremely important job. People who don’t take this job seriously enough are one of the reasons why psychics get such a bad rep.

To have psychic abilities is a privilege, and it’s in your power to conduct yourself properly so that you can genuinely help others. Here are some traits that you should have if you want to be the most effective psychic you can be:

Tune into Empathy

Many psychics are empaths, if not a lot of things. Empaths can deeply connect to other people, places, times, and objects on a level that goes beyond normal human ability. This sense that a psychic empath has with these connections can manifest in many different ways. They might have full-body experiences where they have first-hand experience of what the other person feels. Or, they might have physical reactions to other people’s emotions like an upset stomach. It can take years to fully understand this gift, how it manifests, and practice it in a way that can prove helpful to you and others.

Having the gift of empathy can play a huge role in your sessions. Deeply understanding what the other is feeling will help guide you in the way you seek and communicate messages. You might also be able to receive messages from the other side this way and have a better grasp of the message that you need to convey. You might even be able to answer clients’ questions on a more detailed level than other non-empath psychics can.

If you don’t have the gift of empathy on a psychic level, it’s still important to practice it on an emotional level. It’s extremely important for a psychic to be able to stay in touch with the client’s emotions throughout the session. Picking up emotional cues and reactions to specific parts of the reading, for example, can help alert you to the parts of your message that are most valuable, helpful, or personal to the client. With that knowledge, you can try to pry more into that subject to glean more information.

Free Yourself of Ego

At the same time, empaths and psychics can be even more vulnerable than usual to expanding egos. If you know you have a powerful skill that others don’t, it might inflate your sense of self and make you feel extra important. Being able to feel others’ emotions as well can make things feel very personal – you could end up making their emotions and feelings about yourself rather than using the knowledge to help them. It’s very important to not get caught up in yourself and your own feelings. As a practical, grounded psychic, you must stay lowly, humble, and free of self-service.

As a psychic, you are literally a medium between the client and the message. In order to effectively communicate the message in the way it’s intended, you must yourself become nonexistent. You must rid your mind and feelings of any biases, prejudices, influences, tendencies, and quirks. Putting your own spin on the message, taking it personally, applying it to your own situation, and more can all end up hurting the client and ruining the session.

The last thing you want to read in a review is something like, “I really think she has the psychic ability, but she just always ends up making the session about herself!”

Be Observant and Present

Freeing yourself of your ego and tuning into the session deeply also requires being very observant. Instead of worrying about yourself and your life, you need to be as connected as possible to the present. Being concerned with how the message might form over the course of the session, getting distracted, or even trying too hard to connect to the client can cause you to lose focus of the task at hand. You must take every thought, feeling, emotion, image, and gut feeling that comes along during the session for what it is and at the very second it hits you. You will be continuously receiving all kinds of signals and images, and it’s critical that you don’t even blink, so to speak. Any missed element could end up being a huge deal for the success of the reading.

Stay Open-Minded

Humans are natural pattern-lovers. We are always consciously and subconsciously looking for ways to connect things together to form patterns. In these efforts, we also end up casting out things that don’t fit into those patterns. Because of these tendencies, psychics who aren’t careful might end up completely misreading a message and a client.

To be a truly effective psychic, it’s essential that you stay open-minded to every single part of the messages being communicated. To dismiss an image, word, phrase, number, feeling, or anything else that comes to mind during a reading just because it doesn’t fit your current understanding of the narrative is to be entirely irresponsible. You may not be able to make sense of that message, but you have no idea if it has significant meaning to your client.

Stay open-minded about whatever the message might be, don’t count anything out, and make sure to be as open, honest, and communicative with your client as possible. If you don’t understand something, its likely that discussing it with your client can lead to a conversation that helps string the points together and create something truly meaningful.

Be Specific

To be grounded and practical, you must be specific. Remember how we were just complaining about those hokey fortune-tellers who have given us such a bad reputation? They’re not effective because they keep their messages extremely vague and universal, too scared to delve into detail for fear of showing off just how much they don’t know or can’t know to clients. To build trust with your clients and help them fully, you’ll need to stay specific in your readings.

Instead of using phrases like “I sense some trouble in your romantic life,” which could be true of practically everyone, try to dial in on exactly what kind of trouble that is. Maybe you’re getting the sense that both partners are too stubborn, or one won’t communicate, or that there are too many secrets. Of course, you might not be able to tell them exactly what the secret is, but that’s not your job anyway. Your job is to be effective and practical – your client must be able to walk away with a plan to better their life thanks to the insights you’ve provided.

How to Improve Your Sessions

Every psychic is different with their types and levels of abilities as well as their preferred ways of getting ready for sessions. You’ll need to keep working at these things over time to become very good at your job, and you might also find that the methods that once helped you are beginning to lose their effectiveness, so it’s time for a little soul-searching for new methods. Here are some ways to keep improving your sessions.

Clear the Energy In and Around You

Starting off, though, you’ll want to clear out both your energy and the energy of the space. Regardless of whether your session is in-person or over a call, the energy of your environment can play a huge role in how effective your readings are. Before you even think about getting in touch with your client, you’ll need to prepare yourself.

Meditation is the best way to begin. You should already have a daily practice that helps you on your own self-development journey. In addition, you’ll need a meditation practice that prepares you to connect with messages coming in from the client and the Universe. Many psychics find it helpful to have specific spiritual guides that they call upon, as these guides are the beings that help them connect to their psychic abilities and receive messages. Empty yourself of all your worries, doubts, and problems, tuck away your ego, and find complete silence and peace.

Once you start centering yourself, you can begin using a few favorite mantras or chants to clear the space. I personally like to use the “Om Lokaha Somastaha Sukino Bhavantu” mantra 13 times. I’ve also sometimes relied on “Shiva, Shivani, Shiva, Shivani,” repeating the chant 7 times. You might also like burning sage, utilizing cleansing sounds, and calling upon your guides to help make space for your session.

Begin Opening Your Heart, Mind, and Soul to Messages

Psychics who fully prepare for sessions will begin allowing messages to come in before they begin the official session. They’ll want to begin connecting with their clients on a spiritual level, allowing them to make themselves known. You might begin using your empathic abilities to glean insights into their states of mind, emotions, and spiritual barriers. You might also start receiving images that will prove to be important to your reading.

Take time before each session after you’ve cleared your energy and the space to really sit with the session coming your way. Start speaking to your spirit guides and thanking the Universe and the beings that you’ll be connecting with the reading. You can keep these prayers short and sweet, such as “Thank you, Eternal Consciousness, for allowing me to connect with all the light beings, souls, and ancestors that have messages for us today.” Set your intentions to be merely a humble channel in service of your client.

As you prepare, do what feels right to you. Take note of the images and messages coming in, and formulate a practice that will help you stay connected in this space. Maybe you’ll find it helpful to mindlessly play with something in your hands, to shuffle your tarot cards, and roll your crystals. Then, you might choose to begin the reading without the client. You can pull a few Oracle cards from your deck to start pulling meaning about the upcoming session.

Keep Engaging With the Client Throughout the Reading

All the traits we talked about earlier – being empathetic, staying observant and open-minded, freeing ourselves from ego, and being detailed – require that we keep in touch with the client at all times. Of course, there’s a lot going on during a session. It can be difficult to sort through all the feelings and messages, stay connected to our psychic abilities, and keep in touch with our clients all at the same time. This is a skill that is perfected with a lot of practice, commitment, and intention. But it is critical to being an effective psychic.

The key to a practical, grounded reading is to never lose ourselves to flighty, vague, and loose tendencies. We need to keep turning the messages we receive into information that is helpful, on target, and detailed. If we’re seeing repeated themes, we can’t just communicate those and move on. It’s our job to delve deep into those themes and help our clients explore them fully.

Make sure you get to understand your client’s intentions for their readings. Ask them to put forward any specific questions they have that they’re seeking answers to. Get used to being very articulate about the messages you’re channeling. Ensure that you’re always engaging the client with phrases like, “Does that have any significant meaning to you?” and “have you experienced something like what I’m describing?” Keeping the conversation open is what will keep it practical and effective for them.

Close With Practical Guidance

A session can be long and include a wide range of topics and messages. There might be a lot of light beings that were competing to speak that day! Ultimately, your goal with every session should be to wrap up with guidance that the client can use to move forward on their journey. Revisit those questions and intentions they had at the beginning of the session. Ask them if they feel that they’ve received helpful insights. Help them tie together the themes and messages in a way that offers answers and a way forward.

Don’t forget to end your session with gratitude to the client, encouragement, and an offer to further serve them whenever they need you. Make sure to also thank the Universe for allowing you to serve them today!

You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. Pray for others and the Universe prays for us.

I love to serve others and make the world lovelier. Learn about my services and let me know if I can help you. It’s always an honor to serve kind, honorable, and loving people like you.


There is no “Other.” There is only you experiencing yourself.


Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

How Oracle Cards Can Open Your Heart And Mind – And Help You Expand

Highly Sensitive People (HSP) are Super-Sensitive Superheroes
Photo from Shutterstock: Expand Your Mind with Oracle Cards

How Oracle Cards Can Open Your Heart And Mind – And Help You Expand

Looking for an amazing new tool in your meditation and divination practices? Oracle cards are a close cousin to tarot cards — they are decks of cards that use imagery, symbology, and numerology to help you intuit readings for your daily life. Tarot cards are very structured and have standard readings, which can sometimes make users feel stuck within a box, but oracle cards a free-spirited and much more open to interpretation and personalization for your journey!

By adding oracle cards to your sessions, you can dive deeper than ever, open up your heart and mind, and expand your true Self so that you can connect with the Universe.

What Are Oracle Cards?

Oracle cards are a close cousin to tarot cards. They come in a deck and have imagery, symbology, and numerology that helps users to interpret their meaning. Beyond that, they diverge from tarot cards because they do not have a standard way of interpreting their meaning. While tarot card decks can have different styles and themes, anyone can pick up a deck and use the same technique and basic understanding of tarot cards to interpret their meaning.

Oracle card decks are all different and created to have different meanings, themes, and uses. They come with guidebooks written by the creator of the deck that functions as a basic guide for interpreting that specific deck. Unlike tarot cards, someone who knows how to use oracle cards would not be able to just pick up any deck and interpret it like they interpret another deck.

Their History

Oracle cards are a bit more recently invented than tarot cards. Tarot cards evolved from playing cards, which were first popularly used in the 1300s. Over time, people began to tie meaning to different cards within the deck according to the image and timing. Slowly, decks started to be created with new imagery, such as symbolic or popular icons from religions and myths. Cards were added and the names of the suits were changed. Over a couple of hundred years, the tarot card deck was born.

