Tummy Herbs: How To Heal A Gurgling Stomach

Tummy herbs

Tummies are important Tummy herbs! A Shutterstock Licensed Image

There are many reasons why our stomachs make noise and feel unsettled. When you have a bad case of the stomach grumbling, you might also be suffering from excessive bloating, farting, irritable bowel, or a hyperactive bowel. You might even have a belly murmur that sounds exactly like “borborygmi!”

These symptoms might coincide with feelings of anxiousness, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, and cramps. While it might be temporary, your discomfort could stem from a variety of causes. If you’re asking, “Why is my stomach growling?” or “Why is my stomach always grumpy?” consider these ideas:

  • You may have eaten too fast or too much
  • Your stomach might not enjoy cold food or ice water (most don’t)
  • You may have eaten something that wasn’t cooked properly
  • You might be so nervous that your tummy is generating too much acid
  • You may have consumed food or water that had bacteria like Salmonella enteritidis or Listeria monocytogenes
  • You may have eaten food that had parasites like Giardia
  • You might have allergies that resulted in inflammation in your digestive tract
  • You may have swallowed overly chlorinated water
  • You may have drunk too much alcohol
  • The healthy bacteria in your system might be depleted
  • You might not be getting enough nutrients in your diet
  • Your recent meal may have been too spicy

“When I prayed for success, I forgot to ask for

sound sleep and good digestion.”

— Mason Cooley


When complaining about your gurgling stomach, and the aches and pains throughout your abdomen, it’s important to remain calm and refrain from jumping to conclusions. When searching online for answers, while interesting, the majority of the information you’ll source will not pertain to your specific situation. Even if you chance upon the perfect protocol, one that feels aligned with heart, brain, and each of your chakras, it’s possible you might not have given yourself the correct diagnosis.

Before popping self-prescribed pills and tea-steeping yourself into hysteria with hipster healing regiments, seek the counsel of a professional. In almost all cases, you’ll be safer when you consult with Medical Doctors (MDs), Nurses (RNs), Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs), Chiropractors (DCs), Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine (NDs), and nutritional experts.

While I am not prescribing anything specific in this article, here are some ideas you might consider when researching healing modalities, herbs, and supplements.

Herbs And Foods For Upset Stomachs

A few herbs, supplements, and foods can go a long way when we’re trying to heal our upset stomachs and digestive tracts. While you might feel safe when experimenting with some of these things, it’s best not to try everything at once.

While some of these foods are healing in small amounts, they might be dangerous in larger quantities, and when combined with other items. There’s also a chance you’ll have allergic reactions, so be careful and mindful.

Consider making warm and hot beverages with these herbs and foods:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Chamomile
  • Fennel
  • Turmeric
  • Calendula
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Mint
  • Basil
  • Cumin
  • Manuka Honey
  • Fenugreek
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Artichoke Leaf Extract
  • Warm saltwater

Chinese Antimicrobial And Anti-Inflammatory Herbs


In Chinese medicine, qi (chi) is the life energy that runs through our bodies. This energy is continuously in flux. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments help to promote, maintain, and heal the flow of the body’s energy. The two opposing sets of attributes within our qi are Yin and Yang. Yin refers to night, dark, cold, feminine, and negative. Yang’s characteristics are day, light, warm, positive, and masculine.

Long before western medicine hit its stride, the Chinese had sourced and tested thousands of healing herbs and remedies. With regard to our bellies and intestines, Chinese Medicine offers profound methodologies for healing inflammation in the gut and extinguishing harmful microbes in the body.

Here is a sampling of some of the more popular Chinese herbs in this category. As with all medicinals, be sure to properly educate yourself, and be judicious with quantities and repetitive usage.

  • Huáng Qín (黃芩 Scutellaria baicalensis)
  • Huáng Lián (黃連 Coptis chinensis)
  • Jīn Yín Hūa (金銀花 Flos Lonicerae)
  • Lián Qiào (連翹 Forsythia suspensa)
  • Dà Qīn Yè (大青葉 Isatidis Folium)
  • Bǎn Lán Gēn (板藍根 Radix Isatidis)
  • Zǐ Huā Dì Dīn (紫花地丁 Viola yedoensis)
  • Bái Tóu Wēn (白頭翁 Pulsatilla Radix)
  • Chuān Xīn Lián (穿心蓮 Andrographis paniculata)
  • Yú Xīng Cǎo (魚腥草 Houttuynia cordata)
  • Bài Jiàn Cǎo (敗醬草 Patrinia Herba)
  • Geng Mi (粳米 Oryzae Semen)
  • Shan Zha (山楂 Fructus Crataegi)
  • Ji Nei Jin (鸡内金 Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli)
  • Mai Ya (麦芽 Fructus Hordei Germinatus)
  • Chen Pi (陈皮 Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae)

