Where Did Humans Originate, Earth or Outer Space?

Alien pods placed here on Earth 1M years ago? A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

At over 4.5 billion years old and possibly much older, the Earth has been home to millions of unique and beautiful creatures. While it appears that modern humans are a relatively late entry into the marathon of blood-based, karmic rebirth cycles, there is a lot of speculation about when Homo sapiens emerged as the primary, two-legged leaders of Planet Earth. So where did humans come from?

“If then, said I, the question is put to me would I rather have a miserable ape for a grandfather or a man highly endowed by nature and possessed of great means of influence and yet who employs these faculties and that influence for the mere purpose of introducing ridicule into a grave scientific discussion, I unhesitatingly affirm my preference for the ape.”

— Thomas Henry Huxley

When and Where Did Humans First Appear on Earth?

According to recent findings, the original Hominids emerged (or arrived) on planet earth between 5 and 7 million years ago in Africa, when a handful of mature apes felt it was high time to begin walking upright.

As humans, we are members of the Hominidae, which includes great apes, gorillas, chimpanzees, and human beings. A Hominine is a member of the tribe Homininae, which includes gorillas, chimps, and humans. A Hominin is specific to the family Hominini, which excludes all the other Hominidae, except chimps and humans. Our ancient Hominid cousins, who evolved into Homo from the genus Australopithecus, may have appeared as late as 2-3 million years ago.

It wasn’t until around 200,000 years ago that modern humans took a cue from Homo Erectus, the “upright man,” and became the dominant Hominid species here on Earth. While their journeys began in Africa, these Hominins quickly moved toward Asia, Europe, Scandinavia, and eventually, the rest of the world.

What Did Modern Humans Evolve From?

According to Darwinian evolution, humans evolved through a long process that began with their ancient ancestors, the earliest primates. Most scientists believe that the genus Homo eventually extended itself to its offspring known as Homo sapiens, distinct from the great apes. This means that at one point, two unique ancestral lineages emerged, most likely from one genus, and initially, from one species.

How did this come to be? According to widely accepted beliefs, human beings and their language gradually evolved. With interbreeding among all the Hominins, trees of bipedal-beings emerged. Keep in mind that while all Hominins (modern humans) are Hominids, very few Hominids are Hominins.

Some of today’s religious fanatics believe that the Earth is much younger than 4.5 billion years and that no terrestrial (earth-resident) rocks have been proven to be any older than a few hundred thousand years if that. All estimates, for man and planet, they say, stem from approximation, which is neither precise nor relevant. On a side note: while it appears Homo sapiens have come a long way, human consciousness and awareness are still works-in-progress.

Modern humans are unique because we conquered four primary evolutionary hurdles:

  1. Terrestrial living (on the ground) versus trees
  2. Changing physical movement from quadrupedal to bipedal
  3. Developing a large brain (encephalization)
  4. Forming tribes, cultures, and civilizations.

With all these abilities in tow, Home sapiens were able to claim their right to be masters over the dominion of Earth.


Did Humans Come From Other Planets?



This unique theory states that comets, rocks, meteorites, and other heavenly bodies, all speeding through space, transported bacteria and other DNA to Earth, and throughout all the galaxies and Universes throughout spacetime. Some say Mars is the likely location of Earth’s first infusion of life from other planets.

Alien Engineering

Long ago, possibly during the prehistoric eras, alien visitors traveled to Earth and educated a variety of our cultures on science, biology, infrastructure, and leadership to kickstart life for humanoids.

Panspermia, intergalactic life being seeded on Earth
Some suggest these aliens are the same beings who became the mythic figureheads of a variety of our most popular religions.

Starseed Experiment

Many believe that humans came from other planets and Universes, and continue to do so, thereby seeding our planet with unique DNA from a variety of interplanetary species. Consider these possible types of alien visitors: Sirian, Pleiadian, Arturian, Andromedan, Starseed, Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Lightworker, Orion, Maldek, Lemurian, Atlantean, Avian, Blue Avian, Reptilian, and others. Each of these has a unique origin and a variety of unique characteristics.

Miller-Urey Experiment

Since electric-sparks can turn water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen into amino acids and sugars, it might be possible that life on Earth was initiated by bolts of lightning. Where this theory becomes otherworldly is when you consider that this may have been the first tactic used by living-beings from other worlds to bring life to Earth.

Deep-Sea Vents

It’s possible that deep-sea vents may have spewed enough hydrogen-rich molecules and mineral-catalysts to stimulate critical, pre-life reactions. Alien species may have had the forethought to utilize these vents to birth new life-forms from a distance.

Buried Under Ice-Caps

Some alien theorists believe that life on Earth began when several extraterrestrial alliances secretly deposited their offspring and other experiments in the deep waters under the Arctic and Antarctic caps. Since ice may have covered Earth’s oceans 3 billion years ago, aliens may have been living here for a long time.

Consciousness Transmutation

As other planets and galaxies began to intuit Earth’s potential, they utilized ancient techniques that allowed them to convert their forms of consciousness into forms that had the highest potential to inspire the birth of new living-beings here on Earth. Upon soul-travel to Earth, these conscious forms/souls merged with our soil, water, and air, and gave birth to new life forms – all through soul-intention.


 .Pre-19th Century Theories

 .Darwin’s theory

Charles Darwin and a handful of other naturalists and scientists postulated that, over time, the strongest and most aggressive species are the ones that tend to survive. As each generation of a species develops, it creates variations and enhancements that increase its ability to thrive, compete, defend itself, claim territory, and eventually reproduce. Darwin’s belief that organisms change over time as a result of inherited traits and behaviors has been a foundational belief system for over 100 years.

Thomas Henry Huxley

Thomas is a British biologist who became Charles Darwin’s (and natural selection’s) most ardent fan and defender. While he clearly adored Darwin, Huxley was also his own man. He did not believe in Darwin’s slow, gradual evolutionary process. Instead, he proposed that an evolving genus, species, or lineage could make miraculous and aggressive jumps within a generation.

Huxley was also one of the first scientists to discuss the evolution of Man, separate from animals, which was taboo at the time. He took this interest in man’s origin a step further and declared that the brains of apes and humans were fundamentally and anatomically the same. He was right. His children not only honored his legacy, but they also continued it.

Modern Theories

Aridity hypothesis, also known as the Savannah hypothesis

This unique and valid theory, which has developed over the past ten years, points to the unusual geology and climate of East Africa as being the driver of evolution. With alternating periods of dryness and hyper-humidity, Hominids appear to have had no choice but to evolve. As they endured and improvised around the drastic changes and extremes of African climates, they developed traits that led to a new, more evolved species. When reviewing the jumps in Hominid development during this period, all evidence appears to support the Aridity hypothesis.

Was Lucy the First Human?

Discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia, by paleontologist Donald C. Johanson, Lucy is our most famous, ancient human cousin.

This 3.2-million-year-old ape was the first Homo skeleton ever found. Her lineage appears to be that of Australophithecus afarensis, the direct ancestor of modern man.

While Lucy is the most famous Hominid, her cousin “Ardi” (Ardipithecus ramidus), at 4.4-million-years-old, became the oldest when he was discovered in 1992. Ardi neither resembles a human or a chimpanzee, yet he is an ancestor to both. Ardi’s skeleton represents the oldest and most complete study of Hominids to date.

While Ardi and Lucy were celebrating, another Hominid, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, was discovered in Chad in 2002. At 7 million-years-old, Sahe now holds the crown as the oldest of the early Hominid species, all of which appear to represent one genus.

If our planet was terraformed and then injected with alien DNA as an ambitious experiment, it might be hard to prove. Given all the holes in each of the above theories, all of them may be at least partially true. One thing is certain; the Earth is regenerative.