Tarot card readers began pulling cards at random from the deck and using them for fortune telling. Oracle cards came about a bit later as tarot cards became less popular. Most notably, oracle cards were invented and became popular in the early 1800s in France with the Lenormand cards. These cards were similar to tarot cards in that they had numbers and images or symbols, but they differed in the number of cards per deck. Many popular fortune tellers in France used oracle cards for their divination sessions.

Tarot cards and oracle cards regained mass popularity in the 1900s during the Hippie and New Age Movements. While tarot cards retained their structure (78 cards per deck with standard interpretation rules), oracle cards continued to evolve and artists everywhere took to making their own unique decks.

How to Use Oracle Cards in Your Sessions

When it comes to technique, using oracle cards is very similar to tarot cards. You want to pick out a deck that speaks to you and build a relationship with it over time. You need to connect with the cards, learn to trust them, and respect them as a tool to develop and learn about yourself.

Whether you use tarot cards or oracle cards, there is a learning curve. For tarot cards, it’s time spent learning each card’s meaning, different spreads, and what it means when a certain card comes up at a specific time. For oracle cards, it’s more about using the guidebook at first to get your feet wet, then allowing the cards to speak to you and create meaning in their relationship with your journey.

To get started using oracle cards, you can use this step-by-step guide:

1. Create a Sacred Place

Oracle card decks will be most helpful to you when you treat them and your spiritual practice with respect. The cards are a spiritual resource, a tool for tapping into your true self and the messages that the Universe is sending you. Some oracle card lovers say that the best way to connect with your cards when you first get them is to carry them with you and play with them throughout the day, infusing them with your energy. At home, you’ll want to pick a special place to keep them stored safely as well as create a sacred place for using them for readings.schedule-intuitive-reading-with-paul-now

You might decide to set up a dedicated shelf or an alter at home to store them along with your other divination tools, like your crystals and sage. When you get ready for your session, create a space that helps put your mind, heart, and soul in the right place. Make the area beautiful and peaceful. Burn some sage to clear the air. Light some candles and create a soundscape if you want. Do whatever you feel you need to do to put yourself in the right place!

2. Set Your Intentions for the Reading

If you take nothing else away from this guide, remember this: intention is everything. If you do not enter a card reading session with a set intention in mind and take the divination tools seriously, then you won’t be building the trust and energy necessary to get a good reading.

Think about why you decided to try oracle cards in the first place. Did you have a past trauma that’s been clinging to you? Is there a current situation or person that is causing you stress and pain? Are you worried about something specific in your future? Are you looking for a way to get in touch with your true self and find the right path going forward?

When it comes to oracle cards, you might want to keep your intentions a bit more general than you would for a tarot card reading. The point of an oracle card reading is to get general guidance on which you can meditate, reflect, and use as a channel to your inner self.

3. Connect With the Cards

Each person can form their own ways of connecting their energy with the cards before they begin a reading session. Some choose to knock on the cards, some choose to shuffle them while they focus on their intention. Try clearing everything out of your mind, finding a peaceful place, and falling into a deep breath.

It’s important to take your time as you do this. Shuffle and play with the cards and do whatever else feels comfortable until you feel ready to start your reading.

4. Picking Out Your Card(s)

Once you’re ready to begin the session, spread out the cards evenly across your space. Take your time, hove your hand over the cards, and wait until you feel a magnetic pull to one or more of the cards. Pull the cards you feel especially connected to during this session.

Put the rest of the deck to the side and set the cards you’ve picked out in front of you. You don’t have to dive right into the reading, either. Spend time sitting with the cards you’ve picked and allow them to speak to you and connect with you. Remind yourself of your intention and see if you can begin to pull meaning from the cards before you refer to any guidebook.

5. Dive Into the Guide

Your oracle deck will come with a guide by the creator who sets out a basic interpretation of each card or helpful meditations based on the card that will help you find the meanings. If you’ve already started to pull intuitions from the cards, then you might find helpful additional insights in the guide. The guide is also great if this deck is new to you or you’re completely lost on the meaning of the card you pulled.

Using Tarot Cards and Oracle Cards Together

While tarot card decks have a strict structure to them, oracle cards are much more free-spirited. Tarot cards lend themselves to very detailed readings, while oracle cards can be much more interpretive and big picture. You might prefer one over the other, but you can also use both. Further, you can even use them both in the same session to make a reading even more intuitive and helpful.schedule-intuitive-reading-with-paul-now

For example, many people involved in divination might choose to open their reading session first with a reading of oracle cards. They might pull cards for past, present, and future and use them as an overall guide or tone-setter for the rest of the reading. Once the oracle cards have established the topic and tone, a further tarot card reading can help interpret the messages in more detail because of their structure.

Another way to use them in combination is to limit your oracle card reading to a single card. You could pull one card that would be your message for the day and then follow with a tarot card reading that could help further explain that message.

Other users might choose to start with a tarot card reading and pull an oracle card if they message is still foggy. They might pull a few tarot cards and try to put together a narrative, but not fully understand exactly what they’re referring to. By pulling an oracle card, you might be able to put more context to the narrative and make better use of your reading.

Expanding Your Mind, Heart, and Soul During Your Session

Oracle card decks come with fewer cards than tarot card decks do because the cards are meant to be much more universal. While tarot cards refer to very specific things, oracle cards can be interpreted as much more general guidance.  Many users of divination tools love oracle cards because they can expand the mind – they don’t keep one within the box of the strict formations and interpretations of tool like tarot cards. Instead, they encourage you to think big-picture and outside the box, working to find the meaning of the card in relation to your life’s journey.

With oracle decks, you’ll also have the guidebook that can act as your jumping-off point – you can use the author’s interpretation for the card as a beginning point before you meditate on it and start to apply that message to your own situation.

If you choose to use oracle cards on their own, there are many different ways to utilize them and interpret them. As a beginner, you might prefer to start with one card. Some users choose to use the card they pick that day like an affirmation. They might carry it with them throughout the day, use it as a reminder, and constantly reflect on the message that the card deck is trying to communicate to them. This can be a great way to continue building a connection with the cards, and the card’s meaning might change or become more clear as the day goes on.

If you’re looking for more, you might start adding more cards to your daily session. Maybe you choose to pick three cards – one to stand for the past, for the present, and for the future. Or you might choose to use them to stand for your conscious and subconscious worries and to identify what could be holding you back and what you should do to move forward. You could even pull a card for the heart, mind, and soul.

Oracle cards are extremely flexible. If you’d like to apply more tarot card-like rules, you could try pulling from the card deck and assembling the cards into a formation.

Some people like to use the Celtic Cross, which is a line of three vertical cards with a card on each side of the middle card. In this formation, the middle card acts as the card that identifies what you should know in the present moment. Then, the top card stands for what’s been on your mind. The bottom card stands for what’s been worrying your subconscious. The card on the left stands for what has brought you to this moment, and the right card stands for what you could achieve in the future.

Or, you could set one card at the top as a guidance card and then pull several cards to line up for a more detailed narrative. In this formation, the top card would help you set the overall theme or message for the reading. Then, you would set down cards in order of the past, present, your bridge, the future, and the block. The past card shows how you got to this moment, the present card shows you where you are, the bridge card shows what led you from past to present, the future card talks about what is possible for you, and the block card helps you identify what might be holding you back from your potential.

Tips On Applying Your Readings to Everyday Life

As you use the formations and guidebook as a way to interpret the cards, you’ll want to use the message for your daily life. Oracle cards are meant to help you analyze your life and get in touch with yourself, but then you need to take it a step forward and work on self-development. Use the message the cards are communicating to you to better yourself!

During your session, you might find it helpful to keep a journal. Over time, you might see patterns and be able to learn even more from the cards. You can identify which events in your past are truly significant to you and work on forgiving and letting go. If your past is holding you back, you can work on learning lessons and growing from the hurt. If the cards keep pointing out something significant coming down the pike or an opportunity you should take advantage of, this is a great time to identify what might be holding you back or what could get in the way of you achieving your full potential.

My Personality Cards – The Ultimate Oracle Deck for Self-Growth

Because oracle cards are so flexible, creators everywhere are making their own unique decks with one-of-a-kind interpretations. Finding the right decks for you and your situation will make your sessions even more helpful to your growth.

For example, I created my own deck called the Personality Cards, where each card has a personality trait or identity that can help the user identify their own strengths, tendencies, and weaknesses. I took a lot of time to create a guidebook in which each card is named, described, and paired with meditations that can help you dive deep into your true self and pinpoint where you are on your life’s journey.

You can learn more about how to use my Personality Cards and see if they’re helpful to your spiritual and self-development routine.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us.


There is no “Other.” There is only you experiencing yourself.


Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Empowering and Awakening Through Your Home Dhyanalinga

Empowering and Awakening Through Your Home Dhyanalinga

Creating and maintaining a sacred space in your home can greatly enhance your spiritual practice. A home Dhyanalinga, modeled after the sacred Dhyanalinga at Isha Yoga Center, is a powerful tool for meditation, empowerment, and awakening. This guide provides clear instructions, historical context, divine teachings, and practical steps to help you make the most of your home Dhyanalinga.

What is a Dhyanalinga?

A Dhyanalinga is a consecrated space designed for meditation and spiritual growth. It is a powerful energy center that supports deep meditation and inner transformation. The Dhyanalinga embodies the essence of yogic sciences and offers an opportunity for seekers to experience heightened states of consciousness.

History and Ideology of Dhyanalinga

The Dhyanalinga was consecrated by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, the founder of the Isha Foundation, at the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, India. The consecration process involved intense spiritual practices and rituals that lasted over three years, resulting in an energy center of profound stillness and spiritual potency.

The Dhyanalinga is unique because it is not dedicated to any particular deity or religion. It represents the distilled essence of yogic sciences, transcending religious and cultural boundaries. The ideology behind the Dhyanalinga is to create a space where anyone, regardless of their background, can experience the meditative and transformative qualities of a consecrated space.

Setting Up Your Home Dhyanalinga

Choosing the Location

  • Select a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet, clean, and clutter-free area in your home. This space should be away from high-traffic areas and disturbances.
  • Natural Light and Ventilation: Ensure that the spot receives natural light and has good ventilation. A well-lit and airy space enhances the energy flow.

Creating the Space

  • Cleansing the Area: Cleanse the area thoroughly, both physically and energetically. Use natural cleaning agents and avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Decorating the Space: Decorate the space with items that resonate with you spiritually, such as flowers, candles, and sacred symbols. Fresh flowers and plants can also add to the vibrancy of the space.
  • Placing the Dhyanalinga: Place the Dhyanalinga in the center of the space. You can use a small statue, a consecrated object, or a symbolic representation. Ensure that the Dhyanalinga is placed on a clean and elevated surface.

