The Dual Quests of Love and Career: Self-Discovery and Transformation


The Dual Quests of Love and Career: Self-Discovery and Transformation

In the multifaceted journey of self-discovery and personal growth, individuals often seek tools and methodologies that aid in healing, understanding oneself, and ultimately finding a path that resonates deeply with their true essence. 

Among the myriad approaches available, methods such as The Sedona Method, Ho’Oponopono, Paul Wagner’s Connect & Let Go Process, and the teachings of Byron Katie provide frameworks for individuals to release emotional burdens and align more closely with their inner truth. 

Coupled with practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and the guidance of enlightened masters, these techniques form a robust foundation for personal transformation and the pursuit of bliss.

The Sedona Method emerges as a powerful tool for emotional release and clarity. Developed by Lester Levenson, it teaches individuals to let go of unwanted emotions and internal obstacles through a series of questions that encourage direct engagement with one’s feelings, facilitating a path to inner peace and greater self-realization.

Ho’Oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, offers a simple yet profound way to clear one’s mind of negative thoughts and heal emotional wounds. This process emphasizes the power of forgiveness, not just towards others, but also internally, fostering a healing environment from within.

Paul Wagner’s Connect & Let Go Process integrates these principles with a focus on grounding and connecting with one’s environment before actively releasing the ties that bind one to past traumas or current anxieties. Wagner’s approach is particularly relevant for those who feel disconnected from their surroundings and from themselves.

Byron Katie’s work, particularly “The Work,” invites individuals to scrutinize their thoughts through four questions that challenge the truth and origin of stressful thoughts. This practice encourages a profound shift in perspective, allowing for a clearer understanding of how we create our own suffering and how we can choose happiness.

Meditation and self-inquiry, as spiritual practices, offer deep dives into the psyche, enabling practitioners to quiet the mind and explore the depths of their consciousness. These practices help in fostering a heightened state of awareness and serenity, which can lead to profound insights and transformations.

Having an enlightened master in one’s life can also play a crucial role in personal growth. Such figures can act as mirrors, reflecting back the truths we often overlook or deny, and provide guidance and wisdom that cut through the noise of daily life to reveal deeper universal truths.

In addition to these established methods, integrating mindfulness practices into daily life can greatly enhance one’s emotional and mental well-being. Mindfulness encourages a state of active, open attention on the present moment and can help individuals manage stress and reduce anxiety.

Expressive therapies such as art, music, and dance also offer avenues for expression and self-discovery. These modalities allow individuals to explore and express their emotions in a non-verbal way, often uncovering subconscious thoughts and patterns.

Journaling is another invaluable tool for self-discovery and healing. It provides a private space to confront feelings, articulate thoughts, and reflect on personal growth and goals. Through writing, one can track progress, understand emotional triggers, and clarify their desires and needs.

By embracing a combination of these powerful methodologies and tools, individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward healing past wounds, understanding their true identity, speaking their truth, and actively pursuing their bliss. This journey is not just about finding happiness but about creating a life that is deeply fulfilling and aligned with one’s highest values and aspirations.

Here, we will explore the essential questions and processes that can guide us in these personal quests.

Seeking Love: A Journey of Self-Reflection and Healing

Finding love again, especially after past heartbreaks or disappointments, is a delicate endeavor that involves much more than merely meeting someone new. It requires a deep dive into our past choices and behaviors to understand and heal from them.

Reflective Questions for Finding Love

Why did we choose this person?

Reflect on the reasons behind your past relationships. What qualities or circumstances drew you to them?

What did we see and know about them that we ignored?

Acknowledge any red flags or gut feelings you might have overlooked in the excitement of a new relationship.

What parts of ourselves did we deny when we entered into the relationship?

Consider if you had to suppress any aspect of your true self to maintain harmony or please your partner.

How are we healed? How are we broken?

Explore the ways in which past relationships have contributed to your growth or inflicted pain, drawing on Byron Katie’s work.

How committed are we to forgiving everything?

Investigate your willingness to forgive past grievances, informed by the principles of Ho’oponopono.

Can you rise above your base desires to create a beautiful life with pure and loving relationships?

Challenge yourself to transcend superficial desires and focus on building meaningful connections.

Can you release the grudges that bind you?

Consider the freedom that comes with letting go of old wounds and resentments.

What do you desire in a partner?

Define the qualities that are truly important to you in a long-term partner.

What do you think and feel that is preventing this person from emerging in your life?

Identify any negative thoughts or patterns that might be blocking the arrival of a suitable partner.

How are we petty or small-minded?

Be honest about the smaller, less generous thoughts and actions that can sabotage relationships.

Do we use our expectations and demands as blocks to our happiness?

Reflect on whether rigid expectations are keeping you from enjoying relationships.

How much “fuck you” is still in our system? Can we allow that fully and then release it?

Acknowledge your anger and resentment, allow yourself to feel it, and then let it go.

Can we then replace it with I AM AN EMBODIMENT OF LOVE?

Work on affirming and embodying love in your daily life.

How much do you allow and then release your anger and sadness?

Explore how you handle these emotions, using The Sedona Method as a tool.

Seeking a Career That Inspires: Evaluating and Redirecting Your Professional Life

When it comes to careers, many of us find ourselves in jobs that don’t fulfill our deeper aspirations or talents. Seeking a new career path that truly inspires can be a transformative process, which involves both confronting your current dissatisfaction and rediscovering your passions.

Reflective Questions for Career Change

What do you feel in relation to your job?

Analyze your current emotional state regarding your work. Are there feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration, or lack of motivation?

Do you feel anger? Do you feel sadness?

Recognize and accept these feelings as valid responses to your job situation.

Have you lost hope? If so, how and why?

Consider what aspects of your job or career path have led to feelings of despair or hopelessness.

Are you allowing these emotions to be thre and then do you try to release them?

Use techniques like the Sedona Method to manage and move past negative emotions related to your work.

How do you deny yourself in everyday life?

Reflect on whether your career allows you to express your true self or if it forces you to conform in ways that stifle your individuality.

How do you celebrate and excite yourself in everyday life?

Identify activities or aspects of your work that bring joy and enthusiasm.

