A Lovely Dialogue Between Teacher and Student About Desire, Manifestation, And Suffering

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A Lovely Dialogue Between Teacher and Student About Desire, Manifestation, And Suffering

Krishna Kalesh (Paul Wagner) and Ana, his coaching client and student of several years.

Kalesh: I’m a Completer. Which comes with challenges and, eventually, a sprinkle of joy. I believe in Completion because it’s a sure-fire path to suffering and the dissolution of desires.


Ana: That seems like a lot of work for just a sprinkle of joy


Kalesh: Well, that’s pretty much the way desires work if we’re honest.


Ana: Hmm, I don’t know – Completer sounds a bit like what you said in your video that we decide we are Type A – that it’s a choice. I do know I need to be a bit more of a Completer, though.


Kalesh: Completing the original vision dissolves the desire completely. It’s not the only way through, but it breaks a lot of the fascia toward momentum and awareness.


Ana: OH OH! I see!  


Kalesh: This was the basis for all of Osho’s teaching. Follow the desire to it’s full expression – fuck everybody, pursue everything, take everything, scream at everybody your wants and desires, want and want and want some more – until you are exhausted from it all. Which I am. 


Ana: LOL That sounds exhausting!


Kalesh: Haha – yes. Most people have such an incredible backlog of desires, most held captive under oppressive thinking and victim mind – with this position, they cannot move an inch. They can never know themselves as pure energy or consciousness – Brahman. 


Ana: What are they doing then?


Kalesh: They are living nestled in desired and shy constructs that encapsulate hidden constructs which are protecting hidden desires. The idea is to break all the walls down, work through and dissolve all constructs – until the soul is expressing and releasing – and that includes emotions. After all, there is no form, and emptiness is form.


Ana: Oh gosh that makes sense. I wonder what I have in me that I need to dissolve.


Kalesh: You can’t start there, intellectualizing it all. You have to start at the desire. Clean them up, then consider them, then release them or act on them. Some will naturally fall away when you choose, pursue, and complete just one desire. Completing several, we are reborn. Then we have 1 or 2 left and we use those as metaphors toward our deaths.


Ana: Yeah, I think I understand. I had a process of working through them without acting on them.


Kalesh: You cannot intellectualize the dissolution of desires. You have to give them their day – or hour.


Ana: Or do you mean feeling them?


Kalesh: Feeling them, honoring them, exercising them in some way. If they exist and are not met in some way, they will persist. Desires are different from thoughts. Thoughts precede intention and intention often produces action. You might think you have a desire but it’s more of a fart than something that requires actualizing.


Ana: I see.


Kalesh: Here’s where I see the process:

  • We have a feeling and we are aware of it
  • Feelings can dissolve or turn to Impulse
  • Impulse disappears or converts to Thought
  • Thoughts disappear or result in Intention
  • Intention can dissolve or result in Desire
  • Desires can be cleared in a moment but that is difficult. They are best cleaned up so you can then experience the related journey and lessons
  • Desire results in Stuckness Or Taking Action
  • Stuckness results in disease, blocked potential, or lost fulfillment
  • Taking Action results in manifestation and either good karma or bad karma
  • If the Manifestation includes pride or attachment, this can be cleared and positive karma can be the result
  • If the Manifestation resulted in unclearable pride or attachment, or was impure, negative, or egoistic, it will result in Negative Karma
  • If the Manifestation was positive or pure, and there is no pride or attachment, this results in Positive Karma
  • Positive Karma results in positive energy in your soul’s (memory collection) energy bank – to be used toward resolving or dissolving past or prior karma in the path toward liberation or enlightenment 
  • Negative karma results in Suffering
  • Suffering and Pure Manifestation dissolve the feeling, impulse, thought, desire, and karma


Ana: Could desire be dissolved through seThe Sedona Method or The Shankara Oracle for example? Asking for a friend. LOL – Gosh I hope so, though!