Consecrating the Dhyanalinga

  • Centering Yourself: Sit quietly in front of the Dhyanalinga and center yourself. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind.
  • Offering Light and Incense: Light a candle or a lamp and offer incense to purify the space. The light symbolizes divine presence, and the incense purifies the energy.
  • Chanting Sacred Mantras: Chant sacred mantras or prayers that resonate with you. This can include the Gayatri Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya, or any other divine invocation.
    • Gayatri Mantra: Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat.
    • Om Namah Shivaya: Om Namah Shivaya.
  • Visualizing Divine Light: Visualize a divine light descending into the Dhyanalinga, infusing it with energy and consciousness. Imagine this light spreading throughout your space, creating a sacred and serene environment.

Using Your Home Dhyanalinga

Daily Meditation

  • Posture and Breath: Sit in a comfortable posture facing the Dhyanalinga. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Focus and Awareness: Focus your attention on the Dhyanalinga and allow its energy to envelop you. Practice silent meditation, observing your breath, or using a mantra to guide your mind.
  • Duration: Start with 15-20 minutes daily and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. Consistent practice is key to experiencing the deeper benefits.

Energy Practices

  • Pranayama: Perform pranayama (breathing exercises) to enhance the flow of energy in your body. Techniques such as Anulom Vilom (alternate nostril breathing) and Bhramari (bee breath) can be particularly effective.
  • Yoga Asanas: Practice yoga asanas that promote stillness and alignment with the Dhyanalinga’s energy. Poses like Padmasana (lotus pose) and Sukhasana (easy pose) are excellent for meditation.
  • Mudras and Bandhas: Use mudras (hand gestures) and bandhas (energy locks) to deepen your practice. Gyan Mudra (gesture of knowledge) and Mula Bandha (root lock) can enhance your meditation experience.

Mantras and Prayers to Consider

  • Shanti Mantra: Om Sahana Vavatu, Sahanau Bhunaktu, Sahaviryam Karavavahai, Tejasvinavadhitamastu Ma Vidvishavahai, Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
  • Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra: Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam, Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat.
  • Asato Ma Sadgamaya: Asato Ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya, Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya, Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Divine Teachings and Insights

Inner Silence

  • Embrace Stillness: Inner silence is a path to awakening. Allow thoughts to pass without attachment and cultivate a state of stillness.
  • Witness Consciousness: Become a witness to your thoughts and emotions without getting entangled in them. This practice fosters detachment and clarity.


  • Questioning the Self: Engage in self-inquiry to explore the depths of your consciousness. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” and seek the truth beyond your physical existence.
  • Realizing the True Self: Understand that you are not your body, mind, or emotions. You are the eternal consciousness witnessing these experiences.


  • Letting Go of Ego: Practice surrender by letting go of ego-driven desires and attachments. Trust in the divine flow of life and align your actions with higher consciousness.
  • Acceptance: Embrace acceptance of all experiences, knowing that they are part of your spiritual growth.

Compassion and Love

  • Universal Compassion: Cultivate compassion and unconditional love for yourself and others. Recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and act with kindness and empathy.
  • Self-Love: Begin with self-love and extend it outward. When you are compassionate with yourself, it becomes easier to be compassionate with others.

Maintaining Your Dhyanalinga Space

Regular Cleansing

  • Physical Cleanliness: Keep the space clean and tidy. Remove dust and clutter regularly.
  • Energetic Purification: Use incense, sage, or essential oils to purify the space energetically. The fragrance enhances the sacredness and positivity of the environment.


  • Fresh Offerings: Regularly offer fresh flowers, fruits, or other items that hold spiritual significance for you. These offerings symbolize devotion and reverence.
  • Lighting a Lamp: Light a candle or lamp daily to maintain the sacred ambiance. The flame represents the divine presence and dispels darkness.

Personal Commitment

  • Daily Practice: Dedicate time each day to connect with your Dhyanalinga. Consistency is key to deepening your spiritual practice.
  • Reverence and Devotion: Approach your practice with reverence, devotion, and an open heart. This attitude enhances your connection with the Dhyanalinga’s energy.


Creating and utilizing a home Dhyanalinga is a sacred and empowering practice that can transform your spiritual journey. Through dedicated meditation, energy practices, and adherence to divine teachings, you can harness the full potential of this powerful tool. Embrace the sacred space you create, and allow it to guide you towards deeper states of consciousness, inner peace, and ultimate awakening.

By integrating these teachings and practices into your daily life, your home Dhyanalinga can become a powerful source of empowerment and awakening. May your spiritual journey be blessed with divine grace and profound transformation.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Discovering Your True Self: Releasing False Paradigms and Embracing Reality

Discovering Your True Self: Releasing False Paradigms and Embracing Reality

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many of us find ourselves entangled in the web of societal expectations, cultural norms, and inherited beliefs. These external influences often shape our sense of self and dictate our actions, leading us away from our true nature and the essence of who we are. To live authentically and embrace our true selves, it is essential to release these false paradigms and peel back the layers that obscure our inner truth.

The False Paradigms of Success Culture

The success culture in the United States, and indeed many parts of the world, perpetuates numerous negative, false, and misleading mantras that shape our lives, often in detrimental ways. One common mantra is that success is measured by wealth and possessions. This belief encourages materialism and superficial values, leading to dissatisfaction and neglect of inner fulfillment and spiritual growth. The idea that you must hustle and grind 24/7 promotes burnout, stress, and neglect of self-care, relationships, and mental health, diminishing overall well-being and spiritual connection.

Another pervasive belief is that failure is not an option. This creates a fear of failure that discourages risk-taking and learning opportunities, fostering a perfectionist mindset that hinders personal growth and creativity. The notion that you are what you achieve ties self-worth to accomplishments, leading to a constant need for validation and recognition, which can cause anxiety and depression when goals are not met. The idea that you must never show weakness discourages vulnerability and authentic expression, resulting in emotional suppression, isolation, and weakened interpersonal relationships.

Believing that the end justifies the means encourages unethical behavior and compromises personal integrity, leading to feelings of guilt, shame, and spiritual disconnection. The mantra that only the strong survive promotes a competitive, cutthroat mindset, undermining compassion, cooperation, and community support, and leading to a fragmented and divided society. The belief in no pain, no gain encourages self-sacrifice and disregard for physical and emotional well-being, resulting in chronic stress, injury, and long-term health issues.

Success requires constant sacrifice is a notion that justifies neglect of personal happiness, relationships, and self-care, leading to an unbalanced life and diminished spiritual fulfillment. The belief that you have to do it all on your own encourages isolation and discourages seeking help or support, leading to feelings of loneliness and overwhelm. The mantra that more is better fosters a mindset of endless striving and never feeling satisfied, resulting in a constant sense of lack and unfulfillment.

The idea that your worth is determined by your productivity ties self-esteem to output, causing stress and burnout, and reducing time for introspection and spiritual practices. The belief that winning is everything creates a narrow focus on outcomes rather than the journey, leading to a lack of appreciation for the present moment and personal growth. The notion that there’s no such thing as work-life balance normalizes imbalance and overwork, leading to strained relationships, poor health, and spiritual disconnection.

The idea that you must always be busy devalues rest and relaxation, leading to chronic stress, fatigue, and a diminished ability to connect with oneself and others. The mantra that you can sleep when you’re dead encourages sleep deprivation and neglect of physical health, resulting in long-term health issues and reduced quality of life. The belief that you must always be the best fosters unrealistic expectations and constant comparison with others, leading to low self-esteem and a lack of self-acceptance.

The idea that time is money encourages a transactional view of life, reducing time spent on meaningful, non-monetary pursuits and spiritual growth. The belief that success is a solo journey undermines the value of collaboration, community, and support networks, leading to isolation and a reduced sense of belonging. The notion that you are your job ties identity to career, leading to an existential crisis when facing job loss or career changes, and neglect of other aspects of self.

Releasing the Layers of Personality, Society, Culture, and Family

To uncover our true selves, we must peel back the layers of personality, society, culture, and family that have accumulated over the years. These layers often serve as protective mechanisms, shielding us from perceived threats but also distancing us from our authentic selves. Here’s how to begin this transformative process:


Our personalities are often shaped by the need to conform to societal expectations and familial pressures. To release these layers, we must first recognize and acknowledge the traits and behaviors that do not resonate with our true selves. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and journaling can help us identify these incongruities. By cultivating self-awareness, we can begin to let go of the false aspects of our personality and embrace our genuine nature.


Societal norms and expectations exert a powerful influence on our beliefs and behaviors. These external pressures can lead us to adopt values and goals that are not aligned with our true selves. To break free from societal conditioning, we must critically examine the messages we receive from media, peers, and institutions. Developing a strong sense of self and setting personal boundaries can help us resist societal pressures and stay true to our own values and aspirations.


Cultural beliefs and traditions often shape our worldview and sense of identity. While these can provide a sense of belonging and continuity, they can also impose limiting beliefs and stereotypes. To release the restrictive aspects of our culture, we must explore and question our cultural assumptions. This may involve studying different cultures, engaging in open-minded discussions, and embracing diverse perspectives. By doing so, we can expand our understanding of ourselves and the world, allowing for greater personal freedom and growth.


Family dynamics and expectations can deeply impact our sense of self. While familial bonds are important, they can also perpetuate limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior. To release the layers imposed by family, we must first recognize the influence of our family on our thoughts and actions. This may involve examining family roles, communication patterns, and unspoken rules. Engaging in honest conversations with family members and seeking support from therapists or counselors can help us address and heal family-related issues, fostering a healthier sense of self.

The Reality of Who You Are

As we release these layers, we move closer to understanding the reality of who we are. Our true selves are not defined by external achievements, possessions, or societal validation. Instead, they are rooted in our inner essence, characterized by qualities such as love, compassion, creativity, and authenticity. Embracing our true selves involves reconnecting with these inherent qualities and living in alignment with our deepest values and aspirations.

Embracing Reality

Coming to know the reality of who we are also involves recognizing the nature of reality itself. Reality is not static or fixed; it is dynamic and ever-changing. By embracing this fluidity, we can develop a more flexible and open-minded approach to life. This includes accepting the impermanence of all things, cultivating gratitude for the present moment, and remaining open to new experiences and perspectives.

Spiritual practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and contemplative prayer can help us connect with the deeper reality of existence. These practices encourage us to look beyond the superficial aspects of life and explore the profound interconnectedness of all beings. By tapping into this deeper reality, we can experience a sense of unity, peace, and fulfillment that transcends the limitations of the ego and the material world.


The journey to discovering our true selves and embracing reality is a transformative process that requires courage, self-awareness, and a willingness to let go of false paradigms. By releasing the layers of personality, society, culture, and family, we can uncover our authentic selves and live in alignment with our deepest values and aspirations. In doing so, we move closer to our true nature and the essence of who we are, experiencing a profound sense of fulfillment, peace, and connection to the divine.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Time, Matter, Spacetime, Advaita Vedanta & YOU

Time, Matter, Spacetime, Advaita Vedanta & YOU


One might ask: What degree is time the creator or revealer of matter, supporting and negating the idea that the material world does not exist except within our minds according to our belief in time?