Which of your skills and activities enthuse or calm you?

Pinpoint the skills and parts of your job that you genuinely enjoy and find relaxing.

Which ones are easy and which are difficult?

Assess your competencies and challenges to better align your career with your abilities and interests.

Which ones do you resent?

Acknowledge tasks or responsibilities that you dislike as potential areas for change.

Which ones really piss you off?

Reflect on aspects of your job that trigger strong negative reactions, possibly indicating deep-seated dissatisfaction.

What work activities do you love doing on a daily basis?

Focus on the tasks that you look forward to, which can guide you toward a more fulfilling career path.


In embarking upon the profound journey of self-discovery and personal transformation, individuals harness the power of renowned methodologies and spiritual practices that pave the way for deep emotional healing and fulfillment. Tools like The Sedona Method, Ho’Oponopono, Paul Wagner’s Connect & Let Go Process, and the teachings of Byron Katie provide invaluable frameworks for releasing emotional burdens. Coupled with meditation, self-inquiry, and the enlightening guidance of a master, these techniques create a mosaic of opportunities for growth and self-realization.

The journey to inner peace and pursuing one’s bliss is not a linear path but a vibrant dance of discovery, shedding old skins, and embracing the light of true self-awareness. Each step taken with these powerful tools is a step toward liberation from past traumas and a leap into a life filled with joy and purpose.

As we navigate this transformative process, the Shankara Oracle emerges as a beacon of inspiration, empowerment, and illumination. This profound spiritual tool offers insights that go beyond the surface, tapping into the deep wisdom of the universe to guide us on our path. The Shankara Oracle, with its intuitive guidance, serves not only as a mirror reflecting our deepest truths but also as a lamp lighting our way through the shadows of doubt and fear. It encourages us to trust in the process, to listen deeply to the whispers of our soul, and to embrace the unknown with courage and hope.

Embrace these transformative practices with an open heart and a willing spirit. Let them guide you through the complexities of your emotions and the mazes of your mind to a place where your true essence shines brightly. Remember, every moment of introspection, every act of forgiveness, and every step towards understanding is a celebration of your inherent potential.

So, dear reader, carry forth with boldness and love. Engage deeply with these tools and let the Shankara Oracle illuminate your journey. There is no greater adventure than the one that leads you back to yourself—empowered, healed, and utterly illuminated. Shine on, for the world awaits the unique light only you can offer.

Oh, and join my community! It’s lovely and inspirational!

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Adi Shankara and The Shankara Oracle: A Journey of Enlightenment and Healing

Adi Shankara and The Shankara Oracle: A Journey of Enlightenment and Healing

In the lush landscapes of ancient India, amidst the intellectual ferment of the early 8th century, Adi Shankara emerged as a beacon of spiritual wisdom and non-dualistic philosophy. His teachings, rooted in the ancient texts of the Vedas and Upanishads, illuminated the path of Advaita Vedanta, advocating a transcendental unity beyond the apparent diversity of existence. 

This profound philosophy, emphasizing the essential oneness of the individual soul (Atman) with the ultimate reality (Brahman), has inspired countless seekers on their spiritual journeys. Adi Shankara’s life, a blend of intellectual rigor and deep devotion, exemplifies a timeless pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and liberation.

Adi Shankara’s journey began in Kerala, India, where legend has it, he showed signs of spiritual greatness from a young age. Renouncing worldly life in his early years, Shankara traveled across the Indian subcontinent, engaging in philosophical debates with scholars of various traditions.

Through his teachings, commentaries, and poems, he revitalized the Vedic doctrine and established monastic centers (Mathas) to disseminate the principles of Advaita Vedanta. Shankara’s legacy is not merely in his philosophical writings but in his practical approach to spirituality, emphasizing meditation, moral living, and devotion to the divine.

Fast forward to the modern era, the essence of Shankara’s teachings finds a new expression in the Shankara Oracle—a profound system for healing, illumination, and self-discovery. While distinct in form and function, the Shankara Oracle shares the core principles of Advaita Vedanta, guiding individuals towards realizing their intrinsic divine nature and the oneness of all existence.

The Shankara Oracle stands as a comprehensive tool for spiritual growth and emotional healing. It includes over 300 oracle cards spread across four decks, 18 polished divination stones made from black obsidian, a divination board of exquisite craftsmanship, a question die, and two comprehensive booklets. This system offers individuals a unique pathway to introspection and enlightenment, encouraging the release of emotions, attachments, thoughts, and barriers that obscure their true self.

The oracle cards, each bearing symbolic imagery and profound insights, serve as mirrors to the soul, reflecting the depths of one’s inner world and the possibilities of spiritual evolution. The black obsidian stones, known for their properties of protection and grounding, facilitate a deeper connection with one’s subconscious and the divine. The divination board and question die provide a structured approach to seeking guidance, allowing users to engage with the oracle in a focused and meaningful way.

At the heart of the Shankara Oracle is the invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to forgive the past, release what no longer serves, and embrace one’s purest essence. It is a journey of expanding intuition, nourishing the heart, and freeing the mind, resonating with the timeless wisdom of Adi Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta.

Adi Shankara taught that the ultimate goal of life is to realize the oneness of the soul with the universe, to experience the bliss of Brahman. Similarly, the Shankara Oracle offers a pathway to this realization, not through doctrinal teachings but through personal experience and introspection. It is a modern manifestation of an ancient wisdom tradition, designed to illuminate the spiritual path in the contemporary world.

In the union of Adi Shankara’s philosophical legacy and the Shankara Oracle, we find a powerful synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern spiritual practice. Both are beacons of light on the path to enlightenment, encouraging individuals to transcend the illusions of separation, to recognize their divine nature, and to live in the profound peace of self-realization. 

Through these avenues, the timeless principles of Advaita Vedanta continue to inspire, heal, and illuminate the way for seekers across the world.

