The Electromagnetic Nature Of Emotions

Electromagnetic nature of emotions

Electromagnetic nature of emotions. A Shutterstock Licensed Image

When we allow ourselves to feel our emotions, it’s as though hidden forces, even tidal waves, move within us. As we process them, vast amounts of space within our minds and hearts emerge. We feel lighter and more resolved. Our emotions help us evolve and teach us how to expand, yet our understanding of them is limited.

Electromagnetism is the study of electromagnetic force, which is born from interactions that occur between electrically charged particles. Particles attract, matter is formed, and energy is emitted.

Electromagnetic fields transport these forces, giving birth to electromagnetic radiation, such as light. As atoms attract via electromagnetism, they create our physical realities. We cannot exist without electromagnetism.

Lightning is the result of electrostatic discharge. Emotions are similar. When we have experiences, we immediately absorb them, and then our personalities form responses. Meanwhile, without any apparent effort, our minds and hearts funnel our experiences through our unique webs of perceptions and beliefs. At the end of this speed tunnel, and without much effort, our emotions are born.


As ideas and imagery move through our minds and bodies, they bounce around like pinballs, creating, and provoking emotional responses. It’s in this way that emotions appear to be ultra-compact, contained hurricanes of raw energy. Since they can be stored and extracted, it means that emotions most likely have mass.

Emotions Are Somewhat Infectious

You’ve been in movie theaters and experienced waves of emotions. During specific scenes, you can almost feel the weight in the room. It’s quite possible that when we express emotions through laughter, yelps, and gasps, we release chemicals and electromagnetic discharges born from emotions. This is why being in a funeral home might feel different than being in your living room.

Are my emotions more powerful than God?

When religions tell you to ignore your emotions, they’re telling you to deny your impulses and refute your ability to expand. Since your expansion can produce your divinity, you’re a threat to every religion.

The more conscious religions will encourage you to honor your emotions, and expand your understanding of self. While it might be challenging to become self- and God-realized, religions should encourage these pursuits. What can be more critical than your expanded consciousness? Maybe nothing.

If emotions weren’t the byproduct of interactions, we’d have a better chance at controlling them.

Emotions are tiny, energy-Beings that are created and fueled by our thoughts. When we have a charged thought, whether positive or negative, we will undoubtedly experience emotions. Because we often assign meaning to our thoughts, they tend to have a flavor of angry, sad, delight, fury, excitement, and more.

While it’s difficult to control how we express our emotions during traumatic and profoundly beautiful events, it’s possible.

Emotions like love, joy, comfort, relaxation, peace, and positive passion can improve our attitudes, relationships, and immune systems.

Meanwhile, emotions like fear, hate, anxiety, shame, blame, and despair tend to deplete our energy levels and health and even kills cells. Regardless of this distinction, dormant emotions, harmful or not, must be encouraged to move.

Here’s how you might awaken or move your emotions and the related electromagnetic discharges toward your favor:

  • When having an emotion, allow it to breathe. Don’t judge it. Try to love it.
  • As it moves within you, note how much energy it requires to sustain.
  • If an emotion commandeers your passion or clarity, note its value: positive or negative.
  • If it’s negative, permit yourself to express it safely. Letting out a little steam will reduce its internal effect on you. If the feelings of negativity remain dominant, choose a modality to help you express it. You might consider crying, exercising, writing in your journal, pounding the earth, or doing a healing ritual to help you expand beyond your temporary self-identity.
  • If your feelings are positive, let them fill you up, then share them with abandon.
  • In every situation, you can choose a higher-level perspective. In doing so, your emotions will follow suit. While honoring your emotions is essential, it’s best not to fuel negative emotions. Give them their say, even a vote, but don’t give them a seat at the table or cement them into your reality.

Can We Replace Emotional and Mental Mechanisms to Make Life Easier?

Human beings do not react similarly to the same conditions, largely because our perceptions and beliefs are not uniform. Each of us is a unique machine, with indeterminable mental pathways, emotional mirrors, and projection systems. Given the complexities of each person’s life, it would be quite challenging to successfully swap one person’s wirings and inner workings for another’s.

Current technological advances seem to allude to the possibility of replacing aspects of ourselves with prosthetic emotional and mental constructs. While this is compelling, it would most likely require brain transplants, and thorough expunges of our neural networks. In cases like these, individuals would no longer be themselves. In fact, they might be considered adult new-borns.


Where Can Our Emotions Lead Us?

Just like a compass needle, our emotions seem to point us in specific directions. Anger tends to lead to destruction, although rage can protect us, and noble fights can produce miraculous outcomes. Joy tends to point to positivity, although it can also result in permeable boundaries and unwanted pregnancies. It’s all a matter of perspective, and it’s situation-specific. If we’re careful with our emotions, we can construct formidable personalities, through which, we can create empowered lives.

What’s The Takeaway Here?

Your emotions comprise one, massive, collective organ. Each emotion is akin to a mini hurricane, which can save, protect, or heal you. Emotions either fuel your reality or feed its deconstruction. Every emotion you have is a piece of you. It lives within your body and emits electromagnetic discharges. Your emotions have a substantial influence on your overall vibration.

Treat this vital, collective organ with respect. Seek modalities and rituals that ground and nurture you, and use your words and tears to express your position. Remember that you can often choose your emotions, or at the very least, choose to improve upon them.

Finally, in all things:

  • Accept what is happening in the present moment.
  • Release your resistance to the flow.
  • Be careful when assigning meaning to circumstances, events, and relationships.
  • Focus on love, joy, and health.
  • When confronting hypocrisy and insanity, be fierce, firm, and swift.
  • Remember, the past is a canceled check.
  • Choose positive responses whenever possible.
  • Set clear boundaries so you can protect your beautiful garden.

How To Create Miracles


Miracles are for everyone. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Miracles are born from absolute congruence and surrender, but only when we are in our humblest and purest states of spirit.

Miracles cannot be born from ego or goals, as these trivial things are based in physical and three-dimensional realities, which are only tangential to the creation of conditions. Miracles are born in the spirit world, then handed over to our physical positions in spacetime, with our consent. From there, we must bring them to life and keep them alive.

If you’re hankerin’ for a hunk of miracle, you need not be an altar boy, Rabbi, Priest, healer, saint, Pope, Goddess, Avatar, or perfect person.

In fact, miracles tend to fall into the laps of the people who have no powers, titles, or privileges. This is because the beaten, poor, and lonely are well-practiced in humility and transparent, heart-felt requests to the Divine.

When thinking of your miracle, you might first consider why you have not received it already. Here are the top ten reasons why your miracle evades you:


  1. The miracles you seek might be the inverse reflections of the things that you refuse to acknowledge, heal, or address in your life.
  2. Even if for brief moments, you might not have learned how to love yourself.
  3. It’s your ego’s miracle, not your spirit’s.
  4. Your anger is in the way.
  5. The miracle you seek is in direct conflict with someone else’s pain or identity.
  6. You do not yet know how to acknowledge your feelings or process your emotions.
  7. Your miracle might be too complicated and intellectualized for it to emerge from spirit.
  8. Your pain is more valuable and nutritious to your soul than the miracle you requested.
  9. You may not have recognized a specific experience as the miracle you sought.
  10. Your karma ate your miracle.