Ayurvedic Herbs That Can Heal Your Gut

Ayurvedic medicine is over 5000 years old. The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit term, Ayur (life), and Veda (knowledge). Ayurvedic medicine is based upon the Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each of these biological concepts refers to tendencies and attributes found throughout our bodies and minds. Your Dosha might be one of the three or a combination of them.

Each Dosha refers to a specific set of mental processes, health blueprints, and overall physical and emotional tendencies. By balancing and healing our Doshic constructs, we become healthier, happier, and more whole.

To be safe, visit with an Ayurvedic Doctor before consuming any of these herbs.

  • Triphala
  • Shatapushpa
  • Shatavari
  • Amalaki
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Kapardika Bhasma
  • Asafoetida Gum (Hing, F. foetida and F. assa-foetida)
  • Yastimadhu (Licorice, Glycyzrrhiza glabra)
  • Lavanga (Clove, Syzygium aromaticum)
  • Alsarex, Ayucid, Avipatrikar Churna

Over-The-Counter Supplements For Stomach And Bowel Issues

While every stomach and bowel illness has a unique source and required therapy, the following tried-n-true offerings will help heal your belly and improve conditions in your intestines:

  • Pepsin
  • Alka Seltzer Gold (no aspirin!)
  • Probiotics (friendly bacteria)
  • Activated Charcoal
  • Digestive Enzymes

Parasites, Bacteria, And Food Poisoning

If you’ve ever had a parasite or nasty intestinal bacteria in your gut, you know how debilitating it can be. Western medicine has found it challenging to address these things without prescribing antibiotics. Oftentimes, antibiotics only kill a portion of the little creatures that are nesting in your system. Also, over time, antibiotics can harm our most beneficial bacterias, putting us in even greater jeopardy.

In a balanced regiment, the following supplements can help counter the invasions of harmful parasites and bacteria:

  • Monolaurin
  • Propolis
  • L-Glutamine
  • Anise
  • Barberry
  • Chaparral
  • 5-MTHF (Levomefolic acid)
  • Slippery Elm
  • Rice Bran
  • Papain
  • DGL (Licorice)
  • Berberine
  • Black Walnut Seed
  • Castor Oil
  • Clove Oil
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Goldenseal
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Oregano Oil
  • Wormwood

Additional Symptoms

Sometimes stomach pain coincides with constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, bloody urine and stool, arm pain, anemia, and discomfort when urinating. If any of these things are prevalent for you, it’s time to see a medical doctor. In situations like these, it’s always best to be cautious.

In all things related to health and life: maintain a positive attitude, be ready to continually release outdated conditions and ideas, and expect the Universe to shower you with blessings. Finally, remember that thousands of miracles happen every day. Your miracle could be next.

A Guide to Healing Adrenal Fatigue With Emoting And Herbs

Adrenal Fatigue
Our Adrenals Are Vital To Our Emotional And Physical Health: A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Your adrenals are small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, much like ice cream atop a sugar cone. At first glance, they might look like two old, hump-backed men, their backs to the camera, crouched over a table playing chess. Found within your endocrine system and comprised of two parts, the adrenal cortex, and inner adrenal medulla, these glands look similar to brains, which is probably the best metaphor. In this article, we talk about Adrenal Fatigue.

Your adrenals fuel and run your body’s operations by producing then releasing hormones into your bloodstream, without which, you’d soon expire. Here are your body’s essential hormones that your adrenals produce:

  • Cortisol: your best buddy in times of stress, and has a host of vital functions that support your entire system.
  • Adrenaline: also known as epinephrine, is both a hormone and a medication. In partnership with noradrenaline, it helps you prepare your fight or flight responses.
  • Aldosterone: a steroid hormone that helps you conserve sodium in your kidney, salivary glands, sweat glands, and colon.

Without these musketeers, you’d find it difficult to think, move, or breathe. This triune of energy and life are vital to remaining alive. When our adrenal glands are out of balance, they can fall into patterns considered to be adrenal gland disorders. Our bodies find it difficult to break out of these types of patterns.