Meanwhile, in the realm of divine humor, a little note to Adi:

🚀 Quick Favor? Need Some Divine Dough 💸😉

Hey Adi,

Hope you’re vibing high in the cosmic realms! 🌌 It’s Kalesh, down here working on The Shankara Oracle gig. 🎴✨

Here’s the deal: Spreading enlightenment ain’t cheap, and turns out, the universe doesn’t accept good vibes as currency (who knew, right?). 💰🙄 So, how about flicking some of that infinite abundance our way, in the form of a wire transfer, say $100K? 💫💵

Let’s make this happen – for the sake of divine light, love, and wisdom! 🤑📿

A divine loving embrace,

Shri Krishna Kalesh 😜🙏

P.S. If you can’t swing cash, maybe a celestial credit line? Asking for a friend. 😉🌠

Get The Shankara Oracle and dramatically improve your perspective, relationships, authentic Self, and life.

Celebrity Readings & Coaching

Working With Celebrities & Why They Pay More

Working with celebrities as their life or business coach is exciting and rewarding. The opportunity to help someone with such influence and reach transform their inner world and become a beacon of love and positivity is truly a gift.

The celebrities I’ve had the honor to coach have been remarkable souls. Some dive deeply into the work, allowing themselves to experience powerful inner shifts, leading to a radiant and inspiring rebirth. Their courage to embrace change is breathtaking, and watching them embody a renewed sense of self is a privilege beyond words.

Others, though busy and stretched thin, do what they can, yet may not reach the depths they long for. But I honor their efforts because every step forward matters. Even skimming the surface of self-discovery can plant seeds that will grow in time.

Some of the most well-known individuals I’ve worked with have been relentless in their pursuit of healing and peace, and they’ve dedicated themselves to giving back in extraordinary ways.

A few have transformed into purely philanthropic forces, using their success to uplift others. I’m in awe of their inner work and their incredible impact on the world. They are examples of how profound personal transformation can ripple outward to create immense good.

Some celebs are so broken, misguided, and paranoid that they struggle to believe anyone can love or encourage them without an agenda. Some come from controlling family systems where they play the puppet queen, manipulated by their own relatives. Sadly, they become entangled in personal drama and passive-aggressive theatrics. While I can help almost anyone, this type of person is tough to help because their egos and victim minds are too inflamed.

The most alienated among them often suffer from low self-esteem, a result of their families’ projections, leaving them unable to see their beauty or appreciate working with others. Their paranoia can lead to overreactions, where they break hearts, abandon agreements, and play the victim. At their worst, they can become dangerously aggressive, delusional, and entrenched in narcissism and self-denial, making healing seem almost impossible. It’s tragic.

I’ve seen it all!

The life of a celebrity is often glamorized, but the reality is far more complex. Fame and fortune may seem appealing, but the pressures, challenges, and unique sociopathologies of celebrity life can be overwhelming. That’s where my specialized coaching comes in.

The Celebrity Paradox:

Celebrities face the same struggles as everyone else, but their lives are magnified. Personal and business problems play out in public, relationships are scrutinized, and mistakes are amplified. This constant pressure often leads to emotional turmoil, strained relationships, and mental health issues, while their egos prevent self-reflection, responsibility, and growth.

Surrounded by teams who don’t always have their best interests at heart, they can feel isolated and distrustful, struggling to form genuine connections.

Many are so absorbed in validating themselves that they can’t listen or absorb valuable information. Caught up in their temporary selves and this brief life, they miss out on going deeper.

The Paradox of Celebrity Vulnerability:

Despite their outward confidence, celebrities are often deeply vulnerable. The pressure to maintain an image, fear of failure, and isolation can breed insecurity. This vulnerability, often masked by bravado, drives many celebrities to seek coaching. They crave a safe space to confront fears and connect with their true selves.

The High Cost of Transformation:

Celebrities pay a premium for coaching because they understand personal growth is key to success. It’s about talent, mindset, resilience, and emotional intelligence. Investing in coaching helps them navigate the complexities of fame.

The Importance of Confidentiality:

Confidentiality is crucial. Celebrities need to trust that their struggles remain private. This trust fosters vulnerability and allows them to engage in meaningful self-reflection. Coaches must uphold strict ethical standards to create a safe, supportive environment.

Impact of Coaching on Celebrities:

Effective coaching transforms lives and careers by building self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience. It empowers celebrities to make better decisions, overcome obstacles, and achieve fulfillment beyond fame.

Why Celebrities Pay Higher Coaching Fees:

My coaching services for celebrities are tailored to their unique needs, requiring deeper engagement and sensitivity. Here’s why my services come at a premium:

  • Intense Pressure: Celebrities face constant scrutiny. My coaching helps them develop resilience to manage this stress.
  • Complex Relationships: Fame strains relationships. My coaching helps celebrities navigate these dynamics and build healthier connections.
  • Unique Challenges: Celebrities deal with issues like stalkers and paparazzi. I offer strategies for handling these pressures.
  • High Stakes: With much on the line, my coaching guides celebrities in making sound decisions and avoiding career-damaging mistakes.
  • Intrusive Security: Security measures can create paranoia and stress. I help celebrities set boundaries and manage these issues.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: Some celebrities struggle with entitlement and broken agreements. My coaching helps them take responsibility and develop healthier behavior patterns.

Ultimately, my coaching addresses their complex lives, helping them find growth and balance.

One deeply troubled celebrity client couldn’t handle introspection or feedback. She was too consumed with hating her sisters, neglecting her marriage, constantly hiring and firing people, and failing to pay a young pregnant woman she agreed to hire—all while presenting herself as a holy, mystical figure.

Her ego became so entangled in this fabricated new-age persona that she lost touch with reality and couldn’t discern her real friends. She behaved like a runaway teenager, rigid in her identity and resistant to healing. Reaching the core of this broken identity would take enormous work. It broke my heart, and I prayed for her daily, but I took it as a learning experience. I truly hope she finds healing, self-love, and integrity.

As you can imagine, I no longer take on these types of clients—they’re too damaging and simply not worth it. I focus on those genuinely ready for growth, transformation, and self-awareness. My role as a coach is to guide individuals toward deeper self-reflection and healing, helping them shed illusions and embrace their authentic selves. I offer a compassionate, grounded approach that nurtures real change, leading to lives of clarity, purpose, and integrity.

