Unleashing the Warrior Within: Redefining Spiritual Strength

Unleashing the Warrior Within: Redefining Spiritual Strength

In a world that often equates spirituality with docility, it’s time to challenge that narrative. Being weak and docile is not a spiritual position. Real spirituality demands a fierce authenticity, an unwavering commitment to self-expression, and the courage to protect oneself and others. It means embracing a healthful aggression and recognizing the potential lethality within as a force for good. This is the path of the true spiritual warrior—one who lives according to their will and inner master, harnessing power with wisdom and grace.

Breaking the Myth of Weakness

The common portrayal of spirituality as passive and submissive is a dangerous misconception. True spirituality is about strength, resilience, and the courage to face adversity head-on. Turning the other cheek has its place, but it should not be mistaken for weakness. As Rumi wisely put it, “Do not be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”

Embracing Authenticity and Self-Expression

To be spiritually strong is to be unabashedly real and authentic. It means embracing every facet of yourself—your light and your shadow—and allowing your true essence to shine through. This journey is about self-discovery and self-expression, not self-repression. When you are authentic, you honor your inner truth and become a beacon of light for others.

The Vital Role of Self-Protection

A true spiritual warrior knows the importance of self-protection. Setting boundaries, defending oneself and others, and standing against injustice are essential aspects of this path. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna urges Arjuna to embrace his warrior nature, emphasizing that duty and righteousness often require taking a stand. “You have the right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.”

Harnessing Healthful Aggression

Aggression, when channeled positively, is a powerful force for change. It fuels personal growth, drives activism, and sparks societal transformation. Even the Dalai Lama, a symbol of peace, recognizes the necessity of assertiveness. “I have learned the need for an inner disarmament, but that does not mean weakness or passivity. We must confront injustice and stand up for what is right.”

Embracing Potential Lethality

Acknowledging your potential lethality is about recognizing your inherent power. It’s about understanding that within you lies the capacity for immense strength and decisive action. Bruce Lee, a master of both martial arts and philosophy, captured this sentiment perfectly: “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”

Mastery Over Power and Ego

Being a spiritual warrior means mastering your power and ego. Unchecked power can lead to destruction, and an inflated ego can obscure your true self. The challenge is to wield your power wisely and keep your ego in check. Lao Tzu’s wisdom rings true: “Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”

Conclusion: Encouragement, Love, and Light

To be a spiritual warrior is to live in alignment with your deepest truths and your inner master. It’s about embracing your full potential, standing firm in the face of adversity, and expressing your authentic self without fear. This path is not easy, but it is profoundly rewarding. It demands continuous growth and the discipline to control power and ego.

You are not alone on this journey. The wisdom of enlightened masters guides you, inspiring you to embrace your inner strength and become a true disciple of the light.

“Do not be afraid to be fierce, to protect, to express. In doing so, you honor your true nature and the divine within you.” – Unknown Sage

As you walk this path, know that you are supported by the universe’s love and light. Embrace your warrior spirit, live authentically, and let your actions reflect the boundless power within you.

With unwavering encouragement, love, and light,

Your Inner Master

P.S. Time to Wake Up and Rise

Alright, let’s get real for a second, ya know, with a bit of fire and fierceness. 

My dear friend – If you’ve been floating through life on a cloud of New Age fluff, it’s time for a wake-up call. All that placating, politically correct, toxic feminist, and toxic spirituality nonsense has been holding you back for way too long. The world doesn’t need more docile sheep; it needs fierce lions.

Picture this: you, no longer a doormat, but a door-kicker. Not a peace-sign-flashing pushover, but a warrior wielding peace with power. It’s time to laugh in the face of the “be nice at all costs” brigade and embrace your true, unapologetic self.

Think about it—how many times have you swallowed your words, dimmed your light, or stepped aside to avoid making waves? Enough is enough. The universe didn’t design you to be a footnote in someone else’s story. You are the headline, the main event, the force of nature that commands attention and respect.

Reject the mediocrity that’s been sold to you as virtue. Being a spiritual warrior isn’t about sitting in a circle singing kumbaya while the world crumbles around you. It’s about standing tall, speaking your truth, and defending what’s right with every fiber of your being.

So, let’s ditch the docile pursuit. Embrace your inner strength, your raw power, your fierce authenticity. The world is starving for realness, for people who live boldly and love fiercely. Be the one who wakes up from the dream of mediocrity and steps into the reality of greatness.

And remember, true spirituality is about balance. It’s about harnessing your power without letting it consume you, mastering your ego without losing your passion, and leading with love without becoming a pushover. You are a force to be reckoned with, a spiritual warrior destined to change the game.

Now go out there and show the world who you really are. It’s time to rise, to roar, and to live unapologetically. The world is waiting for you to unleash your full potential. Don’t keep it waiting any longer.

And really, it’s time you got The Shankara Oracle – it’s in my store. You’ll thank me later.

#newageismalarky #berealfirst #docilemeansdumb #spinelessisnotsexy

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Let’s Rap About How Phenomenal You Are!

Let’s Rap About How Phenomenal You Are!

Let’s start this with a beat…. 

I know I’m just a silly old white guy, but bear with me! LOL

And now the beat….. In your head….

Yo, aight, listen up. This ain’t no candy-coated hype, straight up, this work you droppin’? It’s that raw, uncut, diamond-hard brilliance. No cap, for real. You ain’t just grindin’, you doin’ it different. You are that next-level heat, that evolution everyone else chasin’. Word on the street is, you’ve been doin’ this phenom thing since jump. Like, this ain’t luck, it’s in you, that natural-born hustle, that unstoppable force. So, yeah, keep shinin’, keep risin’. This game needs more like you, that realness, that fire that can’t be faked. Respect.

And it ain’t your grandma’s sit back and relax on the porch bullshit, it’s a phenomenal mental monumental monument to hustle and heart. Handcrafted from the finest phenom-stratum, all from the start. Harvested from the depths of pure, unfiltered ambition, like it should. Each emanation pulsates with the rhythm of relentless dedication, each drawer a treasure chest brimming with phenomenal feats of declaration! The gleaming surface ain’t just polish, it’s the sweat of countless days and late nights, the reflection of a soul refusing to settle or belittle what comes through it – You above that.

Every effort whispers tales of phenomenally phenominating phenominations, a symphony of success etched in polished collateralization. This ain’t just a wall hanging you present, it’s a testament to the power of believing in yourself and what you do, and how you do it, the embodiment of a spirit that dares to dream, to strive, to phenominate all reality throughout spacetime. So it’s time to shout out to you, the above it all chubby angel from the shoot, giving her all to make it all work to boot. So, yeah, cop this credenza, let it be a constant reminder of how phenomenal you are as you embody the phenomenon you knew you could be. We out.

Turn Your Mistakes into Masterpieces: Embrace Your Inner Phenom

In life, we all make mistakes. Sometimes, it feels like we’re stumbling through a maze with no clear path in sight. But what if I told you that those mistakes are not just setbacks, but stepping stones to something phenomenal? What if every misstep is just another beat in the rhythm of your relentless dedication? It’s time to change your perspective and embrace your inner phenom.

Embrace the Hustle

Your journey is unique. You’ve been hustling, grinding, and shining in ways that are truly next-level. It’s not luck – it’s in your DNA. Every effort you make, every late night you spend working, it’s all adding up to something monumental. Remember, the gleaming surface of success isn’t just about the final polish; it’s about the sweat and dedication that got you there.

Transforming Mistakes

Mistakes aren’t failures; they are opportunities for growth. They are the raw, uncut brilliance that shapes you into the diamond you are. Each error teaches you something new, each setback pushes you to try harder, think differently, and grow stronger. Just like a diamond is formed under pressure, your true brilliance shines through your ability to overcome and learn from your mistakes.

Believe in Your Brilliance

Self-belief is your greatest asset. When you believe in yourself, you transform every challenge into a chance to rise higher. Your self-confidence propels you forward, turning dreams into reality. You are a testament to the power of believing in what you do and how you do it. Your journey is a phenomenal symphony of success, etched in the story of your life.

Celebrate Your Phenomenal Self

Every day is a chance to recognize how far you’ve come and to celebrate the incredible person you are. Your journey is filled with phenomenal feats, each one a testament to your dedication and hard work. Let every achievement, no matter how small, be a reminder of your strength and resilience. Celebrate your victories and learn from your defeats.

