Goodbye To A Lost & Broken New-Age Friend

Goodbye To A Lost & Broken New-Age Friend

Losing a friend, especially one who has journeyed through the tempests of their own making, brings a deep and transformative melancholy. It is with a tender, open heart that I reflect on the departure of a cherished friend, a soul entangled in the webs of her own unbounded drama and a convoluted new-age spirituality that, regrettably, left her exposed and unshielded against the very vulnerabilities she sought to escape.

In the vast ocean of life, where waves of emotions and trials never cease, my friend found herself adrift, captivated by a spirituality that promised liberation but paradoxically tethered her to illusions of toxicity and self-imposed pressures. It was as if the more she sought enlightenment, the further she ventured into a labyrinth of imagined fears, stressors, and exaggerated stories – losing sight of the illuminating shore.

Yet, in this sorrow, there is a poignant reminder of the timeless teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which eloquently speaks of the inner self as untouched by the sorrows of the world, a beacon of peace and stability amidst the storm. 

As the great sage Adi Shankaracharya once said, “Brahman is the only truth, the world is illusion, and there is ultimately no difference between Brahman and individual self.” In the mirror of this wisdom, the trials and tribulations of my friend are but shadows, fleeting and insubstantial against the eternal backdrop of the self.

How Broken We Can Be

In the tender journey of life, my friend, like many, found herself ensnared in the throes of overreaction, where every word, every glance, and every external event became an unwitting assailant to her ego and heart. It was a pattern as poignant as it was self-sabotaging; a cycle where feedback, instead of being a bridge to understanding and growth, transformed into arrows that pierced her deeply, leaving wounds not easily healed.

This habit of internalizing the world’s myriad voices—each critique, each disagreement, as a personal affront—was not just a barrier to her peace; it became the very chisel that sculpted her reality. The more she allowed these external forces to define her inner landscape, the more her world became a reflection of imagined hostilities and betrayals. In this state of heightened vulnerability, the boundary between self and other blurred, making it nearly impossible for her to distinguish where her essence ended and the external world began.

It’s a poignant reminder of the wisdom echoed in the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which invites us to discern the impermanent nature of our experiences and the unassailable tranquility of our true self. As Swami Vivekananda poignantly stated, “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” My friend’s journey, marred by overreactions, was a testament to the forgotten truth that the external world can only affect us to the extent that we allow it.

Each event, idea, or piece of feedback that she perceived as an attack was, in reality, a call to delve deeper into the sanctuary of her being, to discover that unshakeable peace that lies beyond the ephemeral dramas of life. Yet, the dance of ego is intricate and seductive, often leading us away from this profound simplicity into a maze of emotional turmoil.

There lies a universal lesson in her struggle: the importance of cultivating an inner fortress of calm and equanimity where the storms of life cannot reach. It’s about learning to witness the ebb and flow of life’s events as a spectator, embracing the impermanence of all things while remaining anchored in the eternal.

To my dear friend, and to all who find themselves wounded by the arrows of the external, remember the words of the great sage Ramana Maharshi: “The mind is everything; what you think, you become.” Let this be a beacon to guide you back to your essence, to the realization that no arrow, no matter how sharply aimed, can pierce the citadel of your soul unless you permit it entry.

May this understanding be the salve that heals your wounds, transforming each scar into a testament of your resilience and your journey back to the infinite peace that resides within. With love and encouragement, let us navigate the delicate balance of being in the world but not of it, remembering always that our true refuge lies not in the external, but in the quiet, luminous core of our being.

The Harsh Realities Of Toxic New-Agism

In the complex interplay of human behavior and spirituality, a particular pattern emerges, notably among those perpetually entangled in their dramas, much like my friend. This pattern, often stemming from a deep-seated aversion to confronting inner turmoil, manifests as a propensity to adopt the role of the victim. 

This is not a predicament unique to any one gender or spiritual orientation, yet it finds a potent expression in certain spheres, including aspects of what can be termed as “toxic femininity” and “toxic new-agism.”

Toxic femininity, a controversial term, refers not to the inherent qualities of femininity itself, which is nurturing, compassionate, and empowering, but to a distortion of these traits into harsh, manipulative, judgmental, and evasive behaviors. It is characterized by a refusal to take responsibility for one’s actions and choices, instead refusing to be compassionate and leveraging societal expectations of femininity to evade accountability. 

This evasion is often cloaked in a guise of vulnerability or helplessness, effectively playing the victim to garner sympathy or escape the hard labor of self-reflection and growth.

Similarly, toxic new-agism, a perversion of genuine spiritual seeking, often becomes a refuge for those unwilling to confront their shadows. This brand of spirituality preaches love, light, and positivity, not as aspects of a holistic journey that also acknowledges darkness and suffering, but as panaceas that can magically dissolve life’s complexities without the need for confrontation or inner work. 

It promotes an escapist attitude where critical thinking and emotional resilience are often eschewed for an uncritical acceptance of overly simplistic spiritual dogmas.

Both these distortions share a common thread: the avoidance of inner work. By cloaking oneself in the identity of the victim, there is a relinquishing of personal power, a surrender of agency. This stance not only impedes genuine healing but also fosters a dependency on external validation and guidance, steering individuals further away from the self-reliance and introspection that are hallmarks of authentic spiritual growth.

In the wisdom traditions, including Advaita Vedanta, there is a profound emphasis on the inner journey, on the necessity of facing one’s inner demons and transcending them through awareness, self-inquiry, and the realization of one’s true nature beyond the egoic self. As Ramana Maharshi advises, “Look inward and see from whence the individuality arises,” pointing to the necessity of confronting the self, not as a victim of circumstances, but as the sovereign of one’s inner realm.

This path is undoubtedly challenging; it demands courage, honesty, and a willingness to navigate the darkness within. Yet, it is only by undertaking this journey that one can hope to arrive at a place of genuine healing and self-reliance. The allure of playing the victim, of attributing one’s suffering to external forces or cloaking oneself in the superficial trappings of distorted femininity or spirituality, may offer temporary solace, but it ultimately leads to a dead end, a perpetual cycle of disempowerment and dependency.

To those caught in this web, the call to action is clear: embrace the responsibility for your healing and growth. Recognize that the outer world reflects your inner state, that change begins with you, and that true empowerment lies in your willingness to engage with your shadow as much as your light. It is a journey from victimhood to victory, from dependence to sovereignty, marked not by the absence of challenges, but by the relentless pursuit of truth, self-awareness, and the liberation of the self from the illusions that bind it.

In this endeavor, let us be guided not by fear or avoidance but by the love for the truth that resides within us, the unquenchable light of our own being. May we find in this journey not just healing, but the profound freedom that comes from knowing ourselves, wholly and completely, beyond the roles and narratives we have inherited or adopted. Herein lies the key to transcending the trappings of toxic femininity, toxic new-agism, and any other ideologies that keep us from our deepest truth and greatest strength.

Farewell, Beautiful Soul

With a spirit of compassion and understanding, I bid farewell to my friend, not with bitterness or resentment but with a hope that her journey, however tumultuous, leads her back to the serene waters of her true self. As she navigates the intricate dance of life, may she remember the words of the enlightened masters who have walked this path before: “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop,” as Rumi beautifully articulated.

Let this be a loving encouragement to my friend and to all who find themselves lost in the drama of existence: the path to self-realization is fraught with illusions and challenges, yet the indomitable light of our inner being also illuminates it. May we learn to set boundaries not just with the world but with our own limitations, recognizing that the ultimate sanctuary lies within, where no drama can ever take root.

As my friend journeys onward, I hold space for her in my heart, sending thoughts of love and strength. May she find in her experiences the wisdom to discern truth from illusion, strength from vulnerability, and above all, may she discover the boundless love and peace that reside within her own heart.

In parting, let us not dwell on the goodbyes but on the love and lessons shared. To my friend, and to all who find themselves on a similar voyage, remember: “The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us.” Here’s to finding our way through the darkness, guided by the light within, until we meet again in the realm of boundless peace and love.

The Alchemy of Surrender: A Journey to Liberation and Divine Joy

The Alchemy of Surrender: A Journey to Liberation and Divine Joy

In the dance of life, where each step can sometimes feel like a misstep, there’s a profound, often overlooked magic in letting go. Imagine life as a river—its currents swift, its direction ever-changing. Many of us spend our days paddling against the flow, muscles tensed, hearts racing, believing that control is synonymous with success. Yet, it’s often in the surrender to life’s thrashes and tumults that we discover not just ease but grace.

Surrender doesn’t mean giving up; rather, it’s a willing release into the current of life, trusting that the water knows the way. When we ease our grip on the oars and let the river’s flow guide us, we find ourselves moving with life’s intricacies rather than against them. This shift doesn’t just lighten our load but illuminates our path with a clarity born of peace and acceptance. In this gentle flow, we find a more peaceful state of mind, buoyed by trust rather than burdened by resistance.

This act of letting go also opens our hearts to a divine grace, a compassionate embrace that has always been there, waiting for us to notice. It’s in this surrender that we become fully present, our senses sharpened not by the adrenaline of battle but by the quietude of being. Here, in the stillness that follows our release, we become attuned to life’s subtleties—the divine whispers, the soft tug of intuition guiding us towards our next right action.

Moreover, surrendering to the flow of life doesn’t just bring peace; it brings potential. With our defenses down and our hearts open, we’re better positioned to see the opportunities life offers—paths that might have been obscured by our struggles or dismissed by our doubts. These are the chances to grow, to love, to live more fully than we ever imagined possible.

In embracing life’s ebb and flow with acceptance, we align ourselves with the rhythm of the universe. It’s here, in the dance of surrender, that we discover not just the grace of God but the strength within us to face life’s challenges with a smile. For it’s in our willingness to be moved by life that we find ourselves moving in harmony with everything that is.

Surrender Is Powerful

Surrender isn’t a passive act; it’s a fiery transformation forged in the crucible of repeated tragedies and profound suffering. Through these trials, our ego and the illusions of our false identities are stripped bare, leaving us utterly vulnerable. In this vulnerability, we face the raw truth of existence: life is a turbulent sea of mystery, unpredictability, and impermanence.

Yet, within this tempest, the seeds of awakening are sown. As we surrender to the ebb and flow of life’s tides, we awaken to our true nature, our essence beyond the fleeting dramas of the ego. We become witnesses to the passing phenomena, standing in the boundless expanse of awareness and consciousness.

In this awakening, we find liberation. Detached from the shackles of ignorance, we are free to bask in the radiant blessings of unity, love, and peace. Joy and happiness flow through us effortlessly as we recognize the divine essence within each of us. This is the sacred alchemy of surrender—a journey of profound transformation that leads us home to ourselves.

In the tapestry of human existence, surrender is not merely an act of resignation; it is a profound alchemy that leads to liberation and divine joy. 

