The Sacred Nature Of Our Emotions: How Ritual And Release Inch Us Toward Awakening

The Sacred Nature of Our Emotions Through Ritual and Release
The Sacred Nature of Our Emotions Through Ritual and Release
Expand your Self by understanding your emotions. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.


Emotions Are Little Bundles Of Energy 


In order to truly appreciate and understand our relationships with emotions, we must first understand electromagnetism. 


As electrically charged particles interact, they create an electromagnetic force. Particles attract to form bundles or matter, thereby emitting energy. These forces are then transported, giving birth to light and other electromagnetic radiation.


Atoms come together because of this magnetic pull, weaving together to form our physical realities. 


To put it simply, we would not and could not exist without electromagnetism


When applied to emotions, we find that our thoughts forge these tiny energy-Beings. We experience an emotion when a charged thought enters our mind. This can be something positive, like feeling happy while thinking about a close friend we saw last week, or more towards the negative end of the spectrum, such as the shame we feel when remembering an embarrassing moment. Ya know, that time you suggested peanut butter during foreplay. 


Positive emotions (i.e. joy, peace, relaxation, etc.) elevate our lives and relationships, and can boost your immune systems. In short, positive emotions can help keep you healthy. 


Negative emotions, on the other hand, will drain you of focus, energy, light, and health. Hate, blame, denial, anxiety, depression, and fear are just a few of the less desirable emotions that you may experience over your lifetime. 


Just remember, everything is temporary, well, except your expansive and unlimited nature!


It doesn’t take much energy to create emotions. With every experience we have, emotions are birthed, absorbed, and used to form responses with the help of our personalities. Ongoing, our emotions are effortlessly filtered through our individual combinations of perceptions, beliefs, and prior knowledge to result in either dissolved, tabled, repressed, or fully expressed emotions. 


Emotional responses are invoked easily as our ideas and thoughts bounce through our minds, hearts, and bodies. These free-flowing processes result in ultra-compacted and powerful (potentially volatile) raw energy. 


The energy of your emotions is so strong that it not only affects your own life but can even affect those around you. If you’re a  super-hero or -villain, your emotions could set a barn on fire.


While each emotion contributes its own energy and frequency patterns, they all come together to form one collective Being. Every emotion you experience has the power to heal, fuel your reality, or create destruction. They emit their own electromagnetic discharges as they continue to move around and live within you. 


The energy emitted can and will impact your overall vibrational frequency. Positive emotions like love and peace have similarly positive vibrations while negative emotions like hate and fear vibrate at a lower frequency.


Over time, this compounding of emotions can shape your personality and reality. 


If you hold on to grudges, suffer from anxiety, or tend to obsess over prior traumas, you can’t release anything. Chances are you’ve already experienced the consequences in the form of fatigue, foggy brain function, or the seemingly ubiquitous bad luck you claim to have. 


If you fill your life with more positive emotions like forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, and joy, you might find that your experiences are quite the opposite. The stats point to feeling healthier, more active, and luckier – and you’ll probably enjoy a sprinkle (or waterfall) of positive, happy accidents.


Don’t underestimate the power of emotions


If all else fails, BE GRATEFUL! Your gratitude will emit one powerful bundle of energy! 


As we emote and react to external stimuli, we release electromagnetic discharges and chemicals that others can pick up on. I’m sure you’ve experienced this even if you didn’t realize it at the time. 


Think back to a time when you were in a movie theater and felt the buzz of excitement at the film’s climax. Or the hushed, weighty silence of worry and concern that falls when a professional sports player gets hurt mid-play. What about the infectious laughter of a baby? 


Emotions are powerful, and as such, they should be treated with respect. 


Are you forced to endure them, unable to change your trajectory because of past events?



While it can be difficult to control our emotions, especially in cases of high stress or trauma, we can still take steps to improve, if not choose, them. 


“Amma’s happiness is when you
find bliss within yourselves.”

— Amma


How Can I Change My Emotions For The Better? 


The good news is that your nature, soul, and body are all made up of energy – just like our emotions. This means that our vibrations and intentions rule our realities, giving us the power to make improvements based on intentional action


After all, each of us is composed of light and sound. 


Here are just a few of the ways you can move, dissolve, improve, integrate, or awaken electromagnetic discharges and emotions so that they continue to work more in your favor: 


  • Stop judging your emotions. Let yourself feel them, even when it hurts. Try to love your emotions as little friends showing up to teach you something. Your emotions are your roommates! LOVE THEM!
  • Allow yourself to safely express negative emotions in order to minimize their internal effects on you. If the negative feelings persist, even after venting, take up a preferred modality like journaling, completing a healing ritual, or going for a walk. It’s also okay to punch the earth and scream – or throw a pretty lamp against the wall (as long as you don’t hurt anybody, including yourself!)
  • Be your authentic Self—open yourself to a pure encounter with your core self – your nature – your divinely inspired spirit
  • When a feeling is positive, share it with those around you, and let it fill you your heart. This will expand your vibration and provide healing light for your entire Being.
  • Take note of how much energy an emotion takes to sustain when you realize its presence.
  • Choose the higher perspectives in every situation and you’ll find that your emotions will follow your lead. Never dismiss negative emotions without first accepting and understanding them. It’s also important to keep control and not let any emotion influence your present relating and decisions.
  • Meditate, pray, forgive others, forgive yourself, and participate in rituals intended to uplevel your vibrations (Check out these FREE resources that provide an extensive starting point for encouragement and self-improvement!)


Is Negative Energy Something To Fear? 


The short answer is meh, not really. Actually, no. While there are spirits in this world that do need to be exorcised, the likelihood of being hurt by that kind of energy is so unlikely that it’s almost impossible. 


If you feel oppressed by negative energy it’s probably emanating from you, not someone or something else. This realization should be taken with optimism because that means you’re in control. You can take control of your actions and monitor your responses. 


Take active steps to alleviate symptoms of bad energy. A walk in the woods or a park stroll, daily meditation, and incorporating essential oils into your regime are all great ways to reduce stress and raise your vibration. Consider praying for your enemies as well. 


If the negative energy isn’t going to cause you physical harm, should you feel bad for purging it from your space? Absolutely not! 


If a spirit or energy is making you uncomfortable, you are allowed to clear the blockages. 


There are a lot of ways to remove negative energy: burning sage, engaging the spirit with love and positive intentions, praying, and completing cleansing rituals, to name a few. 


I regularly have spirits visit me or wander near to me. I tell them I love them and I ask that they follow their own light or the light that leads to eternity. I encourage them to feel whole and love the divine. 


If you have a friendly or cranky ghost gracing your existence, befriend them and then encourage them to wander elsewhere. You might also check the rituals on my Free Resources page – on to learn more about this. 