How I Can Help:

I offer a tailored coaching program that dives deep into celebrities’ unique challenges, addressing more than just fame and fortune. My approach is holistic and practical, focusing on:

  • Ego Release & Self-Awareness: I help celebrities stay grounded by recognizing and releasing ego-driven patterns, fostering genuine self-awareness, and cultivating more authentic relationships beyond the pressures of fame.
  • Emotional Mastery & Resilience: I provide powerful tools to navigate emotional highs and lows, enabling celebrities to build inner strength, maintain balance, and cultivate lasting peace amid the chaos.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: In high-stakes environments, I help celebrities sharpen their decision-making skills, ensuring they make thoughtful, values-aligned choices that protect their personal and professional lives.
  • Empowered Relationships: I guide celebrities in establishing clear boundaries, enhancing communication, and navigating complex relationships with confidence, integrity, and authenticity.
  • Deep Spiritual Connection: I help celebrities bridge the gap between external success and internal fulfillment, guiding them toward self-discovery, spiritual depth, and a more meaningful existence.

While self-reflection can feel uncomfortable or even intimidating, I approach every client with deep compassion, understanding, and unwavering commitment. I’ve witnessed the incredible transformation of a celebrity who once struggled with overwhelming jealousy and resentment. Together, we gently confronted her shadow side, and through loving guidance and spiritual practices, she blossomed into a more empowered, self-aware individual. Her courage and dedication allowed her to step into her truth, and today, her integrity and contributions are truly remarkable.

My role isn’t to change who you are, but to lovingly help you rediscover the brilliance already within you, aligning your actions and gifts with the deepest parts of your heart and soul.

If you’re ready to embrace this journey of self-discovery and transformation, I’m here to walk beside you every step of the way. With the right support, you can not only thrive in the spotlight but live a life that resonates with the fullness of who you truly are.

What Is Thought And How Does It Connect To Reincarnation?

What Is Thought And How Does It Connect To Reincarnation?

Thought is an automatic, self-generating emanation from an outdated, flesh-based tool (brain-mind-consciousness as contrived separate from Brahman – the Ultimate One Eternal Reality). 

Thought is unnecessary for our success, safety, pleasure, peacefulness, intimacy, engagement, and illumination. It takes us beneath our potential and sedates our illumination.

Thought arises with or without provocation, and triggers the fleshy tool’s creation of additional thoughts, feelings, emotions, and projections, which often trigger more thought, more emotions, myriad reactions, and further, conjurings, fantasies, and emotional and psychological bindings. 

If we cannot control our attachment to arising thoughts, they will continually infirm us and immerse our souls in a dualistic reality. This will cause the continual mental inflammation and the accumulation of our 12 unique types of karma, which eventually create and comprise the contrivance enveloping the soul and its impulse to continue the life, death, birth and rebirth (reincarnation) cycle.

Brain, Mind, Consciousness

Our exploration of the brain, mind, and consciousness transcends mere anatomical or psychological understanding; it leads us to a deeper realization about the nature of reality, our spiritual needs, and our true self. 


The brain, a remarkable biological structure within our skulls, beneath a thin epidermis, serves as a necessary tool in the functioning of our bodies. It processes sensory information and supports cognitive functions like thinking and memory, enabling our interaction with the physical world.


Looking beyond this physical tool, we arrive at the mind, which serves as a broader canvas where thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and memories intermingle in the sustaining of the small individual self (Jiva). The mind, while appearing to be a product of the brain, is actually an arena where the play of dreams, desires, and projections unfold. The mind is not confined by the physicality of the brain; rather, it is where Jiva experiences life’s drama, ideas, and conjurings through various states and activities.


Beyond the mind lies the realm of pure consciousness, or pure awareness, which lives in every particle and boson in all of Creation throughout spacetime. 

Consciousness is considered the fundamental essence of existence. It is not merely an attribute of the mind but is the very basis of all that is perceived and experienced. It envelopes and includes EVERYTHING. 

This Consciousness is identical to Brahman, the Ultimate One Eternal Reality, which is unchanging, infinite, and omnipresent. It transcends the limitations imposed by the brain, body, mind, and physical world.

Our brain-mind-consciousness journeys ultimately invite us to realize our pure and eternal nature. 

Truly, our individual existence (thoughts, feelings, projections, desires, dreams) – is merely a play of Maya (illusion), a manifestation of the deeper, unchanging reality that is Brahman experiencing Herself.

Understanding this helps us see beyond the ephemeral nature of our experiences to the eternal presence that underlies and unites all existence and ALL BEINGS THROUGHOUT SPACETIME.

This is what it means to be alive. Life is not just about navigating the physical, mental, and emotional challenges, but about awakening to the truth that we are not merely isolated Beings limited by our minds and bodies – and all the related desires, impulses, reactions, and projections. 

We are expressions of a vast, divine consciousness that pervades everything.

If we can realize this concept, even for a moment, it can both enlighten and enchant us, inviting us to experience life with a profound sense of unity and wonder, recognizing the divine, living, expressive interplay woven deep into the fabric of our existence – including all we have been throughout myriad lives and all we imagine ourselves to be.

The 12 Types Of Karma

Karma is not just a scoreboard or tracker of deeds – but a profound architect of our soul’s destiny, influencing and provoking the cycle of reincarnation, amid the circus of events that reappear life after life after life. This cycle, driven by the accumulated actions of past and present lives, serves as both a binding chain and a transformative journey toward our awakening – liberation – Moksha.

Each of the 12 types of karma has a unique role and impact, and orchestrates the ongoing processes surrounding our reincarnations, compelling the soul to return, time and again, to the Earthly plane or a similar realm to burn away what barely exists.

These types of karma reveal the depths of how our actions resonate beyond the immediate, and how they create future experiences and shape our continual quest for self-realization – and finally, our liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Sanchita Karma: A vast collection of accumulated deeds, thoughts, and actions from past lifetimes, waiting to be learned from and resolved.

Prarabdha Karma: The portion of accumulated karma that is due to be experienced in this lifetime, dictating major life circumstances like health and family.

Kriyamana Karma: Fresh karma generated by everyday actions and decisions, shaping immediate future outcomes.

