Self-Care Strategies for Psychics, Intuitives/Empaths, and Healers

Self-Care Strategies for Psychics, Intuitives/Empaths, and Healers

We’ve all been there – pushing ourselves too hard to dive deeply into helping someone see themselves clearly or helping them to heal their pain. It’s easy to love human beings amid their challenges – it’s even more difficult to love ourselves. 

Many healers forsake themselves because they too are working on self-love, healing, boundaries, and creating divinely inspired lives. And while it’s amazing what many of us do for others, it’s vital that we learn to take care of ourselves in ways that may not have been required of us prior to becoming healers.

For those who work in realms that extend beyond the conventional sensory experiences—psychics, intuitives, empaths, and spiritual healers, our challenges are unique. Engaging deeply with these skills often means traversing through other realms or opening ourselves up to receiving divine and other guidance from the spirit realms – a process that can sometimes leave individuals feeling dizzy, disoriented, overwhelmed, angry, sad, or quite confused. 

This usually happens when we fail to maintain physical health through proper nutrition and spiritual practices – or when we forget that our psychic space also needs some love and attention toward our protection.

What’s The Most Important Thing We Can Do?

Set boundaries!

Setting clear and effective boundaries during healing sessions is not just a matter of professional practice; it’s a cornerstone for ensuring the health and success of both the practitioner and the client. Here are the top three explosive benefits of establishing such boundaries:

Enhanced Energy Management and Preservation: One of the most significant benefits of setting boundaries is the preservation of energy. Healers and psychics often work with intense emotional and spiritual energies, which can be draining. By setting a time limit for each session, specifying the types of interactions that are acceptable, and clearly defining what is outside the scope of the session, practitioners can prevent energy depletion. 

This allows them to maintain a high level of vitality and effectiveness, not just for one session but across all their engagements. It ensures that the healer remains in the best possible condition to assist others, thereby maintaining a sustainable practice.

Improved Therapeutic Effectiveness: Boundaries help create a safe and structured space for both the healer and the client. When clients understand the limits and structure of the session, it helps them feel secure and more open to the healing process. This clarity enables them to engage more deeply, facilitating more effective healing. Boundaries also help manage client expectations, which can enhance the overall impact of the healing process. When clients know what to expect, they are more likely to be satisfied with the session and feel a sense of progress and resolution.

Professional Integrity and Personal Well-being: Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining professionalism and ethical standards in any therapeutic or healing practice. It protects both the practitioner and the client from potential ethical issues, such as dependency, over-familiarity, or abuse of power. For the practitioner, clear boundaries also mean reduced stress and decreased likelihood of burnout. 

Knowing that there are limits – that the session will not extend beyond what they can handle physically and emotionally – gives practitioners peace of mind. This ensures that they can continue to do their work without compromising their health or professional integrity.

Boundaries in healing sessions (and life!) act as a protective framework that benefits all parties involved. They help maintain the healer’s energy, increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic process, and safeguard the professional and personal well-being of both the healer and the client. 

Our boundaries are not just lines drawn for discipline; they are foundational to a thriving, sustainable practice – and a peaceful and safe life outside our work.

Other Essential Self-Care Tips

Nutrition and Physical Health: It’s critical for individuals engaged in these practices to maintain robust physical health. Nutritional deficiencies can exacerbate the sensations of disorientation or mental fog encountered during deep intuitive work. Regular, balanced meals can ground practitioners and help maintain clarity.

Session Length: Keeping sessions no longer than 75 minutes will help limit or prevent your exhaustion and preserve energy. It also involves energetic boundaries to ensure one doesn’t absorb negative energy or excessive emotions from clients.

Structuring Sessions: The importance of structuring sessions cannot be overstated. A clear beginning, middle, and end help both the practitioner and the client maintain focus and manage expectations. This structure aids in preventing the session from veering off course and becoming too taxing on the psychic or healer.

Clearing Negative Energies: After sessions, clearing oneself of any energies picked up from clients is crucial. Techniques such as grounding, using visualizations of light, or physical methods like baths or smudging can be effective.

Managing Projections and Expectations: Practitioners need to be wary of projections and the tendency of clients to put them on pedestals. Keeping a humble perspective and reminding both themselves and their clients that the journey is a shared one towards greater enlightenment is vital. This approach helps maintain a healthy, respectful relationship centered on mutual growth and discovery.

