It all sounds cliche: “Let’s free ourselves!” “Be Happy Now!” “There are no excuses – just do it!” It’s true, these ideas are now very popular. Almost everyone on the planet has heard these taglines from somewhere. They’re so popular that we’ve become immune to them. We’ve given up on ourselves and we too often accept defeat before our prime. What isn’t so popular is taking action to open your mind and embody these positive ideas. What isn’t popular is understanding who we were, who we want to be, and the disparity in-between. What isn’t popular is absolute positivity, especially in how we think about ourselves.
We’re so busy living in the past, we haven’t space within our minds and hearts to imagine something miraculously positive for ourselves in the future. You can change all that!
Here’s the reality: You can free yourself from limiting beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and habits. You can be happy when you choose to be happy. It all depends on how much you are willing to release your current intentions, attitudes, and addictions. When I say addiction, I’m not referring to substances, which are also problematic. I’m referring to the chemicals that arise from specific self-negating thoughts and behaviors.
To open your mind and excel at being free, clear, and positive, there are many things we can do. Here is a list of 7 ideas that many people have incorporated into their lives. Each one of them is powerful all by itself. If you can invite all 7 of these things into your life as habits, you’ll be further along than 99% of Planet Earth.
Let’s get to it!
1: Continually forgive yourself and others. Allow yourself to think lovingly of the people who have hurt you. Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes, even huge ones. There is no other way to truly embody a new piece of knowledge. We must allow ourselves to make mistakes. Acknowledge them, endeavor to do better next time, and move on! Everybody will adjust.
2: Understand and embrace your most endearing and empowering attributes. If you cannot claim your gifts, beauty, and magic, who else will? Yes, our moms love us, but they love us because they want us to love ourselves. When we appreciate our best attributes, we love ourselves, we honor our births in this world, and we pay tribute to our mothers. Doing all this, we reduce the barriers that prevent our futures from unfolding.
3: Stop obsessing over the past. It does not exist, except in the dark corners of your mind. We love to think about the things that occurred in the past, even things that never happened. Truth be told, no matter what the memory is, our minds have already polluted it. After 5 years, most of our memories contain only 20-50% of the actual events. During those 5 years, our little brains conjure ideas to validate our contrived self-concepts. If our memories were stocks, they’d never produce any dividends. Let them go. Be here, right now, in the present moment.
4: Celebrate small victories until victory is a staple in your life. If we cannot get a solid handle on how wonderful you are, it’s vital that you create a plan and celebrate every small step. By doing this, you’ll get in the habit of appreciating yourself, which is required to move forward and free yourself.
5: Meditate and pray often. By meditating we release self-limiting thoughts and feelings. When we clear our minds and hearts of energy and activity, we create more space for ourselves to grow. Khalil Gibran said, “Out of the well our sorrows dig, flows joy.” Breathe in white light, exhale. Focus on your inhale and exhale. Do this for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. It’s as simple on that.
6: Find ways to selflessly serve others with zero expectations. Whether it’s volunteering at a charity event, taking care of your aging family members, serving a local homeless shelter, or donating to a Native American community: giving works! It will help you get over yourself for a moment, and it can fill your heart with love and joy. Selfless service is the highest calling on Planet Earth.
7: Live in gratitude, every minute of every day. Too many people complain about every little thing in their lives. From how their mail is placed in their mailboxes to bad customer service, too many people get caught up in the details rather than the gratitude. It’s petty and small-minded. When we consider the remarkable number of wonderful things and people in our lives, we release our negativity. When we release negativity and embrace gratitude, you’ll open your mind and it’s remarkable what the Universe will bring to us. Stay humble. Be grateful. Always!
Remember that millions of people have less than you. Millions. Remember that you are the embodiment of light. If you didn’t know it, let me tell you: you are made of stardust and you are part of an ever-expanding Universe. Don’t play the small game. Play the big game. Get out of your own way, practice the 7 steps, and decide to free yourself from the past. It’s time to open your mind and grow!
Are you feeling like you need a little jump-start? Are you ready for a simple sojourn into your core nature so that you can feel strong again? Need some love & encouragement?
My hope is that this free course will bring you light and clarity in your life. I made these with love I pray they truly serve you. If you’re ready for a more serious course – a super-spiritual jump-start, check out THE FULL, AMAZING FREE YOURSELF VIDEO COURSE: HERE.
Forgiveness is the most powerful action you can take in your life. If you focused on forgiving yourself and others for a period of 3 months, you would reduce a long list of harmful things in your life, including:
Many religions speak of forgiveness, which is wonderful. While many church and temple leaders provoke the egos of their followers, hoping to insight contrived singularity, hatred, and division, we’re lucky that some spiritual places still teach peace, love, connectedness, and forgiveness.
There are three kinds of forgiveness:
Rehearsed: Rehearsed forgiveness is something we do when we feel obligated to forgive ourselves or another person. Religions are good at teaching us rehearsed forgiveness.
Intellectual: We contrive a state of mind that imagines forgiveness. We construct behaviors and ideas related to forgiveness. We can live this way for years and years, without ever getting to the heart of the matter.
Fully-Embodied: This involves a deep commitment to yourself – and deep emotional and spiritual work. It takes focus, prayer, meditation, positivity, and vulnerability. Without each of these aspects, fully-embodied forensic forgiveness cannot occur.
The deeper we go, the more expanded we become. In my forensic forgiveness process, I instruct people to sit quietly with the thoughts of who we need to forgive. Follow these steps:
1: Imagine this person or group. See them fully in your mind’s eye.
2: If possible, even in the midst of all of your anger or sadness, find some love for them. Even a tiny sprinkle will do.
3: Focus on one person for a while. Imagine how they hurt you. Allow the imagery to come to mind.
4: Grieve each image that you see and feel.
5: Allow other images to emerge, including images that are tangential to your experience with this person.
6: Grieve each one of these images as well. The more imagery you can feel-through, the more expanded you become. You must release these emotions. You must connect with what was so horrible so that you can now decide to let it all go – and never look back.
7: Repeat this out loud, as if speaking to the person who harmed you: I am love. You are love. I am sorry. I believe on some level that you are sorry. I forgive myself. Truly, I forgive myself. I forgive you. Please allow me to forgive you. Self, please allow me to forgive this person. I forgive you. I love you. It is done.
8: Please understand that this person is you. Because he or she is truly you. There is no other in this world. There is no separation between other living Beings. Like vines on a tree, we are a collective consciousness. Forgive yourself, forgive others, and you’ll forgive all of the future experiences that have the same attributes as the situation you’ve been focusing on here.