Love Yourself Through Meditation 


A common theme you’ll find throughout these articles and across the teachings of most masters & gurus is the importance of meditation and prayer. Oh, and gratitude. Are you grateful today?!


The ability for meditation & prayer to improve our lives is something that has been evaluated for years and continues to impress scientists to this day. Skeptics continue to question the benefits, but studies still show the medical benefits of meditation. I mean, my heavens, when the TM movement headed to Washington DC to meditate for a while, there was an insanely drastic drop in crime. 


Meditation works. It aligns you with your nature, releases toxins, sets you up for a peaceful few hours, and sends positive vibes throughout creation. Meditate and your peace & positivity will land on distant shores and within far-away souls.


One Harvard study found that participants who meditated over time showed an increase in gray matter within the prefrontal cortex, helping with executive decision making. Conversely, areas of the brain corresponding to fear and stress become smaller over time. Improvement was seen in other areas of the brain as well, including cognition, emotional regulation, empathy, learning, and production of regulatory neurotransmitters.


Despite the evidence of success, a lot of people won’t start meditating because they believe they don’t have the time. But you don’t have to dedicate hours at a time when you first start. 


Start by meditating 2 minutes a day. That’s it. When you feel comfortable, start adding more time each day. By easing into it, you’ll create a long-term habit that will provide you clarity of mind. 


You can also use mantras to help detach from your overactive mind and increase focus on the highest of vibrations.  


If the idea of meditation and mantras still sounds too difficult to overcome, try mindfulness. 


Mindfulness, at its most basic of definitions, can be boiled down to paying attention to your ongoing experiences and choosing peacefulness in relation to every thought, action, person, response, and feeling.


You don’t have to be perfect to reach mindfulness. Even if you feel broken or disconnected from your heart, you can create a connection to clarity and stay aware of your effect on others


You might only be able to reach mindfulness for a few moments at a time when you begin, but that’s still progress! 


Healing And Releasing Relationships 


What can you do to improve your relationships with the people in your intimate, immediate, or distant circles? If emotions and energy are contagious, you can bet that improving your energy, mindset, and clarity will immediately improve your relationships with everybody you’re connected with – including yourself. 


Sometimes a relationship can be improved or uplifted by something as simple as opening a conversation. If you’re picking up on negative energy because of a miscommunication, the two (or more) of you can try sharing your feelings with each other – but without any blame. If we share in a way that inspires the other person’s compassion or empathy, we’ve created a pathway to healing. 


Unfortunately, there are also times where the toxic person in your life takes things a step too far. It may hurt to have to release them. You might even feel a deep loss for a while. Truth be told, you will ultimately feel better when you surround yourself with authentic individuals who do not seek to oppress, control, invalidate, or guilt you. When your circle of friends is vibrant and full of light, you will be, too!


If someone does you wrong, forgive them! As a matter of fact, forgive the fuck out of EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! The emotions that result from forgiveness will yield wisdom. Wisdom informs our actions. 


Forgiveness allows us to release imagery and emotions that otherwise restrict us.


Overall, we are bursts of sound and light – all energy – all infused with the divine’s imprint. Everything around us and everything in the universe is made of energy. 


Like attracts like, so if you’re emitting higher vibrations, you’ll attract high vibrations!


Remember to take care of your health on every level – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Try Kundalini Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or essential oils to boost overall health. Did I mention Gratitude and Forgiveness? Oh yeah, I did. Good! Do that!


If you’re interested in more information on prayers, rituals, mantras, or even encouragement, you can check out my free resources page. 


Remember that you are the embodiment of light and love. Live according to your highest potential! 

Highly Sensitive People: The Gifts, Challenges, And Miracles

“Highly Sensitive Person” Written on Paper with Hand Holding a Delicate Flower. Shutterstock licensed image.

HSP: The Gifts, Challenges, and Miracles

A certain group of people is more vulnerable than others to feeling abnormal, setting them up for a lifetime of discomfort with themselves, and they’re called HSP. Do you often find yourself more in tune with others’ feelings or reacting more to certain events than those around you? Do specific environments, emotions, or situations bother you while others are unphased? 

It’s time to get in tune with your true self by learning what it means to be a highly sensitive person (HSP) and give yourself the care you need. While it might feel like a burden now, knowing more about yourself and altering your lifestyle to better suit your personality will help you take back control of your life and turn your quirks into assets!

What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

An HSP, also known as a highly sensitive person, has a highly active nervous system and sensory sensitivities. Studies are being done to show that highly sensitive people actually have brains that work a bit differently than others, causing them to react differently in their daily lives and relationships.

While this might sound abnormal and concerning, HSP is not a disorder. In fact, around 15-20% of people report that they experience these symptoms, making it a lot more common than you might think! At the same time, not enough people experience these symptoms for the personality to be widely accepted. Unfortunately, that can make highly sensitive people feel lonely and misunderstood.

What’s really unique about the HSP personality trait is that it can be found in all kinds of personality types. You could also be called an empath. You can be an HSP and an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. HSPs also come from all different backgrounds. Depending on the culture an HSP lives within, they might be lovingly accepted or ostracized.

How Do I Know if I’m a Highly Sensitive Person?

You deserve to get to know yourself and be comfortable with who you are! If you’ve ended up reading this article, it’s very likely you have the traits of a highly sensitive person. In order to be sure, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to see if you’re a highly sensitive person.

HSP traits can manifest in several different ways. Some people are highly sensitive to environments with too many stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, and even distinct textures like on clothing. You might feel like you need to retreat into a dark, quiet place to recharge and prepare for your next outing.

Other HSPs are more reactive to emotional stimuli such as with friends, family, and romantic partners. A small spat might feel like a life-changing argument, and a light show of affection can feel like a profound moment in a loving relationship. Unfortunately, this also could mean that you might experience deep thoughts and emotions without receiving sufficient reciprocation.

Further, you might feel the need to avoid intense movies, art, books, and other experiences that overwhelm you. The feelings you get from being overwhelmed could be unsettling and anxiety-inducing, or you could feel deeply moved by beauty and experience a form of ecstasy. 

If you’re still unsure about whether you’re a highly sensitive person, there are tests you can take. Specifically, there’s a questionnaire by Elaine N. Aron written in 1996 that has 27 questions. If you say yes to at 14 of the questions, then there’s a high probability of being an HSP. Remember, though, that questionnaires like these are highly subjective, and you should never make changes to your life because of them without further consulting with health care professionals.

Is Being Highly Sensitive a Bad Thing?