“Trying to describe a good marriage is like trying to describe your adrenal glands. You know they’re in there functioning, but you don’t really understand how they work.”

— Helen Gurley Brown

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

When our adrenals are low or functioning poorly, our hormone levels become low, which denies our bodies the energy needed to sustain life. If we push ourselves too hard, fail to get enough sleep, and don’t give our bodies the proper nutrients, our adrenal glands tend to get grumpy. When that grump turns to anger, your adrenals might respond like a teenager, giving you the middle finger. All communication stops. They become quite petty, and for a time, hope might be lost; this is adrenal fatigue.

Even though some doctors don’t believe that adrenal fatigue exists, you’ll know you have adrenal fatigue because of these symptoms:

  • Excessive, debilitating exhaustion
  • Craving salt and sugar
  • Loss of body hair
  • Difficulty falling asleep or waking up
  • Over-reliance on stimulants like caffeine
  • Brain fog
  • Moodiness
  • Dizziness
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Headaches
  • Mild depression
  • Roller-coaster sex drive
  • Excessive or spontaneous sweating
  • Loss of appetite and taste for food
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dehydration

Although some adrenal problems are genetic, when we push ourselves too far, we might develop an adrenal gland disorder, including Hyperaldosteronism, Hypoaldosteronism, adrenal tumors, Addison’s disease, Congenital disease, adrenal hyperplasia, X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy, and Cushing’s disease. Each of these disorders is quite serious and should be evaluated by a medical doctor or a specialist like an endocrinologist.

How To Improve Your Adrenal Health

To further assess the condition of your adrenals, consider researching adrenal testing labs and the most prevalent adrenal tests. These tests might require blood, urine, or saliva:

  • DHEA-Sulfate (DHEA-S) and DHEA levels
  • Cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
  • Catecholamines (hormones that increase heart rate and amount of energy available) and Metanephrines, molecules that break down Catecholamines
  • CT or CAT scan to diagnose tumors and malignancy

These labs can help you assess your brain-adrenal function, and learn more about your hormone levels. If you choose to go this route, it’s best to find an affordable concierge-style doctor who thinks and works outside the box of traditional, often uninformed medicine.

If you believe your adrenal glands are up against a wall, fighting for their lives, the first step is to quit or significantly reduce your consumption of the following:


  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Cigarettes
  • Drugs
  • Caffeine
  • Exaggerated emotions, especially anger
  • Improve your diet

In addition to venturing outdoors and connecting with bare, natural elements, one of the best ways to heal your adrenals is by eating healthy food. Consider the idea that your adrenals are sponges or young children. Everything they’re exposed to can influence how and when they grow.

Here are a few foods you might consider adding to your diet:

  • Organic turkey
  • Wild salmon
  • Avocados
  • Oysters
  • Kefir and other probiotics to improve energy production in your gut
  • Grass-fed organ meats like liver
  • Leafy greens like spinach, swiss chard, asparagus
  • Supergreen powders like Spirulina, Moringa, Wheatgrass, and Barley grass

Most importantly, find supplements that improve your mental clarity and energy levels. You might consider this list of power-players:

  • Desiccated pig and cow adrenals
  • Rhodiola
  • Ashwagandha
  • Eleuthero ginseng
  • Holy Basil
  • Curcumin
  • Licorice root
  • Bach Flower Remedies: Olive, Oak, Hornbeam, Rescue Remedy, Gorse, Star of Bethlehem, Elm, Impatiens, Centaury
  • Magnesium Threonate
  • Vitamin D
  • Phosphatidylserine (avoid “phosphorylated serine”)
  • Tyrosine
  • Vitamin C
  • Essential Oils: Lavender, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Peppermint, Sweet Orange, Spearmint, Rosemary, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Grapefruit, Ginger

Before you dive into any aspect of this regimen, be sure to do as much research as possible. Consider engaging a nutritionist, Chiropractor, Nurse Practitioner, or alternative M.D. to help you maneuver through the weeds of all the related medical and health information.

“True emotional healing doesn’t happen without feeling.

The only way out is through.”