Agami Karma: Actions taken today that will yield results in future lives, emphasizing the continuity of the soul’s journey.

Nitya Karma: Daily rituals and duties performed out of discipline and devotion, without desire for personal gain.

Naimittika Karma: Duties that arise from specific events or needs, calling for action beyond personal boundaries.

Kamya Karma: Actions performed with specific desires in mind, aimed at fulfilling personal ambitions ethically.

Prayaschitta Karma: Actions taken to atone for past misdeeds, aimed at cleansing and redemption.

Aprarabdha Karma: Dormant karma that has not yet influenced our lives but may activate under certain conditions.

Adhidaivika Karma: Involves larger forces like natural events or divine interventions that are beyond personal control.

Adhibhautika Karma: Results from interactions with other beings and the environment, stressing the importance of respectful and conscious living.

Adhyatmika Karma: Stemming from one’s own physical and mental actions, focusing on self-care and inner harmony.

Om Purnamadah Purnamidam, Purnat Purnam Udachyate

Purnasya Purnamadaya, Purnameva Vashishyate

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Translates roughly to: Taking away from the whole, the whole remains.

Going Deeper

Advaita Vedanta teaches that the ultimate reality is non-dual (Advaita)l, meaning there is no fundamental distinction between the individual and The Universe – the part and the whole. Everything is essentially one and the same reality, known as Brahman, which is pure consciousness.

There are several levels of reality: Paramārthika (ultimate reality), Vyavahārika (empirical or practical reality), and Pratibhāsika (illusory reality). 

The brain and the mind are considered part of Vyavahārika, the empirical reality where dualistic distinctions (such as between the brain, mind, and consciousness) exist and are functional. 

However, in the ultimate reality (Paramārthika), such distinctions dissolve into the non-dual consciousness – The One Eternal Universal Consciousness.

In Advaita Vedanta, the mind (Manas) along with intellect (Buddhi), ego (Ahamkara), and memory (Chitta) – collectively known as the Antahkarana (inner instrument) – are seen as tools through which the self (Atman) interacts with the empirical world. These are considered manifestations of Maya, the cosmic illusion, which makes the empirical world appear as real.


As we absorb, believe, and engage the dualistic reality that we contrived, we mostly create karma, thereby continuing to believe ourselves as separate from The All That Is – Brahman – The One Eternal Universal Consciousness.


Jiva vs Atman

In the philosophical teachings of Advaita Vedanta, the concepts of Jiva and Atman are central but distinctly different, each playing a unique role in understanding the nature of self and reality.

Jiva refers to the individual soul or self that is identified with the body, mind, and senses. It is the embodied state of consciousness that experiences the dualities of life, such as pleasure and pain, and is subject to the laws of karma and the cycle of birth and death. 

Jiva is essentially the personal self, which perceives itself as separate and distinct from other beings and the universe. Jiva forms and worships the personality, amid myriad positions, titles, and projections, all of which give it confidence in its illusory construct and related activities.

Atman, on the other hand, is the universal self or soul. It is the eternal, changeless reality that is identical with Brahma. Atman is the pure, undivided consciousness that transcends individual existence and is inherent in all Beings. It is not affected by the physical changes or the flow of life’s experiences; it is beyond birth, death, and karma.

Jiva identifies with the body and mind and perceives itself as separate from the universal spirit or consciousness. In contrast, Atman represents the true essence that is eternal, indivisible, and inherently immersed with the absolute reality, Brahman.

Jiva is bound by ignorance and the illusion of separateness (Maya), leading to suffering, extenuating circumstances creating karma, and the cycle of reincarnation. Atman is inherently free and unbound, always existing in a state of pure Being, Consciousness, and bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda).

In Advaita Vedanta, the ultimate goal of the spiritual journey is the realization that Jiva is not different from Atman. This realization, known as self-realization or enlightenment, involves transcending the individual ego and experiential duality to recognize one’s true nature as Atman, which is non-dual and identical with Brahman.

Enlightenment & Liberation

Our Ultimate Goal (Or hidden desire)

Our ultimate goal is Moksha (liberation), which is achieved by realizing the true nature of the self (Atman) as non-different from Brahman (Eternal Self or Consciousness). This realization transcends the mind and its operations, leading to a state where the distinctions imposed by the brain, mind, and ego are seen as illusory.

How Atman and Karma engage together:

Atman as Pure Consciousness: The Atman is considered the true Self, which is pure consciousness, unchanging, and eternal. It is identical to Brahman, the ultimate reality, implying that individual souls are not different from the universal consciousness.

Karma and the Illusion of Individuality: While the Ātman is beyond birth and death, the apparent (contrived) individual self (Jiva) experiences birth, life, and death due to ignorance (Avidya) of its true nature. This ignorance gives rise to ego (Ahamkara) and mind (Manas), which engage in actions (reactions, desires, projections, and more), thereby accumulating karma.

Impact of Karma on Reincarnation: The karma accumulated by the Jiva influences its cycle of birth and rebirth. Different types of karma (as outlined previously) determine the life circumstances and experiences of the jiva, pushing it through various lifetimes until the karma is resolved.

Liberation (Moksha): Moksha, or liberation, which is the realization of one’s true nature as the Atman, free from the cycles of birth and death. Achieving moksha means transcending karma (the 12 types outlined above), as one recognizes that the self (Atman) is beyond all action and unaffected by karma.

Role of Knowledge (Jnana): The realization of the Atman is identical to Brahman and achieved through knowledge (Jnana), particularly the knowledge that all dualities and distinctions (like those imposed by karma) are illusory. 

This knowledge dissolves the ego and the false identification with the mind and body, freeing the soul from the shackles of karma.


While karma governs the cycle of births and experiences based on actions, the soul or Atman remains ever pure and untouched by these processes. The journey through karma is essentially a journey through illusion or Maya, with the ultimate realization being that the soul is beyond all dualities, including those created by karma.

In short, don’t get too excited about karma. Allow circumstances as they arise and your karma will dissolve accordingly. No engagement and no drama, therefore no bondage. Seek enlightened masters and absorb their embodiment of these teachings – and all will be well.