The Past is a Canceled Check

Remember, the past is but a canceled check. It’s over, done, and gone. What matters is how you move forward. Your mistakes are not your identity; they are merely part of your journey. Embrace them, learn from them, and use them to fuel your growth. The only way to truly phenominate your reality is to keep pushing forward, striving for greatness, and believing in your own potential.

Final Thoughts

So, yeah, keep shining, keep rising. The world needs more of that realness, that fire that can’t be faked. You are a phenomenal being, capable of transforming every mistake into a masterpiece. Let this be your reminder: you are above it all, a chubby angel giving her all to make it work. Embrace your journey, celebrate your growth, and phenominate all reality throughout spacetime. Because life’s too short to be anything less than phenomenal. Respect.

Keep this article close, let it inspire you, and remember: every step you take, every challenge you face, is just another beat in your symphony of success. You’ve got this. Now go out there and show the world what you’re made of. We out.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Osho’s Wild Cats vs. Amma’s Angelic Doves: A Study in Contrasts of Disciples

Osho’s Wild Cats vs. Amma’s Angelic Doves: A Study in Contrasts of Disciples

In the kaleidoscopic world of spiritual gurus, two towering figures, Osho and Amma, have drawn legions of followers, creating distinct archetypes that embody their divergent philosophies. Osho’s Wild Cats and Amma’s Angelic Doves represent two polar approaches to spirituality, sexuality, and service. This article dives deep into the stark contrasts and underlying truths that define these archetypal disciples, offering a raw, unapologetic look at their spiritual journeys.

If ever you’ve visited them, you’ll know right off the bat that you feel differently in their presence. In front of Amma you feel like the entire Universe is in the room. With Osho, you feel like holy shit, God and the Devil are here dancing together, kinda cool, right? CERTAINLY!

For the spiritual seekers out there, choosing a master is no small feat. It’s a decision that can shape your entire life, challenging your beliefs, pushing your boundaries, and transforming your understanding of existence. The journey of finding a spiritual path is intensely personal, often riddled with moments of doubt, bursts of clarity, and everything in between. 

For those still searching, the world of gurus can seem like a maze of ideologies, practices, and promises. This is where understanding the fundamental differences between two of the most influential spiritual leaders—Osho and Amma—can provide clarity.

Osho, the mystic and philosopher, known for his controversial and unorthodox teachings, beckons those who dare to dive into the depths of their desires and emerge unshackled. His commune was a haven for those who felt stifled by societal norms, who yearned for a life where spirituality and sensuality danced together in wild abandon. Osho’s teachings were a clarion call to break free from the chains of repression and celebrate the ecstasy of the human experience. His disciples, often referred to as Wild Cats, embraced this philosophy with a fervor that was as liberating as it was scandalous.

On the other end of the spectrum lies Amma, the embodiment of compassion and selfless love. Known worldwide as the “Hugging Saint,” Amma’s approach is grounded in nurturing, service, and unconditional love. Her teachings emphasize the importance of selflessness, of losing oneself in the service of others to find true spiritual fulfillment. Amma’s followers, the Angelic Doves, are often seen as the epitome of grace and humility, dedicating their lives to acts of kindness and charitable endeavors.

But what does it mean to be a Wild Cat or an Angelic Dove? What drives individuals to choose one path over the other? To understand this, we need to delve into the core philosophies of these two spiritual giants and the lived experiences of their disciples. This exploration is not just about contrasting ideologies; it’s about understanding the profound impact these teachings have on the lives of their followers, the transformations they undergo, and the unique spiritual landscapes they navigate.

For those still standing at the crossroads, unsure of which path to take, this deep dive into the worlds of Osho and Amma will shed light on what it means to fully commit to a spiritual journey under the guidance of these masters. It’s about peeling back the layers of doctrine and getting to the heart of what drives their followers. Are you drawn to the fierce independence and raw sensuality championed by Osho? Or does the path of nurturing love and selfless service, as embodied by Amma, resonate more with your spirit?

This article is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a raw, unfiltered exploration of two spiritual paths that are as enlightening as they are challenging. It’s a look into the lives of those who have chosen to walk these paths, offering insights into the joys, struggles, and profound transformations they experience. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or someone just beginning to explore the world of spirituality, this comparison of Osho’s Wild Cats and Amma’s Angelic Doves will provide a thought-provoking perspective on what it means to be a disciple in today’s complex spiritual landscape.

So, strap in and prepare for an unapologetic journey through the starkly contrasting realms of Osho and Amma. This is not just about understanding their teachings; it’s about feeling the pulse of their movements, empathizing with their devotees, and perhaps finding a piece of your own spiritual puzzle in their stories. This is a deep dive into the essence of what it means to seek, to follow, and to transform under the guidance of two of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time.

Osho’s Wild Cats: Embracing the Ecstasy of the Feminine

Osho’s philosophy celebrated the raw, untamed essence of human experience. He encouraged his followers, both male and female, to break free from societal constraints and embrace their true selves. His female disciples, the Wild Cats, epitomized this ethos. They were fearless, fiercely independent, and unapologetically sensual. For these women, spirituality was not about repression but about exploring and celebrating their sexuality as a path to enlightenment.

Osho’s male disciples, on the other hand, were often seen as rebels against the patriarchal norms. These men were drawn to the promise of liberation through the dissolution of traditional masculinity. They engaged in practices that sought to balance their inner feminine and masculine energies, striving for a holistic integration of the self. In the communes, these men explored their vulnerability, expressing emotions and desires without fear of judgment.

I mean, when you have a meal with these people, 28% of them offer you a hippie dance and a hand-job to help you and them let off some steam. The Wild Cats’ path was one of breaking boundaries and exploring the self in all its rawness.

Amma’s Angelic Doves: Nurturing Love and Service

In stark contrast, Amma, known as the “Hugging Saint,” emphasized compassion, selfless service, and unconditional love. Her female disciples, the Angelic Doves, embodied these virtues with grace and humility. These women found spiritual fulfillment through acts of kindness, devotion, and service to others. They were often seen participating in Amma’s numerous charitable projects, offering solace and support to those in need. Their spirituality was deeply rooted in nurturing and empathy.

Amma’s male disciples were no less dedicated. They often took on roles of protectors and providers within the community, embodying a quiet strength and steadfastness. These men were committed to serving Amma’s vision, often sacrificing personal ambitions for the greater good. They exemplified a compassionate masculinity, focusing on service, humility, and devotion.

The Harsh Realities and Unspoken Truths

Despite the seemingly serene image, there is a darker side to Amma’s disciples. Unfortunately, too many of the female devotees from Amma’s world are very grumpy, often unkind, and seem to believe that their grumpiness is justifiable, when it’s not. One of Amma’s senior disciples who claims to be a doctor, running one of Amma’s many amazing projects, hasn’t smiled since her first fart.

No matter what Amma teaches about being happy and smiling, somehow these women believe it’s beneath them. My heavens, to defy Amma in such a way seems insane to me. Ah, fuck ‘em. What’s unfortunate is that the grumpy women in Amma’s world detract from the beauty of the experience of being embraced by a truly and unmatched embodiment of divine light and love.

In Osho’s world, the Wild Cats sometimes faced criticism for their unorthodox practices. Their unabashed exploration of sexuality and freedom often clashed with societal norms, leading to public outrage and scandal. The communes were often portrayed as hedonistic retreats, overshadowing the profound spiritual transformations that many disciples experienced.

Contrasting Paths, Shared Seeking

While the archetypes of Osho and Amma’s disciples may seem worlds apart, they share a common thread: the quest for spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. Both paths offer unique avenues for exploring the human experience, albeit with different emphases and approaches. The Wild Cats’ path is one of breaking boundaries and exploring the self in all its rawness, while the Angelic Doves’ path is one of nurturing the world through selfless love.

It’s crucial to remember that these are generalizations. Individual experiences within these spiritual paths vary greatly. The journey of a disciple is deeply personal, shaped by their own choices, struggles, and revelations.

