Becoming the Eternal Self Beyond Authenticity

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Becoming The Eternal Self Beyond Authenticity

In the tapestry of human existence, each individual thread is colored by the hues of society, family, culture, and religion. This complex weave forms an overriding construct that, while providing structure and meaning to our lives, applies a profound stress on the formation of an authentic Self. 

The essence of this pressure-cooker reality is not to malign these influences outright, as they are part of the human experience, but to explore the ways in which they may inadvertently stifle our true essence. 

The Hallucinations

When we are dedicated to this process of releasing every hallucination we’ve ingested during this life, we begin to have little moments of pure awareness that we are part of an eternal phenomenon born from the purest light and love. 

In turn, These micro-moments become streams of moments where we fathom our nothingness and experience a pure connection to our Selves and The All That Is. For a time, we might even relax into the pure abyss of spacetime.

This is the ultimate journey: Release what is untrue and become a decompressed, relaxed, and whole person, living from the pure, authentic Self, drenched in eternal love.

How beautiful is your pure Self! She is within you, He is in your core, They are present and available, but overwhelmed by all that has been thrust upon them. You can free them.

“True success is measured not by what you have acquired on the outside but by the love and peace that reside within your heart at all times. The world changes, possessions fade, attitudes and beliefs transform, and identities decay, but the purity of your soul endures forever.” ~ Shri Krishna Kalesh

The Illusion of Identity Within Constructs

At the heart of our shared journey is the realization that our constructed identities – shaped by titles, positions, desires, and societal expectations – are but fleeting shadows of our true selves. They can barely capture even the faintest image of what is true about us.

These identities, though often adorned with the charisma and personality traits celebrated by our egos, minds, and society, are rarely in touch with the purest aspects of our being.

In our relentless pursuit to become something or someone, we lose sight of our intrinsic worth and potential. This chase, fueled by external validations, leads us down a path of inauthenticity, where the Self we present to the world is a carefully crafted fiction, far removed from our genuine essence.

Over time, we nearly kill ourselves to uphold the fiction, continuously forsaking the treasures and gems emblazoned on our eternal essence, but it is quite possible to live from the space of which I’m speaking.

The Pressure Cooker of this Three-Dimensional Reality

Living within the confines of this three-dimensional construct – this societal pressure-cooker, it can be difficult to cultivate a sense of Self that is fully relaxed and whole. The expectations and desires impressed within us and the rules and demands imposed upon us – whether through career aspirations, familial roles, or cultural norms – serve to constrict rather than liberate. 

Without giving it all much thought, we buy into every falsehood presented to us. We lap them up as if they provide sustenance – but they do not.

Each set of imposed desires acts as a mold, shaping us into forms that, while acceptable on the surface, often fail to resonate with our deeper, eternal Self.

The Path to Authenticity: Rising Within

The journey toward authenticity and Self-realization is not about external rebellion or the outright rejection of societal norms. Instead, it is a gentle, inward rise – a loving acceptance of our complexities and a conscious decision to explore the depths of our Being and consciously release what does not serve us and what is not true. 

To stop pushing and rushing against the grain of our true nature, we must first acknowledge the constructs that bind us – outlining them so we can know what should stay and what must go. 

Recognizing these external pressures for what they are – illusions at best – is the first step toward liberation.

This process is not about discarding our experiences or the roles we play within society, but rather about understanding them as part of a larger, misguided narrative – one that does not define our core essence or that which could spiritually serve and illuminate us.

If we are earnest, we can gently and continuously peel away the layers of learned behavior, desires and projections we’ve consumed, to reveal the raw, unfiltered Self that exists beneath.

“The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is, there’s no ground.” ~ Chögyam Trungpa

Cultivating a Relationship with the Eternal Self

The ultimate act of Self-love and authenticity is to cultivate a relationship with our eternal Self. This relationship is built on the foundation of Self-inquiry and a decision to live independently of external accolades.