9: Admit that somehow you invited this person into your life. Somehow you attracted this aspect of the Universe. Take responsibility for it. Don’t play the victim – that’s a game that nobody wins. Forget the lawsuit, forget the revenge. Just accept the lesson, make a list of what you learned, make a list of what you still need to learn, promise you won’t do this again. Then move on with your life.
Two of the bigger pieces of forensic forgiveness include: setting boundaries and letting go. When we forgive someone, it doesn’t mean that we have to forget everything about them. We might even choose to limit our exposure to them. In some cases, even with family, we might choose to completely release them from our lives. Letting go requires that we release our attachments to what happened. If we set our boundaries and limits correctly, we can protect and preserve this “letting go.” If we’re not careful, we can unwind the deep work that we’ve done. Always protect yourself after forgiving someone.
Remember, too, that your primary relationship is with the Universe, not others. When you decide to let go of someone, the Universe will support you. Forgive yourself, forgive others, set boundaries, release all of it.
In order to truly appreciate and understand our relationships with emotions, we must first understand electromagnetism.
As electrically charged particles interact, they create an electromagnetic force. Particles attract to form bundles or matter, thereby emitting energy. These forces are then transported, giving birth to light and other electromagnetic radiation.
Atoms come together because of this magnetic pull, weaving together to form our physical realities.
When applied to emotions, we find that our thoughts forge these tiny energy-Beings. We experience an emotion when a charged thought enters our mind. This can be something positive, like feeling happy while thinking about a close friend we saw last week, or more towards the negative end of the spectrum, such as the shame we feel when remembering an embarrassing moment. Ya know, that time you suggested peanut butter during foreplay.
Positive emotions (i.e. joy, peace, relaxation, etc.) elevate our lives and relationships, and can boost your immune systems. In short, positive emotions can help keep you healthy.
Negative emotions, on the other hand, will drain you of focus, energy, light, and health. Hate, blame, denial, anxiety, depression, and fear are just a few of the less desirable emotions that you may experience over your lifetime.
Just remember, everything is temporary, well, except your expansive and unlimited nature!
It doesn’t take much energy to create emotions. With every experience we have, emotions are birthed, absorbed, and used to form responses with the help of our personalities. Ongoing, our emotions are effortlessly filtered through our individual combinations of perceptions, beliefs, and prior knowledge to result in either dissolved, tabled, repressed, or fully expressed emotions.
Emotional responses are invoked easily as our ideas and thoughts bounce through our minds, hearts, and bodies. These free-flowing processes result in ultra-compacted and powerful (potentially volatile) raw energy.
The energy of your emotions is so strong that it not only affects your own life but can even affect those around you. If you’re a super-hero or -villain, your emotions could set a barn on fire.
While each emotion contributes its own energy and frequency patterns, they all come together to form one collective Being. Every emotion you experience has the power to heal, fuel your reality, or create destruction. They emit their own electromagnetic discharges as they continue to move around and live within you.
The energy emitted can and will impact your overall vibrational frequency. Positive emotions like love and peace have similarly positive vibrations while negative emotions like hate and fear vibrate at a lower frequency.
Over time, this compounding of emotions can shape your personality and reality.
If you hold on to grudges, suffer from anxiety, or tend to obsess over prior traumas, you can’t release anything. Chances are you’ve already experienced the consequences in the form of fatigue, foggy brain function, or the seemingly ubiquitous bad luck you claim to have.
If you fill your life with more positive emotions like forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, and joy, you might find that your experiences are quite the opposite. The stats point to feeling healthier, more active, and luckier – and you’ll probably enjoy a sprinkle (or waterfall) of positive, happy accidents.
Don’t underestimate the power of emotions.
If all else fails, BE GRATEFUL! Your gratitude will emit one powerful bundle of energy!
As we emote and react to external stimuli, we release electromagnetic discharges and chemicals that others can pick up on. I’m sure you’ve experienced this even if you didn’t realize it at the time.
Think back to a time when you were in a movie theater and felt the buzz of excitement at the film’s climax. Or the hushed, weighty silence of worry and concern that falls when a professional sports player gets hurt mid-play. What about the infectious laughter of a baby?
Emotions are powerful, and as such, they should be treated with respect.
Are you forced to endure them, unable to change your trajectory because of past events? NO!
While it can be difficult to control our emotions, especially in cases of high stress or trauma, we can still take steps to improve, if not choose, them.
“Amma’s happiness is when you find bliss within yourselves.”
After all, each of us is composed of light and sound.
Here are just a few of the ways you can move, dissolve, improve, integrate, or awaken electromagnetic discharges and emotions so that they continue to work more in your favor:
Stop judging your emotions. Let yourself feel them, even when it hurts. Try to love your emotions as little friends showing up to teach you something. Your emotions are your roommates! LOVE THEM!
Allow yourself to safely express negative emotions in order to minimize their internal effects on you. If the negative feelings persist, even after venting, take up a preferred modality like journaling, completing a healing ritual, or going for a walk. It’s also okay to punch the earth and scream – or throw a pretty lamp against the wall (as long as you don’t hurt anybody, including yourself!)
Be your authentic Self—open yourself to a pure encounter with your core self – your nature – your divinely inspired spirit
When a feeling is positive, share it with those around you, and let it fill you your heart. This will expand your vibration and provide healing light for your entire Being.
Take note of how much energy an emotion takes to sustain when you realize its presence.
Choose the higher perspectives in every situation and you’ll find that your emotions will follow your lead. Never dismiss negative emotions without first accepting and understanding them. It’s also important to keep control and not let any emotion influence your present relating and decisions.
The short answer is meh, not really. Actually, no. While there are spirits in this world that do need to be exorcised, the likelihood of being hurt by that kind of energy is so unlikely that it’s almost impossible.
If you feel oppressed by negative energy it’s probably emanating from you, not someone or something else. This realization should be taken with optimism because that means you’re in control. You can take control of your actions and monitor your responses.
Take active steps to alleviate symptoms of bad energy. A walk in the woods or a park stroll, daily meditation, and incorporating essential oils into your regime are all great ways to reduce stress and raise your vibration. Consider praying for your enemies as well.
If the negative energy isn’t going to cause you physical harm, should you feel bad for purging it from your space? Absolutely not!
If a spirit or energy is making you uncomfortable, you are allowed to clear the blockages.
I regularly have spirits visit me or wander near to me. I tell them I love them and I ask that they follow their own light or the light that leads to eternity. I encourage them to feel whole and love the divine.