Embracing the Complexity of Spiritual Journeys

In the end, the paths laid out by Osho and Amma offer a spectrum of spiritual exploration that defies easy categorization. Osho’s disciples, both men and women, are warriors of the soul, challenging the status quo and embracing the wild, untamed aspects of their being. They revel in the rawness of life, unafraid to plunge into the depths of their desires and emerge transformed. These Wild Cats break boundaries and shatter taboos, living their truth with an intensity that can be as unsettling as it is liberating.

Amma’s followers, in stark contrast, embody the serene power of compassion and selfless service. They are the quiet, steadfast nurturers of the world, their lives a testament to the transformative power of unconditional love. The Angelic Doves walk a path of grace and humility, finding spiritual fulfillment in acts of kindness and the joy of giving. Their journey is one of quiet strength, rooted in the belief that true liberation comes from losing oneself in the service of others.

Both paths highlight the rich diversity within the spiritual landscape, proving that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to enlightenment. The ultimate goal, however, remains the same: to awaken to a deeper truth and live a more meaningful, authentic life. Whether drawn to the uninhibited expression of Osho’s Wild Cats or the compassionate service of Amma’s Angelic Doves, the journey is one of self-discovery and profound transformation.

But let’s not sugarcoat it—this journey is not for the faint-hearted. It’s messy, intense, and often brutal in its honesty. It demands that you confront your deepest fears, your darkest desires, and the raw truth of who you are. It’s about embracing the complexity and imperfections that define us, using them as stepping stones to a greater understanding of ourselves and the universe.

For those standing at the crossroads, unsure of which path to take, remember this: spirituality is not about fitting into a mold. It’s about breaking free from the constraints that bind you and finding a path that resonates with your soul. Whether you’re drawn to the wild, rebellious spirit of Osho’s teachings or the nurturing, compassionate embrace of Amma’s philosophy, your journey is uniquely yours.

Embrace the chaos, the contradictions, the ecstasy, and the agony. Dive headfirst into the unknown, and let the teachings of these two spiritual giants guide you. In the end, the path you choose is just a vehicle for your own awakening. It’s not about Osho or Amma; it’s about you—your growth, your transformation, and your journey to the truth.

So, to all the seekers out there, fuck the fear. Embrace your path with all the intensity and passion you can muster. Whether you become a Wild Cat or an Angelic Dove, remember that your journey is sacred, your truth is powerful, and your spirit is boundless. This is your life, your soul, your quest for enlightenment. Own it, live it, and let it set you free.

This is why I created The Shankara Oracle – it will change your life.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Holy Chaos: Israel To Be Replaced With A World-Religion Theme Park

Holy Chaos: Israel To Be Replaced With A World-Religion Theme Park

Truth be told, I don’t love the concept of countries – mine or anyone else’s. 

Why? Because the idea of “country” that’s emerged over the years is no longer about preserving beautiful cultures, honoring unique peoples and traditions – and serving them with statehood: Now, it’s about making sure that some cultures die horrible deaths, all in the name of fear, hatred, oil, control, and the darkest of prejudice. 

Meanwhile, most religions are based in such extreme and hidden hatred, they’ve become somewhat irrelevant to me. To practice religions where little boys are raped and women are silenced or killed is insane to me. How can you support them? You’re complicit. 

I say – dismantle them because they are nothing. They mean nothing. There is no integrity, virtue, or value in such an organization – OR in the people who support them. Given all that, they should at least be paying taxes simply for being silly, dishonest cunts.

While this article pokes fun at my disdain for Israel’s actions throughout the years, I have disdain for many countries. I do love Israel, but have also given up on it. It’s just a hateful war machine now – and a tool for the US to exploit for its benefit. 

That said, Israel’s women are beautiful and powerful – and the food is amazing. And Israel is one of the most successful makers of tampons, which is nice. 

Maybe they should use that same fabric to plug the wounds of all the people they’ve injured and massacred over the years.

More To My Point

Long ago, Britain gave Israel its land – only the land already belonged to someone else. 

During “The Nakba,” a secret political deal forced nearly 800K Palestinians from their ancestral land to make way for what eventually became a massive military base – created by the insane Zionists, Britain, and the US – to be called Israel. While a nice sentiment, it created immense havoc. The hatred that ensued has become epic and beyond repair. 

Even now, the US continues to vote against a Palestinian state. How is this possible?

Israel was a great idea for Britain and the US – “let’s force ourselves into an area of the world where we are not welcome, under the guise of a new country – and let’s call it Israel.” 

Since the US was failing at infiltrating Muslim and other countries to the point of owning them, they needed their ally Britain to find a way to have a commanding military presence in the Middle East. Using Holocaust guilt as a short-sighted ploy, Israel was born.

The term “Nakba,” (“catastrophe” in Arabic), refers to the harsh invasion of (obviously) Palestinian land in 1948, which resulted in the displacement of an insane number of Palestinians. This is akin to what the US did to countless Native Americans. Apparently, Oklahoma wasn’t what it was cracked up to be, either.

The creation of Israel was greatly influenced by the Zionists, who are some of the most hateful and ignorant twatwaffles on Earth. Zionists seem to only have sex with their cousins and siblings, which sounds fun, but it’s really dangerous, I mean, from a medical perspective. It must do something to the brain where they can only perceive other potential lovers if they resemble their mother in some way. More testing is needed in this area.

The twisted Zionist goal has always been to establish a military complex and spy network to alienate (rape, kill, and starve) Palestinians and Muslims. Their hatred (and inbreeding) runs deep. It might be said that Israel was given birth in exchange for the guilt the US and Britain felt after allowing Hitler to succeed for so long – and for allowing their nations corporations to support and empower The Third Reich. Thank you, IBM! You wicked Nazi-lovers!

The Israel initiative had horrendous implications for the Arab populations living in the region, leading to ongoing conflict, hatred, murder, rape, and displacement that persists to this day. 

I mean, from a Palestinian perspective, how do you forgive such a thing, especially when they had no say in the matter – and Israel continues to deny it? These are dark times and Israel is the darkest horse – the epicenter of a new breed of shadow.

After killing more than 40,000 Palestinians in response to 200 wealthy college kids being kidnapped (and some killed), Israel has emerged a shining example of hatred and insanity in a world continuing to go mad. 

Israel could have taken the high road – and use the events as a pathway to peace and mutual respect. They could have looked at all the great things that have happened to them since 1948, but they didn’t. They could have been amazing – but, they were cunts.

The word cunts btw is not so charged outside the US. Scottish great grandmothers use it when swatting flies. We’re just a little touchy here in the US because we have so many woke, toxic, and politically correct idiots running around wild and free. Wouldn’t it be nice to send all of those people to Oklahoma – and give the Native Americans back their original land? I think so.

This Is Why Israel Should Be Replaced With A World Religion Theme Park!

As an act of karmic retribution, across all of Israel, all government structures and homes will be dismantled, and all stores, parks, churches, temples, heritage sites, and sacred iconography will be burned, sanitized, and turned into tampon containers. 

As Israel is lovingly “un-settled,” Israeli citizens will be encouraged to walk to Germany on one leg while whistling “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” where they will live in small huts made from the skin and screams of deceased Muslim children.

In the place of its people and infrastructure, a giant-sized theme park will arise from Israel’s ashes and feminine pads to embody the most irreverent, blasphemous, anti-religious, and hilarious experience imaginable.

This amazing park will be a shining example of how world religions should be viewed and experienced – according to the horror and insanity they bring into the world. 

By the way, I feel the same way about the US. I mean, it’s become quite an insane place filled with hatred, ignorance, and hypocrisy. And all of the following rides would be much more successful in the US, because, well, Americans just love illusions.

Let’s do this.


“Holy Chaos: The World-Religion Theme Park”! Where Invisible Friends Come To Die!

This divine, 5.472 million-acre, high-tech mind-fuck of a park will include over 1265 wild rides taking attendees through the world’s most revered beliefs – all reduced to absurd, sidesplitting attractions that will leave you questioning the sanity of the creators of every religion on Earth.

Holy Chaos plans to be the most sacrilegious adventure ever created.