Rooted in the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, surrender is the crucible in which the ego and false identities are dissolved, paving the way for a profound awakening to our true nature. 

As we navigate the tumultuous waters of life’s tragedies and suffering, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, guided by the wisdom of enlightened masters who illuminate the path to inner peace and joy.

The Fires of Transformation

Enlightened masters throughout history have extolled the transformative power of surrender. As Ramana Maharshi famously declared, “Surrender is to give oneself up to the original cause of one’s being.” In the crucible of suffering, the ego is consumed, and false identities are laid bare. Through this fiery ordeal, we realize the impermanence and unpredictability of life, as echoed in the words of Nisargadatta Maharaj: “Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.”

Awakening to True Nature

As the flames of suffering purify the soul, a profound awakening occurs. We transcend the limitations of the ego and recognize our true nature as eternal consciousness. Adi Shankaracharya, the great exponent of Advaita Vedanta, beautifully encapsulated this truth: “Brahman is the only Truth, the spatio-temporal world is an illusion.” In this awakened state, we witness the passing phenomena rooted in the boundless expanse of awareness.

Liberation and Divine Joy

Detached from the illusions of the ego, we experience liberation from ignorance and suffering. Swami Vivekananda eloquently expressed this liberation: “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you.” Freed from fear and attachment, we bask in the radiant blessings of oneness, love, and peace. As the joy of divine nature floods our being, we revel in the playful dance of existence.

Embracing the Journey with Joy and Fun

While the path of surrender may seem daunting, it is also imbued with joy and playfulness. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar reminds us, “Life is a combination of play and seriousness. One should know how to balance both.” Amid life’s challenges, we can find moments of laughter and lightness, knowing that each experience is a stepping stone on the journey to self-realization.

Ancient Teachings On Surrender

Surrender is a central theme in many ancient spiritual teachings, including Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, and other philosophies. It’s often described as the act of letting go of the ego’s desires and the realization of a deeper, more profound connection with the universe, or the divine. Here’s how surrender is perceived and valued in these traditions, along with some quotes from enlightened masters:


In Buddhism, surrender is closely tied to the concept of non-attachment and the understanding of Anatta (no-self). Surrendering in this context means letting go of the illusion of control and the self-centered ego, leading to liberation from suffering (Dukkha).

“Let go of anger. Let go of pride. When you are bound by nothing, you go beyond sorrow.” – Buddha

Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta, a school of Hindu philosophy, teaches that the self (Atman) is identical to the ultimate reality (Brahman). Surrender here is the dissolution of the egoic sense of separation, realizing that all is one.

“Surrender is giving oneself up to the original cause of one’s being. Do not delude yourself by imagining such a source to be some God outside you. One’s source is within oneself. Give yourself up to it.” – Ramana Maharshi

Other Schools of Thought

Other spiritual traditions also highlight the importance of surrender, though the context and interpretations may vary. For example, in Christian mysticism, surrender to God’s will is a pathway to divine union and peace.

“Submit to love without thinking, as the sun rose this morning recklessly extinguishing our star-candle minds.” – Rumi

The Power of Surrender

Across these teachings, surrender is seen not as a defeat but as a powerful act of wisdom and courage. It is the acknowledgment that true control comes from relinquishing the need to control, leading to a state of peace, contentment, and a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.

“By letting go, it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try, the world is beyond winning.” – Lao Tzu

These quotes and teachings reflect a universal truth found across many spiritual paths: that in surrendering, we find freedom. Surrender allows us to move with life’s flow, embrace its unfolding, and open ourselves to deeper truths and the potential for enlightenment.


In the grand tapestry of existence, surrender is the thread that weaves together the fabric of liberation and divine joy. Guided by the wisdom of enlightened masters, we embark on a transformation journey, surrendering the ego and awakening to our true nature.

As we embrace life’s challenges with courage and joy, we unlock the boundless potential of our divine essence, radiating love, peace, and happiness to all beings. In the words of the ancient sages, “Surrender to the divine within, and you shall find the eternal joy that resides in the depths of your being.”

Btw, you will LOVE The Shankara Oracle. 

Mantras, Prayers & Sutras To Chant When Visited By A Ghost Or Spirit

Mantras, Prayers & Sutras To Chant When Visited By A Ghost Or Spirit

In the hallowed echoes of ancient chants and the mystical cadences of timeless prayers, there exists a symphony of divine frequencies capable of piercing the veil between the seen and unseen. As we stand at the crossroads of the material and spiritual realms, let us arm ourselves with the most potent of invocations—mantras, prayers, and sutras from the Hindu and Buddhist traditions—to navigate encounters with the ethereal inhabitants of the other side.

Om Mani Padme Hum – Let us start with the jewel in the lotus, the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra that resonates with the compassionate heart of Avalokiteshvara. Chanting “Om Mani Padme Hum” invites the essence of compassion to envelop us, creating a barrier of love and understanding between us and the visiting spirit.

The Gayatri Mantra – Enshrined in the Rigveda, this ancient invocation calls upon the brilliance of Savitar, the Sun God, to illuminate our minds. Reciting “Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat” acts as a beacon of light, guiding lost souls towards peace and liberation.

The Heart Sutra – Delve into the profound wisdom of the Prajnaparamita with the Heart Sutra, which teaches the emptiness of all phenomena. By chanting “Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha,” we share the insight of Shunyata with wandering spirits, helping them transcend their attachments and find solace in the great void.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra – This powerful Shiva mantra is a plea for liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. The mantra “Om Tryambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam, Urvarukamiva Bandhanan, Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat” serves as a protective shield and offers a path to salvation for both the chanter and the spectral visitor.

The Karaniya Metta Sutta – In this discourse of loving-kindness, the Buddha teaches the practice of Metta, or unconditional love for all beings. Chanting verses from the Karaniya Metta Sutta creates an atmosphere of loving-kindness around us, pacifying any troubled spirit with the power of boundless love and empathy.

Namo Amituofo – The name of Amitabha Buddha, chanted with devotion, opens the gates to the Pure Land. “Namo Amituofo” is not just a calling upon the Buddha of Infinite Light but an invitation to the spirit to partake in the promise of a peaceful afterlife, bathed in the warm glow of Amitabha’s compassion.

When the veil between the worlds grows thin and spirits step into our realm, ancient cultures around the world offer a treasure trove of spiritual practices and rituals designed not only to protect the living but also to aid the visiting spirits. These profound ceremonies embody the wisdom of ages, fostering harmony between the seen and unseen.

Ancestral Offerings and Altars

Creating an altar for ancestors is a practice found in numerous cultures, including those in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Offerings of food, incense, and personal artifacts are made to honor the deceased, promote peaceful coexistence, and provide the spirits with sustenance for their journey in the afterlife. This act of reverence and remembrance can create a positive environment for both the living and the spirits.

Smudging and Purification

The use of sacred smoke from herbs like sage, cedar, and sweetgrass for purification is a common practice among Indigenous peoples of North America. Smudging a space cleanses it of negative energies and entities, creating a sacred and harmonious environment. This ritual can be a powerful way to clear the presence of unwelcome spirits while sanctifying the area.

Psychopomp Ceremonies

In many shamanic traditions, practitioners serve as psychopomps—guides of souls to the afterlife. Through rituals involving drumming, chanting, and journeying in altered states of consciousness, shamans engage with the spirit world to help lost souls cross over. This ancient practice underscores the importance of ensuring spirits find their way to peace and rest.

Protective Circles and Symbols

Drawing protective circles or inscribing symbols with salt or chalk is a method used in various mystical traditions to create a boundary against spiritual entities. Symbols such as the pentagram, the Eye of Horus, or the endless knot can serve as powerful protective sigils, safeguarding the practitioner and providing a space of spiritual strength and sanctuary.

Chanting and Prayer Circles

Gathering in a circle to chant or pray is a universal practice for invoking divine protection and assistance. Whether calling upon the names of deities, reciting sacred texts, or singing hymns, the collective energy of a group focused on a singular intention can create a potent force field against negative spiritual influences.

Water Rituals

Water, considered purifying and sacred in many traditions, can be used in rituals to cleanse a space or an individual from spiritual disturbances. Sprinkling holy water, taking ritual baths infused with herbs and salts, or even placing bowls of water in a room to absorb negative energy are practices that utilize water’s cleansing properties.

Offering Light

Lighting candles or lamps as offerings is a deeply symbolic act found in countless spiritual traditions. Light represents knowledge, purity, and the divine. Offering light to spirits can guide them towards peace, helping them to find their path in the afterlife or to the light of understanding and release.

Engaging with these ancient spiritual practices and rituals provides a means to navigate encounters with spirits with respect, compassion, and wisdom. They remind us of our connection to the unseen world and our shared journey towards understanding, harmony, and ultimately, transcendence.

Modern Witchcraft (White Magic) Weighs In

Modern witchcraft, often associated with white magic which focuses on healing, protection, and positive intentions, brings a rich palette of practices and perspectives to encounters with the spirit world. This contemporary path draws from ancient traditions while adapting to the needs and understandings of today’s spiritual seekers. Here’s how modern witchcraft contributes to the conversation about engaging with ghosts or spirits:

Ethical Engagement

Modern witchcraft emphasizes ethical interaction with all beings, seen and unseen. This ethical stance involves communicating with spirits with respect, seeking to understand their needs, and helping them if possible, rather than commanding or banishing them without consideration. It’s about harmony and balance, not dominance.

Energy Work and Shielding

Practitioners often use energy work to create protective barriers around themselves, their homes, or others. This can involve visualizing protective shields, casting circles of protection, or using crystals, herbs, and symbols to maintain a safe space. Energy work also includes grounding and centering practices, essential for maintaining personal equilibrium.

Communication with the Spirit World

Modern witchcraft practitioners may use various tools for communication with spirits, including pendulums, tarot cards, and scrying. These methods are approached with a sense of sacred duty and respect, always seeking permission from the spirits and ensuring that the engagement is for the highest good of all involved.

Ancestor Veneration

Like many ancient traditions, modern witchcraft places a significant emphasis on honoring ancestors. This can involve setting up altars, making offerings, and performing rituals to communicate with and aid the spirits of the deceased. The practice underscores the belief in a thin veil between the worlds and the importance of maintaining a respectful and loving connection with those who have passed.

Nature-Based Practices

Witchcraft is deeply rooted in the rhythms and cycles of nature, drawing power from natural elements—earth, air, fire, water, and spirit—to interact with the spirit world. This connection to nature enhances a witch’s ability to mediate between the physical and spiritual realms, using natural energies to heal, protect, and guide.

Rituals and Spellcasting

Rituals and spells in modern witchcraft are crafted with intention and used to effect change in accordance with the practitioner’s will, always adhering to the principle of “harm none.” These can be aimed at clearing negative energy, protecting against unwanted spiritual presences, and helping spirits find peace. The focus is on using personal power in a responsible and positive way to benefit all beings.