When miracles evade us, we might be refusing to grow up.

When our love miracles don’t appear, it might be that we have yet to learn how to love ourselves. If we are seeking fame-n-fortune miracles, it might be that the natures of our souls require further pain to expand beyond their current, temporary self-identities. In this case, fame and fortune would not elevate or benefit our spirits in meaningful ways. These things would merely function as pieces of candy.

This alludes to the fact that sometimes we might have a miracle in mind, but as a result of our prayers, we’re given something completely different. We may have mastered articulating our miracle. We might even be embodying perfect humility, congruence, and surrender. But amid our devotion, the Divine hears something deeper and then administers what is necessary, and possibly more in line with our root needs and spirits.

It’s in these cases that we must trust our intentions and the precise, divine answers to our calls.

There have been millions of reported miracles throughout history. These include:

  • Apparitions
  • Physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual healings
  • Saviors
  • Bleeding icons and statues
  • Appearances and disappearances of people and objects
  • Magical shrouds and hats
  • Playful ghosts
  • Stigmata and physical abnormalities
  • Incorruptible saints and paupers
  • Astronomical and planetary manifestations
  • Births and deaths
  • Money
  • Love

While many of the more sensational miracles that emerged throughout time may have been driven by religious prophecy or wishful thinking, they are nonetheless miracles. Every time that your deepest desires and intentions appear in a physical form, it could be considered a miracle.

The most lovely miracles are born from broken hearts. These humble requests are not about promoting religion or gaining position; they are simple hopes that are stated clearly and without expectation. It’s not that expectation is not helpful; it’s just not a required ingredient when creating a miracle.

The broken heart is like a beacon to the Divine. She hears us. Immediately seeing our faces, She knows our pain and embraces us. It’s in this moment that the eternal and divine consciousness grants our wishes.

Do we have to be broken to gain access to the versatile fabric of the universe?

The reason that brokenness is helpful to us is that it puts us on our knees. In this position, we are vulnerable to love and attack. When we’re broken, we are driven by our attachments and assumptions. We’re pushed outside of our minds and into our hearts. Brokenness is how we see our true natures and experience our most enduring attributes. Without moments, weeks, years, or lifetimes of brokenness, we might never know the truth.

Are you feeling separate from the eternal fabric of reality? Are you living without knowledge of your sovereignty and might? Have you forgotten that you are made of stardust?

The reason that most of us become depressed and distracted from our truths is that we allow our egos and minds to drive the train. We’ve all heard this before, but let me take a bit further. The moment you feel low and then ponder that low position, you have already cemented it into reality. Because you allowed it, you now have to dig out of it. For most of us, there’s a way to stop the madness.

How can I move past the moment when a disconnected sadness covers my heart and eyes? How do I stop enabling this, and allowing it to take hold of my Being?

As you are falling into the dark cloud, realize that you created it and that you can un-create it. While it might not be easy, in the moment you feel a falling, reach above you and call for God’s help. Reach to the stars and beg for divine light. Realize that you are not the person falling; you are the stars and light you are beckoning.

We give our minds too much power, and like any entity in power, they take us on wild, sometimes horrible rides. It’s not that our minds are bad, it’s just that they don’t offer much value when it comes to improving our feelings and protecting our individualized divinity.

To find your miracle, soften your heart, release expectations, and feel gratitude. When you’re ready, look into the eyes of the Divine and speak to your soul.

The moment we feed the temporary self-identity that our mind’s depression creates, we have lost the battle. Once we get on the train of misery, it’s tough to truncate its trajectory. It’s like being locked in a ride at Disney, but not a good one.

Sometimes our miracle-request is simply this, “Universe, Goddess, Creation, Avatars of Light, please walk me out of the darkness so that I can feel the power, light, and love infused in my soul, blood and bones. Be with me so that I can put this old identity behind me, embody your love, and represent the eternal flame.”

Unlock The Hidden Secrets of Your Personalities

hidden secrets of personalities

Our Personalities Are Temporary Self-Identities! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Some life lessons are hard to swallow, but the toughest ones are those which push us toward a greater self-understanding. With an expanded sense of Self, we make better decisions and our lives are more peaceful and productive, even healthier. What determines our growth is not warm-fuzzy, white-light vision-boards; rather, it’s the actions we take toward fulfilling our dreams of self-realization that determine our growth and success.

Each of us is an ever-changing chemical equation in pursuit of connection and equanimity. We know that our personal alchemy and happiness are dependent upon our thoughts and desires, but without investment through action, nothing in our physical realities will change.

Working in the background of our daily lives and relationships is a set of powerful personalities. This buoyant, loyal, feisty group of secret identities is what we use to interact with the world. By confronting, healing, and up-leveling each of these personalities, we in turn release emotions, people, events, beliefs, and paradigms that no longer serve our evolution. In the process, we transform this life, as well as prior and future lives.

The Purpose of Personalities

Every experience results in the accumulation of attitudes, intentions, and beliefs, which live in us like magnets. Left unchecked, our internal magnets can attract undesirable experiences to our lives. These magnets also form identity masks (personalities) within us, which also attract experiences and act as the engines behind our actions. We are at the mercy of these amorphous, embedded constructs until we recognize, heal, and release them. While some of our personalities are helpful or benign, the rest of the crew can be a force to reckon with.

Our core personalities act as the collective machine that drives our lives. Much like our spirits use our bodies to live in physical realities, we use our primary personalities to engage the world, make friends, get jobs, and get attention. By temporarily naming and then exploring our personalities, we make them more relatable in the moment, which helps us process unattended emotions, imagery, and experiences. Doing so, we increase our ability to forgive ourselves and others. As a result, our awareness expands and we grow.

Over time, we evolve and our core personality sets change. At the ends of our lives, we drop all personalities and return to Source.

This does not mean that our souls die: it means we go back to an existence without pretense or construct, a state we can achieve while living in our bodies in the here and now.

Return to Source

According to the most ancient spiritual traditions, the purpose of life is to release the features within us that are incongruent with the Source of all life. This is what the masters who have appeared throughout time have taught us. Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Quan Yin, Amma, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Osho, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sai Baba and all the light beings who brighten our spirits, point to oneness with creation, a merging with eternity.
They desire for us to go through the process of Self-realization, seeking Nirvana, the state of the perfect non-existence of self-serving desires. Some people pursue this clear state by praying, chanting, or living monastic lives, but the majority of us utilize relational and emotional modalities to serve our spiritual advancement. These tools bring us closer to the Self, expanding our awareness, clarity, and sense of freedom.

By exploring and finding empathy for the broad spectrum of human attributes inherent in the human condition, we move closer to the Source.

By seeing ourselves in every living being we experience and interact with, we become free. With our intentions and actions focused on embracing all aspects of the human condition, we awaken.

The Challenge

How do we begin this type of deep exploration? There are powerful rituals that can bring us closer to ourselves. From Sweat Lodges and Pagan Rituals to advanced energy work and self-cleansing modalities, we have many options.