Given how complex and sometimes fragile the Earth is, it’s quite remarkable that it continues to renew and restore itself. Its many species, cells, and ecosystems seem to be both flexible and durable. Even humans and our ancient ancestors were successful at regrouping, regenerating, adapting, and reemerging in new and inspiring forms. One thing is sure: planets, creatures, and bacteria will always find a way to survive.

Aliens The Zoo Hypothesis

Aliens: The Zoo Hypothesis

Are We An Alien Zoo? I think so! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

If you were an advanced species living on a distant planet, in a far-away, exotic galaxy, would you mount your space-scooter and go out of your way (plus paying for fuel) to visit a planet whose inhabitants exalt greed, war, hate-based ideologies, exclusive religions, and glitchy patriarchy? Probably not. You might, however, subscribe to the newsletter for updates.

In 1973, MIT’s John Ball mused that aliens could easily be observing Earth and its inhabitants just like animals in a zoo. The idea that alien life forms are intentionally avoiding direct communication with human beings on Earth, is the basis of the Zoo Hypothesis. The presumption includes the notion that that Beings from other worlds are waiting to make first contact with us, pending other technological, political, and ethical advancements.

“Our sun is one of 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of the billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living things within that enormous immensity.”
— Werner von Braun


The glitch in this philosophy is that given all the millions of species supposedly at play within the billions of galaxies, in all the universes, it would be fair say that one rambunctious, brainy toad, residing somewhere within the endless seas of alien villages, might think contrarily, rent a winged-transport, and b-line it to Earth.

Evidence of aliens is everywhere. Our intergalactic friends have long been in cahoots with a variety of Earth governments. They might even be mating with our lowest common denominator at local bowling allies, in a bridge-n-tunnel town near you. It might be that if we showed some sign of intelligence or consciousness, we’d have a lot more intimate gatherings with these tall, scaly, green and gray, lizard creatures.

“If it’s just us, it seems like an awful waste of space.”

— Carl Sagan

Let’s give our fictitious friend, Alex The Alien the benefit of the doubt. We’ll assume that he raised some money on the fundraising site AlienKickstart, and is now able to make the long trek to the formerly blue, and currently decaying planet, known as Earth. He lands in a field and is greeted by a small group of locals who capture, kill, and stuff him, and then put him on display at the local VFW #216.

When Alien-Alex’s wife begins to yearn for his scaly flesh, she flies to Earth, lands in the same location, assumes her husband has been eaten, and begins planting her eggs in the nearby cornfield. In a few months, she’s birthed a posse of over 40 lizards, and she’s ready to kick ass. Their first family outing? A baseball game. While they seem to enjoy the free peanut shells under their seats, the lizard tribe gets bored, calls for a space-taxi, and time-tunnels home.

I’m not sure what scenario would entice a race of infinitely intelligent Beings to regularly engage with humanoids, other than promises of becoming the master race who could eventually enslave us. Beyond that, I believe we’ll be galactically single and lonely for the foreseeable future.

“In our time this search [for extraterrestrial life] will eventually change our laws, our religions, our philosophies, our arts, our recreations, as well as our sciences. Space, the mirror, waits for life to come to look for itself there. ”
— Ray Bradbury

Is Our Evolutionary Process Precious?

Behavioral scientists pride themselves on how much space they give their subjects during times of observation. It might be that advanced lifeforms are of the same mindset: “Let’s watch the Earthlings as they try to figure themselves out. Meanwhile, we’ll take notes and continue to penetrate their gene pool. When they stop punching each other in the face, we’ll consummate the relationship and formalize it with an invasion.”

It might be that aliens created Earth as a scientific experiment. They may have planted us here with the hope that we’ll eventually become a service-oriented race that will help improve other alien ventures and planets.


Confining us like mice in a cage, our big-eyed, long-fingered, Alien moms and dads are evaluating us, testing our viruses and bacteria, and wondering how our species went from tadpoles to apes to cavemen to hipsters in a few millennia.

When you compare human beings to whales and dolphins, you might assume that our warm-blooded, mammal brothers and sisters are advanced species. With larger brains and peppier speech functions, the 89 living species of Cetaceans are less aggressive, more communal, and more peaceful. If they’re all paying attention, they are probably aware that humans are just small, dumb, inconsequential bullies.

I liken the Zoo Hypothesis to Star Trek’s Prime Directive which states that first-contact with new species (who have yet to develop warp drive) must be of a scientific nature and result in zero political, social, technological, and monetary interference. Starfleet and The Federation of Planets also warn that premature contact can easily result in significant harm.

Are We Just Mice?

Would we be inspired to travel a billion miles to hang out with a massive population of aggressive, mentally deficient mice? Probably not. Would we want to establish a coalition with a deficient species that struggles to see beyond skin color? Nope. This is part of the premise of the Zoo Hypothesis. Not only are we less evolved than our potential sponsors and sperm donors, but we are also of no value to them.

If apes are a teaspoon of DNA away from being human, wouldn’t it make sense that human beings could easily be a cup of hormones away from being advanced aliens (who could easily be more intelligent and conscious)? I think it’s entirely possible that we are either an alien zoo or the aliens that our government has been denying.

“Or maybe, another explanation goes, we are in fact surrounded by ETs and simply don’t know it, perhaps because they decided to make the solar system a natural reserve, a place where other races can go and see what it is like to be in the infancy of civilization (appropriately, this has been nicknamed the “zoo hypothesis”).”
― Massimo Pigliucci

Alien Holocaust

Could it be that somewhere between the formation of the Milky Way and the birth of Earth’s first civilization that a Hitler-like alien devastated the intergalactic community by commandeering and then killing entire planets, all in the name of his warped ideology? Could aliens be so freaked out by this horrific history that they are mind-controlled and technologically prohibited from visiting our planet? It’s certainly a possibility.

With billions of stars, suns, and moons scattered throughout creation, there’s an extremely high probability that intelligent life, outside of our galaxy, already exists, and many of these critters have mastered interstellar travel. Given the potential scale and likelihood of all this, physicist Enrico Fermi’s Paradox seems to validate that Earth should already have been visited by extraterrestrial Beings and their pretty probes thousands of times.
Have the governments of planet Earth been so diligent and thorough that they have been able to conceal the many alien visitations to date? Have the key alien abductees and first-greeters been so well compensated and threatened that their stories are now safe and secure from public view? Are aliens truly omnipresent and regularly integrating with human life forms? I offer “YES!” to all of the above.

While it’s possible that all the aliens throughout all of the galaxies are listening but not transmitting, there is more than ample evidence that the Earth is at least a pitstop for alien life. With thousands of UFO sitings and 13 million pages of the CIA’s redacted investigation now online, there’s a high chance that the truth will soon set us free.

In Time-Travel, Can We Be Trapped Within The Infinite, and Stripped of Our Originating Moment

Time Travel

Time Travel is possible. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

If you committed to going back in time to kill Hitler, there are questions to consider: what would you be unwinding and what could truly be undone? Once on the other end of the journey, who would you know yourself to have been, and who would you become?​

By reversing spacetime, you could lose the knowledge and desire to do the killing, and you could lose the reason for your desire. As you unwind your self-identity, do you lose connectivity to the originating point as well as the destination? These questions point to the conundrum known as The Bootstrap Paradox, otherwise known as the Ontological Paradox.

When caught within cause-effect loops that include traversing the space-time continuum, our purpose and identity can be dissolved, with or without a reboot. Our originating self-identity can become self-created and temporary or self-created with new, unlimited potential.

In essence, being caught within a recurring time arc is similar to the moment of birth within a woman’s womb. A living being and new realities are born, and trajectories for three-dimensional potentialities emerge.

These ideas invite others. If our souls collect specific information during time-travel, it means that consciousness includes all spacetime possibilities and every potential realm. If our spirits can recall our original, intellectual fodder throughout these types of journeys, it means that self-identities remain intact when traversing spacetime, and therefore evolve as if the experience of spacetime were linear.