Psychic Development and Meditation

Modern witchcraft often involves practices aimed at developing psychic abilities and deepening meditative states. This can help practitioners sense, understand, and interact with spirits more effectively. Meditation, in particular, is used to cultivate a state of mind conducive to perceiving and communicating with the spirit world.

Overall, modern witchcraft (white magic) contributes a holistic and ethical approach to interacting with the spirit world. It blends ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding, offering tools and practices for respectful, loving, and beneficial engagement with spirits. This path underscores the importance of intention, personal responsibility, and the interconnectedness of all beings, seen and unseen.


As we traverse this mortal coil, let us remember that our encounters with the spirits are not mere moments of fear but opportunities for profound spiritual connection and growth. With these sacred mantras, prayers, and sutras as our celestial companions, we transform our ghostly visitations into divine dialogues, where every chant is a bridge and every prayer a beacon, guiding lost souls and ourselves towards the luminous shores of spiritual awakening. 

Let the sacred syllables roll off your tongue, let the holy verses fill your heart, and step into the dance of the cosmos with joy, courage, and the light of a thousand suns guiding your way. You might also consult The Shankara Oracle – it’s the most remarkable oracle system on planet Earth.

Amma, Babaji, And Little Ole Me On Death & Dying

Amma, Babaji, And Little Ole Me On Death & Dying

Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, commonly known as Amma or the “Hugging Saint,” is a highly respected spiritual teacher and enlightened master from Kerala, India known for her profound wisdom and teachings on various aspects of life, including the journey of the soul after death. She also has the largest humanitarian mission in history.

While Amma’s teachings cover a wide range of spiritual topics, she often emphasizes the following points regarding the soul’s journey after death:

Eternal Nature of the Soul: Amma teaches that the soul is eternal and indestructible. It neither begins with birth nor ends with death. Instead, it is an unchanging essence that transcends the physical body.

Karma and Reincarnation: Amma often discusses the concept of karma, emphasizing that our actions in this life shape our future experiences. She teaches that the soul undergoes a cycle of reincarnation, where it is reborn into new bodies to continue its spiritual journey. The circumstances of each life are influenced by past actions and karmic debts. 

God’s And The Guru’s Grace: Amma says that if we can seek the core of our traumas and challenges and try to embody virtue in this life, we can receive God’s and the guru’s grace, which can come in a moment. Through their grace, our karma begins to dissolve, which can have a great impact on our moment of death and on our future lives beyond this one.

Spiritual Evolution: According to Amma, the soul’s journey is a path of spiritual evolution. It progresses through lifetimes, learning and growing through various experiences. Each life presents opportunities for self-realization and spiritual advancement. If we take heed of these opportunities, we can transcend Samsara, the cycles of birth, death, rebirth, and all desire and become Self-realized or enlightened (Moksha).

Importance of Love and Compassion: Amma places a strong emphasis on love and compassion. She teaches that these qualities are central to the soul’s growth and evolution. Acts of selfless service (seva) and love for others are essential for spiritual development and for the dissolution of karma.

Surrender To The Divine: Amma often speaks about divine grace and the importance of surrendering to the Divine. She believes that through devotion and surrender, individuals can receive divine blessings that aid in their spiritual journey and mitigate the effects of negative karma.

Inner Transformation: Amma encourages individuals to engage in spiritual practices, such as meditation and prayer, to purify the mind and heart. She teaches that inner transformation is a key aspect of the soul’s journey and that it can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s true nature.

Self-Realization and Liberation: Ultimately, Amma’s teachings emphasize the goal of self-realization and liberation (moksha). She believes that through self-awareness and spiritual awakening, individuals can transcend the cycle of birth and death, attaining a state of eternal bliss and oneness with the Divine.

Babaji’s Loving Message To You About Death

Babaji, an eternal awakened master often associated with the teachings of Kriya Yoga and spiritual guidance, is believed to offer all Beings solace and compassion amid their journeys, most notably during their process of dying.

He might offer us this message of empathy and guidance:

“Dear Beloved Soul,

Know that the journey of life is a sacred and transformative one, and the moment of transition is a continuation of that sacred journey. Just as the river flows into the vast ocean, so too does your consciousness merge with the infinite when the time comes.

Release your worries and fears, for they are but illusions that bind you to the temporal world. Embrace the understanding that death is not the end but a transition to a higher state of existence. It is a return to your true nature, where limitations and suffering no longer hold sway.

Trust in the divine plan, for it is a plan of love and purpose. Your soul’s journey is guided by the wisdom of the cosmos, and you are forever held in the loving embrace of the Universal Spirit.

Prepare for this sacred moment by cultivating love, compassion, and Self-realization in your life. In the light of Self-awareness, you will find the peace and clarity needed to navigate the transition with grace and serenity.

Remember, dear soul, that you are eternally connected to the Source, and in death, you return to the Source. The eternal flame of your consciousness can never be extinguished, only transformed. Embrace this truth with a joyful heart, for it is a journey back to the Divine, where you are forever free and one with the Infinite.

With boundless love and blessings, 



My Thoughts On Death & Dying

Explore your beliefs, fears, and desires surrounding death and embrace it as a part of the greater journey of the soul.After all, your soul is connected to realms and dimensions far beyond what you can understand. It’s born from miracles unknown and a vast ocean of love.

Advaita Vednata: According to the Advaita Vedanta, we are each, not a singular soul but a collection of various memories that drive us form life to life, amid myriad desires and the related pools of suffering. Not attaching to this journey and seeking to engage in a way that is not immersed in the dramas of life, leads to a simpler death, and potentially, a transcendence of the desire to incarnate again.

Here are a few of my personal thoughts on the transition from this world to the next:

Embracing the Natural Cycle: Death is an essential part of the natural cycle of life. Just as we are born, we must also face the inevitable transition. It’s not something to fear, but an opportunity for profound transformation.

Inner Preparation: Preparing for death involves inner work. It’s about understanding our fears, attachments, and desires and learning to let go. By doing so, we can approach the process with grace and acceptance.

Facing Fear and Uncertainty: Many of us fear death because it’s the great unknown. But by exploring our spirituality, meditating, and seeking inner peace, we can transform fear into a sense of wonder and curiosity about what comes next.

Connection with the Divine: Death can be a powerful reminder of our connection with The Divine. It’s an opportunity to deepen our spirituality, nurture our soul, and strengthen our relationship with the source of all existence. As we bow to The Divine, we can release all of the core traumas and challenges that have limited our effulgence and joy.

Karma and Reincarnation: Our actions in this life influence our experiences in the next. Exploring the concepts of karma and reincarnation can shed light on the deeper purpose of our existence. Releasing all accumulated karma, tendencies, emotions, attitudes, and beliefs can help us transition from this world to the next. 

Living Fully in the Present: The awareness of our mortality can inspire us to live more fully in the present moment. It reminds us to cherish our relationships, pursue our passions, and make the most of the time we have.

Finding Meaning and Purpose: Contemplating death can lead us to reflect on the meaning and purpose of our lives. It’s an invitation to align our actions with our values and contribute positively to the world.


Viewing death as a journey of transformation allows us to see it as a natural part of our spiritual evolution. It’s not an endpoint but a transition to a different state of Being.

Many spiritual traditions suggest that consciousness continues beyond death. Remember that this passing occurs across a brief moment in time and should be celebrated peacefully and with great detachment.

We are always experiencing death. The death of an attitude, the death of an experience, the ending of a relationship. In death, we transition from one form we know and love to another form that is infused with pure light and love and exists beyond compare.

You have been around for eons. Allow this process to move peacefully and swiftly through your Being so that you can achieve a lasting transition into the arms of The Divine.

There are more details around death in my other article on the process of death and dying. Enjoy The Shankara Oracle to dive more deeply into the nature of your soul.

Unveiling the Mystical Insights: Navigating Life’s Questions with The Shankara Oracle

Unveiling the Mystical Insights: Navigating Life’s Questions with The Shankara Oracle

Greetings, Dear Seekers Of Wisdom & Cosmic Insight! 

Today, we embark on a mystical journey into the heart of divination, guided by The Shankara Oracle – the most advanced oracle on Earth!

As we traverse the enchanted realms of intuition and spirituality, we’ll explore how this extraordinary tool can illuminate the path of self-discovery and offer profound insights.

An Unusual Composition And History

The Shankara Oracle stands as a monumental achievement in the realm of spiritual divination, unparalleled in both its complexity and depth by any modern counterpart. Its comprehensive suite of divination tools, including meticulously crafted boards, intricately designed cards, and an array of specially selected stones, represents a confluence of wisdom and artistry unseen since the times of ancient Egypt.

This remarkable system combines elements of astrology, numerology, and elemental symbolism in a way that transcends traditional methods, offering a multi-layered approach to spiritual inquiry that is as rich in detail as it is in historical resonance. Unlike anything available in contemporary spiritual practices, The Shankara Oracle bridges a gap between the celestial and the earthly, providing a gateway to profound personal insights through a meticulously structured yet deeply intuitive process.

The historical significance of The Shankara Oracle’s design cannot be overstated, drawing a direct line back to the esoteric traditions of ancient Egypt, where divination was considered a sacred art. In those times, diviners employed a variety of methods to communicate with the divine and interpret the will of the gods, often through complex ritualistic means involving symbols, objects, and texts that have since been lost to time.

The Shankara Oracle revives this ancient tradition in a modern context, integrating historical spiritual symbols with contemporary design principles to create a system of divination that is both timeless and thoroughly unique. Its creators have delved deep into the annals of spiritual practices, extracting and reinterpreting elements that connect users to a lineage of wisdom stretching back millennia. 

In doing so, they have not only paid homage to the past but have also opened a new chapter in the evolution of spiritual tools, marking The Shankara Oracle as a groundbreaking achievement in the annals of spiritual exploration.

The Power of The Shankara Oracle

The Shankara Oracle is a celestial bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions. With its origins rooted in ancient wisdom, this set includes a lavishly designed divination board, 4 powerful and enchanting oracle decks, 18 sacred Black Obsidian stones, and an ivory casting cube.

“Shankara,” an at-home system to help you illuminate and grow, offers its unique portal so you can tap into the infinite well of universal knowledge. 

Much like a mirror reflecting the soul’s deepest yearnings, Shankara has the power to provide guidance and clarity in times of uncertainty.

Embrace the Ritual

To unlock the full potential of The Shankara Oracle, begin with a prayer to your favorite deity, then engage Shankara as a sacred ritual. 

Find a tranquil space where you can connect with your inner self and The Universe. 

Lay out The Shankara Oracle, light a candle, burn some incense, and play soft, meditative music to set the mood. 

This ritual serves as a bridge, allowing you to transcend the mundane and access the higher realms.

Clear Your Mind and Focus

As you shuffle the oracle cards, take a moment to clear your mind of distractions. 