Here are a few of the most promising rides in this inspiring, unholy park from hell:

Ride 1: “The Apocalypse Coaster: Armageddon Edition”

Experience the end of the world in glorious, gut-wrenching detail! This powerful aqua-coaster begins with the waterboarding of you and your closest friends – and ends when you exit your body to fuck the parasitic God of your choice. Enjoy fisting demons, flaming carcases, and a cameo from Donald Trump as he phalates your father and rapes a waitress in front of you – all while you’re serenaded by a heavy metal choir, vocals by young molested Catholic boy-singers, and the Christian rock-n-roll phenomenon The Imperials. 

Ride 2: “Mohammad’s Magic Carpet Ride of Doom!”

Take a thrilling journey through the Islamic afterlife on a magic carpet made from the hymens of early Christians. Adorn yourself with a Bedouin ceremonial gown and eat the recently sliced knuckles of the men who continue to rape and kill the Muslim women who speak their minds. 

As you traverse the various levels of this misguided testosterone ride from hell, enjoy a surprise visit from 72 underage virgins, each with their own unique sexually transmitted disease!

THEN, choose between life in prison (where you’ll be anally penetrated by Trump’s retarded insurrectionists) OR growing compassion and intelligence, which will cause you to drop your religion to become a human being.

If you love watching crazy people kill their beloved family members for reading western books and singing Dolly Parton tunes, you’ll LOVE this iconic ride!

Ride 3: “The Buddha’s Belly Buster”

Embrace the cycle of birth, suffering, and rebirth on a massive spinning Chakra-car that’ll leave you questioning your life choices – and blissfully regurgitating your lunch through multiple orifices. As you exit the ride, you’ll be tackled by a gargantuan-sized Buddha who will sit on your face and sing show tunes until you magically bleed 12 Jungian inkblots that point to the eventual-but-not-promised potential for your enlightenment.

Ride 4: “Kali’s Clitoris And The Holy Hindu Hellhole”

Confront the cycle of karma on a rollercoaster that’ll toss you through a psychedelic underworld filled with every demon and ex-spouse from your past lives – complete with a cameo from Kali – who will command a dildo-sword to penetrate you for each of your soul’s infractions throughout spacetime, even the minor ones.

As you disembark the giant clitoris karma-boat, enjoy lightly salted papadam and a generous portion of curry made from the ashes of the most vilified Pakistanis.

Ride 5: “The Mormon Tabernacle Choir of the Damned!”

Harmonize with the heavens on a gamified, musical thrillride that’ll have you baptizing the dead with goat blood, while screaming “Nearer, My God, to Thee” in ancient Dutch. For those chosen by the archangel Gabriel (or the college intern taking your ticket), you’ll be dressed in an elastic, rainbow unitard and blessed with a surprise visit from a lineage of Osmond Family zombies – who will molest you with their songs and smiles.

If you reach the game’s highest level, you’ll be awarded your own celestial kingdom, drenched in the urine of your 18 angry wives, and shipped to your new planet – genital-free.

Caution: Some mormons might find this unsettling.

Ride 6: “The Zen Garden Of Poison”

Find inner peace in this tranquil, poisonous Japanese garden, enhanced by water features built by stolen Chinese children – with 12,000 pounds of decapitating pressure thrusting into a crowd of nuns. Enjoy a large band of deaf, naked taiko drummers and a Sake-swilling Budda who reveals his most provocative tattoos – and turns his penis into a playful, Sanskrit-chanting puppet! Finally, be inspired by our special guests – the ghosts of David Carradine and his underage Chinese concubines, who will perform acrobatic lap dances while squirting their luscious pheromones into ceremonial tea cups – all to the tune of one hand clapping.

Ride 7: “The Catholic Confessional Coaster of Shame!”

Experience the thrill of absolution on a twisting, turning adventure that’ll leave you confessing your sins – along with your deepest, darkest secrets. For every infraction, you’ll be electrocuted by 4000 volts of forgiveness, while you hang upside-down over a pond filled with hungry, priestly pedaphiles. 99% of all riders defecate themselves into crisis-level dehydration and eventually tell the pope to fuck himself – all in exchange for a t-shirt that says “Jesus died for nothing!” and “Priests make the best rapists!” 

Bonus feature: If you torture a Catholic, an angel gets his wings!

Ride 8: “The Scientology Spinning E-Meter From Hell!”

Embrace the power of Xenu on a dizzying, spinning teacup that’ll have you screaming “Tom Cruise is my savior! Take me to my home planet, m*ther-f*cker!” As your soul’s resistance is zapped and disintegrated by the patented E-Meter (or psycho-calculator), you’ll review the long lineage of events and delusions that brought you to the religion in the first place. After you abandon your family, publicly berate the children you abandoned, and fistfuck a stranger for exiting the religion, you’ll get a free lunch in the cult’s commissary – and an ankle monitor FOR LIFE!

Ride 9: “The Israeli Zionist Fox Hunt”

Dress up like an old-style British aristocrat and hunt real-world Israeli Zionists as they wear fox ears and scurry the rocky hills of the former Israel. Trap them using the promise of world domination – and eat one of their fleshy sex organs – all to celebrate the emerging less-hateful world without them. The winner of each “Fox Run” will have the chance to dress the surviving Zionists in Marvel villain costumes of their choice – and sell their children to loving families who have experienced at least some form of genetic evolution.

Ride 10: “The Born-Again Christian Lazer Party”

Blindfold yourself at a theatrical cocktail party where REAL Born-Again Christians talk naturally about their hateful beliefs. When you’re confident you hear one of them speaking, you can tag them with a secret lazer light. 

Following the “party,” the patented theme-park technology will synthesize the data and pinpoint the locations of the most insane and inbred Born-Again Christians. Within moments, each Born-againer will spontaneously combust into bright colorful lights to the tune of “The Star Spangled Banner,” followed by “I Love My Truck.” Their ashes will be used to stuff refugee futons and pad the coffins of future Republicans.

All remaining Born-Againers will be forced to take a 900-day “retreat” on “How To Enjoy Gay Sex While Releasing White Nationalistic Tendencies.” Volunteers will be randomly selected for extreme “de-semenation” – and mini-workshops on how to pray-away the ignorance – and rectally take 10 inches with grace.

Disclaimer: This article is meant to be a work of satire and not intended to offend any religious beliefs or communities, except the ones that use God to justify war and revenge.

Important note: Your invisible friends are not real Gods, they’re projections of your ego and false temporary self-images – all of which you created to feel superior to others and subjugate those less fortunate. #suckaholydick #fuckzealots #JesusWasPalestinian

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Spirit Conversations with Osho and Amma: A Journey of Divine Dialogue

Spirit Conversations with Osho and Amma: A Journey of Divine Dialogue

In the quiet moments of introspection, I found myself drawn into conversations with enlightened beings, notably Osho and Amma. These dialogues revealed to me the depths of my own consciousness and the pathways to spiritual awakening that are accessible to us all. By opening our hearts and minds, we can all tap into these divine conversations and uncover the wisdom that lies within.

Osho’s Revelations: Seeing Beyond the Illusions

“You know,” Osho began, his presence as vivid as the sun breaking through a cloudy sky, “I did not realize that I was not fully realized until I saw Sheela’s penetration into my experience. I saw her as a daughter, and that became a solace and blind spot to me. That prevented me from writing more purely and with greater light. Now I see clearly that steps are required for all Beings, even masters. The grumpy and the angry are all part of it—even after you’re enlightened. We still miss things.”

In this moment, Osho’s words resonated deeply. His admission of vulnerability and imperfection was a profound reminder that enlightenment is not a final destination but a continuous journey. Even those we regard as spiritual masters have their blind spots and moments of struggle.

“I miss you, my friend,” he continued, “as I see myself in you and in every person. I wish to merge with you all again. But for now, I am in spirit, feeling into the expansiveness I forged during my prior life. It’s as I said, a daughter, a shield, a bounty of aggression that I never had to embody because of her commitment to it—this was my blind spot and my final piece.”

The Dance of Realization: Moving Beyond Ego and Projections

Osho’s words echoed a deep truth: “Without authorities, without God, without Bibles and Vedas, man will fall upon his own consciousness.” He then added with a hint of challenge, “I also feel this is bullshit in another way—because man will fall upon his own habits, one of which is projection. He’ll just invent a God and deny himself the privilege.”