This deeper journey involves creating spaces of silence and solitude where we can connect with our deepest thoughts and feelings, slow down, and release the pressures and expectations that bind us. 

We might use tools like The Shankara Oracle or The Sedona Method to help us free ourselves from all that we have consumed and assumed as burdens.

As we do this deeper work, we slowly begin to see what is real and unreal in our lives. Over time, we begin releasing – attitude, emotions, beliefs, and personalities. In time, we release material possessions and relationships in favor of a simpler, more whole, more congruent life. 

In this space of authenticity and Self-awareness, we find not only peace but also a deep connection to the essence of who we truly are.

The Lure of Material Success and Social Approval

The allure of temporary things – be it success, material wealth, social status, or even the fleeting approval of others – acts as a sweet but ultimately unsatisfying candy. These things hook us into believing they represent and nourish us – but they do not.

We invest thousands of hours of projecting the value of this candy, but we are never satisfied. That’s because the candy was never meant for you. You were just temporarily unaware.

This enticement is woven deeply into the fabric of our daily lives, reinforced by societal norms, media portrayals, constricting relationships, and the well-intentioned expectations of those around us. These temporary things captivate us until we begin to see how silly they all are. In fact, most of our desires are absolutely silly and they cannot serve us in the ways we imagine.

At the core of our societal structure is the glorification of material success and social approval. From a young age, we are indoctrinated with the belief that achieving certain milestones – acquiring wealth, attaining prestigious positions, and securing social recognition – is synonymous with happiness and fulfillment. Even our educational systems emphasize this narrative, presenting a one-dimensional view of success that is both shiny and superficial. 

Meditation, prayer, and Self-inquiry are the keys to releasing all that is untrue.

“The greatest journey is the journey inward. It is there that you discover the eternal truth of your Being, beyond illusions and temporary identities. In this discovery, you release all that is untrue, to discover the ultimate freedom.” ~ Shri Krishna Kalesh

The Sweetness of External Validation

The sweetness of external validation is another potent candy that hooks us. When we receive praise, recognition, or love from others, it activates reward centers in the brain, delivering a rush of positive emotions. 

This biochemical response can become addictive, leading individuals to continually seek out external sources of validation – rather than cultivate a sense of Self-worth that is independent of outside opinions.

When we live on these biochemical merry-go-rounds, we might speak incessantly about our pursuits which triggers our brains to act as if we completed the mission, which demotivates us. Leaking energy and soul-essence is often why we fail.

The Process of Aging and the Dissolution of Illusions

As we age, the inevitable process of change brings a profound realization: Most aspects of our Selves and lives are transient, mere whispers. We eventually realize that the body ages, material wealth fluctuates, social standings shift, and what once seemed of paramount importance loses its sheen.

This realization can be unsettling, as it confronts us with the impermanence of our achievements and the fragility of our constructed identities. However, it also offers a gateway to deeper wisdom and authenticity. 

Everyone is called to this journey of seeking a truly genuine existence, though some have more good grace and karma in their pockets than others. 

The wisdom of age teaches us that the most enduring source of happiness comes not from what we have or how others perceive us, but from a deep and peaceful understanding of our purest Selves. The Sedona Method and The Shankara Oracle can help you with this.

“Seeking approval from others is like building a house on molten lava – it will never offer you stability, and in some cases, it will burn you on the way down. True stability and peace come from knowing and accepting your divine Self, and seeking to release all that is untrue – all of it.” ~ Shri Krishna Kalesh

Embracing Authenticity Over Illusion

In this moment, you can choose to seek sustenance from more nourishing sources: the cultivation of a deep relationship with your Self, the pursuit of spiritual growth, deep prayer, sacred rituals, deeply connecting with nature, the release of all deeply held traumas and emotions, falling into the embrace of The Divine, and the serene acceptance of life’s impermanent beauty.

As we release the illusions that once defined us and cultivate our love of spiritual practices, we uncover the path to a more authentic, fulfilling existence.