If you have a friendly or cranky ghost gracing your existence, befriend them and then encourage them to wander elsewhere. You might also check the rituals on my Free Resources page – on to learn more about this.
Love Yourself Through Meditation
A common theme you’ll find throughout these articles and across the teachings of most masters & gurus is the importance of meditation and prayer. Oh, and gratitude. Are you grateful today?!
The ability for meditation & prayer to improve our lives is something that has been evaluated for years and continues to impress scientists to this day. Skeptics continue to question the benefits, but studies still show the medical benefits of meditation. I mean, my heavens, when the TM movement headed to Washington DC to meditate for a while, there was an insanely drastic drop in crime.
Meditation works. It aligns you with your nature, releases toxins, sets you up for a peaceful few hours, and sends positive vibes throughout creation. Meditate and your peace & positivity will land on distant shores and within far-away souls.
Despite the evidence of success, a lot of people won’t start meditating because they believe they don’t have the time. But you don’t have to dedicate hours at a time when you first start.
Start by meditating 2 minutes a day. That’s it. When you feel comfortable, start adding more time each day. By easing into it, you’ll create a long-term habit that will provide you clarity of mind.
If the idea of meditation and mantras still sounds too difficult to overcome, try mindfulness.
Mindfulness, at its most basic of definitions, can be boiled down to paying attention to your ongoing experiences and choosing peacefulness in relation to every thought, action, person, response, and feeling.
You might only be able to reach mindfulness for a few moments at a time when you begin, but that’s still progress!
Healing And Releasing Relationships
What can you do to improve your relationships with the people in your intimate, immediate, or distant circles? If emotions and energy are contagious, you can bet that improving your energy, mindset, and clarity will immediately improve your relationships with everybody you’re connected with – including yourself.
Sometimes a relationship can be improved or uplifted by something as simple as opening a conversation. If you’re picking up on negative energy because of a miscommunication, the two (or more) of you can try sharing your feelings with each other – but without any blame. If we share in a way that inspires the other person’s compassion or empathy, we’ve created a pathway to healing.
Unfortunately, there are also times where the toxic person in your life takes things a step too far. It may hurt to have to release them. You might even feel a deep loss for a while. Truth be told, you will ultimately feel better when you surround yourself with authentic individuals who do not seek to oppress, control, invalidate, or guilt you. When your circle of friends is vibrant and full of light, you will be, too!
If someone does you wrong, forgive them! As a matter of fact, forgive the fuck out of EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! The emotions that result from forgiveness will yield wisdom. Wisdom informs our actions.
Forgiveness allows us to release imagery and emotions that otherwise restrict us.
Overall, we are bursts of sound and light – all energy – all infused with the divine’s imprint. Everything around us and everything in the universe is made of energy.
Like attracts like, so if you’re emitting higher vibrations, you’ll attract high vibrations!
Remember to take care of your health on every level – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Try Kundalini Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or essential oils to boost overall health. Did I mention Gratitude and Forgiveness? Oh yeah, I did. Good! Do that!
First of all, you’re beautiful. You are the embodiment of light and love. Thank you for reading this article and seeking to expand your Self. It’s just wonderful!
Let’s get to it!
Over the past 30 years, people have become abundantly dependent on western medicine and less aware of the spiritual, healing, and rejuvenation powers of the natural elements around them. The internet has made things better in some ways, but, overall, we’ve all become a little lazy.
Not too long ago, brilliant and proactive Moms and Grandmothers ran their kitchens like highly productive, scientific laboratories. They practiced creating tinctures and salves using recipes handed down to them from their ancestors. Every day brought new ideas and in-home exciting explorations. As folklore, family stories, and rituals were added to the mix, a family’s unique practices became their private, homespun alchemy.
When we think of alchemy today, we might conjure images of wild witches howling at the moon to turn an evil lord into a rat or angry wizards demanding that their Sorcerer’s Stones turn their piles of lead into gold. This is known as outward or exoteric alchemy. The idea being that we can change one substance into a complete and wholly different substance through rites and rituals.
While I personally believe these things are possible, although not anywhere near probable, the idea that divinity arrives from the external is somewhat antiquated. In some circles, this debunked branch of alchemy is called “exoteric.”
Mystical or esoteric alchemy is the other branch. Its aim is to inspire the awakening of our devotion to eternal consciousness. In this category of alchemy, every aspect is a metaphor.
But wait, there’s more!
Esoteric alchemy is based on the fact that we, as conscious, living beings, living within a three-dimensional reality, can affect the world around us through the realization of our connection to and embodiment of the universe. This shift in perspective can affect not only our lives, but the lives of those we love and serve.
Even the famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton, also referred to as the Father of Modern Science, had a high regard for all branches of alchemic sciences. Because of this, Isaac had the foresight to use alchemy during the early stages of his research, laws, theorems, and principles.
Thought to have begun up to 12,000 years ago, there is a large collection of notable alchemists who have left their mark on the ideology. This fascinating mix of prayer, invention, and manifestation thrived up until the mid-1800s, when science turned its attention away from the depths of the human condition and leaned toward researching shallow symptoms and capitalistic gain. In short, the industrial revolution brought the demise of alchemy, forcing many akin esoteric ideologies to hide under cover.
This jarring change stunted alchemy’s potential trajectory and eventually shoved alchemy into the category of fantasy. Because of this, alchemy became known for its secrecy. As such, practitioners often chose multiple methods of protection to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from religious and government persecution.
Sadly, with all the secrecy, we don’t know the extent to which vital teaching completely disappeared or were left behind.
Luckily, with the birth of the Aquarian Age, many inventive, spiritual, and open-minded people are becoming liberated. Their collective awakening is giving alchemy a long, overdue, and well-deserved comeback.
Because all truth is stored within the ancient and eternal Akashik Records, built into every living soul’s multi-dimensional fabric, all lost truths will emerge once again.
While it would be impossible to highlight every alchemist who’s ever contributed to this transformative science, here is a short list of alchemists who have inspired me throughout the years. Each of these remarkable souls made a substantial impact to the collective consciousness of their times:
After alchemy’s downturn in the 19th century and the debunking of some of more bizarre exoteric theories, our beloved alchemy became widely known as a fake science tied to new-age practices and mysticism. It even began to draw criticism as being antithetical to science!
It can be used to heal and transform our bodies, minds, hearts, relationships, and overall lives. It can also help us serve others by expanding our empathic abilities and connections to the electromagnetic grid that is our Universe. When we magnify our connection and embodiment of this grid, we become very powerful.
Meanwhile, when we shift our realities or help others shift their realities for the better, we improve our vibrations. This adds to power.
