Heal Yourself with Bach Flower Remedies
Do you ever wish there was a magic tonic you could drink that would rid you of negative emotions? Something you could take when you’re overwhelmed, afraid, or just downright angry? What if we told you the answer may be hiding in the many beautiful flowers native to our world?
Bach Flower Remedies can be a fantastic natural way to deal with negative emotions. Read on to learn more about these remedies and how they can be used to fight negative emotions.
What Are Bach Flower Remedies?
Bach Flower Remedies mix low concentrations of flower essence with water and brandy to create a natural treatment. It’s important to note that these remedies are 27 percent alcohol, so don’t use them if you’re pregnant, you’ve dealt with addiction issues in the past, or you can’t consume alcohol for another reason. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement or treatment to make sure it’s safe for your unique body.
Remedies for Anger
Cherry Plum
The focus of cherry plum Bach Flower Remedies is “Be in control.” This remedy focuses on giving you clarity in chaotic moments and helping you to keep anger and rage in check. It gives you the extra support you need to stay cool and in control during those stressful moments.
Holly Bach Flower Remedies focus on “Goodwill towards others.” Oftentimes, you may feel jealous or suspicious of the people around you, and you may find yourself making judgments about them. This remedy helps to encourage the positive potential you need to be open-hearted and undemanding.
Bach Flower Remedies chicory is meant to help you to love unconditionally. You may find that your anger stems from a place of overprotection or a need to control the situation. Chicory may help you to take a needed step back and care for the people in your life without expecting anything in return.
The focus for beech Back Flower Remedies is “Be more tolerant.” For many people, anger is a result of previous conceptions, rigid attitudes, and an intolerance for imperfection. Beech remedies can help you to become more tolerant, releasing those limits and your anger along with them.
Vine Bach Flower Remedies may help you to motivate, rather than dominate, in leadership situations. When we’re in positions of power, we may feel that we need to hold that ground and remain firmly in charge. Vine remedies help you to express a more positive side of leadership, being flexible and sharing your opinions without intimidation.
Remedies for Anxiety
The aspen Bach Flower Remedies motto is “Feel secure,” making it a perfect foil for anxiety. Our fear may spring from a lack of inner peace and security that makes us feel on edge. Aspen may help to improve your confidence, making it easier for you to tackle uncertain situations.
The elm Bach Flower Remedy focus, “Be efficient,” is perfect for anyone struggling with productivity due to anxiety. When our anxiety ramps up, we may often find that we have trouble checking things off our to-do list. Elm can help you to keep perspective, stay calm, and avoid the vicious cycle of being overwhelmed.
Mimulus is one of the classic Bach Flower Remedies for anxiety with its motto “Face your fears.” We all live with fear, worry, and anxiety each day, but we don’t have to let it overcome us. Mimulus can give you the positive energy to stand up to what scares you and enjoy your life without fear.
Red Chestnut
Red chestnut Bach Flower Remedies focus on “Peace of mind.” Sometimes, our fear can spring from a place of love and caring, as we worry about the people we are close to. Red chestnut helps you to foster compassion for the special people in your life without all the anxiety that can impact those relationships.
Rock Rose
The focus phrase for rock rose Bach Flower Remedies is “Have courage,” a mantra many of us may need badly during the hard times of our lives. When we find ourselves in times of trouble, we may get overwhelmed by a sense of panic. Rock rose replaces that overwhelm with a deep sense of calm and courage to face the present situation.
Remedies for Sadness
Gentian Bach Flower Remedies is designed for the moments of doubt and despair in your life, when you need to “accept setbacks.” As we go through hard times in life, we may be overcome by negative energy and deep feelings of sadness. Gentian can help you regain your positive potential and face your challenges with conviction.
When those times of sadness arrive, gorse Bach Flower Remedies can help us to “have hope.” You may find yourself looking for any sign of light and hope during the hard times. Gorse can renew your positive potential and optimistic outlook to help you find the light in dark moments.
Wild Rose
Wild rose Bach Flower Remedies are meant to help you “show enthusiasm.” Sometimes, your sadness may not be due to a specific problem, but rather a more general feeling of apathy. Wild rose can help to reignite your passion for life and help you make the changes you need in your life.
Getting through hard times can feel like slogging uphill with a bowling ball tied to your foot. Oak Bach Flower Remedies are meant to help you “restore endurance” and push through the bad days. It helps you to recharge and persevere without pushing past the limits of your mental and emotional health.
If your sadness is coming from something in your past, you may need honeysuckle Bach Flower Remedies to help you “embrace the now.” Releasing negativity in our pasts is key to finding future peace and clarity. Honeysuckle can make it easier for you to move forward in life with confidence and no regrets.
Remedies for Frustration
Impatiens, with its “Have patience” focus is the perfect Bach Flower Remedy for frustration. When we become impatient, we may start to be frustrated with the people and situations around us that are moving more slowly than we are. Impatiens helps us to slow down, realize our positive potential, and find ease in life.
Willow is a Bach Flower Remedy that focuses on “Forgive and forget.” You may become frustrated by past wrongs or things in your life that seem unfair. Willow helps you to release that resentment, fight negativity, and find a sense of humor when things don’t go as you think they should.
Sweet Chestnut
Sweet chestnut is the Bach Flower Remedy to reach for when you need to “be optimistic.” Often in the midst of frustration, we feel as though things will never get better again. Sweet chestnut helps us to regain a clear mind and face those negative feelings with peace and optimism.
Sometimes, our frustration may be with ourselves, rather than with those around us. During these times, it’s best to use pine Bach Flower Remedy, which helps us to “have self-respect.” This remedy shows us how to have compassion for ourselves and not beat ourselves up for mistakes.
Chestnut Bud
Another facet of that internal frustration may be that we sometimes make the same mistakes over and over again. Chestnut bud Bach Flower Remedies help us to “learn from mistakes.” It can help us to find the wisdom inherent in previous mistakes and move forward with optimism and self-compassion.
Learn More About Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Remedies can be a great way to deal with the many negative emotions and experiences life throws our way. These natural remedies can manage some of the causes behind anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, and other such emotions. And, as always be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any sort of new supplement or treatment to make sure it’s safe for you.
If you’d like to learn more about Bach Flower Remedies, check out the rest of my site at PaulWagner.com. I am here to help you awaken and bravely create an inspired life. Learn more about my services today and start changing your life in the most positive way.
You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.