Unwinding ourselves from the metaphorical pressure-cooker that consumed us, involves peeling away layers of conditioned beliefs, behaviors, projections, and traumas to reveal the authentic Self beneath.

This process, while liberating, can also be challenging, accompanied by a range of emotions and experiences – and oftentimes, exhaustion.

As you disconnect from these external pressures, you may experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, fear, and joy. 

These emotions, possibly suppressed for years, can lead to moments of tears and fears arising. It’s important to allow these feelings to surface and be expressed without judgment. This emotional release is a vital part of the healing and unwinding process.

Here’s how to navigate this journey and what one might expect along the way:

Acknowledge the Pressure

The first step is acknowledging the existence of this pressure and recognizing its impact on your life. Understand that the societal constructs and personal expectations that shape our experiences are not the ultimate truths of our existence.

“You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda

Cultivate Presence And Releasing

Practices such as meditation, Self-inquiry, and prayer can help you detach from the continuous stream of thoughts and beliefs that bind you to your Self-constructed identities. 

Find healing modalities and sacred practices to help you see and embrace the power of the present moment. Doing so, you can more easily dissolve the past and future constructs that confine your true Self.

During Self-inquiry, you’ll likely identify and release beliefs, relationships, habits, desires, attitudes, and even goals that no longer align with your true Self, thereby shedding what’s inauthentic to make space for what’s genuinely you.

The Raw Heart

As you shed these layers, you’ll start feeling more into the rawness of life. This means experiencing life more directly, without the filters of your projections and prior conditioning. 

This will lead you to a sense of vulnerability and a rawness in your heart, as you’re no longer shielded by the personas and defenses you once held. Yet, this vulnerability is also a source of strength, as it opens you up to deeper connections with others, The Divine, and life itself.

Feeling rawness in your heart is a natural condition for those who are deeply sensitive and aware of the temporal nature of our realities and vulnerability of all life.

“You are not your constructs. How can you be? You are born from miracles in the glow of ancient stars. You are beyond compare and unlimited in every direction. Remember your purest Self and seek freedom from all the illusions that bind you. Truly, you are worthy of a deep peace and liberation.” ~ Shri Krishna Kalesh

Connecting with the Divine

During this time of release and awakening, find a deeper connection with The Divine and deepen your sense of spirituality. Connect with God and The Eternal Consciousness through meditation, prayer, chanting in Sanskrit, and performing sacred rituals out in nature.

Over time, you will enjoy a heightened sense of unity with all Beings, an inner sense of Self that transcends understanding, and a direct experience of The Divine’s presence within and around you.

Seek Support and Community

The journey of unwinding from the pressure cooker of societal expectations is not linear. There may be moments of resistance, backsliding, anger, Self-hatred, and profound doubt. It’s crucial to approach this process with patience, Self-inquiry, and Self-compassion, understanding that growth and healing take time.

Navigating this journey can be challenging when done in isolation. Seeking support from like-minded individuals, spiritual communities and teachers, or an awakened master like Amma, Mother Meera, or Paramahansa Yogananda can fully heal and free you. 

Those who understand the process of spiritual awakening and personal transformation can provide great comfort and guidance.

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral. It is as it is.” ~ Echart Tolle


Unwinding our identities, dissolving our egos, and connecting with our authentic Selves is a profound journey that invites healing, transformation, and transcendence. It calls us to confront our fears, release our dependence on our minds, and get to know ourselves deeply. Doing os, we release what no longer serves us and embrace the vulnerability and rawness of a more authentic life. 

This is why I created The Shankara Oracle – it helps us release all that is untrue – it also allows you to see forward in your life and the lives of others. You might also enjoy my Shankara Master Course

The path to liberation, while marked by challenges, is also filled with moments of profound beauty, deep connection, and an ever-wondrous relationship with The Divine. 

By embarking on this journey, we open ourselves to the true potential of our Beings, liberated from the constructs that once confined us. 

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