The challenge is that most of us do not have the simplicity of life to allow a one-time workshop or Vision Quest to take hold in our lives in a longer-term, meaningful way. And even though we might recite positive thoughts and mantras, if we’re honest with ourselves, we know these things are often not powerful enough to break our emotional and psychological bondage. In many ways, traditional new age modalities are temporary, egotistic, problematic, and narcissistic.

We cannot advance without a measure of deep exploration and momentary pain. We might achieve a state of clarity for a moment, but it doesn’t mean we can sustain it or necessarily benefit from it. Even if we sit in meditation for 10 days and eat vegetarian food while focused on our navel, the positive effects will easily wear off if we do not upkeep the efforts. Consistency in positive, transformative, and cleansing action is what returns us to ourselves and keeps us there.

You can breathe white light out your crown chakra all day long, but there’s no guarantee your mind will not consume you in the hours that follow.

Slowing down for long enough to achieve lasting transformation is a challenge we all face. There are few systems in place that can give us true transformation. Most of the spiritual teachings we regularly consume are bundles of candy. They feel so good, they’re pretty, they’re delivered by sexy yogis, they create positive vibrations and they inspire a sense of openness for a moment. But a week later, what has truly changed? Very little.

The path of the Shaman and spiritual aspirant consists of an equal balance of exploring the light and opening the doors to the shadows. This path takes into account the balance of light and dark inherent in the universe. We cannot sit in the light and expect lasting change.

The universe is everything, both light, and dark. If, while consuming the light, we are not dancing with the dark, we are missing the point. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. He wasn’t playing charades or writing positive thoughts on index cards. He was dealing with his shit and the shit in all of the universes. We all have the same opportunity but rarely pursue it.

The Work

6 years in development, Paul’s The Personality Cards, and Blended Soul app, are tools that can help you deepen your process of self-exploration. If you wish to do the work without a toolset, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Sit quietly with your journal and write down a list of your positive attributes.
  2. Write down a list of people who you believe are personifications of these attributes.
  3. Write down a list of your negative and bizarre attributes.
  4. Write down a list of the people who are reflections of these attributes.
  5. Pick the 3 most-exaggerated people from each list.
  6. One by one, look into each personality and be honest about how you resemble each person. Explore each attribute and look at how you have behaved in similar ways.
  7. Be honest with yourself about your ugliness. Express regret, find your anger, find the sadness beneath your anger and let it all go.
  8. Find forgiveness for yourself and others in every instance related to these 6 personalities.
  9. Contemplate the images that have haunted you or oppressed you. Focus on the emotions and let them out. Release your attached to the images and the emotions. Clear the slate so that you can become new.
  10. Celebrate your positive attributes and commit to realigning with them in all of your future endeavors.
  11. Write down your thinking and emotional processes as you go through this activity.
  12. Allow several hours or several days to complete a thorough exploration and full-body release. Do whatever it takes.
  13. Once complete, keep a list of the attributes you are hoping to embody throughout the rest of your life.
  14. Repeat this process when you feel cloudy or uncertain about who you are.

Enjoy Your Clarity

After going through this process, you will have a newfound clarity. Your mind will be more at ease and your heart will be open and full. Go deep and find clarity.

The purpose here is to embody a high level of acceptance for who you really are, who other people are and what reality is. There is no quick path to remove all of our false projections. There is only the expanding of your awareness, which most often comes through an intensely emotional experience. Without emotion, there is little chance wisdom will prevail.

Seek to know all parts of you. Do not run away from the shadows and challenges deep within your psyche. Cleanse them by opening the doors to the light. While the pain might feel unbearable, it is temporary.

This is an ongoing process. Continue to explore and release emotions around the imagery you obsess about. Grieve every image and every personality. Always seek the release of negative attributes and allow for the deepest awareness around every situation.


The Potential Changes

The more you are able to cleanse the emotions from your physical body and the more you are able to shed light on your shadows, the more you will evolve. This evolution will create greater simplicity in your life. It will be a letting go on every level. The value is that by climbing all of these emotional mountains, you give yourself the ability to climb every mountain and face every obstacle in your physical reality.

The more you go through these processes, the more you will see changes in your jobs, security, love life, personal life, and relationships. Upon every letting go of emotion, you’ll release or change your magnets. With fewer magnets, there are fewer attachments.

By going through these types of processes, you will change at a core level. This means that some of the people in your life may leave, new people may emerge and life will feel different. The degree to which you commit to this process will be equal to the level of peace that will emerge in your life.

Throughout this process, you will learn whether or not your family is an age-old addiction or a valuable tribe of compatriots. You will learn about your inner monsters and their ill-effects in your life. Most importantly, you will learn how to be connected to the Source of all life. While this takes time, each step can be freeing, illuminating, and exciting.

Born From a Divine Spark

We are all born from divine sparks. These sparks, however pure, cannot prevent us from adopting debilitating characteristics and attitudes. However difficult, healing these aspects helps us evolve.

You are invited to explore, embrace, forgive, and celebrate all aspects within yourself and others. Imagine the personalities living in your core. See each of them as a reflection of you and the people in your life. See each one as a representation of an aspect of the universe calling you to love, heal, and master it. May this process help you move successfully past your stories and closer to emotional and spiritual freedom.

A Guide to Healing Adrenal Fatigue With Emoting And Herbs

Adrenal Fatigue
Our Adrenals Are Vital To Our Emotional And Physical Health: A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Your adrenals are small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, much like ice cream atop a sugar cone. At first glance, they might look like two old, hump-backed men, their backs to the camera, crouched over a table playing chess. Found within your endocrine system and comprised of two parts, the adrenal cortex, and inner adrenal medulla, these glands look similar to brains, which is probably the best metaphor. In this article, we talk about Adrenal Fatigue.

Your adrenals fuel and run your body’s operations by producing then releasing hormones into your bloodstream, without which, you’d soon expire. Here are your body’s essential hormones that your adrenals produce:

  • Cortisol: your best buddy in times of stress, and has a host of vital functions that support your entire system.
  • Adrenaline: also known as epinephrine, is both a hormone and a medication. In partnership with noradrenaline, it helps you prepare your fight or flight responses.
  • Aldosterone: a steroid hormone that helps you conserve sodium in your kidney, salivary glands, sweat glands, and colon.

Without these musketeers, you’d find it difficult to think, move, or breathe. This triune of energy and life are vital to remaining alive. When our adrenal glands are out of balance, they can fall into patterns considered to be adrenal gland disorders. Our bodies find it difficult to break out of these types of patterns.

“Trying to describe a good marriage is like trying to describe your adrenal glands. You know they’re in there functioning, but you don’t really understand how they work.”

— Helen Gurley Brown

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

When our adrenals are low or functioning poorly, our hormone levels become low, which denies our bodies the energy needed to sustain life. If we push ourselves too hard, fail to get enough sleep, and don’t give our bodies the proper nutrients, our adrenal glands tend to get grumpy. When that grump turns to anger, your adrenals might respond like a teenager, giving you the middle finger. All communication stops. They become quite petty, and for a time, hope might be lost; this is adrenal fatigue.