Today, there are thousands of people exploring the secrets, symbolism, and ciphers used by alchemists throughout history.
The original list of alchemical symbols includes many elements that are referenced within today’s periodic table. However, the ancient list holds far more importance than this. The old symbols have a far deeper meaning, intrinsic to the rituals and ideologies of alchemy’s traditions and history. There is great power to be found within these symbols!
Can Alchemy Improve My Life?
Absolutely, YES!
Toss out the garbage idea that alchemy is nothing but pseudoscience. Forget the notions related to converting metals to gold and other improbable claims. Let’s focus on real-world, real-life value.
It’s time to openly embrace the fact that as far as its useful, valuable, esoteric principles are concerned, alchemy ticks all the boxes. It provides a practical ideology and solution that can help humanity transform all of its sadness, conflicts, fear, pain, and other restrictions into a stew of energy available to our evolutionary processes.
To be an alchemist is to enjoy taking right-action that leads to healing ourselves, fulfilling our desires, manifesting wonders, and shifting realities.
You might be thinking, “That’s too good to be true!”
But it is true. And it’s 100% attainable for every living Being who chooses to nurture and empower their connection to the abundant, eternal light.
Like all things worth having or doing, these ideals are only achieved through dedication and practice. Instead of feeling discouraged or overwhelmed by it all, focus on making small shifts in your life. While these changes won’t happen overnight, it’s quite remarkable what you can accomplish in one day or one year.
According to alchemy, we should engage in love-based, prayerful, and thoughtful intentional action in order to heal, promote, and enhance our lives and the lives of those around us.
What are the primary tenets of alchemy?
Heal Your Mind, Heart, And Body
Serve Humanity With Love
Release The Past And Pursue Forgiveness Of Everything
Set And Achieve A Primary Set Of Goals And Aspirations
Attract the Most Illuminated And Loyal People To Your Life (Lovers, Business Partners, Friends, etc.)
While being vulnerable can also attract attacks from knuckleheads, remember that both positive and negative experiences are equal in their abilities to inspire our personal growth and eventual transformation. Whichever path brings to your liberation, embrace it and be grateful for it!
What are some ways that we can get closer to a universal connection to everything around us? Alchemic teachings are one path, but there are other methods of the same vein. This is why I love essential oils and gemstones!
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential Oils are plant and flower extracts collected by a variety of methods. Most are extracted by steam distillation, a process that involves pressurizing plant material with a basic steam operation. Aromatic and bioactive compounds release into the steam which is then condensed, cooled, and bottled as essential oils.
Cold pressing and microwave-accelerated distillation are two other production methods. While it’s likely that there are few differences between the processes, in terms of benefits and application, it is also possible that these two options might lower vibrational frequency related to the oils.
Ultimately, only you can know what will improve your connection with the universe and natural world around you. Try experimenting with different oils, but don’t fall for the ubiquitous marketing schemes that want to convince you their product is better because it’s all “farm-to-home, organic, blah, blah, blah, bullsh*t.” Don’t get pulled into their misleading slogans. And do not sign-up for those ridiculous MLM programs where you have to purchase a specific amount every 5 minutes. Fuck that.
Do your due diligence and don’t overpay for something that is part of your birthright.
There are way too many essential oils on the market to list all of them, but here are some popular ones that you probably recognize:
The great thing about essential oils is that there are many ways to incorporate them into your life. So much so that it can almost become effortless to enjoy them and reap their benefits.
To Start:
Mix several drops of your favorite oils into your liquid soaps. This way, you can spell and feel them every time you wash your hands! There’s also incense and oil diffusers. The most common way might be massage oils.
A few drops of oil on your fingertips can be massaged into your temples, wrists, chakras, or tops of your feet. These places are near veins and areas of thin skin, so you feel the effects more stronger than if you massage elsewhere.
But that’s not to discourage you from incorporating essential oils into all of your massage sessions!
A controversial method is to ingest it. Most manufacturers will say they aren’t safe to consume, but I believe just a few drops can improve our vibrations and states of mind. Use your best judgement, though! Only you will know what is best for you.
Don’t be afraid to create a custom blend to your liking. We might be alone in the universe, but these methods help us further elevate our connections with the divine and the eternal consciousness.
I made these free rituals and declarations accessible to you with love. Use these to practice incorporating essential oils into your life.
What other natural substances can help you invite feelings of joy, peace, love and abundance? Gemstones!
What’s So Frickin’ Special About Gemstones?
Gemstones are like little, pretty living Beings who love you and wish to reflect back to you – your nature – in abundance – and with more light!
Every stone throughout all the universes and galaxies are born with genetic infusions unique to each. Similar to you, these attributes and footprints are exclusive to that individual stone.
In Hinduism, it is believed that there are nine gemstones (also called Navaratna or The Nine gems) able to help us in this life. They are connected to our specific celestial forces. Wearing these stones can provide remarkable benefits for the specific purposes associated with the stone, such as protection from negative influences or experiencing a higher magnitude and confluence of light and love.
Because birthstones were with us, upon birth into this world, they are often considered lucky and can expedite our journey to fulfill our desires, missions, and unfoldment toward the light.
You’re probably familiar with your birthstone, but what you might not know is that those are probably different than the stones found in the original Vedic and zodiac lists.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, jewelers in both Great Britain and the United States created their own birthstone lists, associating one stone to each month and promoting certain gemstones for their marketability.
Should you avoid a stone if it isn’t your birthstone? No, not really. There’s no such thing as a wrong gemstone. In fact, if you feel drawn or connected to a particular stone, buy the f*cker!
Choosing stones that are aligned to you will often return better results and lead to a healthier, happier you.
Explore the properties behind each gemstone and try touching them when shopping in person. Pearls for example share some similarities with other gemstones: they help us connect to the universe and reconnect with creation, attune us to better frequencies, and even promote healing. But they also have their own attributes: they nurture purity, loyalty, faith, calming, and integrity, etc.
Now that we’ve looked at the connections between alchemy, essential oils, and gemstones, how can we make them make sense together?
Every living Being is connected to every other living Being – and to all of consciousness – and to all of the energy through all of the cosmos, all of the realms, and all of the realities and dimensions, throughout all of spacetime.
We are all connected to the All-That-Is, which spans across EVERYTHING AND EVERY THOUGHT.
We’re each an embodiment of the universe which means we inherently have the ability to continuously improve our lives and environments.
Everything we’ve discussed in this article speaks of opening ourselves up to the Divine and allowing us to become more aware of our connection with everything.