I wonder when moving deeper into time spirals, would we begin to collect clear visions and experiences or would we be thrust into undeterminable clouds of impressions?

While the term metaphysics translates literally to “about physics,” its meaning has evolved into something more spiritual. It might be said that metaphysics is better defined as, “the nature of being, existence, connectivity, and consciousness, throughout all physical and non-physical realms, and in every dimension and direction.”

“By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.”
— Galileo Galilei

Bootstrap Paradox Examples

Our best teachers of how paradoxes might unfold could be some of the writers and producers in Hollywood.

Here some of their narratives involving the Bootstrap Paradox:

  • When Star Trek’s Scotty described how to make transparent aluminum in Star Trek IV, he was referring to how matter might un-form while also remaining in a relatable structure, thus alluding to a cause-effect loop.
  • When Marty McFly played “Johnny B. Goode” and Marty’s bandmate called Chuck Berry so he could hear it, it could be said that Marty and Chuck Berry became born-again with new trajectories, as if never having had the potential to exist prior, except in this unique moment of creation.
  • During The Time Travelers Wife, the time-traveler memorizes a list of dates from a written note. He then ventures back in time and dictates the list, thereby becoming a co-participant in a never-ending loop that is without a discernible point of origin. In this case, the time-traveler is pulling himself upward “by his bootstraps” as if he is simultaneously both the puppet and puppeteer.
  • Now let’s get to the juiciest example of the Bootstrap Paradox. Doctor Who proposed a riddle. A Beethoven-Loving time traveler departs his current reality to traverse spacetime to meet his musical God.
    • When he lands in Beethoven’s living room, he finds that Beethoven is without inspiration or any chance of producing his famous music. Because of his devotion and love for Ludwig, the time traveler commits to copying every one of the master’s creations. On subsequent visits, the time traveler gives them to Beethoven, who in turn, absorbs these gifts and delivers them to the world.
    • Fast-forward to an unknowing time traveler listening to his favorite Beethoven symphony. In an instant, he decides to travel back in time to meet this profound and wonderful composer. The challenge here is to determine who actually wrote the 5th, 6th and 9th Symphonies? Who is Beethoven in this story? Is Beethoven the person who is birthed the moment he receives the copied music? Is the genuine composer, formerly known as Beethoven, now erased from reality? We’ll never know!

If I went back in time to the moment I was assigned this article and handed myself the required research prior to a word being written, I would be creating a bootstrap paradox involving two versions of myself, each of whom would have non-predetermined, potential trajectories, while also being forever tied to each other and the production of this article.​

“How wonderful that we have met with a paradox.
Now we have some hope of making progress.”
— Niels Bohr

Could Bootstrap Paradoxes Lead To The Hemorrhaging Of Spacetime?

Whenever we imagine something, it can have an impact on our realities. One simple intention or desire can cement unknown and untested trajectories. If our thoughts can impact our lives, it would be easy to imagine that the mechanisms and laws behind spacetime could be tricked, trapped, and trampled. Connecting strands of trajectories and potentialities, whether in this moment or in prior ones, could reshape reality as we know it.


Events like these wouldn’t only affect our physical realities; they could give birth to pathways and algorithms that are entirely foreign to our bodies, minds, and souls. If one soul was inventive enough to trick her relative spacetime construct, a collection of tinkering souls could have the potential to give birth to new realities, reform consciousness as we know it, and reconstruct the building blocks of creation in all directions and realms. In other words, yes, we can cause the eternal nature of all realities to have simultaneous strokes, which in turn could extinguish all realities or birth unlimited ones.

Bootstrap Paradox Movies And TV Series

Hollywood has done an excellent job at creating believable narratives and characters that bring to life these types of paradoxes. Even though these are not all perfect examples of bootstraps, this list will answer most of your questions and freak you out (in a good way):

  • Interstellar
  • Looper
  • Timecrimes
  • Arrival
  • Primer
  • Time Lapse
  • The Final Countdown
  • 12 Monkeys
  • Terminator
  • Terminator 2

You might recall moments where you felt as though you were within a loop. It may have felt like déjà vu, or it may have felt more palpable and tangible. It’s entirely possible that every life is a bootstrapped loop. When we’re feeling bad about ourselves, what picks us up? When we’re missing important pieces of information, what mechanisms or influences cause them to appear? Before a flower is born, does life-itself reach backward to pull it into existence and give birth to a new here-and-now? It’s fun to ponder!

If we were so inclined, closed-loop time travel, causal loop paradoxes, and controlled repetition of cause-effect loops might also produce trajectories that result in the absolute liberation of consciousness, for all beings, across all realities, throughout all the realms, and for all time. This gives greater meaning to the Sanskrit mantra often shared by Amma, The Hugging Saint: “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu,” which translates to, “May all the Beings in all the Worlds Be Happy.”

Electric Universe Theory

Electric Universe Theory

Electric Universe Theory. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Before Einstein created his unique theorems on relativity, deflating Newton’s theories on gravity, Nikola Tesla posited the idea that electricity and energy were responsible for almost all cosmic phenomena. Tesla saw energy and electricity as an “incompressible fluid” of a constant quantity that could neither be destroyed nor created.

“If You Want To Find The Secrets Of The Universe,
Think In Terms Of Energy, Frequency, And Vibration.”
— Nikola Tesla

What Did Einstein Conclude?

Consider what happens when you lift your knees when under a blanket. It warps the blanket. You can see that your knees (a mass) created a bend or cavity. This warp structure (bend, cavity) is gravity.
There’s much more to it, but this gives us a foundation to help us understand the beauty and challenges behind The Electric Universe Theory.

The Electric Universe Theory Backstory: Atoms, Electrons, And Plasma

Most of us wander around our lovely planet never fully understanding how atoms, electrons, matter, and energy function. It’s not because we’re not interested, it’s because it’s complicated, and a bit intimidating. No wonder, the processes that create and support life are nothing short of miracles.

To better understand the Electric Universe Theory, let’s kick things off with a few definitions:


An atom is the basic unit of a chemical element. They’re made up of tiny subatomic particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Atoms are surrounded by one or more negative electrons. Electrons are a bit like non-committal partners; they can be easily separated from their host atoms. When electrons are emitted, all sorts of things can happen. For example, the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is born from these types of currents, forming multi-colored sheets to burst across the sky. These bursts and sheets are forms of plasma filaments.

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Plasma is the most common of the four fundamental states of matter. The other big players are solids, liquids, and gases. Plasma is formed when ionized gasses become electrically conductive, meaning that electrical current (electricity) can flow through them. Fire and lightning are forms of plasma.

It’s in this way that stars and galaxies get their power. Currents flow into stars and power them like light bulbs. They can also induce the births of planets. You can see the remnants of these energy infusions in the forms of craters throughout our galaxy.

Plasma Filament

As charged particles move around and throughout plasma, rings of magnetic fields can form around the electric current. This is called a plasma filament. Interconnected and perfectly woven, these filaments stretch across billions and billions of light years, creating the silent equilibrium inherent in the physical universe. When current flows through plasma filaments, it generates colorful tendrils of light.
This is where Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943) comes in. He invented the plasma ball when experimenting with electric currents in vacuum tubes. As such, many refer to the center ball as a “Tesla Coil.”

Tesla believed that electricity powered the universe, and could power our physical and eternal realities.

Tesla On Einstein

On July 11, 1935, the NY Times quoted Tesla, “The relativity theory…is much older than its present proponents. It was advanced over 200 years ago by my illustrious countryman Boskovic, the great philosopher, who, not withstanding other and multifold obligations, wrote a thousand volumes … on a vast variety of subjects. Boskovic dealt with relativity, including the so-called time-space continuum.”
Tesla went on to say this about Einstein’s theories: “…magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king … its exponents are brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists, not scientists….”