Even though some doctors don’t believe that adrenal fatigue exists, you’ll know you have adrenal fatigue because of these symptoms:

  • Excessive, debilitating exhaustion
  • Craving salt and sugar
  • Loss of body hair
  • Difficulty falling asleep or waking up
  • Over-reliance on stimulants like caffeine
  • Brain fog
  • Moodiness
  • Dizziness
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Headaches
  • Mild depression
  • Roller-coaster sex drive
  • Excessive or spontaneous sweating
  • Loss of appetite and taste for food
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dehydration

Although some adrenal problems are genetic, when we push ourselves too far, we might develop an adrenal gland disorder, including Hyperaldosteronism, Hypoaldosteronism, adrenal tumors, Addison’s disease, Congenital disease, adrenal hyperplasia, X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy, and Cushing’s disease. Each of these disorders is quite serious and should be evaluated by a medical doctor or a specialist like an endocrinologist.

How To Improve Your Adrenal Health

To further assess the condition of your adrenals, consider researching adrenal testing labs and the most prevalent adrenal tests. These tests might require blood, urine, or saliva:

  • DHEA-Sulfate (DHEA-S) and DHEA levels
  • Cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
  • Catecholamines (hormones that increase heart rate and amount of energy available) and Metanephrines, molecules that break down Catecholamines
  • CT or CAT scan to diagnose tumors and malignancy

These labs can help you assess your brain-adrenal function, and learn more about your hormone levels. If you choose to go this route, it’s best to find an affordable concierge-style doctor who thinks and works outside the box of traditional, often uninformed medicine.

If you believe your adrenal glands are up against a wall, fighting for their lives, the first step is to quit or significantly reduce your consumption of the following:


  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Cigarettes
  • Drugs
  • Caffeine
  • Exaggerated emotions, especially anger
  • Improve your diet

In addition to venturing outdoors and connecting with bare, natural elements, one of the best ways to heal your adrenals is by eating healthy food. Consider the idea that your adrenals are sponges or young children. Everything they’re exposed to can influence how and when they grow.

Here are a few foods you might consider adding to your diet:

  • Organic turkey
  • Wild salmon
  • Avocados
  • Oysters
  • Kefir and other probiotics to improve energy production in your gut
  • Grass-fed organ meats like liver
  • Leafy greens like spinach, swiss chard, asparagus
  • Supergreen powders like Spirulina, Moringa, Wheatgrass, and Barley grass

Most importantly, find supplements that improve your mental clarity and energy levels. You might consider this list of power-players:

  • Desiccated pig and cow adrenals
  • Rhodiola
  • Ashwagandha
  • Eleuthero ginseng
  • Holy Basil
  • Curcumin
  • Licorice root
  • Bach Flower Remedies: Olive, Oak, Hornbeam, Rescue Remedy, Gorse, Star of Bethlehem, Elm, Impatiens, Centaury
  • Magnesium Threonate
  • Vitamin D
  • Phosphatidylserine (avoid “phosphorylated serine”)
  • Tyrosine
  • Vitamin C
  • Essential Oils: Lavender, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Peppermint, Sweet Orange, Spearmint, Rosemary, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Grapefruit, Ginger

Before you dive into any aspect of this regimen, be sure to do as much research as possible. Consider engaging a nutritionist, Chiropractor, Nurse Practitioner, or alternative M.D. to help you maneuver through the weeds of all the related medical and health information.

“True emotional healing doesn’t happen without feeling.

The only way out is through.”

— Jessica Moore

Healing Your Adrenal Glands Through Emotional Release

Earlier, I alluded to quitting exaggerated emotions. Still, there’s a caveat: if you’re willing to look at some of the emotions you are choosing to withhold continually, you might find that releasing these emotions in a peaceful environment might free your adrenals from debilitating, energetic burdens. Doing so could help you release the past, forgive others, and regain energy levels you haven’t had in 10 to 20 years. You can enact these types of releases through uncomplicated, self-powered rituals and ceremonies. Feel free to email me at, and I’ll connect you with my ritual and ceremony page.

When our adrenals struggle, it often means that when we built our “How To Live” operational plan, we failed to consider our limitations. We may have made hasty decisions at several points in our lives. We might have jeopardized our position within intimate relationships and at various junctures in our lives. It might be that we have failed adrenals because we were unable to care for ourselves properly.

In addition to diet, supplements, emotional release, forgiveness, Bach Flower Remedies, Essential Oils, and rituals, you might need three months of drastically reduced activities and dedicated rest. During this time, you might also consider meditating several times per day and doing gentle Hatha yoga before breakfast and bedtime.

With all of these modalities and ideas, proceed with research, caution, and care. I wish you a healthy, light- and energy-filled endocrine system, and a mastery of your emotions!

The Black Moon: Celebrate & Invest In The Incomparable YOU!

The black moon

A Black Moon is Beautiful and Powerful! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

Embrace Your Brilliance And Take Action NOW! A Black Moon is a delicious invitation to embrace your creative spark.

A Black Moon occurs every 32 months. When Mercury went direct in Cancer last night, the new moon rose in Leo.

I love Leo. She pushes us to see our value and take action. She taps us on the shoulders, and kisses our cheeks, saying,

“It’s now time for you to shine!”

During Leo Moons, it is customary to focus on new ways to see ourselves, and invite new modalities that will help us share our gifts, talents and attributes. It’s a great time to engage a challenge!

While Leo is always about capturing and embodying our rightful sovereignty, the Black Moon and the waning Mercury Retrograde (Mercury-Shade) keenly amplify this energetic encouragement.

There could be no better time than RIGHT NOW to be alive, creative, expressive, and full of your rightful power. Seriously! Get on board with YOU!

The Black Moon is all about self-expression!

A Black Moon is an energy typhoon that seeps into our electromagnetic fields. She helps us see our personal truths, and shed light on all the events, circumstances, and people around us.

If you can take a moment to allow this powerful, energy ally to share its truth with you, you will be surprised at how helpful she is. She’s like the Divine BFF you’ve always wanted.

Let The Black Moon Embrace You & Shine Through You!

Because this Black Moon is particularly lusty and Herculean, she can take the form of a ripped, intoxicating Warrior-Angel. During this time frame, there might be healing shakeups and slight breakdowns, whereby illusions fade away, and truths are resurrected in their places.

The Black Moon always serves our highest ideas and most advanced natures. She is a proponent of the most advanced aspects promoting our highest good.

This lovely creature is akin to a Cosmic Coach, who encourages us to know ourselves deeply, embrace our truths (both dark and light), and seek only clarity and divine righteousness in our experiences and relationships.

The Black Moon invites us to embrace

a fresh start with clear intentions.

When we pursue our highest ideals and Self, it must begin with the most courageous self-love imaginable. This is not a time to tinker in positivity. It’s the perfect time to master it.

See your value in all its glory. Embrace how every particle in the Universe knows and loves you. Allow this love to help you evolve, evaluate your world, and take appropriate and timely actions.

Ask yourself:

Where are you most loved?

Where are you under-allowing?

How can you improve your reality?