The idea that time is the creator or revealer of matter, and the notion that the material world exists only within our minds according to our belief in time, touches on deep philosophical, scientific, and metaphysical concepts. Here’s an exploration of both supporting and negating perspectives on these ideas:

Supporting the Idea

Philosophical Idealism: Philosophers like George Berkeley argued that reality is fundamentally mental and that material objects only exist as perceptions within our minds. From this perspective, time is a mental construct that organizes our experiences. Without time, our perceptions (and thus our reality) would not have any sequence or order.

Quantum Mechanics: In quantum physics, the observer effect suggests that the act of observation influences the state of a quantum system. This can be interpreted to mean that our perception (which operates within the framework of time) plays a role in the manifestation of matter. Time, as a dimension, is essential for our observation and understanding of quantum events.

Relativity Theory: According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time and space are intertwined in a four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. Matter and energy interact within this continuum, and their existence is defined by their coordinates in spacetime. This implies that without the dimension of time, the concept of matter as we understand it would be meaningless.

Spiritual and Mystical Views: Many spiritual traditions propose that the material world is an illusion (Maya in Hindu philosophy) and that true reality is timeless and beyond physical perception. Time is seen as a veil that obscures the true nature of existence, which is fundamentally non-material.

Negating the Idea

Materialism and Physicalism: These philosophical stances argue that matter is the fundamental substance of reality and exists independently of perception or time. Time is considered a dimension in which matter exists and changes, but it is not the creator of matter. Matter would exist regardless of whether there is an observer to perceive it.

Empirical Science: Scientific methodologies are based on the objective existence of the material world. Experiments and observations consistently demonstrate that matter exists and behaves according to physical laws, irrespective of human perception or belief in time. For instance, celestial bodies and geological processes exist and operate over vast timescales far beyond human perception.

Biological Evidence: Biological processes, such as evolution, operate over millions of years, suggesting that time is a real, measurable phenomenon independent of human consciousness. The existence of fossils and geological strata provides evidence of a material world that has evolved over vast periods.

Psychological and Neuroscientific Insights: While human perception of time can be subjective and influenced by various factors, neuroscience shows that our brains operate within the constraints of a material body and a physical world. Our cognitive processes are deeply rooted in the physical structure of our brains, which exist in a temporal context.


The debate over whether time is the creator or revealer of matter, and whether the material world exists only within our minds, is ongoing and multifaceted. Both perspectives offer valuable insights:

From a philosophical and metaphysical standpoint, time can be seen as a construct that gives structure to our perceptions, suggesting that our experience of the material world is intimately tied to our consciousness and belief in time.

From a scientific and empirical standpoint, matter exists independently of our perception, and time is a dimension in which material processes unfold, reinforcing the objective reality of the material world.

Ultimately, the degree to which time is seen as the creator or revealer of matter depends on one’s philosophical, scientific, and spiritual frameworks. Each perspective provides a unique lens through which to explore the nature of reality.

Speeding Up Imagery

The phenomenon of speeding up an image of someone walking until they disappear can be interpreted in several ways, each offering insights into the relationship between time, perception, and reality:

Perceptual Perspective

Temporal Resolution of Human Vision: Human perception is limited by the temporal resolution of our vision. When we speed up a video, frames pass by faster than our eyes can process them, resulting in the appearance of a blur or disappearance. This highlights how our perception of reality is constrained by our sensory and cognitive capabilities. It doesn’t mean the person has physically disappeared; rather, our ability to perceive them has been exceeded.

Time Compression and Information Loss: Speeding up an image compresses the time over which the visual information is presented. If the speed exceeds the threshold at which we can process individual frames, the details merge, and information is lost. This can be seen as a metaphor for how time and perception are interlinked—our experience of reality is a continuous flow, but when that flow is disrupted, our perception of continuity breaks down.

Philosophical Perspective

Illusion of Continuous Reality: The disappearance of a person in a sped-up image can be used to argue that our perception of a continuous, stable reality is an illusion created by the brain. If time is compressed or altered, our constructed reality falters. This aligns with the philosophical idea that what we perceive as reality is a mental construct dependent on the processing of temporal information.

Subjectivity of Time: This phenomenon underscores the subjectivity of time. What we perceive as movement or existence is based on our internal clocks and sensory processing. When external time is manipulated (sped up), our perception fails to keep up, suggesting that time is not an absolute entity but a relative experience shaped by our biology and cognition.

Scientific Perspective

Frames and Perception: In video and film, a sequence of still images (frames) creates the illusion of motion when played at a certain speed. If the speed is increased, the continuity of motion breaks down. This scientific explanation emphasizes that our experience of movement and existence is based on discrete snapshots processed by our brains into a continuous flow. The disappearance is not a physical reality but a perceptual limitation.

Relativity of Time: From a scientific standpoint, particularly in relativity, time is not a fixed backdrop but a dimension that interacts with space and matter. The phenomenon of speeding up a video can be seen as a practical demonstration of how altering the flow of time (even artificially) affects our perception of reality. It suggests that our understanding of time is crucial for our experience of the material world.

Metaphysical Perspective

Temporal Illusions: In metaphysical terms, this could be seen as evidence that time and the material world are interdependent constructs. If altering time (by speeding up a video) causes someone to disappear from our perception, it implies that our material reality is closely tied to the temporal dimension. This supports the idea that time is a crucial element in the manifestation of the material world.

Existence Beyond Perception: Another metaphysical interpretation is that what we perceive as disappearance due to speeding up is merely a limitation of our sensory apparatus. The person still exists, but our perception can no longer register their presence. This can be extended to suggest that the material world might exist independently of our perception, but our experience of it is bounded by time and sensory processing.

The phenomenon of a person disappearing when an image of them walking is sped up serves as a compelling illustration of the complex relationship between time, perception, and reality. It demonstrates that:

Perception is limited by sensory and cognitive capacities.

Time is a relative and subjective experience.

The continuity of reality is a constructed illusion based on temporal processing.

This underscores the idea that our understanding of the material world is deeply intertwined with our perception of time, whether we consider time as a creator, revealer, or a contextual dimension in which reality unfolds.

Druids, Native Americans, and Advaita Vedanta

The concepts discussed above can be aligned with various principles from ancient spiritual traditions, including Druidism, Native American spirituality, and Advaita Vedanta, as well as other ancient ideologies. Here’s how these perspectives might integrate with the idea of time and perception shaping reality:


Interconnectedness of All Life: Druids believed in the interconnectedness of all life and the cycles of nature. The idea that altering the flow of time affects our perception of reality resonates with the Druidic understanding that all elements of existence are interconnected and influence each other. The disappearance of a person in a sped-up image can symbolize the transient nature of existence and the cyclical flow of life and death.

Nature’s Cycles: Druids revered the cycles of the moon, the seasons, and other natural rhythms. These cycles are temporal constructs that shape their perception of reality. The manipulation of time in our perception aligns with the Druidic recognition of the fluid and ever-changing nature of existence.

Native American Spirituality

Animism and the Spirit World: Many Native American traditions hold that all things possess a spirit and are interconnected. The notion that time and perception influence our reality aligns with the belief that the material world is imbued with spiritual significance, and our perception is just one layer of understanding. The change in perception due to the speeding up of time can be seen as a shift in our awareness of the spiritual dimension.

Sacred Time: Native American cultures often differentiate between linear time and cyclical or sacred time. The idea that altering time changes our perception of reality echoes the concept of sacred time, where time is not linear but a series of interconnected moments. This perspective supports the view that time is a flexible construct that shapes our experience of the world.

Advaita Vedanta

Non-Duality (Advaita): Advaita Vedanta teaches that the ultimate reality is non-dual and that the perceived separation between the self and the material world is an illusion (Maya). The idea that the material world does not exist except within our minds according to our belief in time aligns with the Advaitic principle that reality is a unified whole, and distinctions such as time and matter are products of ignorance (Avidya).

Illusion of Time (Maya): The concept of Maya in Advaita Vedanta suggests that the material world and the flow of time are illusions that veil the true, timeless nature of reality (Brahman). The disappearance of a person in a sped-up image can be seen as a metaphor for how time-based perception obscures our understanding of the eternal, unchanging reality.

Other Ancient Spiritual Technologies

Buddhism: The Buddhist concept of impermanence (Anicca) teaches that all phenomena are transient and constantly changing. The manipulation of time to alter perception aligns with this principle, highlighting the impermanent nature of reality and our attachments to temporal experiences.

Hermeticism: The Hermetic principle of “As above, so below” suggests that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm and vice versa. The idea that our perception of time affects our reality can be seen as an expression of this principle, where changes in the temporal microcosm (perception) reflect changes in the material macrocosm (existence).

Ancient Greek Philosophy: Philosophers like Heraclitus believed in the constant flux of reality, famously stating, “You cannot step into the same river twice.” The idea that speeding up time causes changes in perception aligns with this view of constant change and the fluid nature of reality.

Integration and Synthesis

From the perspectives of these ancient spiritual traditions, the key takeaways aligned with the idea of time and perception shaping reality are:

Interconnectedness: All life and phenomena are interconnected and influence each other. The perception of time is part of this interconnected web.

Sacred and Cyclical Time: Time is not merely linear but can be understood as cyclical or sacred, affecting how we perceive and interact with reality.

Illusion (Maya): The material world and time are seen as illusions that veil the true, unchanging reality. Altering our perception of time can help reveal deeper truths about existence.

Impermanence: All phenomena are transient and constantly changing. Our perception of reality is shaped by this impermanence.

Unity and Non-Duality: Ultimately, reality is a unified whole, and distinctions such as time and matter are illusory constructs of the mind.

By recognizing these principles, we can gain a deeper understanding of how our perception of time influences our experience of reality and explore ways to transcend these illusions to connect with a more profound, timeless truth.

Advaita Vedanta … is the scientific study of spacetime related to our physical reality, wrapped in a pure, unbiased, spiritual context. It is often regarded as a profound spiritual philosophy, offering a lens through which we can explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and existence. 

At its core, Advaita Vedanta posits that the ultimate reality (Brahman) is non-dual and that the distinctions we perceive in the material world, including time and space, are illusory. 

This perspective can be intriguingly related to modern scientific understandings of spacetime and our physical reality. By delving deeply into both Advaita Vedanta and contemporary science, we can uncover profound insights about our existence.

 Moreover, to truly benefit from Advaita Vedanta and move towards enlightenment, we must transcend mere intellectual understanding and embody its principles in our daily lives.