What Is The Electric Universe Theory?

The Electric Universe Theory (EU) generally states that electricity is the engine behind a long list of natural and astrophysical spectacles. It supports the idea that electricity powers the Sun and stars, and that cosmic occurrences are electrical in nature.

The theory also suggests that the universe is a vast, electric organism, chock full of yet-to-be-discovered masses, holes, relationships, and phenomena. EU advocates believe that we are at the beginning of exploring the possibilities around the concept.​

Since the first pamphlet was distributed in 1983, there have been many papers, books, and theses published on The Electric Universe theory.​​

While some of the tenets of the theory appear to be difficult to prove, the idea that there is electricity throughout the Universe and within every animal, plant, and everywhere else we find plasma, is undeniable.​

From subterranean electricity, known as Telluric currents, to Atmospheric electricity (for example, meteors), and from extraterrestrial (or cosmic electricity) to electrostatic phenomena, electric currents are visible and/or audible. All of these things result from the interaction between electrical currents, filaments, atmospheres, and formations of matter.

The EU has been proven, disproven, celebrated, and dismissed throughout the last 125 years, and since Tesla disappeared from planet Earth.

“We live in an electronic world. Our cities are visible from space at night, blazing with electric lights. The electricity courses invisibly in the darkness over great distances along thin power lines. We find electricity indispensable. Nature does the same since all matter is electrical. Astronomy is stuck in the gas-light era, unable to see that stars are simply electric lights strung along invisible cosmic power lines that are detectable by their magnetic fields and radio noise.”
— Wallace Thornhill

Support For The Electric Universe Model

While there are many variations to the Electric Universe model, supporters of the theory tend to believe that the cosmology and phenomena found throughout the universe is driven by electricity, rather than gravity. This idea has many fans and even more enemies.​
Immanuel Velikovsky (1985-1979) influenced and empowered the EU movement with his ideas around how the universe rearranges itself via electrical interactions.​​

The Plasma Universe is a concept and theorem established by Nobel Laureate, Hannes Alfvén, known as the father of plasma physics and plasma cosmology. Alfvén believed that the visible universe is almost 100% plasma and his theory is often considered a companion to EU theory. Alfvén knew the interstellar and intergalactic network of planets, meteors, suns, moons, and stars are all plasma.​​

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The EU community, sometimes referring to themselves as The Thunderbolts Project, has a long list of social media channels and voices, including, Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott at the helm of the EU experience. While he truth around the Electric Universe Theory might never be accepted or proven, it will never be eradicated.​​

Even though there is fair and considerable pushback against the tenets within the EU theory, it might need more time to mature. We also might consider that there might be limits to Einstein’s research and applied technologies.​​

I think it’s important to consider that just because a theory is globally accepted or that current scientific procedures support them, it does not mean they are 100% correct. It might be that there are nuances in every theory that are yet to be proven, for a variety of reasons.

Putting It All Together

At 14 billion years old, the universe is still unfolding and expanding. Assuming that today’s theories are precise and comprehensive is a mistake. The full scope of the universe’s elements and truths has yet to be revealed. At the very least, we must remain open to new, potentially remarkable possibilities.​
The biggest roadblock in the pursuit of life-enhancing technologies and disproving (or proving) the Electric Universe theories might be that today’s scientists are more concerned with algorithms than experiments. It’s important to keep in mind that equations do not create or prove realities; they propose and support imaginary ones.​​

Also relevant, governments and iconic business people have always been nervous around innovation and they’ve stifled it for the darkest of reasons:

  • JP Morgan put an end to Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower in fear that its resulting wireless energy technology would interfere with the growth and profits from the companies that Morgan financed, including General Electric
  • J. Edgar Hoover seized Tesla’s work upon the death of the unsung hero, fearing it might inspire a revolution in the country’s energy and economic infrastructures, putting power, profit, and influence in the hands of citizens instead of corporate entities
  • Hundreds of patents were classified by the US Government over the past 50 years, which can easily be attributed to the notion that governments do not want people to be empowered, they want people to be reliant

Regardless of its limitations and imperfections, Tesla’s work and the suppositions surrounding The Electric Universe are compelling and can potentially lead to profound shifts in our thinking and forthcoming technological advances. Given these ideas, we might reframe Einstein’s theories on Special Relativity by saying, “E = mc2 is relatively true, for now.”

Electrogravitics: Antigravity, Tesla, And A Military Cover-Up

Tesla was a brilliant innovator. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Electrogravitics can be traced to Nikola Tesla’s work with high-voltage discharges in the late 1800s. When Thomas Townsend Brown discovered that electrostatic and gravitational fields are closely intertwined, the world changed.

In astronomical terms, gravity dominates nuclear and electromagnetic forces, which, if implemented into relatable, earth-based technologies, would create economic and scientific paradigm shifts. There have been thousands of attempts to produce measurable and scalable “antigravity,” a futuristic tech that theoretically produces unlimited energy for use in propulsion and other categories of technology.

Key government officials have said that the military has used antigravity tech for years. While conspiracy theorists love the subject, some say antigravity talk is cheap and comprised entirely of untested hype.

The innovative suppositions and theories in electrogravitics and electrokinetics, the base concepts for antigravity, point to the potential for tremendous technological advances. Put quite simply, if you test these theories with natural progressions, the probable advances in transportation and military technologies could transform human life as we know it.

“At No Time, When The Astronauts Were In Space Were They Alone: There Was A Constant Surveillance By UFOs.”
— Astronaut Scott Carpenter while in orbit on May 24, 1962
(NASA still has not released the photograph)

What Is Electrogravitics?

Electrogravitics is most commonly associated with the 1918 work by Professor Nipher, which preceded the 1921 experiments and eventual patents by Thomas Townsend Brown (1905-1985), the 1952 Navy’s Special Inquiry into the “Electro-Gravity Device of Townsend Brown” and the 1956 Aviation Studies Ltd. Reports on “Electrogravitics Systems” and “The Gravitics Situation.”​

The young would-be scientist named Thomas Townsend Brown, who also imagined the name “Electrogravitics,” began experimenting with x-ray vacuum tubes in 1921.​​

For his experiments, Brown used the Coolidge tube, one of the first practical tubes used in thermionic emission, the emission of electrons from heated sources. A coiled wire (tungsten filament) was used as the tube cathode (an electrode that emits electric current), which produces incandescence or light.

​Because Brown’s Coolidge tube’s mass appeared to decrease when its electrode was facing up, and it tended to increase when it was facing down, Brown concluded that he had influenced gravity with the electrode, and therefore gravity.

Brown went on to build large capacitors that produced similar fluctuations in the form of thrust. He began to believe that he had uncovered a mysterious force that could interact with gravity, thus enhance its ability to autogenerate energy and propulsion.

Brown published, “How I Control Gravitation” in Science and Invention Magazine, where he reported that the eventuality of his tech would create exponential propulsion for the “ocean liners of the future.” While some have said that the US Government there is little publicly available proof that supports these claims.

What Is The Biefeld-Brown Effect?

A capacitor is a device used to store an electric charge. When an extremely high electrical voltage is applied to a set of a capacitor’s electrodes, it produces an ionic wind that thrusts from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. The momentum of this thrust transfers to the nearby neutral particles. Brown believed that he could enable these particles to produce unlimited energy.

Thomas Townsend Brown and his mentor/teacher Paul Alfred Biefeld named this effect during their research and experiments while at Denison University in Ohio.

The general premise of the Biefeld-Brown Effect is that highly charged capacitors can create thrusts or propulsive air without requiring any moving parts or combustion engines. Imagine what this could mean for the development of aircraft, and other types of transportation systems and machinery.