Release thoughts as they emerge and love from your pure self, and you will heal and expand in ways you have never imagined. Releasing thoughts eventually clears our karma and dissolves the dualistic reality we imagine, freeing us to break free from the cycle of reincarnation.

Enjoy The Shankara Oracle – the most intense, enjoyable, and illuminating tool to help you walk the path of Self-realization.

Embracing Positivity: Wisdom from Divine Mothers Mata Amritanandamayi, Mother Meera, and Anandamayi Ma

In the realm of spiritual guidance, the wisdom of enlightened Beings carries a profound resonance. Through your relationship with an enlightened master, your journey to liberation is akin to a rocket ship ride.

Three remarkable souls come to mind, each of whom can be described as A Divine Mother: Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), Mother Meera, and Anandamayi Ma, all exemplify the essence of love, compassion, and positivity.

As we navigate the complexities of life, the teachings of these holy Mothers illuminate the paths to staying positive, nurturing a spirit of love and encouragement that transcends ego, desires, and all challenges we might encounter throughout our lives.

Mata Amritanandamayi: The Hugging Saint’s Message of Love

Known as the “Hugging Saint,” Mata Amritanandamayi has touched the hearts of millions with her boundless love and compassion. Her teachings emphasize the transformative power of love in cultivating a positive outlook on life. Mata Amritanandamayi often shares insights on the importance of selfless service, acceptance, and embracing challenges with a loving heart.

Quoting Mata Amritanandamayi, “In reality, service is not when you do something for someone else. True service is when you see the other person as yourself.” This profound teaching invites us to expand our hearts and cultivate a positive mindset by recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings.

Mother Meera: The Silent Force of Divine Presence

Mother Meera, often referred to as the “Divine Mother,” is renowned for her silent transmission of light and grace. Her teachings, though conveyed in silence, resonate deeply with the transformative power of inner peace and positivity. Mother Meera emphasizes the importance of turning inward to discover the wellspring of love and positivity within.

Mother Meera’s guidance echoes in her silent presence: “I am here to help, to establish a deeper connection to the Divine in your own heart.” Through this connection, individuals can tap into an infinite source of positivity that transcends external circumstances.

Anandamayi Ma: The Joy-Infused Divine Mother

Anandamayi Ma, often addressed as the “Joy-Permeated Mother,” radiated boundless joy and love throughout her life. Her teachings reflect the simplicity and spontaneity of a heart immersed in divine love. Anandamayi Ma’s approach to positivity involves surrendering to the flow of life with trust and joy.

Quoting Anandamayi Ma, “You live in this world with great joy and delight, knowing that God Himself is your very own.” Her teachings encourage us to view life as a playground of joy, recognizing the divine presence in every moment. This perspective transforms challenges into opportunities for growth and positivity.

Practical Steps to Embrace Positivity

Cultivate Gratitude: Mata Amritanandamayi,, often speaks about the transformative power of gratitude. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives, we can shift our perspective and foster a sense of appreciation for the blessings that surround us.

Inner Silence and Stillness: Mother Meera’s emphasis on inner silence highlights the importance of finding moments of stillness amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Through practices such as meditation, we can connect with the inner reservoir of peace that sustains positivity.

Surrender to Divine Will: Anandamayi Ma’s teachings on surrender invite us to release our attachment to outcomes and trust in the divine plan. This surrender empowers us to stay positive even in the face of uncertainty, recognizing that every experience is an expression of divine wisdom.

Extend Love and Compassion: All three divine mothers underscore the significance of love and compassion. By extending kindness to ourselves and others, we create a positive ripple effect that contributes to the collective well-being of humanity.


In the radiant teachings of Mata Amritanandamayi, Mother Meera, and Anandamayi Ma, we find an enduring invitation to embrace positivity as a way of life. Their wisdom transcends cultural and religious boundaries, offering a universal path to a heart-centered existence.

As we integrate their teachings into our lives, we not only nurture our individual well-being but also contribute to the creation of a more loving and positive world. In the words of these divine mothers, let us embody love, encouragement, and positivity, recognizing that within each heartbeat lies the potential for boundless joy and divine grace.

If you find this process helpful, you might also check out The Shankara Oracle

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Nurturing Positivity: Ancient Wisdom from The Vedas, Buddhism, and Hinduism

In a world brimming with challenges, the pursuit of positivity has become a universal quest within the realms of Self-worth, well-being, and fulfillment.

The ancient teachings of the Vedas, Buddhism, and Hinduism offer profound insights into the art of staying positive, proactive, prayerful, and grateful – even amid the most difficult conditions.

Through the wisdom of enlightened masters, these rich traditions provide timeless guidance on fostering a positive mindset, navigating challenges, and cultivating Self-love and a mindset of service in our lives.

The Power of Positivity in The Vedas

Rooted in the ancient scriptures of India, the Vedas impart timeless wisdom on leading a positive life. According to the Vedas, positivity is not just a fleeting emotion but a state of Being that aligns us with the natural order of The Universe.

The Rigveda encourages us to find joy within and recognize the interconnectedness of all life. By immersing ourselves in the knowledge of our connectedness to all Beings and allowing ourselves to be present to the concept of non-duality (where all is ONE, Always), we awaken our divine nature and become more present to the bliss in the core of our Beings.

Quoting the sage Yajnavalkya, “When one’s mind is serene, sorrow-free, stainless, and unperturbed, that is the ultimate aim of life.”

The Vedas emphasize the importance of Self-awareness, mindfulness, and cultivating a positive mindset as essential steps toward lasting happiness – and toward Moksha – our liberation from Samsara – the cycles of life, death, birth, rebirth and all desires and related suffering.

Buddhism and the Art of Mindfulness

Buddhism, a path forged by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, teaches us the transformative power of mindfulness. Central to Buddhist philosophy is the Noble Eightfold Path, a guide to ethical and mental development.

Right mindfulness and right intention, integral components of the Eightfold Path, emphasize the cultivation of positive thoughts and actions.

The Buddha himself proclaimed, “What we think, we become.” This profound teaching underscores the immense influence our thoughts have on our reality.

By cultivating mindfulness and choosing positive intentions, we can shape a brighter, more compassionate existence.