Advaita Vedanta and the Nature of Reality

Advaita Vedanta, a school of Hindu philosophy, is centered on the teachings of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Brahma Sutras. Adi Shankaracharya, a revered philosopher and theologian, is one of the most significant exponents of Advaita Vedanta. According to this philosophy, the ultimate reality is Brahman, which is infinite, eternal, and beyond the limitations of time and space. The individual soul (Atman) is not separate from Brahman; rather, it is identical to it. This realization of the non-duality (Advaita) of Atman and Brahman is the essence of enlightenment.

Spacetime and Physical Reality

In modern physics, the concepts of spacetime, matter, and energy form the foundation of our understanding of the universe. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity revolutionized our conception of time and space, merging them into a single four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. In this framework, time and space are not independent entities but are interwoven and affected by the presence of matter and energy.

Quantum mechanics further challenges our intuitive understanding of reality, revealing that at the most fundamental level, particles do not have definite positions or velocities until they are observed. This introduces the idea that the act of observation plays a crucial role in shaping reality, echoing the Advaitic principle that perception and reality are deeply intertwined.

Bridging Advaita Vedanta and Science

At first glance, Advaita Vedanta and modern science may seem to operate in entirely different realms: one in the spiritual and metaphysical, the other in the empirical and measurable. However, both seek to understand the fundamental nature of reality. Advaita Vedanta asserts that the material world and its distinctions are illusions (Maya), while modern science reveals the malleability and interconnectedness of spacetime and matter.

From the Advaitic perspective, the material world is a manifestation of Brahman, perceived through the lens of Maya. This is analogous to how modern physics views the universe as a dynamic interplay of energy and matter within spacetime. Both perspectives suggest that the reality we experience is not the ultimate truth but a constructed understanding based on our perceptions and cognitive limitations.

Un-Intellectualizing Advaita Vedanta for Enlightenment

While intellectual study of Advaita Vedanta is essential for grasping its principles, true enlightenment requires transcending mere conceptual understanding. Here are some ways to embody the teachings of Advaita Vedanta and move towards enlightenment:

1. Meditation and Self-Inquiry

Meditation and self-inquiry (Atma Vichara) are central practices in Advaita Vedanta. Through meditation, we quiet the mind and create a space where we can observe our thoughts and perceptions without attachment. Self-inquiry involves asking fundamental questions such as “Who am I?” to peel away the layers of ego and illusion, leading to the realization of the Self (Atman) as Brahman.

2. Mindfulness and Presence

Living mindfully and being fully present in each moment helps us transcend the illusion of time. By focusing on the present, we can experience the unity of existence and diminish the distractions created by past and future concerns. This aligns with the Advaitic principle that time and space are constructs of the mind, and true reality exists beyond these constructs.

3. Non-Attachment and Detachment

Advaita Vedanta teaches non-attachment (Vairagya) to the material world and its transient phenomena. By cultivating detachment, we free ourselves from the bindings of desires and fears, which are rooted in the illusion of separateness. Practicing non-attachment allows us to experience the underlying unity of all existence.

4. Selfless Service (Seva)

Engaging in selfless service helps dissolve the ego and reinforces the understanding that all beings are manifestations of the same underlying reality. By serving others without expecting anything in return, we align our actions with the principle of non-duality, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life.

5. Contemplative Study and Reflection

While it is important to move beyond intellectualization, contemplative study of Advaita Vedanta texts can deepen our understanding and provide insights that support our spiritual practice. Reflecting on these teachings in a meditative state allows us to internalize and embody them.

6. Living in Harmony with Nature

Many spiritual traditions, including Advaita Vedanta, emphasize living in harmony with nature. Recognizing the divinity in all forms of life and the interconnectedness of the natural world helps us transcend the illusion of separateness. By aligning our lives with the rhythms of nature, we can experience the unity of existence more profoundly.

Our Experience of Physical Reality

Our physical reality, as experienced through our senses and interpreted by our minds, is a complex interplay of perceptions, beliefs, and underlying truths. From the perspective of Advaita Vedanta, what we perceive as the material world is a projection of our consciousness, shaped by the limitations of our senses and cognitive frameworks.

1. Sensory Perception

Our sensory organs are designed to perceive a limited range of stimuli. For example, our eyes can see only a narrow spectrum of light, and our ears can hear only certain frequencies of sound. These sensory limitations mean that our experience of reality is inherently incomplete and filtered. Advaita Vedanta teaches that what we perceive through our senses is not the ultimate reality but a manifestation of Brahman filtered through Maya.

2. Cognitive Interpretation

The mind interprets sensory data and constructs a coherent picture of reality. However, this cognitive process is influenced by past experiences, beliefs, and biases. As a result, our perception of reality is subjective and often distorted. Advaita Vedanta encourages us to transcend these mental constructs through practices such as meditation and self-inquiry, allowing us to experience the true nature of reality.

3. Temporal Experience

Our experience of time is subjective and varies depending on our mental state and activities. Moments of intense focus or joy seem to pass quickly, while periods of boredom or discomfort seem to drag on. This subjectivity of temporal experience highlights the illusory nature of time. Advaita Vedanta teaches that time is a construct of the mind and that true reality exists beyond the confines of time.

4. Spacetime and Unity

The scientific understanding of spacetime as a continuum where time and space are interconnected aligns with the Advaitic view of non-duality. Just as spacetime unifies the dimensions of time and space, Advaita Vedanta teaches that all distinctions are ultimately unified in Brahman. By recognizing this unity, we can transcend the illusion of separateness and experience the oneness of existence.

Practical Steps to Embody Advaita Vedanta

To move beyond intellectual understanding and embody the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, we can integrate practical steps into our daily lives. These practices help us internalize the principles of non-duality and experience the unity of existence.

1. Daily Meditation

Establishing a regular meditation practice helps us quiet the mind and connect with our true nature. By meditating daily, we create a space to observe our thoughts and perceptions without attachment, allowing us to experience the underlying unity of existence.

2. Self-Inquiry Practice

Incorporating self-inquiry into our daily routine involves asking questions like “Who am I?” and “What is my true nature?” These questions help us peel away the layers of ego and illusion, leading to a deeper understanding of the Self as Brahman.

3. Mindful Living

Practicing mindfulness in our daily activities helps us stay present and aware of the interconnectedness of all life. By being fully present in each moment, we can transcend the illusion of time and experience the unity of existence.

4. Cultivating Non-Attachment

Developing non-attachment to material possessions, desires, and outcomes frees us from the bindings of the ego. By practicing detachment, we can experience the true nature of reality beyond the illusions created by the mind.

5. Engaging in Selfless Service

Participating in acts of selfless service helps dissolve the ego and reinforces the understanding of non-duality. By serving others without expecting anything in return, we align our actions with the principle of interconnectedness and unity.

6. Contemplative Study

Engaging in contemplative study of Advaita Vedanta texts provides insights that support our spiritual practice. Reflecting on these teachings in a meditative state allows us to internalize and embody them, deepening our understanding of non-duality.

7. Connecting with Nature

Spending time in nature and recognizing the divinity in all forms of life helps us transcend the illusion of separateness. By living in harmony with nature, we can experience the unity of existence more profoundly and align our lives with the rhythms of the natural world.

Transcending Intellectual Understanding

While intellectual understanding is valuable, true enlightenment in Advaita Vedanta requires transcending mere conceptual knowledge and embodying the principles of non-duality in our daily lives. This involves a holistic approach that integrates meditation, self-inquiry, mindfulness, non-attachment, selfless service, contemplative study, and connection with nature.

By moving beyond intellectualization, we can experience the true nature of reality and achieve enlightenment. This process requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to let go of the ego and the illusions created by the mind. As we embody the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, we can experience the unity of existence and the realization that the Self (Atman) is identical to the ultimate reality (Brahman).


Advaita Vedanta offers profound insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and existence, which can be intriguingly related to modern scientific understandings of spacetime and our physical reality. 

By integrating the principles of Advaita Vedanta into our daily lives and moving beyond mere intellectual understanding, we can transcend the illusions of time and space and experience the true nature of reality. 

Through meditation, self-inquiry, mindfulness, non-attachment, selfless service, contemplative study, and connection with nature, we can embody the teachings of Advaita Vedanta and move towards enlightenment, experiencing the unity of existence and the realization of the Self as Brahman.

To begin the process, explore The Shankara Oracle – it can dramatically improve your life – and finally your ability to see yourself and all reality clearly.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

What Is Tantra & Why Does Everything Think It’s About Sex

What Is Tantra & Why Does Everything Think It’s About Sex?

Tantra, within the profound depths of Advaita Vedanta and the wider expanse of Indian spiritual traditions, is a rich tapestry of spiritual practices often misunderstood and simplified in popular Western culture. 

Far from being primarily focused on sexuality, Tantra is a holistic approach that involves various teachings and practices designed to expand consciousness and facilitate the liberation of individuals from the confines of ego and material existence. This article explores the true essence of Tantra, revealing its multifaceted nature and its profound spiritual significance, which extends well beyond the narrow misconceptions about its focus on sexual practices.

In the scope of Advaita Vedanta and other Hindu traditions, Tantra often includes the following forms:

Ritual Tantra: A Sacred Journey to Divine Energies

Ritual Tantra is a profound and deeply sacred path within the broader spectrum of Tantric practices. It encompasses a meticulous sequence of rituals and ceremonies designed to bridge the mundane with the divine, facilitating a profound connection with the cosmos’s omnipresent energies. 

Practitioners of Ritual Tantra engage with mantras – sacred utterances that resonate with cosmic frequencies – and yantras, intricate geometric diagrams that serve as physical manifestations of divine energies. These tools are not mere symbols but vibrant portals to the spiritual world.

Each ritual in Tantra is performed with a deep sense of reverence and purpose, aimed at invoking specific deities or cosmic forces, depending on the practitioner’s spiritual needs and aspirations. The goals can vary widely – from seeking spiritual enlightenment and inner peace to soliciting aid for worldly endeavors. This form of Tantra teaches us the power of intention and the importance of aligning our actions with cosmic will, reminding us that we are not isolated beings but integral parts of a grand, divine play.

The practice of Ritual Tantra is not just about achieving desired outcomes but also about the transformation it fosters within the practitioner. Through disciplined engagement with these sacred rites, individuals purify their body and mind, gradually removing the layers of ego and illusion that veil their true nature. This path is both an art and a science, offering a structured approach to exploring the infinite expanses of the soul and the universe.

Yoga Tantra: Cultivating Harmony and Insight through the Body

Yoga Tantra is an invitation to explore the sacred temple of our own body, understanding it as a finely tuned instrument of the divine. This practice integrates asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and dhyana (meditation) to create a harmonious symphony of movements that cleanse and refine both body and mind. Each posture is more than a physical exercise; it is a gesture of respect towards the body and its subtle energies, and each breath is a reminder of the life force that animates us.

