What’s Alchemy?
First of all, you’re beautiful. You are the embodiment of light and love. Thank you for reading this article and seeking to expand your Self. It’s just wonderful!
Let’s get to it!
Over the past 30 years, people have become abundantly dependent on western medicine and less aware of the spiritual, healing, and rejuvenation powers of the natural elements around them. The internet has made things better in some ways, but, overall, we’ve all become a little lazy.
Not too long ago, brilliant and proactive Moms and Grandmothers ran their kitchens like highly productive, scientific laboratories. They practiced creating tinctures and salves using recipes handed down to them from their ancestors. Every day brought new ideas and in-home exciting explorations. As folklore, family stories, and rituals were added to the mix, a family’s unique practices became their private, homespun alchemy.
When we think of alchemy today, we might conjure images of wild witches howling at the moon to turn an evil lord into a rat or angry wizards demanding that their Sorcerer’s Stones turn their piles of lead into gold. This is known as outward or exoteric alchemy. The idea being that we can change one substance into a complete and wholly different substance through rites and rituals.
While I personally believe these things are possible, although not anywhere near probable, the idea that divinity arrives from the external is somewhat antiquated. In some circles, this debunked branch of alchemy is called “exoteric.”
Mystical or esoteric alchemy is the other branch. Its aim is to inspire the awakening of our devotion to eternal consciousness. In this category of alchemy, every aspect is a metaphor.
But wait, there’s more!
Esoteric alchemy is based on the fact that we, as conscious, living beings, living within a three-dimensional reality, can affect the world around us through the realization of our connection to and embodiment of the universe. This shift in perspective can affect not only our lives, but the lives of those we love and serve.
Even the famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton, also referred to as the Father of Modern Science, had a high regard for all branches of alchemic sciences. Because of this, Isaac had the foresight to use alchemy during the early stages of his research, laws, theorems, and principles.
Thought to have begun up to 12,000 years ago, there is a large collection of notable alchemists who have left their mark on the ideology. This fascinating mix of prayer, invention, and manifestation thrived up until the mid-1800s, when science turned its attention away from the depths of the human condition and leaned toward researching shallow symptoms and capitalistic gain. In short, the industrial revolution brought the demise of alchemy, forcing many akin esoteric ideologies to hide under cover.
This jarring change stunted alchemy’s potential trajectory and eventually shoved alchemy into the category of fantasy. Because of this, alchemy became known for its secrecy. As such, practitioners often chose multiple methods of protection to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from religious and government persecution.
Sadly, with all the secrecy, we don’t know the extent to which vital teaching completely disappeared or were left behind.
Luckily, with the birth of the Aquarian Age, many inventive, spiritual, and open-minded people are becoming liberated. Their collective awakening is giving alchemy a long, overdue, and well-deserved comeback.
Because all truth is stored within the ancient and eternal Akashik Records, built into every living soul’s multi-dimensional fabric, all lost truths will emerge once again.
While it would be impossible to highlight every alchemist who’s ever contributed to this transformative science, here is a short list of alchemists who have inspired me throughout the years. Each of these remarkable souls made a substantial impact to the collective consciousness of their times:
- Zosimos of Panopolis
- Wei Boyang (AD 151 – 221)
- Jabir ibn Hayyan (AD 721 – 815)
- Rudolph Steiner
- Paracelsus
- August Nordenskoid
- Diana Di Prima
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Nagarjuna
- Alain De Lille
- Carl Jung
I’ve written more in-depth about several of these alchemists, but I’d encourage you to take some time and research them (or others) on your own. You never know what you may learn along the way!
Alchemy in Today’s World
After alchemy’s downturn in the 19th century and the debunking of some of more bizarre exoteric theories, our beloved alchemy became widely known as a fake science tied to new-age practices and mysticism. It even began to draw criticism as being antithetical to science!
Thankfully, there’s a growing population of awakened, enlightened individuals who understand alchemy for what it is – an effective pathway to personal growth, transformation, and empowerment.
It can be used to heal and transform our bodies, minds, hearts, relationships, and overall lives. It can also help us serve others by expanding our empathic abilities and connections to the electromagnetic grid that is our Universe. When we magnify our connection and embodiment of this grid, we become very powerful.
Meanwhile, when we shift our realities or help others shift their realities for the better, we improve our vibrations. This adds to power.