Referring to his private conversations with a three-star general of the US Air Force, retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware said, “The new (1997) Lockheed-Martin space shuttle and the B-2 stealth bomber both have electrogravitic systems on board. This explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion dollars each. After conventional take-off, the B-2 can switch to antigravity mode, and fly around the world without refueling.”​

What Is Electrokinetics?

Electrokinetics occurs when an electrically charged surface or device causes liquid, gasses or solids to move from one point to another. Because the results of electrokinetic interactions include movement, a form of propulsion, the data, algorithms, and theories of electrokinetics can predict how and why specific electrogravitics concepts will succeed.​
The innovative suppositions and theories in electrogravitics and electrokinetics could produce tremendous technological advances.​

“All People Everywhere Should Have Free Energy Sources. Electric Power Is Everywhere Present In Unlimited Quantities And Can Drive The World’s Machinery Without The Need For Coal, Oil Or Gas.”
— Nikolas Tesla​

Project Winterhaven And Government Cover-Ups

In 1953, Brown conducted unprecedented experiments for the US government, sharing all of his secrets and data he accumulated since he first began in 1921.​
Fueled by 150K volts, Brown was able to fly a pair of metal discs around a 50-foot obstacle course, tethered to a massive central pole. These 3-ft diameter discs reached speeds of more than 300 miles per hour. This set of experiments became known as “The Pearl Harbor Demonstration.”

Going beyond physics, experiments like Brown’s have shown that more kinetic energy is created than was previously input in electrical energy. While it sounds simple in premise, these experiments violate Newton’s treasured first and third laws of motion and the conservation of energy.

Marrying the confiscated alien spacecraft that either landed or crashed on US soil, the US government embraced Brown’s theories and immediately classified them following The Pearl Harbor Demonstration. Meanwhile, the Australian government had been on a similar track which resulted from landings of similar alien spacecraft on the content of Australia in 1966.


Soon after Brown’s Pearl Harbor Demonstrations, Brown proposed a Mach 3 disc shape for electrogravitic fighter spacecraft. The related drawings are found in the US patent office and show large-scale versions of his Pearl Harbor tethered test discs. This new direction became known as Project Winterhaven.

In 1956, a British research company, Aviation Studies Int’l Ltd published a classified report on electrogravitics that included the following: “Electrostatic energy sufficient to produce a Mach 3 fighter is possible with megavolt energies and a k of over 10,000.”

What’s To Come In Antigravity Tech

The “Myth Busters” television show came out with a negative review of Brown’s experiments, but they failed to refer to the many conflicting trials that have occurred throughout the years.​
Thomas Townsend Brown taught us that high voltage and gravity hold the keys to unprecedented advances for humankind. Many other scientists profess the same. But this category of scientific exploration did not begin or end with Brown or any other earth inhabitant.​​

The exploration and development of electrogravitics and antigravity technology were originated and propelled into global consciousness by visitors from other worlds.

Many US government sources have given sworn testimony to the fact that the US has long been harboring alien technology for its own use.

Many have claimed that the US is using derivative technologies and advances solely for military pursuits. This means that the citizens of the world are being deprived of futuristic technologies that could save lives and make life on earth simpler, safer, healthier, and more enjoyable.

In the years to come, there will be a variety of public declarations about technological advances that will surprise most inhabitants of our beautiful planet. We will soon learn about the multitude of remarkable secrets that have been hidden from humanity for a century.

When we remove profit and war from the question of whether we should release advanced technologies to the public domain, we begin a journey toward eliminating suffering and advancing peace throughout the world.

Star Trek: Predictive Programming

Star Trek

Star Trek Rocks! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Are there hidden agendas behind all of the content we consume, including our favorite TV series and movies?

Are there secret teams of power-players manipulating our behavior through the dialogues between our favorite on-screen characters?

Was this predictive programming ingrained in Star Trek and its presentation of futuristic technology?​

Long before the 1960s, when the groundbreaking television series Star Trek was produced, the US government and a handful of US corporations were exploring how they might educate (“condition”) the American public into more peaceful compliance. They knew that as populations grew and as science advanced, a myriad of potential problems could develop. The world’s scientific community needed direction – and leadership. But how would they do it?

“High drama with emotion, plus crisis situations in movies, is a tremendous method of getting points across. It’s almost like coupling an idea with the drama and it’s downloaded like a virus into your subconscious. You’re being programmed and it’s called “predictive programming.”
— Alan Watts

What Is Predictive Programming?

A term most likely created by esoteric philosopher Alan Watts, “predictive programming” is an exaggerated form of subliminal messaging. It has long been thought to be the process that many governments and organizations use to influence the world so that it eventually favors its agendas.

The general concept is that when an organization wants to influence the public, they pay media companies to seed entertainment and news stories with specific concepts, years in advance so that one day the minds and behaviors of the public shift in favor of their predetermined agenda. By the time the conditioning plan is completed, society will have lost its impulse to resist or oppose the manipulated tides. The public might also be too numb to react to any preplanned, catastrophic events.

After Jack Kennedy won American hearts during his debate with Richard Nixon, the government and other stealth organizations knew their best outlet for influencing the public was television. They came to understand that to change human behavior, sell products, and set the stage for world and intergalactic governmental control; they needed to fully understand the potential of that little box in the living room.

Not all predictive programming theories are well-rounded. Like any conspiracy, there are those who cherry-pick examples and try to back-track into a problematic intention. The drawback here is that anybody with imagination can establish a narrative that ties two estranged ideas together. Think of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups commercial: “You got your peanut butter on my chocolate!” It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots. But there are also plenty of compelling ones that may hold some validity.

Here Are A Few Predictive Programming Examples:

  • In 1898, Morgan Robertson wrote his novel “Futility” about a sinking ship called the Titan. Fourteen years later, the Titanic sank.
  • In Star Trek, the “good guys” use “phasers” that are set to stun. Today’s police forces use “tasers” which produce the same outcome.
  • David Icke promotes the idea that the shootings at Sandy Hook were predicted in the film “Dark Knight Rises.“
  • In The Matrix, Neo’s passport just so happens to expire on 9/11/2001
  • The 1998 movie “The Siege” shows New York City being attacked by terrorists and subsequently falling into a state of Martial Law. Is this a foreshadowing of the Patriot Act?
  • The animated series “Futurama” has long prepared us for microchip implants.
  • Alex Jones promoted the idea that the Mexican oil rig explosion in 2010 was clearly shown to the public in the film “Knowing.”
  • Was the movie “Robocop” meant to prepare us for what has become a blind acceptance of police militarization?
  • “Minority Report” in 2002 brought us facial recognition, militarized police, retina scanning, predictive analytics, driverless cars, and spooky, personalized advertising.

Given all these examples, what might predictive programming conspiracists believe to be the next level of the game? Where might the programmers be trying to lead us? While many cases of predictive programming appear to be remarkable coincidences, there is no doubt that lobbyists with cash can influence just about anything in this world, including television and movie scripts.

“There is no America. Everything is just one vast corporation, an association of corporations. There’s no Britain. There’s no America. There’s no Holland. There’s no China. There’s no Russia. It’s one conglomerate of corporations. Money runs the thing.”

— Peter Finch as Howard Beale, “Network”

Are Hollywood’s Elite The Culprits?

Even though Hollywood has long aligned with socialist and egalitarian principles, not all government-influenced storytellers have had noble intentions. During the 1960s, the groundwork for the deep state, in-country chemical warfare, black budgets and mass control of human populations began to take hold. By the time Nixon took office, the tides had turned, and the office of the President of the United States would never be the same. While not necessarily a puppet, the President does not have power over every area of our government.