By taking initial actions and embedding positive habits like prayer and meditation into your routine, you’ll attract and embody the light and power to grow stronger and more magnetic, change your current conditions, and manifest new realities.
You have unlimited potential in EVERY DIRECTION!
You are the embodiment of light & love!
If you practice positive intentions and actions, you’ll eventually uplevel your vibrations to the purest frequencies.
Be careful though. For your own evolution, please avoid psychedelic drugs and dark rituals. Always remain in the light.
In all things, seek to move above and beyond the mind. Mind-altering drugs push us to live within or beneath the mind. If not immediately, over time, these types of drugs will harm, limit, or oppress you.
While it’s true that a little peyote or mushroom might give you temporary mind-expanding experiences, these substances most often open too many doors and are built to birth distractions that will eventually inflame your inner conflicts, projections, and hang ups.
Seek to become the light. Focus on love and become love. Focus on the rose and become the rose.
If you desire to merge with God and embody your highest vibrations, then meditation, prayer, devotion to a guru, and love-in-action are the best modalities.
A certain group of people is more vulnerable than others to feeling abnormal, setting them up for a lifetime of discomfort with themselves, and they’re called HSP. Do you often find yourself more in tune with others’ feelings or reacting more to certain events than those around you? Do specific environments, emotions, or situations bother you while others are unphased?
It’s time to get in tune with your true self by learning what it means to be a highly sensitive person (HSP) and give yourself the care you need. While it might feel like a burden now, knowing more about yourself and altering your lifestyle to better suit your personality will help you take back control of your life and turn your quirks into assets!
What is a Highly Sensitive Person?
An HSP, also known as a highly sensitive person, has a highly active nervous system and sensory sensitivities. Studies are being done to show that highly sensitive people actually have brains that work a bit differently than others, causing them to react differently in their daily lives and relationships.
While this might sound abnormal and concerning, HSP is not a disorder. In fact, around 15-20% of people report that they experience these symptoms, making it a lot more common than you might think! At the same time, not enough people experience these symptoms for the personality to be widely accepted. Unfortunately, that can make highly sensitive people feel lonely and misunderstood.
What’s really unique about the HSP personality trait is that it can be found in all kinds of personality types. You could also be called an empath. You can be an HSP and an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. HSPs also come from all different backgrounds. Depending on the culture an HSP lives within, they might be lovingly accepted or ostracized.
How Do I Know if I’m a Highly Sensitive Person?
You deserve to get to know yourself and be comfortable with who you are! If you’ve ended up reading this article, it’s very likely you have the traits of a highly sensitive person. In order to be sure, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to see if you’re a highly sensitive person.
HSP traits can manifest in several different ways. Some people are highly sensitive to environments with too many stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, and even distinct textures like on clothing. You might feel like you need to retreat into a dark, quiet place to recharge and prepare for your next outing.
Other HSPs are more reactive to emotional stimuli such as with friends, family, and romantic partners. A small spat might feel like a life-changing argument, and a light show of affection can feel like a profound moment in a loving relationship. Unfortunately, this also could mean that you might experience deep thoughts and emotions without receiving sufficient reciprocation.
Further, you might feel the need to avoid intense movies, art, books, and other experiences that overwhelm you. The feelings you get from being overwhelmed could be unsettling and anxiety-inducing, or you could feel deeply moved by beauty and experience a form of ecstasy.
If you’re still unsure about whether you’re a highly sensitive person, there are tests you can take. Specifically, there’s a questionnaire by Elaine N. Aron written in 1996 that has 27 questions. If you say yes to at 14 of the questions, then there’s a high probability of being an HSP. Remember, though, that questionnaires like these are highly subjective, and you should never make changes to your life because of them without further consulting with health care professionals.
Is Being Highly Sensitive a Bad Thing?
Remember, everyone is unique! Everyone has their own personality with their different quirks and needs, and that never means you’re a bad person or need to change who you truly are. Having HSP traits can feel burdensome before you’ve recognized them and learned how to embrace them, but being an HSP is like a superpower!
Challenges for HSPS
If someone calls you “sensitive,” it is often meant negatively. It can hurt to hear that we “overreact” or “think too much” because it invalidates our emotions and experiences. People with HSP traits suffer these insults and invalidations more often than others because of their visceral reactions to life.
It’s true – HSPs experience life, emotions, and thoughts on a much deeper level. What feels good to some will feel great to you, but what feels bad to others can absolutely devastate you. Pain, whether emotional or physical, is experienced much more by HSPs, and recovery time can be much longer.
As a result, many HSPs choose to take a back seat in life to avoid pain and disappointment. It might feel too much to handle when people or life obstacles let you down. HSPs can often pass up opportunities for growth and enjoyment because they’d rather avoid overstimulation, exhaustion, and potential pain.
Benefits of Being an HSP
Highly sensitive people have strong gut feelings and are incredibly intuitive. Having a sensitive nervous system means that you pick up on stimuli that most people can’t, and you have stellar observation skills. You won’t only be able to pick up on changes in your environment but also sense the needs of others with fantastic accuracy and foresight.
HSPs can enjoy intense and powerful relationships with others because of their ability to empathize, anticipate needs, and feel emotions deeply. For the same reasons, they make stellar parents.
Being able to pick up on stimuli and experience on an advanced level means you can also enjoy life so much more. Fine food, drinks, art, and experiences can be enjoyed on a whole new level. Responding to a heightened ability to enjoy stimuli with a positive attitude means being extremely grateful for life and all you have.
Self Care for Highly Sensitive People
Overall, you should rejoice if you are a highly sensitive person! The people you should keep in your life are those who appreciate how deeply you understand and care for them. In exchange, they should understand your need for space and cooldown periods when things get too intense.
Here are some great methods that HSPs can introduce to their daily lives in order to find balance, peace, and growth:
Schedule in positive experiences into your hectic days
Plan for alone time and relaxation periods after anticipated times of overwhelm
Suggest alternatives to experiences that you aren’t comfortable with – need no to push yourself
Come to understand your personal boundaries for environments, people, and tasks and be clear about your triggers
Create a soothing space you can use as a retreat when you’re overstimulated
Incorporate meditation, yoga, prayer, and other practices that allow you to center your body and mind to find balance
Proper self-care for HSPs will be a journey in which they must come to know themselves fully and incorporate helpful practices for keeping the peace in their bodies, minds, and hearts.
Embrace Your Sensitivity
If you ever become upset over your state as a highly sensitive person, remember that you aren’t alone. Some of the most innovative and vital people were HSPs and will go down in history as assets to humanity. Scientists like Albert Einstein, actors like Nicole Kidman, and social reformers like Martin Luther King Jr. are also HSPs who made the most of their sensitivity superpowers!