Today, there are thousands of people exploring the secrets, symbolism, and ciphers used by alchemists throughout history.
The original list of alchemical symbols includes many elements that are referenced within today’s periodic table. However, the ancient list holds far more importance than this. The old symbols have a far deeper meaning, intrinsic to the rituals and ideologies of alchemy’s traditions and history. There is great power to be found within these symbols!
Can Alchemy Improve My Life?
Absolutely, YES!
Toss out the garbage idea that alchemy is nothing but pseudoscience. Forget the notions related to converting metals to gold and other improbable claims. Let’s focus on real-world, real-life value.
It’s time to openly embrace the fact that as far as its useful, valuable, esoteric principles are concerned, alchemy ticks all the boxes. It provides a practical ideology and solution that can help humanity transform all of its sadness, conflicts, fear, pain, and other restrictions into a stew of energy available to our evolutionary processes.
To be an alchemist is to enjoy taking right-action that leads to healing ourselves, fulfilling our desires, manifesting wonders, and shifting realities.
You might be thinking, “That’s too good to be true!”
But it is true. And it’s 100% attainable for every living Being who chooses to nurture and empower their connection to the abundant, eternal light.
Like all things worth having or doing, these ideals are only achieved through dedication and practice. Instead of feeling discouraged or overwhelmed by it all, focus on making small shifts in your life. While these changes won’t happen overnight, it’s quite remarkable what you can accomplish in one day or one year.
What matters is that you’ve chosen to improve your Self and reality. You can use these free resources to get encouragement and review pre-written rituals, prayers, and mantras to help you along your journey to enlightenment.
According to alchemy, we should engage in love-based, prayerful, and thoughtful intentional action in order to heal, promote, and enhance our lives and the lives of those around us.
What are the primary tenets of alchemy?
- Heal Your Mind, Heart, And Body
- Serve Humanity With Love
- Release The Past And Pursue Forgiveness Of Everything
- Set And Achieve A Primary Set Of Goals And Aspirations
- Attract the Most Illuminated And Loyal People To Your Life (Lovers, Business Partners, Friends, etc.)
By opening yourself and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you get a step closer to creating miracles. They can only be born when we find ourselves in the most humble and pure state of spirit. Release your expectations, feel gratitude, and open your heart so you can speak to your soul!
While being vulnerable can also attract attacks from knuckleheads, remember that both positive and negative experiences are equal in their abilities to inspire our personal growth and eventual transformation. Whichever path brings to your liberation, embrace it and be grateful for it!
What are some ways that we can get closer to a universal connection to everything around us? Alchemic teachings are one path, but there are other methods of the same vein. This is why I love essential oils and gemstones!
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential Oils are plant and flower extracts collected by a variety of methods. Most are extracted by steam distillation, a process that involves pressurizing plant material with a basic steam operation. Aromatic and bioactive compounds release into the steam which is then condensed, cooled, and bottled as essential oils.
Cold pressing and microwave-accelerated distillation are two other production methods. While it’s likely that there are few differences between the processes, in terms of benefits and application, it is also possible that these two options might lower vibrational frequency related to the oils.
Ultimately, only you can know what will improve your connection with the universe and natural world around you. Try experimenting with different oils, but don’t fall for the ubiquitous marketing schemes that want to convince you their product is better because it’s all “farm-to-home, organic, blah, blah, blah, bullsh*t.” Don’t get pulled into their misleading slogans. And do not sign-up for those ridiculous MLM programs where you have to purchase a specific amount every 5 minutes. Fuck that.
Do your due diligence and don’t overpay for something that is part of your birthright.
There are way too many essential oils on the market to list all of them, but here are some popular ones that you probably recognize:
- Sage
- Pine
- Tangerine
- Lavender
- Rose
- Peppermint
- Cinnamon
- Chamomile
- Myrrh
The raw materials are each associated with a certain attribute. For example, sandalwood helps you feel grounded, lemon cleanses your liver, and tea tree oil relieves skin inflammation, psoriasis, and dandruff issues, to name a few.
How Do I Use Essential Oils?
The great thing about essential oils is that there are many ways to incorporate them into your life. So much so that it can almost become effortless to enjoy them and reap their benefits.
To Start:
Mix several drops of your favorite oils into your liquid soaps. This way, you can spell and feel them every time you wash your hands! There’s also incense and oil diffusers. The most common way might be massage oils.