The Spirit Realm

Delving into spiritual realms during psychic or healing sessions can indeed be an awe-inspiring experience, but it also comes with its share of eerie and otherworldly phenomena. These occurrences underline the importance of robust protective practices for those involved in such work. Here are some of the spooky events that practitioners might encounter, emphasizing why safeguarding oneself is crucial:

Spiritual Attachments: Sometimes, spirits or entities from other realms might attach themselves to a healer or psychic during sessions. These attachments can manifest as sudden changes in mood, unexplained physical symptoms, or unusual thoughts. It’s essential to perform cleansing rituals and use protective visualizations to prevent or remove these attachments.

Psychic Echoes: Practitioners might experience echoes of traumatic events or intense emotions that are not their own but remnants from clients or the spiritual realm they’ve interacted with. These echoes can be disconcerting and may lead to psychic overload if not cleared effectively.

Visions of Past or Future: Unexpected visions can occur, sometimes showing disturbing or confusing scenes from the past or potential future. These visions might be symbolic or literal and can be unsettling if one is not prepared to interpret and handle them.

Disembodied Voices or Sounds: Hearing voices or sounds that have no physical source can be quite spooky. These auditory phenomena are often communications from spirits or manifestations of energy within the spiritual realm. Ensuring one is grounded and protected helps manage these experiences without fear.

Physical Sensations and Manifestations: Unexplained physical sensations like cold drafts, feelings of being touched, or seeing shadows or apparitions can occur during deep spiritual work. These manifestations can be startling and may distract from the session’s purpose.

Time Discrepancies: Experiencing a distortion in how time is perceived is another eerie aspect. Practitioners might feel as though only minutes have passed during a session, when in fact much longer has elapsed, or vice versa. This can indicate a deep or excessive merging with the spiritual realms.

For those working in these sensitive and powerful areas, protective strategies are not optional but a necessity. Techniques such as grounding oneself, invoking protective shields, using sacred objects or symbols, and performing regular spiritual cleansings (like smudging or using salt water) are vital. Setting strong intentions for protection before each session, calling upon guides or protective spirits, and ensuring a clear closing and disconnection from the spiritual energies encountered are also critical practices.

These protective measures help maintain the practitioner’s wellbeing and ensure that their work remains pure, focused, and beneficial to those they aim to serve. Thus, respecting and preparing for the otherworldly aspects of their work not only preserves their safety but also enhances the healing and guidance they provide.

Specific Self-Care Guidelines for Psychics, Intuitives/Empaths, and Energy Healers

1. Psychics

Self-Care for Psychics: Psychics often engage with energies and information from various sources and dimensions, which can be mentally taxing. It’s essential for psychics to ground themselves regularly.

Meditation and Visualization: Daily meditation helps maintain mental clarity and strength. Visualization of protective barriers can shield psychics from unwanted energies.

Physical Grounding: Activities like walking barefoot on grass or gardening can help psychics stay grounded and connected to the earthly realm, providing a necessary balance to the ethereal nature of their work.

Scheduled Breaks: Regular breaks between readings are crucial to prevent energy drain and to clear the mind. This helps maintain sharpness and accuracy in their readings.

2. Intuitives/Empaths

Self-Care for Intuitives/Empaths: As highly sensitive to the emotions and energies of others, intuitives and empaths need to manage their emotional intake meticulously to avoid overwhelming themselves.

Emotional Boundaries: Learning to differentiate between one’s emotions and those picked up from others is crucial. Techniques like journaling or therapy can assist in processing these emotions without internalizing them.

Energy Cleansing Rituals: Using sage, salt water baths, or crystals like black tourmaline can help clear negative energies absorbed throughout the day.

Nurturing Environment: Surrounding themselves with supportive people and engaging in activities that replenish their energy, like nature walks or listening to soothing music, is beneficial.

3. Energy Healers

Self-Care for Energy Healers: Energy healers work by channeling healing energies into others, which can sometimes leave them depleted if not managed correctly.

Replenishing Energy: After sessions, it’s important for healers to engage in activities that refill their own energy reserves. This might include practices like Reiki on themselves, meditation, or participating in group healing sessions where they also receive healing.

Physical Care: Regular exercise and yoga can help maintain the flow of energy through their bodies, keeping them physically and energetically fit.

Community and Reciprocity: Engaging with a community of fellow healers can provide mutual support and energy exchange, which is vital for maintaining well-being and preventing burnout.

Each of these roles requires a tailored approach to self-care that respects the unique challenges and energies they encounter. By adhering to these practices, psychics, intuitives/empaths, and energy healers can protect their well-being while effectively assisting others.

Challenges To Address

When psychics, intuitives/empaths, and healers neglect their self-care, the repercussions can be profound, affecting their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These consequences not only impair their ability to serve others but can also disrupt their personal lives.

