Amma, Babaji, And Little Ole Me On Death & Dying

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Amma, Babaji, And Little Ole Me On Death & Dying

Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, commonly known as Amma or the “Hugging Saint,” is a highly respected spiritual teacher and enlightened master from Kerala, India known for her profound wisdom and teachings on various aspects of life, including the journey of the soul after death. She also has the largest humanitarian mission in history.

While Amma’s teachings cover a wide range of spiritual topics, she often emphasizes the following points regarding the soul’s journey after death:

Eternal Nature of the Soul: Amma teaches that the soul is eternal and indestructible. It neither begins with birth nor ends with death. Instead, it is an unchanging essence that transcends the physical body.

Karma and Reincarnation: Amma often discusses the concept of karma, emphasizing that our actions in this life shape our future experiences. She teaches that the soul undergoes a cycle of reincarnation, where it is reborn into new bodies to continue its spiritual journey. The circumstances of each life are influenced by past actions and karmic debts. 

God’s And The Guru’s Grace: Amma says that if we can seek the core of our traumas and challenges and try to embody virtue in this life, we can receive God’s and the guru’s grace, which can come in a moment. Through their grace, our karma begins to dissolve, which can have a great impact on our moment of death and on our future lives beyond this one.

Spiritual Evolution: According to Amma, the soul’s journey is a path of spiritual evolution. It progresses through lifetimes, learning and growing through various experiences. Each life presents opportunities for self-realization and spiritual advancement. If we take heed of these opportunities, we can transcend Samsara, the cycles of birth, death, rebirth, and all desire and become Self-realized or enlightened (Moksha).

Importance of Love and Compassion: Amma places a strong emphasis on love and compassion. She teaches that these qualities are central to the soul’s growth and evolution. Acts of selfless service (seva) and love for others are essential for spiritual development and for the dissolution of karma.

Surrender To The Divine: Amma often speaks about divine grace and the importance of surrendering to the Divine. She believes that through devotion and surrender, individuals can receive divine blessings that aid in their spiritual journey and mitigate the effects of negative karma.

Inner Transformation: Amma encourages individuals to engage in spiritual practices, such as meditation and prayer, to purify the mind and heart. She teaches that inner transformation is a key aspect of the soul’s journey and that it can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s true nature.

Self-Realization and Liberation: Ultimately, Amma’s teachings emphasize the goal of self-realization and liberation (moksha). She believes that through self-awareness and spiritual awakening, individuals can transcend the cycle of birth and death, attaining a state of eternal bliss and oneness with the Divine.

Babaji’s Loving Message To You About Death

Babaji, an eternal awakened master often associated with the teachings of Kriya Yoga and spiritual guidance, is believed to offer all Beings solace and compassion amid their journeys, most notably during their process of dying.

He might offer us this message of empathy and guidance:

“Dear Beloved Soul,

Know that the journey of life is a sacred and transformative one, and the moment of transition is a continuation of that sacred journey. Just as the river flows into the vast ocean, so too does your consciousness merge with the infinite when the time comes.

Release your worries and fears, for they are but illusions that bind you to the temporal world. Embrace the understanding that death is not the end but a transition to a higher state of existence. It is a return to your true nature, where limitations and suffering no longer hold sway.

Trust in the divine plan, for it is a plan of love and purpose. Your soul’s journey is guided by the wisdom of the cosmos, and you are forever held in the loving embrace of the Universal Spirit.

Prepare for this sacred moment by cultivating love, compassion, and Self-realization in your life. In the light of Self-awareness, you will find the peace and clarity needed to navigate the transition with grace and serenity.

Remember, dear soul, that you are eternally connected to the Source, and in death, you return to the Source. The eternal flame of your consciousness can never be extinguished, only transformed. Embrace this truth with a joyful heart, for it is a journey back to the Divine, where you are forever free and one with the Infinite.

With boundless love and blessings, 



My Thoughts On Death & Dying

Explore your beliefs, fears, and desires surrounding death and embrace it as a part of the greater journey of the soul.After all, your soul is connected to realms and dimensions far beyond what you can understand. It’s born from miracles unknown and a vast ocean of love.

Advaita Vednata: According to the Advaita Vedanta, we are each, not a singular soul but a collection of various memories that drive us form life to life, amid myriad desires and the related pools of suffering. Not attaching to this journey and seeking to engage in a way that is not immersed in the dramas of life, leads to a simpler death, and potentially, a transcendence of the desire to incarnate again.

Here are a few of my personal thoughts on the transition from this world to the next:

Embracing the Natural Cycle: Death is an essential part of the natural cycle of life. Just as we are born, we must also face the inevitable transition. It’s not something to fear, but an opportunity for profound transformation.

Inner Preparation: Preparing for death involves inner work. It’s about understanding our fears, attachments, and desires and learning to let go. By doing so, we can approach the process with grace and acceptance.

Facing Fear and Uncertainty: Many of us fear death because it’s the great unknown. But by exploring our spirituality, meditating, and seeking inner peace, we can transform fear into a sense of wonder and curiosity about what comes next.

Connection with the Divine: Death can be a powerful reminder of our connection with The Divine. It’s an opportunity to deepen our spirituality, nurture our soul, and strengthen our relationship with the source of all existence. As we bow to The Divine, we can release all of the core traumas and challenges that have limited our effulgence and joy.

Karma and Reincarnation: Our actions in this life influence our experiences in the next. Exploring the concepts of karma and reincarnation can shed light on the deeper purpose of our existence. Releasing all accumulated karma, tendencies, emotions, attitudes, and beliefs can help us transition from this world to the next. 

Living Fully in the Present: The awareness of our mortality can inspire us to live more fully in the present moment. It reminds us to cherish our relationships, pursue our passions, and make the most of the time we have.

Finding Meaning and Purpose: Contemplating death can lead us to reflect on the meaning and purpose of our lives. It’s an invitation to align our actions with our values and contribute positively to the world.


Viewing death as a journey of transformation allows us to see it as a natural part of our spiritual evolution. It’s not an endpoint but a transition to a different state of Being.

Many spiritual traditions suggest that consciousness continues beyond death. Remember that this passing occurs across a brief moment in time and should be celebrated peacefully and with great detachment.

We are always experiencing death. The death of an attitude, the death of an experience, the ending of a relationship. In death, we transition from one form we know and love to another form that is infused with pure light and love and exists beyond compare.

You have been around for eons. Allow this process to move peacefully and swiftly through your Being so that you can achieve a lasting transition into the arms of The Divine.

There are more details around death in my other article on the process of death and dying. Enjoy The Shankara Oracle to dive more deeply into the nature of your soul.

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