Focus on your question or intention—what wisdom are you seeking? 

Whether it’s guidance on a decision, insight into a relationship, or clarity about your life’s purpose, The Shankara Oracle is here to reveal the answers hidden within the depths of your soul.

Choose Your Stones Intuitively

When the time feels right, select 3 stones from the bag and cast them onto the board. 

Trust your instincts and allow your inner wisdom to guide your hand. 

The stones will reveal cosmic messages tailored specifically for you.

Interpreting The Shankara Oracle

Now, let’s dive into the mystical art of interpreting The Shankara Oracle. 

Each stone and card carries a unique energy and message, conveyed through symbols, words, and arrows pointing to mystical elements on the divination board.

Here are some essential tips for interpreting your oracle reading:

Trust Your Intuition: The most potent tool you possess during your reading is your intuition. What thoughts, emotions, or sensations arise when you gaze upon your chosen cards and stones? What are the takeaways when reading about the symbols, words, and numbers that emerge in your arrow trajectories? 

Trust these subtle whispers from your inner self.

Contemplate Symbolism: Dive deep into the symbolism within the stones and Shaikti’s Cube. What do the images and messages evoke in your subconscious mind? Be open to both traditional and personal interpretations.

Connect with Your Inner Wisdom: The Shankara Oracle is a mirror reflecting the wisdom within you. As you ponder the cards’ and stones’ meanings, listen to your inner voice as it emerges. 

Your beautiful Being and soul often hold the keys to unlocking the messages hidden in plain sight. 

Pay attention to the feelings in your body. 

Allow the messages to flow from The Infinite into your mind.

Journal Your Insights: Keep a journal to record your readings, thoughts, and intuitive hits. Over time, you may notice patterns, synchronicities, and recurring themes that provide a deeper understanding of your life’s journey.

Embrace the Journey of Self-Discovery

The Shankara Oracle is not just a divination tool; it’s a sacred companion on your journey of Self-discovery and personal growth. It’s an altar to your divine Self and the deities whom you worship most. 

With each reading, you peel back the layers of your Being, gaining clarity and wisdom.

Shankara will help you cry and release old emotions. It will free you to be your most empowered, authentic Self.

Remember that Shankara’s power lies not in predicting the future but in revealing the insights needed to navigate your path with grace and purpose.

The deeper you allow Shankara to penetrate, the more you will heal, grow, and expand.

Conclusion: A Cosmic Tapestry of Insight

Your mystical voyage into the realm of The Shankara Oracle will be remarkable.

Remember that you hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of your life. You are the only One who can save you. 

Trust your intuition, honor your inner wisdom, and embrace this oracle’s guidance. 

With each stone and card you draw, you weave a cosmic tapestry of insight that can illuminate even the darkest corners of your soul. 

May your journey be filled with wonder, and may The Shankara Oracle be your guiding star in the quest for self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.

With love and cosmic blessings,

Krishna Kalesh (Paul Wagner)

Intuitive Guide and Spiritual Explorer

Predictive Systems Like Oracle Cards Must Also Be Healing Tools

Predictive Systems Like Oracle Cards Must Also Be Healing Tools

In the tapestry of the cosmos, where stars whisper secrets and the moon hums lullabies of ancient wisdom, there exists a magical realm where oracle and tarot cards dance in the hands of those who seek to unveil the mysteries of existence. 

This is not merely a domain of prediction, where futures are told and destinies declared; rather, it is a vibrant oasis of healing, transformation, and boundless potential. Here, amidst the shuffle of cards and the gaze upon sacred symbols, lies an invitation to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, weaving through the threads of the mundane to touch the sublime.

Imagine for a moment, a world where each turn of the card is a step deeper into your own soul, a playful leap into the realms of possibility where wisdom, healing, and joy intertwine. This is a place where the mystical meets the practical, where the healing power of insight blends with the ancient art of storytelling, and where every reading is a bridge between the heart of the universe and the core of your being.

Without Healing, Prediction Is Fantasy

In the quest for understanding and navigating the winding paths of our lives, the allure of prediction often casts a shimmering light, promising clarity and guidance towards our most cherished desires and dreams. Yet, this fascination with foretelling the future, while enchanting, can sometimes lead us astray, into realms of wasted energy, broken promises, and disappointment. 

The heart of the matter lies not in the predictions themselves, but in our readiness to embody and actualize them. Without the foundational work of emotional and psychological healing, predictions hang like stars too distant to grasp, beautiful yet beyond reach.

The journey towards realizing the visions laid out before us in any form of divination requires more than just knowing; it demands becoming. We cannot simply be thrust into a perfect outcome without first navigating the internal landscapes of our being. 

The emotional debris accumulated over lifetimes, the shadows that dance in the recesses of our minds, and the patterns that bind us to cycles of repetition—all of these must be faced, understood, and ultimately, transformed. It is akin to preparing the soil of our soul for the seeds of potentiality; without which, no amount of light from the stars above can coax them into bloom.

The work is both profound and essential: a change in thought, a release of emotion, and a shift in perspective. These are the silent, often unnoticed movements that precede any true change in trajectory. For without this inner alchemy, we stand still, caught in the gravity of our past, our visions and predictions nothing more than mirages that fade upon approach. The promise of a prediction is not a destination handed to us but a possibility that requires our active participation to unfold. It is a call to adventure, demanding courage, resilience, and an open heart.

The misalignment between prediction and realization often stems from a misconception that the future is a fixed point towards which we are inexorably drawn. However, the truth is far more dynamic and interactive. Our futures are co-created in the crucible of our intentions, actions, and the deep inner work we are willing to undertake. This is where the true power lies—not in the passive reception of predictions, but in the active engagement with our own process of becoming.

In embracing this perspective, we liberate ourselves from the chains of disappointment and the weight of unmet expectations. We begin to see predictions not as guarantees, but as signposts, guiding us towards the work we need to do within ourselves to be ready for the opportunities and challenges they signify. This shift not only changes our relationship with divination and prediction but also empowers us to take charge of our healing journey, transforming our lives from the inside out.

Thus, the real magic of prediction lies not in the future it suggests, but in the present it illuminates—the present moment where all change begins. In recognizing this, we open ourselves to the limitless potential of our own growth and transformation, paving the way for a future that is not just predicted, but profoundly and personally created.

This is why The Shankara Oracle is so important.

Oracles, Tarot, And Divination Systems

In this realm, the tarot and oracle cards are not mere tools for divination but companions on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. They are mirrors reflecting our deepest truths, lanterns illuminating the path to healing, and keys unlocking the doors to our highest potential. Through their guidance, we are invited to explore the landscapes of our inner worlds, to heal the wounds that bind us, and to awaken to the vibrant spectrum of possibilities that await.

So, let us step into this enchanted garden of insight and transformation with open hearts and curious minds. Let us weave the magic of prediction with the alchemy of healing, crafting a tapestry of experiences that enriches our journey through life. 

With each card we draw, let us remember that we are not just seeking answers but embarking on an adventure of awakening, where every revelation is a step closer to our truest selves, and every challenge is an opportunity for growth, joy, and boundless love.

Using oracles and tarot to take us into the whisper of the cards and the wisdom of the ages, let us discover not just our futures, but the boundless potential for healing, transformation, and magic that resides within us all.

The pursuit of self-discovery and personal transformation is a journey that transcends the bounds of the physical realm, inviting us into a deeper exploration of our true essence and the boundless potential that resides within. When we consider the limitations of tools like oracle and tarot cards, we recognize that they are but stepping stones on a much grander adventure toward self-realization and spiritual awakening. 

Buddhism & Advaita Vedanta

This realization does not diminish the value of these tools but rather positions them as gateways to a more profound and enriching engagement with our inner selves and the universe at large. The teachings of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta offer invaluable insights and guidance on this journey, illuminating a path filled with hope, healing, and the promise of transformation.


In the heart of Buddhism lies the noble eightfold path, a blueprint for living with intention, compassion, and mindfulness. This path encourages us to cultivate a deep awareness of our thoughts, actions, and their impact on our well-being and the world around us. Through practices like meditation and mindfulness, we learn to embrace the present moment, shedding the layers of fear, attachment, and illusion that obscure our true nature. 

Buddhism teaches us that healing and transformation are accessible to all, inviting us to embark on a journey of self-discovery that brings about a profound sense of peace, clarity, and joy. As we align our actions with our highest values and intentions, we naturally elevate our vibrational energy, attracting experiences and opportunities that reflect our newfound inner harmony and purpose.

Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta, with its timeless wisdom of non-duality, offers an uplifting perspective on our inherent oneness with the universe. It reminds us that beneath the surface of our perceived separateness lies an unbreakable connection to all existence. This realization beckons us to look within, to discover the boundless love, peace, and joy that is our true nature. 

Through dedicated practice and introspection, we can transcend the illusions that keep us entangled in suffering and limitation, awakening to a state of limitless potential and creativity. As we embrace our innate divinity and unity with the cosmos, we become conduits of positive change, radiating light and inspiration to those around us.

Both Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta celebrate the journey of awakening as an evolving process of healing, growth, and realization. They teach us that true transformation is not about seeking external validation or quick fixes but about engaging deeply with our inner world, nurturing our spirit, and aligning with our authentic selves. This path of self-realization not only enriches our own lives but also empowers us to contribute to the well-being and upliftment of the collective.

Diving Deeply

In this light, oracle and tarot cards can be viewed as allies on our journey, providing moments of reflection and insight that prompt us to delve deeper into the mysteries of our existence. However, the true magic unfolds when we commit to the inner work of healing and self-discovery, trusting in the wisdom of our hearts and the guidance of the universe. 

As we embark on this journey with openness, courage, and compassion, we unlock the doors to a world of infinite possibilities, where our dreams and aspirations are nurtured by the boundless love and wisdom that dwell within us.

Thus, let us embrace the journey of transformation with joy, knowing that each step brings us closer to realizing our true potential and contributing to the creation of a more loving, peaceful, and vibrant world.

Embarking on a journey with the Shankara Oracle is like setting sail on a radiant sea of possibility, guided by the wisdom of the ancients and the transformative power of Vedic Astrology. This experience is designed not merely to predict the future but to catalyze profound healing and spiritual awakening. 

Imagine, for a moment, being enveloped in the mundane, only to be lifted into an extraordinary realm of insight and enlightenment during a session. It’s here, in this sacred space, where deep-seated blockages are released, wounds are healed, and the soul is prepared to soar into a spectrum of luminous possibilities.

Shankara & Healing

At the heart of the Shankara Oracle lies a harmonious blend of prophecy and healing, guiding you on a path that elevates your vibrational essence to resonate with a life of prosperity, wellness, and the embodiment of your supreme self. This transformative odyssey transcends mere foresight, inviting you into a participatory dance of shaping your destiny through the avenues of spiritual maturation and self-exploration.