A few drops of oil on your fingertips can be massaged into your temples, wrists, chakras, or tops of your feet. These places are near veins and areas of thin skin, so you feel the effects more stronger than if you massage elsewhere.
But that’s not to discourage you from incorporating essential oils into all of your massage sessions!
A controversial method is to ingest it. Most manufacturers will say they aren’t safe to consume, but I believe just a few drops can improve our vibrations and states of mind. Use your best judgement, though! Only you will know what is best for you.
These lovely medicinal oils can also be used to assist in rituals, ceremonies, and prayers. One of my favorites involving essential oils is a heart-clearing ritual performed to cleanse your chakras.
Don’t be afraid to create a custom blend to your liking. We might be alone in the universe, but these methods help us further elevate our connections with the divine and the eternal consciousness.
I made these free rituals and declarations accessible to you with love. Use these to practice incorporating essential oils into your life.
What other natural substances can help you invite feelings of joy, peace, love and abundance? Gemstones!
What’s So Frickin’ Special About Gemstones?
Gemstones are like little, pretty living Beings who love you and wish to reflect back to you – your nature – in abundance – and with more light!
Every stone throughout all the universes and galaxies are born with genetic infusions unique to each. Similar to you, these attributes and footprints are exclusive to that individual stone.
In Hinduism, it is believed that there are nine gemstones (also called Navaratna or The Nine gems) able to help us in this life. They are connected to our specific celestial forces. Wearing these stones can provide remarkable benefits for the specific purposes associated with the stone, such as protection from negative influences or experiencing a higher magnitude and confluence of light and love.
Because birthstones were with us, upon birth into this world, they are often considered lucky and can expedite our journey to fulfill our desires, missions, and unfoldment toward the light.
You’re probably familiar with your birthstone, but what you might not know is that those are probably different than the stones found in the original Vedic and zodiac lists.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, jewelers in both Great Britain and the United States created their own birthstone lists, associating one stone to each month and promoting certain gemstones for their marketability.
Each gemstone has its own attributes and healing properties. The more you understand your personal attributes and negative tendencies, the better chance you have of choosing the gemstone that is most supportive to your situation.
Should you avoid a stone if it isn’t your birthstone? No, not really. There’s no such thing as a wrong gemstone. In fact, if you feel drawn or connected to a particular stone, buy the f*cker!
Choosing stones that are aligned to you will often return better results and lead to a healthier, happier you.
Explore the properties behind each gemstone and try touching them when shopping in person. Pearls for example share some similarities with other gemstones: they help us connect to the universe and reconnect with creation, attune us to better frequencies, and even promote healing. But they also have their own attributes: they nurture purity, loyalty, faith, calming, and integrity, etc.
Now that we’ve looked at the connections between alchemy, essential oils, and gemstones, how can we make them make sense together?
Every living Being is connected to every other living Being – and to all of consciousness – and to all of the energy through all of the cosmos, all of the realms, and all of the realities and dimensions, throughout all of spacetime.
We are all connected to the All-That-Is, which spans across EVERYTHING AND EVERY THOUGHT.
We’re each an embodiment of the universe which means we inherently have the ability to continuously improve our lives and environments.
Everything we’ve discussed in this article speaks of opening ourselves up to the Divine and allowing us to become more aware of our connection with everything.
By taking initial actions and embedding positive habits like prayer and meditation into your routine, you’ll attract and embody the light and power to grow stronger and more magnetic, change your current conditions, and manifest new realities.
You have unlimited potential in EVERY DIRECTION!
You are the embodiment of light & love!
If you practice positive intentions and actions, you’ll eventually uplevel your vibrations to the purest frequencies.
Be careful though. For your own evolution, please avoid psychedelic drugs and dark rituals. Always remain in the light.
In all things, seek to move above and beyond the mind. Mind-altering drugs push us to live within or beneath the mind. If not immediately, over time, these types of drugs will harm, limit, or oppress you.
While it’s true that a little peyote or mushroom might give you temporary mind-expanding experiences, these substances most often open too many doors and are built to birth distractions that will eventually inflame your inner conflicts, projections, and hang ups.
Seek to become the light. Focus on love and become love. Focus on the rose and become the rose.
If you desire to merge with God and embody your highest vibrations, then meditation, prayer, devotion to a guru, and love-in-action are the best modalities.