You are extremely intuitive, empathetic, expressive, and compassionate, and all your friends and family are lucky to have you in their lives. You’re on the path to seeing and doing great things; you just need to harness the power of your ultra-sensitive nervous system and unique mind!
You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.
Your immune system is an expansive, complicated network of organs, tissues, and cells that work together to fight harmful germs and other invasive antigens that can make you sick.
We can also cause damage and weaken the body’s defense if we expose our body to unhealthy life and eating habits. Being more mindful of how we treat our bodies can lead to less sickness and increased longevity.
So what are you currently doing that interferes with normal immune system activity? Here are some of the more common reasons our immune system might be out of balance.
1. Excessive Amounts of Sugar
We’ll start with an easy one. If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard “sugar is bad for you!” hundreds of times in your life. People are quick to point out that it can lead to diabetes and obesity, but the truth is that it can also reduce your immune system’s defense.
Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are the immune system cells that fight all kinds of foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. So it’s scary to think that your immune system could be ineffective for any amount of time–but that’s exactly what a study conducted by Loma Linda University found could happen. They found that with as little at 100 grams of sugar (roughly equivalent to a liter of soda) your immune system could be 10-50% less effective at fighting off invaders. For up to 5 hours after ingesting it!
In that time it would be so much easier for a virus to slip by and get you sick. And to make matters worse, sugar competes with another vital component of your white blood cells–Vitamin C.
Vitamin C in these cells are necessary for the destruction of bacteria and viruses. However, it shares a similar chemical structure with sugar, so they end up competing for space in your immune cells. More sugar means less Vitamin C, leading to a crippled immune system.
2. Cigarettes & Marijuana
When your immune system isn’t working at its best, you’re more likely to get sick, suffer more severe symptoms, and have longer-lasting illnesses
Smoking can throw your immune system out of balance. Along with all of the other health risks associated with smoking, nicotine is a known immunosuppressive. Just like sugar, it inhibits your body’s ability to fight off microscopic pests. It also reduces antioxidant levels in your blood.
Marijuana alters immune cells found in your blood. The question around whether or not this change is beneficial or harmful is still being debated, but animal studies show marijuana suppresses inflammation and immune system function. If this is the same for humans, all of the issues surrounding poor immune health we discussed before could start to affect you.
3. Caffeine
You may be surprised to find out that when consumed in moderation, caffeine helps to regulate the immune system. It also contains antioxidants that help prevent disease and cancers.
But don’t go reaching for that guilt-free soda quite yet.
If you drink caffeine in excess, it will have an opposite, harmful effect on your immune system. How do you know what qualifies as “too much”? According to the Mayo Clinic, 400 mg is around the safe average for healthy adults. If you need a visual to help compare, they equate it to 4 cups of coffee, two energy drinks, or 10 cans of soda.
Straying from these levels can lead to major issues. High caffeine levels make your body release increased amounts of cortisol. This stress hormone is designed to give you physical energy to exert in times of high stress, so it dumps your body’s store of fat and sugar. Immune suppression, high blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels, skin breakouts, and weight gain.
Excessive caffeine can also cause anxiety, insomnia, stomachache, panic attacks, nervousness, and addiction.
If you feel like you can’t let go of your 12 daily coffee refills start by moving to drinks that naturally have less caffeine or set limits on how much you’re consuming. Try an herbal tea or another healthy alternative. You can also meditate if you’re feeling off or imbalanced to strengthen spiritual, emotional, and physical health.
4. Red Meat
As with several other items on this list, there is a nutritional benefit to eating moderate amounts of red meat. It provides a source of proteins, vitamins, and iron. The issue arises when you eat too much of it, and over a long period of time.
Red meat has been linked to increasing cancer growth for as long as most of us probably remember. The cause is thought to be a sugar molecule found in lamb, beef, and pork skin called Neu5Gc. It isn’t produced by your body naturally, but it’s found in cancerous tissues. Red meat has incredibly high levels of the molecule while poultry, fish, fruits, and vegetables didn’t have any.
Neu5Gc sparks a reaction from the immune system when consumed and it sends antibodies to get rid of the foreign invader. The inflammation that results from this response, if chronic, contributes to cancerous tumor growth. An animal study proved that the mice receiving Neu5Gc developed 5 times as many tumors.
5. Not Drinking Enough Water
Drinking water flushes toxins and waste materials like sugar and salt. Otherwise the body has trouble eliminating the debris and it starts to compound, making you more susceptible to infection and sickness.
Being dehydrated reduces energy levels too. Without energy you’re more likely to skip important exercise and experience a sluggish immune system.
Drink more water! It’s easy to accomplish and you can set reminders throughout the day if you’re worried you’ll forget. Your body will thank you and you’ll feel so much better.
6. Lack of Electrolytes
We routinely get all the electrolytes we need from the food and drink we consume. Which is great because these slightly charged particles play a key role in quite a few functions. They help maintain hydration levels and carry electrical impulses all around the body.
If your electrolytes get out of balance, you can experience a whole slew of nasty effects like:
Weakened muscles
Muscle spasms, cramps, or twitches
Joint and bone disorders
Insomnia or other sleep disorders
Incorrect hydration levels
Less effective immune system
An electrolyte imbalance could be a sign of underlying medical conditions, but we also need a boost after strenuous exercise or prolonged heat exposure. Our digestive systems slow as we age, which can make it more difficult for our bodies to maintain a proper balance.
Maple, coconut, and birch water are naturally high in electrolytes, making them a healthy way to replace the missing molecules. Especially for long-term electrolyte replacement. Don’t rely too heavily on other common solutions like sports drinks because they usually contain a ton of unhealthy sugar.
7. Skipping the Workout
Regular exercise is a common health recommendation, tied to a wide range of benefits throughout the body. Heart health, lower blood pressure, weight loss, and immune system defense are just a few.
A sedentary lifestyle interrupts this natural flow and hurts you as a result. Working out improves circulation so immune cells can travel faster and work more efficiently. If you’re sitting down for most of the day, every day, your circulation could suffer, resulting in blood having a more difficult time maneuvering around the body.
You don’t have to throw a bunch of money at a gym membership you’ll never use. Home workouts are easy to find online and include almost any topic you can think of, from yoga to dance routines. Take a stroll through a nearby park or even your neighborhood if you really don’t like exercising.
8. Sleeping Too Little
Everyone requires different amounts of sleep to allow their body to fully recover from the day before, but 6 to 8 hours is typically recommended. Any less than this, especially over a long time, can cause negative reactions in your body.