— Jessica Moore

Healing Your Adrenal Glands Through Emotional Release

Earlier, I alluded to quitting exaggerated emotions. Still, there’s a caveat: if you’re willing to look at some of the emotions you are choosing to withhold continually, you might find that releasing these emotions in a peaceful environment might free your adrenals from debilitating, energetic burdens. Doing so could help you release the past, forgive others, and regain energy levels you haven’t had in 10 to 20 years. You can enact these types of releases through uncomplicated, self-powered rituals and ceremonies. Feel free to email me at paul@paulwagner.com, and I’ll connect you with my ritual and ceremony page.

When our adrenals struggle, it often means that when we built our “How To Live” operational plan, we failed to consider our limitations. We may have made hasty decisions at several points in our lives. We might have jeopardized our position within intimate relationships and at various junctures in our lives. It might be that we have failed adrenals because we were unable to care for ourselves properly.

In addition to diet, supplements, emotional release, forgiveness, Bach Flower Remedies, Essential Oils, and rituals, you might need three months of drastically reduced activities and dedicated rest. During this time, you might also consider meditating several times per day and doing gentle Hatha yoga before breakfast and bedtime.

With all of these modalities and ideas, proceed with research, caution, and care. I wish you a healthy, light- and energy-filled endocrine system, and a mastery of your emotions!

Herbs And Supplements That Can Heal Or Awaken Your Thyroid

Herbs And Supplements

You can heal your Thyroid! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

One of the key drivers and actors behind your emotions and emotional intelligence is your thyroid. Resting below your Adam’s apple, and along the front and sides of your windpipe, the thyroid has two squishy compartments connected by a similarly textured bridge. Shaped like a butterfly, this gentle and vital friend appears to elevate your breath and give flight to your voice.

The thyroid might hold the key to the evolution of your relationships, consciousness, and sense of Self. Even if your thyroid appears to be on her last breath, she is waiting to be healed. While this might take some time, effort, patience, and inward reflection, it’ll be worth it. Your thyroid processes experiences and information akin to your heart. When you love, your thyroid loves. When you breathe, so does this lovely and powerful little organ.

Your thyroid is hyper-aware and connected to the other realms, unlike any of your other glands and organs. It might also be providing you with helpful information on how to live, love, heal and thrive.

As with all things related to your health, seek the help of a doctor, D.O., or nutritionist to help you understand, treat, and heal your body. The thyroid is a particularly complex organ, so as you pursue its healing, be careful, be gentle, and have patience.

How Does The Thyroid Work?

The thyroid gland uses the iodine in your body (sourced from food and supplements) to produce two vital hormones: T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (Thyroxine). Your pituitary gland, nestled in your brain, is the thyroid’s master and the gatekeeper of TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone).

When your pituitary gland releases TSH into your bloodstream, your thyroid excretes hormones. When your pituitary gland detects low thyroid hormone levels, it releases more TSH. When it detects the opposite, it reduces its excretion of TSH. To diagnose thyroid problems, doctors will use blood tests to determine your levels of TSH, T4, T3, and sometimes RT3 (Reverse T3).

Thyroid Disease Dictionary

The thyroid is part of the endocrine system, which produces hormones that fuel many critical bodily functions. It can become damaged through heredity, repeated trauma, drug use, alcoholism, stress, and diet.

Symptoms of a damaged or weak thyroid include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Feeling cold all the time
  • Joint pain and muscle soreness
  • Regularly feeling emotional or depressed
  • Weight gain
  • Slowed heart rate, movement, and speech
  • Dry skin
  • Heavy menstruation
  • High cholesterol
  • Anemia
  • Loss of libido
  • Recurring urinary and respiratory tract infections

There are several types of thyroid conditions and diseases, some of which are more difficult to heal than others.


When the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones (thyroxine) to keep your body in balance, it means the gland is under-active. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, cold sensitivity, constipation, memory loss, and muscle cramps.


An overactive thyroid occurs when your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. This condition can cause heat intolerance, increased sweating, insomnia, decreased appetite, rapid heartbeat, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, and anxiety. You’ll see below that there are many natural supplements for Hyperthyroidism.

Grave’s Disease

This condition results in the overproduction of thyroid hormones, which can also cause Hyperthyroidism.

Hashimoto’s Disease

Also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hypothyroidism), Hashimoto’s disease causes your immune system to attack your thyroid. This causes it to underperform and then overcompensate, swinging back and forth in pendulum-like fashion. While this and other thyroid conditions tend to affect middle-aged women, they can all occur in anyone at any age.