If the predictive programming theory is applied to today’s biggest stories around wars, food, drugs, vaccines, massacres, and tragedies, then the media has been numbing our brains for years. With cancerous sodium lauryl sulfate in our soaps, dangerous fluoride in our water, and hazardous chemicals in our vaccines, it appears we’re eager to blindly accept almost anything as “okay,” even if it threatens our health and society.

Whether the theory is correct or not, the U.S. population is now far too comfortable and compliant to pursue a real-world revolution. If it wasn’t predictive programming in movies that prevented our revolution, eventual obsolescence might have previously been built into our DNA. That’s a story for another day.

Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek, And The Outer Limits

Gene Roddenberry loved visiting the set of The Outer Limits, a groundbreaking, old-school, science-fiction television series produced in the early 1960s. Gene was friends with the show’s producer, Leslie Stevens Jr. Leslie’s father was a Vice Admiral in the Navy who was working with Rear Admiral Rico Botta, who happened to be on the ground floor of the new and secret space program.

From phasers and auto-sliding doors to video communication and computer sensors, there was a direct line of communication between the US Navy, the new space program and Hollywood. This became the education pipeline for the American public to learn about (and be prepped for) the future of tech.


While publicly Roddenberry was an atheist, the writing in Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation included dialogue that introduced a slew of esoteric ideas, including ancient mythologies, DNA construction, Paganism, Gnosticism, the Singularity, The One vs. The Many, The Absolute, and the Eternal Consciousness. When writing and consulting for the series, Gene was either channeling information from the Gods, or government agencies encouraged him to introduce technological and spiritual concepts that could eventually enhance and protect humanity’s future.

Either way, Gene’s brilliance was the reason he was invited to speak at a variety of high-level institutions around the world, including NASA, the Smithsonian Institution, Library of Congress gatherings, and a long list of top universities. Mr. Roddenberry held three honorary doctorates: Doctor of Humane Letters from Emerson College (1977), Doctor of Literature from Union College in Los Angeles, and Doctor of Science from Clarkson College in Potsdam, New York (1981).

“All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad. You’ve got to say: ‘I’m a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!’ So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’
— Peter Finch as Howard Beale, “Network”

Star Trek And The RAND Corporation

When Star Trek was first produced, The RAND Corporation was under contract to the United States Air Force and other foreign organizations to research pro-social values and ways to make the world a better place.

In fact, by the time Star Trek’s first episode aired on Sept 8, 1966, RAND employees had already been involved with the show’s development for years. Without RAND, Star Trek might never have birthed such a long list of futuristic concepts.​

Going forward, every future Star Trek series and movie would benefit from the secret pipeline of ideas that continued to flow between NASA’s research scientists and the writers and producers of everything Trek.

RAND researcher Harvey Lynn worked tirelessly with series creator Gene Roddenberry to construct vital technological concepts and pro-humanity ideologies that not only became part of the fabric of Star Trek but also became the foundation for what might become known as “intergalactic socialism.”​

During the years leading up to its launch and within every script, Roddenberry was committed to humanism and authenticity, and Lynn provided all the fodder to make that possible. While RAND corporation may or may not have been directly involved, there is no doubt that Lynn was deeply infused in RAND’s research pursuits and had an indelible influence on the formation of Star Trek.​

In a series of letters between Lynn and Roddenberry, Gene once declared, “Any point you feel strongly about, please feel free to continue arguing.” This symbiotic relationship not only produced some of the best television in history, but it created a precedent for how research organizations and governments might influence the future of humanity through narrative.

RAND and Star Trek share a common belief: society should continuously seek to research and develop technologies that improve the human condition. If predictive programming in movies is a reality, let’s hope the “good guys” are winning. And by good guys, I mean women. Truly, that’s who will save the world.

The Navy’s UFO Sightings

Navy’s UFO Sightings

The Navy loves UFOs. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Shortly after the Navy Times released “Aliens, ahoy!,” the Washington Post published “Angry Pilot,” and the NY Times asked, “Wow, What Was That?” these heavily promoted and widely consumed articles were immediately parroted by a long list of other popular news sites including CNN, AOL, Yahoo, The History Channel, Live Science, and many others. The upshot? The Navy pilot UFO report and video clearly show an extraterrestrial, Tic-Tac-shaped ship outmaneuvering the world’s best fighter pilots. Big shocker, right?

Here’s the thing: when a tidal wave of information gateways tote the same content as the most clandestine, conspiracy-minded, UFO messaging boards, it’s vital we take notice. While the government might try to soften the blow of these reports, the truths resulting from the Pentagon UFO program are now officially confirmed.

“Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government does not care about them! The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. It simply does not care about you! It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”
— George Carlin

While it’s not clear what shiny, new gems might be revealed in the future, it’s obvious that we have surpassed the “shadow of a doubt” and conspiracy eras related to our alien neighbors and residents. The watershed of false information has been properly diffused. Going forward, expect continued showers of reality and possible floods of verifiable information. The truth is finally setting us free. Or is it?

Some secrets take time to gestate and boil upward to the surface, especially those controlled and manipulated by the CIA and the United States military. They know precisely how pimples work and when to let them pop. Their most coveted and protected secrets, other than ones surrounding 9/11, are those related to the UFOs that have been seen, confiscated, and reverse-engineered by the United States military since the long-ago crash in Roswell, New Mexico.

When Project Bluebook began in the 1950s, its public mission was to uncover the truth related to Unidentified Flying Objects. In all, over 12,000 UFO sightings were reported. Meanwhile, Bluebook’s confidential mission was to control the dissemination of the truth and extinguish all imagined threats. During the years that followed Project Bluebook, people disappeared, many contradicted their stories, and UFO researchers were watched, followed, harassed and possibly killed.

“One day, we might receive a signal from a planet like (Gliese 832c). But we should be wary of answering back. Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus. That didn’t turn out so well.”
— Stephen Hawking

Even though Stephen Hawking had doubts, UFOs have never appeared to be a real threat to public safety; in fact, they’ve been vital to the military industrial complex’s sole agenda: invest in advanced weaponry by any means and protect the assets of the United States. The mission of our government and military has never been about the people or the planet or anything even remotely noble. It’s been keenly focused on promoting three things: nationalistic separatism, the proliferation of greed, and the pursuit of war.

As George Carlin would say:
“Government wants to control information and control language because that’s the way you control thought, and basically that’s the game they’re in.”

The US Government never saw UFOs as a threat; they saw them as portals of expedited research and development of the most dangerous weapons the earth would ever see. When the CIA released over 13 million pages of redacted documents, even the most combative deniers of UFOs became unrelenting fans.

What most people don’t know is that the southwest United States includes a military installation much larger than the famed Area 51. When you consider all of the southwest’s classified locations and undisclosed testing sites, it amounts to an area that exceeds the combined size of Rhode Island plus two Delawares. This massive region includes The Nevada Test site, Nellis Air Force Base, and a handful of other restricted military havens, each of which holds unique secrets.

“Even if the aliens are short, dour, and sexually obsessed
—if they’re here, I want to know about them.”
― Carl Sagan

Within this massive sector, and roughly 83 miles from Las Vegas NV, is Area 51, known to the CIA as Homey Airport and Groom Lake. This is where “black projects” (highly classified military and defense pursuits) like the F-117 Nighthawk and the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber were developed. The formal term for these types of projects is SAP or “Special Access Program.” The money that funds these types of projects has long been known to come from “black budgets.” These programs have been going on for decades, and no-one seems to know for sure how much money is spent and where it’s being allocated.

Isn’t it about time that the public was given access to all of the redacted information about the peaceful, living, breathing extraterrestrial life-forms currently living in the US and abroad? I think so.

The US government’s interest in and transparency related to UFOs has grown dramatically since 2007, when the Pentagon set up a new program to study “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Sadly, this doesn’t mean they’re willing to declare the existence of alien life, but since they’re using phrases like “security threat” and “potential hazards,” it alludes to the idea that they believe sentient life forms are regularly entering our airspace.