There is no human Being on earth, no etheric entity throughout the realms, who can love you more than you can love yourself. It must begin with you. You are, and always have been, the Universe.


Declare what matters to you most!

Proclaim your skills, talents, and attributes to the Universe!

Believe, then be “baptized” in the bosoms of love and light!


It is your right to be wild and free. It is your nature to feel vibrant, connected, and exhilarated. Release every iota that has held you back.


Declare your new self-identity.

Move forward knowing that

your ancestors, the Universe,

and all the light-Beings,

in all the realms,

want you to be happy. ALWAYS!



Ase, Ase-O or Ashe (“ah-sheh”) “The power to make things happen,” utilizing our life force in partnership with the eternal forces of light. Akin to the concept of Chi.

Creating New Narratives Inspires Our Change Our Behavior


When we change our narratives, releasing all our old stories, we transform. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

It’s time to begin again! This time, create a plan and stick to it! You can always write a new story. If you do, commit to it. Let it lead you somewhere new.

Each of us projects ourselves into every story we hear and see. Each narrative we absorb satiates a unique part of our temporary self-identities, bringing to life a part of us that may have been dormant or undeveloped.

Narratives are potent and they can play out whether we are conscious of them or not. The ones that we most align with can be representative of our pain or our power.

Narratives play substantial roles in our lives. They can compound our apathy and confusion. Or they can help us expand and heal. Our most prized narratives have the power to dismantle our self-identities, rebuild us, and define us.

What is a narrative?

~ A story; a written account of connected events; portrait, tale or chronicle.

~ A moving vehicle, much like a train, with a set of rules and requirements.

~ Enabler of living, breathing, relatable characters that move within the train, while on the train.

~ Sometimes the characters steer the train, other times the train steers the characters.

~ Once you get inside that train, you’re committed to a journey that has a beginning and end.

~ Often involve commitments, loyalties, disagreements and treachery.

~ Brings to life a variety of emotions, some new, some deeply seeded in our cores.

~ They can change at any time.

We all love a good movie.

It turns out there’s a reason why: over time, storytelling in movies and television has crystalized to perfectly mirror how our lives tend to play out.

In each of our stories, there’s a hero, a villain, a goal, and drastic twists and turns. It turns out that when we’re pursuing a goal, our minds are set-up to expect upheaval. They’re also set-up to expect success. This is why Hollywood movies have two act-breaks.

The First Act-Break

The 30-minute mark is about when all that yummy, warm-fuzzy excitement in the first act bumps into a wall. The first act-break occurs moments after the love hits a peak. It’s when the problem or villain arrives.

The Second Act-Break

At the 60-minute mark, we seem to be winning, when all of a sudden a crisis emerges, and we lose everything. This is the second act-break. We can all relate with this structure, and it’s why we love movies.

When creating business plans, or plans to improve our personal lives and relationships, it’s easy to give up on ourselves. We’ll happily forsake a more vibrant future if we can avoid confrontation and changes to our routines.

Rather than confront and change our patterns directly, we’d rather build co-dependent relationships with our loved ones, our businesses, and our goals. We want to adore them, but we also want to control them. This makes it very difficult to change our stories and improve ourselves, and transform our relationships. We’re just a tad addicted to the self-identity we’ve created and defended for so long.

If we can rewrite our narrative, the journey from here to there, and map out the act-breaks and strategies that could bring that narrative to life, we can change our lives. By creating and then becoming a lead character in our new story, we will naturally fall in with his or her journey.

By stepping into these inspired characters’ shoes, we begin to create energetic vessels that are built specifically to attract success in our three-dimensional physical realities.


If we can remain detached from our former self-identities and stay out of fear, we can be victorious.

Many of us find it difficult to change. We declare a new goal, make plans, and we might even enroll someone to help us. But when it comes down to making the hard choices and fully committing to the new narrative and self-identity, we’re unwilling. We find it too egoistically challenging to release our prior self-identities and venture into a new story. We regress into our old shite, rather than tunnel toward the new light that awaits us.

When we rewrite the rules, stories, and strategies related to how we work, live, and behave, we can become completely new. It’s not rocket science. It’s a fact. As long as our goals and plans reflect parts of our core attributes, we can become new.

If you’re hoping

to make some changes in your life,

write the narrative first.

Write a short story of how you want things to play out.

If you’re running a business, map out where that business needs to go. Create a strategic plan. Keep your self-protective reactive-mind in check. Write out every step of the plan, as if it were a Hollywood movie.

If you’re looking to have a personal rebirth, map out the journey. Write down every change you want to make, and every joy you want to attract to your life. Write it out as if a Hollywood movie depended on it. It’s your script!

Allow your self-identity to be rejuvenated with a new, relatable, and inspiring narrative.

Become the lead character!

Establish a story that takes you from here to a new horizon.

This is how heroes and warriors have achieved success for centuries.

1. They decide what they want.
2. They decide where they’re going.
3. They declare who is going with them.
4. They create their plans and GO!

Now, YOU! Answer these questions:

1. What do you want?
2. Where are you going?
3. Who is going with you?
4. What is your plan?
5. What is your timeline?

You can do this!

One more thing, sometimes you can’t listen to your heart. While minds can be traps, hearts can be needy, fucked-up, and wrong, always seeking nurturance and connection.

No, you do not always need nurturing and connection.

Sometimes you just need to get over yourself, make some solid decisions, map out a realistic plan, commit to it, GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!

What It’s Like to Be An Empath and Clairsentient

Empath and Clairsentient

Empaths who are Clairsentients can feel a little overwhelmed.

Empaths and Clairsentients feel and sense the emotions, vibrations, and energy of the people, animals, life-forms, and objects in a room, from a distance, and often, remotely.

If you are conflicted about something in your life, it often relates to your ability to know or process what you are feeling. Empaths and Clairsentients can pick up on your feelings related to a person, place or event. When they communicate what they are absorbing or experiencing, it can easily provoke your emotional release or a deep inner-knowing. This can heal you on several levels: emotionally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, and socially.

These lovely and giving people are often shy (not always) and have created public masks and work-arounds that allow them to function successfully in society.

As a person who can embody either of these archetypes, I know how they can be misunderstood, mistreated, and undervalued. In the past, this is exactly what I had done to myself. But no longer.

If you know an Empath or Clairsentient, nurture that relationship. They can bring great value to your life. Chances are, they’ve already processed a litany of your emotions, thoughts, pains, and burdens.


Empaths and Clairsentients are very similar, except that Clairsentience, otherwise known as “clear feeling”, includes a broader skillset. Beyond the embodiment and sensing of feelings and energies, Clairsentients can have physical sensations which give them information about people, light-beings, spirits, plants, objects, and events – either near to them or elsewhere.


As a result of being near someone who is in pain or has an illness, a Clairsentient might experience physical changes to their body, like favoring a sore knee, or feeling pain in a specific area of their body.

Clairsentients might also feel the remnants of a disease or sickness from someone nearby, for example, marks from drug needles or a harsh headache from alcohol or caffeine abuse. In these cases, the Clairsentient will have a deep longing to share the information, simply because they want to help the other person.