In Yoga Tantra, the body is both the means and the site of liberation. Through disciplined practice, the body becomes supple and disciplined, capable of channeling higher energies that awaken deeper layers of consciousness. 

The breathing techniques enhance this process by regulating the flow of prana, the vital life energy, helping to calm the mind and sharpen the senses. Meditation deepens this journey, guiding the practitioner into states of profound silence and heightened awareness.

As the Yoga Tantra practitioner advances, they often experience a significant transformation that transcends the physical. The practice cultivates a deep inner peace and a radiant sense of health and vitality, but more importantly, it fosters a direct experiential insight into the nature of reality. This insight reveals the non-dual nature of existence, where the separation between self and other dissolves, and one’s divine essence shines forth.

Enjoying Sacred Rituals & Yoga

Both Ritual and Yoga Tantra are sacred paths that teach reverence for life and the interconnectedness of all things. They are journeys of transformation that not only prepare one for experiencing the divine but also transform everyday life into a living expression of that divine encounter. 

As we walk these paths, we learn to see the sacred in everything and to live with a sense of greater purpose and connection. These practices remind us that every moment is an opportunity to live more fully, more consciously, and more joyously in the eternal now.

Bhakti Tantra: The Devotional Path to Divine Union

Bhakti Tantra is a heartfelt journey of devotion, where the practices of worship, prayer, chanting, and ritual become expressions of deep love and connection with the divine. In this sacred path, every action, every word, and every thought is an offering to the deity, turning mundane aspects of daily life into profound acts of devotion. The deities worshiped are not seen merely as external entities but as manifestations of the infinite divine presence that dwells within and all around us.

This path encourages an emotional and personal relationship with the divine, fostering a nurturing bond that can transform the heart and soul of the practitioner. Through regular engagement in puja (ritual worship), kirtan (devotional singing), and japa (mantra repetition), practitioners of Bhakti Tantra cultivate a sense of surrender and trust that dissolves the ego and reveals the underlying unity of all existence. The intensity of this devotion is not just about reverence; it’s about experiencing the divine as a lover, parent, friend, or guide – making the divine accessible and intimately present in one’s life.

The ultimate aim of Bhakti Tantra is to achieve a state of pure love and joy – known as Bhava – where the devotee becomes so absorbed in the divine that all sense of individual separation melts away. This ecstatic state is not only deeply fulfilling but also immensely liberating, as it frees the individual from the shackles of self-centered concerns and worldly attachments.

Gyana (Jnana) Tantra: The Path of Wisdom and Insight

Gyana Tantra, or Jnana Tantra, is the path of knowledge and wisdom that leads to direct insight into the nature of reality. In the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, this path involves rigorous intellectual discipline as well as deep meditation and contemplation. The practitioners of Gyana Tantra use their minds as tools to cut through the veils of illusion, employing philosophical inquiry and meditative insights to understand the non-dual nature of the self and the universe.

This path is characterized by the study of sacred texts, the practice of discernment (viveka), and the cultivation of detachment (vairagya). By analyzing and contemplating teachings about the nature of reality and the self, practitioners develop a clear understanding that the individual self (Atman) and the universal consciousness (Brahman) are one and the same. This realization, known as self-realization or enlightenment, is not merely an intellectual understanding but an experiential awakening that transforms one’s entire being.

In Gyana Tantra, meditation deepens this knowledge by providing direct experiential insight that transcends words and concepts. Through meditative practices, the mind is quieted, and the practitioner can experience the truth of non-duality directly, leading to a profound peace and freedom known as moksha (liberation).

Embracing Sacred Devotion and Wisdom

Both Bhakti and Gyana Tantra are sacred paths that lead to the divine, though they engage the heart and mind in different ways. 

Bhakti Tantra melts the heart in divine love, while Gyana Tantra sharpens the intellect to penetrate the mysteries of existence. Together, they offer a holistic approach to spiritual development, allowing individuals to explore and embrace the divine through both emotional devotion and intellectual insight, culminating in a profound realization of unity and universal love.

Kundalini Tantra: Awakening the Serpent Power

Kundalini Tantra is a profound and transformative path within the broader spectrum of Tantric practices, focused on awakening the kundalini energy – a primordial and potent force believed to reside dormant at the base of the spine. This energy is often visualized as a coiled serpent, waiting to be awakened and ascended through the energy centers or chakras of the body, reaching up to the crown chakra at the top of the head. The awakening of kundalini is not just a spiritual milestone; it is a deep cleansing and harmonizing of the entire being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The practice of Kundalini Tantra employs a dynamic blend of techniques including meditation, pranayama (breath control), mudras (symbolic gestures), and bandhas (body locks) to safely and effectively stimulate this dormant energy. The journey of awakening begins with purification – cleansing the Nadis (energy channels) and chakras to ensure a smooth ascent of the kundalini energy.

As this energy rises, it activates each chakra, unleashing an array of spiritual experiences and insights, and bringing about profound transformations within the practitioner.

This sacred ascent leads to the expansion of consciousness, deep spiritual insights, and the blissful experience of divine ecstasy. The ultimate goal of Kundalini Tantra is spiritual liberation – achieving a state of oneness with the universal consciousness, where individual limitations dissolve and one realizes their true, boundless nature.

Sexual Tantra: Sacred Union of Souls

Sexual Tantra, though widely misunderstood and sensationalized in the West, is a deeply sacred and disciplined part of Tantric practice. In this path, sexual activity is transformed from a mere physical interaction to a sacred ritual, a profound meditation that symbolizes and facilitates the union of the individual soul with the universal consciousness. The act of sex is elevated to a divine communion, a dance of energy where each gesture, each touch, and each breath is infused with spiritual intention.

In Sexual Tantra, partners engage with each other in a state of deep reverence and mutual respect, recognizing each other as manifestations of the divine. This practice involves a series of rituals, meditations, and breath exercises that help in cultivating energy, deepening intimacy, and elevating the act to a spiritual plane. The sexual union is seen as a powerful metaphor for the mystical union that all spiritual seekers strive towards – the merging of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy), which are fundamental aspects of the universe.

This path is not pursued casually but with serious commitment and often under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher. The purpose is not mere physical gratification but spiritual awakening and healing. Through the sacred union, practitioners experience not only profound pleasure and emotional bonding but also a transcendence of the ego, a glimpse into the unity and boundless love that underpins all of creation.

Diving Into The Energy Within And Between

Kundalini Tantra and Sexual Tantra are both paths that harness the profound energies within us for spiritual elevation. Whether it is the solitary journey of awakening the serpent power within or the shared journey of connecting deeply with another soul, these practices offer routes to transcendence and enlightenment, grounded in deep respect and sacredness. 

They remind us that our energies, whether expressed alone or shared, are gateways to experiencing the divine, leading us to greater self-awareness, harmony, and ultimate liberation.

Finally – Moving Beyond The Superficial New-Age Scene

As we conclude our exploration of Tantra within the rich tapestry of Advaita Vedanta and broader Indian spiritual traditions, it becomes clear how profoundly these ancient practices contrast with the often superficial appropriations found in the New Age movement. While New Age ideologies tend to emphasize ego-centric affirmations, material prosperity, and a somewhat distorted emphasis on sexuality, traditional Tantra offers a path deeply rooted in the dissolution of ego, profound spiritual awakening, and a disciplined exploration of both the self and the universe.

Tantra is not a quick fix to life’s challenges nor is it a path that caters solely to personal gratification or surface-level desires. Instead, it demands a courageous willingness to delve into the deeper aspects of existence, to confront and transcend one’s limitations, and to genuinely seek union with the divine. This union is not only with the external cosmos but also with the deepest, most authentic parts of oneself.

The journey through the various facets of Tantra – be it through the devotional practices of Bhakti, the wisdom-seeking paths of Gyana, the energy awakening of Kundalini, or the sacred union of Sexual Tantra – reveals a spectrum of spiritual practices that are holistic, transformative, and deeply reverential. 

Each path in Tantra serves as a profound invitation to explore spirituality far beyond the confines of the individual ego, pushing the boundaries of our understanding and experience of consciousness.

As seekers, it is vital to approach Tantra with respect, patience, and openness, recognizing that these age-old teachings hold keys to not only personal liberation but also to the health and harmony of the broader world. The true spirit of Tantra encourages us to look beyond the allure of easy answers and to embrace the sometimes challenging yet immensely rewarding work of genuine spiritual growth.

In an era where the allure of quick spiritual fixes is tempting, it is crucial to remember that the path of Tantra is not about enhancing the ego or indulging in simple pleasures but about transcending them in favor of a deeper, more inclusive understanding of reality. Let us then step forward with both humility and eagerness, ready to embrace the profound wisdom of Tantra, to enrich our lives, and to elevate our spirits in the most sacred of journeys.

One of the ways you can engage the purest tantric practices is by diving deeply within the self and clearing the emotional debris and false projections through The Shankara Oracle.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Breaking The Chains: Freedom From Family, Spiritual Movements & Cults

Breaking The Chains Of Family, Spiritual Movements, And Cults

In the pursuit of spiritual growth, we often find ourselves at crossroads, facing choices that can either confine or liberate us. It is crucial to recognize how easily we can surrender our authentic voices – those unique emanations of our deepest selves – to the influence of others, including our families, spouses, and even the very spiritual movements we join in hopes of finding liberation.

This journey of self-realization and connection with the divine is sacred, yet fraught with the potential for losing ourselves to the ideologies and structures that promise enlightenment but often foster dependency and isolation.


~ Krishna Kalesh (Paul Wagner)

Herein lies a reminder of our inherent interconnection with the Divine, an affirmation that true spiritual practice is about the free will aligned with divine will, not about surrendering our autonomy to external authorities.

Imagine a realm where every seeker of enlightenment becomes a beacon of wisdom, not just for their own soul, but for the world at large. Spiritual journeys, often embarked upon in solitude, hold the potential to erupt into sensational movements of collective awakening when we dare to unlock the vault of personal enlightenment and share our riches with the world.

Too often, spiritual practices become walled gardens, serene yet isolated, where individuals cultivate profound insights yet shield them from the gaze of others. 

This approach, while offering personal tranquility, subtly undermines the true essence of spiritual growth which is inherently explosive and communal. True spiritual enlightenment isn’t a quiet retreat into the self; it’s a vibrant, roaring fire that warms everyone in its presence.

Consider the transformative power of opening the gates of your spiritual fortress. 

What if, instead of nurturing a serene yet solitary garden, you chose to ignite a wildfire of enlightenment? This isn’t about losing the sanctity of personal experiences but rather amplifying them to a symphony of shared transcendence that can revitalize weary souls and awaken dormant spirits. 