Kalesh: Yes, certainly! But that takes a deep knowing of the Self and would probably take quite a lot of sessions and Self-inquiry per each desire.


Ana: Yay! So only 3 things, haha.


Kalesh: Haha, yes, maybe! Jumping into the desire, even for a moment, is faster, though more painful


Ana: Well, hopefully I will clear the blocks and get to that point. Praying.


Kalesh: But you will have to keep the energy moving through intention. Mind does not help here.


Andreea: Yes, okay. Yes.


Kalesh: In some cases, you can’t know whether you like lollipops until one is tickling the tip of your tongue. I think you are in a timid phase. The timidity is peaceful at times, but can result in stagnation. Stagnation repeats its emotional cycles and we believe we are stuck forever. Meanwhile, being stuck allows no urge to experience the deeper awareness and the release of what lives beneath.


Ana: So you mean I have a lot of desires but not at the surface?


Kalesh: I do not believe you have a lot of desires. I think you have unresolved disappointments which are blocking a few key desires. What I love is that you are being gentle with yourself. That will produce huge dividends and unveil what is necessary at a pace that equals your desire for a deep sense of peace.


Ana: I am quite timid at allowing myself certain things.


Kalesh: Yes, that’s okay. I genuinely believe your timidity is perfectly timed – and eventually you will begin to see other desires and begin to inch toward them, dissolve them, act on them, whatever is right for you at the time.


Ana: Oh lovely!


Kalesh: Your brain is brilliant but brilliant people like you can sometimes block their soul’s flow. The work you’re doing is helping – you are deeply creative, This takes you out of your Self-focused mind, and into expression, which is wonderful. You’re super talented as a creative and marketer – bringing to life such stunning flow and engagement. 


Ana: So sweet, thank you! I have to work with my mind every morning to set myself up better. Getting a lot of grace for which I am very grateful. 


Kalesh: You are the embodiment of gratitude. Such a sweet, pure, and beautiful soul. I am deeply grateful for how you move within yourself and through the world – it’s inspiring – and highly elegant!


Ana: Oh gosh, yes! So it is indeed all about our non-attachment to the fruits of the work and our focus on The Divine (God/Consciousness) – because all else puts us back on the wheel. But like this, we are not on the wheel no matter what manifests.


Kalesh: Yes! In the desire-based world, if you consider, activate, and then push upon the desire, your reward is more desires, which will lead to cycles of desires and suffering. 


Ana: And I may also experience exhaustion, delusion, new false identities, and more, right?


Kalesh: Yes! Though, if you do not experience or bring to life the desire, you will experience the pain and related joy of release (Suffering), and yet, the dissolution of karma. All the while, if you’re paying attention, you use all that pain and release to further dissolve false aspects – and evolve. 


Ana: So, allow the desire, release it if I can. If I cannot release it, I clean it up then act upon it. 


Kalesh: And upon witnessing the results of the desire, be honest about what it gave you. Harshly honest. This will lead to your release of that desire, and potentially other desires, thereby lessening your soul’s obsession with Samsara (birth, life, death, rebirth), eventually leading you to liberation or freedom.


Ana: Yes, these are my thoughts, too. So nothing quite points to successful manifestation as an awesome thing to focus on – and by awesome, I mean something aligned with my purest intentions and thoughts, and my focus on The Divine.


Kalesh: Yes!


Ana: No wonder I was never enthralled with vision boards  – too much to consider! LOL!


Kalesh: Haha. Yes, wonderful. Lovely questions today and as always, you are so clear and aware of so much! The work you’ve done on yourself in pursuit of healing and clarity is astounding. 




Kalesh: Ana, you are unlimited in every direction for all time. NOTHING limits you except your mind. You are the embodiment of love, fully expressed – and you are loved for all time, in all manifestations, in all realms and dimensions, throughout spacetime.

You will love The Shankara Oracle as it will take you deeply within and connect you with your pure, divine Self.

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