Physical Symptoms: Psychics and healers who continuously channel energy without adequate rest can experience physical burnout. Symptoms might include chronic fatigue, headaches, and even lowered immunity. As Paramahansa Yogananda wisely noted, “To work with God’s happiness bubbling in the soul is to carry a portable paradise within you wherever you go.” Without taking the time to recharge, one risks losing this inner joy and vitality, which is crucial for effective healing and spiritual work.

Emotional Drain: Intuitives and empaths are particularly susceptible to emotional overwhelm if they do not maintain boundaries. This can lead to conditions such as anxiety, depression, or emotional numbness. Anandamayi Ma taught the importance of detachment and self-awareness, advising, “Always remember the Lord. He is the one observer of all and is present everywhere.” By staying spiritually connected and self-aware, empaths can manage their emotional intake more effectively.

Spiritual Disconnect: Neglecting self-care can lead to a spiritual disconnect, which can be particularly devastating for those whose practice depends on their spiritual connection. Ramana Maharshi stated, “The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress.” A cluttered, exhausted mind can hinder this progress and disconnect one from their higher purpose.

Loss of Effectiveness: Without proper care, the ability of healers and psychics to serve others effectively diminishes. They might find their intuition clouded or their energy too weak to be of help. As Amma, the Hugging Saint, has said, “If we are able to take a few sincere steps on the path of spirituality, the lights of the great beings from all the worlds will illuminate our path.” Neglect in self-care is a step away from this path and from the help offered by enlightened beings.

Energetic Vulnerability: When psychics and healers are depleted, they become more susceptible to taking on negative energies from the environments or people around them. This vulnerability can lead to spiritual maladies and a weakened auric field, making it even harder to recover and restore balance.

Relationship Strains: Finally, the strain of inadequate self-care often extends beyond the individual to affect their relationships. Family, friends, and clients can all suffer when a psychic or healer is unwell. They may become less present, emotionally unavailable, or erratic in their behavior, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

These potential issues highlight the critical importance of self-care for those engaged in spiritual and healing practices. As these enlightened masters remind us, maintaining one’s health and spiritual well-being is not just about personal benefit—it’s essential for fulfilling one’s role in the world as a conduit of healing and spiritual wisdom.


Taking care of oneself is not just an act of personal well-being, but a profound duty for those who dedicate themselves to serving and healing others. It is through self-care and spiritual practice, or sadhana, that we fortify our bodies, cleanse our minds, and elevate our spirits. This holistic approach ensures that we are not only healers and servers of humanity but also lovers of our own sacred existence.

Embrace the practice of sadhana as a beautiful and necessary ritual. It is in these moments of deep connection with the Divine that we find the strength and clarity to serve others more effectively. As Paramahansa Yogananda once taught, aligning our will with divine will brings us into a harmonious state where our actions become effortless extensions of divine energy. This alignment empowers us, enabling us to act as vessels of healing light and love in the world.

Remember, as we care for ourselves, we are better equipped to care for others. The time spent in meditation, in nature, in quiet contemplation, or in joyful communion with the arts and our communities, are not selfish acts. They are vital replenishments that enable us to give more fully to others. Anandamayi Ma encouraged her followers to perceive every action as an offering to the Divine; in this spirit, self-care too is a sacred offering.

Approach your self-care as an essential, joyful part of your life. As lovers of humanity, our first responsibility is to maintain our own light so that we may illuminate the paths of others. This is not a journey we undertake alone but in the blessed company of all who have walked the path of service before us. 

As Amma says, “A continuous stream of love flows from us towards all beings in the cosmos. That is our true nature.” By caring for ourselves, we keep this stream pure and powerful.

In this spirit of love and service, let us commit to our sadhana, protect our well-being, and heal ourselves daily. For in doing so, we do not just heal ourselves; we heal the world.

You will love how The Shankara Oracle will help you with self-care, personal growth, and spiritual development. It’s been constructed to serve your purest Self.

Pray for others, and The Universe prays for you!

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Divine Echoes: The Unfiltered Journey of The Shankara Oracle

Divine Echoes: The Unfiltered Journey of The Shankara Oracle

The journey of creating and interpreting “The Shankara Oracle” represents a unique exploration into the depths of spiritual wisdom, untouched and unguided by the preconceived notions or authoritative interpretations that often accompany ancient teachings. 