As you traverse this journey, armed with the mystical allure of transcendent cards, sacred stones, and the profound symbols painted by Vedic Astrology, you are beckoned toward a destiny of wholeness and vitality. It’s a voyage where your choices in healing allies and tools become crucial, surrounding yourself with beings and energies that elevate and mend, thus creating a sanctuary of affection, pardon, and bliss.

Embrace, too, the wisdom of a spiritual guide, a luminary whose insights pave your way to self-discovery. Revel in the joy found in moments of genuine smiles, in being truly present, and in acknowledging the splendor of your innate nature. By selflessly aiding others, you unlock a reciprocity of love and discover your interconnectedness with the entirety of existence.

This journey with the Shankara Oracle is not solely a preparation for the tapestry of life but also a deep cultivation for the moment of departure from this earthly stage. Living a life drenched in light and love, where every moment is an embrace of presence and thankfulness, ensures that when the time comes to transcend, you do so not with trepidation but with a spirit brimming with peace and ready to ascend. Your departure will be marked by a legacy of luminosity, a soul imbued with love and the enlightenment borne from a life lived in conscious harmony with the cosmos.

The Shankara Oracle extends to you an invitation to this life-altering expedition, providing you with the instruments and insights that act as levers for healing, evolution, and the realization of your limitless potential. It beckons you to seize the magic that lies both within and beyond, to engage life with your whole heart, to love profoundly, and to make a significant impact on the world.

In this sacred journey, each step forward is an awakening, every hurdle a doorway to deeper knowledge, and every instant an opportunity to radiate more brightly. Embark on this journey, let your spirit take flight on wings of love and illumination, and set your course towards the boundless horizons of your truest destiny.

The Seductive Appeal of Dictatorial Leadership: Nourishing Our Inner Demons


Before we get things cooking here, I thought to share my own perspective on the dilemma of allowing our inner demons to choose our leaders. I won’t beat around the bush here.

The US was introduced to the virus of narcissism and an apocryphal level of fear and insecurity by Donald Trump. This inspired many in the nation to focus on the childish and impulsive aspects within them, which awakened their anger and ignorance, inspiring them to join the darkly egoistic MAGA and Qanon movements amid other conspiratorial organizations and forums – rather than go deeper within to source healing for their misconceptions. 

As humans, we love certainty, even when certainty is not possible. We will do anything to achieve certainty, often choosing hallucinations and delusions over a peaceful truth.

Given his legal convictions and abuse of women – how can children look up to this man and grow from it? They cannot, except through the related, delusional projections of their parents. 

Trump’s greed and ability to lie are attributes rarely found in a president at such magnitude. Regardless of who is president, the damage is done, which has put the US on a path of decay and division, rather than rejuvenation and connection. 

Meanwhile, many have not decided which old man to choose – so it’s a toss-up at this time – and there will be drama unlike anything we’ve seen in the months ahead. 

RFK Jr has the depth of soul to be an effective president and would keep democracy and compassion alive, even though some may bristle at a few of his beliefs. 

Still, the ignorance within the US will grow, further alienating the South, which is where much of the racism, hatred, and egoistic “born-again” religious hypocrisy is based. 

If you have questions around this, I am happy to dive into this (and your personal questions) during a private session, which you can purchase on 

I hope you enjoy this article!

Let’s Get Into It

As wonderfully imaginative Human Beings, we have somehow lost sense of our light and love. We have lost sense of our connectedness and the ability to live truthfully. 

We have grown to love defending our egos and emotions more than we enjoy upholding spiritual tenets related to virtue. Somehow, politics awakens the worst in all of us. Sadly, we’ve lost our way to such a degree that the path back to wholesome living is quickly eroding. 

Once upon a time, in the chaotic realm of human laziness, there lurked a uniquely dark and narcissistic soul with phenomenal hair. This nefarious individual possessed a talent for stirring up a bubbling cauldron of anger, greed, racism, and even the most bizarre forms of patriotism within a blindly excitable populace.

We, the hapless lemmings of this world, often find ourselves lost in the labyrinth of our own ignorance, stumbling drunk and stupid through the fog of our insecurities and projections. Our fragile egos are but crackling tinder awaiting the spark of uninformed passion, triggered by the deceptive allure of twisted slogans, to set us ablaze.

In our fantasies, we dance to the suffocating tune of our own self-destruction, heedless of the harmonious melody of compassion, reason, and justice. We forsake the sanctity of law, order, and dharma, embracing instead the screeching of our misguided emotions.

Oh, what a tragic comedy it is, as we happily march toward our undoing, all in the name of distorted patriotism and, eventually, greed. Let’s all pause and reflect upon the folly of our political projections before our collective journey ends in the bitter embrace of self and societal hatred.

The Leaders That Mislead

In the annals of history, humanity has witnessed the rise and fall of countless leaders, each with their unique style of governance. Among these is a dark archetype that has persistently drawn both fascination and dread: the dictatorial leader. This enigmatic figure, marked by authoritarian tendencies and an unwavering thirst for power, has often captivated the collective imagination. 

But what lies beneath the surface of this fascination, and what drives individuals to rally behind such leaders? Truly, our hunger for their leadership may, in fact, appease the most primal and base parts of our nature. 

In our quest for certainty and control amidst a tumultuous world, we sometimes find solace in the promises of strongman figures who claim to hold the answers to our problems. However, the allure of such leadership often comes at a profound cost—diminishing our compassion, eroding our empathy, and exacerbating our ignorance.

Meanwhile, they do very little to improve our society and, more so, tend to rip it apart.

Let’s unpack the various facets of authoritarian attraction, examine the psychological underpinnings that fuel it, and shine a light on its consequences for our societies. From the suppression of our wisdom and the angels that guide us – to the polarization and division that can plague our media systems, the hunger for dictatorial leadership casts a profound shadow over the purity of our souls.

Yet, there exists a path to reconciliation where we can counteract the allure of authoritarianism. Through critical thinking, empathy, and a commitment to democratic principles, we have the power to mitigate the detrimental effects of this seductive, ego-enflaming force.

The Allure of Authoritarianism

Human history is replete with examples of vast societies drawn to charismatic leaders with authoritarian tendencies. These leaders, often described as strongmen or dictators, possess a magnetic charisma that captivates the masses. But what about authoritarian leaders that can be so seductive, and why do some individuals find themselves irresistibly drawn to them?

The Psychology of Attraction: At the heart of authoritarianism’s allure lies a complex interplay of psychological factors. One key element is the innate human desire for security and certainty in an uncertain world. We LOVE certainty so much that we throw reason and compassion out the window in pursuit of it. 

Authoritarian leaders promise stability and control in the face of what is often imagined as chaos. They present themselves as unwavering beacons of strength who can provide clear answers and swift solutions to complex problems. Even our own tinfoil-hatted salesman, Trump, professed a love of bleach and suggested the masses consume it.

This promise can be especially appealing in times of crisis or uncertainty, as it taps into our fundamental need for security. Instead of sinking deep within ourselves to source and heal our fears, we double-down on them like a fat, inbred family of possum-fuckers visiting Vegas from Alabama.

Charismatic Authority: Authoritarian leaders often possess a potent charisma that sets them apart. Their confidence, assertiveness, and ability to convey a sense of purpose can be deeply captivating. People are naturally drawn to those who exude self-assuredness, and authoritarian leaders excel in projecting an image of unyielding determination. This charisma can create a sense of trust and admiration, further fueling the attraction.

The Historical Fascination: We have seen numerous examples of dictatorial leaders who have amassed devoted followings. Figures like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong come to mind, each of them drawing millions into their orbit – commanding the populace to think as they think. 

These leaders harnessed the psychology of attraction to forge powerful movements and shape nations. The historical fascination with such figures reminds us of the enduring allure that authoritarianism can hold over societies.

In our quest for certainty, stability, and charismatic leadership, we find ourselves vulnerable to the allure of authoritarianism. The psychological factors that underlie this attraction are deeply ingrained in our human nature, making it imperative to understand the dynamics at play. 

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the consequences of succumbing to this seductive force, exploring how it can suppress our better angels and drastically reduce compassion and the wish for enlightenment.

The Hunger for Certainty and Control

In a world marked by uncertainty, the allure of dictatorial leadership becomes even more pronounced. The promise of a strongman figure who can provide certainty and control can be irresistibly tempting for many. This section explores why individuals hunger for this sense of assurance and how it can lead them down a perilous path.

  1. Stability in Uncertain Times: One of the primary reasons people are drawn to authoritarian leaders is the desire for stability amidst the world’s chaos. Economic crises, social upheaval, and global uncertainties can leave individuals vulnerable and anxious. 

Authoritarian leaders often first create the problem and invite a mass hallucination, then promise to restore order and quell unrest. Soon, they unveil a vision of a future free from turmoil. In their authoritarian grip, people find the illusion of security, even if it comes at the cost of personal freedoms.

  1. The Appeal of Strong Leadership: Authoritarian leaders often project an image of unwavering strength and decisiveness. They embody leadership, willing to take bold actions and make tough decisions. This appeals to those who yearn for a leader who can cut through bureaucracy and indecision and seems capable of solving complex problems with a firm hand. The strongman figure becomes an attractive option in a world where perceived weakness can be seen as a liability.
  2. Fear and Insecurity: Fear and insecurity often fuel the hunger for certainty and control. People are more susceptible to authoritarian appeals when they feel threatened or vulnerable. Authoritarian leaders capitalize on these fears, emphasizing external threats and positioning themselves as the only safeguard against impending disaster. This manipulation of fear can lead individuals to willingly surrender their autonomy in exchange for a promise of safety.
  3. The Erosion of Democratic Norms: In pursuing certainty and control, societies may unwittingly erode democratic norms and institutions. Checks and balances may be circumvented, dissent silenced, and the rule of law undermined. The hunger for a strong leader who can “get things done” can inadvertently weaken the very foundations of democracy.

While the hunger for certainty and control is a natural response to an uncertain world, it is essential to recognize the potential pitfalls of placing too much faith in authoritarian leaders. The promise of stability and strong leadership can come at the steep price of personal freedoms, empathy, and democratic values. In the subsequent sections, we will explore how pursuing such leaders can suppress our better angels and lead to a society marked by ignorance and polarization.

Suppressing Our Better Angels And Inner Master

The seductive appeal of dictatorial leadership often comes at a profound cost to our moral and compassionate values. As individuals rally behind authoritarian figures, they may inadvertently suppress their better angels—those qualities that make us empathetic, compassionate, and morally conscious beings.