Remember, everyone is unique! Everyone has their own personality with their different quirks and needs, and that never means you’re a bad person or need to change who you truly are. Having HSP traits can feel burdensome before you’ve recognized them and learned how to embrace them, but being an HSP is like a superpower!

Challenges for HSPS

If someone calls you “sensitive,” it is often meant negatively. It can hurt to hear that we “overreact” or “think too much” because it invalidates our emotions and experiences. People with HSP traits suffer these insults and invalidations more often than others because of their visceral reactions to life. 

It’s true – HSPs experience life, emotions, and thoughts on a much deeper level. What feels good to some will feel great to you, but what feels bad to others can absolutely devastate you. Pain, whether emotional or physical, is experienced much more by HSPs, and recovery time can be much longer.

As a result, many HSPs choose to take a back seat in life to avoid pain and disappointment. It might feel too much to handle when people or life obstacles let you down. HSPs can often pass up opportunities for growth and enjoyment because they’d rather avoid overstimulation, exhaustion, and potential pain.

Benefits of Being an HSP

Highly sensitive people have strong gut feelings and are incredibly intuitive. Having a sensitive nervous system means that you pick up on stimuli that most people can’t, and you have stellar observation skills. You won’t only be able to pick up on changes in your environment but also sense the needs of others with fantastic accuracy and foresight.

HSPs can enjoy intense and powerful relationships with others because of their ability to empathize, anticipate needs, and feel emotions deeply. For the same reasons, they make stellar parents.

Being able to pick up on stimuli and experience on an advanced level means you can also enjoy life so much more. Fine food, drinks, art, and experiences can be enjoyed on a whole new level. Responding to a heightened ability to enjoy stimuli with a positive attitude means being extremely grateful for life and all you have. 

Self Care for Highly Sensitive People

Overall, you should rejoice if you are a highly sensitive person! The people you should keep in your life are those who appreciate how deeply you understand and care for them. In exchange, they should understand your need for space and cooldown periods when things get too intense. 

Here are some great methods that HSPs can introduce to their daily lives in order to find balance, peace, and growth:

  • Schedule in positive experiences into your hectic days
  • Plan for alone time and relaxation periods after anticipated times of overwhelm
  • Suggest alternatives to experiences that you aren’t comfortable with – need no to push yourself
  • Come to understand your personal boundaries for environments, people, and tasks and be clear about your triggers
  • Create a soothing space you can use as a retreat when you’re overstimulated
  • Incorporate meditation, yoga, prayer, and other practices that allow you to center your body and mind to find balance

Proper self-care for HSPs will be a journey in which they must come to know themselves fully and incorporate helpful practices for keeping the peace in their bodies, minds, and hearts.

Embrace Your Sensitivity

If you ever become upset over your state as a highly sensitive person, remember that you aren’t alone. Some of the most innovative and vital people were HSPs and will go down in history as assets to humanity. Scientists like Albert Einstein, actors like Nicole Kidman, and social reformers like Martin Luther King Jr. are also HSPs who made the most of their sensitivity superpowers!

You are extremely intuitive, empathetic, expressive, and compassionate, and all your friends and family are lucky to have you in their lives. You’re on the path to seeing and doing great things; you just need to harness the power of your ultra-sensitive nervous system and unique mind!


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 


How to Perfect Your Intuitive And Psychic Sessions

Tarot Readings, Psychic Sessions, Intuitive Coaching & More: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

How to Perfect Your Psychic Sessions and Intuitive Coaching

1. Take 5 minutes before each of your psychic sessions to center, call in your guides, and allow your clients to reveal themselves to you. You might chant the Om Lokaha Somastaha Sukino Bhavantu mantra 13 times to clear the space. You can also say, Shiva, Shivani, Shiva, Shivani 7 times, which will clear the energetic fabrics connecting you and your client to this moment. This will free reality to emerge and supersede the constructs at play.

2. Make note of any imagery that immediately pierces the veil and falls into your consciousness.

3. When the session begins, start with a prayer or invocation, short and sweet: Thank you Great Spirit and The Eternal Consciousness, we invite all light-beings, ancestors, and gentle souls from all the realms to join us today, in service of (client name). So it is, so it shall be.

4. Sometimes I’ll begin with a pre-reading 2-3 card pull and I’ll do a quick summary of my exploration prior to the call.


5. I’ll then ask if they have any primary or burning questions or concerns they’d like to share before you do a full card pull and reading.

6. If they shared their questions, keep the categories and emerging imagery front-of-mind. Integrate these aspects into your interpretation of the cards.

7. Pull 3 primary cards, then 2 off to the side. Sometimes I wait to pull the additional two, allowing the energy of the in-play reading to influence the experience and electromagnetic nature of the reading and relating.

8. Remember to connect with them throughout the reading, with phrases like, is this true for you, are you feeling something around this, have your experienced something like this, etc.

9. If you feel they are energetically heavy or tense, mention that you sense this aspect emerging within them, and try to tie it into one of the cards. You might also pull additional cards along the way, especially in moments when you sense trepidation, hesitation, anger, sadness, and other emotions & states-of-mind.


10. As you get to the 2/3 mark in the reading (usually 40 minutes for me), see if you can draw some conclusions, tying several elements from the experience together. This might provoke other questions.

11. In your closing, try to imagine ways the person can improve their feelings, perspectives, health, and conditions, especially within the situations that arose during the session. Over time, you’ll have a trove of helpful hints and suggestions.

12. During the reading, listen intently to every word they say, pay attention to the emotions you feel in them, and allow imagery to come in. It’s during the most vulnerable and tepid moments of a reading, that guides are thrusting information our way – all in service to our clients.

13. To close, tell them you wish for them light, love, peacefulness, and happiness, Tell them they are the embodiment of light and love, and they can always go within to expand themselves and find peace. Tell them you are here for them should they need you.

14. The moment you hang up, thank God, The Universe, your guides, and all the light beings throughout all the realms for their guidance and participation. Remind them that you wish to be in service To All Beings For All Time. You might chant the Om Lokaha Somastaha Sukino Bhavantu mantra 13 times as your closure.

Just remember that you are a Divining Rod and your guides are with you, always. Trust this.

If you need me, you can schedule a session HERE 🙂


Best Dating Questions for Authentic Answers

How to find love, how to ask the right questions. Shutterstock licensed image.


Dating Questions That Inspire Authenticity

Whether you’re running hot on OkCupid, Tinder, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, Hinge, Happen, Clover, Plenty Of Fish, Match, eHarmony, or a newly trending dating app or site, it’s helpful to set a vision for your pursuit. It’s also vital that you have a game plan – especially for folks who are wildly sensitive, spiritually-minded, super-prayerful, or all of the above.