Sleeping too little increases the chances of getting sick and the risk of chronic diseases. It’s believed this is directly connected to the fact that not sleeping interrupts immune system functions.
Short-term sleep deprivation makes you more likely to catch a cold or flu, increases your chance of infection, and can even slow the speed of healing. If it becomes a long-term problem, people can also find themselves at risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
Despite what some people believe, your body can’t just “get used to” surviving on little to no sleep. In fact the continued inflammation caused from little sleep can create more issues for long-term health.
9. Skipping the Naps
Who put the idea in people’s minds that naps are only for kindergarten? So many adults find themselves fighting off the urge to nap during the day, even after a night of poor sleep. But it’s important to listen to the signals your body is sending–it needs that sleep to perform efficiently and keep you healthy.
A short nap is a healthy way to make up for that crucial sleep you missed the night before. One study compared the levels of cytokines (inflammatory molecules) and norepinephrine (a stress hormone) between two groups. Both were limited to only two hours of sleep on the night of the study, but only one group was allowed to take 2 thirty minute naps the following day.
Proper vitamin and nutrient levels are absolutely crucial for overall health and an efficient immune system. Nutrients like iron, folic acid, zinc, copper, selenium, and Vitamins A, B6, C, D, and E are all vital to give your body a proper defense against infections and viruses.
A single deficiency is enough to throw off your immune system and change its response. So the risk of viral, bacterial, and infections increases for those with a poor diet and no additional supplements.
Fresh, quality food is the best way to ensure ongoing immune health. Frozen fruits and veggies are a great substitute if there’s no fresh produce near you or you’re tired of forgetting things in the back of the fridge until they’ve rotted. Companies freeze them at their peak ripeness so they retain nearly the same amount of nutrients.
Multivitamins and supplements shouldn’t be used as a full substitute for a healthy diet, but they’re great if you’re unable to frequently eat meals that contain the nutrients your body needs. It’s important to remember that taking a supplement once isn’t going to do anything to change your vitamin levels. It’s something you have to stick with for a while to see results, just like you need to maintain a healthy diet over a period of time to notice a difference.
Stay away from megadose supplements. They contain far more than the recommended dietary allowances which can inhibit immune system efficiency and cause other harmful side effects.
11. 5G Technology
Some scientists say that we need stronger exposure limits in place to protect us from the effects of radio frequency radiation (RFR). Over 500 studies have found negative biological and health effects caused by RFR exposure and long-term radiation is also possibly linked to cancer.
5G technology will be combining the older technology of microwaves with the new tech, millimeter waves. The amount of cell antennas required to maintain the service will expose people to this new millimeter wave radiation for the first time.
There is still research being done to find the extent of risk when it comes to 5G technology, but limiting exposure will help you protect yourself and your immune system from potential harm.
12. Drinking Ice Cold Water
It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, but how we consume it can be just as important.
Icy cold water may sound delicious, but it can slow your body’s digestion and hinder its ability to absorb nutrients. As your body tries to correct this imbalance, you can experience water loss that leads to dehydration. Chilled water too soon after finishing a meal can solidify fats from the food and make it difficult for you to break down the unwanted substances. This extra energy being exerted may have a negative impact on your immune system and make you more open to sickness.
Ancient Chinese medicine believes that mixing cold water with warm food creates an imbalance in our bodies. To combat this, room temperature water or hot beverages like tea often accompany meals.
If you’re feeling under the weather, warm drinks are also good at fighting congestion by making it easier to breathe. Cold water, on the other hand, has been found to thicken nasal mucous and makes the congestion feel worse.
You should also skip the cold water if you suffer from migraines or achalasia, as it can trigger or worsen symptoms you’re already suffering from.
These are just a few simple changes that can make a world of difference in your life. No one likes getting sick or feeling run down, and by avoiding bad habits and unhealthy substances you improve your ability to fight off viruses and bacteria.
It’s wonderful to work on your physical health, but make sure not to neglect other aspects of yourself like emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. Finding the perfect balance can be difficult at first, but over time you’ll find that as you start to feel better these things will come more naturally to you.
Good luck on your journey to a healthier, happier you!
Garlic is a common flavoring agent for cooking. So much so, that you may even have some in your home already. But did you know that it’s also good for improving your overall health and well-being? From boosting your immune system and heart health to its antioxidant nature, garlic seems to do a little bit of everything.
So, what makes garlic so good for you in the first place? What benefits can you expect to see? See if the following benefits convince you to overcome that garlic breath smell and elevate your health.
What Makes Garlic Medicinal?
Garlic has been used for thousands of years to heal and treat a variety of conditions. Why is it so special?
The power of garlic comes largely from compounds found in the vegetable. The whole cloves already contain the compound alliin, but the magic happens when you actually crush, slice, chew, or otherwise grind the garlic. This converts the alliin to allicin, a compound that’s responsible for garlic’s distinctive taste and smell.
It’s no surprise then that allicin is the main active ingredient in garlic.
This unstable compound transforms into other, more stable compounds that contain Sulphur. These are largely believed to be the reason behind garlic’s medicinal qualities andthere are many studies that back this up.
What positive changes could garlic add to your life?
Boosting Your Immune System
Cold and flu season comes around every year so it’s important to keep your body as prepared as possible to fight back. It’s even more imperative right now with the pandemic going on to ensure your body is ready to take on these pesky viruses.
It’s no secret that viruses are behind the ill effects of both colds and the flu. That’s why it’s helpful to boost the number of T Cells found in your bloodstream, something that garlic can help with. T Cells are an integral piece of the immune system that fights viruses, so more T Cells means more defense.
This superfood can also help your immune system by reducing stress levels. Whether it’s bills, work, or an unexpected mishap, life can be stressful. But constantly living under the burden of it can and will lower your ability to fight off viruses. And the last thing you want to deal with when you’re already under other stress is the idea of getting sick.
Don’t worry though, garlic can help you here too!
It can fight off that stress and fatigued feeling by affecting your adrenal glands. It turns out that eating garlic alters your adrenal glands’ stress response. They’ll produce less stress hormones and that means you’ll start feeling less lethargic. Your immune system will be able to go back to fighting off viruses and bacteria in no time.
Anti-Cancer Properties
You read that right, garlic has even been found to have properties that aid in cancer prevention. That’s one of the reasons why it’s often included onlists of beneficial superfoods.
Garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and contains natural antioxidants. And while the role of garlic in cancer treatments is still being researched to find the scope of its effectiveness, its healing properties have already provided positive results in many studies.