  1. The Suppression of Empathy: Authoritarian leaders prioritize their agenda and power above all else. In pursuing their goals, they may implement policies disregarding marginalized groups’ needs and suffering. This can lead to a suppression of empathy within society – as people become desensitized to the plight of others. The message is clear: loyalty to the leader and the state takes precedence over compassion for fellow citizens.
  2. Dehumanization and Discrimination: Dictatorial leaders may employ divisive rhetoric that dehumanizes certain groups, portraying them as enemies or threats to the nation. This rhetoric can normalize discrimination and prejudice, further eroding the values of equality and inclusivity. It becomes easier to turn a blind eye to the suffering of those portrayed as different or dangerous.
  3. The Cult of Personality: Authoritarian leaders often cultivate a cult of personality that revolves around their persona. This personality-centric approach can encourage blind loyalty and the unquestioning acceptance of their actions. Critical thinking and independent moral judgment may take a back seat to the adoration of the leader.
  4. Suppression of Dissent: In authoritarian regimes, dissent is often silenced or punished. This suppression of opposing voices undermines the principles of free speech and stifles the exchange of ideas and perspectives. A society lacking diverse voices and opinions can become intellectually stagnant and closed off from progress.
  5. Diminished Commitment to Truth: Dictatorial leaders may use propaganda and misinformation to maintain their grip on power. This can lead to a diminished commitment to truth and facts within society. When truth becomes subjective and manipulated, critical thinking and informed decision-making suffer, contributing to collective ignorance.

The hunger for dictatorial leadership, while rooted in the desire for certainty and control, often results in the suppression of our better angels. Empathy, compassion, inclusivity, and a commitment to truth can be casualties in a society driven by authoritarian tendencies. In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into the consequences of this suppression, exploring how it leads to ignorance and polarization, and what steps can be taken to counteract these effects.

The Dangers of Ignorance and Polarization

The seductive appeal of dictatorial leadership, with its suppression of empathy and moral values, has far-reaching consequences for society. As authoritarian tendencies take hold, they can give rise to various dangers, including ignorance and polarization, which threaten the fabric of our communities.

  1. Erosion of Trust in Facts and Institutions: Authoritarian leaders often undermine trust in established institutions, including the media, academia, and scientific experts. They may label inconvenient truths as “fake news” or dismiss expert opinions that do not align with their narrative. This erosion of trust in facts and institutions can lead to a society where misinformation and conspiracy theories thrive.
  2. Division and Polarization: Dictatorial leadership frequently thrives on a “us vs. them” mentality, pitting one group against another. This division can lead to political and social polarization, where individuals are pushed to extremes and are less willing to engage in constructive dialogue. A polarized society is less likely to find common ground and address pressing issues effectively.
  3. Echo Chambers and Confirmation Bias: Authoritarian leaders often foster echo chambers where like-minded individuals reinforce each other’s beliefs and opinions. This isolation from differing perspectives can reinforce confirmation bias, where people only seek out information that aligns with their preexisting views. In such an environment, critical thinking and open-mindedness suffer.
  4. Erosion of Democratic Values: The unchecked power and authoritarian tendencies of leaders can undermine democratic values and norms. Elections may become less free and fair, with opposition voices silenced or marginalized. This erosion of democratic principles can have lasting effects on the political landscape.
  5. Stifling of Innovation and Progress: Societies marked by authoritarian tendencies are less likely to encourage innovation and progress. When dissent is suppressed, and conformity is enforced, creative solutions to complex problems may go undiscovered. Intellectual stagnation can impede a society’s ability to adapt and thrive.

The dangers of ignorance and polarization accompanying the seductive appeal of dictatorial leadership are profound. These consequences threaten the very foundations of our democratic societies, eroding trust, stifling progress, and deepening divisions. In the final section, we will explore the path to reconciliation and how we can counteract these detrimental effects, fostering critical thinking, empathy, and a renewed commitment to democratic principles.

The Path to Reconciliation

While the allure of dictatorial leadership and its accompanying dangers are clear, there is hope. Society has the capacity to counteract the seductive appeal of authoritarianism and mitigate its detrimental effects. This section explores the path to reconciliation and offers strategies to foster critical thinking, empathy, and a renewed commitment to democratic principles.

  1. Promoting Critical Thinking: Education plays a pivotal role in countering authoritarian tendencies. By promoting critical thinking skills in schools and communities, we empower individuals to question, analyze, and evaluate information critically. Encouraging the pursuit of evidence-based knowledge can inoculate society against the allure of misinformation.
  2. Fostering Empathy and Compassion: Empathy is a fundamental human trait that can be nurtured and cultivated. Community-based programs, dialogues, and initiatives can promote empathy and encourage individuals to understand and connect with others’ experiences. By emphasizing the importance of compassion, we counteract the suppression of empathy that often accompanies authoritarianism.
  3. Encouraging Civic Engagement: Apathy and disengagement from the democratic process can pave the way for authoritarian leaders. Encouraging civic participation, from voting in elections to actively engaging in local and national issues, strengthens democracy. Informed and engaged citizens are less susceptible to the allure of dictatorial leadership.
  4. Defending Free Speech and Institutions: A thriving democracy relies on the preservation of free speech and the independence of institutions. Vigilance is necessary to protect these foundations, ensuring they remain resilient in the face of authoritarian challenges. Supporting investigative journalism, academic freedom, and a robust judiciary can safeguard democratic values.
  5. Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity: Efforts to promote inclusivity and diversity within society help break down the divisions that authoritarian leaders exploit. Embracing many perspectives and backgrounds fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose. Inclusive societies are more resilient against polarization.

A Path Forward

The seductive appeal of dictatorial leadership may continue to rear its head, but it is not an inevitable outcome. Society has the agency to counteract authoritarian tendencies by prioritizing critical thinking, empathy, and democratic values. By fostering a culture that values these principles and actively works to strengthen them, we can navigate the complex terrain of authoritarianism and emerge with a renewed commitment to the betterment of our communities and the world.

A Stark Warning

As we conclude this exploration of the seductive appeal of authoritarianism and its far-reaching consequences, it is impossible to ignore the glaring example of former President Donald Trump. His presidency, marked by a misleading, charismatic authority and a harsh, divisive leadership style, is a stark reminder of the allure and perils of dictatorial and narcissistic leadership.

Donald Trump’s presidency showcased the appeal of a strongman figure who promised to restore stability and certainty, but delivered on very little. He garnered a fervent following in those who needed to exercise their unattended, nonspecific anger, and his charisma and assertiveness resonated deeply with a significant, misguided portion of the population. 

Trump’s tenure also laid bare the dangers inherent in authoritarianism.

Throughout his time in office, we witnessed the erosion of trust in institutions and healthy debate, a deepening of political polarization, and the normalization of falsehoods and misinformation. The suppression of dissent and divisive rhetoric further exacerbated societal divisions. These consequences were not unique to the Trump presidency, as history has shown similar patterns in the wake of authoritarian leadership.

The dangers of authoritarianism, as demonstrated by the Trump era, underscore the critical importance of safeguarding democratic principles, promoting critical thinking, and nurturing empathy and compassion within our societies. The seductive appeal of dictatorial leadership may persist, but it is our collective responsibility to resist its allure and to prioritize the values that sustain a healthy and vibrant democracy.

In recognizing the perils of authoritarianism and the cost it exacts on our better angels, we must remain vigilant. By fostering a culture of informed engagement, inclusivity, and a renewed commitment to democratic norms, we can navigate the complex terrain of authoritarianism with clarity and purpose. The future of our democracy depends on our ability to learn from history, confront the allure of authoritarianism, and uphold the principles that define our collective progress.

Recognizing the Allure and Consequences of Dictatorial Leadership

In our journey through the complex terrain of dictatorial leadership, we have unraveled the seductive appeal that it holds and the profound consequences it can inflict on societies. As we conclude, it is essential to recap the main arguments made in this article and underscore the urgent need for individual awareness and reflection.

We have explored how the allure of authoritarian leaders, with their promises of certainty and strong leadership, taps into our primal desires for stability and control in an uncertain world. We delved into the suppression of our better angels, the erosion of empathy and moral values, and the dangers of ignorance and polarization accompanying authoritarian tendencies.

It is imperative that each of us recognizes the seductive appeal of dictatorial leadership and acknowledges its potential consequences. History has shown us the patterns of authoritarian attraction and the risks it poses to the fabric of our societies. Ignoring these dangers can lead to the erosion of democratic values and the stifling of progress.

Now, more than ever, we must engage in deep self-reflection. We must examine our own values, the kind of leadership we support, and the impact our choices have on the greater community. Do we choose leaders who prioritize the common good, empathy, and inclusivity, or do we succumb to the allure of charismatic authority at the cost of our moral compass?

In this moment of reckoning, we are presented with an opportunity to confront the seductive forces that threaten the very foundations of our democracy. By fostering a culture of critical thinking, empathy, and a renewed commitment to democratic principles, we can resist the temptation of authoritarianism and ensure a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

Let us not forget the lessons of history, and let us carry forward the torch of enlightenment and compassion, for it is through these values that we can navigate the complex terrain of authoritarianism with wisdom, integrity, and resilience.

Restoring Dignity and Humanity to Our Election Process

In our collective journey to confront the allure and consequences of dictatorial leadership, we must also consider how we can restore dignity and humanity to our election process. Our democratic systems should be more than mere battlegrounds for power; they should be the arenas where we express our shared values and aspirations.

  1. Compassion for Our Fellow Citizens: Compassion lies at the heart of any thriving democracy. We must recognize the humanity in our fellow citizens, even when we hold differing viewpoints. Compassion encourages us to seek understanding rather than division, to listen to the concerns of others, and to work toward solutions that benefit all members of our society. It is through compassion that we can bridge the divides that have too often marked our elections.
  2. Dialogue and Informed Debate: Our election process should be a forum for thoughtful dialogue and informed debate. It is through rigorous discussion of ideas, policies, and solutions that we can arrive at the best choices for our communities and our nation. Encouraging respectful and fact-based discourse in our political discourse is essential to restoring dignity to the process.
  3. Embracing Science and Expertise: In an era of complex challenges, science and expertise should guide our decision-making. We must value evidence-based approaches and prioritize the advice of experts in fields such as public health, economics, and environmental science. Embracing science ensures that our policies are grounded in reality and aimed at the betterment of society.
  4. Promoting Inclusivity and Participation: To restore humanity to our election process, we must work tirelessly to promote inclusivity and ensure that all voices are heard. Voter suppression and disenfranchisement have no place in a democratic society. By actively encouraging civic participation and eliminating barriers to voting, we can strengthen the democratic foundations of our elections.

In our pursuit of a more dignified and humane election process, let us remember that democracy thrives when we prioritize compassion, open dialogue, scientific rigor, and inclusivity. By actively embracing these principles, we can ensure that our elections truly reflect the values and aspirations of our diverse and vibrant society. In doing so, we take a significant step toward building a democracy that not only resists the allure of authoritarianism but also thrives as a beacon of hope and progress for all.