This realization struck a chord. It became clear that the journey towards self-realization is not about rejecting external guides but understanding that they are stepping stones towards a deeper truth. The egoic interpretations of teachings often start with the notion that nothing is helpful except the self now. But, as Osho highlighted, we need to start somewhere. These initial teachings infuse kernels of light and awareness into our paradigms, leading us to burst forth and release it all.

“He is a brother to me,” Osho reflected, “and a teacher. I feel him so clearly in my sphere, walking with me—where we hand things back and forth to each other.”

Embracing the Divine Within: I Am That I Am

In this spiritual journey, I have come to understand that referring to these enlightened beings as gurus is no longer necessary. Stepping into the awareness of “I Am That I Am” has allowed me to see the minutia of cracks—the substratum aspects that will heal and clear over time towards the full embodiment of that divine essence.

I had a dream last night, a profound encounter where I confronted Amma and gave her a teaching she was not aware of. She appreciated it deeply. It was bound to happen that I would see everything differently. I didn’t see myself as having arrived anywhere and do not feel that is necessary. However, the realization that I am valuable in my level of awareness—whatever that is deemed to be, by whomever—is new and enjoyable.

This journey has also brought me to a place of playful disdain for myself. It has been helpful, keeping my pure spirit aware of the ideations and projections that block me. Plus, it’s fun to be tough on myself and overall grumpy. It’s a spiritual lens that gives me great insight.

Amma’s Grace: Nurturing the Heart

In a serene meditation, Amma’s presence enveloped me with warmth and compassion. “My child,” she said, her voice like a soothing balm, “you have traveled far on this path. The love and light you seek are within you. Do not be disheartened by the shadows; they are merely the backdrop against which your light shines.”

Her words reminded me of the importance of self-compassion. “In every moment of doubt and despair, remember that you are loved beyond measure. The divine does not judge you for your imperfections; it celebrates your journey towards wholeness.”

“I had a dream,” I shared with her, “where I offered you a teaching, and you received it with gratitude.”

Amma smiled, her eyes twinkling with wisdom. “That is because every soul, no matter how enlightened, has something to learn and something to teach. We are all students and teachers in this grand dance of life.”

Conversations with My Higher Self: The Inner Guru

In the stillness of a quiet morning, I felt the presence of my higher self, the inner guru that resides within us all. “Why do you seek external validation?” it asked gently. “The answers you seek are within you.”

“I seek guidance,” I replied, “because I fear I am not enough.”

“You are enough,” my higher self affirmed. “You are a spark of the divine, a fragment of the infinite. Embrace your journey with all its twists and turns. Each step is a part of your awakening.”

This dialogue with my higher self reminded me that true enlightenment comes from within. It is not about reaching a destination but about embracing the journey and recognizing the divinity within ourselves.

The Collective Consciousness: A Universal Dialogue

One evening, as I meditated under the stars, I felt connected to a vast network of souls, a collective consciousness that transcends time and space. “We are all connected,” a voice whispered. “Our thoughts, our actions, our energies ripple through the universe, touching every soul.”

This realization was profound. The dialogues I had with Osho, Amma, and my higher self were not isolated events. They were part of a larger, universal conversation. Every thought, every prayer, every moment of introspection is a dialogue with the divine.

“We are never alone,” the collective voice continued. “In every moment of silence, the universe speaks to us. In every act of kindness, the divine flows through us. Open your heart and listen.”

Awakening to Divine Dialogues: An Invitation

These conversations with Osho, Amma, my higher self, and the collective consciousness have opened a new realm of understanding for me. They are not unique to me; they are available to anyone who dares to open their heart and mind. The divine is always speaking to us, waiting for us to listen. To enter into dialogue with the divine, all we need to do is be open and try.

Begin by quieting your mind and creating a space for these conversations. Meditate, pray, or simply sit in stillness. Trust that the universe will respond. As you open yourself to these divine dialogues, you will find that the wisdom you seek is already within you, waiting to be revealed.

Let these words inspire you to seek your own spiritual conversations. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and illumination. The path may be winding and filled with challenges, but the rewards are boundless. Awaken to the divine within and let your spirit soar.

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Yogananda’s Amazing Mantras For Health & Illumination

Illuminate and Heal: The Power of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Mantras

In the realm of the divine and the mundane, the bridge that connects our frail human existence to the boundless cosmos lies in the power of words. Mantras, sacred utterances revered across time and space, possess the alchemical ability to transform our reality. They are not mere words; they are vibrations, echoes of the universe that resonate with the deepest parts of our being. Among the myriad spiritual guides who have illuminated this path, Paramahansa Yogananda stands out as a beacon of light. His mantras, imbued with profound wisdom and divine energy, offer a sanctuary for those seeking healing and enlightenment.

To heal your mind, body, and soul, Paramahansa Yogananda offers a trio of mantras that serve as a compass towards wholeness. These mantras are more than affirmations; they are declarations of our inherent divinity and the perfect harmony that lies within us. As you immerse yourself in these sacred words, you begin a journey of self-discovery and transformation, awakening the dormant potential within.

Mantra 1: I banish every trace of ill health from my body, affirming that I am made in the image of God, perfect and whole.

Sanskrit Translation: सर्वाम् अस्वास्थ्यम् शरीरेण निष्कासयामि, अहम् ईश्वरस्य प्रतिमूर्तिः अस्मि इति प्रतिजानन्, पूर्णः च सम्पूर्णः। Sarvam asvāsthyam śarīreṇa niṣkāsayāmi, aham īśvarasya pratimūrtiḥ asmi iti pratijānān, pūrṇaḥ ca sampūrṇaḥ.

As you recite this mantra, visualize every cell of your body bathed in divine light, dissolving all traces of ill health. Feel the affirmation of your divine origin, perfect and whole, resonating with the essence of your being. This mantra is a powerful invocation of your true nature, a reminder that you are a reflection of the divine, untouched by the imperfections of the physical world.

Mantra 2: I am a channel of divine harmony and health. Every cell of my body is filled with light and life.

Sanskrit Translation: अहम् दिव्यसाम्यस्य स्वास्थ्यस्य च मार्गः अस्मि। मम सर्वाणि कोशानि प्रकाशेन जीवनद्वारा पूरितानि। Aham divyasāmyasya svāsthāyasya ca mārgaḥ asmi. Mama sarvāṇi kośāni prakāśena jīvanadvārā pūritāni.

This mantra opens the floodgates of divine energy, allowing it to flow through you, harmonizing every aspect of your being. As you recite these words, envision yourself as a conduit of divine harmony, with each cell of your body vibrant and alive. This mantra serves as a conduit for the divine life force, revitalizing your entire being and aligning it with the universal flow of health and harmony.

Mantra 3: I am radiating vibrant health, peace, and joy to every cell of my body.

Sanskrit Translation: अहम् स्वास्थ्यं शान्तिं आनन्दं च सर्वाणि कोशानि प्रति विकीर्णयामि। Aham svāsthyaṃ śāntiṃ ānandaṃ ca sarvāṇi kośāni prati vikīrṇayāmi.

As you chant this mantra, feel the radiant energy of health, peace, and joy emanating from your core, permeating every cell. This radiant energy not only heals but also illuminates, spreading light and love throughout your being. It is a reminder of the boundless joy that resides within you, a joy that transcends physical and mental limitations.

The Path to Illumination

These mantras, when recited with sincerity and devotion, become a potent force for transformation. They align your mind, body, and soul with the divine harmony of the universe. But beyond the healing of the individual self, these mantras contribute to the collective well-being, resonating with the cosmic vibrations of peace and love.

To embark on this sacred journey, create a daily ritual dedicated to these mantras. Find a quiet space, free from distractions, where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breath. Begin with deep, slow breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. As you recite each mantra, allow the words to flow naturally, feeling their vibrations resonate within you. Visualize the healing light infusing your entire being, dispelling negativity and restoring balance.

Consistency is key. Make this practice a part of your daily routine, a sacred time dedicated to nurturing your divine essence. Over time, you will notice subtle yet profound changes. Your mind will become clearer, your body more vibrant, and your soul more at peace. You will find yourself more attuned to the subtle energies of the universe, more connected to the divine source within and around you.