Western Thyroid Medication

While doctors most often prescribe the drug knowns as synthetic thyroxine, a medication that’s identical to our T4 hormones, there are several ways to nurture and potentially heal your thyroid. The reason T3 is not always prescribed is that T4 will naturally convert to T3. That said, T3 is more potent and more effective than T4.

Levothyroxine (Synthroid): a synthetic version of T4 and the preferred treatment of hypothyroidism.

Liothyronine (Cytomel): a synthetic version of T3 sometimes used in the treatment of hypothyroidism. Some doctors avoid prescribing this because it can cause hormone toxicity and Hyperthyroidism in some cases.

Levothyroxine Alternative: DTE

When your thyroid is not functioning correctly, taking natural, Desiccated Thyroid Extract (DTE) can change your life. For many, they can provide excellent and effective alternatives to Levothyroxine and Liothyronine.

Desiccated thyroid is a thyroid gland extract, usually taken from a cow (bovine) or pig (porcine). Once extracted, DTE is dried and milled into a powder and made in the form of a daily pill at 75, 150, 300mg, and more.

Products in this category to consider include Thyroid-Gold from Natural Thyroid Solutions (my favorite), Armour Thyroid, and Nature Throid. In a U.S. NIH study that compared the effects of DTE and Levothyroxine, the vast majority of patients preferred DTE. Overall, these patients felt better over time and experienced weight loss when compared to the patients who used Levothyroxine.

DTE might also be better for your emotional and psychological well-being, which directly affects relationships, financial well-being, spiritual health, and personal growth.

Thyroid Support Supplements

Taken in moderation, these are the primary supplements found in most thyroid regiments:book-live-intuitive-reading-with-paul-wagner

    • Selenium
    • Iron (and Tyrosine)
    • Vitamin B
    • Vitamin D
    • Zinc
    • Probiotics
    • Zinc, turmeric, Vitamins B and D (your best thyroid support vitamins), Iron, Selenium, Probiotics
    • For Hashimoto’s only: Magnesium converts the inactive T4 thyroid hormone into the active form of T3, which some people find helpful
    • Ayurvedic herbs for thyroid health: Ashwagandha, Guggul, Pepperin, Bauhinia Purpurea, Kanchanara (Bauhinia variegata, purple mountain ebony), Jatamansi, Brahmi, Shilajit, Gokshura, Punarnava
    • Excellent thyroid supplement brands include Thorne, 1 Body, Pure, MegaFood, and Now. Take your time and research all of the possible supplements that promise to nurture your thyroid back to health.

Remember, the best thyroid supplement is the one that gives you the energy and balance that leads to a peaceful and happy life.

Things to Limit Or Avoid

While some of these things are okay in moderation, be careful around how much you regularly consume.

  • Avoid kale, broccoli, spinach, and cabbage
  • Limit soy foods like tofu, tempeh, and edamame
  • Starchy foods like sweet potatoes
  • Limit fruits including peaches, pears, and strawberries
  • Limit alcohol, coffee, green tea, and other caffeinated beverages as they can irritate your thyroid
  • Millet
  • Pine nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Highly processed foods like hot dogs, chips, desserts, and snacks
  • Taking too much selenium and iodine can be harmful
  • Anger
  • Exaggerated emotional reactions
  • Doctors who know little about your thyroid, and who have no interest in learning the latest and most effective methodologies

Food and Modalities to Heal Your Thyroid

While seeking the help of a certified health practitioner is always recommended, here are a few things you might want to add to your life and daily regiment:

  • Meditation and deep breathing will increase your vibration, which can have a lasting effect on your brain, heart, and thyroid
  • Forgiveness and crying will release stored, toxic energy that could be inhibiting your thyroid
  • Essential Oils for thyroid nodules include spearmint, peppermint, myrrh, rose, cedarwood, lavender
  • Bach Flower Remedies help reduce anxiety and return people to their natural emotional state.
  • N.E.T. Remedies help balance and honor your emotions
  • Seaweeds such as kelp, nori, and wakame are rich in iodine
  • Salted nuts like Brazil, macadamia, and hazelnuts are abundant in selenium
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Baked Fish
  • Flaxseed
  • A forward-thinking, open-minded doctor or D.O. who can fathom and act upon ideas sourced after 1970

Your thyroid is like a little kitten. Love her, massage her, talk to her, and breathe life into her whenever possible. Do the same for all of your organs and you’ll give yourself the best chance at lasting health.