Whether you’re a healer, doctor, thinker, laborer, teacher, executive, manager, or just a down-right hard worker, we all need wonderful, loving, and aware partners in our lives. Throughout the process of seeking a lover or partner, it might feel easier to place the responsibility on the other person, but, truly, it’s up to each person to uplevel his/her/their sensibilities and awareness at the beginning of the hunt. The best way to do this is to prepare dating questions that inspire authentic answers.

Chemistry is nothing. It can be contrived.

Ego is nothing. It can mislead.

Mind and mental acuity are often nothing. They can misinform.


What drives value and longevity in relationships?

Sensitivity, quality communication, awareness, attention, loyalty, presence, and empathy. If you and your partner can commit to these things, you will find your lives to be uniquely loving and enjoyable.

1 – Let Your Dating Vision Inform the Best Dating Questions

When starting out, it’s important to write down a few thoughts – and commit to them. When forming your Dating Vision, consider these dating questions:

  • How do you like to feel when with your partner?
  • What are your partner’s primary attributes?
  • How will your partner respond to confrontation, feedback, and communication challenges?
  • How will you respond to confrontation, feedback, and communication challenges?
  • How will you celebrate and allow for your differences?
  • How will you and your potential partner respond to upheaval and surprises?
  • How will you and your potential partner communicate when one or both of you is angry?
  • Are you willing to skip sex while you’re dating?
  • What do you require from sex?
  • Which potential habits will you not allow in your potential partner?
  • Which habits are you working on so that you can be the best you can be in your new relationship?
  • What areas of your life and how are you stubborn?
  • Are you truly willing to improve yourself?
  • How forgiving are you? Can you be more forgiving?
  • If your partner is not a relationship leader, can you be the leader?
  • How important will empathy and compassion be in your new relationship?
  • Will you allow yourself to have sex with potential suitors – before really knowing them?
  • Will you be cautious or revealing during the early days of exploring your new relationship?
  • Are you willing to pursue dharmic relationships (in service to truth and soul evolution) versus karmic (contractual, need-based) ones?


Click to get The Personality Cards from Paul Wagner


2 – Your Dating Game Plan

When in pursuit of a partnership, especially a romantic one, it’s important to have a game plan and dating questions. Consider these questions:

  • Which apps will you use and which ones will you refrain from using? Why?
  • Will you be paying for meals or will the other person be paying? Or will you split the bills?
  • Will you pursue having meals together or only coffee at first?
  • Are you looking to just have fun or to find a truly wonderful partner?
  • How much effort every week are you willing to dedicate to this pursuit?
  • Will you be extra prayerful during this timeframe?


Your contract is not with individuals, it’s with the Universe.


3 – Getting Over Yourself

The most important thing we can do in life is getting over ourselves.

To have successful relationships with primary partners and lovers requires transparency, humility, and accepting that each of us has something to work on within ourselves. There is no “other.” Most often, the other person is not the problem. Mostly, we are resistant to change, we refuse to acknowledge that we can be more compassionate, and when it comes to listening, we can all be a little lazy.

The second most important skill we need to develop is forgiveness. This doesn’t mean we allow harmful people back into our lives, it means that we are able to release our anger and resentment upon most infractions.

Your ego is fiction.

Your temporary self-identity is fiction.

Release what is false.


4 – The Best Dating Questions For Pre-Dating Exploration

When we’re using an app to find love, it’s important to use the app to its full extent. One rule that you might find helpful is to never meet anybody unless you spend 1-month texting with them via the app. This is important so that you don’t quickly jump into projections and allow chemistry to override your sense of reality.

When exploring a potential partner, don’t pretend to be someone else. In fact, it’s best to lay all of your aspects out in the first several exchanges. This way, you and your partner can keep projection and fantasy to a dull roar. Focus on being authentic, even if it upsets the other person. Be fully yourself.

Here are 65 dating questions you can ask within your favorite dating apps BEFORE you meet for coffee:

  1. What do you find most enjoyable in life?
  2. What do you find to be the most beneficial definition of success?
  3. How do you resolve conflicts in your life?
  4. In what ways do you demonstrate love when in a relationship?
  5. In what ways are you selfish in relationships?
  6. How forgiving are you?
  7. How do you feel about the words fuck, twat, asshole, and mother fucker?
  8. When you see a child, do you often smile at him or her?
  9. Are you affectionate?
  10. How important is sex to you?
  11. What specifically is sex to you?
  12. How often do you need to have sex – after the 2-3 year mark – in a relationship?
  13. What is the wildest thing you’ve done?
  14. Have you ever been arrested?
  15. Have you ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol? If yes, tell me more about your recovery and current status.
  16. What is your concept of God?
  17. What is your concept of The Universe?
  18. What are your most self-improving habits?
  19. What types of healthy food do you love to eat?
  20. What types of junk food do you love to eat?
  21. Ever bite your fingernails? How about your toenails?!
  22. Ever have sex in a department store?
  23. How do you feel about traveling?
  24. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
  25. What is your longest relationship or marriage?
  26. Do you believe that aliens from other planets and galaxies are living on our planet?
  27. Ever do anything playful with your privates, like put it into a pie or watermelon? (it’s a movie reference!)
  28. Ever use something unusual to penetrate your vagina for pleasure?
  29. What is the most compassionate thing you’ve done in your life?
  30. How would you describe your level of empathy?
  31. Have you ever taken The Empath’s Oath?
  32. How have you resolved your most traumatizing events from childhood and your younger years?
  33. When something challenging happens to you, are you proactive or reactive?
  34. When it comes to intentionally improving your life, are you a warrior or a victim?
  35. Have you ever been molested or raped? If so, are you still angry or upset about it? Are you still broken in some way? Do you pray for that person? Have you forgiven them?
  36. On a scale of 1 to 10, how positive are you in your daily life?
  37. When you’re angry or grumpy, what do you do to improve your state of mind and heart?
  38. How do you feel about ceremonies, rituals, and prayers?
  39. Do you ever envision praying with your primary partner or lover?
  40. What are you generally willing to do so that you can improve your attitudes, feelings, moods, and demeanor?
  41. What are your most unique skills and talents?
  42. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love being in nature?
  43. Are you vegetarian or vegan?
  44. Do you have any dietary restrictions?
  45. If you’re a meat-eater, have you ever hunted and killed your own animal food?
  46. Do you like to watch birds?
  47. Do you kill spiders that you find in the house or do you capture them and release them outside?
  48. Do you vote? Why or why not?
  49. Do you have a political party affiliation? If so, are you passionate about this party?
  50. What are your core beliefs (one sentence each) regarding welfare, minorities, immigration, free national health-care, and military spending?
  51. Have you ever traveled outside the US? If so, what is your favorite places to visit?
  52. What places in the US and Europe do you like to frequent?
  53. How do you serve or help others who are less fortunate?
  54. Do you invest money in the stock market, cryptocurrency, or anything related to your interests or passions?
  55. Do you like to garden?
  56. When you see a living creature flying or crawling on the ground near you, do you ever engage the little Being in conversation?
  57. When you pray, who do you pray to and what do you pray for?
  58. Do you believe in miracles? How so?
  59. What is the most lovely event that you’ve experienced so far in life?
  60. When you think about death, what comes to your mind and heart?
  61. Do you know the difference between co-dependent and co-interdependent?
  62. Are you willing to live co-interdependently, where each person seeks to uplift and encourage the other person to be self-sufficient?
  63. Are you willing to be in a relationship where there is no blame or shame, only patience and loving encouragement?
  64. Can you foresee a relationship that does not allow expectations and demands, and where there are only well-communicated agreements?
  65. Are you willing to commit to being peaceful and loving in all things, including yourself?