Hinduism’s Call to Love and Encouragement

In Hinduism, an ancient spiritual tradition that encompasses a diverse array of teachings, the essence of positivity is captured in the concept of Dharma – righteous living in harmony with the cosmic order.

The Bhagavad Gita, a revered scripture in Hinduism, emphasizes the importance of performing one’s duties with love and devotion.

The great sage Patanjali, in his Yoga Sutras, outlines the eight limbs of yoga, providing a roadmap to mental and spiritual well-being. Through practices such as meditation and self-discipline, individuals can transcend negativity and connect with their higher selves.

Enlightened Masters’ Perspectives

The wisdom of enlightened masters from these traditions resonates through the ages, offering profound insights into the nature of positivity.

Sri Ramakrishna, a revered figure in Vedanta philosophy, once said, “The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail.”

This metaphor encapsulates the idea that positivity is not merely a response to external circumstances; it is an active engagement with life.

From the Buddhist tradition, Thich Nhat Hanh, a contemporary mindfulness teacher, teaches the importance of being present. He beautifully articulates,

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”

Mindful awareness allows us to appreciate the beauty inherent in each moment, fostering a positive outlook on life.

Swami Vivekananda, a key figure in the introduction of Hindu philosophies to the Western world, emphasizes the transformative power of positive thinking.

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

Practical Steps Toward Positivity

Here are some things to consider as you thrust joyfully forward in your life:

Mindful Awareness – Embrace the present moment through mindfulness practices such as meditation and conscious breathing. By grounding ourselves in the now, we foster a positive connection with our surroundings.

Cultivate Positive Thoughts – Actively choose positive thoughts and intentions. As the Buddha noted, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” Redirect your mind toward uplifting thoughts, fostering a more positive inner dialogue.

Practice Self-Love – Hinduism encourages self-love as an essential component of positive living. Recognize and appreciate your inherent worth, allowing love to emanate from within.

Acts of Kindness – Engage in acts of kindness toward others. As the Dalai Lama suggests, “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Small gestures of kindness create a ripple effect, fostering positivity in the world.

Gratitude – When we live in the state of gratitude, we attract more of the same things to our lives that give us peace, joy, and pleasure. Being grateful for our biggest challenges awakens our inner warrior and puts on the path to profound spiritual growth.

Divination Practices – Using divination tools like tarot cards and The Shankara Oracle can awaken your divinity and avail you to a deep understanding of your Self, others, and all realities. 


The teachings of Vedas, Buddhism, and Hinduism converge on the transformative power of positivity. Through mindfulness, cultivating positive thoughts, and embracing love and encouragement, individuals can navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

As we align ourselves with these ancient teachings, we not only enhance our personal well-being but also contribute to a more positive and compassionate world.

Remember, positivity is not just a state of mind; it is a way of life.

If you find this process helpful, you might also check out The Shankara Oracle. You might also love The Sedona Method, created by Lester Levensen. It can be quite healing and helpful.

The Connect And Let Go Process

The Connect & Let Go Process

By Shri Krishna Kalesh



I developed this process by first creating The Personality Cards, my first oracle deck. The idea here is to focus on the challenging imagery that often reemerges so that the emotions arise just enough to be released. Connect with the imagery and emotions, then let them go. 

Additionally, focusing on personality attributes that have caused you trouble in the past can help you connect with the emotions that may have inspired them, so you can also release those as well. Connect with the attributes and related emotions, then let them go.


Overall Process

In all things, we must welcome our feelings and emotions. Never judging them, we fully embrace them, and we lovingly nudge them to rise up. Then we can either lovingly dissolve, coddle, release, or watch them gently exit our systems.

We do the same with others who are exhibiting feelings and emotions. We do not judge them for how these things emerge for them. 

We do not blame the person who is upset for being too angry, sad, depressed, brash, or anything other exaggerated emotion. 

We do not judge cursing or harsh language. 

While we, of course, should not allow physical violence and protect ourselves at all costs, we encourage and seek only the person’s acknowledgment of their pain, their healing, their path to letting go, and the journey toward forgiveness.


To Start

Begin the process by first acknowledging if any image comes to mind that you can welcome into your sphere. In doing so, can you feel the motions related to it? 

Can you focus so intently on it that it inspires an emotion to rise to the surface? 

Can you process this emotion by either crying or feeling the intensity of it for some time?



Self-Inquiry Process

For all of these questions, you can either sit with your Self and process these within your mind and heart, or you can add journaling to help you connect and let go.

Be vulnerable with your Self in this moment.

Open your heart to awaken your own healing.


The Divine

Ask God or Deity or Guru to be with you.

Open your heart to The Divine.

Allow your Self to be a child, truly open and pure.

Tell The Divine your problems as if She is your best friend.

Describe what bothers you most.

Describe what brings you pain.

Ask God to be with you, love you, hold you, and bless you.


Express Your Emotions

How does this make you feel?

Now that you are open and feeling loved, explore the images that come to mind.

Can you find the tears?

If not, can you breathe for a while to see what emerges?

Can you tell your Self: I love you, I am with you, God loves you, you are doing a wonderful job.



Is there someone you can forgive?

Is it you or someone else?

Can you empathize with the other person?

Can you empathize with your Self and who you used to be?

Can you feel the other person’s pain?

Can you feel the pain of the former You?

Can you forgive them now?



Can you love and appreciate yourself for working on your Self?

What do you need to appreciate at this time?

Can you let your tears flow?

Can you let forgiveness flow?

Can you allow the troubling imagery to exist and then dissolve?

Can you let your grudges, grievances, and projections go?

Can you let it all go?

Can you forgive everything?



What did you let go of today?

Describe what shifted

Describe how you feel now

Describe what is different

How will you go forward? 


Healing After Letting Go

Om 3 times into your hands. 

Rub your whole body 3 times with your holy hands.

If you’d like, imagine your deity’s or guru’s face in the palm of your hands as you do this.

Pray for everyone involved. 

Chant your mantra for some time.

Tell The Divine how much you love her.

Tell your Self how much you love her.

Recite something like: I am loving, peaceful, and happy, ready for a new day!