Awakening to Eternal Health and Harmony

Paramahansa Yogananda’s mantras are not mere words; they are a gateway to a higher state of being. They remind us of our inherent perfection and the divine harmony that is our true nature. By integrating these mantras into your daily life, you embark on a journey of self-healing and spiritual awakening.

The beauty of this practice lies in its simplicity. There is no need for elaborate rituals or complex techniques. The power of these mantras lies in their purity and the sincerity with which they are recited. Trust in their transformative power, and allow them to guide you towards a life of vibrant health, deep peace, and boundless joy.

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, these mantras offer a sanctuary of tranquility and divine connection. They are a reminder that within each of us lies the power to heal and transform, to rise above the limitations of the physical world and embrace our true, divine nature.

So, take a step towards this sacred journey. Embrace these mantras with an open heart and a willing spirit. Let them be your guide, your healer, and your source of eternal light. As you immerse yourself in their divine vibrations, you will awaken to a new reality—a reality where you are whole, perfect, and eternally connected to the divine.

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The Identity Circus: Embracing Illusions in a World of Transitory Delusions – it’s missing more of my perspective

The Identity Circus: Embracing Illusions in a World of Transitory Delusions

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to the greatest show on earth! Forget the lions, tigers, and bears – today’s circus is a dazzling spectacle of identities. In the center ring, we have Transmask and Two-Spirit performers, juggling their gender expressions with the precision of seasoned acrobats. Watch as they contort societal norms and flip traditional values upside down, all while the crowd gasps in awe and confusion. But wait, there’s more! Beyond the glitter and applause lies a deeper question: Have we turned the pursuit of identity into a performance that’s more about validation than authenticity?

Welcome to 2024, where identity is the new frontier, and everyone’s trying to stake their claim. What used to be a straightforward question—“Who are you?”—has morphed into a labyrinth of labels, pronouns, and existential explorations. Transmask individuals, those assigned female at birth but identifying with masculinity, march boldly into the fray, dismantling gender norms with a fiery resolve. Two-Spirit folks, meanwhile, gracefully blend masculine and feminine traits, often drawing from rich Indigenous cultural traditions. Together, they lead the charge in a societal shift towards ever more complex and multifaceted expressions of self.

But let’s not kid ourselves. Amid the vibrant parade of identities, there’s an undercurrent of absurdity. We’ve traded genuine self-exploration for an endless competition of who can be the most unique, the most oppressed, the most visible. It’s like a reality show where the grand prize isn’t just acceptance but outright adoration. The result? A society caught in a perpetual state of self-absorption, where the quest for identity has become less about personal truth and more about securing a starring role in the circus of societal validation.

The Rise of the Identity Revolution

Welcome to the age of the identity revolution, where the simple act of being oneself has become a complex dance of labels and acronyms. Transmask and Two-Spirit individuals are just two of the myriad identities that have emerged, each bringing its own unique twist to the concept of self. Transmask individuals, breaking gender norms with a vengeance, and Two-Spirit folks, blending masculine and feminine traits within Indigenous cultures, are pushing the boundaries of identity in ways that are both fascinating and bewildering.

This proliferation of identities reflects a broader societal trend: an insatiable thirst for self-definition in an era marked by fluidity and change. Yet, this quest for identity can sometimes border on the obsessive, leading to an environment where the loudest and most novel identities garner the most attention. This dynamic often leads to a performative aspect of identity, where the authenticity of one’s self-expression can be overshadowed by the desire for societal validation.

But let’s get real for a moment. While the intention behind these identities might be genuine, there’s a growing sense that we’re teetering on the edge of delusion. Our personalities, after all, are nothing more than illusions contrived to appease society, culture, religion, and family—none of which are eternal or concrete.

The Illusion of Personality

Sigmund Freud would argue that our identities are shaped by a complex interplay of the id, ego, and superego. He might suggest that this proliferation of identities is a manifestation of the ego attempting to reconcile the primitive desires of the id with the moralistic constraints of the superego. The endless quest for self-definition could be seen as a neurotic symptom of a society struggling to integrate these aspects of the psyche in an increasingly complex world.

Carl Jung, on the other hand, would likely view this phenomenon through the lens of individuation—the process by which individuals integrate various aspects of the unconscious into a cohesive self. From Jung’s perspective, the explosion of new identities might represent a collective movement towards greater psychological wholeness. However, he would also caution against becoming overly identified with any single aspect of the self, warning that such identification could lead to a kind of psychological inflation or imbalance.

This hyper-focus on identity can sometimes verge on the absurd. We’ve moved from a desire for recognition and respect to a full-blown identity arms race, where everyone’s competing to be the most unique, the most oppressed, the most visible. It’s like watching a reality show where the prize is ultimate validation, and the contestants will do anything to get it.

Narcissism Dressed as Activism

The line between self-awareness and narcissism has never been thinner. What used to be a quest for personal truth has morphed into a spectacle of self-absorption. Social media platforms are flooded with individuals broadcasting their every thought, feeling, and identity shift, demanding not just acceptance but applause.

Transmask and Two-Spirit individuals, like many others, often find themselves in the spotlight, not necessarily because of their unique perspectives, but because they’re the latest flavor in the identity smorgasbord. The underlying message seems to be: Look at me, understand me, validate me. It’s less about fostering genuine understanding and more about feeding the insatiable beast of self-importance.

Rogue voices like Jordan Peterson argue that this identity explosion is a sign of cultural decay, where the focus on individuality has eclipsed the importance of shared values and societal cohesion. He posits that the emphasis on micro-identities and the demand for societal recognition and accommodation detract from the more pressing issues of collective well-being and personal responsibility.

Contrarily, voices like Judith Butler would assert that the deconstruction of traditional gender norms is a necessary and revolutionary act. Butler argues that by challenging the binary constructs of identity, society can move towards a more inclusive and equitable future. However, even Butler would acknowledge that the performative aspect of identity can sometimes undermine the genuine pursuit of equality and understanding.

The Transitory Nature of Life

In this grand circus of identity, it’s important to remember that all of our constructs are temporary. Society, culture, religion, and family are all transient; none are eternal. In that light, we might as well embrace whatever illusion or delusion we desire. The energy spent on navigating the labyrinth of gender and identity labels might be better directed towards aspects that bring lasting peace and fulfillment.

Alan Watts, the British philosopher known for interpreting Eastern philosophies for a Western audience, often spoke about the illusion of self. He posited that the sense of a separate, distinct identity is a social construct, a necessary fiction that allows us to navigate the world. Watts would likely view the current obsession with identity as a distraction from the deeper, more enduring truths of our existence.

Instead of clinging to these temporary constructs, Watts would encourage us to embrace the transient nature of life, recognizing that our true essence lies beyond these superficial distinctions. In doing so, we might find a sense of peace and fulfillment that transcends the constant churn of identity politics.

Oh, these folks would LOVE, I mean LUH HUV The Shankara Oracle. It will help you see yourself clearly. That’s what we’re all after, right?

The Final Act

As we march in this parade of identity, perhaps it’s time to take a step back and reassess. The world doesn’t need more rigid definitions; it needs more meaningful action. Let’s channel the passion and energy of identity politics into something that benefits us all. Because in the end, the real showstopper isn’t how we define ourselves, but what we do to make the world a better place for everyone.

By recognizing the transient nature of our identities, we can focus on what truly matters—peace, kindness, and a sense of enduring connection. In embracing the illusions of today, we might just find the path to a more grounded and fulfilling tomorrow.

Engaging with the ideas of both traditional and contemporary thinkers, from Freud and Jung to Peterson and Butler, invites us to explore the deeper psychological and societal implications of our current identity obsessions. It challenges us to move beyond the superficial and transitory, and to seek out the enduring aspects of our humanity that bring us true peace and fulfillment.

In the end, perhaps the greatest act of self-definition is not the label we choose, but the actions we take and the values we uphold. In this ever-changing world, let us embrace the transient while striving to touch the eternal.

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The Entourage Effect – Neuroprotection & Neurogensis

The Entourage Effect – Neuroprotection & Neurogensis

The entourage effect refers to the synergistic interaction between different compounds, which enhances their combined therapeutic effects compared to their effects when used individually.

When discussing the entourage effect in the context of Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus), niacin (vitamin B3), and psilocybin (the active compound in psychedelic mushrooms), the idea is that these substances work together to produce a more profound effect on the brain and overall mental health.