If you get push-back for wanting to only text for a while, say this:

“We’re all prone to poor decisions because of media influences throughout our lives. We’re all vulnerable. Each one of us needs some distance from images, perfume, charisma, intimacy tactics, and projection. Texting for a while helps a lot with these things. Also, I am a very open, kind, and emotionally-minded man. I love people from all walks of life. Choosing a partner for a life-long journey requires some deep exploration. It can be easy to fall into a relationship with someone for a myriad of reasons – some alignment, physical chemistry, passion, short-term connection, etc. With texting, we can explore some of the more pertinent questions, thereby accelerating the learning processes – without all the normal human distractions. Then we can determine whether it feels right to meet. This is akin to eHarmony, but without their contrived questionnaires and chemistry hooks. It’s real, it’s authentic, and it works for both parties – long term.”


You are the only person you ever interact with. There is no other.

“Don’t find fault with anyone. Not even with an insect. As you pray to God for devotion, so also pray that you may not find fault with anyone. Never think that you alone have true understanding and others are fools. One must love all, No one is a stranger. It is Hari alone who dwells in all beings. Nothing exists without Him”  – Bhagvan Sri Ramakrishna


How Your Intentions And Vibration Generate Far More Experiences Than Your Brain Or Will

intention vs brain
Your vibration is a magnetic electromagnetic frequency. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

We are all lucky to be alive during this time in the planet’s history. There are still abundances of healthy people, animals, trees, vegetation, water sources, minerals, healing herbs, and etheric Beings. There are also wondrous storms of divine magic. Many of us are protected from the ravages of war, and some people have evolved their souls to such degrees that they share light and love with others, without expectation of anything in return. All of these things are miracles. Each one of us is a miracle. You are a miracle. In this article, let’s have a look at intentions vs brain here.

When we’re born, we are thrust into the world as mostly unbound spirits. During the early days, we live from pure vibration and gut-impulse. We are needy, trusting sponges, ready for anything. Since our prior realities were comprised of energy and etheric connection, the density and slow pace of our newly minted lives confuse us.

As the months ensue, we yearn for the Mother, the eternal feminine vibration that has spoken to us for eons. Our first attempt at manifesting the Mother in our lives was through the women who gave birth to us. We continue to project the roles of Mother and Father on a variety of people and institutions throughout our lives. Until we internalize the eternal Mother and Father and own all of it, we tend to feel disappointed. 


As we meander through the world, we take on the projections of others and allow others to control and influence our intentions, thoughts, identities, and actions. Within our first few years of life, we memorize and adopt a variety of beliefs, ideologies, and constructs, most of which are based less on truth and more on the egos of others. We begin to become dependent on approval and herd-mentality. Instead of diving more deeply into our natures, we want to be and do what others have been and done. 

Our families want us to be something specific, our religions want us to adopt their doctrines, and we allow society to burden us with limited, predetermined titles that outline how to spend most of our time while living on the planet. By age 18, our original vibrations and gut-senses are covered in garbage. Our quest is to become free of all of it. This is why spirituality is so important.

What Exactly Is Vibration?

Our souls continually emit interconnected packets of energy, much like how packets of data are transmitted from computers to the internet. As we emit, so we attract. When our spirits begin to form intentions, they cannot be described in words. They have no barriers to entry into the vibrational fields of reality. This makes intention extremely powerful and potent. 

Meanwhile, our brains can create thoughts that carry equally substantial energy, which can also influence our realities. But the brain emits energy in disconnected, unsupported bursts. While the bursts might have a moment of successful penetration and participation in reality, they lack the potency of our intentions. If the energy burst is weak, it will die out before causing any material influence. If the brain burst is strong, it might penetrate or infect reality with a temporary construct, but it won’t have a lasting effect, unless it’s immediately and continuously repeated. When we allow our brains to rule our lives, we tend to deny our soul’s understandings and desires. This is when many of us become exhausted, numb, or sick. 

Sheer Will, Brain Trusts, and Vibrational Alignment

How did we come to birth on this planet, specifically during this era? What were the instigators? Was it the sheer wills of our souls, the collective brain trust of prior and parallel lives, or were we born into this timeframe because our pre-birth intentions and vibrations matched emerging Earthly trends?

While our wills and brain trusts carry a measure of influence, our vibrations and intentions will always rule our realities. Will is built upon the temporary ego and fortified by the elusive mind. Will and brain-trusts might help us move through spacetime and occasionally tip the scales, but they’re less penetrating and magnetic than vibrations and intentions. 


Because we are comprised of energy, our intentions and vibrations will always carry the day, especially when we’re living in the other realms and choosing to birth. Once we’re living in three-dimensional realities, we tend to trust our egos and wills, thereby denigrating our intentions and vibrations. When we allow this to happen, we tend to miss out on aspects that will provoke a quickened evolution. 

Our vibrating natures, eternal and magnetic, have more power than we realize. This is why meditation, forgiveness, and love are so important. These things are all born from spirit. They’re empowered by our souls’ eternal connections to the natures of the Universes. As we meditate, forgive, and love, we vibrate with the nature of the All-That-Is. 

Just How Powerful Are Our Intentions and Vibrations?

Given that we are all magnetic by nature and continually connected to the source, our intentions and vibrations are extremely powerful. When we move past or through our emotions, detach from our obsessive minds, and seek the highest power, we become the highest power. 

If we can meditate and pray early in the morning and before we go to bed, we can improve our abilities to honor our souls’ intentions and vibrations. Doing so, we become more attractive to everything. If we can also regularly think of God throughout our waking hours, we will improve our connection to our most effulgent truths. We might even remember all of them!