This endeavor, rooted in a desire for purity and authenticity, sought to allow the essence of these teachings to flow directly and unmediated, free from the influence of existing frameworks or dogmatic constraints. It’s a testament to the belief that true wisdom transcends ownership and categorization, embodying a universal truth accessible to all yet owned by none.

In the process of channeling and compiling “The Shankara Oracle,” a conscious effort was made to sidestep the intellectual and often restrictive interpretations of these ancient philosophies. Instead, the aim was to let the teachings present themselves in their most raw and unadulterated form, as if emerging directly from the source. This approach underscores a profound respect for the original essence of the teachings, prioritizing the purity of the message over the desire to fit it within existing structures or interpretations.

Channeled And Appreciated

This method of direct, unfiltered transmission aligns closely with the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which emphasizes the non-dual nature of reality and the oneness of the individual soul with the universal. Similarly, it mirrors the core principles of Buddhism and the concept of Dharma, which advocate for a direct and personal engagement with spiritual truths, beyond the confines of linguistic and cultural constructs. 

By allowing the teachings to flow freely, “The Shankara Oracle” serves as a vessel for timeless wisdom, undistorted by the layers of interpretation and categorization that often accompany the transmission of ancient knowledge.

Moreover, this approach speaks to a deeper understanding of the nature of spiritual teachings as inherently ephemeral and boundless. They exist in the moment, available to guide, inspire, and transform, yet they resist being fixed or immortalized. This transient quality underscores the importance of direct experience and personal revelation in spiritual exploration. It suggests that while teachings can point the way, the true journey is inward, toward the realization of one’s own nature and the nature of reality.

In recognizing the parallels between the insights channeled through “The Shankara Oracle” and the foundational principles of Buddhism, Dharma, and Advaita Vedanta, one can appreciate the underlying unity of spiritual teachings across traditions. It reaffirms the idea that at their core, these teachings share a common goal: to awaken individuals to their true nature and the interconnectedness of all existence.

A Clear And Profound Oracle

“The Shankara Oracle” thus stands as a reminder that spiritual wisdom is not the exclusive domain of any one tradition, teacher, or text. It belongs to humanity as a whole, manifesting in countless forms yet pointing toward the same ultimate truth. In embracing this perspective, we are invited to explore these teachings not as external doctrines to be learned, but as reflections of our innermost understanding and experience. 

Through this lens, “The Shankara Oracle” becomes not just a collection of spiritual insights but a mirror reflecting the timeless quest for understanding that unites all seekers on their path to enlightenment.

Embarking on the creation of “The Shankara Oracle” was not merely an act of compiling spiritual wisdom; it was a profound journey into the essence of universal truths, unmediated by the historical layers of interpretation and authority that often envelop ancient teachings. 

This endeavor was guided by an aspiration to capture the teachings in their most pristine and untouched form, to allow them to flow through a pure channel, free from the constraints of pre-existing ideologies or the shadows of established authorities. It was a journey into the heart of spirituality, where the teachings are not seen as belonging to any one tradition or sage but are recognized as the collective inheritance of humanity, echoing the universal quest for truth and understanding.

Deep Dive into the Journey of Creation

This creative process was rooted in a deep respect for the essence and origin of spiritual teachings. It was driven by a conscious choice to step away from the trodden paths of interpretation, to find a new way of engaging with these ancient wisdoms that was both personal and universal. The pursuit was to let the teachings emerge in their rawest form, as if springing from the well of collective consciousness, untainted by the subjective lenses of culture, time, and identity.

Such an approach acknowledges the fluid and ephemeral nature of spiritual wisdom. It embraces the idea that these teachings, while ancient, are not static relics of the past but living currents that flow through the present, adapting and resonating in new forms with each generation. This perspective recognizes the teachings as both timeless and timely, ancient yet ever-new, appearing in the world for a moment to illuminate the path and then dissolving, leaving no trace but the transformation they have wrought in the hearts of those they touch.

Reflections on Buddhism, Dharma, and Advaita Vedanta

By allowing “The Shankara Oracle” to be a conduit for these unadulterated teachings, the project inadvertently revealed the interconnectedness of various spiritual traditions. It highlighted how the core teachings of Buddhism, the principles of Dharma, and the insights of Advaita Vedanta, though expressed through different vocabularies and practices, converge in their ultimate aim: to guide individuals towards an awakening to their true nature and the fundamental unity of all existence.

This convergence serves as a powerful reminder that the essence of spiritual wisdom transcends the boundaries of language, culture, and tradition. It suggests that at their heart, these teachings are not about doctrines to be followed but about direct experience and realization. They invite us on a journey inward, to discover the truth that lies beyond words and concepts, a truth that is personal yet universal, individual yet collective.