Ensuring Reasonable and Lawful Evaluation of Candidates

In our ongoing quest to restore dignity and humanity to our election process, one critical aspect must not be overlooked: the necessity of a reasonable and lawful evaluation of candidates. In a democracy, every candidate, regardless of their political affiliation, must be held to the highest standards of accountability, especially when faced with serious legal charges that strike at the core of our values and principles.

  1. Accountability for Legal Charges: The rule of law is the cornerstone of any just society. Candidates facing serious legal charges, such as those related to rape, fraud, or incitement of violence, must undergo a thorough and impartial legal process. It is essential that these cases are evaluated without bias or partisan considerations, ensuring that justice prevails. This accountability extends to all candidates, regardless of their political affiliation or status.
  2. Transparency and Fairness: Transparency in the legal process is paramount to maintaining public trust. Citizens have the right to know the details of legal proceedings and the evidence presented against candidates. Fairness in the evaluation of evidence and the application of the law should be upheld, guaranteeing a just outcome.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: Voters deserve access to accurate information about candidates’ legal situations. Information should be disseminated in an unbiased and responsible manner, allowing voters to make informed decisions based on a candidate’s character and legal standing. Transparency and the free exchange of information are essential to preserving the integrity of our elections.
  4. Upholding Democratic Values: In evaluating candidates with serious legal charges, we must uphold our democratic values and principles. Democracy requires leaders who respect the rule of law and are committed to the common good rather than personal gain. Holding candidates accountable reinforces these democratic ideals and ensures our leaders act in the nation’s best interests.

As we strive to restore dignity and humanity to our election process, we must not waver in our commitment to a reasonable and lawful evaluation of candidates. Upholding the rule of law, transparency, fairness, and informed decision-making are essential to ensure our democracy thrives. By collectively demanding accountability and adhering to the principles of justice, we reinforce the foundations of our democracy and safeguard the values that make it strong.

You will love The Shankara Oracle as it will take you deeply within and connect you with your pure, divine Self.


2024 Western Astrology & Chinese Astrology

2024 Western Astrology and The Chinese Year Of The Wood Dragon

As the celestial wheel turns to the year of the Wood Dragon in 2024, a period of profound transformation and dynamic growth beckons. In the rich tapestry of the cosmos, where Eastern and Western astrological traditions intertwine, the Wood Dragon emerges as a powerful symbol of renewal, courage, and boundless potential. 

This majestic creature, revered in Chinese mythology for its wisdom and strength, brings forth a year where the energies of creation and change are at their peak, influencing all signs of the zodiac with its vibrant aura.

For the Western astrology signs, the Wood Dragon year offers a unique cosmic landscape to navigate. It is a time when the traditional elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water interact with the Wood element’s life-affirming qualities, promising growth, renewal, and the flourishing of creative and innovative ventures.

This year calls for a blend of boldness and strategy, urging individuals to step out of their comfort zones, embrace change, and pursue their goals with determination and resilience.

The influence of the Wood Dragon is universal, yet its impact on each Western zodiac sign is distinct, reflecting the diverse paths and opportunities available to each sign. It is a period that challenges us to rise to our full potential, leveraging our strengths and facing our weaknesses with courage. 

The Dragon’s energy encourages us to dream big, to act with purpose, and to forge our destiny with the fiery spirit of this auspicious year.

As we embark on this journey through the Wood Dragon year, let us explore the cosmic guidance offered to each Western astrology sign. In this harmonious dance of celestial forces, we find insights into how to best align our actions and intentions with the energetic currents of 2024. 

Whether it be through embracing new opportunities, fostering personal growth, or navigating the challenges ahead, the Wood Dragon year is a powerful reminder of the magic that unfolds when we align with the universe’s rhythms and cycles.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries, your fiery spirit finds a kindred essence in the Wood Dragon’s dynamic energy, making 2024 a year of bold initiatives and new beginnings. The Dragon’s vigor fuels your innate drive for achievement, urging you to tackle challenges head-on. This year, leadership roles and entrepreneurial ventures are particularly favored. 

Your courage to take the lead and to venture into uncharted territories will pave the way for significant personal growth and success. However, the Dragon also asks for wisdom in your actions—channel your energy constructively, and temper your impulses with strategic thinking for lasting impact.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): For Taurus, the Wood Dragon year brings a stirring of your stable roots, encouraging growth and flexibility. This may challenge your comfort zones, but embracing change will lead to valuable opportunities for expansion, both personally and professionally. The year favors investments in property, financial ventures, and personal development. 

Embrace the Dragon’s call to action with a mindful approach to change; your natural perseverance and practicality will ensure you make the most of the opportunities that come your way. Relationships flourish as you open up to new experiences and deepen your connections through shared adventures.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Gemini, the Wood Dragon year resonates with your innate curiosity and adaptability, making 2024 a whirlwind of activity, travel, and learning. Your communicative prowess will open doors to new connections and ventures. 

This is a year to broaden your horizons, both intellectually and geographically. However, the Dragon’s pace demands focus—prioritize your projects to maximize your potential. Embrace the year’s dynamic energy for personal transformation; your ability to navigate change will turn challenges into stepping stones for growth.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): For Cancer, the Wood Dragon year introduces a theme of nurturing growth and embracing resilience. You may find yourself stepping out of your comfort zone, driven by the Dragon’s bold energy to secure your family’s future and to invest in your home or personal ventures. 

Emotional and financial security are central; your intuitive approach to these areas will lead to prosperity. Remember, the Dragon’s influence encourages boldness—let this year be one of assertive steps towards fulfilling your dreams, balanced with the care and empathy that defines you.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Leo, the Wood Dragon year amplifies your natural charisma and leadership qualities, propelling you into the spotlight. Your creative energies are at an all-time high, offering opportunities for personal and professional advancement. 

The year encourages you to live boldly and to pursue your passions without restraint. Your warmth and generosity will attract loyal followers and potential partnerships. Embrace the Dragon’s courage, but temper your pursuit of glory with humility, ensuring that your endeavors benefit not just yourself but those around you.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Virgo, the Wood Dragon year challenges you to balance your meticulous nature with the Dragon’s call for swift action. This is a year to streamline your processes and to focus on efficiency in your pursuit of perfection. 

Opportunities for career advancement and personal development abound, demanding a proactive approach. Embrace the year’s energetic pace without losing sight of your well-being; your attention to detail will ensure you navigate the year successfully, turning the Dragon’s dynamic energy into tangible achievements.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): For Libra, the Wood Dragon year emphasizes harmony in action and relationships. Your diplomatic skills will be in high demand, as the year’s energy can lead to conflicts needing a balancing hand. This is also a time for creative pursuits; the Dragon’s influence inspires bold, artistic expressions and innovative ideas. 

In love and partnerships, strive for open communication and shared adventures. The year’s vibrancy complements your natural charm, making it an excellent time for social engagements and forming lasting connections.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Scorpio, the Wood Dragon year plunges you into a transformative journey, emphasizing personal growth and the pursuit of deep, meaningful goals. Your resilience and strategic mind find resonance with the Dragon’s intensity, driving you to tackle challenges with renewed vigor.

This is a year to confront and release past patterns, embracing the Dragon’s regenerative energy for profound personal renewal. In matters of finance and career, your intuition and insight can lead to lucrative opportunities, while in relationships, the year calls for vulnerability and trust, deepening bonds in unexpected ways.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Sagittarius, the Wood Dragon year fuels your adventurous spirit and thirst for knowledge, making 2024 a year of exploration and expansion. Your optimism and love for freedom align with the Dragon’s expansive energy, opening doors to travel, learning, and philosophical pursuits. 

Embrace these opportunities with open arms, but the Dragon’s influence also asks for purpose in your adventures. Align your quests with your long-term goals for a year that is not only exhilarating but also deeply fulfilling.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): For Capricorn, the Wood Dragon year brings a focus on ambition and the realization of long-term goals. The Dragon’s energetic pace accelerates your projects and ambitions, demanding a balance between your work ethic and the need for strategic pauses. 

This year, leadership roles and responsibilities expand, showcasing your capabilities and dedication. Embrace the Dragon’s drive without losing your grounded approach; this balance will be key to navigating the year’s dynamic challenges successfully.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Aquarius, the Wood Dragon year aligns with your visionary nature, encouraging innovation and social change. Your humanitarian instincts find fertile ground in this year’s energetic landscape, offering opportunities to lead initiatives that make a real difference. 

The Dragon’s influence also sparks personal growth, urging you to explore new technologies, philosophies, and communities. Stay true to your ideals, but remain open to the perspectives of others; collaboration will amplify your impact.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Pisces, the Wood Dragon year invites you to dive deep into your spiritual and emotional realms, exploring the depths of your intuition and creativity. The Dragon’s dynamic energy might initially seem overwhelming, but it also provides the momentum for significant artistic and personal growth. 

This year encourages you to trust your instincts and to express your innermost thoughts and feelings through creative outlets. In relationships, the year deepens connections that are rooted in mutual understanding and emotional support.

Navigating the Wood Dragon Year

For each Western zodiac sign, the Wood Dragon year presents a unique blend of challenges and opportunities, urging all to embrace change, pursue growth, and navigate the dynamic currents of life with courage and wisdom. 

As the lunar cycle influences the rhythm of the year, so too do the celestial energies guide our paths. Let the Wood Dragon’s indomitable spirit inspire you to reach new heights, forging a year filled with achievement, transformation, and deep, meaningful connections.


Dive Deeply Into Your Mystical Nature With The Shankara Oracle

In the journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, The Shankara Oracle emerges as a luminous beacon, guiding seekers towards the profound depths of their mystical nature. This powerful system includes 4 oracle decks (over 300 stunning and inspiring cards), sacred stones (black obsidian), and a lavishly designed divination board, and including two comprehensive booklets. Plus The Sacred Action Cards (115 in total) which outline ways to connect with your divinity, peacefulness, and bliss through spiritual and loving activities.

Shankara is not merely a tool for divination but a gateway to the inner realms of wisdom and healing, inviting you to explore the vast landscapes of your soul. Its imagery and insights draw upon ancient wisdom, offering a pathway to release illusion and connect with the eternal truths that reside within. The divination board is drenched in the mysteries and magic of Vedic astrology amid the four elements, four deities, and four archangels – all wrapped in the Vedic planets and stars, or Nakshatras.

The value of The Shankara Oracle lies in its ability to act as a mirror to your deepest self, reflecting not just the complexities of human experience but the infinite possibilities of spiritual evolution. Each card, stone, and image on the board serves as a key to unlock the doors of perception, encouraging you to let go of the superficial layers that obscure your true essence. Through engagement with this oracle, you embark on a journey of self-realization, where the veils of illusion are gently lifted, revealing the luminous core of your being.

Utilizing The Shankara Oracle facilitates a profound connection with your inner master, that wise, all-knowing aspect of yourself that guides you towards enlightenment and self-mastery. This sacred interaction empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with grace and insight, illuminating the path to your highest potential. The oracle’s wisdom helps you discern the messages of your heart and soul, guiding you towards choices that resonate with your truest self, fostering a deep sense of peace and fulfillment.