In 2004, The USS Nimitz reported that David Fravor, Commander of Strike Squadron 41, encountered a UFO that not only outran US F-18 jets, but it also left them in the dust. Six Navy Super Hornet fighter pilots corroborated the events. Intelligence officer Luis Elizondo released a recording with the hope that it might educate and enlighten the protective stealth operators who run The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

The CIA and its cohort are emphasizing that the released UFO videos and related reports were not sanctioned by the Pentagon, rather, by a director connected to To The Stars Academy of the Arts and Sciences, Tom Delonge’s company, which is actively seeking funding for extensive UFO research. Regardless, when you tie all of the CIA’s released documents with all of the recent reports and articles, it paints a damning (or exciting) picture and seems to support one simple set of conclusions: They are here, we’ve been actively extrapolating scientific advances from them, and directly relating with them for decades.

Trump has publicly acknowledged that he doubts the existence of aliens and Navy’s UFO, but that didn’t stop a group of US Senators from being glued to their seats during a recent classified briefing related to the long list of ongoing UFO sightings by the US Navy. Citing the potential for flight hazards, the Navy did not specify that their concerns were related to aliens, but they certainly showed all of the classic signs of a government avoiding a topic. Several pilots reported multiple encounters with these UFOs, each of which had no visible engine or infrared signals denoting exhaust fumes. This means that the technology was foreign to every scientific source within the US Government.

Ever since Roswell, there has been a steady stream of Navy UFO sightings like these. While all of this information has been public for years, the recent flurry of pop-site articles and all of the press briefings have the potential for long-tail results. This means that we will see a long list of former and current employees, from a variety of governmental agencies, coming out of their closets to share their classified experiences around UFO sightings and alien life. This will create the momentum needed to rip the lid off.

Mandela Effect: CERN Parellel Universes

Mandela Effect

Parallel Universes and Alternate Realities. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

The concept of The Mandela Effect is simple. Over time, a few minor details surrounding significant events, and therefore our perception of these events, might somehow change and may continue to improve in the years ahead.​

In other words, the tried and true spacetime continuum that appears to be the backbone of our collective, three-dimensional, physical reality might have a ripple in it. It also may have produced a sister, parallel universe, which has birthed different scenarios, events, identities, constructs, and relationships.​

It might also be true that our tiny, insignificant brains are slowly evaporating and can no longer handle every detail that flashes across our eyes. As we forget events, out of fear, we attempt to reassemble them in our imperfect minds.​​


Given that we’re all probably of the same species, each of our brains might make mistakes that are akin to the next, especially when it comes to certain types of events and sets of details.

It’s important to consider that our brains are continually comparing, analyzing, and constructing ideas and memories to justify their notions of reality, often from poorly assembled concepts and thin air. Given that, it might be fair to say that all brains build memories and memory-bridges with similar strategies and outcomes.

All this to say that because of our shared DNA, our brains will construct similar data sets and similar conclusions.​

Maybe this is the question we’ve yet to ask: Have large groups of people moved backward or forwards in time, witnessed potential trajectories, returned to their primary spacetime paths, and then somehow integrated all collected information into new perspectives, refreshed with new sets of details?

“If (Quantum Theory) Is Correct, It Signifies The End Of Physics As A Science.”
— Albert Einstein

Whether you believe The Mandela Effect to be fact or fiction, the growing number of shared perspectives across a variety of ideas and events, and inclusive of a broad spectrum of socioeconomic backgrounds, is compelling.

Examples Of The Mandela Effect

There are growing numbers of experiences of The Mandela Effect, across a long list of categories.

Here are a few potentially shifted events that caught my eyes:

  • Trump is president in the only reality vs. Trump is president solely in what has emerged as an alternate reality
  • Nelson Mandela Died in 2013 vs. died in prison
  • It’s a Beautiful Day in THIS Neighborhood vs. THE Neighborhood
  • Berenstain Bears vs. Berenstein Bears
  • Death of Billy Graham in 2018 vs. him dying years ago with President Clinton giving a eulogy
  • King Henry VIII’s portrait holding a glove vs. Turkey Leg
  • Mother Theresa Canonized post-mortem vs. in the 1990s
  • Rock group “Queen” song ending with “We are the champions” vs. “of the world.”
  • Sex AND The City vs. Sex IN The City
  • JIF Peanut Butter vs. JIFFY Peanut Butter
  • Curious George without a tail vs. with a tail
  • C-3PO with silver leg vs. gold leg
  • Oscar Mayer vs. Oscar Meyer
  • Patrick Swayze died of pancreatic cancer vs. he fully recovered
  • Monopoly Man with monocle vs. without monocle
  • Hannibal Lecter’s statement, “Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?” vs.”Hello, Clarice.”

Many have also reported this same effect or dissonance in their personal lives, whereby a baby’s birthday or sets of event details slightly shifted over time.

Thousands of people throughout the world have reported these Mandela Effects. This is partly why scientists are considering the possibility that parallel universes do exist.

“The Purpose Of Quantum Computing Based Compassionate Artificial Intelligence Is To Develop Integrated Systems That Can Preserve And Enhance Human Values Of Peace, Love, Happiness, And Freedom.”
― Amit Ray, Compassionate Artificial Super-intelligence

Scientists On The Mandela Effect

To consider some of the thoughts from the scientific community, one must first know the definition of spacetime. Spacetime consists of mathematical models that merge the three dimensions of space with the one dimension of time (which we have all come to agree-upon), resulting in a single four-dimensional continuum. In other words, given our agreements on how time moves and how we all move through three-dimensional space, we are all living within an agreed-upon four-dimensional reality.

Here are a few science-related notions that might have given birth to the existence or the milieu of ideas related to The Mandela Effect:

Time Travel

Time travel might provide us with the ability to experience a variety of our unique, potential, life trajectories. Here’s how that might work:

We’re already traveling through time, only forwards. This means that time-travel relative to other people also exists, which includes walking together.​

If the whole universe was spinning, which it’s not, time loops would emerge, which would give us the ability to choose from a variety of time loops to experience some of our other potential life trajectories.​

Since wormholes are bridges through spacetime, we could use them to travel into the past or the future. The challenge here is that we don’t know how to build wormholes. Further, we would need negative energies or exotic matter to do this, which we don’t fully understand and have not yet created.

This doesn’t mean that aliens and biengs from other dimensions are not already building wormholes which could be affecting our current perspective of reality and giving birth to additional spacetime loops and potentialities.

Quantum Computers

Quantum computers use tiny circuits, superposition, whereby multiple quantum states can be merged to produce a new outcome, and entanglement, which results in groups of particles that interrelate and cannot be described independently.

Quantum computing utilizes the fluctuation of atomic and subatomic particles as they morph from one state to another. While prior computers used bits and bytes to quantify processing power, quantum computers use qubits or quantum bits. While a bit can be found at either of the two poles within a sphere, a qubit can be found anywhere within that sphere.

For a quantum computer’s storage size, processing power and computation, it means that there will be infinite space, infinite power, infinite logic gates, and infinite computational possibilities, far outpacing today’s limited, classic computer architecture. When we enter the quantum computing arena, traditional laws of physics and particle theory no longer apply.

While this all sounds fascinating, quantum computing comes with challenges and potential nightmares. These fascinating machines do not always surpass every classical algorithm, and there is no known problem for which quantum computers outperform every traditional rival.​

The quantum theory related to The Mandela Effect goes something like this: As quantum computers interact with the various states of the atomic and subatomic particles within their spheres, they affect other particles within the realities of different dimensions. Some say this alone could change specific details surrounding specific events.


D-Wave is a category of quantum machine created by D-Wave Systems, Inc., in Canada. The company seeks to exploit the potential quantum effects inherent in their processing systems.