A Clairsentient’s heart will feel as though it bleeds for the person near to them who is in pain, so much so that they might not be able to be around them for very long.


Clairsentience is an under-estimated psychic gift and adds a great deal of heart and value to the world.

How Can Empaths and Clairsentients Take Care of Themselves?

I meditate, chant in Sanskrit, and drink Espresso. Without all of these things, I quickly get stuck in my emotional body and am unable to move. If I can’t move through an environment or set of emotions that I’m sensing, I will be of no value to anyone, including myself.

Espresso is the latest addition that changed my life. Seriously, it changed every aspect of my life. I frickin’ love espresso.

With my awesome Breville espresso machine, crates of Hemp and Oat milk, and a beautiful, fat coffee mug, I am now able to process every aspect of what I feel, sense, and see, without getting stuck.

No longer am I overwhelmed with every energetic body within a 2-mile radius. In many ways, I’m more free and liberated than I have ever been in my life.

I also crash like I’ve just come home from a 6-month covert military operation. Every drug has its downside.

How Can You Develop Empathic Sensitivities and Clairsentience?

You are already empathic and clairsentient. Every person on the planet is as sensitive as they want to be. Most of us cram our minds and lives full of unworthy activities, relationships, and details. Once you begin clearing your life of these things, you’ll find that the universe has far more in store for you than you may have otherwise realized.

You are a magnet that is attracting the vibrations that are within you. If you are clear, you will attract clarity. If you are burdened, you will attract more of the same.

Clear your vessel, and you’ll improve not only your health, but you can also improve your IQ and EQ. Living fully and wholeheartedly does not require details or complications. It only requires that you open your heart and receive. When we receive in this way, we are given information. If we explore and then learn how to parse this information correctly, we can bring great value to our lives and the lives of others.

Being a Clairsentient is a full-body experience. It fills your heart, mind, and physical form with imagery, information, sounds, vibrations, and energetic material that can either hurt, disable, or enlighten.

I choose the latter.

Check Out my Empath Oath here: It’s powerful. 

Psychedelic Toad Medicine and DMT

Psychedelic Toad Medicine DMT

The Toad and DMT. A Shutterstock License Image.

If you’ve ever wandered the warmest areas of Arizona, Southern California, and northern Mexico, you may have been in the presence of the magical, mystical, psychedelic toad medicine. Loved by shamans and utilized by psychotropic experimenters, this little creature is fast becoming a legend.

The Sonoran Desert spans 120,000 square miles, covers large parts of the southwestern United States, and extends into Mexico. This vibrant area includes over 60 mammal species, 350 types of birds, 20 amphibian classifications, more than 100 families of reptiles, 30+ native fish, over 2000 unique plants, and millions of human beings.​

The Sonoran Desert is also host to the only population of jaguars in the United States and the amphibian that produces psychoactive toad medicine, otherwise known as Bufo alvarius toad. Why do we care about the Bufo alvarius toad? We care because the glands of our North American salientian friend are filled with the happiest, hippiest, trippiest venom, otherwise known as 5-MeO-DMT.


“It may be that DMT makes us able to perceive what the physicists call “dark matter” – the 95 percent of the universe’s mass that is known to exist but that at present remains invisible to our senses and instruments.”
― Graham Hancock



book-live-intuitive-reading-with-paul-wagnerWith street names like Businessman’s Trip, Dimitri, the Smoking Toad, the Psychoactive Toad, and Fantasia, DMT can open the spiritual portal within the human mind and open doors to alien realities and other-worldly realms. While not always a cure-all for sadness and feelings of being detached from life, many people report positive experiences and find it can alleviate depression following the use of the drug.

South American shamans use DMT in ceremonies and rituals to initiate mind expansion and healing. Also known as Dimethyltryptamine or N, N-Dimethyltryptamine, DMT is a hallucinogenic drug.

When consumed, the drug can cause the following remarkable feelings and experiences:

  • Euphoria
  • Humility
  • Fascinating illusions and visions
  • A profound embodiment of an observer
  • It feels like jumping off a cliff or jumping onto a moving love-train
  • Deconstruction of obsessions
  • Unusual auditory experiences
  • The sense of being a disembodied consciousness
  • Heightened emotions
  • Feelings of overwhelming significance
  • Release of attachments
  • Temporary connection to a deeper Self
  • Release of negative aspects of the current self-identity
  • Release of unprocessed emotions
  • Unexplained coincidences
  • Experiences of other realms
  • Meeting mysterious energy-forms and disembodied spirit-Beings

While not widely considered addictive, DMT is not necessarily a pathway to self-awareness, although it can provide mind-altering and mind-expanding experiences. It can also be a distraction from processing emotions around trauma and life’s challenges. While it’s a natural substance that can provoke unusual experiences, not all of them will be positive.

DMT can also cause the following negative reactions:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Increased heart rate
  • Obstinance
  • Confusion
  • Agitation
  • Overwhelming fear
  • Feelings of disconnection
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Coordination problems
  • Irritability
  • Loss of memory
  • Inability to sleep
  • Deconstruction of foundational personal self-identities
  • Seizures

DMT is a natural substance found in plants and within the human brain. It can also be extracted from specific plants to create the herbal brew, known as ayahuasca. Ayahuasca uses the root bark of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, which contains DMT that is then combined with other plants containing an MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor), a compound that inhibits enzymes in the stomach to allow the DMT to produce its psychoactive effects that last up to 15 hours. This is compared to the synthetic smokable form of DMT which elicits a trip between five and 20 minutes. Psychoactive toad medicine and all forms of DMT, currently remain illegal in the United States as schedule I substances.

“When you drink ayahuasca, and you get to see divinity,
you can almost never speak of it because it’s too big for words.”
― Gerard Armond Powell

The 5-MeO-DMT Toad: How Does It Compare To Other Forms Of DMT?

While it also occurs in many plants and animals, including the psychedelic frog, 5-MeO-DMT has not been found in humans. 5-MeO-DMT is distinctive in that, rather than solely birthing stimulating visuals for the consumer, 5-MeO-DMT inspires a unique spiritual experience in the form of a shift in attitude or perspective, possibly akin to the death of the ego or temporary self-identity. This might be why shamans will blow 5-MeO-DMT powder up noses during ritualistic ceremonies to provoke a stunning rebirth following the ego’s death.

5-MeO-DMT might also be useful in healing or decreasing the effects of addiction. Ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT work together in the creation of mystical experiences, oftentimes inspiring a more motivated or aware mindset. In pursuit of these positive experiences, there are drawbacks. Because 5-MeO-DMT tends to produce a brief journey, the user might have an elevated desire to repeat the experience.

This could lead to habitual use or overstimulation of the parts of the brain that 5-MeO-DMT tends to penetrate. In all, 5-MeO-DMT is useful in opening small windows that might lead to a brief encounter with the eternal consciousness.

Rick Strassman And His Book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule”

Strassman is a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, with a focus on psychopharmacology. He has degrees from Stanford University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University. Strassman was among the first people in the United States to experiment with psychedelics. Rick coined the term “spirit molecule,” referring to how DMT can produce fascinating visions, spiritual experiences and the disembodiment of consciousness. He documented his findings in his book, “DMT: The Spirit Molecule.”