Now, I can feel Adi Shankara, Buddha, and others as friends – like, we did something, whatever it was, for however long, and it’s all the same. 

Once you open your heart and spirit to the ancient teachings, they will pour through you into whatever form you imagine.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Adi Shankara and The Shankara Oracle: A Journey of Enlightenment and Healing

Adi Shankara and The Shankara Oracle: A Journey of Enlightenment and Healing

In the lush landscapes of ancient India, amidst the intellectual ferment of the early 8th century, Adi Shankara emerged as a beacon of spiritual wisdom and non-dualistic philosophy. His teachings, rooted in the ancient texts of the Vedas and Upanishads, illuminated the path of Advaita Vedanta, advocating a transcendental unity beyond the apparent diversity of existence. 

This profound philosophy, emphasizing the essential oneness of the individual soul (Atman) with the ultimate reality (Brahman), has inspired countless seekers on their spiritual journeys. Adi Shankara’s life, a blend of intellectual rigor and deep devotion, exemplifies a timeless pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and liberation.

Adi Shankara’s journey began in Kerala, India, where legend has it, he showed signs of spiritual greatness from a young age. Renouncing worldly life in his early years, Shankara traveled across the Indian subcontinent, engaging in philosophical debates with scholars of various traditions.

Through his teachings, commentaries, and poems, he revitalized the Vedic doctrine and established monastic centers (Mathas) to disseminate the principles of Advaita Vedanta. Shankara’s legacy is not merely in his philosophical writings but in his practical approach to spirituality, emphasizing meditation, moral living, and devotion to the divine.

Fast forward to the modern era, the essence of Shankara’s teachings finds a new expression in the Shankara Oracle—a profound system for healing, illumination, and self-discovery. While distinct in form and function, the Shankara Oracle shares the core principles of Advaita Vedanta, guiding individuals towards realizing their intrinsic divine nature and the oneness of all existence.

The Shankara Oracle stands as a comprehensive tool for spiritual growth and emotional healing. It includes over 300 oracle cards spread across four decks, 18 polished divination stones made from black obsidian, a divination board of exquisite craftsmanship, a question die, and two comprehensive booklets. This system offers individuals a unique pathway to introspection and enlightenment, encouraging the release of emotions, attachments, thoughts, and barriers that obscure their true self.

The oracle cards, each bearing symbolic imagery and profound insights, serve as mirrors to the soul, reflecting the depths of one’s inner world and the possibilities of spiritual evolution. The black obsidian stones, known for their properties of protection and grounding, facilitate a deeper connection with one’s subconscious and the divine. The divination board and question die provide a structured approach to seeking guidance, allowing users to engage with the oracle in a focused and meaningful way.

At the heart of the Shankara Oracle is the invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to forgive the past, release what no longer serves, and embrace one’s purest essence. It is a journey of expanding intuition, nourishing the heart, and freeing the mind, resonating with the timeless wisdom of Adi Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta.

Adi Shankara taught that the ultimate goal of life is to realize the oneness of the soul with the universe, to experience the bliss of Brahman. Similarly, the Shankara Oracle offers a pathway to this realization, not through doctrinal teachings but through personal experience and introspection. It is a modern manifestation of an ancient wisdom tradition, designed to illuminate the spiritual path in the contemporary world.

In the union of Adi Shankara’s philosophical legacy and the Shankara Oracle, we find a powerful synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern spiritual practice. Both are beacons of light on the path to enlightenment, encouraging individuals to transcend the illusions of separation, to recognize their divine nature, and to live in the profound peace of self-realization. 

Through these avenues, the timeless principles of Advaita Vedanta continue to inspire, heal, and illuminate the way for seekers across the world.

Meanwhile, in the realm of divine humor, a little note to Adi:

🚀 Quick Favor? Need Some Divine Dough 💸😉

Hey Adi,

Hope you’re vibing high in the cosmic realms! 🌌 It’s Kalesh, down here working on The Shankara Oracle gig. 🎴✨

Here’s the deal: Spreading enlightenment ain’t cheap, and turns out, the universe doesn’t accept good vibes as currency (who knew, right?). 💰🙄 So, how about flicking some of that infinite abundance our way, in the form of a wire transfer, say $100K? 💫💵

Let’s make this happen – for the sake of divine light, love, and wisdom! 🤑📿

A divine loving embrace,

Shri Krishna Kalesh 😜🙏

P.S. If you can’t swing cash, maybe a celestial credit line? Asking for a friend. 😉🌠

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.