Currently, D-Wave machines can only handle specific tasks. While they’re a long way from exponential speed dominance over classical computers, a recent paper suggests that D-Wave’s 2000Q computer can return solutions 2600 times faster than known algorithms.​

In the pursuit of this tech, scientific-minded Mandela Effect fans suggest that the intensity of the computational force from D-Wave computers could have a profound effect on particles, life, trajectories and events throughout the universe. In turn, D-Wave machines might easily create a Mandela Effect.

Cern Conspiracy Theories

Some fervent, conspiracy theorists are so confident that Switzerland’s CERN organization is at the helm of universal particle manipulation, they’ve renamed The Mandela Effect, “The Cern Mandela Effect” and “The Cern Quantum Effect.”​

Established in 1954 and based in Switzerland, CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. It has 22 member states/countries and has made hundreds of unique scientific discoveries, including the “God Particle,” otherwise known as Higgs Boson. CERN also invented the World Wide Web, not necessarily in partnership with Al Gore.

Because of the nature of CERN’s experiments, some believe spacetime is being unknowingly or knowingly manipulated, thereby producing Cern parallel universes.

While CERN scientists have good intentions, some say that CERN’s work is akin to GMO seed manipulation, in that it is taking risks with the foundational elements of our universe (atomic and subatomic particles) without fully understanding the potential risks.

“A Classical Computation Is Like A Solo Voice – One Line Of Pure Tones Succeeding Each Other. Quantum Computation Is Like A Symphony – Many Lines Of Tones Interfering With One Another.”
― Seth Lloyd, Programming the Universe


The Present Moment

Time will tell whether The Mandela Effect, CERN, D-Wave, and quantum computing will help us understand time-travel, particles, wormholes, changes in prior realities, and the creation of accessible time loops.
In the meantime, let’s stay in the present moment, meditate on our expansiveness, and do our best to love each other.

City Of Atlantis in the Sahara


Atlantis in the Sahara? A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

If you feel challenged by our relatively unconscious society, you may be one of the many dreamers who fantasizes about the lost city of Atlantis. Some believe the Eye of the Sahara in Mauritania holds the secrets we’ve long imagined to be true. Stretching 14.6 miles across, the Eye appears to be from another world. Considering Plato’s writings on the subject, it’s possible that this incredible structure is the final resting place of millions of Atlanteans.​

While Plato’s descriptions of Atlantis are epic and mind-blowing, many believe he barely scratched the surface. He described Atlantis as a massive formation of concentric circles, alternating between land and water, similar to how the Eye is seen today. He emphasized that Atlantis was a wealthy, utopian civilization that created the basis for the Athenian democratic model. Plato went on to describe the land as rich in gold, silver, copper, other precious metals, and gemstones.

According to Plato, the story of Atlantis, first told by the ancient Egyptians, has all the elements you’d expect from a culture that was not only ahead of its time, but also wildly arrogant. Atlantis was a leader in academia, architecture, agriculture, technology, diversity, and spiritual empowerment, their navy and military were unmatched, and the Atlantean kings ruled with extreme authority. It’s no surprise that Atlantis fell in ways similar to Rome, and potentially in a similar way to how the United States could fall.

“This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean … an island larger than Libya and Asia put together … Now in this island of Atlantis, there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent.”
― Plato, Timaeus/Critias

Soon after waging an aggressive, unprovoked war on parts of Asia, the Atlanteans were defeated by the only army willing to defend the continent: the Athenians. Amidst the battles, the Gods thrust violent tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, and floods upon the Empire of Atlantis. As if admitting its sins, Atlantis burst apart, dissolved into the ocean and desert, and was never seen again.

The Eye of the Sahara, also known as the “Richat Structure” and “Eye of Africa” is located in the Sahara’s Adrar Plateau in Mauritania, the Islamic Republic in Northwest Africa. This massive geologic, inverse dome contains rocks and sediment dating back to a time before life on Earth.​


Visible from space, the Eye of Sahara resembles a massive bullseye, which began to form when the supercontinent Pangaea broke apart. The igneous rocks embedded in the Eye include carbonates and black basalts akin to Hawaii’s Big Island.

The Richat Structure And Atlantis

Many believe Plato’s stories about Atlantis were parables and that he used Atlantis to set the stage for his ideology. Plato’s Atlantean narrative might be in the same vein as James Cameron’s Avatar, in which he warns us that corporate greed and racism can quickly pollute and potentially destroy our civilization.

King Atlas, aka King of Atlantis, and namer of the Atlantic Ocean is the same person as Atlas of Mauritania. Herodotus’s map from 450 BC places Atlantis in the same place as the Eye. The Egyptians, the first tellers of the Atlantis story, were colonized by Atlantis. It’s through their lineages that we came to learn about Atlantis and its precise location.

The circular isle of Atlantis was described to have a diameter of 127 Stadia. 1 Stadia = 607 feet. When you multiply 127 x 607, the result is 77,089 ft. This is equivalent to around 14.6 miles – the diameter of the Eye.

More Similarities Between Atlantis And The Eye Of The Sahara

  • Solon, Plato’s relative, was an Athenian statesman and poet who traveled to Egypt and learned about Atlantis first-hand. It’s these stories that Solon relayed to Plato.
  • In Plato’s Critias and Timaeus dialogues, he describes Atlantis as three alternating zones of water and two of land, which could easily be transposed onto the physical structure of the Eye that we know today.
  • The nearby mountains were seen as representatives of the Gods and celebrated for their lush rivers and waterfalls. These mountains were said to be in the north, the precise location of the Eye’s mountains. When you look at the satellite images of the Eye, you can see the river and water lines that appear throughout the landscape.
  • Plato described the sea to the south of Atlantis and the desert surrounding the area, which also appears in satellite images.
  • It was said the freshwater flowed from the center island of Atlantis, which also exists in the center circle of the Eye.
  • Satellite imagery shows that weather pushed mud across the region, which could easily be attributed to a tsunami, one of the many aspects of the weather system that simultaneously destroyed Atlantis.
  • Mauritania exports copper and gold, which were plentiful throughout the Empire of Atlantis.
  • Eye of Sahara from space
  • Plato reported that elephants, and many other animals, were abundant on Atlantis, many elephant bones have been found near the Eye.
  • Black, red and lighter colored rocks were reported to be embedded throughout the land of Atlantis. This is also true of the Eye.
  • There have been thousands of artifacts found in and around the Richat Structure. Most are 12,000 years and older, which puts them in the time frame of Atlantis. These items include arrowheads, spears, stone spheres, surfboards, oars, ship hulls, and more.

“There were a great number of elephants in the island, and there was provision for animals of every kind, both for those who live in lakes and marshes and rivers, and also for those who live in the mountains and on the plains, and therefore for the animal which is the largest and most voracious of them.”
― Plato, Timaeus/Critias

Legend tells us that Atlantis was an empire made of ten kingdoms, with the island of Atlantis as the capital. The God Poseidon gave birth to five sets of twins, ten children in total, each one running one of the ten kingdoms. Having twins is a rare occurrence. It just so happens that the highest birth rate of twins on planet earth is found in Nigeria – very close to Mauritania.

Plato and Solon were known to have integrity and were therefore rarely challenged. Atlantis is the only story of Plato’s that was ever disputed.​

One of the strangest aspects of the history of Atlantis is that none of these theories are presented in Wikipedia, and every related page is locked. This includes pages about the Eye, King Atlas, and the God Poseidon. How is it that the universally accepted concept that Atlantis existed is left out of one of society’s most treasured resources?

If you’re still on the fence about the Eye of the Sahara being the location of the city of Atlantis, consider that the City of Troy was thought to be a myth for thousands of years, until it was found, exactly where Homer said it would be.