This is why I share so much information for free on my websites – hundreds and hundreds of articles, prayers, rituals, and more – all for the benefit of humanity. While I sustain myself financially as an intuitive life and business coach, I LOVE sharing as much information as possible so that The Divine has doorways into every person’s heart. 

Is Structure Good?

Structured spiritual practices sometimes risk turning profound wisdom into exclusive commodities, as seen in the guarded rituals of transcendental meditation (TM) or the secretive mantras of esoteric traditions.

This stands in stark contrast to the unbounded generosity of ancient teachings like the Pali Canon or Advaita Vedanta. These wisdom streams flow freely, offering their life-altering insights without demanding anything in return but the openness to receive and give further. They teach us that spiritual wisdom should not be a commercial transaction but a communal feast to which everyone is invited.

Now, picture yourself not just as a holder of spiritual knowledge, but as a catalyst for a global enlightenment epidemic. Your spiritual achievements, once private badges of honor, can transform into public instruments of connection and liberation. Embrace the role of a spiritual revolutionary, one who uses their insights as bridges rather than barriers, connecting realms of consciousness and fostering an awakening that ripples through communities, nations, and the very fabric of reality.

By sharing our spiritual discoveries, we don’t just spread knowledge, we seed revolutions of the soul – we give all Beings the opportunity to source what might free them. 

Each act of sharing becomes a spark that can light up the path for countless others, multiplying the light and love within us and extending its reach to heal the world. This is the legacy of not just a spiritual leader but a spiritual liberator—one who not only finds peace within but spreads it like wildfire, inviting an entire civilization to dance in the flames of newfound freedom.

As you walk your spiritual path, remember that true liberation and fulfillment come not from hoarding sacred truths but from unleashing them into the world. Let your journey be not a silent trek through the shadows but a loud, joyous march into light. 

Embrace this audacious path, and watch as your personal quest blossoms into a spectacular explosion of collective enlightenment, lighting up the universe and guiding us all toward a more awakened, interconnected existence.

Unmasking the Paradox of Paid, Secret Spiritual Wisdom

In a world where spiritual awakening is revered as the ultimate journey towards self-realization and unity with the cosmos, the practice of commodifying spiritual truths emerges as a profound contradiction. The notion that one must pay for enlightenment and then guard these purchased secrets zealously is a stark departure from the inherently liberating nature of true spiritual pursuit. 

This model, exemplified by movements such as Transcendental Meditation (TM), raises crucial ethical and philosophical questions about the accessibility and freedom of spiritual wisdom.

Spiritual truths, by their very nature, are considered universal – eternal verities meant to liberate the soul and expand the consciousness of humanity. The idea of selling access to such wisdom runs counter to the foundational spiritual teachings across various traditions which emphasize detachment from materialism and ego. 

The irony is palpable: engaging in commerce to attain a state that fundamentally opposes the very notion of material exchange.

Secrets Suck

The requirement to keep these teachings secret once purchased further entangles seekers in a web of exclusivity and elitism. This approach not only limits the spread of potentially transformative knowledge but also contradicts the concept of spiritual freedom. 

Great spiritual leaders like Osho, Amma, Mother Meera, Anandamayi Ma, Ramana Maharshi, and Paramahansa Yogananda (not the mislead lineage of his underling who stole his book) have taught that true enlightenment is an uncontainable force – it flows freely, unbound by the fetters of secrecy and selectiveness. Osho advocated for a spirituality that was open and accessible, challenging the very hypocrisy of hoarding knowledge that could benefit all.

Transcendental Meditation folks say they are protecting the teachings from falling into the hands of people not qualified. Fuck that.

The roots of this issue lie deep in the intersection of spirituality and commercialism. When spiritual practices become products, they cease to be the selfless pursuit of higher truth and turn into yet another means of economic gain. This commodification not only distorts the essence of the spiritual journey but also makes it inaccessible to those who cannot afford to pay the price of enlightenment. This model fosters a spirituality of privilege, not a spirituality of equality and unity.

Ahh, The Lies

The hypocrisy of such practices cannot be overstated. There is a profound dissonance in movements that preach detachment from worldly desires and the dissolution of the ego, yet operate under principles that encourage both. Charging for secret, spiritual enlightenment, while advocating for a life beyond material attachments is inherently contradictory and undermines the credibility of such teachings. It’s okay to charge for a service, but to demand secrecy – well, that’s a whole other thing.

The path to true spiritual freedom must be paved with openness and inclusivity. Enlightenment should not be a gated community but a thriving metropolis of ideas and inspirations, accessible to all who seek it. Spiritual wisdom must transcend the transactional dynamics of the marketplace to retain its purity and transformative power.

In challenging these paradigms, we are not merely critiquing a single movement but questioning a broader cultural tendency to monopolize knowledge – spiritual or otherwise. It is a call to return to the essence of spirituality as a universal journey, free from the shackles of commerce and secrecy. 

As seekers of truth, we must demand a spirituality that is free for all, not just for those who can afford it. This is not just about rejecting a flawed system but about affirming a vision of spiritual practice that celebrates freedom, unity, and unbounded sharing. 

Let the rallying cry be clear: true spirituality is not for sale, and its truths should not be hoarded behind a firewall. Let us reclaim the spirit of enlightenment that flows freely, illuminating all paths with its indiscriminate brilliance.

I Miss My Friend

I deeply miss my friend who abused my trust and position in my life. His truth is veiled not just by the practices of Transcendental Meditation and the money he paid for that false privilege, but also by the shadows cast by his primary spousal relationship.

It’s heartbreaking to witness him retreat into these limiting confines, for I know the luminous spirit that resides within him – a spirit vibrant with potential and profound depth. He is so much more than the roles and rituals that have come to define his days. 

Beneath his surface, there is a person of incredible insight and sensitivity, a soul capable of immense love and connection. It pains me to see such a brilliant light dimmed, as he loses himself in these externalities that do not truly reflect who he is at his core.

I hold onto the hope that one day he will step out from behind these barriers, rekindle his true essence, and allow his pure and profound nature to shine brightly once again.

May we all be unbound by the false restrictions, outdated ideologies, and external definitions we buy into so we may affirm our connection to the purest aspects in Creation. The Shankara Oracle can help to free you. 

Enjoy The Shankara Oracle – The most enjoyable, intense, and illuminating tool to help you walk the path of Self-realization.

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Dancing With The Divine Whispers Of Faith

Dancing With The Divine Whispers Of Faith

In the sweet silence of the soul’s inner chambers, where the divine noise of the world fades into a hushed echo of pure love and light, faith offers its gentle whisper. It is not merely a belief but a profound knowing – a silent communication from the unseen Consciousness, echoing eternal truths within the unspoken language of the heart. 

This ethereal whisper bridges the vast expanse between the tangible and the great mysteries that dance just beyond the grasp of human understanding.

Though, at times, we might see and feel the beauty emanating from all corners of The Universe throughout spacetime, it’s the silence that reminds us of how connected we are and how immersed we are in the bosom of The One Consciousness.

You are, after all, an embodiment of everything in all of Creation since the beginning of time and forever going forward. 

Faith, in its most divine essence, is the invisible connector, the mystical matchmaker, that spans the chasm between the known and the unknowable. It offers a path where none seems to exist, a ray of light in the impenetrable darkness – and a whisper of warmth in the icey cold winds of uncertainty. 

Through faith, the humble find strength to ascend to heights unimagined, and the mute find their voice to sing songs of liberation.

Faith On The Journey

The spiritual journey guided by faith is not a solitary trek across a barren landscape, but a dance – a dance at the still point of eternal wisdom, where the soul meets the divine in sublime union. It is here that the seeker finds the true rhythm of existence, the melody that composes the universe itself.

Rumi, the great Sufi mystic, once said, “The dance of our spirit is a sacred rhythm that longs to liberate the soul from the confines of the earthly cage.” This dance of the spirit is what faith invites each seeker to join – a dance where each step is a move closer to the divine, each turn a deeper introspection, and each leap a transcendence of the mundane.

Echoing these sentiments, the beloved spiritual leader Amma, also known as the Hugging Saint, teaches, “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” This profound statement captures the essence of faith as a transformative force, one that molds the unseen into a visible testament of spiritual awakening.

Faith, my dear beloved, is not passive; it is an active, vibrant, and dynamic force that propels the seeker forward on the spiritual path. 

Faith is both the journey and the destination, the question and the answer. 

In the embrace of faith, the seeker does not walk but dances at the still point where divine wisdom flourishes and calls to itself the devout, the humble, and the pure.

Visualize this spiritual dance in every step you take in this world. Amid this dance, and with your heart open and vibrating to all Beings Everywhere, you will embody the purest faith and inspire others to seek the same.

Faith Enhances Our Lives & Relationships

In the quiet sanctuaries of our inner beings, where the soul whispers secrets to the heart, faith acts as a luminous bridge connecting the fragmented aspects of our existence with the wholeness of the divine. This bridge, built not of stone but of spirit, allows us to traverse the often turbulent waters of life with a sense of purpose and grace. Faith, in its most profound essence, enhances not only our personal experiences and relationships but also fortifies our sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Enlightening Our Experiences

Each moment we live is colored by the perceptions we hold; faith transforms these perceptions, turning mundane experiences into moments of deep reflection and appreciation. It teaches us to see the divine in the ordinary, to recognize the spiritual undertones in the day-to-day. A sunrise becomes not just a symbol of another day but a daily resurrection of hope and a renewal of our spiritual vows. With faith, experiences are not merely endured – but embraced as part of a greater divine tapestry.

Deepening Our Relationships

Faith sews threads of unconditional love and understanding into the fabric of our relationships. It teaches us to view others not as separate entities but as reflections of the same divine light that illuminates our own soul. This perception fosters deep empathy and compassion, allowing us to forgive freely and love without boundaries. In the embrace of faith, relationships are strengthened because they are based not on the fleeting sands of desire but on the solid ground of spiritual unity.

Elevating Self-Worth and Self-Esteem

At the heart of many struggles with self-worth and self-esteem lies a feeling of disconnection – from ourselves, from others, and from the divine. Faith rekindles the awareness of our inherent worth as creations of the divine. It whispers to us that we are not mere accidents of nature but intentional expressions of the divine’s creativity. With this realization, self-esteem is no longer anchored in achievements or the approval of others but is rooted in the unshakable knowledge of our divine origin and nature.

The Dance of Faith

Just as Rumi spoke of the soul’s dance within the confines of the earthly cage, faith invites us to dance to the rhythm of divine love and wisdom. In this dance, we are never alone; faith is our partner, guiding our steps, supporting us when we falter, and celebrating with us in moments of triumph. 

Through the dance of faith, we learn that our worth is not measured by worldly scales but by the depth of our spiritual journey.