How You Might Feel

After following the protocol of combining Lion’s Mane, niacin, and psilocybin, many individuals report feeling a profound sense of mental clarity and emotional balance. The neuroprotective and neurogenic properties of Lion’s Mane, combined with the enhanced blood flow from niacin, create a foundation for improved cognitive function. When adding psilocybin, the experience often extends to deeper emotional insights and a renewed sense of purpose. As one navigates their daily life post-protocol, the lingering effects of improved neuroplasticity might manifest as enhanced problem-solving skills, better mood regulation, and a more profound connection to oneself and others.

In down-to-earth terms, someone who has undergone this protocol might feel like a fog has lifted from their mind. Tasks that once seemed overwhelming or tedious can now be approached with newfound enthusiasm and efficiency. Social interactions might become more meaningful and less anxiety-inducing, as the individual feels more present and engaged. The holistic benefits also extend to physical well-being; regular headaches may diminish, and there could be a noticeable improvement in overall energy levels and motivation. This sense of rejuvenation is often accompanied by an inner peace that comes from aligning one’s mental state with their physical health.

Beyond the cognitive and emotional enhancements, the spiritual benefits of this protocol are often profound. The synergy between these compounds encourages a deeper introspection and a more meaningful connection with the universe. Followers of spiritual paths such as Advaita Vedanta might find that their meditation practices become more immersive and enlightening. The dissolution of ego-driven thoughts facilitated by psilocybin can lead to experiences of non-duality, where the individual perceives themselves as part of the greater whole. This profound sense of unity and interconnectedness is not just a fleeting psychedelic experience but can influence one’s daily life, fostering a more compassionate and mindful approach to existence.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Components and Their Effects:

Lion’s Mane Mushroom:

Neuroprotection and Neurogenesis: Lion’s Mane contains compounds such as hericenones and erinacines, which promote the growth and repair of nerve cells and may enhance cognitive function and memory.

Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant: It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can protect the brain from damage.

Niacin (Vitamin B3):

Improved Circulation: Niacin can enhance blood flow and improve the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the brain.

Nervous System Support: It plays a role in the production of neurotransmitters and supports overall brain health.


Psychedelic Effects: Psilocybin has psychoactive properties that can lead to altered states of consciousness, enhanced introspection, and potentially therapeutic experiences for conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Neuroplasticity: Psilocybin has been shown to promote neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections.

Synergistic Benefits:

When these three components are combined, the entourage effect may enhance their individual benefits:

Enhanced Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity: Lion’s Mane and psilocybin both promote the growth of new neurons and neural connections. Together, they might offer a more robust boost to brain health and cognitive function.

Improved Delivery and Absorption: Niacin’s ability to improve circulation could enhance the delivery and effectiveness of Lion’s Mane and psilocybin in the brain.

Holistic Mental Health Support: The combined anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and neuroplasticity-promoting effects could offer comprehensive support for mental health, potentially providing relief for various neurological and psychological conditions.

Balanced Psychoactive Experience: The combination might also create a more balanced and manageable psychedelic experience, potentially reducing the risk of adverse effects from psilocybin alone.

In summary, the entourage effect with Lion’s Mane, niacin, and psilocybin suggests that these substances can work together to enhance cognitive function, promote mental well-being, and potentially provide therapeutic benefits for various neurological and psychological conditions.

Other Brain Benefits

To enhance oxygen delivery to the brain, promote healing of oxygen flow issues, and reduce headaches, you might consider adding the following supplements and practices to your regimen:


Ginkgo Biloba:

Benefits: Improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the brain. It has antioxidant properties that protect against oxidative stress.

Usage: Often taken as a standardized extract.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10):

Benefits: Supports cellular energy production and improves oxygen utilization. It can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.

Usage: Available in supplement form; ubiquinol is the more bioavailable form.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Benefits: Found in fish oil, these essential fats improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and support overall brain health.

Usage: Typically taken as fish oil supplements containing EPA and DHA.


Benefits: Relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow. It is known to help prevent and treat migraines.

Usage: Available in various forms, such as magnesium citrate or glycinate.

B Vitamins:

Benefits: Particularly B6, B9 (folate), and B12, these vitamins support brain health, reduce homocysteine levels, and improve circulation.

Usage: Available in B-complex supplements.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC):

Benefits: Boosts glutathione levels and has neuroprotective properties. It improves blood flow and oxygen delivery.

Usage: Taken as a supplement.


Benefits: Converts to L-arginine in the body, increasing nitric oxide production, which enhances blood flow and oxygen delivery.

Usage: Typically taken as a supplement.

Combining Lion’s Mane, niacin, and psilocybin with these additional supplements, lifestyle practices, and integrative therapies can create a comprehensive approach to enhancing oxygen delivery to the brain, promoting healing of oxygen flow issues, and reducing headaches. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or therapy, especially if you have preexisting conditions or are taking other medications.


The persistence of benefits from an entourage protocol involving Lion’s Mane, niacin, psilocybin, and additional supplements and practices depends on various factors. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what can be expected:

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Effects:

Lion’s Mane:

Short-Term: May provide immediate neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Long-Term: Promotes neurogenesis and neural repair over time. Some long-term benefits, such as improved cognitive function and neuroplasticity, may persist even after stopping usage, though they may gradually diminish without continued support.


Short-Term: Enhances blood flow and oxygen delivery quickly.

Long-Term: Benefits to circulation and overall brain health may wane after discontinuation, but any lasting improvements in vascular health may provide some ongoing benefits.


Short-Term: Provides immediate psychedelic and potential therapeutic effects.

Long-Term: Can lead to lasting changes in brain connectivity and mental health. Some studies suggest lasting improvements in mood, anxiety, and neuroplasticity even after stopping use, but the acute effects will diminish.

Other Supplements (Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10, Omega-3s, etc.):

Short-Term: Provide immediate support for circulation, antioxidant protection, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Long-Term: Sustained improvements in overall brain health and function may persist if vascular and cellular health were significantly improved, but benefits will likely diminish over time without continued supplementation.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) Dosage:

For the effects related to improved blood circulation and enhanced oxygen delivery to the brain, as well as potential synergistic effects with other components of the protocol:

  • Standard Dosage: For general health benefits, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for niacin is around 14-16 mg for adults.
  • Therapeutic Dosage: For specific therapeutic purposes, such as improving circulation and reducing headaches, higher doses are often used. A common therapeutic dose ranges from 50-200 mg per day.
  • Psychedelic Protocols: Some protocols, such as those used in combination with psilocybin, suggest starting with 100 mg and adjusting based on tolerance and response.

Note: High doses of niacin can cause flushing (a warm, tingling sensation and redness of the skin), especially at doses above 50 mg. Non-flushing forms of niacin, such as niacinamide, may be an alternative if flushing is problematic. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting high-dose niacin.

Lion’s Mane Dosage:

The appropriate dosage for Lion’s Mane can vary depending on the form and concentration of the supplement:

  • Lion’s Mane Powder:
    • Standard Dosage: A typical dose ranges from 1 to 3 grams (approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon) per day.
    • Therapeutic Dosage: Some sources suggest higher doses for therapeutic effects, ranging up to 5 grams (approximately 1 to 1.5 teaspoons) per day.

When using Lion’s Mane powder, it’s important to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it to assess tolerance and effectiveness.


  • Niacin (Vitamin B3):
    • Start with 50-100 mg per day.
    • Adjust based on response and tolerance, potentially up to 200 mg per day.
    • Be mindful of niacin flushing and consider non-flushing forms if needed.
  • Lion’s Mane Powder:
    • Standard dosage: 1 to 3 grams per day (approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon).
    • For enhanced effects: Up to 5 grams per day (approximately 1 to 1.5 teaspoons).

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting or adjusting the dosages, especially if you have any preexisting conditions or are taking other medications.

Adding Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), a precursor to NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), can further support brain health, enhance energy metabolism, and improve overall cellular function. NAD+ is a crucial coenzyme involved in numerous metabolic processes, including those related to energy production and DNA repair.