Moreover, The Shankara Oracle is an invaluable ally in the healing journey, offering solace and insight to those seeking to mend their minds and hearts. It encourages introspection and self-compassion, providing clarity and support as you navigate the intricate process of emotional and spiritual healing. By revealing the underlying patterns and beliefs that contribute to suffering, the oracle gently guides you through the transformation of pain into wisdom, leading to profound and lasting healing.

In embracing The Shankara Oracle, you allow yourself to dive deeply into the waters of your mystical nature, exploring the richness of your inner world and the universal truths that bind us all. It is a journey of awakening, healing, and coming home to yourself, where every card drawn is a step closer to the ultimate discovery of love, light, and liberation within. Shankara is a system that can change the way you think, feel, and sense into every aspect of your life.

Why Daily Horoscopes Are An Ego’s Delight

Why Daily Horoscopes Are An Ego’s Delight

Ah, daily horoscopes, those sparkling, bite-sized cosmic whispers that tickle our ears each morning! They dance through the airwaves, landing on our screens with the promise of unveiling the day’s fate. 

Yet, in the grand tapestry of The Universe, amid its many realms and dimensions, these daily divinations are but a mere wink from the stars, a playful nudge not to be taken too seriously. 

While feeling illuminating, daily horoscopes most often cater to the ego, that chattering companion within us all, hungry for immediate gratification and quick fixes. The ego delights in the idea that today, of all days, the stars have aligned to deliver a personal memo on whether to pursue that new venture or to watch out for an old friend.

But let’s not be too harsh on our daily starry snippets. In their whimsy, they serve a purpose, reminding us to pause and reflect, even if just for a moment, on the energies at play. 

However, the true magic of The Cosmos unfolds in a slower, deeper rhythm, one that daily horoscopes can only skim the surface of. The spiritual journey is a marathon, not a sprint, requiring patience, reflection, and a connection to the cycles that move not just daily, but monthly, seasonally, and even across lifetimes. 

While we may indulge in the playful tease of daily horoscopes, let us remember they are but The Universe’s way of saying, “There’s more to this cosmic dance, dear one. Come, dive deeper, beyond the ego’s delight, and into the bosom of our soul’s long and remarkable journey.”

The Rich Tapestry of Seasonal and Monthly Cycles

Vedic astrology, an ancient wisdom tradition rooted in the Vedas, the spiritual texts of India, offers a profound and nuanced understanding of human life and its cosmic interconnections. Unlike the more commonly encountered daily horoscopes, seasonal and monthly Vedic astrology readings provide a deeper, more resonant form of guidance and insight. 

This distinction is particularly meaningful when considering the complex nature of human existence, our karmic influences, and the way our memories and experiences shape our beings.

Seasonal and monthly Vedic astrology takes into account the broader, more significant cycles of life, aligning with the natural rhythm of the universe. These longer cycles offer a more substantial context for understanding our lives, allowing for reflections and predictions that are more aligned with our soul’s journey. 

Daily astrology, while interesting to many, often lacks the depth and breadth that I thrive on and love – because it cannot encompass the full spectrum of our existential experience and the “soul’s” journey. It’s akin to reading a single page of a book and hoping to grasp the entire narrative before lunch. It also mostly points to what the ego can do in the moment to fulfill itself rather than what the soul and karmic memory, non-mind, non-ego, is meandering within toward its illumination, which often involves much deeper work, a reduction of comfort, and the release of emotions toward our healing. 

The Complexity of Human Memory and Karma

Our lives are profoundly shaped by our composite memories and karmic clouds which are equal to the concept of soul. According to Vedic philosophy, we carry eight different types of memories, ranging from ancestral and collective to personal and subconscious. These memories, akin to the concept of soil, provide the foundation upon which our lives unfold. They contain seeds of past actions, thoughts, and experiences that sprout into the present moments of our lives – which points to the deeper work, which is the only work that leads to liberation. 

Karma, in this context, can be envisioned as a cloud that surrounds us, made up of the actions we’ve taken and the intentions behind those actions. It influences our present and future, coloring our experiences and the paths we choose. The complexity and depth of our karmic landscape and memory soil make it challenging for daily astrology readings to provide meaningful insight. These readings simply cannot account for the vast web of influences that shape our moment-to-moment existence.

The Value of Seasonal and Monthly Guidance

Seasonal and monthly Vedic astrology readings, with their focus on larger cycles, offer a more relevant and profound form of guidance. They allow us to see beyond the immediacy of our daily lives, helping us to understand the broader patterns at play. This perspective can illuminate our path, showing us how to align our actions with the cosmic rhythm, leading to more fulfilling and harmonious lives.

By understanding the movements and influences of the planets and stars over these extended periods, we can gain insights into our personal growth, challenges, and opportunities. These insights can guide us in making decisions that are in harmony with our deeper selves and our karmic paths. They encourage us to reflect on our lives in a more holistic way, considering our long-term aspirations and spiritual development.

A Path to Illumination

In the light of Vedic astrology, we find a path to deeper self-understanding and cosmic connection. Seasonal and monthly readings offer us a mirror to see the broader movements of our lives, reminding us that we are part of a larger, interconnected cosmos. This perspective is not only enlightening but also deeply comforting. It assures us that our lives have rhythm and purpose, and that by aligning ourselves with these cosmic cycles, we can move towards greater harmony, fulfillment, and illumination.

Thus, while daily astrology readings can offer snapshots of potential daily trends, it is the seasonal and monthly insights of Vedic astrology that provide us with the profound guidance and understanding we need to navigate our complex lives. In this ancient wisdom, we find a valuable tool for living a life that is in tune with the universe, deeply aware of the interplay between our memories, karma, and the cosmic forces that shape our existence.


As we journey through The Cosmos of our inner master’s universe, guided by the ancient wisdom of astrology and the mystics who brought it to life, it’s clear that daily horoscopes, while entertaining, are merely the appetizers in the grand banquet of celestial guidance. 

These snippets of flow offer us a taste of the cosmic energies at play, inviting us to explore deeper, more nourishing spiritual truths. Yet, this does not mean we should dismiss them outright. Instead, we can embrace daily horoscopes with a light heart and a discerning mind, using them as stepping stones on our path toward liberation and enlightenment.

Consider daily horoscopes as gentle reminders to stay connected with the present, to observe the flow of energy within and around us, and to cultivate presence and awareness in our daily lives. They can serve as prompts to reflect on our actions, thoughts, and emotions, encouraging us to question how the broader movements of the planets might be influencing our personal journey.

In this way, daily horoscopes become a tool for Self-development and how we emerge in a moment, an hour, and a day – a divinely inspired practice of tuning into The Universe’s whispers and our inner guidance.

Use your playful curiosity sparked by daily horoscopes to fuel your deeper exploration of Vedic astrology, The Dharma, and your pure Self. Let it be the gateway to understanding the more profound and transformational aspects of your existence. As you delve into the mysteries of your karma, the intricacies of the Dharma, and the cycles of life and rebirth, you will soon uncover the true potential of astrology as a guide on your spiritual path. It becomes not just about predicting the future but about understanding your karmic trajectory and the soul’s journey through The Cosmos.

Approach daily horoscopes with joy and lightness, allowing them to remind us of the magic and mystery that surround us. Let them inspire us to seek deeper wisdom and understanding, to connect with the rhythms of The Divine’s emanations throughout spacetime, and to embrace our place within the cosmic dance. Soon, you will open to the profound guidance and insight that astrology offers, moving ever closer to freedom.

The journey through the stars is a journey inward, toward the core of your Being. By integrating the playful insights of daily horoscopes with the profound wisdom of Vedic astrology, you will embark on a path of Self-discovery, transformation, and ultimately, enlightenment. Let the stars light your way, but remember, the true illumination comes from going deep within and embracing Sadhana – spiritual practices to free your soul. 

Uplevel The Value Of Your Daily Horoscope Through Sadhana And The Dharma

Imagine transforming the nudge from a daily horoscope into profound conversations with The Universe and your inner master. Imagine if there were paths from the ego’s satisfaction to the illumination of the pure Self. 

Through the sacred practices of Sadhana and living in harmony with The Dharma, you can elevate the simple joy of reading your daily horoscope into a deeply spiritual experience that nurtures your soul’s evolution.

Sadhana, the discipline of daily spiritual practice, is the golden key to unlocking the deeper wisdom within you and around you. It could be meditation as the sun kisses the horizon, yoga as the world awakes in a symphony of light, or even a mindful walk under the canopy of stars. 

When you engage in Sadhana, you attune your heart’s antenna to the subtle frequencies of the divine, making you more receptive to the cosmic messages that your daily horoscope attempts to convey. Suddenly, what seemed like generic advice becomes a synchronistic sign, a guidepost on your journey towards self-realization.

Living in alignment with The Dharma, your righteous duty or the pure form of your life’s purpose, adds another layer of depth and understanding. It becomes about playing your unique note in the grand cosmic orchestra with integrity and passion. 

When you understand your role in this vast, interconnected Universe, the daily horoscope shifts from being a mere forecast of what the day might hold to a reflective mirror, helping you to see how the celestial energies support the release of trapped emotions, the dissolution of false and temporary Selves, and the opening of the heart to bear witness to a more expanded Self-concept.

Imagine starting your day with a ritual that blends Sadhana and a contemplation of your Dharma, followed by reading your daily horoscope. In this sacred space, the horoscope is no longer just a paragraph of predictions; it becomes a mystical map, hinting at the energies that align or challenge your path, offering you clues on how to navigate your day in harmony with your soul’s healing and purpose. It could be like receiving a daily love letter from The Eternal Consciousness, encouraging you to live your highest truth, to embrace your challenges as opportunities for growth – always looking deeper beyond whatever the horoscope might offer or provoke.

This approach transforms the act of reading your daily horoscope from a passive reception of information and a diluted gratification for the ego and false mind – to an active, engaging dialogue with your purest Self and The Divine. 

Through your deep and cleansed intention, your  journey of co-creation with The All That Is can become quite deepening and purifying. The stars and planets amid an exploration of your Vedic Astrology become your allies, guiding you towards Self-discovery, joy, and ultimately, liberation.

This is a call to embrace our daily horoscope with a heart full of love, a spirit eager for wisdom, and a soul aligned with the purest intentions that seek clarity and healing. Let this be a part of your Sadhana, a reflection of your commitment to The Dharma, and a step on your path to enlightenment.

If you so choose, every day can invite a myriad opportunities to deepen your connection with Consciousness and awaken every particle in your Being to seek a deeper awareness of your little self and the expanded, interconnected larger Self (Brahman) amid every activity in your life.

You will love The Shankara Oracle as it will take you deeply within yourself and connect you with your pure, divine Self.