The Lazy Lizard School Of Hedonism

A renegade group of visionary drug researchers, led by Alexander (Sasha) Shulgin, Darrell Lemaire and their friends, experimented with a massive collection of home-made psychedelics, long before the US government scheduled the drugs as illegal substances. Imagine being on the cutting-edge of psychedelics and consciousness, working in a huge underground cave in a remote location, all in pursuit of helping humanity liberate itself. Seriously, what could be more exciting and fulfilling?

In his series on Viceland, chemist and journalist Hamilton Morris shares a fascinating story featuring Shulgin, Lemaire, and a feisty protégé Casey Hardison. The Lizard school’s goals? Aggressively experiment with psychedelics in every form, mass-produce them, and distribute them as widely as possible.

While these groundbreaking, psychedelic warriors gave birth to the bridge between the human brain and the mysteries of the universe, they have since moved on to more traditional pursuits, and they did so long before the feds could extinguish their fire. Shulgin died in 2014, and as of this writing, Lemaire is still kicking around at 92 years old. These two powerhouses produced a profound body of work and an almost unimaginable legacy.

Smoking Toad: What Happens After A Psychedelic Trip?

After consuming psychedelics, be prepared for a few days of confusion, as your mind, body, heart, and spirit adjust to your shifts in perspectives and attachments. You might be inclined to sever relationships or make drastic changes. You might feel as though your job is a waste of time or that you’d like to live off berries and prana and live eternally in a tree. You might also experience such a drop in energy that you’ll feel depressed and unable to communicate.

While these things might seem like normal reactions after ingesting psychedelics, some users have reported a complete demolition of their identities, beyond recognition. When our identities are destroyed to this degree, we might never find our way back to a stable persona. In all things psychedelic, be cognizant of set and setting, and ensure proper administration from a trusted practitioner.

“When love is expressed in life and imbued into every great work, the potential for evolution expands exponentially.”
― Jennifer Sodini, “Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck and Guide Book

Your Liberation

Psychoactive substances build temporary, elusive bridges. The ultimate pathway to experiencing and embodying the oneness of the universe is through meditation and love-in-action. These two things produce stable connections and foundations that give rise to peaceful and powerful personas.

Be aware that while psychedelics can be exhilarating and spectacular, psychedelic drugs can reduce one’s sensitivity to the eternal reality, rather than expand upon it. When we consume a mind-altering substance, whether it’s a drug or alcoholic beverage, we are taken beneath the mind, not above it. This isn’t morally wrong, but it can delay our liberation and send us off on distracting and less meaningful tangents. If expansion and transcendence are the goals, focus on the love and light within you. The use of drugs can sometimes alienate us, sending us in the opposite direction. They also have the potential to become dangerous to us and those we love.

In all things exploratory, remember that while you are eternal, you require a durable self-identity to maneuver through physical realities here on planet Earth. It might be that all you need is a little espresso and a bar of delicious dark chocolate.

Famous Alchemists

Famous Alchemists

Alchemy is an ancient practice. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

As the Drew Professor of Humanities at Johns Hopkins University, Lawrence Principe is one of today’s alchemy rock stars. He has solved ancient ciphers (secret codes), volatilized gold (turning it to vapor), and merged his fascinations with history and chemistry in ways that have allowed him to replicate and test an exceptional list of ancient formulas. Principe is well versed on the history of famous alchemists, carrying the torch of their past and shining a beacon of light on alchemy’s future.

It’s difficult to say how alchemy started and who are its most prolific contributors, especially given the many alchemical giants throughout history. Some believe it began 12,000 years ago, when light beings from a distant void appeared on earth and educated primitive humans.​

Below is a list of some of the most famous alchemists and a brief depiction of their fascinations and work. While it’s impossible to share the work of every famous alchemist throughout time, this list is a good start.

“When You Want Something, All The Universe Conspires In Helping You To Achieve It.”

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Famous Alchemists

Greco-Roman Egypt

Maria the Jewess (1st century)

Also known as “Maria the Prophetess”, she was a 1st-century inventor of several chemical and distillation apparatuses, which served as tools for alchemical experimentation and the creation of healing elixirs. Maria believed science should include a sprinkle of magic when she wrote the axiom, “One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth.”

A fan of Maria’s, the famous psychologist Carl Jung, referenced her insights when crafting his methodologies that explore the subconscious in pursuit of individuation.

Zosimos of Panopolis (end of 3rd century/beginning of 4th century)

A Greek-Egyptian and Gnostic mystic, Zosimos’s most prized claim to fame was a treatise that he named, “Cheirokmeta” (in Greek, “things made by hand”). He defined alchemy as “the composition of waters, movement, and growth, embodying and disembodying, drawing the spirits from bodies, and bonding the spirits within bodies”.


Zosimos was a student of Hermetic spirituality and believed that gender exists on each of the physical, mental and spiritual planes of existence. He was also an early believer in the idea that metallic transmutation was metaphoric of a human being’s inner process of purification and redemption. India

Agastya (around 1500 BCE)

Born with the name Kumbhayoni, Agastya spent part of his life as a hermit focused on spiritual asceticism. While he was known to be a profound and brilliant Vedic sage of Hinduism, he was also a husband and father. Agastya was an authority on the Rig Veda, the sciences, and weaponry. He is described in many early Hindu texts as having been somewhat of a God. Some even believe that Agastya had a miraculous birth with no known mother or father.

Agastya was the author of spiritual poems and hymns, a teacher and perfecter of the Sanskrit and Tamil languages, and the author of “Agistimata”, a treatise on gems. He was also an artisan and lapidary (engraver, cutter, and polisher of stones). Many believe Agastya to have moved mountains and is now considered an ascended spiritual master, connected to all three branches of the Hindu tradition: Shaivism, Shaktism, and Vaishnavism.

Kanada (Unclear, 6th – 2nd century BCE)

A renowned sage and philosopher, Kanada was an early developer of physics and a variety of other related scientific theories. He discovered and developed the notion of the atom, along with several atomic theories. He was the creator of Rasavādam (a type of alchemy focused on converting Mercury (Rasam) into other metals, most notably gold). Kanada believed that all living beings are composed of water, fire, earth, air, and æther. Kanada believed that time, space, and mind are inseparable and united as one.


Wei Boyang (AD 151 – 221)

Practicing in private, Wei Boyang aspired to attain the eternal state of nothingness. He was known as a Taoist Internal Alchemist, who professed teachings that could prolong life and help initiates’ spirits become immortal. He was a champion and teacher of the Neidan, or internal alchemy, and he authored “Cantong qi”, which translates to “The Kinship of the Three, in Accordance with the Book of Changes.”

This profound series is the earliest writing on alchemy in China, a series of esoteric doctrines that outline a variety of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual practices. Wei Boyang believed in the Three Treasures: Jing (Essence), Qi (Internal Energy or Breath) and Shen (Spirit). He was also the first person to detail the chemical composition of gunpowder.