There is nothing material or dangerous that can stop us from seeking the depths of ourselves. While our temporary self-identities are adept at contriving fears and excuses, it’s vital to realize that our twisted daydreams and most toxic nightmares rarely come true. We are comprised of far more light than dark. Focus on the light, while allowing the darkness to inform you. This is the relationship that the Universe has had with itself for all time. You are light and love, always. 

Empathy vs Intuition: What’s the Difference?

empathy vs intuition
One is a skill, the other is a person’s nature. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Empathy vs. Intuition: How Can You Tell?

Embodying the pain of others is different than sensing the properties, conditions, and experience of the pain. Let’s have a look at Empathy vs Intuition in this article.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is an ability or gift whereby one or more of your senses inspires an awareness about a potential trajectory or event. For example, you might have a gut (physical) feeling or an image (spiritual sense) that someone will call you or that an impending decision will work out in your favor.

What is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to consider, fully encompass, embody, or sense a person’s or group’s feelings, either in-person, within your soul tribe or family, or remotely. Empathy might emerge as a full-body experience where you can literally feel the sadness or grief of another person. In the case of feeling somebody else’s anger, empathy might appear as a rash or upset stomach. The overriding feeling of empathy is equal to the feelings of the other person.

How Psychics Use Empathy vs. Intuition

The challenge for Intuitives and Psychics, who focus primarily on extracting information from a projected timeline or reality, is integrating empathy and compassion when they are helping others and themselves. The challenge for Empaths is to refrain from taking things personally when we feel or absorb energy from others.

Many Empaths, Intuitives, and Psychics have compassion and are kind people, but some highly sensitive people use the victim position/identity to take things too personally and to create self-pity, attention or drama, rather than use their gifts toward self-realization, healing, and light.

Because these types of gifts can be challenging, all sensitives should pray, chant mantras, do healing and light rituals, help the poor, refrain from alcohol, pot, and other drugs – and regularly clear their energies. Doing so helps us be earnest and true servants to our own evolution and the evolution of others.

Sending this with love and light!

Check out The Empath Oath – it’s awesome!

How Authenticity Leads to Happiness

Authenticity has been on a long, tough road in pursuit of its place in the world. It began as impulses within raw, wild beasts. It wandered through forests and wilderness for many millennia. After merging with consciousness and connecting with the intentions of all living beings in all the realms, authenticity became bold and brazen.

For some, authenticity has involved secret knowledge and clandestine pursuits. For others, it has been used as a tool to manifest power and control. Over time, authenticity matured, nurtured itself, and found its most enduring and profound calling as the homing-beacon for people who have lost their way.

“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.”

— Eckhart Tolle

What Is Authenticity?

Authenticity is a pure encounter with our core selves. It occurs in the present moment, without pretense. Its purpose is to serve our expressiveness and self-awareness. It does this by initiating experiences and absorbing the related energetic fascia. While it is continually evolving, our authentic nature is always available to us.

When we are not conscious of the ramifications of our temporary selves, we might deny ourselves authenticity and the complete experience of our natures. While social norms tend to oppress us, we always have the option to commit to returning to authenticity.

During this new era of social over-responsibility and political confusion, authenticity has found itself in a quandary. While its pure expression might confuse, offend, or harm others, it remains a living force that requires continual exploration and pronouncement.

To fulfill its purpose, authenticity must experience itself in some form without oppression. It must be permitted to know itself and give rise to its impulses, without judgment. While not all authentic selves are peaceful or benign, they must be allowed to live.

Authenticity is not only a strategic path toward self-awareness and personal evolution; it’s the key to living a full life. As life gives birth to itself without judgment, so must we.

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

The Pathway To Authenticity

Some of us are living powerfully authentic lives. We live from and through the electricity that pours through us. We remain connected to our core nature in all activities and relationships. Those who have lost touch with themselves might only need to be reminded that they are inauthentic. Others might require a process to walk them back home. While no path is perfect or precise enough to meet every mindset and need, here is a step-by-step list of how you might achieve greater authenticity in your life.

While it’s become socially acceptable to deny ourselves realistic public identities, there is nothing more important than being honest, especially when in dialogue with our inner spirits. When we experience genuine acknowledgments of our natures, at least within our thoughts, intentions, and prayers, we open doorways to healing, accountability, clarity, and transformation. Honesty also saves us energy and gives us the most stable foundation for enduring success and happiness.

Self-Worth and Self-Approval
We are not all great Mahatmas, but this does not preclude us from beckoning the eternal light and bathing in it. And while we might be able to request a miracle and immediately experience it, we must begin by accepting that we are worthy. In pursuit of our evolution, we do not need to approve of our transgressions. They are in the past and the past is a canceled check. It does not exist. We do not require approval or forgiveness from others. We focus on ourselves and on our desires to become new and drenched in the light of the universe.

Under the umbrella of an approved self, we can joyfully venture into self-evaluation. If we engage humility and other nurturing attitudes, we can source the areas of our personhood that are most in need of change. By acknowledging our shortcomings, we can choose to improve them.


After objectively evaluating ourselves, the next step is to speak clearly within ourselves about each aspect. With a focused, inner dialogue, we can reduce our stubbornness, dissolve some of our more indelible self-identities, and venture toward transformation.

Make Adjustments
While intentions are mighty little angels, without action, they are merely hopes. Making personal adjustments to our thoughts, ideologies, behaviors, commitments, loyalties, and relationships can take some time. It might be helpful to make gradual adjustments so that all of your most endearing aspects can remain in-step with your revised life-trajectory.

Create A Unique Living-Process
Once you’ve established your challenges and potential changes, it’s vital to adjust your operational plans. The processes and procedures you’ll want to change might involve habits, environments, hobbies, jobs, careers, relationships, and schedules. With a clear and executable plan, we can achieve almost anything.

Commit To Yourself
The most difficult thing for most of us is making a commitment to regularly uplift and honor ourselves. It’s not always easy. To ensure that we stay on our path, we might adhere to a strict schedule of self-validating practices like meditation or journal writing. We might also hire a coach, therapist, or engage a few friends in a homespun support group.

Encourage And Celebrate Yourself
We are all creatures of habit. When we make even the smallest adjustments, it’s crucial that we validate ourselves. While we should refrain from self-worship, each of us is unique and in need of specific forms of encouragement. Explore the styles of encouragement and celebration that feel most nurturing to you. Add these modalities to your daily routine and social schedule. It’s in this way that we engage the universe to support our new paths and achievements.

“As I began to love myself. I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living my own truth. Today I know this is authenticity.” — Charlie Chaplin

Achieving Happiness

While happiness might be overrated and contentment preferable, we always have a choice to pursue a desired emotion. In this pursuit, everything changes. When we’re intentional about our emotional states, we increase our chances of improving our vibrations.