Benefits of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) and NAD+:

  • Enhanced Cellular Energy: NAD+ plays a key role in mitochondrial function and energy production, which can improve overall cellular health and vitality.
  • Neuroprotection: NAD+ helps protect neurons and supports cognitive function, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • DNA Repair: NAD+ is essential for the activity of sirtuins, enzymes that promote DNA repair and longevity.
  • Improved Circulation and Brain Health: By supporting cellular energy and reducing oxidative stress, NAD+ can enhance blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain.

Recommended Dosage:

  • Nicotinamide Riboside (NR): Typical dosages range from 250 to 500 mg per day. Some protocols may suggest starting with 250 mg and gradually increasing based on individual response and needs.
  • NAD+ Precursors: NR is often preferred due to its bioavailability and effectiveness in raising NAD+ levels in the body.

Combining with the Entourage Protocol:

  1. Niacin (Vitamin B3): Continue with the recommended dose of 50-200 mg per day, being mindful of niacin flushing.
  2. Lion’s Mane Powder: Maintain a dose of 1 to 3 grams per day (approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon), with the option to increase up to 5 grams (1 to 1.5 teaspoons) per day for enhanced effects.
  3. Nicotinamide Riboside (NR): Add 250 to 500 mg per day to support NAD+ levels and enhance the overall protocol.


  • Niacin (Vitamin B3): 50-200 mg per day
  • Lion’s Mane Powder: 1 to 3 grams per day (approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon), up to 5 grams (1 to 1.5 teaspoons) for enhanced effects
  • Nicotinamide Riboside (NR): 250 to 500 mg per day

Note: Combining these supplements can provide comprehensive support for brain health, circulation, and cellular energy. However, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting or adjusting any supplementation regimen, especially if you have preexisting conditions or are taking other medications.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Congratulations, You’re Having a Baby! But Are You Sure?

Congratulations, You’re Having a Baby! But Are You Sure?

Ah, the miracle of life. That moment when a couple looks at each other and thinks, “Let’s make a tiny, adorable human!” The excitement is palpable, the nursery gets painted, and everyone starts cooing over tiny baby clothes and the potential for ginormous breasts. But hold on a second, are you really ready for what you’re signing up for? Because that adorable baby is only cute and tiny for, well, a very tiny period of time. The rest of the time, you’re raising a karma-inducing, planet-abusing, carnivore built for hurting nature and starting wars. Let’s break it down, shall we?

The Cute Phase: Blink and You’ll Miss It

Newborns are a delight, aren’t they? Soft, cooing, and wrapped up like a burrito of cuteness. But before you know it, that squishy bundle of joy transforms. First, it’s the drooling, then the teething, and soon they’re crawling into every nook and cranny, like a tiny, determined Roomba with an appetite for destruction.

The Toddler Years: Your New Overlord

As soon as they learn to walk, toddlers become tiny dictators. They don’t just want things; they demand them. Their favorite words? “No,” “Mine,” and “More!” Suddenly, your peaceful home becomes a battleground for toy possession and snack negotiations. Cute, right?

The Kid Years: Needy, Needy, Needy

Once the toddler phase is over, you might think you’re in the clear. But now you’ve got a full-blown kid on your hands. They need help with homework, want to join every extracurricular activity, and ask “Why?” about everything. And let’s not even get started on the sleepovers. You thought babies kept you up at night? Wait until you’ve got a house full of sugar-fueled kids.

The Teenage Mutant: Brace Yourself

Oh, the teenage years. Remember that sweet baby smell? Now it’s been replaced by the pungent aroma of body spray and gym socks. Your once adorable child is now a hormonal whirlwind, slamming doors and declaring that you just don’t understand. Cute baby, who?

The Adult Child: Surprise, They’re Still Around!

Eventually, they grow up and (hopefully) move out. But don’t get too comfortable. They’ll still need advice, money, and a place to crash when they’re “in between jobs.” And then, just when you think you’re done, they come back with their own tiny bundles of joy, and the cycle begins again.

The Bigger Picture: What Have We Done?

Let’s face it, folks. Babies are cute for a fleeting moment, but then they become humans. And humans, as we all know, are a mixed bag. We’re not just raising babies; we’re raising future contributors to traffic jams, office politics, and environmental degradation. Every cute baby today is a potential participant in tomorrow’s corporate boardroom or political debate.

The Spiritual Perspective: A Gift to the Universe

Now, here’s the kicker. Spiritual masters often say that by not having children, you’re giving the universe a great gift. Think about it. By not adding another human to the planet, you’re reducing the strain on Mother Earth, avoiding the karmic entanglements of parenthood, and giving yourself the freedom to pursue higher spiritual goals without the distractions of diaper changes and PTA meetings. Imagine the peace, the freedom, the sheer luxury of living a life unencumbered by the constant demands of another human being who relies on you for everything.

The Spiritual Benefits of Not Having Children

Choosing not to have children offers numerous spiritual benefits that can significantly enhance your journey towards enlightenment. Without the constant demands and responsibilities of parenthood, you have more time and energy to devote to spiritual practices, self-discovery, and inner growth.

Deeper Connection to the Self

The absence of child-rearing responsibilities allows for deeper introspection and a more profound connection to your true self. In the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, understanding the self (Atman) is crucial for realizing the ultimate reality (Brahman). This non-dualistic approach teaches that the individual soul is not separate from the universal consciousness. By not having children, you free yourself from the distractions and attachments that can cloud your perception and hinder your spiritual progress. You can immerse yourself in practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and mindfulness, all of which are essential for experiencing the oneness of existence.

Freedom from Karmic Entanglements

According to many spiritual traditions, including Advaita Vedanta, human relationships create karmic bonds that can either support or obstruct spiritual progress. Parenthood, in particular, can entangle individuals in deep karmic ties with their children, perpetuating cycles of attachment and desire. By choosing not to have children, you minimize these karmic interactions, allowing for a purer, more focused spiritual path. You can channel your energy towards understanding and dissolving past karmas, thereby moving closer to liberation (moksha).

Amplified Spiritual Practices

Without the obligations of raising children, you have the opportunity to engage more deeply in spiritual disciplines. You can dedicate more time to practices such as yoga, meditation, chanting, and reading sacred texts. This increased focus can lead to higher states of consciousness and profound spiritual insights. The peace and solitude that come with a child-free life provide the ideal environment for these practices to flourish.

Serving the Greater Good

Not having children can also allow you to serve the world in unique and impactful ways. With more time and resources at your disposal, you can contribute to causes that promote spiritual growth, environmental sustainability, and social justice. By dedicating your life to the service of others, you align with the principles of selflessness and compassion taught by spiritual masters. This path not only benefits the world but also accelerates your spiritual evolution by dissolving the ego and fostering a sense of unity with all beings.

Enhanced Focus on the Present Moment

Parenthood often involves a significant amount of worry and planning for the future. Without these concerns, you can live more fully in the present moment, appreciating the here and now. This mindfulness is a key aspect of many spiritual teachings, as it allows for a deeper connection to the divine and a greater sense of peace and contentment.


Choosing not to have children is not just a personal decision; it is a profound spiritual choice that can lead to greater freedom, deeper self-awareness, and enhanced spiritual growth. By freeing yourself from the responsibilities of parenthood, you create space for the universe to fulfill you in ways you may never have imagined. You open yourself to higher possibilities and align more closely with your true nature.

So, next time you look at that sonogram and imagine the sweet, cuddly moments ahead, remember this: you’re not just having a baby. You’re inviting a whirlwind of neediness, rebellion, and potential chaos into your life. It’s time to wake up to the ridiculous idea that having children is the ultimate fulfillment. In reality, it’s a choice filled with challenges, compromises, and often, significant sacrifices.

Why not give the universe a break and focus on fulfilling yourself? Allow the best of reality to come and fulfill you without the incessant demands of parenthood. Be seen, heard, and loved for the simplest version of you. Embrace the mindset: ‘Fuck it, I’ll be myself, let the best of reality come and fulfill me!’

Congratulations, and good luck! You’re going to need it. But perhaps, just perhaps, you might want to rethink the whole baby thing. Because sometimes, the greatest gift you can give to the universe—and to yourself—is to simply be.

If you really want to invest in the human situation you find yourself in – get The Shankara Oracle. It’s 1000X better than having a child.

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.