“Worry Is Preposterous; We Don’t Know Enough To Worry.”
— Wei Boyang

Ge Hong (AD 283 – 343)

A scholar and philosopher, Ge Hong created First Aid in Traditional Chinese Medicine. His lifelong work was aimed at establishing a dialogue to help reconcile Daoism and Confucianism. Later in life, he became obsessed with immortality elixirs, believed that any person could obtain immortality through diligence and commitment. He also believed the ultimate goal was to achieve oneness with oneself.

Islam And Persia

Jabir ibn Hayyan (AD 721 – 815)

In the western world, Jabir ibn Hayyan was known as “Geber”. He was an early founder of chemistry, and a polymath who merged several complex disciplines and bodies of knowledge with the focus of solving specific problems. As a renaissance humanist, Geber was proficient in astronomy, astrology, engineering, geography, philosophy, physics and pharmacology.

Al-Kindi (AD 800 – 870)

Al-Kindi is known as The Father of Arab Philosophy. He was a peripatetic (“nomadic”) philosopher, mathematician, physician, and musician. Al-Kindi synthesized and adapted Greek and Egyptian ideologies in the Muslim world, and wrote hundreds of original works about metaphysics, logic, ethics, psychology, cosmology, medicine, mathematics, zoology, astronomy, jewels, dyes, tides, mirrors, and meteorology. Al-Kindi had one of the broadest spectrums of proficiencies in the history of alchemy, if not the history of the world.

Al-Tughrai (AD 1061 – 1121)

Al-Tughrai was Persian, a prolific writer of poems, an astrologer, and most importantly, the writer of the compendium of Arabic alchemical writings known as “Mafatih al-rahmah wa-masabih al-hikmah”. Al-Tughrai also translated Zosimos of Panopolis’s writings on alchemy from Greek to Arabic. No small feat.


Rudolf Steiner (2/25/1861 – 3/30/1925)

Rudolf Steiner is of the most profound and unique thinkers and alchemists in modern history. Steiner was a designer, artist, agriculturist, architect, and student of medicine. He was most known for initiating and developing The Waldorf school movement. Steiner influenced Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, Joseph Beuys, Olafur Eliasson, and Tony Cragg.

“Just as the body, eye, and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him.”
― Rudolf Steiner, Theosophy

Roger Bacon (1219 or 1220 – 1292)

Know as Doctor Mirabilis (“Doctor Marvelous”), Bacon was a philosopher, Franciscan Friar, wizard, magician, student of Aristotle, and advocate of his scientific method. He was also a student of Arab scientist Alhazen (Arab astronomer, mathematician, and physicist).

Throughout his life, Bacon studied nature through the lens of empirical data and was fascinated with necromancy, whereby he would summon spirits and communicate with the dead. He wrote, “Opus Majus,” “Opus Minus,” and “Opus Tertium” in medieval Latin, a profound compendium on grammar, mathematics, physics, and philosophy. He is also known for revising the medieval university curriculum.

Legend also has it that Roger Bacon developed a “Brazen Head”, akin to the Great and Powerful Oz. This mechanical wizard’s tool was made of brass or bronze and was allegedly able to answer any question.

Paracelsus (1493 or 1494 – 9/24/1541)

Paracelsus was born Theophrastus von Hohenheim. During his life, he was a military surgeon, writer on medical philosophy (titles include, “Paragranum” and “Opus Paramirum”), a physician, alchemist, chemical analyst, astrologer, renaissance man, pioneer, and the founder of a medical revolution that focused on observation in conjunction with accrued wisdom.

Paracelsus was known as the “Father of Toxicology” and was loved by the Rosicrucians as a diviner-prophet and occultist. Paracelsus subscribed to Hermeticism, believing that health and sickness are born from balances and imbalances between human beings and nature.

John Dee (7/13/1527 – 1608 or 1609)

John Dee was an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, and a Hermetic Philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, and student of divination. He promoted the idea that magic and science are intertwined, and he sought to understand transcendence and the invisible world of angels and spirits. As a student and lover of Copernicus and Pythagoras, Dee believed that numbers were the basis for our physical realities. He was also a leading authority on navigation and a consultant to England’s early voyagers.

August Nordenskiold (2/6/1754 – 12/10/1792)

Nordenskiold was commissioned by King Gustav III of Sweden to find “The Philosopher’s Stone,” so that he could use it to turn all of Sweden’s metals into gold. His goal was to obliterate the value of gold so that financial tyranny and the power that gold created would no longer exist. A humanist, Nordenskiold was a defender of the anti-slavery movement, and a disciple of the day’s new brand of Christianity, known as Swedenborgianism.

“That there are two Worlds, the Spiritual or Substantial, and the Natural or Material.”
— August Nordenskiold

United States

Diana Di Prima (8/6/1934, age 84 years at the time of this article)

A unique and powerful soul, Di Prima is alive as of this writing and one of the world’s most famous female alchemists. Diana is a life-long feminist, beat poet, anti-authority Brooklynite, and a student of Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. She is a lover of Sanskrit, healer, and worker of magick. Di Prima is keeping alchemy alive through her profound writing and thoughtful activism.

Joseph Matheny writes of his interview with Di Prima: “Conjuring, straddling the magick/dream line, throwing us bits of tasty meta-morsels and sumptuous subconscious feasts from the other side.”

“Remember That Wherever Your Heart Is, There You Will Find Your Treasure.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Famous Alchemist Quotes

  • “One Man’s ‘Magic’ Is Another Man’s Engineering.” — Robert A. Heinlein
  • “There Is An Alchemy In Sorrow. It Can Be Transmuted Into Wisdom, Which, If It Does Not Bring Joy, Can Yet Bring Happiness.” — Pearl S. Buck
  • “Magic Is Not A Practice. It Is A Living, Breathing Web Of Energy That, With Our Permission, Can Encase Our Every Action.” — Dorothy Morrison
  • “The Real Alchemy Is Transforming The Base Self Into Gold Or Into Spiritual Awareness. That’s Really What New Alchemy’s All About.” — Fred Alan Wolf
  • “True Magic Is The Art And Science Of Changing States Of Mind At Will.” — Douglas Monroe
  • “Alchemy Is The Art Of Manipulating Life, And Consciousness In Matter, To Help It Evolve, Or To Solve Problems Of Inner Disharmonies.” — Jean Dubuis

Given the thousands of alchemists throughout time, this is just a sprinkling of what might be considered some of history’s most famous alchemists.

A handful of the most popular names in alchemy were purposely left out of this article. For example, pseudonyms like Eirenaeus Philalethes (most likely George Starkey) and Cleopatra The Alchemist (her real name is disputed and considered unknown) were intentionally excluded because their authorships and accomplishments were either in question or unclear.

Alchemy has had a profound effect on the world and will continue to do so. Sadly, while alchemy had incredible momentum from 3000 BC through to the mid-1800s, it began to nose-dive upon science’s fascination with a newly fangled category known as the “drug industry.” It appears that rather than continue to explore the depths of the human condition, 19th-century alchemists chose a circuitous detour (and financial windfall), returning to the surface with a focus on symptoms.

Thanks to today’s enlightened writers and alchemists, alchemy is making a stunning come-back.