If you find this process helpful, you might also check out The Shankara Oracle. You might also love The Sedona Method, created by Lester Levensen. It can be quite healing and helpful.


Connect & Let Go © 2018 HummingBear LLC


Awakened Masters & Divine Beings: Who Are They and What Do They Do?


Illuminating Souls: The Divine Masters of India and Their Transformative Influence


India, with its rich spiritual heritage, has been the birthplace of numerous enlightened masters who have left an indelible mark on the world. These luminaries, through their teachings and profound spiritual practices, guide us on a transformative journey towards enlightenment, healing, and alignment with divine consciousness.

In this exploration, we delve into the lives and teachings of ten of the most famous enlightened masters born in India, including Amma, Mother Meera, Anandamayi Ma, Ramakrishna, and others.

Their wisdom not only illuminates our lives but also serves as a beacon, leading us towards a harmonious existence rooted in Dharma and the dissolution of karma.

  1. Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi Devi): The Hugging Saint

Amma, often referred to as the Hugging Saint, embodies the essence of love and compassion. Her selfless service and unconditional love have touched millions worldwide. Amma’s embrace, known as a hug of grace, is believed to transmit divine energy, providing solace and healing to those in need.

Her teachings emphasize the importance of selfless service, compassion, and the realization of the interconnectedness of all beings. Through her divine presence, Amma guides us on a path of love and compassion, helping to dissolve the karmic knots that bind us.

  1. Mother Meera: The Silent Illuminator

Known for her mystical silence and profound transmission of light, Mother Meera is regarded as an embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Born in a small village in India, she brings a profound silence that is said to transmit divine consciousness.

Mother Meera’s teachings emphasize the path of surrender and the transformation of the ego. Through the silent transmission of light, she aids in dissolving the karmic imprints, allowing individuals to align with their divine nature and experience inner illumination.

  1. Anandamayi Ma: The Joy-Permeated Mother

Anandamayi Ma, the Joy-Permeated Mother, radiated an unparalleled spiritual presence. Her life was a testament to the spontaneous and natural expression of divine consciousness. Anandamayi Ma emphasized the importance of surrender, love, and devotion on the spiritual path.

Her teachings guide individuals towards harmonizing with the cosmic order (Dharma) and transcending karmic entanglements. The joy that emanated from Anandamayi Ma’s being serves as a source of inspiration for seekers worldwide.

  1. Ramakrishna Paramahansa: The Eclectic Mystic

Ramakrishna Paramahansa, a 19th-century mystic, played a pivotal role in revitalizing Hinduism and fostering interfaith harmony. His teachings emphasized the universality of spiritual truths and the diverse paths to realizing the divine.

Through his deep spiritual practices, including intense devotion and meditation, Ramakrishna dissolved the boundaries of ego and delved into the ocean of divine consciousness. His life and teachings continue to guide individuals in dissolving personal karma and living in alignment with Dharma.

  1. Sri Aurobindo: The Integral Visionary

Sri Aurobindo, a philosopher, poet, and yogi, introduced the concept of integral yoga, aiming for the transformation of all aspects of human existence. His teachings emphasize the evolution of consciousness, leading towards a divine life on earth. Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga seeks to dissolve the dualities of existence and align individuals with their divine nature.

Through practices like meditation, self-awareness, and conscious living, followers of Sri Aurobindo strive to overcome karma and embrace a life in harmony with the divine.

  1. Swami Vivekananda: The Torchbearer of Vedanta

Swami Vivekananda, a disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahansa, played a crucial role in introducing Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. His teachings emphasized the universality of religion and the divinity within every soul.

Swami Vivekananda’s call for fearlessness and strength has inspired countless individuals to align with their higher selves and dissolve the karmic obstacles that hinder spiritual progress.

  1. Paramahansa Yogananda: The Yogi-Philosopher

Paramahansa Yogananda, author of “Autobiography of a Yogi,” brought the teachings of Kriya Yoga to the West. His spiritual legacy continues through the organization he founded, Self-Realization Fellowship.

Yogananda’s emphasis on direct communion with the divine through meditation provides a practical path for dissolving karma and aligning with the soul’s journey toward self-realization.

  1. Sai Baba of Shirdi: The Miraculous Mystic

Sai Baba of Shirdi, a revered saint in both Hindu and Muslim communities, is known for his miracles and teachings that transcend religious boundaries. Sai Baba emphasized the importance of love, forgiveness, and service to humanity.

His divine presence is believed to bring healing and liberation from karmic entanglements, encouraging followers to live according to Dharma.

  1. Nisargadatta Maharaj: The Sage of Self-Inquiry

Nisargadatta Maharaj, a 20th-century sage, gained recognition for his teachings on Advaita Vedanta and self-inquiry. His emphasis on realizing the true nature of the self through introspection and self-awareness provides a profound path for dissolving the illusions of karma.

Nisargadatta’s teachings guide individuals towards the direct experience of the divine consciousness that resides within.

  1. Jiddu Krishnamurti: The Iconoclastic Philosopher

Jiddu Krishnamurti, a philosopher and spiritual teacher, challenged traditional concepts of spirituality and religion. His teachings centered on the importance of self-discovery, inner freedom, and the dissolution of psychological conditioning.

Krishnamurti’s radical approach encourages individuals to question the nature of karma, cultivate deep self-awareness, and align with the timeless truth beyond cultural and religious boundaries.


The lives and teachings of these enlightened masters born in India offer a diverse tapestry of spiritual wisdom, providing guidance on how to illuminate our lives, heal our souls, and live in alignment with Dharma.

Whether through the transformative power of love and compassion, the silent transmission of divine light, the joy of surrender, or the integral vision of yoga, each master contributes a unique facet to the journey of self-realization.

Their teachings invite us to dissolve the karmic imprints that bind us, align with our divine nature, and awaken to the profound truth that transcends the limitations of ego and duality.

As we explore these paths, we embark on a transformative journey towards inner illumination, healing, and a harmonious existence rooted in divine consciousness.

The enlightened masters serve as beacons of light, guiding us through the labyrinth of existence towards the timeless truth that resides within every soul.

Visit to learn about The Shankara Oracle – the most divine oracle on Earth.