Being authentic with ourselves invites forces and Beings from every realm to come to our aid. Our authenticity is the most magnetic part of us. By relinquishing temporary and outdated self-identities, and by focusing on the reality of who we are, we give birth to nuances that can protect our pathways to achieve the life-states that we desire most.

To begin, tend toward selfishness and give yourself all the room you need to nurture, awaken, and experience your authentic self. Peek into the nooks and crannies of your desires and personas. Ask for guidance to fully know yourself when you need it. After learning more about who you are and nurturing yourself for a while, the chances are good that you’ll tend toward wanting to help others. It’s through measured and focused selfishness that we can achieve fertile and stable selflessness.

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

— E.E. Cummings

Always be yourself. Whether you feel a well of sadness in a grocery store or a burst of joy in a park, find safe and healthy ways to let it all out. If expressing your emerging emotions is dangerous to others, find ways to transmute the toxic aspects within your being so that you can move toward being self-expressed. It might be that meditation can assist you in becoming fully present. It might also be that meditation is your crutch.

To become authentic and whole, you can choose to embody a combination of gentility and ruthlessness. You might be hiding from your biggest disappointments or most enraging life events. You might be using them to create victim-minded or lower-chakra personality traits, thereby reducing your vibration to sub-par frequencies. You might be missing out on 90% of who you are.

Step boldly into the wilderness that resides within you. Consider performing sacred ceremonies and rituals to assist you in your rebirth. Remain hopeful and prayerful. In all things, continually embrace your divinity and all the beautiful aspects inherent in your birthright.

The Empath Oath: A Commitment to Emotional and Spiritual Freedom

Empath oath

Take THE EMPATH OATH. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

As an Empath or highly sensitive person, I’m able to absorb and quantify emotions emanating from a person, group, or environment. I may also be able to embody the emotions of a person or event remotely.

While many Empaths are loving and compassionate, some are not. Regardless, I am uniquely qualified to help myself and help others help themselves.

Make a formal commitment to THE EMPATH OATH HERE.

I wholeheartedly agree with each thought below:

  1. I agree to observe and parse the emotions that I witness and absorb, without blaming anyone, at any time, including myself.

  2. I promise to regularly clear the compiled energies that have attached to or exist within my heart and body.

  3. I promise to embody love and compassion so that I can be of service to my fellow human beings, deceased ancestors, energy-entities, and light-beings.

  4. I promise to set clear boundaries with others so that I can remain whole, healed, and protected. If I need help learning how to set boundaries, I will seek the advice of a mentor.

  5. I agree to be a beacon of light and positivity at all times.

  6. When communicating my projections, beliefs, feelings, and experiences to others, I promise to keep my ego at bay and deny my ego any measure of self-indulgence, self-aggrandizement, or self-gratification.

  7. I will continually seek high-vibration energies, awakened masters, and light-beings to light my path, clear my heart, and cleanse my soul.

  8. I agree to learn additional high-vibration modalities, including prayers, incantations, mantras, sutras, and rituals that are of the light and in service to the light.

  9. I agree to commune with at least one positive person every week so that I can uplevel my vibration, moods, and attitudes.

  10. I agree to love myself and nurture myself, especially in times of stress, confusion, and trauma. This might include journaling, walking in the forest, praying, crying, writing loving letters, seeking out good friends, dancing, coloring, singing, or laughing.

  11. I agree to begin the process of forgiveness for every soul who has caused or co-created a negative impact on my life, heart, mind or physical body.

  12. I agree to continually forgive the innuendos, misgivings, attacks, and unconscious behavior of others, whether the culprits are partially or completely at fault.

  13. I do not require that others apologize to me or tell me that I “was right” with regard to any situation, at any time. If I require this type of validation, I will seek it within myself.

  14. Upon any infraction against my being, body, or spirit, I will immediately release any prior or newly created anger, sadness, and disappointment without any requirement of another person’s admissions, remorse, or reciprocity.

  15. Regardless of what I might imagine to be relevant excuses, I will continually strive to be a loving and conscious person.

  16. Regardless of the behavior, I will always seek the high road. Upon every infraction, I will be “the better person” by becoming a healing force of light.

  17. I will honor my boundaries and the boundaries that others require of me.

  18. I will be kind, friendly, courteous, gracious, thoughtful, and generous, knowing that my efforts will improve the conditions, experiences, and feelings of those around me.

  19. I admit that I am flawed but I promise to never allow my flaws to cloud my judgment and desire to help humankind.

  20. I own my “buttons,” issues, feelings, attitudes, intentions, and experiences as if I chose every one of them for the sole purpose of helping me to rise above and beyond myself.

  21. I own all of my accumulated intellectual, emotional, and spiritual trash. As such, I will dissolve from my heart and mind: all grudges, resentments, egocentricities, hateful projections, fantasies of vengeance, and harmful thoughts.

  22. I will seek solace in mindfulness, meditation, prayer, and peaceful action.

  23. If I am feeling out of control, I will immediately seek help and inspiration from therapy, counseling, massage, Bach Flower Remedies, homeopathy, organic food, fasting, yoga, dance, and other healthy modalities for self-expression, creativity, and healing. I will also drastically reduce or extinguish sugar, caffeine, marijuana, drugs, and other harmful substances and activities from my life.

  24. I agree to pursue healing for my addictive patterns and refrain from dragging others into my drama.

  25. I understand that the people and events that I attract to my life are born from my energetic body, which means that on some level, I chose them. As such, I will not blame the people or events in my life, rather, I will seek to improve upon myself and upraise my vibration.

  26. I will read books and seek healers to help me understand myself, other people, spirit, and the divine.

  27. I will respond to every person and situation with careful awareness.

  28. I will only speak in ways that uplift the vibration of myself, others, and the eternal consciousness, and I will discard the rest.

  29. I will choose to be happy most of the time because I know that happiness is the path. I also know that happiness is a choice.

  30. I confirm that I am committed to being a vehicle for clarity, healing, light, and love, first for myself, and then for others.

  31. I confirm that my contract is not with individuals, it is with the universe.

  32. I confirm that there is no “other”. At all times, in all circumstances, in every situation, the other person is always me.

Make a formal commitment to THE EMPATH OATH HERE.

Forensic Forgiveness: Releasing What Holds Us Back

Letting go doesn’t mean welcoming everybody back to the party. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Forensic forgiveness can open up a cavern of light and potential within us, and produce powerful, miraculous effects. Forgiveness might not always involve loving our offenders, but it can include loving ourselves.

“Forge” is part of the words “forget” and “forgive.” Forge means to build, create, or clear. We have to create and clear paths to forget and we have to create and clear paths to forgive. The difference is that if we solely forget, we miss out on the lesson, and if we forgive, we absorb the lesson and embody a deeper clarity.