For example, garlic has already proven its ability to assist in gene repair. This is especially important to note when discussing cancer, since it mutates important genes. By boosting DNA repair we’re able to combat some of that damage as it occurs.
Unfortunately, not all cancers will be affected by increasing your garlic intake, but you can potentially reduce your risk for:
Pancreatic cancer
Stomach cancer
Breast cancer
Colon cancer
Esophageal cancer
Prostate cancer
Rectal cancer
Lung cancer
Heart Health
Increasing the amount of garlic in your diet also promotes a healthy heart. Research has found garlic to perform better than placebos at lowering total cholesterol levels and blood pressure, both of which are risk factors for heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks.
There’s also evidence that garlic supplements have the ability to reduce the thickness of your blood and lower platelet aggregation (a fancy way of talking about blood cells sticking together). People with hypercoagulability, a condition where a person’s blood is thicker and stickier than normal, can be prone to excess blood clots. Garlic’s capacity to both thin blood and reduce the number of sticky cells means they’ll experience lower risk for the dangerous clots.
Garlic also has a significant stabilizing effect on arrhythmias in animal studies. While it hasn’t been confirmed in humans yet, we know that there are many diseases related to irregular heartbeats that could stand to benefit from these results. Less stress on the heart can mean a longer, more fulfilling life.
Clear Skin & Combat Acne
Remember allicin, the stinky but delicious main ingredient of garlic? Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it can help fight off the bacteria that causes acne. It can also help the skin receive nutrients more easily by improving blood circulation, leading to a clear complexion. Garlic’s anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the appearance of blemishes, too.
There are also other vitamins and minerals found in garlic that’s good for healthy skin, like Vitamin B-6 and C, copper, zinc, and selenium.
At this point you’re probably thinking that you don’t want smelly garlic all over your face, even if it means clear skin. The good news is that you can get a lot of the benefits just from ingesting it. But if you want to get rid of a particularly annoying pimple, there are also topical treatments that incorporate garlic.
If you do go the topical spot treatment route, make sure to test it out on a small non-obvious area first to ensure there are no adverse effects. If it starts burning or stinging, wash the area immediately.
Clear Skin & Combat Acne
As we age, some areas of the brain connected to cognitive functions like planning, learning, and memory may shrink. Narrowing arteries can lower the amount of blood flowing to the brain. Inflammation and free radical damage can also take a toll on our brain over the years.
We’ve already looked at garlic’s cancer prevention capabilities, but it’s worth noting that a 2013 study demonstrated its ability to protect against glioblastoma—the most aggressive and deadly form of brain cancer. A compound in garlic called dilly trisulfide (DATS) is not only effective at preventing tumor growth but also causes apoptosis (cell death) in active glioblastoma. As an added bonus it doesn’t have any adverse effects on liver function either, a potential side effect of other treatments.
Any time you’re looking to introduce a new supplement into your diet you should be mindful of interactions it might have with other supplements and medications you’re already taking. Consult with a doctor before adding garlic to your health regimen to make sure you’re taking proper doses and that it won’t have negative interactions with any health issues you have.
Excessive garlic consumption can cause side effects, with bad breath and body odor being the most common (good for maintaining that six feet of social distancing, but not all that great for your loved ones!). Eating raw cloves, especially on an empty stomach, can cause gas, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, acid reflux, and heartburn.
If you’re going into surgery, be mindful of garlic’s blood thinning properties as it may increase bleeding during the operation. Stop using the supplement at least a full week before the procedure and follow up with your doctor if you feel unsure.
Garlic is more than just a smelly vegetable that makes food delicious. It’s been used as a medicinal supplement across the world for thousands of years. Its benefits have drawn enough attention that hundreds of studies have been done, solidifying its healing properties in science.
It contains important vitamins and minerals and provides health benefits for nearly every part of your body. Compounds inside like allicin and DATS are proven to assist and reduce the risk of many life-threatening illnesses.
The exact preparation and dose recommended differs from treatment to treatment. There’s ongoing research that is trying to discover the best way to maximize garlic’s healing properties.
Overall it’s an easy, inexpensive way to boost your physical health and defend against many viruses and diseases.
Meditation, prayer, laughing, and a good snuggle session are also great ways to heal—physically, emotionally, and spiritually!
Ana P
"This was the most profound and empowering reading I've experienced. Thank you so much, Paul. You saw what was going on in my life in such a clear way; it was mind-blowing. 5 stars all day long. I honestly have no idea what I would have done if I didn't find you. Thank you so very much!"
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Dr. D.
"Paul, you saw exactly what was happening on my team. It was amazing to me how you were able to not only see all the personalities but also help us unwind an extremely difficult situation and dynamic. Such an excellent experience working with you on all this. Thank you!"
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Mina W
"WOW! Such a great experience working with you. Your sessions made me feel much better - and finally energized. I’m at a loss for words right now. Suffice to say that you helped me regain my confidence and let go of some serious garbage. I was carrying so much unnecessary guilt and self-hatred. You helped me release so many things. Truly a wonderful experience."
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Lee H
"I love how you phrase all of these things, and I feel encouraged to finally let go of these old experiences - the old me! After a month, I’m noticing how clear I can be and how focused I am on my happiness in the moment. Before meeting you, I was constantly in my head, never focusing on being peaceful, happy, or positive. Working with your rituals, releasing all the mayhem, and living more in gratitude has been immensely rewarding and eye-opening!"
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Mandy C
"Thank you for being such a light and inspiring person in my life, Paul. I was worried about hiring someone to help me because my life felt too unmanageable. You were so sweet with me, holding my hand during a very painful time. Each session helped me break out of my anger and darkness. The difference between today and 3 months ago is almost unbelievable. Thanks for seeing my potential and walking me into it!"
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Ben T
"Working with you has been amazing. I love how you can see the challenges that my wife and I are having - and you nail it - blaming neither of us. You also saw that I have some work to do, which I needed to hear. Now that I’m completely over myself (haha), Jackie and I have very productive conversations. Sometimes, it feels like we’re just getting to know each other. We appreciate you, Paul - thanks!"
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Rachel J
"Thank you so much for hearing me out with no judgment when I fully express myself. You are so generous to me, helping me get past the death of my child and the loss of my marriage. The guilt was killing me, but I’m seeing the light again. Thank you for working through everything with me. I know I’m a challenge. I’ve listened to the recordings several times. Each time, I can feel how empowering you are for me. How kind (and intense!) and present. I am SO GLAD I TRUSTED YOU AS MY COACH"!
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