More Love From Persia

Ancient Persian wisdom, particularly from the spiritual traditions such as Zoroastrianism, offers profound insights into the nature of faith. 

These teachings can beautifully complement our understanding of how faith influences our lives.

The Dualistic Nature of Existence

In Zoroastrianism, the world is viewed as a battlefield between good and evil, where humans are central figures in this cosmic struggle. The concept of “asha” (truth and order) versus “druj” (falsehood and chaos) underscores the importance of choosing wisely with the guidance of faith. Faith, in this context, is not just a personal spiritual experience but a commitment to the universal battle against chaos. It inspires individuals to live righteously and maintain cosmic order.

The Role of Choice in Faith

The ancient Persian prophet Zoroaster emphasized the role of choice in spiritual matters. Faith is seen as a choice between good and evil, made evident through one’s actions and thoughts. This choice is fundamental to self-worth and self-esteem, as it empowers individuals to align themselves with the forces of good, thereby enhancing their divine essence and personal dignity.

Fire as a Symbol of Faith

Fire, a central element in Zoroastrian worship, symbolizes purity and the presence of Ahura Mazda (the Wise Lord). It represents faith burning away impurities and illuminating the path of truth and righteousness. Just as fire transforms whatever it touches, faith transforms the believer’s experiences and relationships, purifying intentions and forging a deeper connection with the divine.

Eternal Hope

Ancient Persian wisdom also teaches the importance of hope, which is closely linked to faith. In the face of life’s adversities and the oscillations of fortune, hope fortified by faith allows individuals to envision a better future and work steadfastly towards it. This perspective not only enhances personal resilience but also fosters a sense of purpose and belonging, uplifting one’s self-esteem.

These elements from ancient Persian wisdom reinforce the transformative power of faith – not only as a personal sanctuary but also as a dynamic force that encourages us to choose goodness, purify our intentions, and remain hopeful in the continuous journey of life. These teachings enrich our understanding of faith as a bridge to both personal and cosmic order.


Faith, therefore, is not a mere belief but a transformative power that molds our experiences, enriches our relationships, and reconstructs our self-perception. It is a sacred echo in the chambers of the human heart, calling each of us to rise, to love, and to realize the divine within. In the journey of faith, we find that the seeker does not just walk; they soar on wings of divine grace, viewing themselves and their lives through the lens of spiritual wisdom.

Enjoy The Shankara Oracle – the most intense, enjoyable, and illuminating tool to help you walk the path of Self-realization.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

The 11 Things I Learned From A Crazy-Ass Witch


The 11 Things I Learned From A Crazy-Ass Witch

It began with an alluring innocence: healing intentions, magical thinking, sacred crystals, herbs and tinctures, farm-to-table meals, stories of the ancient mothers and healers, and chants to Mother Earth. But soon, the paint on the walls began to peel and the shimmer of the crystals began to darken. The illusion evaporated as quickly as it appeared.

I met Zoey at a crystal workshop run by a struggling Wiccan priestess who claimed to understand how rocks think. She wrote many books on colors, stones, and weeds, which were quite illuminating – for a time.

Let’s call this innovative free-thinker “Bliss Wtich.” 

Amid the sparkling reflections of Bliss Witch’s giant amethysts was a selfish, narcissistic sex addict who impressed upon us that we should all be sharing everything all the time because we are all one.

Not quite as lovely a sentiment as it might appear, given the gaping black hole that was the soul of this misguided, mystical troll.

The Witch’s Workshop

The three-day workshop was held in the home of Bliss Witch and her castrated, manipulated, and brainwashed husband. The experience was harmless enough and quite magical at times – full of helpful information on how crystals can be healing and helpful along our journeys. We can even put them on our balls and in our sphincters and vaginas.

We held rocks, chanted spiritual show tunes, talked about colors, and did past-life regressions—and then we were told we should all have sex with each other because that’s what enlightened people do. 

Yeah, let’s all have sex at a workshop run by a broken healer because that’s how to self-realize and be free of the pain and anguish of this life. 

Gosh, tell me more!

Zoey, a vibrant and sexy 20-year-old indigo child, was quite impressionable, as was I. But, even though I was repressed and broken at the time, I was conscious enough to know that having sex with Zoey, who was in a committed relationship with Bliss Witch’s son Rufus, would have been harmful to her. So I declined the opportunity. (That doesn’t mean I wasn’t thrilled with the idea! Gosh, she was sexy.)

In the years that followed, Zoey hung onto her relationship with the witch’s spawn, Rufus – and is now divorced, broke, broken, and homeless. We’ll get back to Zoey and the wunderkind later.

I knew I had advanced spiritual clarity from an early age amid clairvoyant-styled gifts. I talked to spirits and animals in the woods when I was 5. I often knew what people were about to tell me. I always had a sixth sense and overwhelming empathy about everything and everyone. I denied these tendencies on and off throughout my life – until I hit my 50s, when shit seemed to get real. 

Ooh, Tantra!

Soon into the workshop, Bliss Witch picked up on my intuitive and healing gifts – and asked me to be her tantric lover. 30 years my senior, she would train me for free. Gosh, how special did I feel?! 


Somehow, and I’m not proud of it – learning tantra from a crazy, selfish rock collector felt like a good idea at the time. 

Bliss Witch taught me tantra while we were hopped up on ecstasy (from the original batch) and inside the belly of a redwood tree in northern California. Luckily, the lesson was truncated before coitus – when 4 policemen arrived, fined us, and escorted us naked to our cars. Good times.

What this woman continues to sell is that boundaries are imaginary, trauma is easy to surpass, and the tree in your backyard will hug you and make your boo-boo better.

She’s fuckin’ nuts. 

What this ideology did to her son was strip him of his manhood and his ability to know himself fully. What her son and his crazy mom-witch did to Zoey is indoctrinate her to the point of her losing her mind. 

These things happen when new-age ideologies and spiritual technologies are used for selfish purposes. When the feminine is elevated to the point of the masculine being oppressed, denied, and ridiculed – NOTHING good can come of it.

The 11 Things I Learned From A Crazy-Ass Witch

It might not be obvious to you, but these things took me a long, long time to learn. Each aspect below was hard-won and took me many years to fully understand and forgive.

Here we go:

1 – It’s neither okay nor healing to have sex with everyone – or to act on every selfish impulse.

2 – Sex is not spiritual, it’s just taking a dump in a nicer room.

3 – Real intimacy happens without a word or touch, often with loyalty and commitment.

4 – Boundaries provide safety, clarity, and helpful roles and definitions. 

5 – Every soul is the embodiment of feminine and masculine aspects. 

6 – Every soul has been male, female, and other in prior lives.

7 – When our birth families groom us for political correctness, religiosity, silence, vulnerability, emotional suppression, and self-denial, they fear the truth of themselves and their reality – while also damaging us in ways that are not always obvious.

8 – New age ideologies are often built on pretty colors, ego, fear, and oppression, not wisdom, forgiveness, or the path to liberation.

9 – Many people leading today’s misguided Earth, Spirit, and Woowoo sects are not Native Americans or trained healers, they’re just narcissists misappropriating cultures who have nice logos.

10 – Learning from self-realized masters and being devotional to The Divine is the only surefire way to heal deeply, release all illusions, express all suppressed emotions, and reach liberation.

11 – A healthy quest for self-discovery begins with a commitment to authenticity, gratitude, and self-inquiry – while allowing and releasing emotions toward the birth of wisdom and freedom.

My Own Shit

It’s sad how much men and women project onto each other based on gender – and how it becomes such a pendulum of power – and a cyclical circus of oppression and abuse.

My mother and cherished sister converted to the man-hating, new-age religion when I was a teenager. They did this a few years after abandoning me, leaving me with my raging, bipolar father, who emotionally abused me to the point of a nervous breakdown. This all followed my oldest sister, a professional prostitute, often molesting me in the darkness of night when I was a little boy.

~ “Your anger is inappropriate,” they said.

~ “Given all we have been through, how could you possibly be angry with us – or anything?”

~ “After all, anger is a negative emotion not permitted in our catholic and new-age religions.”

Given their propensity to scapegoat me for their own limitations, brokenness, judgmentalism, and delusion, and their desire to groom me for vulnerability, I knew there was no way to heal fully – while also continuing to engage my birth family. Letting them go, albeit very late in life, was the most mature, healing, and illuminating thing I have done in this life. 

Strangely, Bliss Witch eventually apologized for exploiting me and sexualizing our relationship. She didn’t apologize for being selfish and narcissistic, she apologized because she eventually came to realize how poorly and abusively my family had treated me. I appreciated that she could articulate this for me, especially since, at the time, I couldn’t see it.

She felt so embarrassed and was so paranoid, she had a friend of hers call me to say that she had died. She didn’t. As of this writing, the crazy cunt is still witching around, spreading the same bullshit, enrolling the same vulnerable souls for her benefit.

They Indoctinated And Then Broke Zoey

After healing myself through releasing suppressed emotions, projections, judgments, and identities over many years, I am now abundantly clear about who I am and what I experienced in my birth family. I am also highly perceptive (beyond my intuition) when it comes to others who have experienced similar things – many of whom I have the pleasure of coaching and teaching.

The witch, who claimed Zoey as her loving daughter, and Rufus, the ball-less “artist” son whom his spooky mother manipulated and sexualized through the years, eventually denied Zoey and left her penniless and living in a tent. Of course, they did this while running a campaign to raise money for her, appearing to be temporarily conscious. Clearly, it would be too much for them to articulate the abuse they rendered, apologize for it, and commit to her well-being. 

Let’s face it – narcissists don’t do things like that – especially the ones hiding beyond pretty religions. Instead, they abandon and blame those who do not fall in line. They cannot permit the expressing and expunging of darkness, because every conversation and room must be filled with healing colors, warm thoughts, and feminine spirits. (Btw, this is the perfect recipe for NEVER healing ANYTHING.)

New-age lunatics can never take responsibility for their actions, exploitations, and judgments. Their sole mission is to suppress anger, elevate their misguided identities and religions, and profess to the world that God is a large, bleeding vagina.

Thank heavens that I exited the witch’s cult the day after our tantric sex incident. It would have been too much for me to have endured both a sick birth family and any sort of relationship with broken Zoey, dickless Rufus, and his twisted mom. 

Here’s the thing:

Nobody is coming to save you. 

Your anger and sadness are permissible – and should be owned, professed, allowed, and released accordingly – all to your soul’s full expression and healing throughout spacetime.

It’s not an aversion to truth when you relieve yourself of those who seek to oppress, deny, and harm you. In fact, it’s the most wonderful and healing thing you can do in this life.

Own your power, speak your truth, and move on when it suits you.

In the meantime, don’t fuck an old crazy witch. It’s nasty.

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