The word “forge” also suggests, “to birth using fire.” Forensic forgiveness is full of fire. It’s about releasing (burning) the old and being reborn (rebirth).


“It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive.

Forgive everybody.”

~ Maya Angelou


We might be unaware of our needs or desires to forgive others.

We might be deeply entrenched in emotions, habits, and activities that forsake our purity. It’s our hope for purity that inspires forensic forgiveness; it’s our vulnerability that invites the divine to help us transform.

We might be so addicted to the stench of our habits, depressions, regrets, and their related resentments that we’ve become unwilling or unable to choose clean air. It’s easy to forget that rebirth is our

Upon a painful experience, a secret part of us might want to relish or preserve it. Our minds might add soundbites and images to our recollection of the event, which, in turn, transforms it into an indelible stew.

What then? If a part of us loves or builds-upon a negative event, how do we move through it or past it? It begs the ancient question, how do we forgive?


“Enlightenment means the ability to recognize oneself in all living creatures.”

~ Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi,


The Process of Forensic Forgiveness

For some people, forensic forgiveness of even the most traumatic happens during a gentle walk by a quiet stream. After a sweet recollection of the good and the challenging, and the release of a few tears, it’s done. Forgiveness is miraculous when it happens this way.

Depending upon the relationship or event, forgiveness can also be extremely difficult, and the process can take what seems like centuries. As long as we don’t squash every impulse to forgive, our desires for resolute clarity will eventually saunter to the surface and humbly request our attention. GO FORGIVENESS GO!

If forensic forgiveness is difficult for you, consider picturing yourself as having required some aspects of the traumas or relationships you experienced for your growth, evolution, or healing. It’s in this way that you might be able to assume a measure of power over your past. It might then be possible to heal in the present and allow an unburdened future to unfold.

Let’s recap. Forensic forgiveness can be a b*tch, but you can do it!

To begin, write in your journal. I use my journal as a living, editable relationship with the Divine. Whatever I write, I assume that the Divine is helping me to process it, extract its highest value, and turn it into light.

As you write about the events and people in your journal, consider every interaction to be a lesson about who you are. Don’t obsess over the actions of others. We have no control over these things.

Refrain from seeing yourself as a victim. Let the tears and feelings flow without reservation. When it comes to forgiveness, judgment and fear are pointless.

For this exercise, write solely about the characteristics of your challenging experiences, and refrain from meticulously documenting the details. Explore solely the attributes.

If someone added anger into the mix, add anger to your “list of attributes.” If the event involved betrayal, lying, contrivance, deceit, or physical pain, add those to the list. If this same person or event also brought grace and love into your life, add those to your list.

As the list grows, you’ll see the characteristics, emotions, and aspects at play. These are things that emerged around YOU. These things are part of YOUR narrative. YOU are the centerpiece. It’s not about other people, it’s about YOU.

Click to read “Amma: The Loving, Hugging, Humanitarian Saint”

As you compile the list, continue to write in your journal. Gently describe all the images, phrases, and associations related to the traumatic events that you wish to integrate and heal. Look at every trajectory, related person, and imagined picture that appears to be connected to the events that you are processing.

After you’ve exhausted your written exploration, process how you feel about each image, phrase, and soundbite. Try to encourage your feelings to move. As you process and release emotions, feel the clearing in your heart.

Cry, pound the earth in anger, and pray. The more complex the collage, the deeper the lessons. Be thorough. While it’s wonderful when this process is completed within a short period, allow forgiveness to take some time.


Let go and forgive all aspects, all the stories, and every image.

Remember to forgive yourself along the way.


What is Emotional Forgiveness and Healing?

Emotional forgiveness is the process by which you express your emotions to achieve forgiveness, and therefore achieve a healing. This is not the only pathway to forgiveness and healing, but it’s the predominant one.

As you look deeper into the attributes of the people and events in your life, you might see that you have hurt people in similar ways to how you have been hurt. It might be that the traumas you’ve experienced are nothing more than divine modalities helping you to resolve prior actions and to become a better person.

By feeling and expressing our emotions, we achieve tidbits of wisdom. With emotions comes wisdom.

Rituals of Forgiveness & Letting Go

Rituals help us physicalize our beliefs and desires, helping them come into our physical realities.

My favorite ritual is The Seven Arrows ritual, most reliably found within the Native American tradition. The ritual involves making a list of the things that you seek to release from your life (Death Arrows), along with a list of the things and attributes you wish to welcome into your life (Life Arrows).

During the ritual, you decorate arrows for each item on the list, and then do separate rituals for the Life Arrows and the Death Arrows. It’s all about letting go and making room for goodness and transformation in your life.

The Changing The Book of Life Ritual is an equally powerful ritual. In this ritual, you make a list of the events, people, and experiences that you wish to remove from your life. Ask that the universe return any gifts, talents, and attributes that you were given during each of these experiences and relationships. Pray that the people related to these events are nurtured and healed by the divine, and do not experience any loss.

For each event, experience, and relationship you wish to cleanse, ask that all the gifts, talents, and attributes that you relinquished during each exchange be returned to you. Throughout the process, allow emotions to rise and dissipate. This is how the soul achieves cleansing and clearing.

Love, forgiveness, emotional-release, and healing based rituals have the power to remove negativity, enlighten our paths, and create lasting healing and change.

If you’d like a copy of these rituals, email me at

“Discrimination is meant for one who is in the process of evolution. You need strict discrimination to understand the difference between what is good for your spiritual progress and what will create obstacles in your path. A seeker must discriminate between what is eternal and what is non-eternal. But once you have attained the state of perfection, you have renounced everything, even discrimination. You cannot hold onto anything. Transcending all dualities, you become the universe; you become expansiveness itself. You become both day and night. You go beyond purity and impurity.” ~ Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi,

When We Let Go, We Create Space

While society often teaches us otherwise, our attachments aren’t treasures. Even our habits around family and friendships can be hindrances. Seeing ourselves clearly often requires changing habits, relationships, environments, and releasing the things that inhibit or restrict our clarity and freedom.

By diving deep into the elements, associations, and related mental conjurings of our most challenging experiences, we exponentially expand our understanding of ourselves and reality.

We deepen and expand. By doing so, we create internal engines that allow us to process life’s events with greater ease.

With release comes a vacuum, which the universe will seek to fill with reflections that are in line with your renewed self. While this process is an act of self-love, it is also a prayer of hope for your offenders.

Forgiveness helps us release the emotions and imagery that restrict us. From there, we grow discrimination. Everybody wins, especially you.

To engage Paul for a session/reading, go here.